Reunion with the Blonde Haired Boy

Standing in front of the mirror, Yoona straightened her outfit. She was wearing a simple white blouse under a black blazer. Since she didn't feel too comfortable in her tight a-line skirt, she opted for her dress pants instead.

She looked at herself, wondering if this was the right outfit to wear, before nodding. Simplicity was the best. She just didn't want to look out of place in such a large company.

With a deep breath, she nodded again. It was time. She grabbed her purse and began to walk out the door. Since she didn't want anyone to know about her relations with Minhyun, they decided to go their separate ways to the company.

"Good morning Miss," Wooyoung said. He opened the car door for her and gently bowed.

A light smile entered her face. "Good morning to you too, Wooyoung."

"You seem especially happy today. Are you that excited for work?" He asked while she made her way to the back seat.

"I am!" She said with a giggle. "I just can't wait to enter the corporate world."