Lucas the Famous

Everyone was scared for their lives.

The dark cloud of anger made them shiver. They all have experienced how Minhyun was when he was pissed. And they did not want to experience that terror ever again. After all, their jobs were at stake.

It was silly to think that a bunch of older men were scared of someone in his twenties, but Minhyun was always the exception. He was the ultimate boss with the power to ruin them.

Only silence filled the air.

And then, to their luck, Minhyun's phone buzzed.

At first, the CEO was annoyed and didn't want to open this notification. Jealousy was riled up in his chest and all he could think about was the scene that ingrained in his head. It wasn't like he was inferior to Lucas in any way, he also didn't think he was the jealous type either. After all, he was able to handle Yoona dating Jaemin in the past. However, after he fell in love with the girl, something in his heart changed.

He didn't want to lose her.