
"Deal," Yoona said with a smile.

She did not push the topic any further.

Although she was curious about the impending 'war' that Secretary Kim talked about, she decided to stay out of it. She had an idea of who would be involved and decided that it was better that she knew less about the situation. In the end, she trusted Minhyun to make the right decisions. He was someone who had risked to save her life and also a smart man who knew this field better than her. There was a reason to why he was at the top of the food chain.

Plus, since White Mask was with Minhyun, she was sure he had everything in control.

As she thought about it, her boyfriend's reliability was really hot.

A giggle escaped her lips. "You know… Seeing you at the workplace is kind of hot. It shows me a different side of you."

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I know your a CEO and all but I've never really seen you actually working before. I think it's pretty cool."