Love Detective

While at her desk, Yoona decided to text Secretary Kim. The 'want' of seeing Minhyun lingered in her heart even as time passed. She glanced over at Eunha and Lucas who were working hard. Yup. There was something that made her really want to see her lover.

Yoona: Is Minhyun available right now?

It didn't take long for Secretary Kim to answer. Her phone quickly beeped afterwards and she opened it to see what he had to say.

Secretary Kim: He's in his office if you'd like to visit.

Her eyes immediately lit up. That was such a relief. She was glad that he wasn't too busy not to see her. Thankfully, she wouldn't be a bother.

Yoona: I will come in a few minutes!

Secretary Kim: Alright, I shall meet you at the door Miss.

Yoona quickly stood up from her seat and straightened her skirt. Trying to hide her grand smile, she walked towards her friends. They didn't notice she was coming because they were distracted with sending emails.

"Hey guys," she greeted.