Office Romance

Luckily it didn't take long for their food to come out. The two were ecstatic to see their dishes coming, especially Lucas as he'd been entranced by the smell the minute they walked into the restaurant.

Once the food was placed on their table, the waiter took out a polaroid camera.

Since they had talked about other matters, Lucas had totally forgotten about the picture that they had to take.

The waiter angled himself so that he could have both people in his frame.

"Can you guys make a heart and send each other loving looks? A very romantic couple feel."

Lucas was taken aback. All he thought he had to do was take the picture and get it over with. What was with this looking at each other lovingly bullshit?

Eunha bit her lips while sparing glances at him. God. This was kind of awkward.

She leaned in to whisper. "Are you sure you want to do this."