Chapter 18

She was so deep in thought when the doorbell rang that she jumped up off the ottoman. When she realized that it was the pizza man she started to head to the door, but MinYue was already opening it. He greeted the delivery man, took the food, and then handed the kid a hundred dollar bill. The kid smiled, and then turned to head back down the hallway to the elevator.

"Hey now! I am the one who invited you. Why did you pay? And that was way to much!" Cera was now standing next to MinYue.

"I only carry hundreds."

"Oh." she then snatched the box of pizza from him, "Does this place have plates? Or do I need to buy some?"

"It comes fully furnished. You just need to bring clothes."

"Ahh, clothes. What am I to wear tomorrow! I completely forgot about that. Should I go back to my parents for the night. I do need to tell them that I will be moving out."

"It's already 7:30, just call your parents tonight. I will have someone bring you an outfit for tomorrow. I will also have movers collect your clothing from your parents place. So don't forget to inform them about that. Just relax and enjoy your new home."

MinYue sounded like an angel to Cera. She really appreciated everything that he had done for her already, "Thank you so much! You must of spoiled David when he was your assistant!"

MinYue laughed at himself out loud and raised his arm to rub the backside of his head. 'I look like a rich boss who happily spoils his employees in her eyes, not a loving man who want to spoil his future wife!'

After eating MinYue left, and Cera headed to her room to check out the bathroom. She noticed that there were two doors along the wall. One must be a walk-in closet! She then opened the one door to find out she was right. Then she opened the other to see two vessel sinks on the quartz bathroom counter. Then a wall that had a sliding pocket door, 'Must be the toilet.' then she turned and saw a large walk-in shower with sliding glass doors and marble tiles. She shrieked in excitement and then remembered what MinYue said. She quickly pulled out her phone and called her father. "Cera?"

"Hey Dad, I won't be home tonight?"

"Why not?"

"I received an apartment with my new job! So I will be moving out tomorrow. Please don't be mad! I want to do this, can you tell mom for me?"

"I am not mad, I want whatever you want dear. I will talk to mom."

"Thank you Dad! You're the best! I love you! Also some movers will be coming tomorrow to pick up my things."

"Okay, good night honey, don't forget to visit every now and then. I love you too!" While they were on the phone Cera made her way to her new bed. She was sprawled out and laid there for a few minutes. Suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. She got up, and bolted to the apartment door to be greeted by a lady in a purple uniform, "Ms. Lu? I am here from S Label delivering a suit for you."

"Thank you!" Cera happily took the hanger from the lady. She couldn't wait to see what was under the violet plastic bag.

Before she could open her mouth to say good night, the lady handed her a shoe box, "Miss, these go with the suit. Have a great night, and thank you for choosing S Label!" The lady then bowed, and turned to leave.

Cera poked her head out into the hall way, "Thank you!" she yelled at the lady's back who was slowly disappearing around the corner towards the elevator. Cera then looked the other direction to make sure she didn't disturb anyone in the hall. She closed the door with her hip, then made her way to her room to unwrap her presents. She felt like a spoiled princess on Christmas. She loved this brand of clothing. If she could, she would wear it everyday. It was expensive, so she only had a few suits and skirts from them. She eagerly opened the shoe box to find a pair of black 3" heels with purple gemstone on the straps. Her eyes widened, This pair of heels belonged to the Signature Suit set that S Label only made 100 of! Quickly her eyes shifted to the purple bag. She carefully opened the bag to reveal the silky black skirt, The dark purple shirt with ruffles along the chest line, and black suit jacket. On the jacket pockets there were the same purple gemstones that were on the shoes. She remembered that the set alone was worth 4 digits. Her eyes flew open, and she reached for her phone. She recalled page 2 of the welcome pack she read earlier. It had all the phone numbers of the Chief officers at Park Industries. She punched in MinYue's number and called him.

It rang twice before his deep voice came through on the line, "Hello?"

"MinYue, this is Cera."

"Did you get the suit?" he asked as if he knew why she was calling, "Do you like it?"

"Do I Like It? Did you even look at the price tag when you picked it out?" she yelled at him, "I can't accept this!"

"Did you already open it?"

"Yeah, but…."

"No buts, this is for you." he then hung up the phone so she couldn't argue further with him. He had just swiped his room key when she called. He smiled devilishly when he heard her voice on the other end of the call. He wasn't going to answer it at first because it was an unknown number, but now he was glad he did. He now had her number. He sat on the bed trying to think of a name to save her number under. 'Future Mrs. Park, what about Honey, or maybe Wifey with a heart next to it?' He then tapped a few times, and smiled at what he had just saved her number under.