Chapter 20

Cera came into the room with two breakfast wraps, and two coffees, "I hope you don't mind..."

"What time did you get here this morning?" he interrupted her.

"A little after 5."

"So you have only been here less than an hour, and you did all this?" he waved his hand at his desk.

"Mmmh." she managed to get out a murmur as she was biting into her breakfast wrap. MinYue turned to her with a smile. Without a word he grabbed his breakfast wrap off of the tray she was holding with her left hand. He took a bite, and then grabbed a coffee off the tray. He pointed at the coffee table with his index finger while his thumb, and remaining fingers gripped the coffee in his left hand, "You can set the tray there." She nodded, and walked to the couch, set the tray on the coffee table, sat down, and took a bite.

"This is pretty good." he let out in-between bites. They ate the remaining of their wraps in silence. When he was done he turned to face the beauty that was sitting sideways on the edge of the couch. She was leaning against the backside while sipping her coffee, "Cera?"

She looked up at him, "Hmm?"

"Thank you."

"No problem." she suddenly stood up, "I am going to my desk now, if you need anything just call for me."

MinYue just nodded, and started to go through the papers she had organized for him. Cera then picked up the tray off the coffee table, and made her way to her office space. When she got to her desk she decided to take the tray back first. She made a quick turn on her heels, and then out her door. She walked down the hallway, and into the cube farm. It was only 6:15. The rest of the employees on this floor won't be in until 7. She decided to brew a fresh pot of coffee before heading back to her office. She completely forgot that the COO was also on this floor.

Al Jin had just stepped off the elevator when he saw Cera walk into the kitchenette. The smell of fresh coffee entered his nose, his body instinctively moved towards that direction. As he was entering the room she was busy with putting the coffee grounds back into the wall cabinet so the door was blocking her view, "Smells good. Do you mind…." Cera whipped the door closed, and looked at Al with wide eyes. His eyes were equally wide, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was going to ask if I can have a cup?"

Cera snapped back to her senses, and reopened the door, and retrieved a white coffee cup, "Here you go." she handed him the cup, and the turned to leave, "Good morning Mr. Jin."

"Good morning Ms. Lu." Al then started to hum while he was waiting for the coffee pot to finish doing it's thing.

About an hour later MinYue asked for a refill, so Cera headed back down the hall. By now some of the regular employees had slowly started to make their way into their cubicles. A young man walked up to Cera, "Hello, my name is Adam, I am the Head Graphic Designer here. It's nice to have a fellow AUA graduate on this floor. Are you CEO Park's new assistant?"

"Yes, and how did you know I graduated from AUA?"

"News travels fast around here."

"Ah, I see." Adam looked at Cera still waiting for her to give her introduction. Cera stared at him for a few seconds before catching on, "By the way I am Cera Lu. Nice meeting you Adam." she then gave a slight bow, "Now if you excuse me, I have a few things to attend to." she then took a side step and continued to walk towards the kitchen.

Adam was a little shocked that she didn't seem to be too interested in him. He was normally quite popular with the ladies here. He had a lot going for him, so when she didn't bite he was disappointed. He turned and headed back towards his two buddies, "Hey Adam, she didn't seem to stick around to long. Your charms a little lacking today?" Sam didn't wait to poke fun at Adam.

"Shut up Sam. She isn't my type anyways."

"Not your type!" Kyle was a little shocked, "Dude, are you blind? She is everyone's type. Look at that body! Just look at it, man!?"

"Then you go talk to her!" Adam was getting pissed. But neither Kyle or Sam moved. Both of them were married, they only said those things to make fun of Adam.

"Calm down Adam, someday you will meet someone. Then you won't have to chase tail anymore." Kyle jokingly elbowed Adam before heading to his cubicle.

Adam could only sigh, and then sit down at his desk. He truly thought when he laid eyes on Cera he could charm her, but she showed no interest in him whatsoever.

When Cera was done refilling MinYue's cup she turned and headed back to her office. She noticed Adam talking with his friends. He looked a little down. 'Maybe I should have been a little nice to him.' she thought to herself before taking the corner and heading down the hallway.