Chapter 24

MinYue wanted to thank his friend for giving him the opportunity to be alone with her, while Cera didn't know what to think. MinYue pulled himself away from her backside to make his way to the liquor cabinet. He poured two glasses of scotch. He was standing at an angle, so he could have one eye on Cera, who had made her way to stand next to the couch. She looked deep in thought. He picked up the two glasses, and made his way to her. "Here." he handed her a glass, "A toast to my amazing, talented assistant!" They tapped the glasses together and he watched her raise her glass, and down the whole thing. She started to cough after swallowing. He reached up his arm to pat her backside, but she put her hand up as to say she was okay. She cleared her throat, and looked up at him with watery eyes. "Are you okay? You seem out of it?"

She didn't answer his question but asked him a different question in return, "Why did you give me a dress made by Coal Demmings? Also everything else you had done for me since I started? Most boss's don't do the things you do for me."

He was taken back by her clear cut voice. He reached for her glass, and set both glasses onto the coffee table. He moved his hand to tell her to sit. She started to turn on her heel to sit on the couch when her thin heel snapped in half. As she was falling she thought 'If I keep going this direction I am going to hit the coffee table!' She closed her eyes preparing to hit it, when she felt a strong arm pull her into his warmth. They had landed on the couch with him pressing down onto her. He had caught his upper half with his right arm slightly to the left of her face. She still had her eyes tightly shut, while he was looking down on her.

She slowly lifted her lashes to see his dark gray eyes looking deep into her own. She shifted her eyes to his blonde hair that was now ruffled up from the fast movement just now. She raised her right hand to run her fingers through his hair. It was soft, causing the corners of her mouth to curve upwards.

When she had opened her pale blue eyes he was captivated instantly. He was mind blown when she raised her hand to feel his hair. He slowly started to lower himself onto her. He was about to answer her question with an action instead of words.

Their lips were almost touching when Cera felt her heartbeat quicken. Her breathing became irregular. 'Is he going to kiss me? So it's true, he does like me!' While she was thinking this she felt his lips slightly brush hers. Just as he was going to press further onto her lips they heard a knock at his office door. MinYue turned his head and mumbled something with fury in his voice, then she felt his warmth leave her body. She then opened her eyes to see him heading to the door. She sat up in an instant, trying to adjust her clothes.

MinYue looked back at her wanting to kill the poor sucker who had so conveniently ruined their moment. He flung the door opened and yelled, "What do you want!?"

Mary Sun was used to MinYue's sudden bursts of anger, but it was never at her. She always heard others being scolded. So when he was yelling at her, she didn't know what to say. When she looked into the room, and saw Cera sitting on the edge of the couch adjusting her dress, Mary's mind went dark. 'What did I just interrupt? Well no wonder such a young girl managed to become Mr. Park's assistant! She is sleeping with him!' she then turned to face MinYue. 'But Mr. Park isn't like that. He never showed any interest in anyone. Not even me!'

Since the woman before him still hadn't answered he became livid, "Ms. Sun What do you need?"

Mary jumped at his words, and bowed down sticking her arms out. She was holding a folder, "I need your signature, Sir."

"Couldn't this wait until tomorrow? It's already after working hours!" he stated even though he had already grabbed the folder from her, and opened it. He felt bad after reading the first few lines. It was rather important. He quickly signed it and then cleared his throat. He tried to ease his anger and spoke more carefully, "Thank you Ms. Sun." he handed back the file to her, "Now go home, and get some rest. Enjoy the weekend."

"Thank you, Sir! You as well!" Mary managed to get those words out and turned on her heels to leave, as MinYue was closing the door she caught Cera's red cheeks as she was looking at MinYue. 'Curse her and her beauty!' Mary's hands on the file tightened.