Chapter 26

Cera made her way down the elevator, and through the lobby in an impressive 5 minutes. She hailed a taxi, and got in. She gave Tyler's address in Purple Jade Springs, and looked out the window as the lights from the city slowly started to turn into street lights in a quiet neighborhood. The taxi pulled up to it's destination, and she paid the driver. She walked to the door, and punched in the code to unlock the door, and walked into a loud room of yelling boys, and May sitting next to Sampson.

When May saw Cera she jumped up, and practically ran to her, "My Saving Grace! Help me kick these guys's butts!" she grabbed Cera's arm, and dragged her to the couch. As they were sitting down May noticed Cera's dress, "Wow, you look stunning!"

Cera had a smile on her face, "It's a custom suit dress made by Cole Demmings!"

"What? Seriously?"

Cera blushed slightly when she recalled MinYue's face, "Yeah, my boss gave it to me."

"What?" May stood up at this sudden news.

Cera noticed the game they were playing, and changed the subject, "Duty Calls?" she glared at Tyler, "You know May can't play this game!" Tyler looked at her innocently and shrugged his shoulders. Cera picked up the pillow that was behind her, and tossed it at him, "That's it. My turn to play!"

"Yeah, you show them!" May just went along with the change of topic, and stuck her tongue out at Tyler, then turned to Sampson, "Help me add her to the players list?"

Sampson nodded, and began to exit the game they were previously playing. Tyler turned to him, "You're going to regret that later. She will own us."

"Oh yeah, we will see." Sampson was feeling a little competitive, maybe because of the alcohol, or the fact that he always beat his friend Travis Fa's butt at this back in Rine.

Not even 15 minutes later he discovered that he was not as good as he thought. No matter where he was in the game, she managed to either snipe him, or sneak up and kill him. "What are you?" he yelled as she killed him for the 20th time. Cera soon was so into the game, that she singlehandedly beat the two guys.

"Way to go Cera! That's my best friend!" May was cheering from the sidelines. Sampson and Tyler were now utterly defeated, and drunk. Cera was a little tipsy as well, even though she was winning she still drank with her friends.

"You win Cera! I can't drink anymore." Tyler set his controller down, and leaned back into the couch.

Sampson does the same, and May laughs at the two men who had won several rounds not even an hour ago turn into such sore losers. "What should we do now?"

"Sober up, and Eat!" Tyler rubs his stomach, "How does pizza, wings, and bread sticks sound?"

"Good to me!" Sampson agrees.

"Okay!" Tyler picks up his phone and dials the nearest pizza pub.

Within 20 minutes the food was delivered, and they were all eating in the dinning room. "Oh hey, so was it just about the dress that you wanted to talk to me about?" May says after finishing her bread stick.

Cera had just taken a large bite of pizza, so when she heard May mention it she almost choked on it. She coughed a few times, and Tyler patted her back, "Yeah, he bought you a custom dress. The dude has the hots for you!" She looked up at her group of friends with watery eyes. She then swallowed her pizza, and proceeded to tell them in more detail about her week with him, and what had just happened before she came here.

When she was done the room was quiet of a second, then May blurted out, "CEO Park kissed you!"

Cera's cheeks turned bright red, and Tyler elbowed her, "Well looks like Cera no longer has virgin lips!"

"Tyler don't say it like that!" May defended her best friend.

What Sampson said next caused the room to go silent once more, "Do you like him back?"

Cera looked at him in surprise. She had only met this man on Saturday, but he asked her such a serious question with determination in his eyes. She swallowed, and looked deep into his eyes, "I am not sure, I just found out how he feels about me."

"Then you should tell him how you feel." as the three friends heard this May couldn't help but take his words to heart. She wanted to tell him that she has liked him since she met him. She had dragged him out onto the dance floor, she even had spent a few nights here at Tyler's to spend time with him. She also tagged along with them to the clubs yesterday. She was happy when he didn't flirt with anyone, and wanted to find the courage to tell him, but never could. Now after hearing his words, she couldn't help but feel she needed to do so.