Chapter 34

When Cera heard a loud crash she instinctively looked to where the noise came from, she saw MinYue's hand covered in blood and her face instantly went pail. He abruptly stood up and headed off in a direction she didn't know where it lead to. Before Tom could say anything she stood up, and bolted in the direction MinYue had just went. She didn't even hesitate when she pushed open the Men's room door. She saw MinYue bending over a sink rinsing the blood from his hand. "MinYue…." she ran to his side, and grabbed a towel the help dab the cut on his palm, "Are you okay? What happened?" she kept dabbing the cut with the towel. Since he wasn't saying anything, and the cut was still bleeding she started to freak out, "Why hasn't it stopped bleeding? Does it hurt? I can take you to the hospital? You may need stitches?" She placed the towel in his hands applying slight pressure to the wound, and looked up at his face. He was smiling. "What? Why are you smiling? You're hurt, you should be in pain?"

He tightened his fist around the towel, but his smile didn't fade. He looked at the women before him, and was pleased with her reaction. 'Does she care about me? She has to! I have only been in here for a few seconds, and she came in here like a mad woman after me even though it's the Men's room.' He looked deep into her pale blue eyes, "I am fine. No hospital. It's just a small cut." he pulled the towel out of his hand, "See."

Cera's eyes darted from his face down to his hand to see that he wasn't lying. A simple adhesive bandage would cover his cut, and he would be fine. She suddenly felt really embarrassed. She lowered her head even more, and MinYue could see her ears turn a shade darker. He raised his other arm and ruffled her hair, "So should I take this as you showing concern for me as my assistant or concern for a loved one?" he couldn't help himself. His heart grew the moment she swung the bathroom door open, and the worried look on her face showed as clear as day.

Cera wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, but it was to late to hide, she acted that way because she cared for him. She knew right then and there that she had him in her heart. She worked up the courage to look up at his handsome face, "MinYue….I think I…."

That's all she managed to get out when the door opened up behind them, and Tom walked in, "CEO Park are you okay? The waitress and the hostess are outside wondering if you are okay, but are too afraid to come in since this is the Men's room."

Cera's face grew incredibly red, "Men's Room!" she darted her eyes from Tom to MinYue, and then ran out of the room with her hands on her face.

Since it was just Tom and MinYue left in the bathroom the atmosphere grew incredibly awkward. MinYue had this look that said 'If you touch my woman I will kill you.' and Tom was staring at his boss as if saying 'Your woman?' Neither of them mentioned her name, but the stares said it all. MinYue took a step towards Tom, but Tom didn't back down nor did he take a step forward. He waited until MinYue was standing in front of him. MinYue was only two inches taller than him, but Tom felt that he was competing against a giant. Like he had no chance. Tom let out a sigh, "The hostess had a medical kit outside for you hand, CEO Park."

"Thank you." MinYue brushed past him, and left the Men's room. Tom turned and followed him out to see MinYue taking the medical kit from the hostess, and turning to Cera who had retreated to the corner of the hall. Her cheeks were still slightly red from the fact that she had carelessly entered the Men's room. He then heard MinYue ask her to wrap his arm. Cera nodded, and motioned her hand to the bench that was across from the restroom doors. Tom headed over to them, and watched her wordlessly open the kit, pull out a tan roll of wrap, and then a pack of band-aids. She covered the cut, and then wrapped it up with the tan adhesive wrap, returned the items to the kit, and then stood up to return the kit to the hostess.

The hostess and the waitress didn't know what to think when the woman from table 10 ran after the man at table 12. Cera sensed that they were confused, "I am that man's assistant…." she pointed to MinYue, and then she turned her finger towards Tom, "….and he is my colleague." Both women nodded at her words. The hostess handed the kit to the waitress, then faced Cera once more with a worried look. "It's fine, you can go back to your stations. Thank you for the medical kit."

"If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask." the hostess spoke softly before both her and the waitress bowed in front of Cera before turning to leave. Behind them stood the man who was having dinner with MinYue.

He walked up to Cera, "I overheard that you are CEO Park's assistant. Is he okay? The glass suddenly snapped. Must have been an old glass or something. By the way my name is Kade Smith, I am the COO of Tulk Clothing Incorporated."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Smith, I am Cera Lu."

"Miss Lu, nice to meet you as well" he extended his hand and Cera gave him a quick handshake before turning to the two men who were silently watching her interaction with Mr. Smith.

MinYue quickly stood up from the bench and walked towards them. He didn't speak until he was right next to her, "Mr. Smith I will have to reschedule. I am going to head back first." then he turned to Cera, "Have a good night Cera, see you tomorrow." He then walked towards the exit without another word.

As Cera watched him leave Tom walked up to her and greeted Mr. Smith, "Hello again Mr. Smith. Quite an eventful night?" then turned to her, "Shall we head out as well?"

"Sure." Cera nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Lang good to see you again." Kade added.

"Thanks, I am sure we will run into one another soon. I am going to go pay the bill. Have a good night Mr. Smith." Tom then made a slight bow while maintaining eye contact with Kade, then headed off in the same direction MinYue had just headed.

"Nice to meet you again Mr. Smith. Have a good night."

"Good night Miss Lu." Kade had a smile because he was finally able to put a face to the name of the woman CEO Park ordered him to have Cole Demmings design a work dress and suit jacket for. 'She sure is something alright. CEO Park is a lucky man.' He then pulled out his phone and looked down at the photo of his wife, 'And so am I.' he clicked on the contact listed as "Love" and waited for the woman on the other end to pick up.