Chapter 36

Since Tom and Cera lived in the same apartment complex it only made sense for her to ride with him. She took his arm, and let him lead the way, but she paused and turned to yell that to MinYue before continuing with Tom to his car.

When they arrived at the Paradise Apartments complex Tom walked with her through the lobby, and to the elevator. He pressed the 3rd floor button, and then turned to her, "I am on the 4th floor." she was twirling a few strands of her hair in-between her fingers, and Tom couldn't help but think, 'You're just too Cute!'

The elevator stopped at the 3rd floor but Tom didn't get off. Just as Cera was about to ask him if he was getting off he turned to her, "May I walk you to your door?"

"Okay." she knew that she hadn't had the opportunity to tell him how she felt about him, so she might as well tell him in her apartment. That way they would be sitting, and she would be in a comfortable place.

At the door to room 408, Tom was preparing to say his goodbyes when she invited him in, "Tom, would you like a cup of tea? The weather has certainly gotten much colder as winter is approaching."

"Tea sounds nice." as Cera tuned to put the key into the lock Tom was making fist bumps into the air behind her. When the door clicked she pushed it open, and Tom quickly returned to his natural state without her noticing his excitement.

"Make yourself at home." She casually tossed her jacket onto the couch, and then proceeded to the kitchen. Tom did as she said, and took off his coat, and tossed it on top of hers. He then looked around the room. I was very similar to his place, but it was a quite a bit bigger. The other three floors had 16 units, while the 4th floor only had 10. He couldn't help but wonder what strings MinYue pulled with the manager to get this room for her. It had to be the largest apartment in the whole complex.

He sat down on the couch, and kicked up his legs to rest on the ottoman. He could hear her filling up the tea kettle, and then the clicking sound of the gas cooktop, and then her heels clicking as she made her way towards where he was sitting. He turned his head to face her just as she was turning towards the couch. She smiled at him, and then proceeded to sit next to him. They were about 30 inches apart. It was very close, and his heart was soaring.

Cera repeated what he had done, and rested her legs on the ottoman, "Ahh, it feels so good to sit back and relax. Do you want to watch anything?" she reached for the remote to the TV, but then grabbed the remote for the fireplace instead and turned it on. The crackling of the fake fireplace started, and then the lights started to change from red, to orange, and yellow. Just as she was about to lean back into the couch the tea kettle started to whistle. She shot up, and headed back to kitchen.

The whole time Tom seemed to be in a trance watching the fireplace change colors. He wasn't prepared to spend time alone with her in this kind of atmosphere. 'Is she setting the mood?'

Cera walked back over to the couch with two cups of tea in her hands. Tom noticed, and quickly sat up to grab his. She then smiled as she handed it over to him, "It's hot, so be careful."

"Hmm, Thanks."

She sat back down, and blew onto it before carefully lifting the cup to her lips. After she had a sip she placed the cup back onto the plate, and then turned to Tom, "It's always nice to sit and relax with a friend. I feel very lucky to have met you." she smiled sweetly, and then turned back to watch the fireplace.

'I am such an idiot! I was to worried about MinYue stealing her that I didn't even take her feelings into consideration! I just met her, and I already want to date her. I need to get to know her first as a friend to see if we are even compatible!' He really wanted to smack himself silly. He smiled while watching her, "Yes, thanks for being my friend." he then turned to watch the fireplace with her.

"No problem Tom." that's all that was said for the next twenty minutes until she started to yawn. It was now past 8, and she was normally in bed.

"I should probably head to my place, and let you sleep. You get there before CEO Park, don't you."

"Yeah, I am normally in bed by now." she stretched and let out another yawn.

"I am sorry."

"It's okay." Cera got up, grabbed his coat and walked with him to the door.

"Good night Cera." he said while she handed him his coat.

She let out a third yawn before returning his good night, "Good night, see you tomorrow Tom." she then closed the door, locked it, and then lazily made her way to her bedroom. Walked into the bathroom, and brushed her teeth.