Chapter 54

After MinYue succeeded in getting Cera to his car he placed her into the passenger seat, buckled her in, and made sure to be extra careful as he closed the door. He looked down at her flushed face with a look if concern. 'What made her want to drink so much?' He shook his head before walking around the car, and opening the drivers side door. He started the car, shifted into reverse, and backed out of his parking spot.

Cera was leaning against the passenger window, so he thought she had fallen asleep. He continued to drive down the long driveway in the silent car. The car exited the driveway, and he started to drive in the direction of her apartment. Cera suddenly laid her hand on his leg, and moved it towards his hip area. "Cera?!" he reached down to stop her, "What are you doing?"

She ignored his question and asked him one instead, "MinYue, didn't you say your place was remodeled recently?"

He stole a quick side glance at her, "Yeah, why?"

"Take me there! I want to see it!"

"I am taking you back to your place. You need to sleep this off." he wasn't happy with her action just now. After he said these words he didn't respond to her anymore, he focused on the road.

"MinYue, take me to your place."



"I want to see it!"

"MinYue please take me there." she started to whine and reached out towards him again, but this time she went straight for his sensitive spot. She started to rub it, causing MinYue to swerve slightly.

"Cera!" He was caught off guard by her bold action, "What are you doing?"

"I will keep doing it until you take me to your place!" she yelled at him, and practically threw herself towards him but the seat belt stopped her, and her arms just missed his arm that was now back on the steering wheel.

"Fine!" he grumbled, "You win." he turned the car to the right onto a well lit road.

She turned her head to look out the window as the street lights flew by, "Good."

MinYue turned to look at her with wide eyes. 'What's up with her today?'

Not to much longer they pulled into his driveway, he pushed a button on the garage opener, and the first stall of the garage opened up. After parking the car he was preparing to walk around to the passenger side to help her out, but she was faster than him. She had already alighted from the car, and walked around to his side. She had a look in her eyes that he couldn't quite guess what she was thinking. He unlocked the door, and entered the house. He turned to the side to turn on the lights, as his head was turning back towards her he caught a glimpse of her face.

Cera was looking at him with so much desire that it frightened him, "I thought you wanted to take things slow, why did you…." he trailed off as he recalled how she had touched him while he was driving.

"MinYue…." she walked closer to him, but he stepped back. When his foot hit the first step he stopped moving, but she didn't. She used all her strength to push him down onto the stairs. He managed to catch himself with his arms. He opened his mouth to speak, but she kissed him aggressively. She continued to do so until she felt him relax, and then wrap his arms around her waist. He started to deepen the kiss, but then suddenly pushed her back slightly.

He took in a deep breath before speaking, "Cera, what are you doing?"

"MinYue I fell in love with you! The man who would pin me down and kiss me with such passion it frightened me, but at the same time it excited me! I thought I wanted slow, but I realized that's not what I want! I want you! All of you!" After letting out all of her feelings she didn't wait for him to respond, she kissed him once more. This time MinYue didn't fight, instead he flipped her over on the stairs and powered over her. He kissed her until she was panting and gasping for air. He then started to pull at her skirt. She watched his eyes grow several shades darker, and could feel her body fill with excitement and fear all at the same time. She raised her head to look up the stairs. MinYue followed her gaze, and instantly knew that she wanted to go upstairs to his room. He swooped her up, and carried her upstairs.

Once at the top he turned to his left, and pinned her against the wall. He resumed pulling her skirt down, and kissed her passionately. Her skirt fell to the ground revealing a black lace pair of underwear. She grabbed at the bottom of his sweater, and pulled it up, and over his head. He then spread her legs, and kissed her once more while turning the knob on his bedroom door.

He flung it open, wrapped his arms under her bottom, and carried her into the room. He took several large steps before he set her on the foot of the bed, and pulled her sweater and bra up, and off at the same time. She grabbed his pants, and undid the button. His pants fell to his ankles.

He climbed onto the bed, spreading her legs, and laying her down all at the same time. His one hand wrapped up under her backside, and landed on her shoulder while the other grabbed onto her breast. He kissed her, then moved his lips to her ear, then to her neck. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and he bit onto her shoulder. She let out a moan, and he could feel the goosebumps start at his neck, and then shoot through his whole body. "Cera."
