Chapter 58

Mary Sun woke up early in the morning because she felt something heavy resting on her side. She blinked at the somewhat familiar layout of the room, but noticed that something wasn't quite right besides the strange weight. This wasn't her room! She moved her hand to feel just what was leaning on her side, and her eyes flew open as her hand grabbed a hold of another's hand. She carefully lifted it, and turned to lay flat on the bed, when Tom's sleeping face became clear in the dim lit room she froze. 'What happened last night!' She tried to recall everything that happened the night before. 'I dropped off the slice of cheesecake at his place, went to my parents, had to much to drink because my family was harping on me for not having a boyfriend, then my cousin Tim gave me a ride home. Then I….I stopped at Tom's to pick up my container….' she made several different faces while she remembered the rest of the night. Her cheeks turned bright red, and she climbed out of bed, grabbed her clothes as she made her way out the room. She quickly slid on her dress, grabbed her heels, and ran out of his apartment.

She couldn't believe that she had given her first to one of her coworkers while under the influence. 'What is wrong with me!' she turned the lock to her apartment and walked straight to her bathroom to take a shower. Her lower region was sore, and she thought that the warm water would help settle her thoughts. After showering she called up her best friend, "Good morning Lisa."

"Good morning Mary, how was your Thanksgiving?"

"Uh, actually I called you because you know how my family is..."

"Yeah, they never respect your wishes. You want to talk about it? MinHe is out with his younger brother at the moment."

"MinYue or MinFeng?"

"MinFeng, apparently he is courting an actress at his company and asked MinHe for advise."

"Ah, I see….well anyways is it okay if I come over?"

"Sure, see you in a little bit."

"Thank you."

"No problem." After hanging up her phone, Mary grabbed her coat and headed out.

Tom woke up alone with a raging headache and raised his arm to rub his temples. As he remembered the night before he sat straight up in the bed, and looked to his right, and then turned his head towards the closed bathroom door on the left, "Mary?" He climbed out of bed naked, and headed to the door, he leaned against the door, "Mary, are you in there?" He waited several seconds before grabbing the knob, "I am coming in, don't freak out." He carefully pushed open the door to find an empty bathroom. He furrowed his brow, and then turned back to the bedroom. 'Did she leave? But why?' He scooped up his boxers, and slid them on. Walking towards the door he noticed that her bra was still laying on the floor. 'Last night she came to my place for her container, but I ended up...' he curled his hands into fists. He searched his place for his phone and dialed her, but her phone was powered off. He ran back into his room, threw on some clothes, and then headed out of his apartment to knock on her door.

He continued to knock for several minutes, "Mary, let me in please." he leaned on the door for several minutes before heaving a large sigh, and turning to head back to his place. All he wanted to do was get a hold of her, let her know how he felt, and that he wanted to take responsibility for last night. He sat down on his couch and dialed her phone several times, but not a one went through. He tossed his phone onto the coffee table, and let out a large sigh. He closed his eyes and remembered the night before.

He just finished off a bottle of wine by himself while eating the cheesecake she had dropped off a few hours ago before heading to her parents place, when there was a light knock on his door. He walked over, and looked into the peephole to see Mary's head low, and her long brown hair flowing down past her shoulders. He quickly opened the door, "Mary?"

Mary raised her head revealing her flush cheeks, and Tom found it hard to swallow. She spoke quietly, "I was wondering if I could get my container back?" she was twirling her hair with her fingers and her eyes were glossy.

Tom found himself stuttering, "I...uh...I just finished with it now. Let me wash it." He then turned around quickly towards the kitchen. He picked up the plastic container and turned to the sink, "Make yourself at home, I will be just a minute." he spoke as he turned on the tap and picked up the sponge. He quickly washed and dried the container. When he spun around Mary was right behind him, and she was looking up at him with her big bright green eyes, and it caught him off guard, "Mary?"

"Tom?" she fluttered her eyelashes, "Do you think I am pretty?"

'What? Where did this question come from?' Tom almost said his thought out loud, but the next second Mary took another step towards him, and stood up on her tippytoes. He dropped her container to the floor because their lips were mere inches apart. He felt his own cheeks turn red as the words left his mouth without him realizing it, "You're beautiful..." he was cut off when her lips landed on his. She kissed him shyly, and he soon was caught up in the kiss. His hands wrapped around her waist and his tongue pressed against her lips wanting to enter. He soon found himself lifting her up on the island next to his cooktop, and letting his hands feel around her body, shedding her of her clothes and taking her to his bedroom.