Chapter 73

He smiled at himself while pressing the button to call the elevator. Once the doors opened her happily walked inside, and pressed the six on the panel. "Hey mom, why is that man smiling so big?" The small girl next to him asked her mother while they were standing in the elevator.

The mother was so embarrassed she bent down next to her daughter and was about to tell her not to ask such questions, but Tom continued to smile while he turned his head to the mother and daughter, "I am smiling so much because I am excited to see the woman I love." he answered honestly.

"Kind of like how daddy smiles when he see me and my mommy?"

"Yes, like that." Tom said while continuing to smile.

The mother smiled back at him, "Thank you."

"It's alright. Kids are great…." He was going to say more but the elevator arrived at the 6th floor, "Well this is me. Have a good day." He nodded his head a bit before stepping off the lift.

As the doors were closing the little girl yelled, "Make sure to give her a big kiss!"

Tom chuckled at the little girls words, "I plan on it." he told himself before continuing down the hall towards the room 682. He stared at it for a long time. He was nervous, if she was asleep he would wait for her until she woke up, but if she was awake right now would she kick him out? Would she try to run away again? He was standing there for such a long time that people coming and going from their rooms would give him a strange look.

Finally after ten minutes he placed the key into the lock, and opened the door. What he saw after opening the door was a large sapphire suitcase on the bed, and then just behind it was Mary sound asleep. She curled herself into a ball, and her hair was fanned across the pillow. He closed the door as quietly as possible, and made his way to look over at her sleeping face. He hasn't seen her since Thursday night, and now it was Sunday afternoon. 'Oh how I have missed you so...' His fingers were moving on their own and were a few inches from her lips when he noticed. He quickly retracted them, and then scanned the room. He found the two chairs next to the small table, and sat down.

He didn't know how long he watched her sleep, but when there was a light knock at the door he quickly jumped to his feet and pulled the door open before the person could knock again. It was a server with the food he had ordered an hour ago. 'I have been watching her sleep for that long!' He quickly pulled out his wallet and shoved a few bill towards the server without looking at what they were. He then pulled in the cart, and closed he door without saying anything. He then wheeled it into the room, and started to remove the covers from the food trays.

Mary had no idea how long she had slept, but the sudden the rich smell of onion and garlic entered her nose, causing her to drool in her sleep. She was famished, and found her body rising from the bed without even opening her eyes. When she did, she saw the man whom she had literally ran from opening a lid that was covering pork chops with tomatoes, and feta cheese on top of them. "T...T...Tom! What are you doing here?!" She rubbed her eyes to see if she was imagining things, but when she opened them again he was still standing in front of her.

Tom didn't answer her, but set the two plates of food onto the small table. He placed a napkin on his lap, and picked up his fork and knife. He then turned to face her, and pointed his hand with the knife at the chair across from him. Mary stood up, and followed his instructions. She sat down to fast, and made a loud thud as she plopped into the chair. She was to busy with her thoughts on how the heck he managed to find her that she wasn't even functioning properly, "How?"

"Eat first." Tom only said these two words before cutting into the pork chop. Mary didn't say anything more, and followed his orders.

After the incredibly quiet meal Tom finally spoke again, "Why did you run?"

Mary didn't even hear his question, she just looking at him with a lost expression as if she was trying to put her thoughts together when she suddenly stood up from her chair and blurted out the questions one after another, "Why are you in Rine? How did you find me? Why did you find me?" Tears were flowing faster than she was talking.