Chapter 75

He then pushed Mary back down onto the bed, He started to kiss her lips, and then her neck. He swirled his tongue around her earlobe before biting it gently. Mary let out a small moans as he kissed and nipped at her skin. He slowly made his way down to her breasts, and then he nibbled relentlessly on her left nipple. Her whole body shuttered in surprise, and then he opened his mouth wide, and entrapped her whole nipple in his mouth. She could feel the blood rush from her brain all the way down to her toes. 'This man is going to drive me insane! Ah, but it feels so good.' After this thought entered her mind she found herself blushing at her own perverted mind.

Tom looked up just in time to see her pale face turn pink, and he wanted to continue to pleasure her. He enjoyed watching her fill with excitement. Without letting her relax he started to mercilessly rub his finger against her swollen clit. Her back arched and her facial expression caused an arousal he had never felt before. His member shot straight up, and he wanted nothing more than to use it. He continued to rub until she was screaming for him to enter her. The way she begged for it caused his mind to go blank. He bit onto her collar bone, and pressed several fingers inside her. He moved his fingers in and out of her with great speed, and she grabbed onto his backside and clawed at him. The feeling he got from her nails felt somewhat like an adrenaline rush. His eyes shown with great desire, as he shoved his extremely large rod deep into her body. His finger wrapped around her curly hair, and he pulled at it. "Tom!" Mary yelled his name, and he vigorously thrust inside her. He continued to bite into her flesh, and he moved his hips at such a speed that caused the mattress to start to move off of the boxspring. The sounds of their flesh pounding against one another, combined with the rush of excitement caused Mary to dig her nails further into his backside. Tom lifted his head and yelled, "Mary, You Feel So Fucking Good!"

"Harder Tom! Fuck Me Harder!"

His glowing eyes searched her naked body with a new light. He smiled devilishly before placing his arms under her shoulders, placed her legs on his shoulders, and used all of his strength to thrust as hard and as deep as he could. She screamed so loud that he lost control, and continued to pound the inside of her like he was a jackhammer, "Faster! Harder! Ahhh! Yes! Right there! Right there!" Mary continued to scream until her voice became horse, and Tom found himself no longer to hold back. He released his load deep in the walls of her vagina, and then collapsed from exhaustion.

Mary listened as Tom's breathing started to become more even. She turned her head to see him with his eyes shut, and underneath them were very dark circle. 'It looks like he hasn't slept well.' She felt bad that she had unknowingly put him in this much pain. She truly believed that she had forced herself onto him without his consent, but now that she knows how he feels she know that she had finally found a man who would literally go to the ends of Erde to find her, "Tom, I love you. I will never leave you again." She whispered softly into his ear before snuggling up next to him.