Chapter 10

Alvin's P.O.V

"Emy what you did back there wasn't nice" I was standing so close to her I can smell the shampoo that she uses, seeing the effects I have on her makes me and my inner wolf jumpy, praise the moon Goddess for being such an awesome matchmaker! "U-uh I'm s-sorry?" She was stuttering and the way she said sorry seems more like a question. . .

"Bad, bad Emy, now, you're going to be punished" I smirked at the idea that just popped up in my head, "Wait, Alvin what do y-you m-mean" before she could even complete her sentence I started leaving butterfly kisses on her neck causing her to stutter even more, "s-stop, w-what are you d-doing?" she tried pushing me away but I felt her slowly going limp in my arms while keeping her eyes closed, simply just enjoying the moment. Slowly kissing my way up to her cheeks, her nose and then her forehead. . . The temptation to kiss those delicious looking lips were driving me crazy, but amazingly, I held back, after giving her one last kiss on her forehead her eyes fluttered open. . .

There was a moment of silence before she pushed me away and took off in the opposite direction . . . When will she learn her lesson of not running away because at the end of the day I will always get her!

Emily's P.O.V

Currently, I am more of flustered and trying to process every single thing that happened earlier on rather than pissed and angry which is a really weird thing for me to be honest. . . I am running as fast as my legs could possibly take me, running deeper into the park, I realize how lost I actually am, looking around me now, it seems more like I am in the woods instead of a park. . . Gosh, I am so directionally challenged, I started walking deeper into the 'woods' and the scene on display in front of me, it rendered me speechless. Somehow the park is linked to a forest or some sort and in the forest there seem to be some sort of lake and besides, there is a small hut, and if you have not guessed it yet, I am standing in front of the lake. Looking around now I could see a few large wolves approaching me. . . Oh shit, I am going be mauled by these monster sized wolves! They were growling and they don't seem too friendly either.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I was prepared to pull out the knife that I always keep for protection but before they could charge at me Alvin came running over to me and he had on one of those angry and pissed faces, after Alvin's appearance, those wolves seem to back down and they bowed their heads, this day just couldn't get any weirder. . . .I was still in a daze from what had happened earlier but before I could say a word, Alvin was dragging me away.

He dragged me all the way back to the back gates of the school and he simply just looked right into my eyes, from that short moment I saw another side of him, the look he was giving me, it was soft yet he seemed somewhat scared but at the same time there was something more than that, that lies behind those eyes. . . "Emy, please just forget about what happened earlier, I messed up big time. Please forgive me?" I wanted so badly to not forgive him and just simply stomp off but I simply couldn't bring myself to do it, he looked so sincere and fragile at the moment, yes you heard that right, fragile. It felt like if I were to not forgive him he will have a major breakdown and end his life right there and then.

After contemplating for a minute or so I let out a defeated sigh "fine". All of a sudden his mood took a 360 turn, he flashed his usual million dollar smile and there was even a slight glow behind those eyes of his. At that moment I felt like I just got cheated, why must my heart be so soft ugh! "So. . . See you tomorrow" he said sheepishly. Before I could yell or hit him for cheating my feelings, he rushed off like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

At this moment, the school bell went off declaring that school has ended for the day, students were making a beeline for the school gates. I was still rooted to the ground directly in front of the gates from processing everything that had happened with Alvin earlier on and as you already imagined it, I was the retard that started bumping into people, because my legs were not listening to my brain as it simply would not budge. Among all the students that were swarming out in groups, Carly was among them and she miraculously spotted me, once our eyes met, a bubble of hope of being saved from this situation arise in me.

Carly's P.O.V

Curses, why must I be stuck here in this hell hole when Alvin gets to have fun with his mate!? This is so unfair! I could not help but feel sulky about the situation, here I am stuck in a class filled with dumb blondes hitting on the replacement teacher and asking nonsensical questions such as 'Mr. Gary how old are you?' Or things such as 'Sir do you have a girlfriend?'. I just want to get out of here!

The bell finally went off after the last 3 minutes went by, "finally, I'm free!!!" I immediately stood up with my bag and bolted out of class and ran all the way to Ricky's class and waited patiently for his to end. About half a minute later, Ricky came out of the classroom with tons of other students trying to squeeze their way through the tiny hole called a door.

"Hey babe, why are you here?" The look of slight disappointment was evident on his face after seeing that I was waiting outside of the classroom for him. "My class ended earlier than yours so I thought I can come over to wait for you first, you seem a little upset about my decision." I felt my smile slowly disappearing and I could not help but feel a little hurt deep inside while my brain starts spiraling out of control assuming the worse, but hey don't judge me alright, it is a normal girl issue! "Aww babe, I don't mean it that way, it is just. . ." After a long pause, he finally said " What happened to the guy picking up the girl?" My train of thoughts broke and it took me a while to process what he just said, after realizing what he was disappointed about I could not help but burst into laughter. "Rick, you are so cute you know? As the saying goes, a princess always waits for her prince~"

"Hey I am not cute, I am Da Hottest Guy Alive!" He pouted, normally he doesn't act so childishly but when he is with me he is hopeless. "Fine fine Mr hottest guy alive, let's go find your other 1/3 of a brain cell already and get going, I want to know what Alvin did to my best friend!" He grinned and gave me a peck on the cheek before shooting me with a strange frowning look, " What do you mean by my other 1/3 of a brain cell?"

"So let me give you a scenario, you Ryder and Alvin are all 1 brain cell, so putting you alone without any of them causes your brain to malfunction as you only have 1/3 of a brain cell." He seems to be in deep focus trying to understand what I said and before realization hits him I think it is best if make my escape first. When I was already running halfway to Ryder's class he realized what I said and is now hot on my trail.

I came to a stop once I am outside of Ryder's classroom and so did Ricky, but before I could say something he had me pinned against the wall outside of Ricky's classroom. "Babe, what were you trying to do running away from me." His voice was dangerously low and raspy, I can feel his hot breathe fanning at the nape of my neck as he opens his mouth and slowly nibbles at my collarbone, I couldn't suppress the desire deep in me and accidentally let out a gasp and moan softly. That was when we heard someone cleared their throat, "Mr. Blackwood, may I remind you that you both are still in school." My eyelids immediately fluttered open after a reminder like that. Ricky and I both straightened ourselves and chuckled nervously as we were both facing the disciplinary master of the school. "Sorry, this won't happen again." We both apologized, "It better not. I will be keeping an eye on you both."

Once the DM left, the moment Ricky and my eyes met we heaved a sigh of relieve. That was when we both turned around and saw the other 1/3 of a brain cell leaning against the doorframe of the classroom with an entertaining look on his face as though he was watching a drama. I stalked up towards him with the intention of hitting him for not telling us that the DM was around. He somehow felt the danger I am posing towards him so he started fleeting for his life towards the back gate of the school. "Ryder stop running, I am going to kill you!" I begin yelling in the most barbaric way that anyone has ever witness, "I'm not stupid why would I stand there for you to kill me, Ricky please control your crazy girlfriend!"

"Why should I help you, you called my girlfriend crazy." Ricky gave a nonchalant reply while he started speeding up to catch Ryder. Not long later we ended up being separated by the number of students flowing out of the school gate, that was when I saw a familiar silhouette, squeezing in the crowd of brainless zombies who are constantly on their phone isn't exactly easy, finally after squeezing for the past 1 minute, I manage to get nearer to that silhouette that was when I realize why the person looks so familiar, it is because that person is Emily! She looks like a statue in the middle of a shopping district even when people are pushing and knocking into her she didn't even budge, "Emily here!" I yelled out to her but she seems to not have noticed me, after about half a minute of trying to get closer to her she finally looked my way and saw me. Even though there was no expression on her face, it can be clearly seen in her eyes that she needed help. What is that retard of a brother doing leaving her there and not being around to protect her at all, I think I should find a way to really teach him a lesson on how to treat girls right! For now, I got to get Emily and myself out of this situation!!