Chapter 30

Emily's P.O.V

"Okay. . . Where should I start?" I looked towards Alvin hoping he could help me out a little as there was simply too much to explain if I started from the start but much to my dismay he said. "From the start, we want to know everything." With that, my story began.

"Fine but just a warning it will be a long long long long story-" I tried to explain but was cut off by Ryder.

"Okay, just tell us the story!" He scooted closer and was fully focused on me now waiting for me to tell them every single detail, I sighed inwardly and started with how I was brought up by the Chessity family.

"Okay, so all this started with a terrible fire when I was young. It was midnight and my mom and dad tucked me into bed and they went to sleep, within a few minutes I was sleeping soundly- " once again I was cut off by Ryder.

"Wait so your parents let you sleep that late?" He questioned as if there was something wrong. "Yeah, apparently we tend to have some meeting with the neighborhood people in a sizeable single level house. I was still young then so I don't really remember much of it. Anyways can I continue?" I asked a little annoyed as I wasn't exactly willing to open up about all these past events, thinking about it makes me feel an unexplainable pain and sadness even though it had been such a long time since then, but just the thought of how it will be like living a normal teenage life with a loving family and friends to hang out with made my heart full of sorrow.

"Okay, I will shut up now." Ryder seemed to get the hint and shut his mouth allowing me to continue on with the story.

"Everyone was asleep at that point when I heard someone was in the house before I knew it the house was on fire and I blacked out, I was still very young at that point and I couldn't remember much. But the next day when I woke up I was already in the Chessity's house and my current 'father' adopted me into the family." I gave a quick and brief explanation hoping it will be enough to satisfy them but apparently it was not.

"So, what happened after you got into the family, why were you guarded by the 2 mofos earlier and what was with that girl? Lets not even get me started on your so-called 'father'." Alvin was shooting questions at me one after another like an SMG (Sub Machine Gun) firing out bullets. My head felt dizzy just by listening to all the questions, everyone else was just as focused as before and were simply waiting for my reply and that somehow put an invisible pressure on me.

"So. . . My family is sort of weird. . ." I had a hard time trying to phrase my sentence.

"Weird how? Like the Addams family weird?" Ryder retorted.

"I guess you can say that? You see. . . Those 2 guys outside of my room, they were there to guard me against ever leaving the house until I die." I sighed and tried my best to explain.

"Why would they do that?" Alvin questioned now he was even more serious than before and he had on a huge frown across his face.

"MyfatherwantedmetokillyouandIdidnotwanttodoitsoheisbanningmeandputtingmeonhousearrest." I took a huge breather after that as I rushed it all out in a single breath, looking at everyone they seemed to be utterly confused as to what I've just said.

"What?!" Everyone said in unison.

"I said. . . My father, he is sort of I mean. . . He isn't exactly the nicest person around the block and he kind of gave me a mission to kill you off Alvin. . ." Once those words left my mouth the look in Alvin's eyes pierced my heart making me feel absolutely terrible, it was as though I took a knife and stabbed him hard.

"But I declined, actually I was supposed to kill you but I don't know why, I simply could not do it. . . And now he is putting me on house arrest and blacklisting me." Alvin seems to have instantly changed over from grief to happiness in a matter of seconds and he looked exactly like a little puppy who was praised by her owner after doing something good.

"Wait, what do you mean by blacklist and how are you suppose to kill my brother? I mean come on to be realistic even though you have awesome ass-kicking kungfu skills but you are still a girl and my brother, he is literally the size of a monster." Carly seemed to be freaking out a little and she exaggerated a lot.

"Hey! I am not a monster, you should see yourself when you are gouging down mom's meatball spaghetti!" Alvin exclaimed.

"Blah blah as if you don't gouge down everything you eat." Carly rolled her eyes, looking at their interaction I couldn't help but giggle, looking at them made me feel like I was in the group and somehow it felt like I have a true family. . . It has been so long since I felt that way.

"What are you laughing about!" Alvin pouted and that simply melted my heart, since I'm already blacklisted what is the point of holding back myself?

"N-nothing just that I was reminded of how it used to feel to have someone who you can have silly squabbles like these."

"Oh, you had a sibling before?" Ricky who had not opened his mouth even once finally asked. I nodded and replied.

"Yeah, I have 2 sisters actually. . . The one who just attacked Alvin and I and there is another, normally they are together on missions but weirdly this time I didn't see my other sister around." I explained.

"You've been talking about missions and blacklisting and even killing my big fat ass of a brother, can you explain? I am still confused." Carly looked towards me for some clarity.

"Okay, this is where it all gets a little complicated. . . So, the Chessity family isn't exactly like your regular family who goes to Ikea for food and furniture or like goes to the beach for picnics. My sisters and I are trained assassins. . ." With that said everyone's mouth formed an O shape and nodded slowly, but what surprised me most was not that Ryder did not cut me off when I was talking but it was the fact that none of them looked the tiniest bit surprised or even scared of me.

"Guys, I just said I am a trained assassin," I stated clearer this time around feeling that I was going through an identity crisis as I had to repeat my identity as an assassin twice.

"Yeah, we heard you, so?" Ryder asked.

"Aren't you scared of me?" I felt myself at the loss of words. "Nope." They all said the same thing.

"Fine if you all aren't scared then let me continue on with my story then. As I was saying, my adoptive father is the head of the family and I am the youngest among my 2 sisters. My sisters are handling Saril level missions while I, on the other hand, can only handle Aril level missions and below. There are 4 different levels of missions, it is split into Edil, Centil, Aril, and Saril. The dangerous is the Saril where the easiest is Edil. For Edil level jobs it normally pays about 1M per mission, it is the easiest such assassinating smaller companies higher ups. As for Centil it requires more effort and each mission is about 3M, the person tends to require a sort of skill for example hacking, normally it is to retrieve information from a certain bigger organization after assassinating the target. As for Aril, the pay is 6M per mission but the assassins in this level all require not only skills such as hacking and ace in assassinating but we all have a certain ability where we can use, such as for me, you all already witness my skill usage on Carly earlier on. Such skills are inborn and til this day I have no idea how I actually have such a powerful skill in me. And last but not least, Staril, they are considered the most dangerous ones. They are considered the elites among the elites in the assassinating world, they have skills that defied nature and it makes it impossible to get out of their grasps once targetted the only thing awaits that person will be death. Their pay per mission til this day it is still unknown to me." I basically word vomited everything out to them and they were all fully concentrated trying to take in all the information.

"Em, do you have any idea how many of those Staril and Aril assassins do your father have?" Carly asked with a troubled look on her face.

"To be honest with you, I have no idea how many Aril level assassins there are but I have not really seen anyone else in this level besides myself as for Staril it is only my 2 sisters, I have no idea whether if he still have any other Staril or Aril level assassins in other parts of the world," I said apologetically as I wasn't able to give her an exact answer.

Alvin was still quiet and that silence scares me, what is he hates me now. . . I mean I was after all sent to kill him. . . My thoughts started leading me to all sorts of scenario such as him killing me off first so I wouldn't be a threat or even him not wanting to see him ever again, one was even scarier than the other and I started spiraling. He looked me in the eyes and did something that I did not expect to happen. He pulled me into his embrace and carried me up bridal style onto his lap and hugged me tightly, it was so sudden and totally not expected it made me froze in place not knowing how to react at all.

"Emy, you must have been hurting all those years when you were in the Chessity family. . ." His voice was soothing to the ears and I could feel his breath against my skin causing a tingling sensation when I heard what he said I felt a lump welled up in my throat. My once stiffed body now relaxed into his and molded into his embrace, everyone seemed to have disappeared out of the room by now and I couldn't care any longer. It was as if my tear duct broke and tears started streaming down my face, all those emotions that I've hidden and buried deep in me were not being evoked by Alvin's gentleness and warmth. I cried and let out all the feelings that I've bottled up and all he did was continued patting me on the head with me still in his embrace and simple whispering into my ear that he is here everything is going to be okay.

We sat in that position for hours and I finally stopped weeping, all I felt right now was the consequence of crying for such a long period, my eyelids grew heavy and my breathing slowed down as I rested my head against his firm chest and listened to his stable heartbeat, within seconds exhaustion overcame me and I fell asleep in his arms.