1 Encounter

Aimee was heading to the hotel to meet up with one of her customers to look at their wedding designs. As she was about to reach, a man from out of nowhere grabs her into a empty room. "Hey!" He corners her by the wall and forcibly kiss her. She bit his lip but he didn't budge. She tries to push him away but he is too strong.

He grabs her hand and heads to the bed. "Let go of me!" He pushes her onto the bed. She tries to escape but he caught one of her legs and pulls her close to him. He lays on top of her. He continues to kiss her over and over again. She keeps on hitting him. "Let go! Stop!" He pins her hands above her with one of his hands. The other hand goes underneath her blouse. "Hey! Stop!" He kisses her once more and moves down to her neck. She runs out of breath.

He moves his hand down under her skirt. She startles. "S-stop!" She tries to fight back. Soon he loosen his belt and his pants down. He also loosen her skirt along with her lingerie. He then puts his little beast inside of her. "AH!" He bangs her gently. She couldn't help but moans. "S-stop." She tries to resist but couldn't. Their lips meet once more and their tongues intertwined for a long time. Shortly, he lost his control and bangs her hard. "A-ah!" She moans very loudly.

The sun shines brightly on her face. She can hear the birds chirping outside. She slowly opens her eyes. She's wondering where she's at. She sits up and rubs her eyes. She takes a look around and notice a naked handsome man laying next to her.

She recalls what happen last night. She knits her brows. She whispers, "bastard." She gets up and quickly dressed. She takes her bag and left the room.


After she left, he gets up and heads straight to the shower. Once he done showering, his cellphone is ringing.

He went to look for it and steps on something, he picks it up. (What's this?) He couldn't clearly see what written on the badge, since his eyes is still blurry. He finds his cellphone and answers it. Before he can say anything, his friend yells at him, "Hey! Are you crazy? How can you not sleep in your room?" "What are you talking about? I am in my room." "How can you be in your room when I'm here?! Hey! Where are you?!"

He was confused. He looks around and realize he's in a different room. As soon as his vision is very clear, he takes another look at the badge. 'Aimee Shimizu' "Ah. You're right. I'm not." "Hey, Riku! Where are you?!" Riku takes another look around the room and sees blood on the bed. "Shit." "EH?! W-what's wrong?" "I just force a woman to sleep with me." "YOU WHAT?! Hey! You're ban from alcohol for now on! You can't even drink! You better go find her and explain it to her. Gosh. Just what the heck are you thinking?!"Riku ended the call. He sighs. "Aimee Shimizu."


Aimee arrives at her workplace. She looking through her bag to find her badge. "Where is it?" She recalls what she did last night. (I went to the hotel with it. Then....that bastard came along. Wait...it's in the hotel with him. Argh.)

Someone pats her shoulder, it was Nicole, one of her employees and one of her best friends from high school. "Lose your badge again?" "Yeah." "Oh boy." Natalie enters and told the security guard, "Aimee lost her badge again."

Security guard looks at Aimee. "Uncle.." "Aimee, this is your twentieth time." "Sorry." "It's okay. Make sure you have it with you tomorrow." "Yes." She enters the workplace. Nicole laughs. "Minus 5% of your paycheck." "Hey!" They look at each other and laugh it off.

As soon as the day go by, Nicole walks into Aimee's office. "Hey. The Ikeda's called. Didn't you go and meet him at the Royal Hotel?" (I would've if HE didn't grab me and ...argh...thinking about him makes me mad.) Aimee calms down and look at Nicole.

"I'll take care of it. It's my fault. Are they mad?" "No. They just worried if you're alright." Aimee tilts her head in confusion. "I...might've told them a little bit about your mother's condition." Aimee sighs. "Nicole." "I know. I'm sorry." "Alright. Go back to work." Nicole left. Aimee went to her office and checks her computer if there's anything emails.

Knock. Knock. Aimee looks up and it's Nicole. "The Abe's are here." "Got it." Aimee gather the Abe's folder and head to one of the conference room. She talks to them about their wedding plans and arrangements with Nicole.

Soon she and Nicole was heading to their lunch break. Aimee sees someone up ahead. She waves.


Riku comes to the Sunny Wedding with his sister-in-law to be and his older brother. As they enters, he sees Aimee. She was talking to another woman. When she looks up ahead, she smiles. He fell for her at that moment. She waves. He thought she recognize him. He lifts his hand and was about to wave her back but he realizes she's not waving at him, but to his sister-in-law.

He quickly put his hand down and looks away, embarrassed.

"Natalie." Aimee and Nicole group hug Natalie. "Aimee. Nicole. It's been ages." "So...what brings you here?" Natalie looks shyly. "I'm getting married!" "Congrats." "Where's the groom?" "Ah. Let me introduce you to him." Natalie turns to her side. "This is Aki. Aki Yamaguchi." "Nice to meet you two. Natalie always talk about you ladies. Ah. this is my little brother, Riku." Aimee looks at him.

(It's him! Why is he here?!) Aimee glares at Riku. Natalie notices and looks from Aimee to Riku then back to Aimee. "Ahem." Aimee snaps back and looks at Natalie. She takes Aimee's hand. "I want you to plan my wedding, Aimee. and my--" Aimee covers her mouth. She leans in and whispers to Natalie's ear. "I told you it's a secret." "I'm sorry. I'm just excited to see you and I'm getting married." "Yes yes."

One of the staff comes up to Aimee and whispers to her ear. Aimee's expression darkens. "I have to go. Nicole will take care of your wedding detail for now." Aimee turns and left.

Aki asks, "What happen? Her expression darkens." Natalie speaks up, "It's her mother." Riku and Aki looks at each other. Natalie adds, "Her mother is in the hospital in a mental state." They both sighs. "It's been ten years." "It has."


Aimee arrives at the hospital. As she reach her mother's room, there's a commotion. She cut in the crowd and sees her mother holding a knife. "Back off." The nurses tries to calm her down. "Don't touch me. Where is my baby?" Aimee gets in there. She push the nurses slightly. She grabs the knife and holds it. Her hand was bleeding. Her mother startles. "Oh. You.." "Mom. It's me, Aimee." "...Aimee." Her mother looks at her up and down. "Ah. Aimee." She lets go of the knife. Aimee takes it and drop it on the floor.

Her mother takes her hand. "Oh. Your bleeding. We have to stop it. We have to." Her mother looks around and spots the tissue. She grabs it and stops the bleeding. "There. There." Aimee is making a painful expression while looking at her mother. (Mom. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything.) Her mother looks at her. "W-why are you crying...??" Her mother wipes her tears and holds her. "It's okay. It's okay. Everything will be okay."

Aimee parts with her. "The nurse needs to give your medicine." "No. No needles." "It will help you." "But.." "For Aimee." Her mother thought about it. "Okay. For Aimee." The nurse came and gives her medicine." Slowly she drifts into sleep.

Aimee walks out of the room, she runs into her uncle*, who's also a doctor. They went to find a place to talk. "How are you?" "Fine." "You need to treat your hand." As he reaches out, she moves her hand away from his grasp. "Aimee." "Is there a cure?" "It's only up to her." Aimee stays silent. "Aimee, you should come home and visit your grandparents." "Home? That place isn't my home. My home is wherever my mother is." Aimee turns around and walks away. He sighs.


*Her father's younger brother.