3 Friends is Not an Option

Riku and Aimee arrives at Aimee's apartment. "C-c-c-can you let go of my hand?" Riku lets go.

She peeks at him at the corner of her eyes. He's looking at her. She looks away. Riku then speaks up, "Do you hate me?" She turns and looks at him.

(He's pouting. Ughhh. How can I say no...) "...No. I don't hate you." He perks up. "Really?" (What is he, a dog?) "Yeah I don't hate you. Um, but I would like to be your friend." Riku was surprised and replies, "No." "Eh? Why?"

"Because I want to be your husband." Aimee was speechless. "But we don't know each other that well. So let's starts being friends." "Once we're married then you'll know more about me." "But...I" "You should go inside, it's getting cold." Riku turns around and left.

Aimee stands there speechless.


Aimee comes home. She sighs. "It's been a long day." She went to her study room and she starts sketching.

She stops for a second, thinking what Riku has said. "Why would a person like him...." she shakes her head. "Back to work." She continues with her sketches. Soon she fell asleep on her desk.


Riku comes home. Aki was waiting for Riku. "Riku." Riku comes to the living room. "You're not sleeping yet?" "How is she?" "She's fine." "That's good." "Brother." "Hm?" "Nah. I'll take care of it." Riku heads to his room. "He's now starting to keep secrets from me."


Riku heads to Sunny Wedding to visit Aimee but they told him that she's not in. He then heads to her place. As soon as he gets there, he rings the doorbell but no answer.

He grabs the doorknob and realizes it's not lock. (Did she got rob?) He goes in slowly and looks around. He opens her study room door and sees her sleeping on her desk.

He was surprised. Papers shattered all around the floor. He picks it up. His eyes widened as soon as he sees the autograph on the bottom right corner. 'Ayame Yamamoto'

He looks up at Aimee, who is still sleeping. "You're Ayame." He puts the paper back where he found them. He takes off his jacket and puts over her shoulders.

He smiles. He then exit the room and heads to the kitchen. He went to make breakfast for her.


Aimee smells something. She got up. The jacket fell on the floor. She looks down and notices the jacket. (Isn't that...) she exits her study room and head out of the room. She sees him cooking. She was in a daze for a bit. (He cooks?) she snaps back and stands next to him.

"How did you get in here?" Their eyes met and he glares at her. She shrinks back. "W-What?" "You. You didn't even lock your door. You're lucky it's just me. if it's not, who knows what they will do to you." He flinks on her forehead. "Ow!" "Take precaution at least."

She pouts. "I forgot to." She rubs on her forehead. Riku turns to her. "Let me see." He blows on it. (He seems a good person...wait what am I thinking?) she moves away. "Anyways, What are you making?" "Breakfast."

They ate breakfast together. (This seems nice. It's usually mom and I.) Aimee stops eating. Riku notices. "Aimee. Aimee." "Hm?" "Whats wrong?" "Ah Nothing." She puts a smile on.

Riku just watches her enjoying her food. (It's probably about her mom.) "Hows your mom doing?" She looks up at Riku, then gives a painful smile. "She's...um..."

Riku stands up and walks up to her. He hugs her. Aimee startles. "Let it all out. It's okay. I'm here." Aimee cries her heart out while Riku hugs her tightly. (Why is it...whenever I'm with him...I lose myself....)