Bloodthirsty Manic Ring of Light

After a roar, the Twin-headed Ogre charged over leading his men. His heavy, powerful footsteps, bloodthirsty red eyes, and his giant club that was covered in blood… The hands of all who saw this became clammy. Even the barbarians led by Argus began to pant nervously, much less the cowardly Gnomes.

A twin-headed Ogre?

Yang Ling had a thought as he watched the Twin-headed Ogre approach them menacingly. To some extent, Ogres were a human-shaped Magical Beast. The mysterious Wizard Technique could tame powerful Magical Beasts, so perhaps it could also tame dull-witted races like the Ogres.

Originally, Yang Ling had been worried about how he was going to control all of the Ogres after he had captured them alive. Now it seemed that all his problems would be solved if he managed to tame the Twin-headed Ogre with his blood. It would be as simple and effective as taming the Tarantula King. Taming a king would mean that he would have indirectly obtained an army.