Old Pervert

After creating ten Magic Hunting Cards in one go, Yang Ling quickly left the space of the Wizard's Pagoda and walked quickly toward the Beast Taming Ground. He wanted to test the power of the Magic Hunting Cards with Bolso of the Sumeer people and the hunter, Viola.

Among the practitioners of the Soul of the Wild Beasts, the unique way of taming beasts created by the Sumeer people, Bolso was the frontrunner amongst the younger generation of his tribe. Be it young wolves or injured Violent Earth Bears, they would all obey Bolso without hesitation. In terms of overall abilities, he could not stand up to one of Yang Ling's fingers. But in terms of techniques to tame ferocious beasts, Yang Ling had to admit defeat.

Overall abilities was the most important thing to a troop, and that applied to the hunters as well.