
Steve nearly vomited blood in his depression, having fallen from a haughty leader to a lowly prisoner, from an influential noble to a so-called lunatic. His eyes were red with fury, his breathing rapid as he stared unblinkingly at Yang Ling. 

"Hehe, insolent lunatic!" Yang Ling thought. Seeing Steve clenching his fists and growing more and more hostile, Yang Ling let out a cold smile as he recalled how arrogant he had been in the past. He then silently recited the Wizard Mantra for the Soul Tampering Technique before shooting out an invisible bolt of a mental attack. 

Having advanced to the level of Heaven Wizard, he had begun to come into contact with powers used to control souls. He was able to erase the memories of a tarantula with his beginner-level Soul Tampering Technique, and naturally, he would be able to launch a surprise attack on Steve, whose mental state was already at a point of breakdown.