Don’t Blame Me For Being Despicable

A black robed man traversed across the Terras Forest rapidly under the thick moonlight, bringing within an afterimage that disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The low-level Magical Beasts that had come out to hunt for food could not even see the face of the black figure, much less attack it, all of them thinking that they were imagining things; A few mid to high-level Magical Beasts could instinctively feel a sense of danger, choosing to hide within the shrubs, not moving. They only moved cautiously after ascertaining that the dark figure had gone far away.

A heavy snow was falling. Icy winds that seeped straight into the bones blew. The night was like a pool of ink, making one unable to see his fingers in front of him. Other than a few starving wild beasts, no one would be roaming within the forest during such a night.