Sword Emperor

What Yang Ling saw in the cave was astonishing.

The Corpse Wizard King and the little girl called Bess were both squatting on the floor, wholly focused on observing an angora rabbit giving birth. The labor looked difficult and the baby seemed to be stuck.

The little girl gently held the pregnant rabbit in place. Her face was slightly pale from either stress or fear, but her eyes shone expectantly at the half-born baby rabbit.

The Corpse Wizard King launched into his work after instructing Bess to hold onto the struggling rabbit. He used water element magic to clean away the blood from the rabbit and cast a Regeneration Spell over it. He even dangerously attempted to tug the pink baby out of its mother's body… God knows if he was trying to help the poor rabbit, or if was he trying to kill both the rabbit and her baby!