

Looking at the naked body of the Sword Emperor Elderweiss, the women in the audience screamed after getting over their shock. Unexpectedly, they did not see any assassin. Instead, they saw an ugly scene. 

At the sudden change of events, the Sword Emperor Elderweiss' body trembled, and the lower part of his body immediately shrunk to the size of a caterpillar. His consciousness also returned. 

Humilated, furious, mad… 

After wrapping the cape around himself, he glared at Yang Ling and swiftly departed like the wind. 

"My Lord, do you want me to…" Looking at the furious eyes of the Sword Emperor Elderweiss before he left, the Corpse Wizard King did not want to let it go and was ready to pursue and kill him.

"Hmph. You slip out the back door and follow the target from a distance. Don't do anything yet!" Yang Ling snorted coldly and continued, "Remember to observe and don't take any unnecessary action!"