Saint Peter Castle

Saint Peter Castle was situated on Banto Empire's border, and a wide expanse of flat land was in front of it that lead to the continent's vast southern region, while Ural Mountain Range that stretched across 10,000 miles were behind the castle. There was a great valley in Ural Mountain Range that led to Delar Empire, but it was guarded strictly by Banto Empire. For the past innumerable years, the Church had wasted a large number of resources and manpower to make a stronghold, such as Saint Peter Castle, to control the road leading to the continent's southern region.

A whole castle was built against the mountain, and it would be better to describe it as a giant barrier rather than a large castle. It had tall walls that were made out of Ural Mountains' distinctive Ural Black Iron Ore. They were firm and stable, and they didn't suffer any damages for the past years.