Thousand-Hand Bodhisattva


The Thousand-handed Blood Vine coiled tightly around the Demonic Vine King and it thrust its sharp needle into it deeply. It absorbed eagerly the blood and energy of the Demonic Vine King's body, and its luster turned deeper gradually. It changed from a red vine into a dark scarlet vine, and it got the Demonic Vines' distinctive bright black luster.

The Thousand-handed Blood Vine was like the Demonic Vine King, and many tentacles grew out of its body. One of them had red tentacles, and the other had black ones. In the beginning, the crowd was able to distinguish who every tentacle belonged to, but after the Thousand-handed Blood Vine mutated, even a person with the best sight couldn't distinguish them any longer.

The Thousand-handed Blood Vine, that had a great innate gift, and the powerful Demonic Vine King, fused completely.