Apex Confrontation


The Three Ghost Servants were very swift, and they flew like shells toward the Moon Soul Stone in the air. They emitted an ear-piercing noise. It seemed like the high gravity, as well as the mist in the air, which could cast soul attacks, was useless against them.

The Three Ghost Servants of the Chaos Plane's Lich King were extraordinary, but it was a pity there were no weaklings, because even though those three were quite swift, the others were also quick.


As an ear-piercing tearing noise echoed out, a large scarlet palm stretched out of the void and went after the Moon Soul Stone in the air. The middle-aged man clad in a white robe intervened suddenly, and he reached the stone ahead of everyone else, even though he had gone after it later than the others. The three warriors behind him pulled out their sharp swords and pounced at the Three Ghost Servants.

"Sword's Blades Storm!"