what the...

John instantly hugged me and I wepped.

"What now? What is going to happen to me?" my voice rarely a whisper.

"I don't really know. I can try talking to-" I cut him off.

"No. You didn't know about this and if you go to father you know he will try to find out who told you" I sobbed.

"I'll lie" he shrugged.

"John? Is that you? Oh thank goodness!" exclaimed Ella. Her smile fell when she saw me with tears. Her eyes widened.

"Whats the matter? Oh we didn't hurt you did we? Oh I'm so sorry!" she panicked. I let out a small laugh and pull back from John. Wiping my eyes with my palms, I try to smile. That makes them both

raise their eyebrows. I burst out into laughter. They grin. Mission accomplished!, I thought.

"now tell me. What did you do to our sister?" she teased but kept a straight face that made her look serious. John's eyes practically bugged out.

"What did I do?! I do?! Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed. I giggled.

"Hey, leave my poor brother alone you bully" I joked.

"Yes! Yes thank you! At least someone cares" he smirked and tapped my head like I'm some four year old.

"Haha, again not funny" I crossed my arms.

"Was he ever?!" Ella laughed at her own joke. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok. Back to the fish" it came out from her mouth and just when we thought she won't laugh, she did, a squealing type.

"Im getting engaged" I sung.

"Wha- wh- wha- what did you say?" she stopped laughed and looked at me as if someone just threw a hammer on my face.

"To Damen-" but she stopped me.

"Oh! Ohohoho! Damen Enigmar? This is- this is amazing!" she screamed.

"Amazing?" I shake my head and this time I looked at her as if someone threw a hammer at her head and damaged her brain. She squealed and squeaked and it was horrifying. So much for clever and smart, said the mental voice. For the first time ever, I actually agree with you without any bickering, I thought. I sighed. It's hopeless. They don't see him the way I do. All that has brainwashed them is his looks.

"Hmm I just remembered. Mother and father has asked us to join them for dinner today. 9 pm. Sharp" she said. John and I high-fived.

"hey what about me?" she whined. I rolled my eyes and let out my hand. She give me a high-five too and smiles.

"Well then. Let's head to my room" she said.

"Ok. I'll be there at 8. Right now, I want to be left alone" I said.

"Sure" said John.

"Take care" said Ella.

"I will" I chuckled.