Dinner with the devils

The Enigmars looked up at me and I shivered.

"How lovely you look in that dress," Damen complimented. Anger raged through me, He's only playing this act to impress my father, the annoying clever voice reminded me.

"Sit down my dear," father ordered. I sat on the seat, I usually sit, Damen came up and sat across the table facing me. His parents sat right next to him. And father sat on the high rank. Our table was neatly set.

From the kitchen, came our four maids. In their uniform,a blue long dress and an apron. (Father had suggested that the maids should be dressed in grey, but mother confessed that it would look dull and they want something bright. After all women aren't slaves and they should be allowed to look lovely too.) Each of them had a huge plate in their hands and two had a big bowel.

They slowly put them on the table and lift off the silver covers. The first plate had salad, second ha add chicken soup, third had vegetable rive and the last had chocolate vanilla cake. I wait for the maid to add food in my plate and i dare peek to Damen He stared at his plate, but looked up and caught me looking at him, making his lips curve into a smile. I immediately looked down and blushed.

I mutter a 'thank you' to my server and she leaves. When everyone's plate is full, we eat. I start with the salad, then the rice ( I left half the plate full), and last for dessert we had cake. I wasn't even realizing that i was that hungry! Father always orders the maids to fill up my plate. Looking over my shoulder, I realized that someone was missing.

"Where is mother, father?" I frowned.

"...She was tired after all the work this morning and decided she needed to rest" he answered.

"Shame. It would have been our pleasure to meet Helan" said Glace in that fake accent of hers.

"Yes. A shame" father repeated but he didn't quite sound pleased with her.

"Master Konan, I suggest you bring the topic up..." said Idris, impatiently.

"Hm now? I was thinking after dinner" father said.

"Of course. What ever you wish upon your desires" Idris exclaimed.

"Thank you, Idris" father replied. I raise my eyes to look at the unhappy faces of the Enigmars.

"Is business all settled, father?" I asked.

"Yes dear" he answered. Damen's plate is full and he hasn't even took a bite. He's just picking his salad but not aiming it for his mouth. After looking at him for a while, something was different about him. His white skin was a lot paler, almost like chalk type. And his eyes glowed. He has changed, a lot. He's possibly could be wearing beauty powder, that funny thought made me chuckle and he glanced at me, frowning.

"I have eaten and I take my leave" I announced.

"I am finished too" said Damen. I raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. I assume the children have eaten. Marissa do me favor" father said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"it would be very kind if you to show our guest Damen around the mansion and how things go" he smiled.

"D-damen? What about his parents?" I blinked.

"They'll be here with me. We have some important things to discuss. You are dismissed" He said. oh great, what's next? Show Damen how to sit on a horse? I thought.

"Follow me, Sir Damen" I trailed