Keep Hidden

After I had closed the windows and went back to sleep, my nightmares haunted me and threatened me. I wanted to wake up, but everything felt so real that I was awake already. It was the same nightmare, replaying again,and again whenever I slept.

It was a nice sunny day and I decided to ride Laura to the forest. The scene changes and I was already riding her. It was a beautiful spring day with the flowers at every step, green grass that shimmered in the sun, blue sky with clouds so white that they looked like fluffy. Laura neighed and came to a halt she sniffed her surroundings She then moved slowly so her hooves didn't tap the ground that hard. I frowned at her.

"What is it?" I whispered to her which was stupid since she could only snort a reply.

"Danger" Laura spoke. I gaped. I shook my head sharply and reminded myself that she's a horse and she can't talk.

"Yes I can" she nudged me.

"No you can't"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't" I said calmly.

"Then why are you talking to me?"

" Well... Because- you spoke!"

"You asked me" she exhaled. Eh, she's got a point. Just go along with it!, scolded the mental voice. Alright!

"Why have we stopped?" I asked.

"I smell something" she said.

" What?" I frowned. She sniffed again.

"A horse and a human"

"Oh. You do know that people are always travelling. They might be resting. Come on, get moving" I said politely.

"I can't, madame. The human doesn't smell right" she said. What? Do they stink? I raised my eyebrows. I jumped of her and run to the big hollow but she grabs my sleeve by her teeth to hold me back. I shook her off and run to the hollow. There was a black horse and his owner was crouched under a tree, and ducking his head in his arms. He was breathing evenly.

" Are you ok, Sir?" I asked. I stayed almost ten inches away from him and knelt down. He still didn't look up.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"That would be wonderful" he said in a dried and creepy voice. After he looked up at me, my world died and I experienced a murderous pain. That was when I remembered Damen's pale skin and the killers, why Damen made me uncomfortable around him, because he was him. After I woke up, I was sweating and poured a glass of water to drink.

That helped and I sighed. What was I thinking? Damen, it can't be him, I thought. But it could make sense. I shook my head and shoved the evil memory back where I wanted it to stay, not it keeping showing up in my dreams.