A happy ending (Last Chapter)

The next day, Damen and I were at my Mansion and it surprised my parents. Mother embraced me in her arms and sobbed. Father and Damen shook hands. Mother and father didn't say anything and I understood. IF they would've said something, I would've wished to stay here forever.

The twins came running down the stairs and hugged me too

"Marissa! Oh our sweet little sister where have you been? Tell me everything!" Nora exclaimed. I gave a quick look at Damen and he slowly shook his head.

"Um, I can't stay and talk. I just came here to see how you all were doing," I smiled.

"Things are a little different but we are fine," Ella gave a sad smile.

"Hello dear sister. And where have you been? What a terrible husband you have!" John stormed in the hall. Damen didn't give him a glare because he knew what he did. He lowered his head. John cuddled me and I laughed.

"I was joking, Damen," John said quickly. Damen laughed. Yeah, I guess we all were getting along and that was all that mattered. Except for Glace and Idris... They would be shocked that Damen has turned his back at them and for sure they would want me dead.

After dinner that day, Damen and I said our goodbyes and we took our leave. There stood Blackwel, his horse, tied around a tree. We came with a Jeep and we leave with a horse? Classic.

"A ride for the lady," Damen bowed. I laughed and curled my hands behind his neck and kissed him.

I sat behind him on the horse and Blackwel galloped us back to the Enigmars. Just as I had expected, Glace and Idris weren't happy about this at all and my every movement made them flinch. Damen protectively his arm on my waist and took me upstairs to our room. I laid next to him on the bed. He was thinking something. I hugged my arms.

"What are they going to do?" I whispered.

"I don't know, Marissa," he murmured. I sighed.

"Don't worry my dear. You have me, I'll keep you safe. Besides they are my parents and I know how to deal with them," he chuckled.

"How would you deal with them?" I teased. He glanced at me.

"Well we aren't the only Enigmars, others are the same with greed of money but most of them are generous who know it's wrong to be in haste. I'll take you there someday. To meet the others," he smiled. I leaned forward.

"But they all are vampires too, aren't they?" I whispered. He nodded and brushed my hair back.

"But I'm not a vampire, they'll hate me too," I closed my eyes.

"Your great just as you are or what you are. You don't need to be a vampire to show them how amazing you are," he laughed. I blushed.

"Come now, Marissa! What's there to blush about? Your also presenting your family," he chided. I laughed.

"I guess I am. So are we going somewhere tomorrow?" I hoped.

"Of course. Hmm let's see... How about the Wolan March?" he joked. I clung my hand on my heart.

"You know I'm not serious, right?" he assured. I laughed.

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed.

"Good," he laughed too.

"Our anniversary is coming up," I said.

"Really? That fast! How long have we been married?" he teased. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Its been a year," I reminded.

He kissed my forehead.

"I know that!" he exclaimed. I grinned. He curled his arms around me and kissed me.
