With Core Technology at Hand

Wang Quan Long was full of himself lately. Wherever he went, he was smiling. He went to many dinners and talks, and received numerable awards on stage. Not only had he regained the 20 kilograms of weight that he had lost due to the strain of producing the mechanical joints, but he had also gained an additional 10 kilograms. His face became round and his stomach was protruded. When he lowered his head, his chin would become two. A specific person had already started asking him to lose weight. But he was in glee! He would lose weight whenever he felt like doing so, and that person could do nothing to him.

Hehe, now at home, I will have the final say!

When he showed a little sign of rebellion and was unwilling to obey in front of that person, however, it did not go well. "Wang Quan Long! Roll to the living room, don't even think of getting into my bed for three days!" The furious tigress immediately quashed his rebellion.