Army of Inferior Brands

When news of Xing Hai Technologies' conference reached the M nation, Google was flustered. It was impossible for them to maintain calm and remain complacent toward the threat of Star Cloud OS.

Even if Star Cloud was still struggling on a technical level and underperformed when compared to the Android system, it still posed a colossal threat because Xing Hai Technologies was wealthy. They had hundreds of billions of dollars in cash flow.

Money was the mightiest superpower in this world. With Xing Hai Technologies handing out hundreds of billions of dollars in disregard of return, they could shape a complete ecosystem of applications within two to three years' time.

Not to mention that Star Cloud OS was not bad at all. With the addition of Work Assistant, which was capable of hiking programming efficiency by 10-fold, they would be screwed. In at most one year's time, Xing Hai Technologies' Star Cloud OS would expand into a frightening leviathan.