Golden Age

Ling Jundong embarked on a journey to Russia bringing along Chen Jin's quest for him.

About one week later, after several rounds of talks and negotiations that were bestrewn in twists and turns.

On the 20th of November.

Ling Jundong called back, "Mr. Chen, I've fulfilled your orders. I've principally come to a done deal with the Russian leaders. They will provide us with water supplies at 10 cents per ton while we provide them our services to upgrade the Tree of Knowledge to the university level, sell them our Virtual Factory with simulation degrees of 99.99% and gift them 0.1 in game credits for each ton of water they sell us. The agreement has already been signed. The terms agreed on is not over the bottom line that you have drawn."

In the call, Ling Jundong sounded awfully tired, frail, and unenergetic. Most certainly that, for him, the negotiations these few days was not easy, it could be described as immensely difficult!