Meeting In Person

"Go back home?"

Chen Jin understood what she meant, "You want to come back to Haierfa, is that right?"

"Yes," Mu Yunhua nodded. "I want to go back and take a look around.

This my strongest desire. Can you help me achieve it?"

"But we've promised that you can't return to Haierfa before the All-Stars Federation conquer a million stars...You have not reached this goal yet."

"I know, but I can't wait that long. I want to go back earlier just to see it. Even if it's only for a short time, I still want to see how's my hometown now."

At this point in the conversation, a sheen of tears had appeared in her eyes.

It had been too long.

It had been too long a time since they left.

It had been so long that a lot of familiar memories had gradually disappeared. Memories had faded and many continued to disappear. That restraining rope that was tightly tied would soon be unable to bind her soul.