
Chapter 2135: Agitation

Lin Feng watched the battle. He realized that the strong cultivator of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan practiced the Kalpa Indestrutible Deva-Mara Skill and he mastered it better than him. Even though he practiced that skill, he only had a part of it, at the Di Qi layer, he wouldn't be able to practice it anymore. He also rarely relied on skills to fight. He relied on skills to level up, improve his strength and soul strength.

But the strong cultivator of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan was different. He had an advanced knowledge and understanding of the Kalpa Indestrutible Deva-Mara skill. There were many details Lin Feng didn't know about. That guy also used several special powers and special sorts of strength from the sill. After all, the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan was the clan who had created the Kalpa Indestrutible Deva-Mara, Lin Feng couldn't compete with them. Of course, Lin Feng didn't rely on skills that much.

The bestial looking young man was also terrifying. His physical strength was also great so he didn't fear his opponent. Their battle made the earth and the sky shake violently. It drew many people's attention who rushed over.

"It's a member of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan against a member of the Rhinoceros Head Clan." many people recognized the two fighters. The Deva-Mara Thunder Clan was a clan from the Eastern Town in Godly Clouds City, they were very famous there. And the Rhinoceros Head Clan's members were mixed, they had human and animal characteristics, they were brutal and extremely strong.

"Everybody says that the members of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan have an incredible physical strength, but I don't think they're as strong as people think." whispered someone. Many people turned their heads and looked at the one who had just talked. He was young and was wearing fine clothes.

"It's them. They like to talk idly about important matters." said someone smiling. Everybody recognized that young man.

"Pellet Kings Clan, those people are extremely strong doctors but a short time ago, one of their members lost. Now they want to regain face." thought the crowd. Many people kept talking about them in the Eastern Town of Godly Clouds City. The Pellet Kings Clan which was a king clan didn't like losing face. They had to regain face. So they had to provoke, battle and regain face.

Maybe that the Pellet Kings Clan's leaders didn't even care about young people's battles, however, young people were proud and couldn't accept their defeat.

When Lin Feng heard those people, he understood those young people from the Pellet Kings Clan, he immediately had one thought. Mu Chen's soul wasn't completely healed. And Saint Qin Shan also needed an incredible remedy to recover. Maybe that that clan could help him.

However, to obtain medicine from the Pellet Kings Clan wouldn't be easy. And if an ordinary person tried to get close to them, maybe that they would think that person was trying to take advantage of them and their resources.

The battle was more and more explosive. The cultivator of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan was surrounded by Deva-Mara Kalpa lights, terrifying Kalpa lights descended from the sky unceasingly and bombarded him. He borrowed the strength of the Kalpa lights to fight. He seemed to be becoming stronger and stronger.

"That's how terrifying the Kalpa Indestrutible Deva-Mara skill can get when you have the full set." thought Lin Feng. He didn't have the full set, he just had a part of it. But still he benefited a lot from it.

The young man of the Rhinoceros Head Clan was extremely strong but in the end he lost anyway, he was bombarded away and coughed blood. He looked at his opponent and said: "Next time, we'll have the opportunity to fight again."

Then, he left, furious.

The crowd looked at the young man of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan, many people's eyes were filled with admiration. He was extremely strong. No wonder that everybody admired their clan. Their Demon Skills were terrifying.

At that moment, the young man looked at the members of the Pellet Kings Clan and smiled in a cold way: "Losers dare talk about me? Ridiculous."

"Is that so? You have a powerful physical body, so what? You don't know spells." said a young man of the Pellet Kings Clan jumping forwards. Everybody was excited. That young man from the Pellet Kings Clan had the strength of the top of the Huang Qi layer and was considered as extremely strong within his own clan, his name was Wang Sheng

"Wang Sheng, you want to fight against me to regain face? Why don't you go and find Lei Dong Tian?" said the young man of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan. He knew that that cultivator was extremely strong, he was one of the best young people of the Pellet Kings Clan. Even his physical strength was incredible.

"I will when I have the opportunity. And regarding the defeat of last time, it was just an accident. If I had been there, we wouldn't have lost, especially against some from Red Clouds." said Wang Sheng indifferently. Then, he shook his hand and fire appeared. The temperature around him became scorching hot, his arm turned into flames, there were fissures in his skin too. He looked ferocious.

"Besides, I will use physical strength, not fire or pellet techniques, so for someone like you, fighting against me using physical strength should be easy." said Wang Sheng smiling. Now that he had said that the young man of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan couldn't refuse anymore. He said in an ice-cold way: "Alright, we'll try."

Then, he did a knifehand strike and Deva-Mara Kalpa strength descended from the sky and bombarded his arm. His arm became black, filled with demon lights. Some Deva-Mara Kalpa thunders also struck him unceasingly. Crackling and spluttering sounds spread in the air.

"I'm going to attack." Wang Sheng turned into a light beam, he looked like a shooting star. Some people had the impression they were hallucinating. Fireballs crashed onto the strong cultivator from the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan and he punched the fireball.

"Slash, slash…" the strong cultivator of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan was bombarded away and pulled a long face. His arm, and especially his fist, felt extremely sore. Some strength even penetrated into his arm.

"That's not physical strength, that's just trickery!" said someone at that moment. Lin Feng turned around and saw two men and two women. They looked furious.

"Why?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at those people.

"He said he'd use physical strength but he secretly used fire energy. Doctors control Fire Dao, it's terrifyingly strong. Using physical strength against them is dangerous and it's easy to get injured." said a young man in an ice-cold way. He didn't whisper, everybody could hear him. Their white clothes fluttered in the wind. They looked extremely strong and extraordinary. They looked inherently noble. They didn't look like ordinary people at all. They wouldn't dare talk that way if it were the case anyway.

As expected, Wang Sheng looked at them and said: "It's them."

At that moment, the young people of the Pellet Kings Clan moved forwards at the same time and released an ice-cold energy.

"So what? You want to try again and compare our medical competences? Last time, you lost, and now you challenged someone and said you'd use physical strength but in the end you didn't." the four of them moved forwards fearlessly and Qi invaded the atmosphere. They were probably from the same clan as the one who had defeated the young man of the Pellet Kings Clan the previous time.

"Since you like to resort to trickery, let's resort to trickery. We can compare ourselves in term of medical concoctions, but before that, let's compare our strength, you can also resort to trickery though." said Wang Sheng indifferently, proudly and arrogantly. Flames suddenly appeared all around him, they looked like dazzling dragons.

"If you want to fight, then fight." The few people looked proud and arrogant. They all released fire.

"There's a different kind of Qi in their fire. Wang Sheng's fire contains absorbing and piercing strength. Those people's fire is explosive, brutal, and soft at the same time. The cultivation world can be very strange sometimes. And doctors have different types of fire, that fire is condensed and contains hidden strength."

whispered Lin Feng. At that moment, Wang Sheng frowned and looked at those four people, he smiled and said: "No rush. Let's agree on a time, same place as last time, and then we can fight, what do you think?"

The four people smiled in an ice-cold way. One of them said indifferently: "You want to fight and get your revenge, we accept. We'll see how strong the Pellet Kings Clan is."

"You'll see. Since I chose the location, you can choose the time." said Wang Sheng.

"In three days." replied the people from Red Clouds directly.

"Alright, I'll wait for you there." said Wang Sheng in a cold way. His eyes were jade green. He looked at Lin Feng, or more precisely, at Lin Feng's fire lion.

"Your Excellency, I'd like to exchange your fire beast?" said Wang Sheng in a calm and serene way. That fire lion was a Great Imperial Beast, a fire-type beast.

The fire lion roared furiously, then he looked at Lin Feng. He was a Great Imperial Beast, he perfectly understood what those people wanted.

"He's my friend. He doesn't want to leave me." said Lin Feng smiling.

"Think about it, any price." said Wang Sheng.

"No need. I don't want to exchange him." said Lin Feng petting his fire lion's head. He didn't want to exchange his beast."

"Are you sure?" asked Wang Sheng insisting. Flames appeared in his hands and he started playing with them.

Lin Feng realized that Wang Sheng wasn't very friendly. He said indifferently: "You talk a lot, don't you?"

Wang Sheng was stupefied and then smiled: "Sorry for annoying you, Your Excellency."

Then, he smiled at Lin Feng again, waved and left with his friends.