First Master

Chapter 2138: First Master

After that, many people smiled. They understood what he meant. Everything was important on the path of cultivation, the three energies of were blood strength, physical strength and Dao strength. They couldn't lack any of it, but it was normal that cultivators had to focus on one of them sometimes. Everybody progressed differently. Many people liked to focus on one and considered it as the most important.

Maybe that some people just tried to convince themselves too.

"Without a good physical strength, how can you have the body of a Saint, how can you transcend worldliness and attain holiness?" said someone smiling indifferently and not sparing a glance for the one who had just talked.

The one who had just talked said nothing but stared at him. He was waiting.

"Cultivators seek enlightenment. The chiliocosm of the Great Tao contains the ten thousands things of creation. Only people who who break free from the chiliocosm of the Great Tao can transcend worldliness and attain holiness."

said that person in a calm and serene way. He was talking about Dao and principles. He sounded indifferent too. He was saying something completely different from the one who had just talked. The other one sounded free and unrestrained, he looked like a person like that too, he was handsome and he had no expression. However, he looked cold and emotionless.

"So what you mean is that your Dao is more powerful than mine?" said that person looking at the one who looked emotionless. He sounded indifferent.

"Stronger than yours, at least." said that person on the same tone. He sounded confident and sure.

"So let's try and we'll see." said the other one smiling in an ice-cold way. He knew his interlocutor really wanted to try.

"In the Ye Clan, you can't kill people. We are guests here. I'll give the Ye Clan face, because when I fight, I'm emotionless." said the other one. He was telling that he didn't want to fight because he wanted to give the Ye Clan face, when he fought, it was to kill. The other one was surprised and pulled a long face, he looked at Ye Ning and said: "Ye Ning, can we battle to death, please?"

"Eh…" Ye Ning pulled a long face. He looked at them, smiled wryly and nodded: "Since you are both so determined, please do. But the best would still be not to kill anyone."

the crowd understood that Ye Ning was saying that to be polite. Actually, he didn't really care about those people's death. He was there to select fighters. Losers were eliminated. For him, whether those people died or were eliminated, it was the same. There was no different. He was just the leader of the Eastern Part. The Ye Clan prohibited battles to death just to avoid ending up in a chaotic situation, but if both sides agreed, they had no objection.

That cultivator suddenly stood up when he heard that and suddenly, his three energies rolled in waves explosively and moved towards the other young man.

"Dong!" He jumped forwards and a terrifying energy moved towards the enemy. He wanted to attack his enemy's heart and soul. His energies were explosive.

"That guy is extremely strong. He must be as strong as the strong cultivator of the Deva-Mara Thunder Clan's cultivator. He's a real genius." said Ru Feng in a calm and serene way. However, Yao Yao laughed and said: "Brother Ru Feng, you're definitely stronger than him."

Ru Feng laughed giving a noncommittal reply. At that moment, the emotionless cultivator finally stood up and released Qi in a calm and serene way. There was no terrifying Qi. However, at that moment, he made a step forwards and emotionless energies started whistling.

"How cold." the emotionless fighter's energies were ice-cold. Everybody felt cold. People had the impression they were becoming evil and emotionless.

"Emotionlessness Dao." Ru Feng and the others looked stupefied. That guy was extremely strong, he was stronger than his opponent who thus had to be extremely vigilant. The emotionless fighter's energies had fused together with the earth and the sky, they resonated with the cosmos.

"On the path of cultivation, Dao is the most important thing, being emotionless is a perfect way to achieve enlightenment." said that person in a calm and serene way. His energies continued resonating with the earth and the sky. He made another step forwards, emotionless determination continued emerging from his body and piercing through his opponent's body making him emotionless.

The one who attached more importance to the three energies was oppressed, his face turned deathly pale. The emotionless determination surrounded him.

"On the path of cultivation, Dao is the most important thing, being emotionless is a perfect way to achieve enlightenment." that was arrogant, wild, violent. It resonated all around the stage.

"Die!" the opponent shouted explosively, his three energies rolled in waves. He roared in a thundering rage. He wanted to destroy the emotionless energies, however, the emotionless cultivator made another step, there were millions of threads of emotionless energies piercing through his body.

"Emotionlessness Dao is unstoppable. Not even the earth and the sky can stop it." said the emotionless cultivator emotionlessly. His energies still resonated with the earth and the sky. He made another step. The opponent's three energies and Dao power were instantly destroyed. Finally, he was standing there without any Qi.

"How strong." When the crowd saw that, they were astonished and frowned. That guy was terrifying. They were all geniuses, they came from everywhere in the Continent of the Nine Clouds. But they all thought that guy was a real genius. He had just killed another genius easily: nothing can stop emotionless Dao.

At that moment, the emotionless energies disappeared. Lin Feng understood why Empress Xi had made Qiu Yue Xin practiced emotionless cultivation. Qiu Yue Xin hadn't managed to become that strong but emotionlessness cultivation was extremely powerful and terrifying. That guy had just proved it.

"Three thousand threads of emotionless strength, the Three Thousand Deadly Technique, Prince Wu Qing, you're Prince Wu Qing!" said someone at that moment, that person frowned and looked stupefied. Everybody's facial expression slightly changed. They were fixedly staring at him. Those people came from the Region of the Dark Night so they recognized him but people from other regions didn't, was Prince Wu Qing very famous?

In the Continent of the Nine Clouds, there were nine regions, there was little communication between them. Therefore, even though Prince Wu Qing was famous in the Continent of the Nine Clouds, few people knew him in other regions.

Wu Qing glanced at him indifferently and went back to where he was seated before. He looked calm and serene. Even though he didn't confirm, everybody understood who he was.

Prince Wu Qing was the first Master of the Region of the Dark Night. No wonder he was extremely strong. That young man stood at the top of the Region of the Dark Night amongst emperors. Even on the stage of the Ye Clan, he had displayed his strength.

"Prince Wu Qing is very famous?" Yao Yao's eyes twinkled. Lin Feng said: "Prince Wu Qing is the first Master of the Region of the Dark Night so he's famous, yes."

"First Master of the Region of the Dark Night? No wonder he's so strong. He killed a genius with Dao power." Ru Feng looked stupefied. That guy's strength was really terrifying.

"Brother Lin Feng, you're also from the Region of the Dark Night, who is stronger between you and Prince Wu Qing?" asked Yao Yao smiling.

"Yao Yao." said Zi Ling rolling his eyes. She didn't think before talking. Since Wu Qing was the first Master of the Region of the Dark Night, how could there be anyone stronger than him at the same cultivation level?

"We've never fought so I don't know." replied Lin Feng smiling. Yao Yao smiled and looked at Zi Ling mockingly.

Many people remained silent because of Prince Wu Qing. Ye Ning had already asked someone to dispose of the corpse. However, nobody said anything. They wouldn't have thought the first Master of a region would be there, in the Ye Clan.

"Don't feel awkward, continue talking about cultivation. If you don't feel like talking, please tell me about the first masters of each region, I'd be happy to know more." said Ye Ning breaking the silence and smiling.

"Brother Ye Ning, who's the first master of Godly Clouds?" asked someone.

"Right, Godly Clouds is the central region, geniuses mostly come from here. There are many geniuses here. I also want to know about the first master of Godly Clouds." said someone else. They all wanted to know more about the geniuses of Godly Clouds. After all, so many strong cultivators of the Huang Qi layer had gathered there, people of other cultivation levels were together.

Godly Clouds was the central part of the Continent of the Nine Clouds, so of course, there were more geniuses there. Were the strongest cultivators of Godly Clouds stronger there? For example, who was the strongest master of the nine regions?

"The first Master of Godly Clouds?" Ye Ning smiled and gazed into the distance in a solemn and respectful way. One could see he admired the first Master of Godly Clouds as well.

"The first Master of Godly Clouds comes from Holy Mountain, almost everyone who comes from there is a genius. Most geniuses also come from there." said Ye Ning smiling thinly. Everybody looked solemn and respectful too now: Holy Mountain, some people had heard about it.