
101: The Mock Battle Before The Start Of The Test 2

After hearing that the interesting part was about to begin, Alex licked his lower lip. Strangely Gracier was also doing the same.

Clearing his throat, Conrad looked at Alex for a moment before speaking.

Alex had a bad feeling about this.

''Like most of you are aware of Alex's strength after witnessing his duels. There will be no need for him to battle because you have seen how he fight.''

Some of the Adventurers seem to not appreciate this news. Alex couldn't help but sigh. Being glared at by Conrad they quickly shut down whatever complaints they had.

Suddenly, Eleonora lifted her hand, glancing at her Conrad asked.

''What is it? Eleonora.''

''Nothing, I'm just saying if I win my fight, can I fight against Alex?"

Conrad thought for a moment before nodding his head, Eleonora immediately overjoyed and winked at Alex, the latter smiled. He was also wanting to exchange blows with the mysterious girl. His wish had just been granted, Alex couldn't be happier.

Conrad decided to move on.

''First round Eleonora vs Golfak.''

Hearing who his opponent was, Golfak grinned while making a cracking sound with his head.

''You will see how I'll thrash you,'' Golfak said with a vicious grin. Eleonora didn't even waste her breath on the clown as she moved to the center of the training ground, positioning herself at a reasonable distance.

Meanwhile, seeing how heated up Golfak seemed to be, Conrad sighed and advised.

''I'll say this first, in the end, this is a mock battle. The aim is to examine each other in the open and know their abilities, the real rank up test is the clearing of Dulia's village occupied by monsters. So, don't get too heated about it.''

Alex, Gracier, and everyone else who was there nodded at Conrad's words.

''Are there any questions?" Conrad asked after noticing his message was understood.

Nobody said anything which means there was no question.

''Begin then''

Conrad gave the signal to start the match.

Golfak a scornful humph to Eleonora before unsheathed his Magic sword, on the other side Eleonora had a blank look as she also took out a dagger.

Even though Golfak was dissatisfied with Eleonora and kept taunting her, it does mean he thought little of her, it was just a way to fool her, to destabilize her.


Golfak gave a loud cry before kicking the ground and launched an attack toward Eleonora, the latter nimbly dodged. Scoffing Golfak slashed at her from another angle, Eleonora once again dodged with a minimal effort.

Seeing this, brought some bad memories, Eleonora was dodging his attacks as if they were nothing.


Giving another cry, Golfak started slashing at Eleonora from left to right repeatedly, yet Eleonora keeps dodging with a minimum of movement.

Alex was smiling thinking 'I knew this girl is not weak.' Gracier was also smiling because she knew Eleonora was strong, not stronger than her brother but maybe at the same level. She had spent three days with the girl after all.

Conrad and the others were looking at Eleonora with a look of appreciation.

Meanwhile, Golfak was getting pissed off as the girl keep dodging like an agile monkey.

''It seems that the only thing you know it's to keep dodging like a monkey.'' He tried to taunt Eleonora, however to his disappointment, she only smiled.

''Huh! You want to play it like this.'' Golfak said before pouring his MP into his new Magic Sword,

[Strengthening] he mumbled.

The blade glowed in purplish hue and covered Golfak's body, suddenly he began to attack with a lot of strength behind his attacks, he was like a bull, yawning Eleonora finally used her dagger and blocked Golfak superhuman attack with so much ease that it left one aghast.

''What?" Golfak shouted with wide eyes.

Alex raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but smile, he started to feel something, a sudden thrill to battle this girl.

〖This girl is sure interesting. Don't you think too, Master?〗Silveria said after a long yawn. Alex wondered what she has been doing for her to yawn so much. She seemed tired.

'I think too.'

Shaking his head Alex answered before continue watching the interesting match.

Golfak gritted his teeth, no matter how much he thinks about it, he did not understand why could a thief rivals him in terms of strength? Especially when he was using his Magic sword special ability [Strengthening], this ability increase his Attack power in the exchange of a lot of MP.

Shaking his head in front of the absurdness Eleonora represented, Golfak decided to quickly finish things before he runs out of MP.

Jumping back he readied his sword for his next attack, he was going to use his skill

[Cross Slash].

Pouring more MP into the sword, he was ready to attack when suddenly Eleonora who was in front of him turned blurry and disappeared.

''Shit'' Golfak cussed and hastily tried to stop his skill, he was having a bad premonition, Eleonora's move resembles Alex's move a lot, he quickly tried to turn back, however, he suddenly heard Eleonora's voice, she did not appear behind as he was expecting, but in the front of him with her dagger held against his throat.

Golfak gulped of fear, he felt a chill down his spine hearing Eleonora's next words.

''I've done playing with you. Be aware that I will not tolerate any other disrespect in my regards from now on or I won't be nice. If this wasn't a mock battle you would have become a cold corpse by now. It's good to boast, however, beware of your opponent's strength first.''

She sent him a death stare before proceeding to removes her dagger from his neck however only after leaving a small cut there.

Golfak's legs almost turned to jelly. He was trembling, he had never been so scared in his life, he had forgotten about the humiliation of him losing even after boasting so much. He couldn't be helped, the death stare Eleonora gave him scared the daylight of him. In those cold eyes, he felt like Ant, that could be squashed at any moment, he felt so insignificant that it almost makes him go crazy.

Meanwhile, while Golfak was lost in thought, Eleonora departed without waiting for Conrad to announce her victory, on her way back she winked at Alex as if to say did you like what you see?

Grinning Alex nodded not hiding his battle lust, his blood was seething, telling him to go immediately battle Eleonora. Truth be told he was astonished by her early move. Her movement skill must be like his.

Finally, the crowd started reacting.

''Holy shit. She wins so easily, I haven't seen it coming, not all.''

''Indeed, I would have never thought this plain-looking girl would be that strong. I wonder what was that movement skill she used earlier?"

''I wonder too. It looks like the one The Rookie used. Either way, I want this girl in my party.''

''Me too.''

The noises after Eleonora's overwhelming victory wasn't less than the one Lucien received after finishing his self-introduction.

Adventurers were like this, they would show interest in every promising rookie they'll see, because a promising in one's party equal an increase of survival chance when taking a dangerous mission, and the most important reason was with someone like Alex, Lucien, or Eleonora in your party, you were bound to be on the spotlight, to become famous.

Who wouldn't want this? Everybody wants to be famous, every Adventurers dream of this, it could be said it one of the primary goal of being Adventurer, you want money, and fame, you want your name, the name of your party to spread far and wide, you want to leave your legacies, your story behind for the future generations, that's what it means be Adventurer.

Back to the Training ground.

Eleonora was unfazed by all the look of adulation she was receiving as she went back to sit, waiting for her battle with Alex. She also couldn't wait to test Alex's skills. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but grin.

Finally sighing while thinking that Eleonora had hidden pretty well, Conrad smiled nonetheless. This batch of rookies taking part in the rank-up test was promising with a lot of monsters in it. He was looking forward to the day they would all become higher ranked Adventurers, and who knows maybe they would remember that he, Conrad had one supervised, supervised their first rank up test.

Shaking his head, Conrad smiled bitterly thinking 'Probably not.'

''Okay, the first match ends with Eleonora's victory. Let move to the second match, in this match Gracier, will be opposing Sebastian.'' Conrad announced with his eyes locked on the two.

The two stood up and went positioning themselves ready for the battle.

102: The Mock Battle Before The Start Of The Test 3

The training ground located on floor zero of Erica's city guild branch. Opposite to Gracier was Sebastian, another test participant who was taking the same rank up test.

This was the second match, the first one had just ended with Eleonora's overwhelming victory.

Looking at both participants, Conrad nodded his head before giving the signal to start the match.


Sebastian immediately decided to attack Gracier because it was a well know tactic that when you are fighting against a Mage, you must immediately attack to not let him/her have the time to complete a spell.

Kicking the ground Sebastian dashed toward Gracier.

Alex smiled, Sebastian's move could have worked if Alexandra was long at chanting, unfortunately, she was faster and now that she acquired the Chantless Magic skill, she was a headache to fight against, Alex almost lost when he fought her a few days ago.

Midway through his dash, Sebastian hastily stopped and rolled on the ground avoiding Gracier's fireball, she had created instantly.

''What Instant casting?"

''She is not bad.''

The Adventurers watching the match started making noises after witnessing Gracier inta-cast a fireball spell.

Smiling bitterly, Sebastian couldn't only switch tactic, his previous one wouldn't work anyway because the girl could instantly cast fireball, this was enough to keep him at bay, the only solution he was left with was to continue to attack until Gracier runs out of MP before himself became out of stamina.

Sighing, Sebastian continued to attack, and Gracier keeps shooting fireballs at him. Sometimes Sebastian would move so fast he almost succeeds coming closer to Gracier, however, he was forced back by Gracier fireballs that keeps hovering in the air as if telling him not to come too close.

They keep doing this, the crowd was getting bored by this stalemate, for them even if Gracier could do Chantless Magic she was bound to lose because she keeps only firing Fireballs, and soon she will run out of MP, and at that time Sebastian who had more stamina will finish her.

Some of them glanced at Alex to see what he was thinking about her sister performance, the crowd had expected Gracier to be good as her brother, however, it was not the case. When those Adventurers glanced at Alex, they were shocked by what they saw, instead of showing disappointment because of his sister performance, he was smiling, he was even shaking his head as if amused by what his sister was doing.

They were astonished, they quickly refocused on the ongoing match and it was when they saw something that left them completely dumbfounded.

Gracier suddenly smile while muttering,

''Let's end this.''

[Hear my call and rise, I command thee to Blossom: Dance of the Fire Lotus]

Suddenly, from the ground numerous fire lotus started forming, strangely these Fire Lotus rise from the previous location where the fireballs crashed.

Sensing that it was going to be a bad end for him, Sebastian kicked the ground and tried to leaps back as far he could to avoid the spreading Fire Lotus, unfortunately, the progression of the Fire Lotus were extremely fast, wherever a previous fireball had fallen to, a lot of Fire Lotus would bloom from there, let's not forget that Gracier had fired dozens of Fireball.

Sebastian was forced to fall back on the ground and around him were numerous Fire Lotuses that started combining into one and a big Fire Lotus with Sebastian in the middle, the Fire Lotus's leaves keep rotating at a fast speed as if performing some kind of dance.

It was beautiful, Sebastian who was in middle did not get burned but only sweat a bucket while feeling extremely hot. He knew it was Gracier being lenient if not he would be burned to crips.

Sebastian could not help but smile eyes filled with bitterness, he has been played, earlier Gracier kept shooting fireballs randomly, he avoided them, however, it seems that she was doing that on purpose to accomplish this big spell, she could have finished him but she decided to toy with him instead, how vicious. Sebastian thought, before raising his hand to indicate his surrender.

The Fire Lotus disappeared shortly after, Sebastian's legs turned soft, he crouched down with his clothes completely soaked.

There was a long silence before another commotion started.

''As I thought, there was no way Alex's sister would be weak. What an incredible spell. Even from here I still feel the heat, I pity that Swordsman who was in the middle of the Fire Lotus.''


Here and there was a lot of discussion on Gracier amazing spell. Eleonora was smiling, even she was caught off guard with this flashy spell.

Meanwhile, Conrad finally closed his mouth he had kept open when Gracier spell that almost covered half of the training ground, for a moment he had considered intervening if the spell went out of control.

Fortunately, Gracier had it perfectly under control, her control had been so perfect that, the ground did not burn too much, nor Sebastian was injured because Conrad knew if Gracier wanted to, she would have unleashed the full power of her spell and burned everything. That spell was capable of doing it.

Shaking his head, he looked at Gracier with a look of appreciation and gratitude for having hold back and announced.

''The second match end with Gracier's victory. Nice spell by the way.''

''Thank you,'' Gracier said before leaving the stage.

Once beside her brother, she smiled as if to say what do you think?

Ruffling her hair, Alex said ''Good but you could have ended the match earlier though. Why use that flashy spell?"

Gracier smiled and with an innocent smile she replied, ''Don't you say to make it big?"

Alex facepalmed, indeed he had said that but not in the sense Gracier took it, he was suggesting to quickly finish the swordsman.

〖Next time explain yourself better.〗Silveria chided him.

Alex could only smile wryly in response, it was his fault for not explaining enough.

''Let's move on to the third match. Lucien Colton vs Meera Leaf.''

''By the way, Meera, you will not use your bow only use your Spirit Magic. Well, we are all curious to witness your race special magic.''

Conrad added everybody nodded their heads, even Alex was interested in the so-called Spirit Magic.

From the information he got, it seems you make a contract with the Spirit of the different Elements to use their magic.

Nodding her head, Meera placed her bow onto the ground and stepped forward, Lucien also followed.

''Hey. To use spirit magic, don't you need a magic casting tool?''

Looking at his cane, Lucien called out to Meera.

To Lucien's words, Meera nodded her head with a small smile. ''Yes. However, it is not necessary in my case because before signing the contract with the Spirits, I befriend them first.''

''I see, that's convenient. I would have been nice if I was born Elf and I could use Spirit Magic too.'' Lucien spoke in an envious tone.

Most of the Adventurers present also wished the same. Gracier was silent as if considering something, Eleonora did not seem surprised when she heard about Spirit Magic.

Meanwhile, Alex was lost in thought, from the information Meera just gave, he can consider that she made contract with more than one spirit, it was too same she could use different magic. Let's say if contracted three Spirits, (Wind, Water, and Earth), she could use all those three magics, how wonderful.

Back to the present.

''Ready? Start.'' Conrad gave the signal.

At the same time Conrad gave the signal, Lucien started chanting a spell while pointing his cane at Meera.

Similarly, Meera also called on the spirits she had befriended.

[Wind, turn into an unseen arrow to pierce my enemies]

Lucien's incantation warped the world and an invisible arrow was created before his eyes.

『Wind Arrow!』

At the same time the magic was completed, several arrows were fired. The invisible arrows from the spell darted toward Meera.

However, Meera had already chanted,

『Wind spirits, shield me.』

From the few words that Meera spoke, the spirits of the Wind responded by creating a barrier of wind around Meera.

The wind arrow's speed increased as they drilled into the barrier, trying to pierce through it.

However, it didn't work and after a few seconds of struggle, the Wind barrier won out and the Wind arrows shattered.

『Spirits of the land, break mine enemy steps.』

As soon as the Wind barrier disappeared, Meera spoke again. But rather than the spirits of the Wind, she called out to the spirits of the Land, it was to say Earth Magic.

'Oh? This makes two different magic. Wind and Earth.' Alex thought while he continued to observe the ongoing fight.


As Lucien heard Meera's chant he immediately sprung back.

The next moment the ground where Lucien was standing sunk by several centimeters.

While seeing that, Lucien gulped, before once again jumped toward Meera while pointing his cane and casting a spell.

[Water, turn into a whip that brought judgment upon my enemies!]

According to his incantation, the water at Lucien's hand formed a whip.

『Water Whip!』

With the completion of the spell, the water whip was raised and swung down.

However, Meera evaded the whip's attack with a light movement specific to elves and advanced forwards, reducing the distance between the two.

Lucien panicked and tried to retreat, however, he was not faster enough.

『Spirits of the Wind, Spirit of the land. Bind him.』

''Eh?" Lucien was astonished by Meera's double casting, so was the crowd. Eleonora finally showed a little bit of interest.

Though Lucien tried to swing the whip down as Meera came close, he suddenly noticed that dirt was wrapped around his feet, while at the same time, his body's movements were restricted by the Wind.

And the moment he realized his difficult situation and tried to do something about the dirt and wind, the figure of Meera was already right before of his eyes with a palm directed at Lucien in hand dagger style.

''That's enough! The winner is Meera.''

Conrad's voice echoed through the training field bringing the third match to a close.

''What an eye-opener. Spirit Magic is cool.'' An Adventurer suddenly said with shining eyes.

''I agree. It was a nice match, however, the last match will be more interesting.'' another one said.

Everybody nodded their heads as they couldn't wait to see the next match. The one every one present had been waiting for.

103: Not An Easy Opponent

Suddenly, there was a new spectator that decided to join in, it was Leena. Alex was not surprised by her arrival, he had expected this, Gracier waved at Leena, the latter responded with a beautiful smile.

She then turned her head in Conrad's direction, both of locked eyes before Conrad glanced at both Alex and Eleonora as if to tell them to get ready and start.

Alex and Eleonora came forward in front of everyone. They both wore grins on their faces, currently, they only had the other in the eyes, nothing else matters, only the fight.

Having noticed, the look of excitement, the battle lust in their eyes, Conrad could only smile and gave the signal, this time he did not prohibit anyone from getting heated up as he knew if he were to say that, none of the two were going to listen to him anyway, so why bother.


After Conrad's signal, neither of the two made a move, they stared at each other, reading their weapons, for Eleonora it was two daggers, it seemed she was a dual wielder.

And naturally, Alex was not the one to accept the loss, he also readied his knives, however, he did not use Razor and Reaper, instead, he took out two Black Bettie's, the throwing knives he designed after The United Cutlery UC2772 Expendables Kunai. The one used by Lee Christmas in the movie The Expendables.

A grin plastered on her face, Eleonora shouted,

''I hope this fight will be fun.''

''I hope too,'' Alex responded with the same grin.


They both disappeared and when the crowd saw them against, they were already in front of each other.

Eleonora slashed at him with the first dagger, Alex parried it, then came another slash, Alex against parried it.

Clangs! Clangs!

Metal clashed against metal creating a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air.

They keep moving at a fast speed exchanging moves.

Clangs! Clangs!

After a quick exchange, they separated themselves from each other and took a reasonable distance. They were both grinning.

Suddenly, Eleonora crouched down like a cheetah that was about to pounce on its prey, then she sprung forward and midway through her dash she threw one of her daggers at Alex, Alex's reflex was quick, he also threw one of his Black Bettie's straight at the incoming dagger.


Both blades clashed producing a shriek and created sparks that fly in the air.

Meanwhile, Eleonora's figure turned blurry and vanished, making use of his Six senses Alex spun around and brought his remaining Black Bettie's to defend against Eleonora's dagger.


''I knew you would keep up, so I brought you a little gift.''

Eleonora said with a wide grin, Alex had a bad feeling when he heard her words, suddenly Eleonora brought her other hand up and blew the content toward Alex's face, everything happened so fast that Alex was caught off guard.

He was instantly blinded even when he had quickly tried to close his eyes.

Not being someone who misses an opportunity, especially one she had created herself, Eleonora kicked Alex on the stomach sending him tumbling back.


Alex rolled on the ground grunting in pain, he quickly stood up, he had been played, he had forgotten that before attacking him previously, Eleonora had crouched down, it must have been at that moment with her other hand she picked up a little bit of sand, sand she used to blind him before kicking him.

Now momentarily blind, Alex could only use his skill Divine Sense, so he used it and when Eleonora followed with another attack Alex sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from his face.

Eleonora was momentarily stunned because she hadn't expected Alex to avoid her attack when blinded.

Quickly, before Eleonora could respond with a follow-up, Alex swiftly punched Eleonora in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of the girl, and stunning her for a brief moment.


It was Eleonora's turn to grunt in pain. Alex tried to follow-up by slashing at the girl, however, Eleonora had already recovered and slightly tilted her head sideways avoiding the blade.

Both quickly jumped back and stared at each other, by now Alex had recovered his sight.

Suddenly, Eleonora chanted, it was the same chant as the one Lucien muttered early, however, Eleonora's speed was quick, almost like that of Gracier.

[Wind, turn into an unseen arrow to pierce my enemies]

Like Lucien's incantation, Eleonora's incantation also warped the world and an invisible arrow was created before her eyes.

『Wind Arrow!』

At the same time the magic was completed, several arrows were fired. The invisible arrows from the skill darted toward Alex at fast speed.

Alex kicked the ground and jumped to his left rolling on the ground, he dodged the Wind arrows fired, he was well aware that it was only a distraction, Eleonora real attack was about to come, and eventually, it did come, in form of numerous small Water bullets that rained down on him, Alex instantly used his upgraded skill Accel (previously Blink) and reappear in another location.

As if expecting this, Eleonora's figure turned blurry, however, half through the motion, she was forced to stop because, she felt a sudden pressure descended upon her, stopping her from using her movement skill.

Alex had used his skill Intimidation on her, Accel-ing Alex appeared in front of the frozen Eleonora with his blade ready to be swung down, however, he quickly stopped his attack and sidestepped to the right just enough for the blade to pass a hairs breath from his face again.

However strands of his hair had been cut off in the process, kicking the ground he jumped back, still in the motion, Alex used a copper coin he had just brought out from his Item box and flicked it in direction of Eleonora who had pretended to be frozen when she wasn't.

The copper coin was too fast for Eleonora to completely avoid, hence she was struck on the armpit, she gritted her teeth and jumped back.

Once again they both stared at each other.

On the other side, the crowd was silent, watching the battle with a heated expression. Nobody between the two seemed to have the upper hand. Well, they had not used their strongest skill yet, the one with powerful skill would win.

Back to the battle.

〖Master, time to test your new skill don't you think?〗Silveria suddenly suggested.

The left side of Alex's lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his face as he mumbled.

'I guess so.'

Immediately Alex threw the knife in his hand at Eleonora, the latter smiled ready to intercept it, however, what happened next left the whole training ground speechless not just Eleonora.

The incoming vanished when on his side Alex mumbled.


Feeling chill down her spine. ''Shit, I'm in trouble.''

Eleonora swore and quickly spun around and defend against the knife that magically appears behind her.


She did not have time to breathe when she heard Alex's voice coming right behind her.

''I guess it's my win,'' Alex said with another Black Bettie's held against Eleonora's delicate neck. He had a proud smile on his face.

''Do not celebrate too fast, you should look down,'' Eleonora responded with the same smile in turn.

〖Indeed you should do as she suggested. Sigh! Even I didn't see that coming. This girl is too cunning.〗Silveria said after heaving a sigh.

Indeed, Alex did as she suggested and was surprised when he saw a small blade directed at his crotch, if he advanced by a centimeter the blade would have pierced his precious jewel, instantly he felt chill down there, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Silence befalls the whole training ground, Leena was smiling, Gracier was dumbfoundedly staring at her brother and Eleonora who were so close that you would have mistaken them for embracing each other, if not for the blade Alex held against Eleonora's neck, while the latter blade was directed at his crotch, quite anticlimactic.

Finally, Conrad announced, ''This match is a draw.''

Instantly commotion arose because some of the Adventurers thought it was Alex's win. After all, in a real fight, Eleonora will be dead after her throat was sliced, even if Alex will be gravely injured.

However, they were forced to admit that it will mutual destruction because, in a real fight, Eleonora's dagger would be coated in a strong poison that could kill Alex after the blade pierced his crotch.

Alex and Eleonora smiled at each other and both muttered.

''Next time will we fight using our full strength until then let's consider this fight as a draw.''

''Indeed.'' They both nodded their heads before going back.

Gracier dashed toward her brother and checked his eyes, there were little red because, there was still some small sand inside his eyes, calming his sister down, Alex's eyes met with Leena, the latter smiled and said,

''Quite a good fight. Especially that last move of yours caught us off guard. Seriously, how many of those ridiculous skills do you possess?"

Alex only shrugged his shoulders and asked,

''It seems that at most tomorrow we'll depart toward the Zilya mountain.''

Seeing Alex did not want to talk about his skills, Leena smiled bitterly before responding.

''Indeed, it's as you said. Well, I'll be on my way. See you after.''

She went back after saying this, Alex decided to wait for Conrad to conclude this first step of the rank up test but first, he decided to check his skill description, previously he had only briefly browsed the content.

[Accel Level 1 (Former Blink upgraded)

It's a skill that lets you move instantly at will in a certain range, to teleport at will.

Range: 1 kilometer

Cost: 150 MP (Fixed)]

Until there this Accel did not look different from Blink except for the increase in range and decrease in cost for using it, although it became 150 MP it's fixed, meaning no matter how much the skill level increased you will use 150 MP. It was not bad.

However, what made Alex happy was the additional ability of the skill.

[Additional: This skill can be used on a weapon, to teleport a weapon within a certain range.

Range: 30 Meters.

Cost: 500 MP per use]

He knew that the range will increase as the skill's level went up so will the cost decreasing.

104: The Leader Of The Group

''Now then, you should have a rough understanding of each other's abilities.''

Conrad told the rank-up test participants who were standing in the training field in front of him. As for the people who heard it, some gave a small nod, others smiled and some listened to Conrad's words in frustration.

''Though I've said it many times, these mock battles are simply for you to know each other's strengths for the recapturing of the village occupied by the monsters. You shouldn't be too concerned about it. So, the next decision is who will be the leader of this temporary party''

Muttering, Conrad looked at the 7 faces one after the other. Some showed interest in wanting to be the leader, they held their breaths waiting to see who would be nominated, while some showed no interest, people like Meera, Gracier, and Sebastian.

Meanwhile, Conrad's fixed his eyes on a certain person. He observed that person for a moment.

''Alex you'll be the leader.''

And he was told so.


Alex put on a surprised face at Conrad's words. Truth be told he was not against the idea of becoming a leader. He could use this chance to gauge his capability to lead because he will have a party in the future, a party with whom he would dive into dungeons.

Conrad on the other hand nodded his head without hesitation.

''You are strong more than a normal D Rank Adventurer. However, you lack experience when interacting in a group. You may think it's fine to take a quest together with your sister, however, when one's D Rank Adventurer, sometimes every now in then you will take a quest together with another group. It would be bad you don't have experience. Use this chance to learn how to interact with others and how to lead, how to be a good leader.''

As Conrad pointed out his reasoning with his words, Alex could only keep his silence. He was aware that he wasn't that good at dealing with other people, no it should be more accurate to say normally he doesn't like to interact too much. If it was the old him, he would think about completing this quest and be done with it.

''I understand, I'll assume the role of the temporary leader.'' Alex declared.

''Good. I hope you all are ready. Alex will be the leader of the temporary party until the monster's subjugation for the rank-up test is completed.''

At Conrad's words, everybody nodded.

However, each of them had a different facial expression, Golfak humphed to show his dissatisfaction, while Eleonora was pouting, it seemed that she also wants this position, alas it was Alex who got chosen, Lucien was also dissatisfied because he was expecting to be selected, only Gracier, Sebastian and Meera seemed okay with Conrad's decision.

Conrad continued by adding,

''Right, well then, I'll give you the details of the monster's subjugation immediately. First of all, I've explained that the monsters are occupying a village they have destroyed, Gato's village. This village is about 3 days distance from this city, monsters you will be fighting against are goblins and orcs lead by Orc King probably. I will guide you there. I mean, as I'm the examiner, so, I have to follow you anyway. We will depart tomorrow morning. We will meet at the front gate at the 9 o'clock bell. The guild will provide carriage, any questions?''

At Conrad's words, Sebastian, the Swordsman spoke up.

''Though the guild will supply a carriage for us, what about other supplies? In particular, food and potions.''

Hearing Sebastian's question, Conrad smiled with a grin.

''Only the carriage is provided by the guild. Other necessary supplies are to be provided for yourselves. Naturally, the supplies which each person prepares will be assessed, so be careful.''

Next to raise a question was Alex.

''If it is possible I want to know how many monsters we are going to face?"

Grinning Conrad responded ''I've heard that there will be at least 30 monsters.''

''I see. The minimum is it.''

Alex mumbled as if understood something.

''Are there any problems with the words 'at least'?'' Golfak didn't understand the reply and asked Sebastian who did not seem surprised. He turned his eyes to Lucien and Gracier who were next to him, equally puzzled.

Sighing Alex decided that he should explain, it was one of his duties as a leader anyway.

''The fact that there is a minimum of 30 monsters means that there is likely to be more. That means there is a possibility there could be 40 or even 100 monsters occupying the village.''

To Alex's explanation, Conrad gave an appreciating look. He was pleased with his answer.

'I guess, he will do a decent leader.' he thought.

Gracier seemed to finally understand while Golfak and Lucien were frightened at those words.

However, surprisingly it was Meera who spoke next, trying to reassure the two.

''That said, as this mission has been selected for the guild rank-up test, there probably won't be an unreasonable number.''

To those words, the two people gave a big sigh of relief. However, Conrad again spoke up with a nasty smile.

''Though this certainly is a guild test, however, safety isn't guaranteed. You'll die if you let your guard down. Now then, any other questions?''

To Conrad's question, there was a silence before Alex suddenly asked.

''Conrad I want to know about the reward for completing this request.''

Conrad was surprised, he looked at Alex with praising eyes, Eleonora also nodded, she appreciated Alex's inquiry, same thing with Meera. Only Golfak and Lucien seemed a little lost.

''It is good that you asked this question. I thought you won't ask. In the case you didn't, it would have been a demerit to you as the leader, even it's temporarily.'' Conrad said before adding,

''Though it seems like a small matter (Alex's question), there is a possibility of getting into a dispute with the client if the rewards aren't agreed on first. Well, though you don't need to worry about it if you take a request from the request board in the guild, above D rank, you may occasionally be asked for a request without going through the guild. In cases such as that, you should inquire about the reward beforehand, don't forget what I said. By the way, the reward for up test this time is 5 silver coins per person. We will buy the monster materials with a discount of 4%, so in the case, you killed a lot of monsters, apart from the 5 silver coins for the completion you'll earn a lot of money.''

Everybody nodded, pleased with Conrad's words, meanwhile, Alex was thinking if it was like this, then it means that the quest won't be easy, they may have as well to clean up a village occupied by 100 monsters.

Observing Alex lost in thought, Conrad knew what he was thinking about, he couldn't help but smile, others got ensnared after hearing the reward, forgetting to analyze his words, what that kind of reward entails.

Shaking his head, Conrad announced,

''Now then, we will leave it at that for today. Although I said this earlier, because we will be departing at the 9 o'clock bell, I want everyone to be there with their belongings prepared.''

With his words as a signal, everyone left respectively.

Tomorrow was going to be the day they will depart toward Gracier former village, her birthplace, Gato's village.

105: The New Status

Back on the first floor of the guild, Alex watched his temporary party members leave before Gracier and he started to search for Leena.

Gracier had been quiet on the way up, Alex knew it was probably due to her stressing out about tomorrow morning, they were about to return to capture her village anyway, the place where she was born and raised until that tragedy happened.


Suddenly Leena appeared behind Gracier startling the latter, she almost jumped of fright.

''Eh? Ah! It's big, - it's you, Leena, you scared me.''

Gracier said after taking a deep breath to calm down her beating heart, she has been surprised so much that she almost called Leena Big sister again, however she changed midway through her sentence.

''Fufufu! You were too tense and lost in your thoughts, hence I decided to alleviate your tension by praying pranks on you.'' Leena explained her reason for doing what she had done while stroking Gracier's.

Gracier smiled, it seems that she had been busted by Leena as well. She knew her brother must have noticed her current and was waiting for their return to the Inn to probably talk to her.

She was right, it was indeed Alex's plan.

Talking about Alex he was currently looking at Leena, eyes filled with surprise, one should note that Gracier was just beside him and for Leena to appear and play a prank on her without even him noticing anything, spoke a volume. Alex was curious about her real identity and strength.

Suddenly, an idea came into his head, well it was more like an impulse rather than an idea. So, following this impulse Alex used his new Appraisal version on Leena (Advanced Appraisal).

『[Leena ?????]

Class: ????

Age: ???


Race: Elf ???

「 Rank ???」

Level ???

Experience Value (XP): ???

Magic Power: ???

Magic: ???

Attack: ???

Defense: ???

Agility: ???

Intelligence: ???

Luck: ???

BP: ???

SP: ???

Gift: ???

Skills: ???

Special Abilities: ???

Titles: ???』

Alex smiled bitterly, previously when he tries to Appraise Leena, nothing happened, however now that he tried after upgrading his Appraisal skill, he saw something but let's say, it was at the same time nothing, there was a question mark in front of everything.

Suddenly, Leena who was chatting with Gracier turned her head in Alex direction and asked in an amused tone,

''Did you like what you saw?"

Alex almost jumped when he heard her question, he was too focused on what he saw hence he was lost in thought.

Toward Leena's question, Alex couldn't help but smile embarrassedly, he had never thought that him appraising Leena would result in the latter knowing that he did it.

''I didn't see anything,'' Alex responded not hiding his dejection for not gaining any information.

''Fufufu! It's secret.'' Leena responded before giving Alex a warning.

''You should not use your Appraisal on everyone because some people are sensible toward magic, once you activated your skill Appraisal they will be able to detect it. Powerful people will also know when you try to appraise them.''

''I understand, I'll be careful from now on.'' Alex accepted.

''Good. I'll be borrowing your sister for a while.'' Leena announced this before monitoring Gracier to follow her.

''Come with me little Cier.''

Gracier stared at her brother for a moment before leaving, following Leena upstairs, probably to Leena's room.

Left alone Alex went sat around on one of numerous unoccupied tables and decided to have a chat with Silveria.

'Sil, what Leena said earlier it's true?'

〖Yeah, I forgot to tell you, every time you use your Appraisal skill, you use magic like when you use any other of your skills, however in this case it is different because your Appraisal enable you to sneak peek at some else status, so when you use this skill, the magic needed is strong and people sensible enough may detect it.〗

'I see, so that's she was able to know I used Appraisal on her. Well, I knew she was stronger, however, how strong can she be for my Appraisal not to work?' Alex inquired because he was really curious, he didn't know why he thought that, but, Alex was sure that Silveria knew Leena's real strength.

Silveria heaved a sigh before responding,

〖At least she's Rank 12. So it is normal for you to not be able to get information on her real status.〗

'At least Rank 12 huh! She may also be Rank 13. Normal the status window to show the question mark. If she's this powerful then what does she want with me?' Alex asked himself, pondering about this question.

One should note that there are 15 Ranks in total, Leena being at least Rank 12 means she is one of the strongest in the current world. So, why she came all the way to wait for him here? It doesn't make any sense when you consider it. What could Alex had to offer? Save her? Someone powerful as her? It's impossible.

All of these questions were constantly running through Alex's mind.

〖Maybe there is something only you can do, reason why she wants you. She went all the way to wait for your arrival.〗Silveria offered a hypothesis.

Hearing Silveria's hypothesis, Alex mused over.

'Something only I can do? Like what?'

〖That you will have to figure out yourself or wait for Leena to tell you herself. In the latter case, I doubt she'll be doing this anytime soon〗

'Come on, Sil tell me, I know you know something.' Alex said not giving up.

〖Stop waiting for every answer to be delivered to you. You have a brain, make use of it, if you want to know all the answers to your questions. Sometimes you ought to be patient. What good it will make if you know all the answers to a quiz you supposed to enjoy slowly? It will be boring. The only way to enjoy it, it's to use your brain, wait patiently for the appropriate time, do not jump steps. I know you understood what I'm implying.〗Silveria chided Alex.

Alex could only smile bitterly, somehow her words were not wrong. She had already given him a hint, it's his turn now to try to figure it out.

Shaking his head Alex decided to move on to the other matter he wanted to ask.

'Sil, I noticed something when I appraised Leena.'

〖You are probably talking about what you saw, you saw her race right? First, you should check your status.〗Silveria suggested.

Inwardly nodding his head, Alex proceeds to call out his status.


『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 4」

Level 40

Experience Value (XP): 60/7800

Magic Power: 2400

Magic: None

Attack: 700

Defense: 650

Agility: 725

Intelligence: 650

Luck: 450

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 1] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

'What? Why there is race showing now?' Alex asked surprised.

〖It's simply because your Appraisal's skill got upgraded into an advanced tier, which in turn unlocked something you didn't see. After all, you were missing the key to be able to see it.〗

'So, if my guess is correct Maria, Leonardo, Luna, and Sakuya must have seen what I'm seeing right now since a long time ago?' Alex asked.

〖Not necessarily, maybe they become aware of the new apparition recently after meeting a certain condition because you must meet a certain condition to see more things, for you it was upgrading your Normal Appraisal to Advanced Appraisal. If the condition was the same with everyone you should have seen the race appearing on their Statuses the first time they let you look at it.〗Silveria gave a lengthy explanation to make it more understandable.

Alex asked for water and after drinking he asked.

'I see. Your explanation does make sense. However, what's High Human?'

106: Typhania

Going back in time a little, when Leena left with Gracier, they went on the second floor and entered Leena's room.

After sitting on her bed, Leena motioned Gracier to do the same thing and she did it.

Leena studied Gracier's expression for a moment before asking,

''Little Cier, won't you consider withdrawing from taking part in tomorrow's rank-up test?"

''No, I must participate Leena. I needed to.'' Gracier instantly rejected Leena's option.

Sighing as she had expected Gracier's refusal,

Leena asked, ''You said you need to participate, why so?"

''It's to be able to move on. I must say goodbye to my previous life. So, I must return and help to recapture the village by killing the monsters responsible for the village demise, by doing this those who died will be appeased and I will be repaying one part of the debt I owe them.''

''What is the other part then?" Leena asked curiously.

Smiling Gracier responded, ''It's to live a great life, a life where they will be proud of it from the other side. A life worthy of their sacrifice.''

Leena smiled in turn before announcing, ''I guess they will be proud of the current you. I have a gift for you.''

Hearing Leena's words, Gracier's eyes shined.

''What kind of gift?" She asked curiously.

Smiling because of how active Gracier had become when she heard the word gift, Leena brought out a package from her storage ring then presented it to Gracier.

''Here take it. It's my gift.''

Taking a deep breath, Gracier took the package before slowly unwrapping it. She instantly overjoyed when she saw what was inside the package, it was a white robe, a shawl, two belts, a waist bag, and shoes accompanying it. It looks like Women's Dress for Final Fantasy XIV White Mage Cosplay.

''Thank you, Leena. I'll cherish it.'' Gracier said.

''No need just stay alive. It's all matter. By the way, the materials used are the same ones used to make your big brother gear.'' Leena explained.

Gracier became happy hearing this, this means she can survive a direct hit from a weak A rank monster.

Noticing Gracier's happiness, Leena chuckled before adding,

''Pour a little bit of magic in the dress and you'll see something interesting.''

Gracier did as she was told and instantly the white mage robe (mixed with red) turned black and red.

''Eh?" Gracier said surprised.

Chuckling Leena explained, ''It was designed to switch color for a specific purpose. White in the day and black at night, perfect for a night mission.''

''Waouh! That's incredible. Thank you.'' Gracier said before embracing Leena, the latter smiled while stroking her hair.

''Ah! I forget to tell you, look in the waist bag you'll see something interesting.'' Leena said still being embraced by Gracier.

Nodding, her head she separated herself from Leena and checked the waist bag, inside it she saw an eye patch, a black eye patch.

Taking it out she looked at Leena questioningly, she already had a lot of these things, she was currently wearing a black eye patch over her left eye. So, she didn't understand why Leena would give her another one.

''I know what you were thinking, however, this eye patch is different, if you pour your magic into it as you did with the dress, it will change color, three times to be exact, black, red, and white. You select which color you want.''

To Leena's explanation, Gracier instantly poured a little bit of her magic into the black eye patch and wished for its color to switch to white, and indeed it does, then she switched to red then black before stopping.

''Perfect,'' Gracier mumbled. She was grateful for Leena not asking why she always wore an eye patch. She was not ready to share why with anybody yet, except for her brother knowing (because he was the reason because it happened) nobody else knows, even when sleeping with Lea when Alex was absent, she always wears her eye patch to sleep.

''Leena it's because I'm half-elf that I can't use Spirit Magic?" Gracier suddenly asked as she remembered that Elf girl, Meera Leaf's magic.

''No, it's because you possess a Gift. You should know that not all Elves can use Spirit Magic, some can use simple Wind magic because they can't hear spirit, while does who have Gift can't use it. Well, there was an exception in the past though.'' Leena explained.

''Oh? I'm interested in the exception who could use Spirit Magic and possess a Gift at the same time.'' Gracier asked eyes shining in curiosity.

Leena gave a helpless smile before giving Gracier, a summary of the exception story.

「 Once upon a time, there was a little girl born in the Elf empire, at the age of 5 five she could already communicate with the Spirits and use some of them. It was at that moment people became aware of how talented she was.

They started to nurture the little girl. Ten years went by, the little girl had grown into an extremely beautiful young lady, the most beautiful of the race, at the age of 15 she could control five different types of spirits, (Spirit of Earth, Spirit of Water, Spirit of Wind, Spirit of Fire and Spirit of Lightning.)

The Elves was happy, the girl was a genius, none of her peers could win against her in a fight, not even those who had Gift, God's benediction it how Elves call it.

The young lady continued to remain unmatched until suddenly one day something unexpected happened that send the whole race into an uproar.

On her twentieth birthday, the young lady now a young woman lost consciousness and when she wakes up she summoned a white rapier, the world rumbled as if to celebrate the birth of a powerful Gift.

Too shocked to comprehend the absurdness happening in front of them, the Emperor, the elders' council checked the rapier, again and again, they only end up with one conclusion which was it's a Gift, her summoned rapier was, without doubt, a Gift.

Normally, it was impossible for someone using Spirit Magic to also possess a Gift, it never happened before, the young woman became an exception.

She was the strongest with only Spirit Magic and what would happen now that she also possesses Gift?

She became a monster among monsters, she was unmatched in the whole empire, she became one of the strongest in the world.

She saved the whole race several times against outside threats, because of her presence, others did not dare to have design on the Elve's continent.

Later she became the Empress, leading her race to prosperity.

Her name was Typhania, she was one of the Goddesses, she was the Goddess of Elves.」

Gracier was mesmerized by the story, her eyes couldn't help but shine imagining Typhania's Life, her adventures, she wants to be like her, to have her name known worldwide.

''What happened afterward? Where is she now?" Gracier couldn't help but wanted to know what had become of Typhania.

Sighing heavily Leena responded, ''She disappeared 200 years ago?"

''What? Where and why?" Gracier asked.

''Nobody knows where she wants. Some say she disappeared to find a way to save her race and more importantly the world.''

''And do not ask me to save her race, the world against what. I don't know.'' Leena added.

Gracier immediately swallows her previous question, she was aware that Leena knows the reason however she didn't want to tell her, as for why only she could answer that.

Also, Gracier noticed something, when speaking earlier Leena seemed melancholic, almost as if she knew this person, shaking her head Gracier decided not to think about it. If her assumption was right or wrong, the future will prove it.

''I want to be like her, I want the whole world to learn about me, the Fire Empress, the one that governs fire. And they will learn about me I'll make sure of it.'' Gracier suddenly declared, eyes filled with unbreakable determination.

Leena was surprised by the aura Gracier was currently radiating, it was a majestic aura, an aura of a Supreme being, for a moment she had the feeling that she saw a gigantic red dragon appeared behind Gracier and haughtily looked down on her as if to tell her Gracier's declaration wasn't a joke, she said, she can and she will.

'Amazing.' she mumbled under her breath before locking eyes with Gracier and says, ''It's good but you will need to work hard in the order to accomplish that goal. First of all, you must survive this rank-up test, pay the first part of your debt and we can speak later.''

Gracier cooled down before nodding her head, the two continued to chat while Alex was on the first floor waiting for their arrival, meanwhile, he was having a chat with Silveria.

107: High Human

~Back to Alex's Location

Alex asked for water and after drinking it, he asked.

'I see. Your explanation does make sense. However, what's High Human?'

Silence hung in the air before Silveria started explaining,

〖High Humans are the original human-created alongside other races such as Original Elves, Angels, Daemons a long time ago by the Supreme being. Like the others they become almost extinct, High Humans have more magical capacity, stronger than the current human, and more importantly, they possess a strong soul, and who says strong soul mean powerful Gift. Our previous master was also a High Human, High Human lives longer than High Elf. Do you know how longer High Elf can live?〗

To Silveria's question, Alex pondered for a few seconds before offering a reply.

''About 400~500? I guess.''

〖Not bad, to be more accurate it is 400, High humans can live for more than 600 years almost like Original Elves. It's pity that like any other long-lived race they had low fertility. To remedy this problem, one of the first High Human together with some other High Humans created a new being shaped after them, this new species will be versatile as them, intelligent, however short-lived with the ability to procreate, they named this new race the Human. The Original elves did the same by creating, the High Elves, and other types of Elves, even after all their creations, elves still stuck with the same problem, they still stuck with low fertility, they could not procreate like the humans. Well, I'm digressing here, let move towards the topic you're more interested in.〗

Hearing Silveria's last words Alex could not help a chuckle. He quite enjoyed that little bit of story on the first races.

〖You must have acquired this race when you were reincarnated by that Goddess Mea. It was her doing and I thank her for this, if it wasn't because of what she did, you and I won't be having this conversation, I would have never met you, neither my sister will. We will still be trapped in that infinite darkness. Well, I don't know her goal but I'm glad I know you.〗

To Silveria's words Alex smiled, ''I'm glad too. I'm not wrong if I assume that the other seven are like me. They are also High human?'' he inquired.

〖Indeed. You eight are all High humans, if you were not High human it would have been impossible to get contracted to us. Neither the other would have gained powerful Gifts. You, Maria, Luna, Leonardo, and Sakuya's Gifts may be higher than the other three but those three remain powerful, too powerful for a human's soul, for a human's body to contain.〗Silveria explained.

Alex stayed silent for a while before proceeding to ask, ''So, Goddess Mea give us High human's bodies for us to be able to possess strong Gift (Divine weapons like you)?"

〖Exactly.〗Silveria confirmed.

''For what purpose I wonder because I doubt she did this for no reason.''

〖You are right, as for the reason only her can accurately say. Maybe it's for you and your classmates in the other worlds to fight against powerful enemies in the future with your Gift.〗Silveria hypothesized while inwardly muttering, 'I hope this time everything will end well. Well, we will make sure of it.'

''Most likely. Well, we will see when the time comes. I've got the feeling that we will be seeing each other again, at that moment her real motivation will be known. Do tell me Sil, your master is from the Higher Realm?"

Toward Alex's question, Silveria did not immediately offer a reply, she stayed silent for a couple of seconds before finally speaking.

〖No, he was from the Original world.〗

''Oh? I'm guessing that the Original world is where the original races created by the Supreme being live?"

〖Exactly〗Silveria said.

''What happened to that world?'' Alex asked.

〖Destroyed〗Silveria answered she sounds sad when she answered, she only said one word before stopping not going into the details.

''My bad for bringing this up.'' Alex apologized, he decided to stop inquiring any further, at least for now.

From the few clues he gathered thus far Alex could hypothesize that there was an enemy out there powerful enough to destroy the Original world and this enemy was not destroyed, Goddess Mea and her peers need powerful individuals to be prepared to fight this said enemy because this enemy must be coming back or was in the process of awakening, it will be a huge problem for the realms which he guessed were created after the Original world got destroyed.

All of these were only assumptions, he hoped it was not really the case or else all of the reincarnated will be forced to participate in incoming battle whether they wanted it or not because nobody will stay still and watch the world they are living in got destroyed when they could fight.

〖Don't worry this happened a long time ago. Let's focus on the incoming rank-up test. Retaking it won't be easy.〗Silveria said, switching the subject. Alex was pulled out of his thoughts.

''You are right and as the leader, I must perform well.'' He said with a sigh.

〖Fufufu, I hope our dear leader will not screw up.〗Silveria said teasingly.

Alex only chuckles in response when suddenly he felt a presence coming closer, without turning around he knew who it was. Someone embraced him from behind covering his eyes and asked.

''Pick a guess, who is it?"

''Alexandra,'' Alex responded without hesitation.

''Bouh! At least you must have feigned not knowing. You are not fun at all.'' Gracier said pouting, she then proceeds to sat beside her brother.

Alex stared at his sister whom face was now more bright than previously.

'Something good must have happened upstairs.' Alex thought.

''You seem happier, I bet Leena must have given you something good. Talking about Leena where is she?" Alex inquired as he had not seen her.

''Oh! Leena went to have chat with the Guild master, she will be coming back soon.'' Gracier responded.

''I see. Let's wait for her then.'' Alex said as the two started chatting while waiting for Leena's arrival.

While chatting Alex checked his sister's status to see what her race would be.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 3」

Level 28

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Race: High Half-Elf

Experience Value: 400/2900

Magic Power: 1305

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 335

Defense: 235

Agility: 235

Intelligence: 225

Luck: 235

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Fire Shield Level 4] [Presence Detection Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 5] [Fire Lotus Level 5]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 3]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』

'Her father must be a High elf.' Alex said to Silveria. The latter nodded.

Alex and Gracier continued chatting waiting for Leena to come.

Half of an hour later, Leena came and sat across the siblings.

''Sorry, We were discussing important stuff reason for my tardiness,'' Leena said apologizing.

Waving his hand Alex said, ''Don't worry about it. So, tell me the main force must have departed already. If I'm not wrong it must have been yesterday."

Leena smiled before saying, ''Bingo. They departed yesterday morning.''

''Leena did you know what causing the monsters to go on a rampage? It's because of a demon?" Gracier inquired, child she had heard stories of demon controlling monsters to do their bidding, to go on a rampage, to conquer more lands as the slain Demon king had tried a century ago.

Chuckling Leena said not going into the details, ''We are still searching for the reason. You should concentrate on finishing your mission, it will not be easy so do not slack off.''

Alex and Gracier both nodded their heads, they were aware that Leena was not telling them everything, but there was nothing they could do, they only need to focus on clearing Gato's village and be done with it, afterward they start their preparation to go to the capital.

After chatting for another hour, the siblings left.

Watching the siblings leaving backs, Leena heaved a sigh before getting back to work. There is no need to worry, she was planning to follow in the shadow anyway.


Late in the night, Gracier was having a nightmare, Alex woke and went to sit on her bed, using his laps as a pillow he gently stroked Gracier's hair while gently whispering.

''Don't worry nobody gonna hurt, your Big brother is here, he will protect you, he is your family now, sleep.''

It worked like charm, Gracier went back to sleep.

〖It will pass soon. If she manages to complete this mission, she will feel better.〗Silveria said.

''I hope so,'' Alex responded while remembering his early conversation with his sister, he asked her if she was sure and prepared to go back in that village occupied by monsters, she said she was, and even if she wasn't she must because it was something she needed to do, clearing the village will be like repaying a part of the debt she owes those dead villagers who sacrificed their lives for her to be able to flee and live on.

Alex understood her reasoning and as her Big brother, he must support her in accomplishing this goal.

Sighing Alex decided to replace Mr. Teddy Bear (who seemed dissatisfied to have lost his favorite place) that night to let his sister sleep well and indeed she slept well, she felt refreshed the next morning.

108: The Departure

The next day morning the figures of Alex and Gracier could be seen walking down the main street to the main gate before the 9 o'clock bell.

Seeing Alex and Gracier walk down the main street, adventurers and residents who recognized the two and knew that today was the day group of Adventurers were about to depart for the final part of the rank-up test wished the siblings good luck.

Waving their hands the two continued walking towards the main gate where they will be using a carriage to depart toward their destination, Gato's village.

A few minutes later they were at the meeting place, they saw a carriage.

As Alex and Gracier neared the carriage, a voice called out, it was Sebastian, the Swordsman who fought against Gracier.

''Morning leader, morning Miss Gracier.''

''Oh! Morning Sebastian.''

''Morning Sebastian.''

After Gracier greeted Sebastian, Alex asked, the Swordsman.

''You're early, huh.''

''Ah, yeah. Training with the sword every morning has become a daily routine for me. It's become natural for me to get up early.''

While saying so, Sebastian tapped the long sword that was equipped at his waist.

''I see. Morning Conrad. Is this the carriage that the guild has prepared for us?''

While asking Conrad, he directed his eyes to the horse-drawn carriage. Its size was smaller than the one that brings him to this town from the Temple of Gods.

Though it might be a little cramped for 8 people, Alex's party of 7 plus Conrad.

Normally, they should be a driver but Alex hadn't seen one, he judged that they will drive the carriage themselves.

''They're small, why not use Warhorse instead?"

Looking at Alex's line of sight, he was looking at the horses pulling the carriage. But rather than the warhorses used to pull the merchant carriage he took back then, the current horses were ordinary horses. They were small compared to Alex's strong impression from the warhorses, they didn't feel as reliable as the Warhorses.

However, maybe as a substitute, instead of 2 horses, the number of horses pulling the carriage in front of Alex's eyes was 3.

Conrad, who guessed his thoughts, stroked the horses who were attached to the carriage while smiling wryly.

''I know what you're comparing them with, warhorses are precious, even to the guild. Whatever the circumstances, any requests to borrow them for the rank up a test to D rank would be denied, reason why we end up with these horses, they may look like this but they are reliable.''

As they were conversing like that, two more people, Lucien and Eleonora appeared from the main gate of the city.

''Good morning leader. Take care of us from now on.'' Lucien greeted Alex with a light bow before greeting the other people.

Meanwhile, Eleonora was looking at Alex with a grin on her face, ''Morning Leader. Take care of me on this mission.''

''Likewise,'' Alex responded with a smile in turn.

''Ah, everyone is early. I wonder if I'm a little late? morning everyone.''

A new voice in high spirits called out.

The owner of the voice, was the elf, Meera Leaf, the Ranger, and also Spirit Magic-user. She carried a bow in her hand and a quiver on her back.

Everyone returned a greeting and started to talk about what they had brought and about the upcoming test and before long, the 9 o'clock bell rang into the surroundings.

'Where is that Attention Seeker, Golfak?'

Though the sound of the bell was heard and he looked around, other than Alex, Gracier, there were only 4 people, Conrad, Sebastian, Lucien, Eleonora, and Meera.

Aside from Alex, the others also seemed to have noticed and were looking around.

However, understanding that Golfak had not appeared, the five people aside from Conrad, looked to Alex. As the temporary party leader, it was his turn to intervene, hence Alex decided to inquire.

''Conrad does tell though the 9 o'clock bell has rung, Golfak hasn't come, what happens in this situation?''

''Ahh, that's right. Such a development was not expected indeed. However, an adventurer being late for the appointed request start time is a fairly large demerit. Moreover, to be late on the important day of the rank up test is-"

As Conrad said so and was about to declare Golfak's disqualification, he saw Golfak casually walking from the main gate.

''Sorry, am I late?'' He called out in a light tone.

''Oi! That's all you have to say after making us for you?"

Lucien couldn't help but snap at Golfak's attitude.

''Ah? What. You haven't even left yet so it's fine.'' Golfak replied lightly, he even snorted at Lucien, it seemed that he was not planning to apologize for his lateness.

''Maybe you don't care about the rank-up test but this is serious for others. You are late, however, instead of apologizing, you're playing the important. What with that attitude? Who do you take yourself for?"

Not being able to put up with Golfak's attitude anymore, Gracier snapped out. Golfak almost shouted back but he quickly stopped himself after noticing who was the one that just spoken.

Eleonora let out a small chuckle, Golfak's body involuntary trembled, but he quickly composed himself and looked elsewhere, not planning to apologize for being late.

Alex's temple twitched as he felt somehow insulted and he decided to teach the man a lesson. He started walking toward Golfak, slowly, each step he took could be heard, all eyes were on the two, Golfak gulped audibly as he locked eyes with Alex, Alex's green eyes were sending a chill down his spine so he involuntary took a step back.


Alex mumbled and immediately Golfak felt a suffocating feeling assaulting him, he felt like he was in the presence of a dangerous monster, a monster he had no chance of winning against.

With each step taken by Alex, the pressure he was feeling increased until he was unable to endure any longer and he grunted in pain as he felt his bones cracking under the pressure,


Suddenly, Golfak's knee gave up forcing him into a kneeling posture, his body was constantly shaking due to the pressure, the other people except Gracier and Eleonora were watching astonished at the scene happening in front of them, even when it was not directed at them they still feel the pressure. Conrad smiled in appreciation seeing Alex's way of handling the situation.

Finally arriving in front of the kneeling Golfak, Alex muttered in a cold tone,

''Do you have anything to say?"

Gritting his teeth, Golfak replied.

''…I'm sorry I was late. I'll be more careful next time.''

''That good to hear. In any case, this is an exam for a party, not for individuals. If you drag your feet, understand that it will affect others. So, be careful understand?''

''Ah, yes.''

Seeing Golfak nod, Alex canceled his skill and turned his eyes in Conrad's direction.

''I want to get going soon.''

''You decide from here. I will only guide you to the Gato village, other than that, I won't be helping you.''

Listening to Conrad's words, Alex looked around.

''First of all, is there anyone here who can drive a carriage?''

To that question, three people, Eleonora, Lucien, and Sebastian raised their hands.

''I see, then you three will take turns to drive the carriage. Gracier, Meera, Golfak, and I will sit next to the driver in case of monster attacks. However, Golfak, as a penalty for before, you'll be on the watch more often. If you cut corners and receive a surprise attack from monsters, what may go flying through the air may not be your magic sword but your head, do you understand?''

Maybe understanding the seriousness of Alex's words, Golfak nodded with a serious look on his face.

''Great. Then we'll depart. The first driver is Lucien. The person on the lookout will be Golfak. Put the baggage that you've brought to the back of the carriage.'' Alex ordered.

Golfak did as he was instructed, soon everyone climbed into the carriage and departed.

109: En Route

While shaking with a gata~ goto~ sound, a single carriage advanced along the highway.

The speed of the carriage pulled by the 3 normal horses was fast. A person wearing a Mage robe could be seen sitting in the driver's seat, holding the horses' reins. A man dressed in armor with a sheathed sword placed on his tight was sitting next to the mage, watching the surroundings for surprise attacks from monsters.

And inside the carriage,

''Uwa~, it is warm. When were these bought Big brother?" Gracier asked because, on their way to the meeting place, they did not buy any cookies.

''Ah, I brought them on the day I went running some errands.''

Alex explained as he also took a cookie and ate it.

''Oh, it smells good. May I have one?''

''Sure. You should also try Meera, they're quite delicious.''

Meera seemed to have been lured by the smell and involuntary carried a cookie to her mouth, she was not the only one though, Conrad, and Eleonora also tried some.

''Oh, it really is. How envious, space ring is great. Being able to eat freshly baked cookies at any time.

''No, I don't think it's normal to use a space ring in this way.''

To Meera's words, Sebastian answered, dumbfounded. Alex chuckled while inwardly sharing the same thought, women and their mentality.

Well, he was his fault to begin with, if he hadn't taken out the cookies, Meera wouldn't have said that. He held out a dish holding the remaining freshly baked cookies while smiling wryly.

''Want to try some?"

But Sebastian looked at the cookies placed on the dish and shook his head.

''Sorry, I don't like sweet food.''

Alex could only shrug his shoulder seeing Sebastian not partaking in the cookies feast.

In response to Sebastian, who refused, Conrad happily stretched out his hand to grab a cookie before carrying it to his mouth


''Mm, it certainly is delicious.''

Unlike Golfak, who was feeling the tension in the driver's seat outside, it was rather laid back inside the carriage.

Compared to yesterday when Meera was being silent, today she was talkative.

''Meera how does your continent look like?"

To Gracier's question, Meera smiled beautifully, she couldn't hide the pride she felt for her hometown when she started talking.

''It's the most beautiful of all continents. There are gigantic trees everywhere, beautiful birds, our houses are beautiful too. Ah! I miss home.'' Meera said with a look of longing.

''Wonderful, I will visit it someday,'' Alex said

while Gracier nodded her head happily when she heard this news.

Chuckling Eleonora inquired, ''You are feeling nostalgic. Why do you leave in the first place?"

Meera's eyes deemed for a moment, smiling bitterly she said, ''Well, stuff happens, it's complicated.''

It was all she said not going into details.

'There must a story being her leaving home.' Alex thought.

While carrying cookies to his mouth, Alex spoke up to Conrad.

''Is there a time limit for the completion of this subjugation request?"

''Normally yes, but this time no. Take your time to complete the request. Make sure you have thoroughly cleaned the village of all the monsters, though.''

Conrad explained, Alex nodded his head pleased that there was no time limit or else it will be difficult, there will be more than 30 monsters occupying Gato's village.

''There is something I want to know.'' Meera suddenly said, glancing at her Alex said,

''Go ahead.''

''Aren't there at least 30 monsters? It seems a little difficult to take on that many opponents with 7 people.''

''No, not really. After all, we'll be able to mount a surprise attack as we are the attacking group. However, whether we can launch a surprise attack or not depends on whether we can work together.''

To Meera, who was murmuring anxiously, Alex explained.

What Alex said was not wrong, if they work together and coordinate well, they will be able to successfully pull through. Let's not forget that they Mages among them, Mages firepower are no joke.

''That's true. In fact, Conrad said that the participants in the test this time were quite good. In the first place, a party of 7 where 4 can use magic is considered quite powerful.''

Sebastian overheard Alex and Meera's exchange and told them that with a wry smile to relieve her tension.

''By the way, I can use spirit magic and the driver, Lucien, can use wind magic and healing magic, Eleonora: Wind and Water magic, as for your sister it's Fire magic, what magic can you use Alex?''

She might have had some interest as in the mock battle the day before, Alex had only used the knives in combat. Meera leaned forward and asked.

The other people except Gracier seemed interested in knowing which magic Alex can use.

Smiling bitterly, Alex responded ''Sorry, I can't use magic.''


Both Meera and Eleonora said surprised. Even Conrad seemed a little bit surprised,

Sebastian was also surprised. Even himself or Golfak could use Wind Magic to some extent, albeit weaker ones.

''I thought that your movement skill is Wind-related skill?" Eleonora asked if it's true then does it mean Alex can be considered to have an affinity with the Wind element?

Shrugging his shoulder Alex replied, ''I don't know, however as I said, I can't use magic.''

'How odd. He said that but he possesses a frightening amount of magic power.' Meera inwardly thought as she scanned Alex with her eyes.

Eleonora also found Alex's words odd, how can he possesses such an amount of magic power and says that he could not use any magic? It's odd.

At the time of the rank-up test meeting the day before, when Meera saw Alex with his sister enter the meeting room, she could feel that his magic power was the greatest she had ever seen. Because of that, she was tense in the meeting room, ready to escape at any time if need be.

Was she wrong thinking he had frightening MP? No unlikely.

'In fact, Alex's amount of magic power is not normal. Or his Rank is 7? Unlikely. Normally, humans with Alex's rank can't have that much magic power, or is he not human? I see, it possibly could be that. However, at the very least, mutual understanding is possible and there's no need to be hostile, it's good that he seems friendly enough, at first I was scared of him.'

While observing and evaluating Alex in her mind, at the very least, she calmed herself down as the possibility of him harming them was low.

As for Meera, compared to 20 or 30 monsters, she felt Alex's risk was higher. However, the stress gradually disappeared as they continued conversing.

If Alex knew what was going through Meera's head he would have facepalmed while saying,

'Girl what do you take me for I'm not that dangerous.'

Meera was now glancing at Gracier why also thinking.

'I don't their history if they are real siblings but this sister of his is also a freak. The amount of Fire spirits around her is frightening, she can't see them yet her control over Fire was so perfect that one could not help but wonder if she is the child of Fire. If she could see the spirit, her power will skyrocket alas it seems she can't, why I wonder? Probably because she has God's benediction (Gift). Sigh! If it's true then no wonder, her God's benediction must be of the highest level. Those siblings are freaks, I can't wait to see what Alex's God's benediction gonna be. I need to befriend them.'

Gracier noticed Meera staring at her weirdly, therefore she asked, "Meera, is there something on my face?"

"No, not at all." Meera hastily replied as she had finally noticed that she was staring too intensely at Gracier.

On the side, Eleonora couldn't help but smile when she noticed the look of interest Meera started giving Alex and Gracier.

'It seems that her curiosity got picked.'

Eleonora murmured before continuing to chat with others.


A/N: Nickaido's here by the way the title 'En Route' mean On the Road in French. Keep supporting this shameless author.

110: First Night

''Hey, Alex shouldn't we stop and set up a camp soon?"

As the sun started to set on the advancing carriage, Lucien called out to Alex. Hearing that, Alex looked out the window and thought for a few seconds before nodding.

''You're right, there's a possibility of straining ourselves tomorrow if we overdo it on the first day.''

Nodding to Lucien's proposal, Alex opened the door that was connected to the driver's seat and called out to Sebastian, who was driving, and Golfak, who was still on the lookout. At some point, Sebastian and Lucien had switched places.

''Sebastian, please stop in the case you find a good spot to camp for the night.''

''Got it.''


While Sebastian replied to Alex's words, Golfak on the other hand stayed silent.

The trouble from the departure time remained and there was still tension drifting around the driver's seats. In such a state, Sebastian didn't have the nature to cause trouble and kept his silence, because of the event from a while back as well as before the departure that morning, Golfak's fear of Alex kept him quiet as he watched for enemy attacks.

And discovering a place behind some rocks and shielded from the surroundings, the two people in the driver's seats called the others and they decided to stay there for the night.

Stopping the carriage in an area protected by rocks, Alex took out the tent for the men.

While Eleonora set up the tent she had for the women.

At the same time, Meera, the elf, collected firewood from the forest nearby while Golfak drew some water from a small river nearby. With that camp preparations were complete.

After distributing the food for dinner which by the way was a sandwich specifically made by Gracier and Lea, Alex decided to distribute the lookout.

''There will be four shifts. The first shift will be done by Golfak alone.''

Hearing Alex's words the others knew that Golfak was still being punished. And even if he was dissatisfied with this news, there was nothing he could do, it was his fault, to begin with, better obediently suffer instead of going against Alex's orders to suffer another humiliation. If he were to suffer another one, he wasn't sure if his mental health would keep up.

Seeing Golfak not saying anything after hearing his words, Alex smiled and decided to continue.

''After Golfak, the other shifts will be done in pair.''

While saying that, Alex took out an hourglass from his Item box disguised as a fake space ring.

It was a magic tool that he had purchased in a tool shop the day before, it was called Hourglass. Though it was only 5cm tall, because it was made with crushed magic stones that had been processed using alchemy, it was a fairly expensive magic tool.

For a normal hourglass to measure for 2 hours, its size needs to be quite big, but as this hourglass was a magic item made with magic stones, it was possible to measure 2 hours with only the height of 5cm.

Flicking the small hourglass between his fingers Alex announced,

''Because the sand in the hourglass will take 2 hours to fall, switch out when the sand runs out. The first shift as I said earlier will be Golfak alone. The second shift is Lucien and Sebastian. Third shift, Gracier, and Eleonora. As for the last shift, it will be Meera and me. Any objections?''

''What is the basis for the pairings?''

Sitting across the bonfire, opposite Alex, Sebastian asked curiously.

Although Gracier looks at him in dissatisfaction as he asked about the pairings, Sebastian ignored it and waited for Alex's reply.

Giving his sister a chop over her head Alex proceed to explain his choices.

''The first watch is a swordsman, well it's more punishment. The second shift is a Swordsman and a Mage. The third shift is a Mage and a Thief, and the last watch is the Magic gunman and a Spirit mage. I intend to distribute our combat power evenly.''

''Understood. That's fine.''

After Sebastian nodded, because there weren't any other people with different opinions, it became free time.

While Gracier, Eleonora, and Meera were having a talk between women, Golfak was maintaining his magic sword with a proud smile.

To train his magic, Lucien was repeatedly creating and canceling the Water whip he had used against Meera yesterday. It was quite fun to watch him, it was like he was doing a magic show, if he was on Earth, in Las Vegas he would have earned quite a sum of money.

Conrad watched them all without saying anything himself. Alex was eating a Kum Fruit, that he had bought in the city, for dessert, it had the texture of a pear with the acidity of an orange.

During this, Sebastian approached Alex and called out to him.

''Alex, do you have a moment?''

''Yes, I do. What's up?''

''It would be good if it's possible, but could you keep me company during my sword practice?''

''Sword practice?'' Alex asked his eyebrows raised.

''Yes. Anyhow, I want to move my body a little as I was stuck in the carriage for a long time today.''

After thinking about it for a bit, Alex nodded. Though it would have been better to practice with Golfak, he judged that he wasn't a good match for Sebastian because of his arrogant attitude.

〖Even though he knew you are stronger than him, he still wants to fight you. It's a way to put pressure on himself to advance further on his path as a Swordsman. Fight against a stronger opponent to hone your skills. I like this mindset of his, if he didn't die in the future, he will become a great Swordsman and great adventurer.〗Silveria who stayed oddly silent on the way finally spoke, praising Sebastian's mentality.

'I think too.' Alex responded as he stood up.

''Let's move a little bit further. Also, there's no need to injure each doing this.''


Sebastian nodded at Alex's words.

By now the others stopped whatever they were doing and focused their attention on the pair, only Lucien was too focused on his training thus not showing any interest.

The two stayed at a reasonable distance from each other, Alex beckoned Sebastian to attack.

Sebastian rushed toward Alex. He dipped and weaved right as he was about to reach him and slashed downwards with the sword. Alex parried with the blow with Razor.


Metal clashed against metal producing a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. The swordsman was quick and uppercut slashed at Alex, attempting to catch him from stem all the way to the stern.

Alex sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from his face.

Quickly, before Sebastian could respond with a follow-up, Alex swiftly punched Sebastian in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of the swordsman, and stunning him for a brief moment, he then kicked the ground and appeared behind the still stunned Sebastian and held his blade against his neck.

''You lost,'' Alex announced from behind him.

''I guess I lost. I thought I could last a bit longer. Guess I was wrong.'' Sebastian said dejectedly.

Smiling Alex said, ''Don't worry, your sword skill is not bad. It was already late I did not want to drag the fight on, hence I decided to quickly finish it. We will be too tired if we continue, besides someone may be injured and that won't be good.''

Sebastian understood Alex's reasoning, still, it was frustrating to lose so quickly, the others returned to their previous activities, while Golfak seemed to be grinning when he saw Sebastian losing, Sebastian did not pay him any heed as if he was a clown.

Having noticed Sebastian's look, Alex chuckled and said, ''Don't worry, we will continue another time. You knew you would lose even before the start, yet you asked me out because you want to hone your skills, I admire that.''

Hearing Alex's words, Sebastian smiled before sheathing his sword. They went to their previous location.

In this way, the first night of the rank-up test passed uneventfully.