
189: Team 3 Vs Team 7 Part 1

While Alex was talking with his teammates, on the other student's sides, they were also doing the same thing. Gracier was in a team of one girl and one boy, both were level 54, Maria and Luna were in the same team, Sakuya was in another team. Leonardo was in the same time as Camilla and Dodolus while Kevin was in another team. Damien also had his team.

Eris, Kuina was in the same team while Ferris, Leon had their respective team. Artemia had her team, Lilith was in another team.

The students of the others classes were also doing the same thing.

~Back to Alex's side.

''I'll act as the leader, there's no objection I guess?" Alex asked while smiling.

Roman snorted but did not say anything while Cyril Fels nodded his head showing fear.

Alex's expression darkened when he saw Cyril pretending to be scared, he coldly said,

''Cyril, stop pretending it's disgusting. If you keep acting I'll deal with you myself.''

Roman was surprised by Alex's words, he wondered if he had become crazy to say such a thing as Cyril is-

''What the hell?" Roman exclaimed mouth agape when he turned his head in Cyril's direction, he wanted to see his crying face because Alex's words were harsh, however, it wasn't what he had expected to see that he saw.

Cyril's timid face had disappeared and was now replaced with a grin, he was grinning. Cyril raised his arms as if to say I have surrendered.

''Hehehe! As expected of the Eighth to be able to see through so easily I'm flattered.'' Cyril said, his eyes were shining like a girl in love.

Roman felt chill running his spine, he unconsciously stepped back.

'This one is dangerous. I formed a team with a monster, now there's a weirdo in it.' Roman thought.

As if he could read his mind, Cyril glared at Roman, frightening the latter.

''Did you just think of me as a weirdo?"

''How? Can you read minds?" Roman asked while sweating.

Alex was speechless, rubbing his forehead he said,

''Are you stupid? Of course, he can't, your expression betrayed you, and also his question just now was a test and you fell for it.''

Roman was surprised, ignoring him Alex turned to face Cyril, he warned him,

''I'll not repeat myself, behave, don't try anything funny. And you're a weirdo, pretending to be weak to bully others, what a pretty nasty hobby.''

Alex gave Cyril a death's state. The latter felt a chill down his spine as he saw Alex's green eye, which made him feel as if his surroundings were becoming gloomy and dark.

As Alex had said, Cyril had a hobby which was to pretend to be weak, frail, in order to lure others and bully them, stole their belongings, sometimes he would cripple his victims. He had set his sight on Roman, he would let him bully him, order him around in this test, let him feel all-powerful but later he will teach Roman a painful lesson. It was his plan, unfortunately, Alex had seen through him. Previously, he was thinking maybe he could also add Alex into his plan, but now he dropped the idea as he was too dangerous. Someone, he better not offend, so Cyril nodded his head, this time without hesitation, Alex's warning has been registered and will be respected.

And as for how Alex knew his true personality it was because of his six senses and Silveria's warning.


Suddenly Damien and Fynn's wristband lit up as it showed three lines,

Team 3


Team 7

"Seems like we are up against Team 7," Alex said as he looked at his wristband.

''Let's go.'' He added and, a blinding light came from their wristbands and covered their bodies, after the light died down, they had vanished.

When the three reappeared they were standing on a vast open field with no one in sight except them.

However, in Alex's mind, he got the location of all three flags, which were spread out across the field. The closest of them was at least fifteen kilometers away, and the farthest one was thirty kilometers one while the third one was eighteen kilometers away. The farthest one was located on the northern side of the field.

''Cyril, are you a close combat Ranker or a long-range?" Alex asked.

''I'm a Long-distance combat Ranker, I can also do a little bit of Close combat,'' Cyril answered without hiding anything.

Roman stayed silent wondering what Alex had in the mind asking such a question.

''I see. Then, you must assist Roman to capture the flag located eighteen kilometers from here, I'll take care of the remaining two.'' Alex ordered.

Both Cyril and Roman nodded their heads and were ready to depart toward the specified flag. No word was needed as they knew how powerful Alex was, even though the two were to team up against Alex they are not sure if they could win even with their Level 54 and 55. So, they were not worried as no matter how strong the other team could be, Alex would be able to secure at least one flag, what they need to do was to secure their flag, like this they will have two flags before reuniting, they would then confront the other team.


Alex heard the sound and heard in his mind that the match had started. They could not move, immediately Cyril and Roman dashed toward the flag eighteen kilometers away from their current location.

Alex kicked the ground and disappeared like a bolt of lightning. He would disappear to reappear two kilometers away, he repeated this few times, and less than five minutes he was already in front of flag closest flag, it was a red flag, he approached the flag cautiously and after making sure there was no trap, Alex took before moving to the next location.

Meanwhile, the audience on the outside and even the teachers all focused on one of the many screens. All of their eyes were glued on Alex's match, and they were surprised at how fast he had captured his first flag, he was even faster than the second princess, it had taken Alex 5 minutes to capture his first flag while it took the second princess 7 minutes.

Many whispers were going around, and even the teachers were discussing Alex's skill.

''What a strange movement skill. It's almost like teleportation.'' One of the teachers said.

''I want to study him.'' Another one said,

however, this teacher had a dangerous glint inside his eyes when he talked.

Even the others teachers felt afraid of this teacher, who likes to study unusual things, if not because the Headmistress, this fellow would have done outrageous things such as dissecting students to study them. He was crazy, but a crazy genius that had created numerous items, improved runes magic used to make equipment.

190: Team 3 Vs Team 7 Part 2

Just after Alex had captured his first flag, in another field.

A red-haired young girl was standing proudly in front of her teammates, flames were dancing around her as if to praise her. Gracier was coldly looking down on her two teammates who had thought they could look down on her, order her around because they were a little bit stronger than her.

The two lowered their heads not daring to look at Gracier in the eyes, if they had known she was this fiery they wouldn't have provoked her.

They just wanted to be the leader of this team and order as she is weaker than them, however, the way they showed it was wrong, they got slapped and put in their place instead.

''You two go to east and capture the flag over. You better succeed or else humph!''

''Hiih! We will.'' the two nodded their heads before standing, they were scared of Gracier beyond words, previously they said she'll act as a decoy, she had no choice, now it was them who had no choice other than to follow and accomplish Gracier's order.

Suddenly, Gracier's disappeared leaving the two who were planning to go speechless as they weren't able to see at all, they only saw a scorched footprint on the ground, nothing else.

Shaking their heads, the couple left.

On the other side, Gracier was moving at fast speed toward the nearest flag while using her movement skill, Blaze steps, each time she takes a step, the ground underneath her foot will become scorched while she'd reappeared two hundred meters away.

Soon, she could see the flag in front of her, however, to her surprise she was not the only one present, another person was running toward the flag, it was someone she knew, Amy Stone, the pink-haired girl, the vixen planning to ensnare her brother.

Gracier expression darkened, while moving she materialized Ignia's bracelet into her golden bow and took aim.

At the same time, Amy also sensed Gracier, she was surprised, previously she was too focused ahead, however, now that she knew someone was planning the same thing as her, her target sister to boot she decided to play with her, this changed when she noticed the hostility coming from Gracier as the latter did not choose to hide it. Amy grinned.

'I'll teach this little girl a lesson.' Amy thought before summoning three meters long water whip, it was her Gift.

Both girls were two hundred meters away from the flag, smirking Amy, her water whip elongated from three meters to fifty, then hundred, hundred fifty, and soon it was about to reach the flag.

However, before it could a Fire arrow coming from the sky fell near the flag and then created a two meters wide flame ring around the flag.


The water whip retreated after clashing against the flame ring.

Amy's face darkened, she immediately recalled her water whip back and used it to defend against three incoming fire arrows.

While defending against the fire arrows, she was pushed back, 'This girl is a monster.' she thought.

A provoking voice reached Amy's ears, ''I'll be taking this flag. I hope you will be faster if not you won't be able to get anything, hehehe.'

Amy stood there frozen as she had not expected Gracier to be this strong, while she was dealing with her fire arrows, the latter disappeared and reappeared in the flame ring, she calmly took the flag before leaving, not without provoking Amy.

''Damn it, little brat, just wait. I'll teach you a lesson.'' Amy said while biting her nail, she had never felt so humiliated in her life, and to think it was the fault of a little girl weaker than her, this was a hard slap harder to swallow. She must retaliate, it was going to be one bloody hell of retaliation.

The audience outside was surprised seeing Gracier's match, most of the teachers present did not expect Gracier to be so strong. While a group was watching Gracier's match with interest wanting to know who will be the final winner in the confrontation between Gracier and Amy, another group was focused on Alex's match.

'First Flag taken. Let's move on.' Alex said after taking the first flag. He disappeared and reappeared few times, he was already in front of the second flag, like before he didn't meet any rival team members, so he secured the flag.

Suddenly, his expression changed as he got an alert from his wristband that the rival team had already taken the last flag! His team was too late. It was not all, Roman's presence vanished, he must have been eliminated, Cyril was sending Alex a distress signal.

Before the match, Alex learned that team members can send each other distress signals during the competition in case they need help. So, considering the current situation, Roman being eliminated, Cyril must be in a pretty bad situation for him to ask for Alex's assistance.

'Oh! Only one person was able to take care of them. He must be pretty strong. I wonder who's it?' Alex wondered as he could feel two presences moving in his direction, they must be coming to deal with him.

'Hehehe, I need to hurry. So, ain't playing with you.' Alex said with a devilish grin.

The two coming towards Alex sensed him coming in their direction, they wondered if the other party was a foul, instead of fleeing he chose to come over.



"Huh? What just happened?" The two boys were confused as they suddenly felt something touching their wrists and a sudden gust of wind brushing pasting their bodies.

"Noooo! My wristband is gone!!" The boys were shocked as they looked at their wrists. It had disappeared, they weren't even able to see the other party. ''This is-''

However, before they say anything else, they disappeared as they got teleported out.

Alex only chuckled not saying anything as he continued moving in Cyril's direction.

〖Master, you'd be surprised once you found out who is the other party.〗Silveria said after yawning, she was bored as there was no action, therefore she scanned the direction they were going in, it was then she'd seen something interesting.

'Oh? I'm sure I'm going to like that surprise.'

Alex said not asking anything else. He was almost there, so why ask? He prefers seeing for himself, it is a surprise, after all, learning it now would not be a surprise any longer.

Silveria chuckled as she had expected such a reaction so she was not surprised.

In another location, stepping on someone was a young man with a sword coated in flame in his hand. He wore a demonic grin.

191: Kevin, The Slime Slayer

Alex kept running at a full speed and in few minutes he already on the other side where Cyril seemed to be held hostage.

Stopping few meters away from the assailant who put one of his feet on Cyril, the latter seemed to be unconscious, Alex was surprised, so surprised that he started laughing.

''Hahaha, I was wondering who the surprise might be, but it turned to be you, Kevin.''

Kevin was surprised, he didn't expect to meet Alex this soon. Nonetheless, it was a God-sent opportunity as he also wanted to have a chance to beat Alex. He started grinning, he must use this opportunity to accomplish that goal.

''Hehehe, isn't our dear Alexander? Why don't you say hello to your Big brother after coming to the capital? I don't remember teaching to behave like that. You must always greet your elders, it was what I teach you. Did you forget?" Kevin tried to provoke him.

Alex couldn't stop himself from laughing, he would be an idiot if he falls for such a petty trick.

Kevin's face darkened slightly, he decided to switch to another method, a more vicious one, lifting his foot, a flame appeared under the sole of his foot, then he grinned before bringing his flaming foot down towards the beaten up Cyril's hand if Kevin were to succeed, not only he would injure Cyril at the same time he will be sending him out of the field as the hand he targeted was the one where Cyril wore the wristband.

And how could Alex allowed such a thing, it was Kevin's goal, he wants to see Alex watch helplessly as he sends his last teammate out of the field, to Kevin there was no way Alex can stop him as he was faster.

Unfortunately, he was wrong, he abruptly stopped his foot midway before jumping back to avoid a knife thrown by Alex.

Now twenty away from Cyril, Kevin glared at Alex, the latter was smiling. Suddenly, Cyril vanished, he has been teleported out of the field, it seemed that Alex's knife had cut off his wristband, Alex had done this to help Cyril to receive treatment, and more importantly if he was present he was going to be a burden, Kevin may use him as a hostage again.

*Pft hahaha

Alex couldn't help laugh when he saw Kevin's status, especially one of his titles.

[Kevin Asmar]

Class: Magic Swordmaster

Age: 17


Level 57

Experience Value: 1200/8000

Magic Power: 600 (+560 (+220 BP)) ✒ 1380

Magic: Fire

Attack: 90 (+560 (+ 400 BP) ) ✒ 1050

Defense: 70 (+560 (+200 BP) ) ✒ 860

Agility: 70 (+560 (+200 BP) ) ✒ 830

Intelligence: 75 (+560 (+100 BP) ) ✒ 735

Luck: 90 (+560 (+100 BP) ) ✒ 750

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Magic Sword Surtr

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 1 (+14 SP) Level Max ✒ Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 1 (+4 SP) ✒ Level 5] [Heavy Slash Level 1] [Meteor Slash Level 1 (+ 14 SP) ✒ Level Max] [Fireball Level 1 (+4 SP) ✒ Level 5] [Ray Finger Level 1 (+ 4 SP) ✒ Level 5] [Fire Steps Level 1 (+4) to ✒ Level 5]

Special ability: {Fire Sword Domain Level 1 (+6 SP) ✒ Level 6}

Titles: [Otherworlder] [ The Lackey] [ Vicious Mouth] [Slime Slayer] [Flame Prince]

''Slime Slayer? Pft hahaha. I wonder how many Slime you must have killed to acquire such a title?" Alex asked.

Kevin's face darkened, among his titles, [Slime Slayer] was the one he hated the most, if he could have removed it he would have done it long ago, unfortunately, it was impossible to erase a title. It's a lifetime thing, what was worst it's that he acquired that title after clearing the First floor of a dungeon they have been raiding, Leonardo, Dodolus, Camilla, and Amy were also present, it was all of them who cleared that floor and yet he was the only one to have acquired such a title.

〖Master please teach that murdered a lesson. How dare he〗Silveria said furiously.

'Sil?' Alex asked perplexed as he could not understand why she seemed so mad at Kevin.

〖How dare he to kill such a cute little creature. He killed them so much that he acquired the Slime Slayer title.〗Silveria explained.

'So, slimes are cute? They must not be killed? What should I do if I encounter one? Let myself get devoured?' Alex was amused.

〖Yeah they are cute, I like the sound they made after being pierced by my bullets. Pop~ pop. Only I have the right to murder such a cute little creature. Fufufu! I'm looking forward to the day I'll encounter one.〗Silveria said while smiling sweetly.

Alex's jaw almost dropped to the floor, for his peace of mind he decided not to comment.

Kevin was surprised by Alex's expression because the latter expression suddenly became weird, he decided to provoke Alex again, his title Vicious mouth wasn't for show.

However before he could open his mouth Alex said,

''Kevin, the Slime Slayer you did not answer my previous question, I'm still waiting you know?"

Kevin's face became red, blood rushed to his head and he spat out, ''Die.''

He then extended his finger in Alex's direction, immediately Alex dodged a fire beam shot out from Kevin's finger.

Alex kept dodging left and right when suddenly his figure blurred, he disappeared to reappear on Kevin's left, his leg aimed toward the latter face, Kevin defended his face with his free hand while also sending a kick at Alex. The latter was forced to jump back, just as he landed, he launched three knives at Kevin.

Swooosh! Swooosh!!

Against the first knife, Kevin slightly tilted his body backward to avoid it. As for the remaining two, he dealt with them using his longsword sword.

Clangs! Clangs!

Taking a quickdraw stance to perform one of his sword skills, Kevin shouted,

[Meteor Slash]


The sky turned crimson, Alex was assaulted with a sudden dreadful feeling, he knew he must fall back as far he can or else he may be injured, worst lose the match, so without holding back, he accel-ed numerous times.

The ground was cleaved into two creating a long gash on the ground (five meters). The ground was scorched as if a couple of meteors had fallen there.

Even from where he was Alex could feel the heat, he sweated thinking has been lucky to have such heaven-defying movement skill, or else he would be forced to deal with such dangerous skill.

Without turning around Alex defended with his knife Reaper,


Somehow, Kevin appeared behind him and attacked him, normally Kevin should be exhausted after executing such strong skill and yet it was not the case, Alex was confused.

Thankfully Silveria's next words cleared his confusion.

〖Normally yes, but due to a certain title he possesses, the amount of MP he must normally use to execute his skills (Fire related one) is halved, I'm talking about his Flame Prince title.〗

'I see.' Alex said while dodging Kevin's attacks.

Since the start Alex was not seriously fighting as he decided to restraint himself to see how he would fare facing a swordsman such as Kevin, can he win without using his Gift? He wondered.

Kevin was feeling extremely frustrated at the moment, none of his attacks were connecting, Alex kept dodging, even his strongest attack did not work. He felt like Alex was toying with him as he was not fighting him seriously. He didn't even use his Gift. Or it's because it's still sealed? I don't think so, let's test him.

Kevin decided before using his special ability, his trump card, even though he possesses the Flame Prince's title that can reduce the amount of MP needed for Fire related skills by half, his special ability wouldn't last more than three seconds as it drains too much MP.

{Fire Sword Domain active} Kevin said.

Immediately, three meters around Alex has been turned into a sea of flame, in the sky, five illusionary big swords made of flame appeared, their tips pointed at Alex.

Kevin was panting hard, even so, he grinned when he saw the surprised expression on Alex's face, flicking his fingers Kevin ordered.

''Flame swords bury him.''

Suddenly, the five flame swords were shot at Alex at extremely fast speed.

From the onlookers' point of view, these swords were extremely fast and almost unavoidable, but to Alex, they were slow compared to the wind alpha wolf.

Sighing, Alex decided to finally use Silveria. Summoning her, Alex fired five times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Five piercing bullets clashed against the five flame swords,


A big explosion occurred dying the sky red.

Kevin's mouth was wide open, he couldn't believe what just happened, neither the audience outside. Most of the spectators were not able to see what happened, they just know that Alex took out something and that all. They were not able to see him shoot five bullets at fast speed with Silveria.

''Fufufu! This boy has gotten stronger again.'' Elseria commented.

Freya was also surprised,

''Do you know what kind of Gift that is?" She asked while looking at Silveria which was in Alex's hand.

''Never heard of such unusual Gift that can shoot a projectile. It's my first time seeing it.'' Elseria shrugged her shoulders.

Freya couldn't only sigh, she decided to continue watching Alex's match this time with more interest.

~Back to Alex and Kevin.

Kevin's body trembled, he knew he had screwed up. Without his Gift Alex was toying with him and with it now, he stood no chance.

Suddenly, Alex vanished and reappeared in front of the trembling Kevin.

''It's now my turn.''

Alex said before punching Kevin in the stomach.


The punch was too fast and too strong, so strong that it sent Kevin spiraling into the sky.

Alex vanished to reappear above the falling Kevin with one of his legs raised high, he brought it down, pummeling Kevin toward the ground.



Kevin crashed against the ground creating a huge crater, he immediately fainted with foam coming out of his mouth, his eyes rolled back.

Alex landed softly near him. Lowering his body, he muttered,

''It's not good to run your mouth. Keep it shut.''

He then removed Kevin's wristband, the latter was instantly teleported outside of the field.

Team 3 Vs Team 7, the match just ended with the victory of Alex's team.

192: Against Big Brother 1

Just as Alex's match ended, several others matches had ended as well, everyone was moving to the next field as Alex. Gracier had won her first match by conquering all the flags. The expected rematch between Gracier and Amy didn't happen as time out.

Amy felt greatly humiliated, she decided to teach Gracier a lesson in the individual matches.

On the second field, Alex's team faced against Team 10 (this team was composed of two Levels 53 and One Level 54) won. This time none of them had been eliminated.

At the end of the match as usual Alex's received a notification,

[Second Team Battle Ended with your Victory. Do you wish to proceed to the next one?

Yes or No?]

Naturally, Alex answered yes, and the three were teleported into the next field.

Alex decided to go capture the closest flag, he sent Roman and Cyril toward the second one.

'Wew, first flag, done!' Alex heaved a sigh, he had captured the closest flag to his team's starting position. He had reached before Roman and Cyril because of his unusual movement skill, nor did he meet anyone from the rival team.

He checked the other two locations and found out that they were almost close to the second flag. They must be aware that he had just captured the first one, same with the rival team.

'I guess I should go for the farthest flag now.'

Alex thought that he would go capture that flag and if he doesn't encounter any of the rival team members over there, then he would come to give backup to Roman and Cyril.

However, as he was going on his way, he got an alert from his wristband that the rival team had already taken the second flag! His team was too late. Not only that, Cyril has been eliminated, as for Roman he seemed to be in a pretty tough spot as he kept sending assistance signals one after another.

'I wonder what happened. How is the one the two have faced? Damien? Leonardo? Sakuya? Maria? Leon ?' he wondered, here is Divine Sense seemed to be blocked by something, so he couldn't use it.

Alex hoped that the person wasn't who he thought it was and speeded off towards the person who captured the second flag. He did not want their match to happen here. There was also her, he did not wish to face if possible.

〖Don't worry it's not Leon but someone you would have never imagined. Even I'm surprised when I saw she is, Fufufu!〗Silveria dropped a hint on the other party's identity.

'She? So, the other party is a woman. I wonder who she is?' Alex thought before,

'Hmm?' Alex noticed two silhouettes rushing towards his position, and he instantly knew that those two were from the rival team who were planning to capture the first flag.

Grinning he passed through the two and lightly touched their wristbands, it was a couple, both had the same level 54.


"Ehhhh?" The couple exclaimed as they suddenly felt something touching their wrists and a sudden gust of wind brushing pasting their bodies. Finally, they looked down.

''No way?!" The two were shocked as they looked at their wrists.

However, before they could think about anything else, they disappeared as they got teleported out.

Alex continued moving toward the third flag at extremely fast speed and soon he was already there.

Roman was lying on the ground not moving.

Alex's gaze did not linger on Roman more than one second before moving toward the figure standing not too far from Roman.

Green eye clashed against Red eye, both were surprised. Alex's brows raised as the only thing he wished to not happen came true,


Outside, silence fell upon the whole stadium.

All eyes were on Alex's screen, the exciting match between Leon and Damien, between Leonardo and Maria, did not seem exciting anymore when they saw what was about to happen on Alex's side.

'An exciting fight was about to begin.' This was what everyone was thinking.

`Back to Alex and Gracier's Location.

When Gracier saw that the leader of the rival team, the person who had already captured two flags, her body froze.

She never thought she would encounter her brother here.

Suddenly, she grinned, her right tree red-eye shined with determination as she looked at her brother in the eye.

Alex smiled when he saw the determination in his sister's eyes.

Even though she knew she can't win, she still decided to compete. If it was another person, she may choose to forfeit this match, to give up because the other party was stronger, and more importantly the other party was her brother. Gracier did not choose to forfeit without fighting, if she were to do something like that, it would mean she was given up on her dream of one day catching up to her brother. From this fight, she will learn, and also progress even if she lost.

''Big brother let's fight,'' Gracier said with a crazy battle smile.

''Sure bring it.'' Alex smiled before looking in the direction of Roman, the latter was planning to stand up.

''Stand right there. This is my fight." Alex said in a firm tone to Roman.

'I wouldn't have assisted you even if you have asked.' Roman thought to himself, however, he didn't say it.

He then jumped back, he distanced himself from the two monsters. Even though he surpassed her by few levels, he couldn't even put a fight against the redhead even with the assistance of Cyril. There was no chant, she could use her magic at will, only extremely few individuals could do this. To think Alex's sister would be among them, she was indeed a monster.

Roman was confused, he wondered why Alex even needed to have a face-off with his sister when he could eliminate him within just a blink of an eye. Even though he recognized that Gracier was stronger, she was a monster, compared to Alex, she was lacking. So, why? He thought about it but couldn't find the answer to that question.

Shaking his head, Roman looked at the siblings who were about to start their fight. He decided to just watch the fight, the reason for this fight doesn't matter.

~Back to the Siblings.

Alex decided to check his sister's status to see how much MP does she have left.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 6」

Level 52

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Race: High Half-Elf

Experience Value: 1500/7500

Magic Power: 1500 /1745

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 690

Defense: 455

Agility: 355

Intelligence: 345

Luck: 355


SP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Flame Shield Level 5] [Presence Detection Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 8] [Fire Lotus Level 5] [Archery Level 5] [Blaze Steps Level 5]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 10 Max] [Flame Wings Level 3] [Dragon's Breath Level Level 2]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』

'She has 1500 MP left.' Alex thought while looking at his status.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 64

Experience Value (XP): 800/18700

Magic Power: 3800/5010

Magic: None

Attack: 1050

Defense: 940

Agility: 1050

Intelligence: 940

Luck: 730

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

Currently, he had 3800 MP left. This happened because he used Accel to move toward the farthest flag and he used it on his way back here.

''Big brother it is not good to spy openly on woman's secret you know?" Gracier said while she readied her already materialized Gift.

Alex shrugged his shoulders not responding to Gracier's words. He readied his weapons, Silveria on his left and Razor on his right.

Nobody made a move, they were just staring at each other.

While it's true that he was stronger than her sister, Alex did not dare to underestimate the latter as he knew Gracier's true combat prowess was not the same as her level, especially considering her talent controlling Fire. They had fought once in the past, it was training, Alex almost lost in that fight even though his level was higher than her. This happened before the start of the D Rank test. Since that day, Alex knew that he must never underestimate his sister, not underestimate someone whose level was lower than yours as higher level doesn't mean everything.

Outside, the audience was waiting for the match to start.

Meanwhile, far away in a simple pavilion, a brown-haired young woman was looking at the huge screen before her. Her eyes were focused on Alex's figure on the screen. Sitting beside her was another young woman, this one had purple hair.

''So, it's him.'' said the purple-haired girl while looking at the figure of Alex.

The brown-haired young woman did not answer, she focused her attention on the screen.

193: Against Big Brother 2

Alex and Gracier were facing each other in silence, the distance separating them was about twenty meters.

Outside the audience was waiting for the fight to begin, a fight which should be without a doubt exciting.

Suddenly, Alex moved, he jumped back. At first, the people outside were surprised, however, they understood why Alex did such a thing after the ground around Gracier radius of thirty meters was turned into a sea of flame.

Just as Alex landed he aimed his gun at his left and fired.

Bang! Boom!

A big explosion occurred when Silveria's bullet clashed against a fireball, this created a shockwave that Alex made use of to dodge the other fireballs coming towards him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Still, in the air, Alex aimed his gun in Gracier's direction and fired. Gracier's figure turned into a flame before disappearing. The bullets passed through empty air. Hastily twisting his body midair Alex dodged a fire arrow aimed at him.

Alex grinned and thought about something, not being strong as close-range combat, Gracier wouldn't let him near her as by doing such a thing, she would be giving the other party a reason to beat her.


A knife was thrown at Gracier, the latter sidestepped to avoid and when she was about to shoot another fire arrow at Alex, the latter figure vanished. Gracier panicked, at least from the audience outside and Alex's point of view.

〖Master you fell for it.〗Silveria suddenly said.

Alex who appeared not too far behind Gracier knew something wasn't right, Silveria's words confirmed that feeling.

Gracier spun to face Alex, the golden bow in her hand changed into two meters long golden flaming scythe which she swung down.

Alex's eyes widened so much that they almost fell out of their sockets, he jumped back to avoid Gracier's scythe.

'Since when?' he asked while making use of his senses to pinpoint Gracier who had disappeared.

〖Just recently, this second form is the result of her training with Ignia. Due to her higher affinity with Ignia, she was able to transform Ignia into different forms, the current form is Ignia's original weapon form. There won't be any other forms.〗Silveria explained.

'I see.' Alex inwardly said while moving his knife to blocked Gracier's scythe, he sensed the sickle shooting towards him, aiming for his wristband.

He swiftly blocked the sickle with his Razor and deflected it, sending it back in a certain direction. He then fired two bullets at Gracier, the latter figure vanished to reappear few meters away.

Just as she appeared she hastily used her scythe to block Alex's leg strike. Even though she had blocked the strike, she couldn't completely kill the power behind that strike, so she was sent spiraling into the air.

She felt dizzy, even so, she quickly formed a flame shield around her body to block Silveria's bullets.

Outside the audience was surprised by the ongoing fight, they couldn't understand why Gracier Gift could switch forms, they have never heard of something like that. Freya aside, even Elseria was surprised seeing Gracier's Gift switch forms, it was her first time seeing a Gift that could have two forms.

In the audience lot of young masters have decided to make Gracier their woman as a talented woman possessing such a Gift must not be left alone. If she were to give birth to an heir, the latter talent would unrivaled.

Unaware of what happens outside, Alex and Gracier were fighting.

*Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!*

Metal clanging sounds continuously resounded. The shockwaves spread in the air as Gracier's scythe fiercely clashed with Alex's knife.

Using the heat in the air due to her previous action (transforming thirty meters into a sea of flame) Gracier was able to use her movement skill to the fullest, she could move at an extremely fast speed using the ambient heat. By doing that, it appears as she disappears. This makes things difficult for Alex to localize her as here his divine sense was unusable, he couldn't only rely on his senses.

Clang! Clang!!

They exchanged few moves before jumped back as two fireballs were sneakily moving toward him from the back.

As if expecting her brother to dodge, Gracier already prepared her next attack.

Ten fire beams stormed toward Alex at extremely fast speed.


Taking a deep breath, Alex observed the incoming fire beams, his eyes were calm, same as his heart. To him, the incoming fire beams were slow, so slow that he moved his left hand and pulled the trigger ten times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!!!!

All the ten fire beams were eliminated.

'No way, So fast!' Gracier was surprised how fast Alex's movements were as she knew best the speed at which her fire beams shot towards him.

However, she didn't get discouraged and created another fire beam, this time she created twenty-five of them instead of ten.

Alex sweated when he saw the incoming beams, even though he was fast he knew he couldn't shoot all twenty-five down.

He shot down thirteen of the twenty-five beams. As for the remaining, he tried to avoid them by going in another direction, however, he was surprised to find them coming after him. As though, they had consciousness on their own, the twelve remaining fire beams got divided into two, one group was chasing after him while the other half already curved through the air, surrounding him, making him unable to dodge them.

Tapping his foot on the ground as hard as he could, it created a cloud of dust that momentarily blocked his figure, making use of this, Alex's presence vanished. Having lost their target, the twelve remaining fire beams disappeared.

On the other side Gracier felt a sudden chill, she jumped back to avoid the bullet shot toward her, unfortunately, no matter where she went, what she did, that bullet still follow her, one bullet became two. Gracier was forced to create flame shields around her body as she failed to avoid the bullets.


An explosion occurred when Alex's homing bullets clashed against her flame shields, Gracier's figure was shot back.

''Gah!" She spurted a mouthful of blood due to an internal injury, her body fell onto the ground creating a thud sound, she rolled a few times on the ground.

Alex appeared not too far from her, however, his expression changed after taking his second step.

''Shit,' He cursed as the ground exploded on his second step as if there was mine hidden under the ground. The explosion sent him flying a few dozen meters back, he almost coughed blood.

Stabilizing himself, he looks up to see Gracier who should be lying down stand up. Her head was bleeding, there was blood on the corner of her mouth. Even though she looked beaten up, she still wore a smile, since the start she knew it impossible for her to win, from their fight she could say that her brother hadn't gotten serious, this was not because he was looking down on her but because doing getting serious, he would be showing a lot of his trump cards which will be unwise as the main event had not started.

She didn't resent her brother for taking such a decision as she was doing the same thing.

Taking a deep breath while checking her remaining MP, she decided to use her newly acquired Special ability: The Dragon breath.

Opening her mouth she roared, it was a dragon roar, her roar shook the whole field.

Outside, sitting in a beautiful pavilion, Freya and Elseria stood up, their eyes fixed on Gracier's figure, their mouths were wide open, they could not believe what just happened. A human emitting a dragon roar, a true dragon roar.

There were not the only one surprised, hiding among the common spectators were a group of gray-robed individuals, they were hiding their faces behind a cloak, their leader's eyes widened, those golden eyes shined when this person heard Gracier's roar, it was as if they have found a treasure.

Back to the field.

Alex covered his ears while Roman fainted, this roar was too much for an already injured man.

Suddenly, from Gracier's opened mouth flame came out, this flame was golden in color unlike the orange one, the length of this golden flame was around two meters, even so, the moment it appeared, the temperature became extremely hot, the ground melted.

Seeing the incoming flame, Alex's expression turned serious, aiming Silveria at the incoming golden flame he fires two Phantom Bullets.

Bang! Bang!

The golden flame momentarily stopped as it clashed against the two Phantom Bullets which had combined to stop their enemy. The stalemate did not last long before the golden flame continued moving toward Alex.

Alex couldn't move, it was as if he had been locked in place. Aiming his gun once more at the incoming flame he fired, this time instead of Phantom Bullet, he used Dispel Bullet.

(Dispel Bullet: Can temporarily reduce the target's attack power. The duration will depend on the target's level. Can be used on already fired spells)

Blue bullet clashed against golden flame, the golden flame seemed to have diminished, to have lost most of its power. Alex swung down his knife and cleaved the weakened flame into two.

Gracier had already fallen face-first on the ground, she was exhausted as she used almost all of her remaining MP.

''I have lost.'' She said when she sensed Alex approaching her.

''Indeed you have but I'm proud of you. It was a beautiful fight. I'll wait for a rematch later.''

Alex said while lowering his body to caress Gracier's head.

''Hehehe! Please Look forward to it, one day I'll beat you.'' Gracier said before her figure vanished, Alex had removed her wristband.

194: Start Of The Last Part

As the match between Alex and his sister ended, silence fell upon the whole stadium.

Even though they knew Alex would win, they did not expect Gracier to that strong, so strong that most of the big families started eyeing her, wanting her to become their daughter-in-law.

The team battle assessment continued for another four before it ended. Alex's was among the first teams, his team earned 20 pts (Roman and Cyril: 10 pts because they have not actively participated in the fights)

Artemia's team, Lilith's team, Leon's team (He won his fight against Damien. Rumor has that it was because Damien did not go all out.) Leonardo's team (He won against Maria.), and lastly there was Kuina's team.

2nd place, (Teams that earned 15 pts.):

Maria's team, Sakuya's team, Gracier's team.

Chris stood in front of his students, he looked at them for a moment before announcing.

''Well done everyone. The last part of this Mock battle will start tomorrow. You'll be put in a group of four and process by an elimination round, the final winner of your group will compete against the final winner of the other group, this will continue until there will be only one winner. As for the reward apart from the promised one, the final winner will be granted three days access to one of the special dungeons.''

The moment Alex and others heard this news, their eyes shined, it was full of determination to win.

Chris smiled when he saw this. ''Well, it's good that you are all motivated but you must go back and rest to be at the top of your condition to perfect we'll tomorrow. You will not want to lose a match because of a lack of sleep do you?"

The students shook their heads.

''Good, then you must go back and rest,'' Chris ordered.

After exchanging few words with his friends and gave his fiancee a good night kiss, Alex left with his sister.

At home, the two did not immediately go to rest, they trained until late in the night. They only slept for 6 hours, the next day morning when they checked their status they had gained few stats points.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 64

Experience Value (XP): 800/18700

Magic Power: 5010

Magic: None

Attack: 1050 (+20) 1070

Defense: 940 (+20) ✒ 960

Agility: 1050 (+50) ✒ 1100

Intelligence: 940 (+20) ✒ 960

Luck: 730 (+20) ✒ 750

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

Alex trained like crazy in the Inner Zone, he killed a lot of monsters, before leaving he even fought against almost Mini-boss level monster, The crazy monkey King. This fight wasn't easy as he died three times before he managed to slay the monster. Because he had died three times, the gravity increased by 300 kg, so when he managed to kill the crazy monkey King, he gained an additional 30 pts on his AGI stat.

As for Gracier, even if Ignia's was in slumber, she had already devised a training method for Gracier. Different from the Illusionary Battlefield, Gracier must fight against Magma beasts on a huge flame platform. The beasts were classed by levels, the stronger beast she kills, the more points she'll get. Gracier managed to kill fifty Level 20 Magma beasts and thirty Level 35 Magma beasts.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 6」

Level 52

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Race: High Half-Elf

Experience Value: 1500/7500

Magic Power: 1745 (+15) ✒ 1760

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 690 (+15) ✒ 705

Defense: 455 (+55) ✒ 470

Agility: 355 (+15) ✒ 370

Intelligence: 345 (+15) ✒ 360

Luck: 355 (+15) ✒ 370

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Flame Shield Level 5] [Presence Detection Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 8] [Fire Lotus Level 5] [Archery Level 5] [Blaze Steps Level 5]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 10 Max] [Flame Wings Level 3] [Dragon's Breath Level Level 2]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』

Unlike Alex who could only gain stats points such as ATK, DEF, AGI, INT, and LUK, Gracier could also gain MP's points by killing the Magma beasts, simply because they have been created using Ignia's fire essence, fire essence the latter previously used to increase Gracier's MP.

After taking their breakfast, the two left for the academy.


Imperial Magic Academy, the battle arena.

Today, there were a lot of spectators who came to watch the new student's performance.

Alex and others were standing on a huge platform, in front of them were their teacher, Chris.

''Good morning everything. Without wasting too much time. We shall begin the last part of our little competition. Like I said yesterday, you'll be put in a group of four, it's an elimination round until there will be only one winner, there will be eight groups. Go touch that stone over there, you'll see in which group you're in.''

Chris said while he pointed his finger at bluestone floating in the air.

One by one the students went to touch the bluestone, finally, Alex's turn came. He walked until he was in front of the bluestone, then he touched it.

There was a blinding light before the name of the members of Alex's group was shown. When he saw those names, Alex chuckled.

〖Group C: Alexander Kael Touch, Lilith Astaroth, Roman Fishburns and Dodolus Asmar.〗

Alex learned that Ferris and Eris were in the same group, group A, Leon in another group, group B, Maria, Sakuya and Kuina in the same group, group D, Leonardo, Luna and Camilla in the same group, group E, Damien was in the same group as Kevin and Cyril, the group F and lastly, Artemia in group G. Gracier and Amy were in the H group.

''Good, now you know in which group you're, but let me warn, do not think that the final winner of group A will be paired against Group B, it will be random. Also do note that it's forbidden to kill your enemy but you can go all out without fearing gravely injuring your opponent as no matter which injury you'd receive it will be healed at the end of the match. So, fight to your heart content.'' Chris said.

From what Alex heard, there was a white dome covering each arena, not only to protect the spectators from harm but to also heal the injured contestants.

''Hehehe! Alex my friend I know you'll be the final victor of your group. And who knows in the second stage we may face each other, even if it doesn't happen, I hope you wait for me. Do not lose until you face me.'' Leon slapped Alex's shoulder while saying so.

''Don't worry, I'm not planning to lose not before facing you, nor I've planned to lose against you. I'll be the final winner.'' Alex declared.

''Oh? That's some nice you're saying there. Do you think I'll let you win?" Artemia said.

''We'll see,'' Alex responded not hiding his battle lust, to him, Artemia wouldn't be an easy opponent, ask him if he was hundred percent sure to beat Artemia, he wouldn't say no, at least it's less than 15%. The pressure Artemia gave him wasn't small, it was almost suffocating.

''Fufufu! The final match will be Artemia Vs Alexander with me being the victor.'' Artemia declared.

The others' faces darkened as they didn't like what Artemia said. Especially, Damien and Leonardo.

''Your highness you're looking down on us too much. Alex may not in the final match.''

Leonardo said, Damien, nodded his head as though to say that he shared the same thought.

''Well, excuse me if it appeared as if I'm looking down on you but it's not the case. I just stated a fact, a possible future I believe in, whether this future will happen or not you'll see. And if you don't want such a future to happen you just have to smash it apart with your strength.'' Artemia said before leaving.

Leonardo and others did not say anything as they did not believe that they'll lose.

Looking at his friend who stayed silent in front of Artemia's words, Alex asked.

''Leo, what do you think about Artemia's words?"

Leon scratched his head, ''Well, somehow I do believe her. However, this doesn't mean that I'll lose against you. I'll win.''

''Hahaha! We will see then.'' Alex laughed.

Elsewhere Maria and Kuina were glaring at each other, a spark flew in the air, Sakuya decided to act like a spectator.

Not too far from them, Amy was looking at Gracier as if to swallow the latter.

''Little girl, just waits you will see how I will take care of you,'' she said.

''Fufufu! I hope you won't miserably lose like yesterday.'' Gracier said with a grin.

''You!!" Amy almost puked blood, she wanted to argue, however, at that moment the bluestone shined brightly and projected the name of the first two matches.

Surprisingly it was Alex's group that has been chosen.

1st Match: Alexander Kael Touch Vs Dodolus Asmar.

2nd Match: Lilith Astaroth Vs Roman Fishburns

195: First Match

On a huge platform the figure of Alex could be seen, in front of him was his opponent, this person was over two meters tall, possessing an imposing figure. Dodolus Asmar was watching Alex, not saying anything and when the signal to begin the match was given he said.

''Let's have a good fight.''

Alex was surprised as he was not expecting such words, nonetheless, he still nodded his head. When he appraised Dodolus he was surprised by what he saw.

[Dodolus Asmar]

Class: Holy Guardian

Age: 17


Level 57

Experience Value: 4500/8000

Magic Power: 500 (+560 (+1000 BP) ✒ 2060

Magic: Earth Magic

Attack: 80 (+560 (100 BP) ✒ 740

Defense: 120 (+560 (+20 BP) ✒ 700

Agility: 60 (+560 (+100 BP) ✒ 820

Intelligence: 70 (+560) ✒ 630

Luck: 80 (+560) ✒ 640

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Holy Shield Svalinn

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 5] [Holy Barrier Level 5] [Holy Bash Level 5] [Spear Art Level 5] [Earth Spear Level 5]

Special abilities: {Create Golem Level Max}, {Gravity zone Level 8}

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The Hero Shield] [ Guardian of the Holy Shield] [The Lackey] [The Tank]

'Wow! He's sure strong, way stronger than his brother Kevin.' Alex thought to himself.

Both readied their weapon, Dodolus held a one-handed black spear in his right arm, it was 3m (12 ft), in his left a silver shield (Svalinn). This shield looks like the Hylian Shield you find in The Legend of Zelda, however, instead of blue color, this one is silver and bigger than Hylian Shield.

'Svalinn? Huh! If I'm not wrong, Svalinn is from Norse mythology, Rumor has it that it is the legendary shield that stands before the sun to protect the Earth. I wonder if the two are the same thing.' Alex thought while looking at the silver shield.

Shaking his head he decided to focus on the match.

Bang! Bang!

Alex fired at Dodolus, the latter brought his shield forward to block the bullets. Even though the bullets were faster, Dodolus reaction wasn't less than theirs, he managed to successfully block the bullets.

''Hah!'' Dodolus gave a battle cry before his figure shot forward like an arrow which has been fired.

'Fast, but it's still a bit lacking compared to the wolves.' Alex inwardly commented while dodging Dodolus' Forward Stab.

Dodolus switched stance and performed wide sweeps, Alex's figure disappeared and he reappeared in Dodolus' dead angle and fired.

Bang! Bang!!!!

Knowing that he couldn't dodge all the bullets in time resulting in him being injured, Dodolus made a split-second decision. Raising his foot before tapping it on the ground, he said,

{Gravity Zone activate},

Following his words, a gravity zone of thirty meters was created slowing down the incoming bullets, moving his spear, Dodolus destroyed all the bullets before performing charged attack on Alex. He thought under his Gravity zone (around 300 kg increase in weight) Alex wouldn't be able to dodge, and yet Alex was able to easily avoid his attack.

Alex's figure blurred as he felt an immediate sense of danger after dodging Dodolus Holy Bash, just as he left numerous earth spears emerged from the ground if he was late by a millisecond he would have been impaled.

Seeing his sneak attack not working, Dodolus wanted to execute his next attack as he knew he must give Alex the time to attack as the latter was stronger than him. By constantly attacking Alex, not letting him attack that he will have the chance of winning, so he thought.

Suddenly, Dodolus felt a chill running his spine, without hesitation, he put his shield in front of him.


Dodolus was pushed back, his arm that was holding the shield felt numb, however, he didn't have the time to rest as Alex next attack was already coming, he thought he had blocked it, however, a bullet pierced his right arm forcing him to drop his spear, but before the spear could touch the ground, using his leg he kicked it toward the sky before using his shield to bash at the butt of the spear.

The black spear was shot at Alex at extremely fast speed. Everything happened in second, him using Phantom Bullet to first attack, then using Homing bullet to injure Dodolus only a few seconds passed.

He was almost caught off guard by Dodolus sudden counterattack, Alex was forced to use Silveria to deviate the spear trajectory from his face as even though he tilted his head to the opposite side he couldn't completely avoid the spear. He managed to dodge the spear, however, he received a small cut on his left cheek.

While Alex was dodging the black spear, Dodolus jumped back, looking at his right arm, he knew that it has now become useless.

Sighing heavily, Dodolus decided to use his trump card, he quietly chanted,

''Earth's servant I summon thee to bring justice into this world: Earth Golem.''


There was a rumbling sound, the whole platform shook as if an earthquake was happening, coming from under the platform was a huge figure, it stood over two meters tall, it had a shining body, it was a huge golem.


The golem punched the platform, the platform shook, Alex jumped back while asking,

'Sil, do you know where this golem's core is?'

〖In the head if I'm not wrong.〗Silveria responded.

'I thought so, I just want a confirmation. Let see if this golem will obediently let itself get killed.' Alex murmured before shooting at Phantom Bullet toward the head of the golem.

The latter sensed the incoming threat, so used one of its arms to block the bullet, that arm got destroyed, however, shortly it regrows back.

Bang! Bang!

Another two Phantom Bullets were fired, it destroyed half of the body of the golem.

Knowing that it was unlikely for him to be able to kill the golem so easily, Alex decided to target Dodolus, the one controlling the golem.

After shooting the last two Phantom Bullets, Alex also fired a Homing bullet at Dodolus.

Having being victim of the first Homing bullet, Dodolus was on guard, when he saw a curving bullet-dodging every obstacle on its way, he used Holy Bash to crash against the homing bullet, however, just as he thought he had successfully avoided the danger, a knife suddenly appeared behind him, it was aimed at his head, he saw death coming and he knew he may die if he did nothing.

Just as this thought emerged in his mind, his mind became white, time slowed down and his heartbeat quickened.

Ba-dump Ba-dump Ba-dump!

From the depth of his being, Dodolus heard a call, something was calling him, he felt like he was swimming in murky water, in the depth of the water was shinning silver core. He stretched his arm trying to reach this object, however, he couldn't, he felt frustrated, he was enraged, he must succeed, he must or else he would lose, he would die and he refused this outcome.

Dodolus roared before trying to touch the silver core once more, this time his finger managed to touch the silver core, then everything disappeared. He was back in the real world, he was still on the platform, the golem had disappeared, the knife was slowly moving toward his head, however, he was not afraid, extending his right who should be unusable Dodolus caught the tip of the knife, at that moment he became surprised as he saw that he was wearing silver armor, this armor was illusionary as if not fully materialized yet.

''Sorry, it's my win.''

Suddenly Alex's voice reached his ears before something pierced his body, his mind went blank he lost consciousness. It was because Alex appeared behind him and used Erase on him.

''Seriously, to think he would awake another special ability in a fight. How troublesome.''

Alex lamented while recalling what he saw when he appraised Dodolus after that illusionary silver armor appeared on him.

[Dodolus Asmar]

Class: Holy Guardian

Age: 17


Level 57

Experience Value: 4500/8000

Magic Power: 100/2060

Magic: Earth Magic

Attack: 740

Defense: 700

Agility: 820

Intelligence: 630

Luck: 640

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Holy Shield Svalinn

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 5] [Holy Barrier Level 5] [Holy Bash Level 5] [Spear Art Level 5] [Earth Spear Level 5]

Special abilities: {Create Golem Level Max}, {Gravity zone Level 8} {Svalinn's Armor}

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The Hero Shield] [ Guardian of the Holy Shield] [The Lackey] [The Tank].

〖There are people like that. Facing death threat they will suddenly awake one of their sleeping powers.〗Silveria said while looking at Dodolus.

'I see.' Alex said while looking in the sky.

[First Match between Alexander Kael Touch and Dodolus Asmar end in Alexander victory.]

Outside the audience was silent, nobody said anything. Their eyes were glued on Alex's figure, they were wondering how Alex's bullet made Dodolus fall unconscious. Freya was frowning trying to figure out what happened.

Elseria knew this happened because his remaining MP was cut off (due to Erase). When one Magic power became zero, one will immediately fall unconscious while experiencing a terrible headache.

'I wonder what is that ability?' Elseria wondered. She expected to know more about this ability in the incoming fights.

Talking about the incoming fight, the next one will be interesting.

〖Next match: Alexander Kael Touch Vs Lilith E. Astaroth.〗

196: Rematch

Alex and Lilith were standing on the huge platform, the signal to start the match has been given and yet neither of them initiated an attack against each other, they were eyeing each other in silence.

Few minutes passed when suddenly, Alex chuckled,

''This can be considered a rematch don't you think too Eleonora?"

Lilith did not immediately answer, she looked at Alex for a moment before bursting into laugher.

''Fufufu! Indeed you can say so. I knew you'd be able to recognize me even I switched to my original appearance. What do you think? Beautiful isn't it? Do you like it?" Lilith asked.

The people outside were surprised when they heard the conversation between Alex and Lilith.

''Well, your real appearance is indeed beautiful but at the same time it's too cold, and more importantly, it feels like you're wearing a mask. Your other appearance might not be the true you but I can say it's not far from it. Even though your previous appearance is a little annoying I prefer it to your current one.'' Alex said.

〖Nice observation's skill.〗Silveria complimented him.

Lilith's expression changed for a split second before reverted into her cold one. Shaking her head she said,

''It's that so? Let's begin.'' Her face was cold but it couldn't hide her excitement about the fight that was about to begin.

Facing Lilith, Alex calmed himself down before closing his eyes in reminiscence, he remembered their last fight, how they promised to go all out in their next fight.

''As you wish.'' Alex grinned while he readied his weapons.

Seeing Alex's grin a savage smile formed on Lilith's beautiful face as she replied, "This time, I won't hold back."

"Neither will-huh?"

By the time Alex answered, a fair and dainty hand was already holding his face, before-


Bringing it down violently against the ground.

At least that is what it looked like at the first glance.

The moment Lilith impacted the ground with her hands, the Alex, the onlookers thought she was holding faded like a mirage, while the real one appeared behind her muttering,

''It's rude to go for the face ya know!"

Holding Razor in a hammer grip (if the blade is above the thumb, it is called hammer grip.) Alex sent a fast thrust toward Lilith's back. The attack was so fast that it let friction in the air. But, despite this speed, it still missed as she did a simple roll-forward before jumping away.

The two of them, now in the opposite position from the one they stood at the start of this exchange stopped to gauge their powers.

This short exchange allowed them to know that this fight wouldn't be an easy one for either of them. It wouldn't be like last time where they did not go all out.

Taking a deep breath, Lilith readied her two daggers in a crisscross stance, the atmosphere around her changed, space around twisted violently, her hair danced while her purple shined.

Currently, Alex didn't feel like he was facing a beauty, but rather an extremely dangerous beast that was about to rip him to shred.


Alex's heart thumped, his blood started to boil, not because of fear but because of the thrill of experiencing an exciting fight.

Alex took out his second knife Reaper and readied it, he slowly twirled his shoulder and he calmed his rising tension.

''You should remove that eye patch of yours,'' Lilith said as if she was aware of something.

''Hehehe! Then make me remove it then.'' Alex said with a provocative grin.

Green eye clashed against purple eyes creating illusionary sparks in the air.

For a moment the world stopped, only Alex and Lilith seemed unaffected, they were staring at each other with an unprecedented focus, none of the two thinking about anything else.

Then, time resumed and under the eyes of the crowd, they simply vanished.


The ground under their feet cracked, they appeared midair and started to exchange blows, Lilith was the first to attack by thrusting her black dagger forward, Alex blocked it with one of his knives (Razor) before he counterattacked with the second (Reaper), it was a fast blow, yet Lilith was able to block it before sending kick toward Alex's abdomen, the latter distanced himself from her by jumping back.

Then, they disappeared again and started exchanging blow after blow at fast speed.

Clangs! Clangs! Clangs!

Most of the people outside were not able to follow their exchanges as it was too fast, they only heard the sound of a blade clashing against blade and sparks in the air.

These exchanges continued for a moment before they got separated from each other.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Their breaths were ragged and their clothes ripped in different places, trickles of blood dripping from each of them. At first, it appeared like it's was a draw, however, the sharp-eyed ones could see that Lilith was having more difficulty breathing than Alex and somehow Alex's injuries seemed to be healing faster.

''What? This kid possesses Auto-regeneration skill?" Freya asked Elseria.

The latter shrugged her shoulders as if to say I do not know I'm perplexed as you are.

'This unexpected, I never thought this kid will have such an unusual skill. It's not a skill a human should possess. What are you boy?'

Elseria thought while observing Alex, even with her Rank she was not able to know Alex's real race, it was blurred same as the other seven. This showed that their race was different from humans, however, she was not able to know which race they're from.

~Back on the platform, the two were looking at each other.

Even though this exchange ended up in her loss, she couldn't help but feel giddy with anticipation. It has been a long time since she didn't feel her blood boil in such a way. In this exchange neither of them have used their power, only swinging their blades using their strength.

Because she's from the demon race, she possesses Auto-regeneration skill, her wounds were slowly healing.

''Let's get more serious shall we?" She said before adding,

''Impel'' {A/N: It also mean Acceleration}

''Wha-" Alex did not manage to finish what he was about to say before he was blasted back.

What did it feel like to be hit by a punch at the speed of the sound?

Alex just tasted the answer.



The entire platform trembled as Alex was shot back like a rocket before hitting the wall on the other side and became embedded in it.

*Cough* *Cough*

Even as his vision was obstructed by the debris of the wall and his mind slightly blacked out, he didn't know whether he should be amazed by the fact that Lilith possesses such a speed or the fact that he didn't die under that hit. He didn't even see her coming, her speed surpassed him by a great margin.

''Oh? As I thought you're tough to be brought by such an attack. I would have been disappointed if it was the case.''

Lilith's voice reached Alex's ears, she was slowly walking toward Alex while purple lightning was dancing around her body, space around her was twisting.

'I seem to have underestimated this girl. She strong, stronger than everything I have ever faced.' Alex thought while exhaling a little, he firmed his resolve to get serious or else he would be the one to lose.

The crowd fell silent as they observed the debris under which Alex was under. At first, they thought that he would come out blazing, but as time went past, it seemed incredibly clear that he was out cold. They started wondering if this meant that Lilith was the winner.

However, Lilith did not think like that, to her Alex wouldn't be brought down with such an attack. The real fight was about to begin.

And as though to confirm her words, there was a rumbling sound and Alex's figure could be seen on the other side of the platform. He was bloodied all over, he was covered in dirt, he had trouble standing, his head lowered and despite his rather embarrassing situation, no one was in the mood of joking.

Simply because they were feeling an unusual feeling, it was the feeling one has when facing a dangerous beast. Lilith who was not far from him was feeling fear, a fear she couldn't understand. The daggers in her hands were trembling.

Slowly, Alex lifted his head, his eye patch had disappeared, however, his right eye couldn't be seen as it was covered by his hair. However, even though they couldn't see it, they were afraid, most of the weak-willed individuals looked elsewhere because they couldn't continue looking at Alex, the currently him was emitting a dangerous aura.

In a Pavillon, the brown-haired girl's eyes were shinning, she was smiling, the purple-haired beauty sitting not far from her held her chin in her hand, she seemed to be thinking about something.

On the gray robbed men's side, their leader announced, ''We must acquire this sample. If we can't he must be eliminated as he will represent a huge threat in the future if he can't be controlled.''

The other nodded while plotting how they should move, apart from the red-haired little girl, this one was selected as well. The gray robbed men's goal while coming here was to select their future samples.

197: The Outcome

Lilith felt fear, a kind of fear that came from the deepest part of her soul, something was whispering to her to not go against this man, to not look at him in the eyes, or else she'd die. This man was beyond her reach, he was the king, she should bow in submission.

Lilith gasped in amazement. As she knew what this feeling meant, this is called intent, there are different types of Intent: the more commonly known is Killing intent, people possessing this intent can use it to decide the outcome of a fight. The intent Alex seemed to be unconsciously using was different from that, it was the mix of Killing intent, King intent, and most importantly you can feel death aura from it. Never heard of such Intent, if one day he was able to control this intent it would be a dreadful thing, you will be robbed of your will to fight, your will to live, the weak-willed ones may die under such Intent.

In Freya's location, she was surprised mouth agape, same with Elseria. Even from here they could feel the intent Alex was emitting, strong as the two are, their hands were shaking, something unusual seemed to be creeping into their hearts.

They looked at each other before snorting, they used their Intents to dispel Alex's intent.

Not everyone has one, Katherina also possesses one, but compared to that of Alex it was as if comparing heaven and earth.

'I must have this person.' Katherina vowed to herself once more. Alex's value became inestimable by now, everyone will want him.

Fighting their matches, Artemia, Leon, Maria, Sakuya, Leonardo, Damien, and the others also felt this intent, they wondered what was going on on the other side.

~Back on Alex's and Elseria platform.

Fighting back against the need to kneel, the need to forfeit, she stood back with difficulty, her breath ragged. Even keeping her Impel seemed way harder than normal.

'This is bad.' Lilith said to herself.

Looking briefly towards the crowd, she was even more stunned by how many of them were already kneeling from their places (the weak-willed ones, even though they choose not to look at Alex, the effect of his Intent still worked on them, some of them, unable to support the pressure, simply fainted.) Even a few people in the VIP rooms weren't spared, some of them were showing a pitiful display that would have shamed their family if they had been seen by the others.

'I need to end this fast. This intent is still too raw. He can't even control it, he's unconsciously using it.'

Thinking about that, she gritted her teeth, she isn't the one to submit, not even her brother, no that thing because it's not her brother any longer could make her bow to his goal. So, it was not today she'd submit without fighting.

Tapping her foot on the ground twice, purple lightning danced around her, this purple lightning was mixed with a dark element.

''Shadow Clone" She shouted.

Suddenly, Lilith's body was split into two, the second Lilith look exactly like the real one except for its eyes, there were black instead of purple, both Lilith was holding a dagger in their hands.

Both Lilith disappeared, they tried to attack Alex from two angles. He who had not said anything since the moment he appeared, nor he made some kind of move finally moved.

Crossing his arms two guns appeared, two identical Silveria, Lilith's eyes widened, she had never expected this outcome, so she was caught off guard.

Bang! Bang!

Two bullets were fired, and because of their proximity to Alex, they couldn't dodge in time, the shadow clone disappeared because she received a bullet in the head, Lilith tilted her head sideways and further protected herself using her dagger, she couldn't avoid it, so she was injured.

She quickly distanced herself from Alex and planned her next attack when suddenly, the feeling of danger assaulted her, she knew it was too late to dodge, so she switched place with her newly created Shadow clone, it was then she saw it. Her shadow clone was frozen in a gigantic block of ice, the temperature on the platform plummeted.

''No way, he said he can't use magic, so what is this?" Lilith questioned nobody in particular.

Outside, a commotion started as rumor has it that the Eighth could not use magic like the other seven, however, now he transformed a part of the platform into an iceberg.

Freya, Elseria, Katherina, and the others didn't know how many they have been surprised today.

Alex appeared the surprised Lilith and said,

''Indeed, I can't use magic like you lots but there's always a way.'' While saying so, Alex was inwardly surprised at how strong this magic bullet was, it was his first time using it, he used the ice bullet this time.

Lilith attacked Alex with her daggers, however, it was Alex's afterimage, the real Alex appeared in front of her and when she wanted to attack she couldn't as she froze, locking her in place was a pair of heterochromia eyes, one green, the one she knows and the other blue, the one she doesn't know. Under this eye, she felt like she was being stared at by the death god. The previous pressure she was able to deal with strike her again, however, unlike before she couldn't deal with it so she became momentarily frozen.

Alex closed his right eye before sending a powerful punch toward Lilith's stomach sending her into the sky.

''Gah!" She grunted of pain.

He appeared behind her like a ghost, having regained the ability to move her body, Lilith wanted to retaliate, however, once again she was frozen as Alex used his right eye on her, this time she saw the illusion of a younger Lilith playing happily with her father, brother, big sister before everything disappeared, her father and big sister were both killed by her big brother, the one who usually smile. Lilith's mind was shaken violently, even though she knew it was mostly an illusion, she couldn't help but be stunned by it.

Raising his leg high, Alex kicked Lilith toward the ground.

Bang! Crack!

The platform cracked when Lilith's body collided with it. Dust filled the platform, Alex did not wait before attacking, he fired a phantom bullet toward her location.

The invisible bullet went toward Lilith's location like a rocket, however, when almost near her, it was blown away by a strong wind, all the dust in the air were swept away, the wind was so strong that Alex protected his eyes with his arms, he was pushed back a couple of steps.

Alex was surprised mouth agape by what he saw when all the dust disappeared, he was not the only one.

Lilith could be seen half kneeling, however, it was not what let them with a gaping mouth, behind Lilith was an extremely beautiful pair of wings, they were black, beautiful black feature. When he saw them, he was mesmerized, these wings remain him of that of a fallen angel.

On Freya and Elseria side, no surprise was shown on their faces as they were already aware of this. However, in another pavilion, the brown-haired young woman's location, something unusual was happening,w the purple-haired beauty held her head the moment she saw these wings.

''What is happening to you Al- Cecilia?" Asked the brown-haired woman.

''Nothing! Just a little headache.'' Cecilia said.

Even though she was not convinced, she knew when to not probe too much, the brown-haired woman said.

''I see.''

The two continued to observe what was going to happen on the stage. Unbeknownst to them, Elseria was observing them and when she saw Cecilia holding her head, she sighed before looking at Lilith, recalling the rumor related to the latter family, Elseria had the look of longing.

There was a rumor saying that the Astaroth family was from an ancient demon race (a type of superior demon) that ceased to exist, the origin of this ancient demon race could be traced back to the upper world, they are called: The Fallen angel.

~Back to Lilith's location.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff!

She slowly stood albeit with difficulty, her breathing was ragged, her clothes became more ripped showing her snowy white thighs, even her risqué purple underwear was visible. Her right arm was partially dislocated and her fingers broken, her chest was punctured and covered in blood. Even though she was that injured, her eyes were firm, some part of her silk black hair had turned purple.

Purple lightning started dancing around her body, twisting space, staring at Alex she said.

''Let's end our fight in the next attack.''

''Sure,'' Alex responded.

Suddenly, the two black daggers in Lilith turned into a slender black sword,

〖What? She's able to do this? Those two must have acknowledged her. I hope that the blue-eyed girl is also at this stage.〗Silveria murmured.

Even though he heard her words Alex did not have the time to question her as the moment that black slender sword appeared, Lilith's aura changed, if previously she was like a beast in the process of awakening then the current her is an awakened beast. Alex was feeling immense pressure.

Lilith held the black slender sword in her left hand, slowly lowering her head, her black wings spread, she disappeared and appeared behind Alex with her sword lowered, near her feet was sliced arm, it was Alex's left arm.

Puking blood, Lilith said, ''I've lost.''

''Indeed you have,'' Alex responded without turning back, his face was extremely pale, however, he was smiling.

Lilith's body suddenly turned into an ice sculpture, it was beautiful, a masterpiece as the figure in the ice sculpture was smiling, a beautiful figure, the smile of someone that has accepted her loss.

What happened was pretty simple, because of her fast speed Alex knew he couldn't dodge in time, so he sacrificed his left arm and with his right arm, he fired an ice bullet into Lilith's body when she was passing him.

198: On The Other Side 1

[The second match of the C group ended in Alexander Kael Touch victory.]

The moment this appeared in the sky, cheers erupted, nobody expected such an outcome as for most of the people that came to spectate the match, even though Alex was strong, his opponent was the demon princess, a genius like Artemia, she was stronger than Alex. Even so, he still won the match, it was an exciting fight.

Just as that announcement appeared, a white light covered Alex and Lilith healing all their injuries. They were back to normal after a couple of minutes, Alex sliced arm was reattached, when he did some tests he didn't find anything amiss.

Leaving the stage, Lilith stopped and said,

''You win this time, next time I will win. I hope you will not lose if you were to face her. For your information, she's strong, stronger than you think.''

''Thank you for the information. I knew she's strong, stronger than me, however, I'm not planning to lose and if I were to lose that would mean I'm still lacking to face her, that I need to work harder. Well, I doubt I'll lose.'' Alex affirmed with determination.

''Well, do your best I'll be cheering for you,'' Lilith said before leaving. She stopped once again as if forestalling Alex's next question, she spoke,

''Don't worry we will talk later as I know you have a lot of questions to ask. I'm not planning to run away, so don't worry.''

Alex nodded his head before stepping down from the platform, he was surprised to see Artemia waving at him, she muttered something before she went to join Lilith, the latter appeared annoyed, however, Artemia seemed not bothered by Lilith's attitude and dragged her with her.

''As I thought you won.'' Leon appeared behind him and said.

''Well, I'm not going to miss our match, a promise is a promise. How were your matches?" Alex asked Leon a question after taking a seat.

Sitting beside him Leon shrugged his shoulders, ''Too easy, it's was almost boring. Too bad that I couldn't watch your matches.''

Alex couldn't only smile helplessly, none of them expected the matches to be held simultaneously making it impossible to watch the other's fight unless you finish your matches faster.

''Tell me what did the second princess say to you?'' Leon asked, he was curious Artemia had almost finished talking when he appeared so he couldn't hear anything.

''Ah! She said she waiting for our match.'' Alex said.

''I see, by the way, Damien has already finished his matches, the-"

''What you two are talking about?" Ferris with his sister appeared next to the two and sat. It was Ferris who raised the question. Eris seemed to be in bad, still, she congratulates Alex for his victory against Lilith.

''From the way you are acting, it seems like you have lost against your brother. It's because you're still lacking to face him, no need to be so down, try to do better next time.'' Leon said not minding the murderous gaze Eris was sending him.

Alex sighed, ''There is a better way to word it you know?"

''Well, what the wild cat said is not wrong. Train harder to catch up to your big brother.''

Ferris said while trying to caress her sister's hair, the latter kicked him in the foot before harrumphing.

Leon chuckled while thinking it would be good if his sister was here, he was missing her already, she was too young 12 years old, or else she'd be attending school with him. Too bad, shaking his head Leon said.

''Let's watch the other's match.''

Alex, Ferris, and Eris nodded their heads.


On the D group stage, Kuina won her first match and she was waiting for her next match.

Maria and Sakuya were fighting each other. Wind and Ice were clashing, half of the platform was frozen while the other half had cuts on it.

Sakuya figure disappeared and when she reappeared she was in front of Maria, she performed a Renzoku Waza (It means "consecutive attacks"), it was so fast, so perfectly executed that the movement of her Katana couldn't be seen. Maria's figure had been cut apart, however, Sakuya showed neither joy or sadness seeing Maria's figure being cut as she knew it was just her clone.

Maria appeared behind Sakuya while thrusting a crystal blue slender sword toward her head, however, she abruptly let go of her sword and jumped back.

''Kazagiri (Wind mist)" Sakuya said the moment Maria appeared behind her, her Katana turned into a mist that attacked Maria.

If the latter had not quickly let go of her sword and jumped back she would be gravely injured, even though she managed to dodge the wind mist, she still received an injury, her right arm was that was holding the sword was injured.

Sakuya did not wait for her to recover before sending her next attack, numerous wind blades were sent toward Maria. Extending her left arm, a crystal blue slender sword appeared in her arm, calmy moving it she cut down all the incoming wind blades as if there were a joke, it was beautiful to behold. Sakuya couldn't help but praise her best friend for her ingenuity, dispersing cold in the air, she controls it to slow down the incoming wind blades before cutting them down. This may appear simple but it's not, it takes one an astronomical amount of concentration to be able to do this.

Like a mirage, Maria's figure disappeared to reappear on Sakuya's left, holding her sword in spear stance she sent five consecutive thrusts at her, closing her eyes before lowering her center of gravity she performed Iaido, five sword strikes were sent toward the incoming thrusts.

Clang! Clang! Clangs !!!

Sakuya jumped back to narrowly avoid the fate of being screwed by the ice spikes that suddenly came from the ground. Knowing her friend, Sakuya did not put all of her focus on defending against her first attack because it was to mislead her, the real attack was the one coming from underground.

However, Sakuya's face changed the moment she jumped back, she was assaulted by a suddenly dangerous feeling.

''Crap, the first two are fake,'' she mumbled.

Maria on the other side smiled, ''Ice pillar.''


The ground shooke and where Sakuya was standing turned into a gigantic ice pillar. Maria smiled as she had won a lottery before using her sword to block an attack coming from her back.

Somehow, Sakuya had survived, the current Sakuya was in an extremely sorry state, half of her body was frozen, her hand was trembling, she used her last trump card, however, this trump card was at the initial stage, she didn't have perfect control over it yet. It a special ability she acquired recently, she called this special ability [Wind Body], as she did with her Katana by transforming it into mist, she can transform her body in mist to avoid a fatal attack.

When she was deconstructing her body, some of the ice elements got mixed in resulting in her current half-frozen state.

[Glaciate] Maria muttered after she spun around to face Sakuya, her eyes shined blue. The latter body shook before it was turned into an ice sculpture.

Sakuya couldn't only blame herself for falling into her friend's traps. Until the end her moves had been predicted.

The match ended in Maria's victory, the next battle will be between Maria and Kuina, the two were given few minutes before their match would begin.

Outside, Alex's and others' location.

''That girl is scary. To think while fighting her opponent she has already planned four moves ahead, she just leads her opponent into her trap. Truly scary.'' Leon said while looking at Maria with a look of admiration mixed with a bit of fear and excitation. Ferris and Eris stared at each other before shaking their heads, it was to say they are not sure if they could do better if there was in Sakuya's place.

Alex on the other side nodded his head while thinking he must be careful when fighting against Maria, that type of opponent is scary. However, he was more curious about the slender sword in Maria's hand, it was because it looks exactly like the one Lilith had summoned recently.

'I wonder if there is any link between the two Gifts.' He asked himself.

〖There is. Like Maria's Gift which is called Frozen Fairies (Twin Ice Fairies Princesses), Lilith's Gift is also called Dark Fairies (The Twin Dark Fairies Princesses).〗Silveria explained as if she could read Alex's mind.

'Eh! That's some unexpected information. Then-'

Before he could continue, Alex heard Eris's excited voice, she was pointing her finger in a certain direction. Looking over there, Alex was surprised to see his sister fighting against a pink-haired girl.

''It's about to end,'' Ferris said while observing the two.

Indeed as Ferris said, the match was about to end, both girls decided to end the match using their strongest attack.

Amy chanted, ''Hear my call and manifest to bring destruction upon my enemy. Roar Water Dragon''

After Amy's chant was completed, space was altered, the sky above their platform turned dark as if it was about to rain.

A five meters long western dragon made entirely of water appeared and roared.

Amy was looking pale, she had used almost all of her remaining MP to summon this water dragon, it was her trump card to win this match, at first she was not planning to use it so soon, however, facing an opponent like Gracier she was forced to use it.

Smiling she looked at Gracier wanting to see the despair on the latter face, however, what she saw shocked her, Gracier was smiling seeming unaffected by the water dragon in front of her.

In the spectator's area, Alex held his head in his hand.

Bothered by Alex's behavior Leon asked, Ferris and Eris were looking at him.

''Amy has already lost.''