
Chapter 305 - 298: Her Fight 1

The moment Artemia sat on the magic circle and closed her eyes, she was sent somewhere.

When Artemia opened her eyes again, the entirely different scenery stunned her. At that moment, it was no longer the circular room of the dungeon but a vast, pitch-black land instead. The sky was also incomparably dark.

Artemia's lips curled up, and she muttered.

''So, it's how it's going to be.''

Seconds later, along with deep roars that echoed, mysterious creatures emerged one after another. They had strange appearances, constantly swaying like shadows and snapping their massive jaws open to reveal terrifying glow from their razor-sharp teeth.

''You lots won't even serve as a warm-up.''

Just as her words were finished, Artemia had already moved, passing the mysterious creatures.

These mysterious creatures got wiped out.

After wiping out the enemies in one single attack, Artemia didn't continue her offense immediately. On the contrary, she scanned her surroundings before sighing.

''To think I will be sent here, on the continent we fought and lost. Who will think that my trial would be here.''

There was a tower in the distance. Since the tower was the only building on the vast, empty plains, it was apparent that it was the venue for her trial.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Artemia arrived before the small tower; pushing open the tower doors, she went inside.

The first floor was pitch black before it became suddenly brighter.

Standing before Artemia was something that looks like a human; it had pitch-black skin, he held a giant black hammer.

''As I thought, it turned out to be your old friend-"

''Grrrr! GRRR!"

The black-skinned man growled. Artemia sighed. Even though this thing looks like one of her friends, she knew it wasn't him because the real thing died a long time ago.


The man dashed toward Artemia with his hammer raised high, stepping on the side. Artemia dodged the blow.

''Even though it was your shadow, only an illusion, you still don't change. Always charge recklessly, Marcus. Let's me put your rest, my dear friend.''

Artemia tapped on the floor twice; a blue lightning snake appeared out of thin air and tried to wrap around the black-skinned man; however, before the lightning snake could, the black-skinned man struck the beast with his hammer.


The lightning snake got destroyed; however, it reappeared shortly after; this time, the lightning snake was already before the man.

Just before the lightning snake could bit the man, a wall made of black earth appeared and blocked the snake's attack.

Artemia disappeared and reappeared not too far from the black-skinned man; she seemed to be waiting for something, and what she was waiting for finally came.

From the ground, numerous black spikes were shot out and tried to skewer Artemia; the latter nimbly dodged those spikes; she was even smiling as she dodged.

''When alive, you never beat me, not even once; I may have been weakened now; however, you won't still be able to beat me. You are not even the real thing.''

Somehow Artemia appeared behind the man; the spikes couldn't injure her, almost as if she knew where to go, the weakness of this skill.

She put her hand on the man's back; the latter stood there, not doing almost as if he was begging to be killed.

''You may rest now; this time, I will not fail.''

''Incinerate, Lightning Blaze.''

Zila~ Boom!

Blue lightning flame covered the black-skinned man before destroying him; at the end, he seemed to have smiled; he wanted to turn his head to say something. Unfortunately, he couldn't.

''Don't worry, I know. I will look after her.''

Artemia seemed to have understood what her friend was trying to convey.

Looking at the lightning flame on her fingers, she sighed.

''I must quickly complete this trial. Alex and Isabella should be waiting for me.''

She muttered before going to the second floor.

The moment she entered, she found herself standing in a prairie, not too far from where she stood as a person.

This person was facing the other side, his back facing Artemia; it was a man. He seemed to know that Artemia has appeared, slowly he turned to face her, he was smiling, it was an extremely handsome man, green hair and eyes, long sharp ears, his skin was so white that you might mistake him for a woman based on his skin.

''How have you been, little Eretria?"

Surprisingly, the man opened his mouth and spoke; his voice was soothing to one's mind.

It took Artemia some time to calm down her emotions; even though she was prepared after seeing Marcus on the 1st floor, encountering this man here sent her emotions into turmoil; for a moment, she has trouble speaking, her eyes were red. It was to be expected; she respects this man too much; she was not the only one, there was another reason for her to become so emotional, this man was her first love, an unrequited love, not that she had not tried telling him that she loves him. However, the answer was no; the man was already in love with someone else. That person was none other than Elseria; ironically, Elseria was not interested in love, so she refused. Her sole purpose in life was to go to higher worlds to find her birth parent.

''I'm Big brother Elesim! For a dead man, you look healthy. As always, your skin made one jealous. I almost want to skin your and wear your skin.''

Elesim smiled; even his smile was beautiful.

''Rude as always. How is Elseria doing? Has she recovered her strength yet?" He asked; the concern in his voice couldn't be faked.

'Sigh! Even dead, you still care about her even when she didn't want you. How deep is your love to still exist even after your death? Even when you became a ghost?'

She inwardly wondered.

'It even makes one jealous.'

''Don't be jealous, even though unanswered, I could only love her. Sigh! Only at the end, she smiled at me, a genuine smile; it was to hide her sadness. I was happy; I died with only one regret. Let's forget these sad things. Can you please answer my question?"

Artemia heaved a long sigh!

Chapter 306 - 299: Her Fight 2

Artemia heaved a long sigh before explaining Elseria's condition.

''No, she is still stuck on the Demi-God level. That curse couldn't be broken, you know that it was specially created for her, even though we could kill it Elseria was the one that managed to injure the beast slightly, this enraged the beast, so he specially targeted her and cursed her, it was afterward that he put a huge curse over Mysthia's world, almost as if he was afraid of Elseria recovering and became stronger.''

Elesim's smile faded; he was helpless as he couldn't do anything; he was already dead a long time ago, he was but a mere remnant soul whose end had come, after today meeting, he would fade away once for good. Before completely dying, he sent a strand of his soul into this dungeon where he knew Artemia's half Gift was here; combining with the Gift after gaining the Gift's Spirit approval, he waited for Artemia, the reincarnated Artemia, to show up.

''I see. She still stuck on your continent, isn't it?" Elesim raised another question.

''Yeah! You are aware of what would happen if she stayed outside Alexa for too long, especially going near Elfirra, her curse will activate, a possible consequence she might lose few levels, worse even fall by few ranks. We are still searching for a method to break that curse. If only there is something that could break the magic, wait-"

Artemia suddenly remembered something, no, someone, Alex can erase any magic with his silver gun; he called this ability Erase. How come she had never thought about it even though they both knew what Alex could do.

''From your expression, it seems that you have a solution. Can you tell me?" Elesim raised a question after seeing Artemia's expression.

''Nothing, I just remembered someone who might be able to help us; I won't go into detail. Once I went back, I will ask for that person's help.''

Artemia answered, not going into the details; this person may have been her first love, this doesn't mean that she should spill everything she knew, especially when it comes to Alex.

''I see. Shall we begin?"

Elesim did not seem to mind Artemia's attitude; he had known her since she was a young maiden, so he was aware of how she behaves.

Artemia nodded her head before she readied her two glaives.


Elesim then took out a white rapier; the moment that rapier appeared, Artemia froze; she couldn't move, not even lift a finger, it was as if Mysthia's world weight had been put on top of her shoulders, she could feel her feet seeking into the ground.

''Guh! Still strong even though you were gone a long time ago.''

''Lightning Blaze.''

Chi~ Chi~ Chi~

A blue lightning flame appeared and wrapped around her body; this helped her slightly move her leg; it was all she could do.


Elesim appeared before her, his rapier going straight to her heart; however, the rapier vanished into petals that entered Artemia's body before it could touch her body.

Elesim smiled; his body started to fade until only his head remained.

''I believe the current you can help her and that chosen, the others to succeed this time. Say hi! to Elseria for me and also goodbye. I have left something into your body; when you see her, she will understand what to do with what I left in your body. And lastly, when you will see be understanding.''

Elesim disappeared after leaving these words behind; Artemia sighed before walking toward the third floor.

On the third floor was a magma, sitting on a rock that was in the middle of the hot lava, was a woman, burning red hair, eyes of the same color.

''Tch! A truly troublesome enemy.'' Artemia muttered.

''I can hear you, you know, blue head.''

The woman sitting on the rock said, even though Artemia's words were almost inaudible, this woman was still able to hear it.

''Stubborn as always redhead, even death didn't teach some good manners.'' Artemia counterattacked.


Lava shot at Artemia; however, instead of dodging, she crossed her arms behind her back; blue lightning appeared before her and formed a shield that blocked the incoming lava.

''Blue head, not bad.'' the red-haired woman complimented.

''Same goes for you,'' Artemia replied.

Then, the two girls burst into laughter.

''Emilia, it is good to see you again even though you're just a ghost.''

''Hahaha! It's good to see you too. Let's cut to the chase, attack me with your strongest attack.'' Emilia proposed.

''As you wish!''


The sky darkened, from the red sky, two gigantic appeared; like a missile, they started to descend toward Artemia.

Looking at the incoming meteors, Artemia grinned.

''Chaos Lightning Spear!"

A seven-meter-long black lightning spear appeared; Artemia's face was pale; she hurtled the black spear at the two meteors.

Chi~ Chi~


The chaos lightning spear pierced through the two meteors before they burst into pieces.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

''Not bad, I will leave some of my remaining essences within you; I'm sure you will find some use with this. Farewell, my hateful and best friend.''

Emilia declared before her body started to fade like Elesim, a red cube shot at Artemia and entered her body.

''Sigh! Do you all take me for a carrier?''

Artemia complained; however, there was nobody present to answer her.

Suddenly, white wings appeared behind her back as she flew toward the next floor.

The next floor was pitch black; the room got illuminated the moment Artemia stepped into it.

A lone woman was sitting on a black throne, legs crossed.

The light illuminated the woman's face; strangely, this woman had the same features as Artemia, more mature.

''Welcome, Eretria. It's good to see you. What do you have to say about what happened?''

Artemia stayed silent, not answering the mature Artemia's words.

''Because of you, Elesim died, because of you, Emilia died, and at the end, you didn't even accomplish anything. Tell me what you will accomplish if I were to let have it?"

The mature Artemia said before showing Artemia the image of what happened; in this image, a gigantic black dragon could be seen wreaking havoc, destroying everything within its sight, a black claw slashed at Artemia, she couldn't dodge, someone came and pushed her away and took the blow in her place, it was Elesim.

''Stop, please!'' Artemia implored. However, the mature Artemia ignored her and continued displaying another video.

In this scene, Emilia sacrificed her life to save Artemia.

''I said stop.''

Artemia shouted before golden lightning destroyed the window showing these images.

The mature Artemia descended from her throne and walked toward Artemia; a golden blue lightning spear with chains wrapped around it appeared in the mature Artemia's hand.

''What is your answer?" She asked.

''I can only try. Come.'' Artemia shouted.

The mature Artemia disappeared to reappear before Artemia, her spear going straight toward Artemia's heart; strangely, Artemia did nothing.


For the first time, the mature Artemia's expression changed; it was panic; she tried to stop the spear hastily. However, Artemia walked forward and let the spear pierce her.

Puking a mouthful of blood, Artemia smiled, ''I will try my best this time not to fall you.''

The mature Artemia sighed before transforming into a golden light that entered Artemia's body.

Artemia falls to the ground; her face was white. However, there was a smile on her face as she closed her eyes.

Unknown to her, something secretly entered her body just after she closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

Chapter 307 - 300: Do It Or Not?

A/N: Yay! Congratulations on finally reaching the 300th chapter.


Back to Alex's side.

Alex and Silveria were happily chatting when suddenly, Artemia's body glowed before she fell on the ground; she puked blood, her body started spasming.

''What going on?" Alex moved toward Artemia while asking Silveria.

Faster than Alex, Silveria appeared before Artemia and checked her condition; her face turned ashen.

''No good, master, you must save or else she will burst from too much energy. After combining with the other half of her Gift, the energy it contained was too much for her to bear. Normally, this shouldn't have happened; however, something happened, something got mixed with this energy. You must save her.''

''What do I need to do?'' Alex asked with a concerned face.

Silveria's face was grave as she said this, ''You need to copulate with her to share some of the overflowing energy.''

''I beg your pardon? Can you repeat it?" Alex thought there was something wrong with his ears.

''I said, you must copulate with her. Would you please act quickly? She will die soon if you don't do anything.'' Silveria explained again what needs to be done.

''You can't be seriously suggesting that I sleep with her. Stop joking.'' Alex was not convinced.

Artemia's body started emitting heat; it became red.

''I'm not joking; what are you hesitating for? It's to save her life, and at the same time you will be riping some benefits; and before you go saying that there is another method, such as using Erase, if you do, I can assure you that she will undoubtedly die, so there's no other alternative.''


Alex grunted when all of his options were cut off. His expression suddenly changed as cracks started to on Artemia's right arm, blood started to leak out.


Silveria shouted, unexpectedly someone talked; it was someone Alex never expected to hear, not soon.

''Stop hesitating; you will not suffer any loss. Go do her.''

Alex was gobsmacked; never would he have thought that the first words Nyx would speak would that. He was beyond shocked.

''Big sister, watch your words. You don't have to be so blunt.'' Silveria chided Nyx.

''Shut Nemesis,'' Nyx said, her voice was still emotionless.

''Okay, I understand.''

Alex finally decided to comprise; if he chose not to follow the two advice, he was sure that he would regret it. There must exist another method save Artemia; however, he didn't have time to search for another method.

''Take your time!''

After speaking her mind, Silveria slipped away like the silent wind as though she were afraid that Alex would devour her in a single bite. Looking at her reaction, Alex let out a helpless sigh.

Gazing at the unconscious Alex, knitted his brows and thought. He didn't want to resort to such a method; however, there was nothing he could do about the matter; he could only bit the bullet.

If Alex were any other man, perhaps he would have already laid hands on this defenseless and beautiful young lady lying before him. But it was a pity that he wasn't aroused as he looked at the sleeping young lady. It wasn't that he didn't have any sexual attraction to her, but he wasn't interested in such one-sided behavior instead. He had his bottom line; adding Artemia to his Harem would bring more trouble than good; that's what he believes; too many women would be a hassle.

''Let's get started.'' He mumbled before sauntering toward Artemia, stooping over and gazing at her. He gently caressed her soft, mellow cheek. He had to admit that the sleeping Artemia had a certain charm; she was like a seductress, her lips were enticing.

The corners of Alex's mouth perked up. Then, he pressed his lips against hers.


Facing his kiss, Artemia couldn't refuse at all. Alex extended his tongue, pried open her clenched teeth, and wrapped around her savory tongue. Even though he effortlessly stole humanity's strongest empire, the third princess's first kiss, he wasn't excited in any way. On the contrary, he put up a focused look on his face. While he held his lips against hers, he used this chance to see if he could transfer some of the overflowing energy from her body to his.

All in all, it felt more like CPR for him…


At that moment, Alex's 'rescue' finally took effect. As Artemia let out a soft groan, she stretched out her arms and wrapped them around his neck, responding to his kiss. Upon realizing her reaction, Alex was delighted. He separated himself from her and gazed at her. He thought maybe she would wake up.

"Artemia, wake up! Princess, please wake up!"


〖Continue, she won't wake up; it's an instinctual reaction; keep up, I'm sharing for you. Rest assured, I'm not peeking. Definitely not.〗

'Screw you. I will dig out your eyes if you were ever to peek, I can assure you that.' Alex warned her, the only response he got was,

〖Tch!〗Sillveria clicked her tongue; she felt like being cheated because she brought out some popcorn to watch the show, only to end up disappointed.

Ignoring Silveria, Alex focused on what he was doing.

Having finally made his mind for good, Alex hesitates no more; he is lowered his head without any hesitation and kissed Artemia's soft lips.

"Hmm… Mmm…"

Upon feeling his kiss, Artemia leaned toward the man above her and coiled her arms around him tightly. The sound of kisses and gasps echoed in the quiet room. Her tender, savory tongue emerging from between her slightly-opened lips intertwined with Alex's tongue and demanded insatiably. Alex responded to her desires and reached his hands out to caress her body gently.

Through their exchanges, Alex could feel the energy leaving Artemia's body to enter his body; he could feel his XP bar slowly being filled; it was slow. Artemia's body was still burning hot; he needs to proceed faster if he wishes to save her.

At this thought, Alex changed his strategy immediately. He extended his arm and caressed the young lady's body, at the same time stripping off her clothes. Even though it didn't seem any different from ordinary fondling, as a matter of fact, Alex had coalesced his wind into his hands(Using Sleipnir's Unique ability).

"Haa… Haa…"

Upon sensing his caress, Artemia let out deep gasps. She lay weakly in his arms, her hands shrinking back to her chest as though instinctively protecting herself and, at the same time, luring him to take further action.

'Let's finish this.' Alex muttered to himself before gazing at the sleeping beauty; Alex appeared like a prince who was about to wake up the sleeping beauty; however, instead of using a simple method, he went for the hard mode.

Chapter 308 - 301: You Will Take Responsibility, Right?

'Let's finish this.' Alex announced before gazing at the sleeping beauty; Alex appeared like a prince who was about to wake up the sleeping beauty; however, instead of using a simple method, he went for the hard mode.

Gazing at Artemia, who kept her eyes closed and revealed a flushed, coquettish expression, Alex finally smiled. If she continued to sleep like a corpse, he would definitely not be aroused, and even if he did, the enjoyment was just a matter of routine. But now, Artemia reacted instinctively, even in her sleep like he was teasing a sleepy kitten. She looked really adorable to him and made him have the intention to continue teasing her. He slid his hand down her smooth body and extended his fingers.


Artemia's body tensed up instantly to the stimulating touch. Even though she was unconscious, her body began to instinctively experience and respond to his caress. The young lady twisted her body uncontrollably as Alex felt the slippery wetness on his hand. He stooped over, held her arms down, and thrust his hips forward. Then… They merged as one.


A loud scream sounded from the room. But after that, the sound of physical collision and continuous gasps became the main melody. This went on for two hours.

When Alex opened his eyes again, the first thing that came into view was Artemia's mesmerizing blue eyes. The third princess lay in his arms nakedly, staring at him without blinking. Upon realizing her gaze, Alex twitched his brows, and both of them remained in a strange silence. After a few seconds, Alex let out a cough.

"You're finally awake, Princess."

"Yes, it is all thanks to your help."

Upon hearing Artemia's response, Artemia didn't display any awkwardness or question the reason behind his actions. Because at that moment, she could clearly feel the burning sensation inside her body. She swayed her hip and looked at him with a teasing smile.

''I know someone who is still active. Eager to go for another round.''

''Let's here. How are you feeling?'' Alex stopped Artemia before she could further tease him; he knew she was acting tough; Alex could feel her heart pounding hard, proof that she was embarrassed.

Artemia grumbled before standing up and put on some clothes; when she was done, she spun to face Alex; the two looked at each other before Artemia opened her mouth to say.

''Alex, can we talk?" She asked.

Upon hearing Artemia's call, Alex turned over. Artemia had already put on her clothes and was smiling at him gently.

"Thanks for your help; if it weren't because of you, I would have probably lost my life."

Artemia said, lowering her head and giving a solemn bow. But shortly after, she revealed a witty smile as soon as she lifted her body. She put her palms together, blinking her black, bright eyes at the man. Although she didn't say a word, Alex recognized the seriousness in her eyes.

"You will take responsibility, right, Mr. Alexander?"

"That's for sure."

Alex nodded without hesitation; his response was already prepared. He thought about it before eventually laying hands on her. He couldn't possibly say that it was only an accident and not admit what he did. Moreover, now that the situation had escalated, Alex wouldn't let her off even if she did not assume responsibility. It would be fine if she were purely the victim, but how could she expect Alex to be the one taking full responsibility after she enjoyed the process? It was impossible. Besides, assuming responsibility was also considered a form of 'grasping the initiative.'.

Deep down, Alex knew that be it in modern times or another world, men had to assume responsibility in such scenarios to gain the initiative. Men should never retreat or break up with the other party using some lame excuses after devouring her body, as it would only make matters worse. Alex wasn't such a type of man, and he believes that Silveria and her sister were aware of this fact; from Silveria's behavior, she wanted Alex to make Artemia his woman, Nyx seemed to share the same thought as well, as for why they were so adamant about this, only the concerned party were aware of this. Maybe they saw her potential and wished for Alex to have a future powerhouse under him.


When he thought about the troubles that were about to follow when the other girls would learn about this, Alex felt a headache coming, especially Maria; she may appear to be on friendly terms with Artemia, that is on the outside, inwardly nobody what she might be thinking. Learning about what happened here might make her switch attitude toward Artemia; discord might occur in his newly created harem, something we wished never to occur. He just wishes for all his women to have a harmonious relationship, not necessarily for them to be best friends but at least to be understanding, accepting each other, to be forgiving enough to learn from each other, to be forgiving enough to leave together because they have the same man, love the same man.

'It would be great if Maria understands me.' Alex wished he was terrified of Maria's reaction; she could say she doesn't want to be with him anymore. Well, even if she doesn't say that, she could make things difficult for Alex, make the new woman leave on their own through numerous strategies. Alex didn't know why but he was sure that Maria could accomplish such a feat. It was a good thing that the woman he saved using such a special method was not Kuina; if it was her, Alex was sure to go through hell as the two naturally dislike each other, even if Maria try to chase Kuina away, with the latter personality, Alex believe she would never go, consequences Alex would suffer, there was a saying when elephants fight, it was the grass the only one to suffer, in this case, would be the grass.

'How troublesome.' Alex could only silently muttered.

Chapter 309 - 302: Rank 10

''What are you spacing out for?''

Artemia inquired after seeing Alex turning silent after declaring that he would take responsibility; even though he said that Artemia started to have doubt seeing him go mute shortly after declaring that, she couldn't help but wonder if Alex wasn't just playing with her. One should note that in her two lives, she hadn't had any relationship; in her previous life, her first love was unrequited. Therefore she stopped thinking about things such as love to focus heavily on getting stronger, going to higher worlds. This life could be considered her first experience; therefore, she couldn't help but get anxious.

​​''Don't worry, I won't go back on my words. You're now my woman. Please get along with others; I don't want any problem, you are mature enough to know how to deal with others. To accept them. I hope you will do it.''

''Don't worry, I will do as you say. I'm a novice when it comes to relationships. Would you please do take care of me? I hope I will come to love you one day.''

''I do hope too!" Alex replied to Artemia's words.

''Don't worry, I will take good care of my sister.' Artemia declared with a mysterious smile.

Seeing her smile, Alex sighed; he could imagine what kind of introduction girl like Artemia would use.

He could see Artemia smiling when in front of Maria and others. She would extend her arm all of a sudden and wave at the girls while announcing.

"Miss Maria, Miss Luna, little sister Gracier, from today onward, I will be joining you girls, alright? Please take good care of me."

'Sigh! This is going to be troublesome.' Alex could only sigh helplessly.

Suddenly, Alex caught the sight of few strands of golden hair mixed between Artemia's natural blue hair.

''Artemia, can you please show me your Gift?"

Without hesitation, Artemia showed her Gift to Alex; instead of her usual swords, the two glaives, what appeared before Alex, was a long golden blue spear, golden chains were wrapped around the shaft of the spear.

''Ah! Don't worry; I can still use the two glaives if I wished to. The real form of my Gift is a little bit complicated. Let's say for now that it is this spear form. You should check your status. You have gotten stronger; I could feel; however, you still fall short; I'm stronger, fufufu!"

To Artemia's words, Alex smiled; he had forgotten about checking his status after performing that ritual, the good feeling, the refreshing feeling he was feeling; Alex attributed this to the aftereffect of having good sex; however, now it seems that this thought was wrong.

〖Master, please quickly check it.〗Silveria urged him.

Shaking his head to how impatient she was, almost as if she was the one that had his stats increased.

'Status.' Alex called out.

[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 10]

Level 92

Experience Value (XP): 15000/64500

Magic Power: 5370 (+70 (+200 BP) ➤ 5640/5640

Magic: None

Attack: 1750 (+ 70 (+40 BP) ➤ 1860

Defense: 1640 (+70) ➤ 1710

Agility: 1780 (+70) ➤ 1850 (+200)

Intelligence: 1690 (+70 ) ➤1760

Luck: 1420 (+70) ➤1490

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns ????????

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3 (+ 2 SP) ➤ Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3 (+1 SP) ➤ Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 4 (+ 5 SP) ➤Level 7] [Mana Recovery Level 7] [Synthesize Level 10 max] ➤ Crimson's Bullet [Shadow Shift Level 3 (+2 SP) ➤Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] [??????????]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer]』

Alex almost shouted holy moly when he first saw his new status; he never thought he would become Rank 10 before leaving this dungeon. Without wasting time, he used his newly gained BP and SP. Looking at the question mark's unique ability, Alex could only inquire.

'Sil, do you know why this skill is full of question marks? What does this mean?'

〖Unfortunavely, I don't know what skill this is. We will only try to find out in the future. As for why your title, the one who can't use magic, suddenly disappeared, I believe that it must have something to do with this new mysterious, unique ability of yours.〗

Silveria's answer made Alex feel disappointed. However, he smiled at the process that with the disappearance of that title, he might use magic in a not-so-far future.

What he didn't know was that Silveria had an idea about the mysterious, unique ability; she knew it must be related to Alex's special constitution; Nyx had briefed her about it; however, what that constitution, the siblings are unaware of it, therefore Silveria decided to postpone the talking for another moment, after learning more about this constitution.

''What is your Rank?" Artemia questioned. Her question brought the absentminded Alex back to reality.

''Rank 10,'' Alex answered; at the same time, Artemia also announced her new rank.

''Rank 11, not too far from Rank 12.''

''Ugh! Just wait till I catch up.'' Alex declared, eyes full of fighting intent.

''I will be waiting,'' Artemia responded to Alex's declaration with a smile.

''Ugh! Where am I?"

At that moment, Isabella woke up; Artemia dashed toward her and checked her condition; Alex briefly told her about what happened, not going into the details of how he saved the girls.

''How are you feeling, Isabella?"

''I'm fine, princess. I'm just feeling a little bit dizzy; however, it was because I'm feeling hungry. Everything should go back to normal after eating a good meal.'' Isabella answered before taking out a box of sandwiches; she invited Alex to join them.

Just as Alex took his third step, his heart started loudly beat.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

[Big brother p- please save me....]


Alex shouted before,


He puked blood and fainted right where he stood.


Everything happened too fast; by the time the other two could move, Alex had already fallen onto the ground.


''Alex, what happened to you?"

Both girls sprinted toward the fallen Alex.

Chapter 310 - 303: Gracier's Capture 1

Let's rewind time a bit.

It happened the moment Alex, and they were about to engage the Elder Lich.

​​Strange things started happening everywhere in the dungeon. Monsters would indiscriminately attack everyone they saw; only a selected few were not attacked. The time for their respawn became almost automatic.

The group targeting Gracier had finally made a move; they were behind this dungeon's unusualness.

On the eighth floor, Leon's group was surrounded by a bunch of monsters, black goblins.


After obliterating a group of black goblins, Leon sighed.

''Seriously, what up with this dungeon? Must something have gotten wrong? Maybe someone is behind what's happening? Either way, I need to search for my friend's sister and lovers quickly.''

Leon's group proceed to kill more monsters before trying to go down to the next floor.

On another floor, just two floors below Maria and the others floor was Sera (Zero). Currently, she was surrounded by a group of orcs.

If it were only that, it would have been fine; a bunch of orcs are no match for her, however, mixed among those orcs were numerous people in black; they kept firing magic at her before she could finish off the orcs.

Sera's expression changed; she was getting more and more annoyed; she knew what their goal is, to tire her out.

''Dimensional Slash !''

Not wanting to waste too much time on this floor, Sera used her unique ability to kill all monsters alongside the men in black.

''Phew! Using this move is sure tiring. I need to go up asap.''

She tried to dash toward the door to the next floor; however, halfway through, she jumped back.


A huge fireball came crashing where she was going; if she had not jumped back, the fireball would have clashed against her.

After the explosion died down, another group appeared on the other side; unlike the previous group dressed in black, this group had an unusual shape, they stood over two meters tall, black skin, black eyes, there was no white in their eyeballs, they had a hideous face, black misma was oozing from their bodies.



These black-skinned men were making inhumane sounds; considering their current appearance, it was to be expected.

''Seriously, how many poor guys do that organization caught to turn into this? I truly pity you lots; I shall send you away as fast I can.''

Switching her weapon, from the black sword to two black daggers, Sera chanted.

[Thousand Steps]

Her body vanished, like a ghost she passed through the black-skinned men, it was as if she was taking a walk in the park, her steps appeared slow, yet none of the black-skinned men could detect her presence, even though they are fallen experiment, not successful one as 007, they are still superior to low ranked adventurers, their senses are sharper as well; however, they couldn't detect Sera's presence at all.

Silently she walked between the group to appear on the other side, behind them, then.

Puff! Puff!!

Strangely, one by one, the black-skinned men head started rolling on the ground.

Having accomplished the feat of killing seven men in less than a minute, Sera didn't look pleased in the slightest; on the contrary, her expression turned grim as she coldly announced.

''Black cloak!"

A black cloak made from dark element got wrapped around Sera's body.

In the next instant, the body of the killed men exploded in a series of explosions.

Boom! Boom!!

It took five minutes for the explosion to die down; from the other side, Sera's figure could be seen, the black cloak was still wrapped around her, she did not suffer any injury, however, at the moment her expression was ice cold, so cold that it affected reality, the temperature around her turned cold, looking into a certain direction she coldly declared.

''You are truly an asshole, to think that you won't even leave their corpses unused after experimenting on them, you truly disgust me. Come out, stop hiding.''

''Hahaha! As expected of the strongest assassin. If the first time, I may have attributed what you have done to luck, this time, it is not. Your senses are truly sharp, so sharp it's scary. Sorry, you will stay on this floor with me. I can be having going over to disrupt our plan. We must secure the eighth sister.''

The man that plotted with Maddog to get Gracier's eyes stepped out; he was hiding in a special dimension watching Sera's fight. After the latter detected his presence, he was forced to come out.

''Fufufu! You may be strong; however, if we were to fight, I dare say you will not last a minute. I don't know what you want by going after Gracier, but let me tell you I won't let you succeed.''

At the end of her words, Sera's figure disappeared as if she had turned mist, and when Sera reappeared again, she was already behind the man with golden eyes; her black sword was going straight toward the man's heart.

However, the man looked unfazed; he was even smiling even though death was approaching; Sera's expression did not change she continued with her attack; however, just as her sword was about to come into contact with the man back, a slender hand appeared and caught the blade, stopping Sera's attack.

''Finally, you appeared.''

Sera said after jumping back; she looked at the newcomer, it was a girl, unlike other her human appearance remained, however, her skin was pale white as if she was suffering from ischemia, her hair was gray, her eyes red, there was a horn on her forehead.

The man with golden eyes started to clap, and after clapping for a moment, he announced.

''Hehehe! This is my masterpiece; I called her Alice. Alice says hi to miss Zero.''

At the man's instruction, the girl named Alice slightly bowed her head; no word came out of her mouth, no change on her face; she was like a doll, existing only to follow her master's orders.

''Good Alice. It's the first time you have come out. I want to use this lady here to sharpen your sword, to learn.'' the man with golden eyes declared.

Sera's expression did not have the slightest bit of change even though the man was indirectly mocking her. She was more preoccupied with the girl in front of her; everything emits some kind of aura, even though concealed, it still could be sensed; however, this girl in front of her did not emit the slightest aura, almost as if she was blank, it was what makes her dangerous, unpredictable.

''Alice, go!"

The man with golden eyes ordered before retreating to the corner.

Alice nodded her head before taking out a white sword, and then she disappeared.

Sera's expression changed; she used her black sword to block Alice's sword.


Surprisingly, it was Sera who got pushed back; however, it wasn't what shocked her the most; it was the fact that Alice just used her movement skill, the one she used to disappear and reappear behind the man earlier; Alice copied it almost to the perfection.

If previously Sera think this girl was dangerous, her danger's level had now increased to a terrific degree; she couldn't let her live; someone who can copy other's people abilities just by seeing it once could not be left alone.

Using thousand steps, Sera moved.

For a moment, something seemed to flash within Alice's eyes before she imitated Sera's skill and chased after her.

The two moved at a fast speed exchanging blows.

Only the sound of their blades clashing could be heard, not their figures; after exchanging a hundred moves, the two stopped and put a reasonable distance between them.

Sera knew that she must waste time here, as she was fighting here, the girls might be in danger, 007 was not present with this man, which means that she was among the group that went to capture Gracier and knowing how strong the latter is, there was no doubt about the outcome if Sera didn't go to assist them, Maria and others will lose while Gracier would be captured.

Taking a deep breath, Sera closed her eyes for a second before reopening them; instead of her usual brown eyes, her eyes were currently dark, the black sword in her hand vanished.

''No good, Alex, do not try to use your ability, go on defense, use that shie-"

Before the man with golden eyes could finish warning Alice, Sera moved; Alice lost her sword-handling hand. The second time Sera moved, she was going to crush Alice's heart; however, at the last moment, she disappeared completely.

''Dammit, we got played. She fled; I even thought that after seeing what you can do, she would prioritize your elimination over the rescue of that girl; however, it seems that I was wrong. Let's immediately go after her. I believe she would be tired after using spirit possession. We can't let her join the others; if not, everything will be in vain.''

The man with golden eyes urged Alice to go after Sera immediately. However, Alice showed no response; she just stood there, surprised the man approached Alice to see black veins appeared all over her body; Alice's lips became purple, she was shivering.

''Shit! Poison. I have forgotten about Zero class.''

After feeding Alice some detoxification potion, the man left Alice to catch up later; he couldn't let Sera spoil their plan.

While this was happening, Gracier and the others were experiencing the most brutal fight of their life.

Chapter 311 - 304: Gracier's Capture 2

While Sera was rushing at fast speed toward the girls, the latter were fighting a bitter battle.

Surrounded by hundreds of monsters, Maria, Gracier, Luna, and Sakuya kept fighting non-stop; Maria, Sakuya, and Gracier got injured. However, thanks to Luna's help their got cured.

​​''Seriously, I think whoever going after us has gone all of out now. To think that can even control a dungeon. Hah!"

Sakuya said after killing a poison toad. She was acting as the vanguard like Maria; Luna was midguard, Gracier at the rear.

''You are right. I wonder what it's their goal; we must quickly clean up these monsters. I believe the real mastermind or at least someone stronger we will show up soon.''

Maria, before stepping on the side to dodge a green orc sword, using her free hand she punched the monster's torso, where the heart was located; just before her fist reached the monster chest, ice manifested out of thin air and got wrapped around her fist to form a little ice spike, it was this ice spike that pierced through the monster's chest, instantly freezing its heart before the rest of its body.

Maria didn't wait to see the result before moving toward her next target.

[Hundred Arrows]

At the same time at the rear, Gracier switched her Gift from scythe form to the bow form and aimed it at their left before unleashing a single arrow in the sky, this arrow while falling multiplied into hundred flame arrows that struck a lot of monsters, incinerating the weakest while the strongest although not killed they got momentarily incapacitated.

As if she was waiting for this occasion, the S queen moved, displaying beautiful sword moves; she eliminated those incapacitated monsters before joining Maria to clean up the monsters on her side.

Quickly, the group managed to eliminate the monsters surrounding them. To their utter surprise, another batch of monsters filled the empty place left by the previous ones; however, the current monsters, no skeletons wearing armors, stood in an orderly fashion, the bowmen came forward and aimed their bows at the trio, reading to pull the trigger at any moment. There were also few ghouls mixed

''Girls, fall back. Time for this lady to shine.''

Luna's face changed when she saw the undead creatures; her gentle side was gone leaving place to the wild Luna, the battle maniac Luna. It was as if all these killing since their got entrapped on this floor didn't wear her out like the others.

Maria, Sakuya stopped what they were doing and joined Gracier at the back. It was at that moment the skeleton bowmen released their arrows. Mixed among them were some ghouls bowmen.

The sky turned darker due to the numerous arrows flying in the air.

Facing the incoming arrows smeared with a lethal poison that could seal one's fate. Just a scratch from them would be enough to paralyze the body, if not kill. But it was a pity that they were dealing with a rock-hard enemy right now.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

In a string of crisp rasps, the invisible barrier negated all threats mercilessly.

None of the launched arrows managed to pierced Luna's barrier; after the deluge of arrows passed, Luna grinned like a naughty girl that was about to break things.

''Sing for me.''

Luna bellowed at the top of her lungs. She raised and spread her arms to the side. Along with this action, innumerable flaring lights erupted around the transparent barrier, dispersing in all directions and ramming into the skeletons. Even though the skeletons wore armors, some were magical armors that were highly resistant to ordinary magical spells; it was a pity that Luna was a healer. Not only that but as a representative of 'holy light,' Luna's attacks were also blessed by holy attributes, which made it a perfect match against these wicked creatures such as undead ones. As soon as the light beams slammed onto the skeletons and ghouls, they would feel as though red branding irons were pressed against their skin at once ( especially the ghouls). As blood-curdling screeches filled the air, the encirclement of the skeletons and ghouls disintegrated entirely like a broken eggshell. More attacks followed, completely erasing the undead monsters.

And again soon, another batch of monsters appeared to fill the gap left by the previous monsters. The girls kept fighting. This floor was unusual; no matter how many monsters the girls slew, they seemed there was no end; the most frustrating thing was the mist surrounding them. The current floor was shaped like a forest surrounded by mountains, since the monsters started to attack, since their first attack, the area where the girls are, became covered by mist, they couldn't go back, nor they could find the exit.

Unknown to them, at the moment not too far from them was a group of men fighting against some monsters. Unlike in the girl's case, where the monsters would aggressively charge at them after showing up, the monsters currently fighting against this group didn't look that aggressive, almost as if the monsters have been set not to cause too much trouble for this group.

Naturally, this group was none other than Damien and Leonardo's group.

While fighting against two orcs, Leonardo inquired.

''How is it? I meant on the other side. Did they caught that girl already?"

''Don't be hasty; it is not going to be easy, knowing the girls they will be desperately fighting. I know what you want to do; you want to play the prince who showed up to save the damsels in distress after Gracier got abducted. Am I wrong?"

Effortlessly dispatching monster after monster, Damien mocked.


Having his thoughts seen through made Leonardo let out an unpleasant grunt.

'This man is too simple-minded. It's a good thing! I will use you and get rid of you later. You're just a disposable pawn.' Damien inwardly thought before leading his men elsewhere other than the location where was Maria and others.

While Damien was thinking how easy it was to use Leonardo, the latter was grinning inside, already thinking about a method to take care of Damien; truth be told, Leonardo wished to keep all women; Luna was included.

They said cooperation; however, in the dark both were scheming against each other even though they have yet to acquire what they seek.

While they were busy scheming against each other on the lower floor, a big battle was about to occur.

Chapter 312 - 305: Gracier's Capture 3

On the floor before Maria and Damien's floor, the man with golden eyes had caught off with Sera, and he was currently blocking her way.

Looking at the man standing before the doors that led to the next floor, probably where the girls are, judging by the man's reaction, Sera's face was ice cold.

​​''Move aside.!"

Usually, Sera shouldn't be saying this; she would have attacked; however, this man was tricky to deal with; more importantly, after performing that spirit possession earlier, Sera was mentally exhausted; no recovery potion can recover mental strength in an instant. Sera was secretly recovering her mental strength before launching her strongest attack on the man.

Sera was well aware that Alice would catch soon, even though seriously injured, and having lost an arm, this was not going to stop her.

''Hehehe! Why are you so hasty? Miss Zero, let talk a little bit. There is-''

''Not interested.''


Finally, having recovered enough, Sera attacked the man before the latter could finish his words. The man with golden eyes jumped back to dodge Sera's deadly sword strike.

''Tsk! Tsk! As expected of the one claimed as the strongest assassin, even your sword skills are sure remarkable even though you're supposed to be proficient in daggers.''

''Ops! Gotta be careful.'' the man added before black energy wrapped around his fingers, then he used to deflect the incoming sword strikes.

Suddenly, Sera switched stance; she went on the defensive, she blocked Alice's sneak attack.




At the same time that she blocked Alice's sneak attack, the man with golden eyes attacked her; unexpectedly, Sera summoned another sword; however, this time, it was an ordinary sword (A/N: I mean not a Gift), a plain black sword whose only one feature was that it could increase its weight, usually Sera didn't like to use this sword, however, as the saying goes desperate time call for a desperate measure.

Taking on two people without using this sword would be equivalent to committing suicide. Somehow, Alice had perfectly recovered; her missing arm was now back.

''Oh? I never heard that Miss Zero was the wielder of a dual sword. Well, it doesn't matter. We won't be having you interfere up there. Stay obediently here.'' the man with golden eyes declared; however, what he got in response was Sera's attack.

Sera arrived had flashed next to the man intending to strike him. However, how could Alice allow that? Definitely, not.

Using a thousand steps she had copied from Sera, she disappeared to reappear in front of her master, using her sword to block Sera's strike.

However, just as Sera's sword was about to clash against Alice's sword, something astonishing happened, the plain black sword switched place Sera's Gift.

''No good!" Shouted the man with golden eyes; he finally understood Sera's aim; however, by the time she noticed that, it was already too late.


Alice, alongside her master, was blasted back by the powerful force being Sera's sword strike (she increased the plain black sword weight around five hundred kg before she swung it.)

Sera wanted to use this opportunity to go on the next floor to rescue Gracier's and the others; however, just before she could go through the door leading to the next floor, she was sent flying after bumping into something that suddenly appeared from the other side.

It was a gigantic monster; this monster had six arms, three heads; most of the monster's arms held sword while another one held a staff.

Sera quickly rolled on the ground to dodge a water bullet shot at her by the hand holding the magic staff.

''Hehehe! Admire another one of our masterpieces. Although initially, they were failures, we couldn't bear to discard them, such we thought why not combine them? So, we did that, and this is the result. By the way, they are the comrade of our proudest accomplishment, 007's comrade.''

Like a child that couldn't wait to showcase his new toy, the man with golden eyes declared with his arms wide open, Alice was standing beside him with dead eyes.

Wiping away the blood on her lips, Sera did not say anything; she pointed her two swords at the three any while inwardly asking for Alex's forgiveness for not being able to protect his loved ones; however, she was strong, it was impossible for her to singlehandedly take care of the three monsters in front of her; Alice and the man with golden eyes are stronger as her, let's not forget the unknown variable that just popped up, and judging from their early clash, this three-headed abomination was almost stronger as Sera.

For the first time in a long time, Sera felt suffocated; she wished that Alpha was here; with her help, she could have a chance fighting equally against the three in front of her. Unfortunately, Alpha was not present; while sighing, Sera decided to go all out.

Seeing the burning flame inside Sera's eyes, the desire to still fight even while the odds are against her, the man with golden eyes couldn't help but admire Sera. Unfortunately, he couldn't let anybody go down; if not, what they have painstakingly planned would be wasted. He could never tolerate it; the success of this mission mean that he would be one step closer to his ultimate goal, his worth would increase.

''Alice, Death Golem, let's attack together. No need to restrain your strength; go all out.'' the man ordered.

As always, Alice only nodded her head while the three-headed monster could only emit some growl.

Sera's expression remained cold even after the man with golden eyes announced that; she launched her Gift high into the air; she was ready to go all out, ready to activate her domain; however, unexpectedly, something happened.


The door of the previous floor got suddenly destroyed, and from the other side someone came out, a beastman, lion beastman, golden eyes, golden hair, golden lightning mixed with red flame was dancing around the palm of the man that appeared.

Sauntering toward the dumbfounded Sera and the man with golden eyes, Leon declared.

''Such a nice gathering, and I was not invited? So, I broke my way in. I want to join the fun. You won't mind, right?"

At the end of his sentence, Leon flashed them a smile. Leon finally made an entrance.

Chapter 313 - 306: Gracier's Capture 4

Leon's apparition was out of the man with golden eyes expectation. From all their arrangements, nobody should have been able to appear on this floor, nobody except for Sera, Leonardo's group that got deliberately sent ahead.

''How the hell do you come here-"

​​Before the man with golden eyes could finish his words, Leon cut him off and said.

''That is not the real question. The real question should be, how can you bypass everything I set up and appear here? Well, too bad I'm not going to answer that.''


The man with golden eyes almost exploded, if not for the fact that he couldn't bear the consequences of killing Leon as he knew the latter might have a way to find out who's the one killed his soon, and hell would descend upon him.

Too focused on Leon, the man had momentarily forgotten about Sera, which was a pretty bad move.

[Night's Empress of Thousand Deaths!]

Using the opportunity created by Leon's apparition, Sera activated her ultimate ability, a combination of her domain and spirit possession. The brown hair under her cap got elongated, becoming long black hair; her eyes were like the night itself.

''Oh! No-''

Finally aware of the grave mistake he had just committed, the man with golden eyes hesitate no more, with a single command Alice and the abomination tried to block the entrance to the next floor, unfortunately, before they could everything turned dark, the dungeon's light vanished, the fake sun in the sky vanished.

Alice had trouble moving forward; the same goes for the three-headed monster; it was like something got wrapped around their feet, making it impossible for them to advance even the single step.

''Courting death.''

The man with golden eyes bellowed before forming a gigantic golden spear flame of twelve meters sent toward where the man believes Sera should be.

Unfortunately, before the golden spear could pierce that location, numerous black hands sprung from the ground and caught the spear before crushing it. The man became momentarily dazed; a dark silhouette had flashed next to him, a dagger coming straight from a tricky angle to claim his life.

The man with golden eyes was not your average character; even though horrified by this Sera, he could still block the blow; he blocked with a golden bow.

At that moment, the forgotten Leon moved; lightning and fire got wrapped around his feet to increase his speed. His destination was obvious, use the chance that everybody was focused on the fight to go down, to rescue Gracier.

Sera had explained a little bit of what happened to him after combining both domain and spirit possession. After using that power to trap Alice and the three-headed monster, Sera used her shadow's skill to appear in Leon's shadow and gave him a brief explanation, what he needed to do.

''Hang on, girls. I'm almost there.''

Leon kept praying as he dashed to the entrance of the next floor; when he was almost there, the man and Alice happened to see him.

''Alice, this an absolute order, don't let him pass.'' the man with golden eyes bellowed; he tried to go there; however, how could Sera allow him? The two became engaged in a heated battle.

Even though, still unable to move, Alice opens her mouth, and from within, a white sword shot at Leon; the speed of this sword was too fast; simultaneously, one of the three-headed monsters able elongated, going straight toward Leon.

Being attacked from two sides, even for Leon, it would be difficult to dodge, not to get injured. Fortunately, Sera was prepared; from Leon's shadow, another Sera appeared; it was her clone.


Three persons exclaimed, using her body, the shadow clone took the blows while at the same time pushing Leon into the door, the strength behind the push was extremely strong, even Leon with his big body was sent flying down the stairs, and before he vanished from the floor, Leon saw the real spurting blood. Leon inferred that even though the shadow clone that saved him was not Sera, the damage the latter took seemed to be transferred to Sera.

Having seen the sacrifice made by Sera, Leon vowed to save Gracier at all cost while at the same time advising Alex never to mistreat this woman, whatever their relationship might be.

Back on the Sera's floor, the man with golden eyes became furious when he saw that Leon managed to slip away under their noses, even with all their countermeasures.

''Damn it!" He roared; a golden flame appeared around him; he knew no matter how emotional he became, he must never use a power that might give away his identity, a clue that could lead to finding them after this operation.

The battle became chaotic; even though overwhelmed, Sera still fought, all of this to give Leon the chance to perform a miracle; sometimes, a well-planned plan can fall apart because of an unexpected variable, Leon was this variable.


On the other side, Leon appeared on the next floor; he appeared inside a forest with a thick fog; not too far was the sound of a blade clashing against a blade. Without hesitation, he dashed toward that location.

After running for ten minutes, Leon was close to where the sound was coming from; however, he sensed an unusual chill just as he was about to arrive there. His sixth sense was warning him; trusting this sense, Leon slowed down and silently walked forward, using the trees as cover; Leon hide his presence and observed what was happening on the other side, then he saw them.

Damien, Leonardo, sitting not too far from his hiding location, the rest of their group was the ones fighting against the monsters.

Looking in a particular direction, Leonardo smiled and said.

''By now, that bastard's sister should have been caught. Hehehe! I wonder how is he going to react learning this?"

''Well, he will be furious. Fortunately, nobody except them and we are on this floor, if not we will be in deep trouble if someone knew that we are involved, that we don't give any help.''

Damien was the one to say this. The two were unaware that at the moment, someone was hidden and heard everything they say.

Leon's fury almost reached the top, ready to explode; however, he knew that now wasn't the time to blow up; he had a more urgent thing to accomplish.

Quietly as he could, Leon spun around, and after putting some distance between him and Damien's group, he dashed toward the location Leonardo previously stared at.

Chapter 314 - 307: Gracier's Capture 5

Just after Leon left, Damien looked in his direction; his gesture didn't go unnoticed by Leonardo, the latter inquired.

''What? Why are you staring so intensely in that direction? Have you noticed something?"

​​Damien did not immediately answer Leonardo's question. After observing the exact location for five minutes, Damien sighed.

''Maybe I was overthinking. For a moment, I thought that someone was over there, spying on us.''


Leonardo abruptly stood up; using his presence detection, he swept the location Damien pointed at; unfortunately, he found nothing. Therefore he heaved a sigh of relief and sat down.

''Maybe, it is your imagination after all.''

''I sincerely do hope it was the case. If not, we will be in deep trouble.'' Damien said while leaning into his chair.

Leonardo chuckled; he did not believe that somebody was there, at least without them noticing. Although they appeared busy talking, their senses were on alert, so if somebody dares to come close to their location, whoever this person is, they would have noticed it. Having not sensed anything, not even after scanning around them, Leonardo believes that Damien was a little bit paranoid. For Leonardo, nobody was here; his detection sense couldn't lie; he was more preoccupied with another thing.

''Well, I guess it's time to-"

Before Leonardo could finish what he wanted to say, Damien glared at him.

''I say, Leonardo, were you born retard? Or it's only when it comes to women, especially Maria, that you turn into a retard who can't think nothing but his lower body?"

''You- you"

Leonardo turned red with fury.

''You, you what? If you are not a retard? Why would you keep suggesting that we see the girls? Now of all time, I won't take a genius to connect the group and us responsible for the kidnapping if we were to show up immediately. We may be strong but, Leon's group was stronger; how come they are not here? We are here simply to put runes around the dungeon's entrance, simply to put runes all over the forest to activate the fog. If not, we won't be here. Do you think Maria, Luna, and Sakuya will thank us if we go now?"

Leonardo stayed silent. Damien sighed.

''If you think like that then, it means you are not fit for leading. I know what your goal is. You want to become the emperor; you should change the way you think. If not, even you successfully managed to accomplish your goal, you will only be a puppet as you only think with your lower body.'' Damien advised.

''Shut up.''

As expected, Leonardo didn't take Damien's advice well; he glared at him and spat.

''You talk as if you're any different. Weren't you thinking with your lower body? Weren't you doing all of this because you want to bang Luna? To enjoy her? So, scram, do not act all mighty before me. You and I are not that different.''

''It's where you are wrong. I'm doing all of this for the greater cause. All of this because it's the goddess-"

Damien abruptly stopped before spilling more than he should. His impression of Leonardo changed; if previously he thinks of him as retard, now it was different; Leonardo is an intelligent asshole; he deliberately provoked him to let things slip under the effect of anger. From now on, the way Damien looks at Leonardo changed; the latter seemed not to mind.

'It's why I hate religion fanatic. They are crazy but smart. If not, how can they con people to join them, to adopt their doctrines? Well, it's going to be troublesome from now on.'

Leonardo couldn't help but inwardly lament.

Suddenly, there was a big explosion in the distance.


Damien and Leonardo stared at each other. However, neither of them moved; to them, the battle must have reached its conclusion. Half of their plan has been reached; the other half will fall into place soon.


Let's rewind time to few minutes.

After Leon left Damien and Leonardo's location, he sprints toward the direction he believes Gracier and the others will be.

Ignoring the thick fog blocking his view so much that he couldn't even see his feet, Leon relied on his instinct to move inside the forest, dodging monsters, killing those he could avoid until he reached the girls, there he saw something that left his mind go blank.

Thousand monster's corpses littered the ground; however, it wasn't what shocked Leon, was shocked him was another thing. On the left, Maria lay powerlessly against a broken tree; she seemed to have passed out, her clothes were drenched in blood, tattered here and there.

Further from Maria was Sakuya; she was also lying against a broken tree. Her condition was worse than that of Maria; Sakuya's right arm was bent into an unnatural angle, she must have lost consciousness due to the intense pain.

Half kneeling in the middle of a crater was Luna; she was blankly staring in a certain direction, something pierced her stomach from the front, Leon didn't know what it was, but that thing looks like a rusted sword.

Following the direction the unconscious Luna was looking at, Leon was someone slowly walking toward Gracier; the latter was shivering; her expression was blank as if she was experiencing a nightmare.

''Stop right there.''

Leon shouted before dashing toward the woman walking toward Gracier.

At that moment, the woman walking toward Gracier stopped, spun around, and looked at the incoming Leon; the latter froze on the spot; immense fear assaulted him. Unconsciously, he started shivering.

It was the first time in his life, Leon had felt such intense fear; even his father, his ancestor who had participated in that war, the war where they slew the demon kin,g didn't give Leon such fear. His brain refused to listen to his command; at the moment, he couldn't only think of one thing 'flee,' however, stubborn as he is, Leon refused to follow his brain, his instinct's command, he couldn't fail his best friend, he had promised, people had made a sacrifice for him to be here and now he would cower so close to the goal? Never, if he were to flew leaving the girls like this, he would be unworthy of Alex's friendship; he could never look at him in the eyes, never walk beside him. For Leon, this would be worse than death; therefore, he moved.

'Move!' Leon ordered.


Golden lightning and crimson flame exploded around his body that launched his body forward toward 007; even though his body was screaming, was bleeding, Leon didn't stop.

007's black eyes (mixed with green) widened before she thrusts her fist forward, meeting Leon's body.

Boom! Bang!

Unfortunately, in this exchange, Leon lost, numerous organs inside his body ruptured. He spurt mouthful of blood before passing out, the armor he wore got pierced, something shining could be seen piercing his stomach.

Giving one last glance at the fallen Leon and the girls, 007 mumbled,


It was one word, 007 slowly approached Gracier, the latter had recovered enough to move, she tried to move by to her utter surprise she couldn't move, she had spectated the entire fight, she knew how scary this woman was, at the same time she was puzzled by her previous action. Before Gracier could further dwell into what happened, she received a chop on the neck. She started to close her eyes slowly.

''Big brother, p- please save me.''

For the first time in a while, Gracier tried using the sibling's unique ability; whether this message reached Alex or not, at least she tried.

Carrying Gracier inside her arms, 007 put a black bracelet around her wrist; it was because of this bracelet, Ignia couldn't move nor intervened in the fight. After putting the black bracelet around Gracier's wrist, 007 took the air; she hovered above the forest for a while before disappearing.

Unknown to her, Gracier had not fallen unconscious; her golden eye scanned the forest, imprinting one last image inside her brain before she lost consciousness.

Chapter 315 - 308: I Have A Plan

Back to Alex's location.

Artemia and Isabella dashed toward the fallen Alex and checked his condition; his body was scorching, his heartbeat was beating at fast speed.

​​Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

''What's going on, your highness?"

Isabella couldn't help but inquire after seeing Alex in this state.

''It is probably has something to do with his sister. Something bad must have happened. Although-"

Before Artemia could finish answering Isabella's question, she got interrupted.

''Gracier, don't go, Gracier, Alexandra!!! Wait!!!"

As if he was having a nightmare, Alex shouted as his body started thrashing.

With Isabella's help, Artemia managed to calm Alex before he further rampages to hurt himself. Isabella used a water skill to cool Alex's temperature; the latter fell asleep just after this.

Artemia and Isabella waited for Alex to wake up before going back; they couldn't live with a sleeping Alex. However, even after one day, Alex showed no sign of waking up. The girls decided to wait a little bit to see; maybe he was exhausted; unfortunately, even on the second day, Alex was still unconscious, even Silveria didn't show up.

Artemia and Isabella became worried as Alex showed no sign of waking up after two days. However, they could do nothing except wait; in these two days, they kept feeding Alex a High-grade Healing potion; they even mixed in Mana recovery potion and yet still no response. Facing Alex's situation, they were helpless.

In the outside world, the capital was thrown into turmoil after Maria, Sakuya, Luna, and Leon returned injured, announcing the kidnapping of Alex's sister, Elseria went berserk, she sent her forces to go search for Gracier, she even asked the Mercenary Guild for help, Sera was seriously injured, even so, she tried to go search for Gracier, it was thanks to Elseria harsh words she stopped and decided to recuperate enough to be able to complete the search mission.

All the students sent into dungeons have returned, except for Alex's group; these students were being kept in the academy dormitory for observation to check if there was nothing unusual about them.

Another two passed, still no sign of Alex's group. People started wondering if Alex's group didn't encounter any mishaps.

However, on the evening of the same day, Alex's group came back.

Alex could be seen sauntering toward the academy; there was no expression on his face, only coldness. Artemia, who was walking on his right, couldn't help but sigh; she didn't know how many she sighed like this; Alex woke up this morning, and since then, he was always like this; he didn't talk too much, only respond with few words. As Artemia expected, Gracier got kidnapped by someone, Maria and others seriously injured; as for how Alex knew this, Artemia didn't dare to ask as she could feel Alex's anger.

Isabella stayed silent as well; however, from time to time, she would sneak peek at Alex to see if there was a change; unfortunately, his face was still expressionless as they come closer to the academy. The passerby wanted to shout to welcome Artemia's arrival; however, the atmosphere around her didn't permit such action, so they could only close their mouths.

Finally, Alex's group entered the academy; Chris was waiting for their arrival; he didn't say a word; he leads Alex's group toward where the others are.

For the first time since waking up, Alex's expression softened when he saw Luna, Maria, Sakuya, Leon, and others.

''How are you?"

''Fine, it's good to see you back.''

Maria, Luna, and Sakuya said in unison before giving Alex a group hug.

''My friend, thank you for what you have done. I'll remember it.''

Still hugging the girls, Alex turned his head in Leon's direction.

Leon smiled helplessly and said, ''No need for thank between us. I should be apologizing instead as I couldn't keep up my promise-"

''Say no more; you have done your best. Let's me take it from now on.'' Alex interrupted Leon and said.

''Sorry, Alex, we couldn't help. If you need anything, say it, we will help you find her. I have already instructed some people to search for her.''

The Wolfang's twin and Kuina said.

''Thank you. I will be relying on you.''

Seeing Alex responding to his friends, Artemia and Isabella heaved a sigh of relief. However, their expressions suddenly changed when they saw a group approaching them; this group was not present when Alex's group entered.

It was Leonardo's group, putting on a concerned expression, Leonardo who was in the lead said, his voice was loud, loud enough for everyone to hear it.

''Welcome back, Alexander; I'm sorry for what-"


Before Leonardo could finish whatever he planned to say, the world in front of him blurred for a split second before returning to normal, and a horrible explosion shook the whole building. Soon another explosion followed.

People became dumbfounded; Leon's eyes widened as he was the one to understand what was going; he wondered how Alex knew those were involved, then he remembered Alex's words, he talked as if he saw what happened; everything makes sense now.

Chris, who just came after leaving to bring Freya, was shocked to see Leonardo and Damien embedded in the opposite wall; the sturdy wall was cracked; Freya stopped Chris when he wanted to lash out at Alex for suddenly attacking his classmates.

''Wait, there must be a reason for the boy to act like that.''

Chris could only sigh as he didn't have the choice.

While ignoring the incredulous looks of the people around him, Alex slowly walked toward Leonardo, aiming Silveria at Damien; he disabled him with one bullet in each limb.

''Guh! Pfff!"

After spurting blood, Damien passed out.

Someone suddenly appeared before Alex forcing him to stop; it was Camilla.

''Please, Alex, stop, please stop, I beg-"


Only one word, and Camilla fell on his knees shivering, Alex's glare, his voice was too frightening, it was as if she was sent to the abyss of death as if she was facing the King of hell, going against his order would result in death. Neither Kevin nor Dodolus could move after being glared at by Alex.

Alex continued to walk toward Leonardo, who was puking blood nonstop; he stopped few steps away, heterochromia eyes locked into him, Leonardo didn't know from where the immense feeling of absolute fear came from, but he couldn't look at Alex in the face.

However, when he remembered where they are, the people around them, Leonardo ground his teeth.

''What are you planning to do? Wh what is the meaning-"



A solid punch landed in Leonardo's stomach; his armor cracked, he almost lost consciousness.

Lifting him, Alex took the air. This action surprised many; even Freya, who usually remains calm facing any situation, couldn't help but be surprised.

''Rank 10?"

Most of the people present couldn't believe that Alex became Rank 10 in less than a month; one should know that the gap between Rank 7 to 10 was huge, one needs a tremendous amount of XP to level up, not only that one needs time as well, lot of time, so when they saw Alex jumping from Rank 7 to 10 in less than one month, people were beyond surprised. They wished to learn what happened; unfortunately, now wasn't the time.

Maria, Luna, Sakuya, Kuina, Eris, Ferris, and Leon couldn't help but lament, most of them are currently Rank 8, with a few closer to Rank 9; however, Alex outclassed them.

''Sigh! What a freak!"

Leon said the others couldn't help but agree.

In the sky, Alex held the struggling Leonardo by the neck; he coldly stared into the latter eyes. No words, only brutal moves.





Under the crowd of astonished eyes, Alex broke Leonardo's arms; he bent them to an unnatural angle.

''Wai wait, it wasn't me. It was Damien's idea. I don't know anything; I don't know where they sent your sister-"

BANG! Fwoosh!


Without hesitation, Alex fired a Fire into Leonardo's left leg; it was set ablaze; Alex extinguished the flame with an ice bullet. The pain was unbearable, so Leonardo lost consciousness. However, he was brought back by a few slaps.

On the ground, people couldn't believe what they just heard, to think Damien and Leonardo were responsible for Gracier's kidnapping.

''Take Damien to the dungeon. And contact the pope.''

Freya ordered before flying toward Alex, once on the same level as him, she suggested.

''Boy, let him go. You have vented enough. Let's us take it from now on.''

Alex didn't say anything; he threw Leonardo toward the ground; like a meteor; Leonardo crashed against the hard floor, leaving a deep crater there.

''I will come back.''

Alex said before descending toward Maria and others.

''Alex, can I have a word with you?"

The moment Alex descended on the ground, Leon asked; Alex's expression softened.


The two went somewhere secluded before Leon recounted what happened, what he saw inside his injury, its piece of black metal.

After studying the piece of black metal, Alex found nothing; he decided to store it away.

〖This piece can help us find where they took Gracier. I'm more curious about what is the goal of that woman. She didn't kill the girls; she even let a hint behind, almost as if she wished to be found. Who is this girl?〗

To Silveria's question, Alex stayed silent; he would like to have the answer as well.

When he was unconscious, he saw Gracier's last memories, how the black-skinned woman singlehandedly take care of them after killing her subordinates. It was thanks to these memories that Alex learned that Damien and Leonardo were present; they did nothing; it didn't take a genius to connect the dots and know what this means.

''I don't know what the group behind Gracier's kidnapping want but with the woman's unusual behavior, we can speculate that Gracier won't be killed; with the clue left behind, we can find her.''

''I will depart tomorrow. I must find my sister soon. She must be afraid. If only I were there.''

''Stop blaming yourself. The only thing to do now is to find her make her stronger, put some stronger people around her for this type of situation never to happen again.'' Leon slapped Alex's shoulder seeing depressed.

''As for those two. I will make them regret what they have done.'' Leon added when he remembered Damien and Leonardo.

''Don't worry, I have my plan. I don't want a complete fallout with the Crux empire yet, but Leonardo, I have use for him. I know what to do.'' Alex said to his friend. He remembered the talk he had with Silveria after learning what happened.

''That is good. You should leave to get some sleep; you need it.''

Leon said while pushing his friend to leave. Alex sighed; after exchanging few words with the others, he left with Luna, Maria, and Sakuya. Artemia promised to visit him tomorrow.

Chapter 316 - 309: The Departure

Late in the night, Blue Haven villa, Alex could see staring at the stars in the sky; he was lost in thoughts; he didn't even notice Maria's arrival.

Maria stood silently beside Alex and observed the stars as well.

​​After observing the stars for ten minutes, she finally talked.

''You can't sleep either?"

''Yeah. I wonder where she is? What are they doing to her? I swear if any harm were to happen to her, I would slaughter everyone one of them.'' 1 10 i

While saying this, Alex released a thick killing intent that almost twisted reality; Maria gulped.

''Don't worry, we will help you find her and teach them not to mess with the Touch family.'' Maria declared.

Hearing Maria emphasized the word family, going to the extent of saying the Touch family brought a little bit of warmth to Alex's chaotic heart, unconsciously he smiled.

''Fufufu! At least you have finally smiled. I don't like to see you as you currently are. I love the cheerful Alex more than the cold one; we all do. I know that even if we were to find her, everything wouldn't go back as the way they were, but at least I don't want to see you lose your smile.'' Maria stared into Alex's eyes as she said this.

''Don't worry, I will never lose my smile no matter what will happen, I can at least promise you that.'' Alex made a promise. He then added.

''You know what I lack?"

Facing Alex's question, Maria contemplated for a moment before answering.

''A personal force under your command, that can carry task you can do such collecting information and protecting your loved ones from shadow.''

Maria's answer was perfect. Alex smiled.

''As expected of El Diablo's daughter. It's exactly as you have said. I was planning to form a team specialized in collecting information; however, now I must have another force responsible for our protection in the dark. I can't always be beside; I'm bound to travel alone, go somewhere where you can't go, meaning I can't protect you. It will be easy if I have someone to protect while I'm gone. Having my force, I can be at ease when I'm gone.''

Alex took a deep breath before continuing.

''You know previously I had the misconception that having my private you would end up dragging me into politics, something I don't want; however, this thinking is wrong. I must own private force.''

''I also think it's a good thing. Say, what did you do when you went to see Leonardo earlier?" Maria inquired when she remembered that Alex went to visit the imprisoned Leonardo.

There was a cruel smirk on Alex's face as he said.

''You will know in the future.''

Maria did not pursue the matter any longer as she understood that Alex did not wish to talk about what he did.

''That black-skinned woman is strange; she killed her comrades before injuring us. While she could have killed us if she wished to, she didn't do such a thing; she could have seriously injured us, leaving us to be bedridden for a month, and yet we did not receive a life-threatening injury. I don't know why she did such a thing, but I have the feeling that you will find out once you encounter her.''

''Maybe,'' Alex said before adding.

''Tomorrow, I will leave with Luna and Sakuya. You will stay behind and look after the Golden spoon as we need many funds to finance our private force. Artemia will assist you.''

Maria nodded her head; even though there was something she wished to ask, she didn't dare to voice it as she was well aware that it was not the time. As a woman, she noticed the subtle change in how Artemia looks at Alex after their return; the others also noticed this. Something must have happened; however, due to the current situation, none of them raised a question.

''I'm curious why you didn't seriously injure Damien as he was the mastermind behind what happened; Leonardo was just a pawn.''

Maria inquired as she remembered Alex not giving Damien a hard time.

''It is not that I don't wish to do anything but that Damien's status is pretty sensible. I must carefully think before acting.'' Alex explained why he didn't act more than he should have.

However, if he did act, would that not ignite a war? Would that not evoke a calamity upon his head?

Was he passive? Was he a coward? Others might think so, but he considered himself intelligent and far-seeing. Acting without a modicum of certainty in his self-preservation was a fool's gamble and often led to a foolish fate. He would punish Damien for what he had done; however, Damien was working on someone else order; his interest may have gotten mixed along the way, however, initially going after Luna was not Damien's wish, someone must have ordered it, someone of high standing, as for why this person is after Luna it's yet to be found, so dealing with Damien without dealing with this person would not resolve the problem, someone else might target her.

''I see. To deal with Damien, more accurately, the person behind him might take some time. I believe that Damien was sent to Freya's academy, especially for Luna; his goal went beyond a simple feeling of love. As I have observed the way he looked at Luna, there was love, but there was also a little bit of reverence as if he was looking at a Goddess, which is strange, Luna is a simple mortal; one day, perhaps she can become a Goddess, but not at the moment. Maybe Luna looks like one of the gods they worship-"

''What did you just say?" Alex interrupted Maria and asked; his voice was loud, startling Maria, who took a step back.

''Sorry, I don't mean to shout; I was just surprised. Can you repeat that last words you said?'' Alex apologized.

''Don't worry, I was just surprised, that's all,'' Maria said with a smile.

''Well, I was saying maybe Luna resembled one of the gods the Holy Crux empire worship, maybe they went her to become their next goddess.'' Maria speculated.

''I doubt it's the case. If I guess correctly, Luna would be like a vessel. It's typical of fantasy story on Earth.'' Alex shattered Maria's speculation.

〖It does make sense now why Damien is so obsessed with Luna, why he was sent here. Seriously, are they tired of living?〗Silveria couldn't help but get angry knowing what those fanatics from the Holy Crux empire were planning.

''Calm down. It's just some speculations; however, if this happens to be true, then, hehehehe! I won't be polite. They dare to covet my woman; they must be tired of living. It's a good thing that I'm leaving with her; who knows what they may do, what a desperate Damien might do?''

''We must be careful from now on. Now that Damien has screwed up, they would try a different approach. Let's stop talking about this topic; the more urgent thing to do for now is to find Gracier.'' Maria said.

''Yeah, you are right. We will deal with Luna's problem later. Let's go back to sleep; I will need it. Tomorrow, I'll be leaving early.'' Alex said before leaving, Maria followed him, she gave one last glance at the shimmering stars in the night sky, they would have looked more beautiful if Gracier was present, she loves stars.


The next day, Alex woke up pretty early.

After taking a light breakfast with the others, he left with Luna and Sakuya.

En route, they encountered Artemia, Isabella, and Lilith, who had come to see them off.

The three girls accompanied Alex's group until the adventurer guild before leaving.

''Alex, take care. Don't die, don't forget our next mission.''

It was Lilith who said this. Alex smiled.

''Don't worry. Once I come back, we will start.''

Lilith smiled, pleased with this response. She would have loved to accompany Alex, but many people were waiting for her to step out of Avalon and catch her. Therefore, she could only wait until someone stirs a storm to use this chance to slip away, and she believes Alex's group soon would accomplish this goal; they are about to shake the whole continent looking for his sister.

Alex, Luna, and Sakuya entered the guild; they were immediately brought to the seventh floor, waiting for Elseria.

Alex was not surprised to see Sera present; she was dressed as Zero.

''Welcome, Alex and you ladies. I will not waste time; we have identified where this piece of black metal originated from. This type of iron could be found in three places, three cities (two large cities and one medium), both have dungeons. Here is the map of the three cities; you should pick the one west of Avalon. In the other two cities, my subordinates are already there. Zero will go with you.''

''Understood. Let's leave.'' Alex didn't wait; he stood up and leave with the girls.

Alone, Elseria sighed before her eyes turned cold; she crushed a stone inside her hands.

''Pray that nothing happened to her if not, I will erase that Holy citadel you are so proud of.''

It was unknown how but a voice responded to Elseria threat; it was a sigh.


Elseria harrumphed before closing her eyes.

On the other side, Alex's group had already left the floating capital, direction, El-Reech, the coastal city.

Chapter 317 - 310: El-Reech

At the same time, somewhere, in a room, a young girl was being held captive. It was Gracier; she was handcuffed, she wore a simple white robe.

More than five days that she was being held here, nothing was done to her; in the morning and evening, someone would come to give her food; today was the same as well.

​​''Eat, soon it will be your turn.''

The man that brought Gracier's food told her. Gracier showed no response; her eyes seemed dead. Although nothing was done to her except being imprisoned and having her blood taken, it could be said that it was peaceful. However, this didn't stop Gracier from blaming herself; they have come for her; if not because of her, Maria, Luna, Sakuya, and Leon wouldn't have been injured; back then, it was because of her that two-headed ogre attacked them, she knew it. It was as if calamity follow her wherever she goes.

While Gracier was lost in thoughts, the man that brought her food added before leaving.

''By the way, your brother has moved, to search for you, hehehehe! It's going to be fun.''

A little bit of light returned to Gracier's eyes; she was happy to hear that her brother was coming for her; she almost smiled for the first time since her capture; however, this smile disappeared before it could appear because she thought of a certain possibility, a dreadful possibly which is, they are also targeting Alex.

What if all of this was a part of their plan to draw Alex to them? What if it was him they really want? Was she just the bait?

If this is true, then everything makes sense. Why, after catching her, nothing had been done to her.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Gracier's heartbeat quickened, she started to have trouble breathing, she tried to break free from her restraints to end up failing, she knew she must warn him, warn him not to come, that this is a trap.

''Big brother, don't come. It's a trap.'' Gracier sent a message to her brother, hoping that this message reaches him; she forgot about her rescue; all she currently want was her brother's safety.


In another room more spacious and comfier were Maddog and the man with golden eyes.

''So, he has departed?"

It was Maddog that asked this question. The man with golden eyes nodded.

''Yeah! It seems that their first destination will be El-Reech. Zero is accompanying them.''

''I see; when do we start the extraction of the girl's eye?''

Maddog asked before adding.

''You know, it won't be long before the vice leader connects the dots and come after us. Sorry, I want to live a little bit longer, so we must finish things asap.''


The man with golden eyes clicked his tongue in annoyance when his father was brought out.

''We will start the operation in few days. And also, what is the result of the analysis? Did you find anything after checking the girl's blood?"

''There is High Elf blood mixed with another blood I can't identify. I need more blood to identify which type of blood it is and its origin.'' Maddog explained, there was a dangerous glint inside his eyes want he was talking about needing more blood.

The man with golden eyes sighed and said.

''I understand what you want but do not touch her before I get what I want. When I'm done, you may do whatever you want with her. Also, start to prepare for our guests, even though I doubt they will be able to locate us, we must prepare to secure the eighth. Alice needs to be ready; how is her condition?"

''Pretty well, I believe in five more days she would have recuperated. Ah! To think Zero would be this powerful, she killed that failure, almost killed Alice, and even injuring you. Elseria's blades must not be underestimated.'' Maddog responded while recalling the state Alice came back in, she had her legs and one arm cut off, while the man with golden eyes was seriously injured.

''Good, I shall take my leave then.''

The man with golden eyes declared and left.

Alone, Maddog smiled wicked.

''Huehuehue! Soon I will get my hand on another good specimen. What you don't is that I believe the second blood mixed in Gracier's blood is the same with the eighth blood, the legendary blood. When I have him in my hands, I will completely drain his blood to use on myself. Hehehe! After that, I will become more perfect, live long to continue with my research, and one day create a being surpassing the Gods. Hehehehe!"

Maddog laughed while envisioning his bright future where he and his creations dominate the world.


On the west side of Avalon was El-Reech, the coastal city. The city was built on the banks of a delicate natural harbor and was indeed a gorgeous marvel.

Alex's group entered the city. They were not in the mood to enjoy; the city was said to be only second to Avalon in terms of beauty. Buildings here high, the tallest ones, have a backdrop of cascading waterfalls.

For the group to travel a thousand kilometers in few hours was because they used teleportation devices; although costly, it was faster and more secure.

''Let's go book rooms first.'' Alex proposed before taking the lead to go to the best Inn in the city.

Reech's Inn was the best in the city; the mayor of El-Reech city owned it. Alex booked two rooms, one for him and the other one was for the girls.

After visiting his room, Alex, Luna, and Sakuya left for the adventurer guild branch here.

Like the other adventurer guilds, the El-Reech guild branch was packed; adventurers could be seen taking quests, some came back and decided to celebrate their success. Dungeons existed in El-Reech as well, as well black Iron mines.

The moment Alex's group entered, they gathered all attention.

''Wow! Today is a blessed day. For us to see two beautiful women, this doesn't happen every day. Should I try my luck?"

One of the drinking adventurers declared, his voice was pretty loud; the adventurers staying at the same table as the man laughed hard, they didn't bother to hide their lust.

Sakuya's eyes turned cold before she started smiling; from the onlookers' point of view, it was like she was seducing them, their lust skyrocketed, some started to stand up to approach Alex's group; however, before they could take their second step, they froze in place because Alex glared at them, it then became aware that Alex wasn't just some pretty flower, some pretty boy, he had the ability, his strength was above them, nobody tried to mess with Alex's group.

Alex ignored the look of awe he was receiving after intimidating the lecherous adventurers and went to update their cards; the receptionist was surprised to see that Alex's group was C Rank adventurers. (A/N: Their rank got updated as part of the rewards for completing the dungeon's trial.)

''Mr. Alexander, how long are you planning to stay here?"

The receptionist inquired, and Alex responded,

''I don't know; I will depend on what we have come to do. They said you might have some information for me?"

''Yeah! Here is what we managed to find. There is almost nothing. Nothing unusual happened in the mines, nothing in the area surrounding the mines, everything is peaceful.'' the receptionist explained. At the same time, she hands over a paper that contains the information they have gathered. It was Elseria who ordered the guild to collect some information.

''I see, thank you. This will be enough; as for the rest, I will take care of it myself.''

Alex said and left the guild with the girls; Sera didn't come with them as she had her plan.

When they left the guild, the sky had turned dark, announcing the arrival of the night.

''Lex, what do you plan to do from now on?"

Luna, who held Alex's hand, asked; Sakuya was curious as well. Therefore she paid attention to Alex's following words.

''Huh?! Let's see, I will visit the bar, I believe it's where you can collect more information, so you two should head back and rest. Tomorrow we will start the search.'' Alex explained what he intended to them.

''Okay, understand. Try not to act recklessly. We will be waiting.'' Sakuya said before kissing Alex on the cheek; Luna also did the same.

Looking at the leaving girl's back, Alex sighed, he usually would have taken advantage of them, tease them when they kissed him, but currently, he can't because he was thinking about how to find his sister.

''Sigh! Let's go. I know you have already come back and protecting me from the shadow. Come out, let's go.''

Alex said, if there were a passerby at the moment, people would have thought that he was crazy for talking as if there was someone beside him; however, nobody was there.

''Fufufu! It seems that becoming Rank 10 made your senses sharper, usually you couldn't detect my presence even when I was close to you.''

Sera dressed in black appeared; Alex didn't respond to her; he only said.

''Let's go.''