
Chapter 357 - 350: Clemen's Mansion 2

After they had rambled on for about a minute, Sam (Alex) decided that they couldn't settle things like this and took a step forward. As soon as he did that, several people stepped back on reflex as Sam advanced.

Persuading themselves that they were in an advantageous position, they started speaking again.

''W-What. Do you think you can be arrogant just because you have that fake? You're a weak brat. Don't piss off your seniors so much.''

Sam ignored the man; it's not only them that knows how to provoke others. He summoned his two knives.

The people in the surroundings watched with wide eyes as the knives appeared from nowhere. Not everyone has a space ring; this means this kid is not simple to have a space ring.

''It's troublesome to waste time here. Come.''

While saying that, he readied his knives.

Naturally, no one stepped towards Sam. No, instead, when the knives came out, they took some distance to surround him.

''…What's wrong? As expected, are you all just good at talking? Well, it can't be helped since you're all just small fry who are weaker than Goblins. However, then don't pretend to be humans, just go back to your dirty hideouts and tremble.''

It was an outright mockery. It was apparent that he was trying to provoke them, but unfortunately, only a few of the adventurers surrounding Sam noticed. The rest of them didn't understand what he was saying at first, but as soon as they realized, their faces went red as they glared at Sam, wanting to kill with their gazes. Still, no one was sure they could gain victory over Sam.

'Just a bit more.'

While watching the situation, Sam started to speak. Mio gave wry smiles behind him.

''What's wrong? Even with so many people, if you're still scared of me, why don't you just show your true feelings and submit to me? Then I might have some mercy. I might overlook this.''

While looking at the people around him, Sam said that with ridicule. It was the same thing one of them had previously said.

''Don't be stupid, you stupid brat! I'll show you what happens when you despise adults; I'll beat that into your body!''

One of the thugs met Sam's look and said that as he charged towards him with a knife.

Taking Sam's provocation, the thug thrust the knife in his hand. As he watched the movements of the thug, Sam sighed in his mind.

'There's no proper movements. He's just trying to stab his knife into the enemy; his actual movements are dull.'

''Too slow.''

Sam said before dodging the strike and struck the man in the neck.


It was instant K.O.

Because both Stella and the Baron requested not to kill them, Sam opted for this solution.

As if it was the signal, both Mio and Elsa moved.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Bam! Bam!!!!

Under the dumbfounded gazes of the Baron and his guards slower to react, Sam's group incapacitated the thirty mix of thugs and low-ranked adventurers in five minutes.

''Aahhh! It hurts.''

''Ahhhh! My hand, it's broken.''

''What the hell?"

Fader almost peed in his pants; his knees gave up, he was shivering, Christof was a little better; however, he had no desire to go against those beasts; from their point of view, Sam, Mio, and Elsa were standing on top of a pile of corpses, horns on their heads laughing evilly. It was how much psychological damage their received after Sam's group dispatched thirty individuals with almost no effort.

Suddenly, Sam tilted his head to the side to dodge an arrow coming toward his head.

''No way.'' The hidden archer was gobsmacked.

Immediately after dodging the arrow, Sam threw a knife at the location where the arrow came from.

Puff! Bam!

The next moment, a thud was heard, and the consciousness faded away from the attack's impact. After the knife pierced his shoulder, disabling him, he fell shortly on the ground.

The front of Clemen's mansion was now wrapped in silence. The thugs and low-ranked adventurers lying on the ground, groaning, momentarily stopped; they forgot about their pains; they had no words to describe what they had seen.

If their surprise had ended up there, it would have been good; unfortunately, it was the case.

Mio moved, she executed a QuickDraw; it was so fast that none of those present except for Sam and Elsa had seen it; all they heard was a sound.


After Mio executed a QuickDraw, a slash had flown out, cutting the branches of a large tree and dropping the second archer that was hiding there. With the reverse swing, she sent another slash that flew towards a window on the second floor where another archer was.

In the end, a slightly stronger adventurer that just came after hearing the commotion, it was a big man, was unexpectedly blasted away by Elsa's sword slash, destroying the mansion door as he smashed into it.


Everyone present except Sam's group gulped; even the Baron was not an exception. Finally, he understood why the famous Garan recommended this group; it should be said that Garan was a native of Elesim, so most residents know him.

Some people looked towards the big man, who had been blasted away. Until a few minutes ago, he had been wearing metal armor. But it was now crushed, and he was unconscious after smashing into the doors of the mansion. If he were still conscious, he would have experienced the suffering of hell with his rib fractures. It was then; they understood that they were lucky compared to that man, any resistance they might previously have disappeared like a cloud of smoke in the air.

''Mr. Clemens, you should let five of your knights here to secure these men.''

Sam pointed at the thugs and adventurers lying on the ground; although they do not wish to be caught, they knew any resistance was futile as they were incapacitated, not being able to move.


The Baron nodded absentminded, still overwhelmed by the group strength.

''Let's go.''

After ensuring that those five knights were doing a proper job, Sam, Mio, Elsa, the Baron, and the remaining two knights entered the mansion. Time to wrap things once for good.

Chapter 358 - 351: Clemen's Mansion 3

The moment Sam's group and the Baron entered the first floor, the lights were switched off, making the room turned dark all of a sudden.

Whoosh! Clangs!

The person who was trying to use the darkness as a cover to strike the group, this person mainly aimed at the weakest of the group, it was to say, Clemens. Unfortunately, Sam was faster; he had seen through the enemy ploy, so he moved and blocked the strike.

''Hihihi! Yer not half bad. Let's see if yer can protect him after I use my special attack.''

The assassin laughed and threw a smoke bomb against the ground before his presence vanished; after entrusting the Baron to Mio, Sam vanished as well.


And when he reappeared, he was behind that assassin who thought that his special homemade bomb plus the dark would have perfectly obstructed Sam's sights until he strikes.


Before the assassin could finish pleading for his life as Sam appeared behind him, the latter had already executed a knife skill.

[Blade Dance: Second Form: Disabling!]

Swoosh! Swoosh!

In two attacks, Sam disabled the man's arms, turning them limp.

The light came back, the Baron and his men saw a face against the ground, arms limping and butt raised to the sky.

''Let's go!"

Sam ignored the fallen assassin as he ordered that the group continue.

Quickly they appeared on the second floor; Elsa moved and took care of the hidden enemies before they could attack the group.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, a dancehall on the third floor.

''Beyond this door is the main force. Time to end this.''

[Flying Slash]

Immediately after Sam said those words, Mio attacked, slicing the door in two. The cleaved door fell apart, giving access to what was on the other side.

The two guards stood around their lord to protect him from any sneak attack.


Before the group could even advance, they were attacked by two fireballs the size of a volleyball.

This time it was Elsa who moved; she sent two vertical lightning slashes that cut apart the fireballs.

The Mage who fired the fireballs widened her eyes; however, her reaction was quick she immediately falls back, to let place at the others to come forward with their shields, from the gaps of the defensive formation crossbow could be seen, unlike regular bow, crossbow possesses strong penetrative force, so Sam didn't dare to take them lightly.

Thwack! Thwack!!!

More than five arrows were shot toward Sam, and before he could move, he heard Mio's voice coming from behind.

''Leave it to me.'' Before moving in front of Sam; she lowered her upper body, one leg placed ahead of the other, one hand holding the sheat while the other was on the blade, then she mumbled.


With a QuickDraw, Mio unleashed a forward slash that destroyed the incoming arrows before crashing into the defensive formation. The shields cracked, and the people behind it were sent flying, crashing the wall behind them; some immediately fainted while some had a few broken arms and ribs.



Ignoring these crying men, Sam's group finally entered the Hall; from dozen of men previously present inside the Hall, only three remain standing, one man with a potbelly, chubby face.

When Sam saw the man instantly he knew he was Clemens brother, he was holding a young maid in his arms; the latter seemed to have fainted, her maid outfit was ripped apart, blood stained her white gaiter blood, the moment Sam saw the girl's condition his expression turned dark, unconsciously he started emitting killing intent.

'This must be the hostage Randall took. What scum.' Sam (Alex) thought.

''You should behave, little boy.''

The last man, the one standing behind Clemen's brother, said, was a large man holding a halberd; he was the strongest of the bunches Sam's group had fought thus far.

Ignoring everything else, the Baron's eyes turned bloodshot after he saw the maid's condition.

''Randall, you beast, what have you done?" Clemens shouted, face full of rage. If it weren't for the guards holding the Baron back, he would have jumped on the man and tear him apart with his teeth.

''Hihihi~ Why are such a furious brother over a measly maid?" Randall laughed; he seemed to not care about the situation in front of him, as if he still has a trump card he has yet to use.

''You- you- Puff!"

The Baron was so angry that he vomited blood and staggered back.

''My lord.''

One of the guards was faster; he moved and caught the falling Baron.

Sam frowned; judging by the excessive reaction shown by the Baron, his relationship with this maid mustn't be simple at all. The girl looks to be in her nineteen.

''Hihihi~ Brother, I know that you cherish this slut, and I must say she is quite delicious. Who would have thought she was still a virgin. I really enjoyed myself. Quickly hand over your plate, and I will let her live.'' Randall licked his lips like a starving beast that saw something delicious.


''Worst than a beast.''

As one would expect, the girl's reaction was not favorable, not in the slightest. They were emitting a murderous aura; their desire to kill was really strong.

Once again, Randall ignored Sam's group; his attention was solely focused on Clemens, whose face had lost all colors.

''By the way, you better hurry, brother. The more time you take to surrender, the less chance this lovely maid has to feel. I fed her a poison that's slowly eating away her life force. It's the thousand death's poison. Hand over the plate, and I will feed her the remedy.'' Randall announced before bursting into a peal of maniacal laughter.

The Baron's legs gave up; he almost fainted from shock; he vomited twice.

'I understand now; no wonder her face was pale white.' Sam thought as he studied the unconscious maid.

Elsa tightened her sword when she heard about this poison; although the name of the poison was a bit exaggerated, it is still a deadly poison; once taken, one would experience pain worse than death until one dies by exploding.

''Y-you beast, she is not my concubine but my daughter, your niece,'' Clemens shouted.

Chapter 359 - 352: Randall's Trump Card 1

Twenty years ago, Elesim.

At that time, Baron Clemens just received the duty of overseeing the westside of Elesim; he was happy.

Alongside his wife and two concubines, they came to the westside. It was then he fell in love again. Still, because of the strict management his main wife and the concubine had over him, Clemens couldn't openly court that maid who stolen his heart, at first sight, it was one of the previous maids send by the Duke to assist him. However, the possibility of her being a spy sent to control him couldn't be ruled out; Clemens didn't care because he was madly in love with the maid, soon their consummates their relation, secretly, of course. Their feeling grew for each other the more time spent together, and soon joyous news follows Chloe, the maid was pregnant, a girl. To not get caught and to let Chloe safely deliver the fruit of their loves, Chloe quit being a maid, the reason being that she must go back to her hometown to take care of her sick mother, the others did not found this strange, and they let her go.

Soon, Chloe gave birth to a girl. Unfortunately, she didn't make it through; she died before seeing her daughter; this news left the Baron heartbroken; however, his daughter, the fruit of their love, was present. With her, he could still feel his beloved presence. He named the baby girl Chloe like her mother. The Baron secretly raised his daughter until she was 18. Fortunately or unfortunately searching for a job because she wished to be independent, Chloe ends up working as a maid in her father's mansion. Because she was unaware of who her father was, she stubbornly refused to give when the Baron tried to make her give up. The Baron didn't tell the girl that he was her father because he felt ashamed; he hadn't been there for her, he had no right to call himself her father, so the Baron thought.

He had planned to tell Chloe everything; who would have thought the situation would have turned this way.


Back to the present.

''Y-you beast, she is not my concubine but my daughter, your niece,'' Clemens shouted.

Sam, Mio, Elsa, the guards, and even the big man with halberd were gobsmacked.

In Randall's case, it was as if a bomb had exploded inside his mind at the thought that he slept with his niece, incest existed in a certain family, but he was someone that wants to perform such a despicable act. Randall staggered, almost puking; however, when he remembered his goal, that person, and all he would get if he succeeds in acquiring that plate, Randall threw everything away, screw his morals, his beliefs. The only thing that matters right now was the glorious life that was promised to him.

''So what? Quickly hand over the plate.'' Randall said without the once of guilt.

If previously, Clemens had thought swaying his brother with this news, now that thought died completely buried in the deepest part of his being.

Although he wished more than nothing to hand over the said plate, which was more a burden than blessings in his current situation, the Baron knows that he mustn't act recklessly because of what secret the plate hold, his actual use, the reason behind Elesim particular situation.

''I- I w-"

Just as Clemens was about to open his mouth to say something, Sam stepped forward; he couldn't take any longer.

''I say, it's good the family drama. But I hate being ignored the most, Pork.'' Sam said while directly looking into Randall's eyes.

Randall's eyes turned bloodshot; it didn't help when Mio also added.

''Pfft! Haha! Butayaro.''

''I was planning to spare them; however, now I have changed my opinion. Kill them.'' Randall shouted with a trembling finger.

''I shall take care of this man.''

As if it was some competition, and she doesn't want to be outdone, Elsa stepped forward.

Sam didn't refuse Elsa's help; he had his reason for provoking Randall; the man was too calm, even when his defeat was apparent to all; Sam (Alex) want to know why and more importantly, he wants to know the secret the guild, the Duke and the Baron were hiding, there must be something special about this town.

While thinking about possible theories about this city, Sam observed the fight that was about to happen. More specifically, the man with a halberd was silently approaching Elsa (Lilith) while setting up his weapon.

'This man is quite skilled. He is Rank 7.' Sam thought after seeing the man's status.


Class: Berserker

Age: 35


Level 68

Experience Value: 12500/35700

Magic Power: 1500

Magic: Earth Magic

Attack: 980

Defense: 750

Agility: 820

Intelligence: 630

Luck: 440

BP: 0

SP: 0

Equipment: Magic Halberd, Magic armor.

Special Ability: Berserk Level 4

Skills: [Cleave Level 4] [Swordsmanship Level 3] [Earth Arrow Level 4] [Art of Halberd Level 6] [Earth Blast Level 2] [Earth Lance Level 3]

Titles: [Stalker] [Society Scum] [Berserker] [Mass Murderer]

'Wow! This man is no good.' Sam (Alex) wanted nothing but to erase this man from the face of this earth, seeing his titles, titles never lie, they reflect one's action, and this man must have committed atrocities to have acquired these vicious tittles.

Elsa and Skud both proceeded to shorten the distance between them.



As they entered each other's attack range, they swung their weapons.

Elsa her sword and the man with his halberd.


The long weapons they swung tore through approached each other.

And then, they clashed, sending a high-pitched metallic sound around them. And it was not just once or twice. The sound repeated many times.

The halberd's ax head and Elsa's black sword clashed, again and again, repelling each other. From the shock that traveled to her hands, Elsa revealed a slightly surprised expression.

At the same time, the man was also surprised; he didn't even think for a second that Elsa could keep up with him, not she was slightly better than him. This made him realize that he would lose at this rate, so he decided to go all out. Belittling your opponent after seeing what she can do was a foolish thing.

''Berserk!" Skud shouted q, and red energy burst out of his body; his muscles bulged, his stats increased by hundred points (ATK, AGI, and DEF only).

''Earth Arrows!"

Simultaneously, after casting the Earth Arrows, Skud cast Earth Blast to shot forward like a cannonball; he appeared behind Elsa, who should be busy dealing with those earth arrows; unfortunately, Elsa never planned to engage the incoming arrows.


She vanished to reappear above Skud and send a forward slash at him; it was not a normal forward slash, it was imbued of the lightning element, and by the time Skud reacted, he was electrocuted, his berserk state canceled, then arrived another three forward slashes, however, this time they were normal.


Skud, who had lost his two arms and received a deep cut over his stomach, wailed before fainting due to the excessive pain he was feeling.

''Do you wish to continue?" Asked Sam after Randall last man standing was knocked out.

However, instead of showing signs of panic, Randall, on the contrary, burst into laughter amidst the laughter, he said with his left hand raised.

''Hihihhihihi~ You think you have won? I summon thee.''

Chapter 360 - 353: Randall's Trump Card 2 And The Truth About Elesim

''Hihihihi~ You think you have won? I summon thee.'' Randall declared.

Sam, Mio, and Elsa felt an ominous feeling all of a sudden.

Suddenly, from within Randall, a claw came out, having a claw coming out from his chest, Randall puked mouthful of blood, his face lost all of his colors, he couldn't believe what was happening. He pushed Chloe aside.

''H-H-how is this happening? Puh! It was not what had been agreed. W-why?"

Then a second claw came out before Randall was ripped apart, splashing blood and gore everywhere.

''R-Randall,'' Clemens shouted, stretching his arms forward as if he wished to collect her brother's falling pieces. As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water; even with everything the latter had done, Clemens still feels grief seeing his brother getting killing ruthlessly like that; however, there was something more concerning at the moment.

After Randall was ripped apart, a skeleton had taken his place, not an ordinary skeleton, a skeleton general wearing bone armor.


''Get ready; it's coming.''

After successfully securing and feeding Chloe the remedy for the poison, Sam (Alex) shouted as he readied his weapons.

Immediately after Sam warned the others, the dance hall turned dark all of a sudden before it became brighter again; however, there was someone who wasn't present there previously but had appeared. A person dressed in a black robe with a hoodie.

''Jie~ Jie~ Humans are and will always remain a fool. To think this pork would think I would let him live.''

While saying this, the man kicked some remaining of Randall; this action made his hood fall, revealing his identity. Pale white and dried skin, hollowed eyes, one was blind while the other was red, a single horn could be seen protruding from this man's head.

''Hi?! Demon"

Be it was the Baron or his two guards, both expressions turned ashen when they saw the identity of the newcomer; they were feeling scared, so scared that their legs gave up (The two guards), and they crawled back, to put some distance them and this demon.

Mio's expression turned severe; it was her first time seeing a demon if you disregard Lilith, who was practically not different from a human.

Sam, on the other hand, started pondering the possible reason for this demon to show up in human territory; the demon wasn't afraid. Either because he must accomplish something at all cost or because he was stupid, Sam (Alex) bet on the former.

The most shaken person in this dance hall was none other than Elsa (Lilith); never in her wildest dream would she have thought of encountering a demon here. Instantly, Elsa ruled out the possibility that this demon was a pursuer send after her, so there's only one answer left, this demon has come to accomplish a goal.

Unknowingly both Sam (Alex) and Elsa (Lilith) had arrived at the same conclusion; however, in Lilith's case, she must destroy whatever goal this demon had come to accomplish; this would be like slapping her brother because she believes that whatever goal the demon has here, Lucifer mustn't be stranger to it, maybe he was the initiator.

''What a demon came to do in the human territory?" Elsa probed.

The demon from the undead race turned his head in Elsa's direction and studied her for a while before laughing.

''Jie~ Jie~ What a nice little human girl, she is courageous on top of this. Jie~ Jie~ it's decided I shall turn you into an undead puppet.''

Instead of answering Elsa, the demon told her about his wish to turn her into an undead puppet.

''You should answer the lady first. Don't you think so? Bag of bones.'' Sam provoked the demon and as expected, being called bag of bones enraged the demon, and he attacked.

''Die you, weak human.''

Dark tentacles were shot toward Sam at frightening speed; he disappeared, switching with Mio, who unsheathed her katana and cut the tentacles apart.


Sam appeared in front of the still dazed Baron and kicked him away while blocking the general skeleton claw.

At the same time, Elsa appeared just before the demon could take away the unconscious Chloe.


The demon clicked his tongue in annoyance seeing his plan.

''You are quite smart for a weak human.'' The demon complimented Sam.

Clangs! Clangs!

While blocking the general skeleton attacks, Sam responded.

''Thanks for the compliment, but we were weak, but we still kick your ass back then.''

''Don't get cocky, human. I shall kill you and accomplish my mission.'' The demon from the undead race said before lifting his arm and chanted.

''Come forth, servants from hell.''


The ground in front of the demon cracked, and from the ground, different types of skeletons came out; some had human features while some animal features such as dogs. Specials type of skeleton had two heads be it was human or beast one.

While carrying Clemens with him to retreat to a secure location, Sam slapped the Baron awake. Elsa moved Chloe back while Mio dragged and tossed the two guards to some corner of the dance hall.

''Clemens, better tell us what you are hiding. This is not the time you to still conceal things.''

At first, Clemens stayed silent before sighing.

The demon from the undead race and his skeletons were not in a hurry; for him, a bunch of Rank 7 couldn't stop him from completing his goal. He would slowly torture them; like this, they would feed him more resentment. He would turn then them into the perfect undead.

''You know what hexagon is, don't you?" The Baron asked.

''Of I do,'' Sam answered before throwing a knife that cracked an approaching skeleton skull.

''That's good. Elesim is a part of the Hex Cities. Six cities formed a hexagon around Avalon.''

Clemen's explanation astonished Sam, Mio, and Elsa. They could guess the reason for the six cities to exist.

〖It's to form the perfect shield around Avalon.〗Silveria declared, and indeed, Clemens following words confirmed this guess.

''The hex cities existed to form a perfect shield around Avalon.'' Clemens had declared; the three looked at each other before waiting for the whole story.

Chapter 361 - 354: Eye Of Solon

A long time ago, during the war with the demons, Avalon, the symbol of the alliance to fight against the demon king, almost fell.

Since that day, the previous emperor, Julius' predecessor, came up with a plan. Six cities strategically around Avalon with one mission provide a magic source to activate Avalon's ultimate shield.

Hidden in these six cities was a magic circle that would simultaneously activate under the emperor's command. This shield would be used only in extreme cases.

''So, you are saying that a part of the magic circle is here at the west side. The reason why Elesim was divided and managed by four persons was to guard the different parts of the magic circle?" Sam questioned while killing another skeleton, this time, and it was a two-headed dog skeleton.

''Exactly, this plate gives access to the underground part where the core of the magic circle on the west side is located.''

While telling Sam's group this, Clemens handed over a small silver plate to Sam. He believes that at the moment, Sam was the more qualified to hold this. It's not that Clemens didn't fear Sam being a spy; it's because he believes he wasn't. They may have known each other just today, but from Sam's conduct, Clemens could swear that he is an upright man, and just in the case, Sam turns out to be a spy, a traitor, the defensive mechanism inside the small plate would have activated when Sam would try using it. To successfully control this thing, one needs Clemens blood and approval; if not, it is pretty useless.

The moment Sam took the plate, he did nothing but stored it away. The demon from the undead race eyes glowed red with envy when he saw what he was after at air breath. Although Sam stored it away, the demon wasn't concerned over such a small matter; to him, recovering that plate was easy as crushing an ant. He must not fall if not all the sacrifice they made would have been for naught.

To successfully tame that firedrake, they lost many men; with the drake rampage, the Duke, the only Rank 11, and some powerful adventurers would leave the city to help the Duke kill the Firedrake. With this, they could infiltrate the westside and destroyed the core of the magic circle. Usually, the core should have been placed under the supervision of the Duke in the central part of the city; however, it was not what was done; they may be able to trick others thinking that it was under the Duke house; however, the Supreme being, knew it was on the west side, reason of this demon presence, he first lured Randall to revolt, and when Clemens would show up he would appear and snatch the key (the plate) for opening the array protecting the core of the magic circle and break it. That was the plan; however, a variable happened.

As Sam (Alex) speculated, the demon wishes to start another war. To deal a tremendous blow to other races, they must destroy the strongest empire; it is to say, the floating capital, Avalon, the symbol of power.

''Time to get rid of you measly pest.'' The demon said before raising his arms again; this time, he summoned another two skeleton generals whose level was 63.

Sam dodged a snake's skeleton tail before crushing its skull along its core with a heavy splitting kick. Just as he was landing, Sam used the opportunity to appraise the demon.

『[Vidaal Gorr]

「 Rank 10」

Level 95

Class: Necromancer

Age: 120


Race: Undead/Demon

Experience Value: 62000/64900

Magic Power: 3500/3500

Magic: Dark Magic

Attack: 1700

Defense: 1200

Agility: 800

Intelligence: 800

Luck: 700

BP: 0

SP: 0

Magic Wand/ Mourning Souls

Skills: [Erosion Level 4] [Create Skeleton Level 7] [Dark tentacles Level 5] [Dark Arrows Level 3]

Special Ability: [Eye of Solon] [Puppeter] [Mind Control]

Titles: [Master Puppeteer] [Evildoer] [Mass Murderer]』

'Sakuya, please knock the Baron out. This man is too strong for us to conceal our strength. We must stop them from completing their goal at all cost.'

Sam (Alex) sent Sakuya a telepathic message. Because she could also feel the urgency of their situation, Mio (Sakuya) didn't question Alex's order; she moved and appeared behind Clemens and knocked him out.

''Time to crack some more skulls and break someone's plans.'' Alex, while cracking his neck, he didn't remove his disguise but remove the seal he had put on his body to limit his powers.


A strong aura burst from his body, instantly erasing the weak skeletons surrounding him.

Vidaal's expression changed when he saw the change Alex went through. Simultaneously Sakuya and Lilith also released their seal; one was Rank 8 while the other was Rank 10.

''I see. So you were hiding your strength. No wonder you look so confident when facing us. However, do you think unprepared?"

Just as he finished saying this, Vidaal removed his right eye and crushed it.

''Eye of Solon.''


Following Vidaal shout, the crushed red-eye emitted a red light that covered him and his three skeleton generals.

Under the astonished group eyes, they grew in size and became more powerful, jumping from Level 65 to 70.

Meanwhile, Vidaal himself jumped from Rank 10 to 11; his right became white like his left eye.

『[Vidaal Gorr]

「 Rank 11」

Level 105

Class: Necromancer

Age: 120


Race: Undead/Demon

Experience Value: ???????????????

Magic Power: 4500/4500

Magic: Dark Magic

Attack: 1700 ➤ 2500

Defense: 1200 ➤ 1300

Agility: 800 ➤1000

Intelligence: 800 ➤ 900

Luck: 700

BP: 0

SP: 0

Magic Wand/ Mourning Souls

Skills: [Erosion Level 4] [Create Skeleton Level 7] [Dark tentacles Level 5] [Dark Arrows Level 3] [Chantless Magic Level 3] (New)

Special Ability: [Solon of Eye] [Puppeter] [Mind Control] [????]

Titles: [Master Puppeteer] [Evildoer] [Mass Murderer]』

'Wow! He became really strong; what a Wonderful ability.' Alex muttered.

〖This not the time to joke. It would be best if you quickly took care of him before someone comes. Although he became powerful, you won't have trouble taking care of him.〗Silveria chided Alex seeing his playful smile.

'Sigh! I know.' Alex responded before saying to the girls.

''Girls, I will let you take care of the three big guys while I will handle this bag of bones.''

Although, after using the Eye of Solon, Vidaal had gained height, he remains skinny.

Being called a bag of bones again enraged him, so Vidaal decided to teach this cocky human a lesson.

Chapter 362 - 355: Mental Attack

After Alex, still disguised as Sam, gave orders, Sakuya (Mio) and Lilith (Elsa) moved.

Sakuya used the Katana's sheath to block a normal skeleton trying to block her way before kicking the latter in the ribcage, thus crushing the monster's core. Using the recoil from the kick, Sakuya did a backflip to reappear in the middle of five medium-sized soldier skeletons.


At the same time, Sakuya could be seen sheathing her Katana. As the katana fully entered the sheath, the five soldiers' skeletons were cut into pieces.


Sakuya said before leaning back; her back almost touched the ground; she used the butt of her sheathed katana to not fall on the ground.


If she hadn't reacted this rapidly, she would have been sliced apart by the general skeleton's massive sword.

[Flying Slash]

With her right leg, Sakuya sends a flying slash at the skeleton, trying to execute another attack.


The Skeleton General was forced to shift into a defensive posture; although it was not a living being, his instincts honed during his life as a demon when it was still alive was still there.

Sakuya, who had managed to gain a few seconds, immediately attacked after getting on her feet. She didn't wish to make this fight last longer than it should.


Getting into a QuickDraw position, Sakuya breathed out before declaring.

''Self-made Kendo: Thirteen Patterns.''

Then she poured MP into her Gift before unleashing it.


Thirteen wind blades coming from different angles formed a small tornado that clashed against the skeleton general who tried to defend with its own skill; unfortunately, the wind blades were too strong, they acted as a shredder machine, the monster was instantly reduced to pieces.

''Sigh! I need to practice harder. Just using this consume a huge amount of MP. Well, I have gotten a little bit stronger, soon I will catch to you.'' Sakuya clenched her fists; her eyes were burning with determination.

''I wonder how Lilith is doing.'' Sakuya thought before looking in Lilith's direction.

''Black Lotus chains,'' Lilith said before letting go of her scythe, the two monsters who were rushing at her stopped because numerous black lightning chains came out from the ground and wrapped around their bodies.

Like the grim reaper, Lilith flicked her fingers, a huge scythe appeared, and cut the chained skeletons into two.

''Sigh! She is a monster.'' Sakuya commented before finally looking in Alex's direction; the latter faced the demon from the undead race. Neither of them made a move; they were just silently staring at each other.

''What are they doing? A staring contest?" Sakuya asked Lilith who was coming from the back.

''No, they were seizing each other first before moving,'' Lilith responded and stared at Alex and the demon.

Alex and Vidaal kept staring at each other when silently Alex disappeared.

Whoosh Whoosh! Whoosh!

Numerous knives attacked Vidaal from different angles; normally, Vidaal would have a hard time dealing with more than ten knives; however, he showed no sign of panic, just as the knives got closer to his body from the ground, numerous dark tentacles came out and stopped the knives.

''Rain of Dark Arrows!"

More than a hundred small dark arrows appeared above them and targeted Alex; the latter dodged them all; however, his position was revealed.


Suddenly, Alex, who was defending against the dark arrows, froze because his mind buzzed.

'Isn't it because of you your parents died?'

'It's because of you!'

'You almost got your sister killed as well.'

'Everyone will die because of you. Especially those you think as friends.'

'Does they even think of you as a friend?'

''Shut up! Get out of my mind." Alex roared.

Immediately, Vidaal's consciousness was expulsed from Alex's mind.

Vidaal was shocked that his special ability, the one he was so proud of, got so easily canceled.

〖What a strong mental attack skill. Quickly check his status.〗Silveria suggested.

Although he was a little bit furious at her for not warning him about the incoming attack, Alex could understand; he was careless, this would act as a lesson to be better prepared in the future, he had that with his death's eye, he was immune to mental attack.

Come to think it was his first time experiencing this type of attack, he almost got insane, there must be a reason for him to suffer, and he would understand why by checking Vidaal's status.

Profiting of the fact that Vidaal was still surprised by Alex breaking free from his mental attack, Alex appraised him; he was shocked by what he saw.

『[Vidaal Gorr]

「 Rank 11」

Level 105

Class: Necromancer

Age: 120


Race: Undead/Demon

Experience Value: ???????????????

Magic Power: 4500/4500

Magic: Dark Magic

Attack: 1700 ➤ 2500

Defense: 1200 ➤ 1300

Agility: 800 ➤1000

Intelligence: 800 ➤ 900 ➤ 2000

Luck: 700

BP: 0

SP: 0

Magic Wand/ Mourning Souls

Skills: [Erosion Level 4] [Create Skeleton Level 7] [Dark tentacles Level 5] [Dark Arrows Level 3] [Chantless Magic Level 3] (New)

Special Ability: [Solon of Eye] [Puppeter] [Mind Control] [Solon Whisper (Mind Technique)]

Titles: [Master Puppeteer] [Evildoer] [Mass Murderer]』

''I see; it's because he used his special ability to increased his intelligence, and because his intelligence was superior to mine, he was under his ability. What a terrible ability.'' Alex silently muttered.

Even Silveria, who had lived longer, was surprised as well.

'As the saying goes, life is full of surprise.' She thought.

Finally, Vidaal got over his shock; he decided to end things as he could feel a strong presence coming towards them. The funny was that Alex also thought the same thing.

''Requiem of Thousands howling Souls!"


Alex's mind shook; he found himself in the abyss; thousand of ghosts were trying to lure in deeper into the abyss with them; however, Alex would turn into a joke if he suffered twice.

[Blade Dance Fifth Form: Mind Technique Sky Slash]

Alex knives cut the illusion into two, Vidaal who expected such an outcome, had already prepared his next attack; unfortunately, he was bound never to succeed.


Astonishingly, Vidaal along with his floating bone spear froze.



The silver bullet tore through the air before piercing Vidaal, who had his time stop, the silver bullet unleashing its might inside Vidaal's heart; the combination of the two sisters' abilities produced a fantastic result, a black hole appeared behind Vidaal and sucked him.

Alex was gobsmacked, so were the girls.

Chapter 363 - 356: Emperor's Shadow

''Can someone tell me what just happened?" Alex couldn't help but utter this, facing the absurdity that just occurred.

''How can any of us know? Weren't you the one that used?"

Sakuya answered Alex's question with another question.

Alex scratched his head in embarrassment; he decided to postpone the matter for now and later investigate it. As for now, they have a more pressing matter to take care of.

''Girls, get ready. A big shot is coming.'' Alex warned them before resealing his power; he became Rank 7 again, same with the girls. Quickly, they slapped the Baron awake after putting some injuries on their bodies, not to raise any suspicion.

''Huh! What happened?"

It was the first thing the Baron asked after he wakes up. Sam gave him a brief summary of what happened, how the demon escaped because he sensed something unusual; of course, it was a lie. However, Clemens had no way knowing this, especially when he saw the state which Sam and the girls were in, that must have been a tough fight, thought the Baron.

''I w-"

Just as Clemens was about to say something, a massive amount of pressure descending on the whole mansion, Clemens immediately kneeling because of the sheer power of the incoming person, who could be none other than the Duke.

The burly man with spiky red hair and beautifully strimmed red beard that appeared from the third-floor window landed in front of Sam's group before controlling his power.

''Not bad.''

It was a short glance, however, from this Duke Keller saw a brief future for these youngsters who were able to stand under his pressure, if only he knew the truth.

''Clemens! Tell me what happened?" The Duke asked.

Another two individuals coming in; however, unlike the Duke, their entry was expected; they used the door.

''Duke, how many times do I have to tell you not to come through the window. Doors exist for a purpose.''

One among the newcomers, a woman wearing glasses, short light blue eyes, and green eyes, wore a white mage dress chided the Duke.

''Shut up, Millis, there was an emergency so that it couldn't be helped. I will pay for the damage.'' The Duke responded.

''That goes without saying, however, it would be with your own money.'' The one called Millis said while adjusted her glasses.

''What? You damn witch Millis.'' The Duke swore.

''Nothing you said going to change this. By the way, my name is not Millis; it's Millia, do you remember correctly.''

When Millia was saying this, her eyes behind the glasses gleamed dangerously; the Duke gulped; even though he was stronger than this woman (Rank 9), she could be scary once angered.

''I say, will you stop it with the drama? This is not a theater. We come here for a reason. We have no time to waste.'' The second person who entered with Millia finally spoke; it was a middle-aged man, dressed all black; he crossed his arms, and inside his arms was a black katana.

Mio's (Sakuya) eyes went on that katana when the man entered. The most surprising thing was that this man had his eyes closed as if he was blind; however, Alex had the feeling that the moment this man opened his eyes, something terrible would happen.

〖You are right. This man is really strong. He is the strongest in this room.〗Silveria said.


Sam (Alex) was so shocked that he unconsciously raised his voice; everyone in the hall turned their heads in his direction, wondering what's up.

''Cough! My bad, I was lost in thoughts. Please don't mind me.'' Sam (Alex) said.

The others returned back to what they were doing, only the man in black gaze lingered on Alex for a moment; even though his eyes were still closed, Alex felt almost naked in front of the man; finally, the man stopped gazing at Alex.

''Phew!" Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

〖This man must be here on the emperor's order.〗Nyx announced the man's identity; if the latter were to hear this, he would be shocked. As Nyx said, he came here on the emperor's order; he would unleash his full strength in case of unforeseen circumstances if Alex were not able to deal with that demon, and even the Duke couldn't, the man would have stepped forward and take care of it, he is one of the members of the Emperor's Shadow.

After listening to Clemens' explanation and Sam's group testimony, the three understood what happened; the demon must have fled after he sensed them coming. Among the three, only the man with katana found hard to believe what this story, he knows how stubborn demon could be, once they set to do something, nothing can stop them, especially when it question of their ambition, damaged one part of the hexagon would be a huge accomplishment in their step to overwhelm human's race in the incoming war. So, it makes no sense for them to escape just because someone strong was coming, not when their goal was so close to getting completed; there must be a story, something this group was hiding.

Just as the man in black was about to stealthy make a move on Alex's group, on the weakest, it was to say Sakuya, the man felt a strong killing intent that froze even his soul. It was as if there was a pair of eyes at his back trying to suck his soul away.

'F-Forgive me. I-i promise to retire and never try to h-harm these people again.'

The man who had trained under every circumstance had experienced numerous life and death situations, the man who learned never to feel fear as he could cause the failure of a mission became scared, a fear like never before. He knew he would die if he ever attempts anything on this group; however, he didn't know why these murderous intentions were coming from even his Rank 12; he didn't dare to search for it because he believes the other party stronger than him might take this as him going against them and kill him. However, he feared death; he feared not being able to accomplish his goal, so the man, one of the Emperor's Shadow, pleaded and promised to never try anything against Alex's group; it was then that killing intent vanished as if it had never existed.

''Kyle, what's going on? You look so pale?" The Duke asked, concerned because Kyle turned pale suddenly, almost as if he had seen a ghost.

Alex and the girls were interested in the reason behind Kyle's sudden paleness.

''No, it's nothing. I'm feeling unwell. It must be because of the fight. I shall retreat to rest.'' Kyle said before leaving.

The Duke, Millia found Kyle's reaction a bit weird; however, there was nothing they could do about it. They decided to wrap things up here and focus on strengthening their defense afterward.

Only Silveria and Nyx were aware of what happened.

Chapter 364 - 357: The Hidden Room

''Thank you, Adventurers, we were able to avoid disaster, truly thank you.'' The Duke said after taking back the plate, Sam (Alex) was keeping safe for Clemens.

''No need for thanks. Us adventurers prefer rewards over a thank you.'' Sam said to the Duke.

Someone was not pleased with Sam's blunt words, and when she was about to step forward to speak, the Duke stopped her with his arm.

''Hahaha! Indeed, adventurers are such a being. My bad, here is your reward, take it this bag it contains 500 Gold Coins.''

The Duke tossed at Sam the bag; catching it, he smiled and said.

''As expected of the Duke, so generous. We shall take our leave, and don't worry; we are sensible people.''

Accompanied by Mio and Elsa, Sam left. Just as he passed the Duke, the latter smiled.

''You are an interesting young man.''

Sam (Alex) smiled but said nothing and left.

Millia glared at the Duke after Sam's group left; as for the Baron, Clemens left earlier to take care of his daughter Chloe. The Duke knew the girl's identity; he didn't say anything about it, though.

''What? If you have something to say, say it?"

Because the Duke couldn't take anymore, he said while walking toward a certain part of the hall, placing the small plate on the wall, there was a click sound and a door appeared, behind this door was a staircase, taking this staircase, the duo descended to the hidden floor.

''Why do you give them so much money? We could have used it to cover the damage you caused arriving here.''

After scanning through the hidden room, Millia asked.

The room was shinning blue; although humans are not sensible to mana like Elves or demons, Millia could feel the ambient mana inside the room. The room was filled with Mana, drawn on the ground was a complicated magic circle, and floating above this magic circle was a bluestone not bigger than a volleyball; this bluestone kept spinning, and when one looks closely, one could see small blue coming out of it and getting drawn into the magic circle on the ground. This blue spinning stone is the core of the magic circle in Eles; destroying it means one of the Hex Cities would stop functioning.

After checking the bluestone and detected no problem with it, the Duke heaved a sigh of relief before he spun to face Millia.

''For a smart people like you, you're quite dull not to see what I have done by giving those adventurers so much money. I gave them 500 gold coins, simply because I want to buy their silence. Imagine what would happen if news spread out that demon infiltrated the city? Panic would spread, the demon's princess aside, have you seen any demon walking around human's cities? At least not openly.'' The Duke explained the reason behind his generous reward.

''I see. I understand the reason behind your action. Still, I think 500 gold coins is too much. Don't forget that there's still another reward awaiting them at the guild.''

Millia still complained even after knowing why the Duke did what he did.

''Give me a break. I have already explained why, so stop complaining and finish your task. I'm tired; fighting against Rank 10 Firedrake was not easy.'' It was the turn of the Duke to complain.

Seeing that she would gain nothing if she kept complaining, Millia stopped and started reinforcing the magic circle with rune magic; she moved her arms in the air. At fast speed, she drew numerous runes in the air; some had triangle symbols, some shield symbols; in fifteen minutes, she drew fifty different runes that float in the air.


At her command, these runes fell and got absorbed into the magic circle; the latter shined brighter.

''Phew! It's done.'' Millia announced while wiping away the sweat on her forehead.

''Good, let's leave.'' The Duke said, the two left after sealing the hidden room back to how it was.


Back to Alex's side.

After leaving Clemen's mansion, they went to the guild; after indirectly threatening Stella, they received higher rewards, and now they are back to the Inn.

''The Duke gave us 500 gold coins to buy our silence,'' Sakuya said as she sat cross-legged on the ground, her katana against her chest.

''Yeah, if I was in his place, it's what I would have done. Letting people know that there's a demon freely roaming around, this demon even infiltrated a noble house. Unrest would quickly spread around; people will start cursing the Duke, saying that he was incompetent; people may even revolt if a satisfactory answer was not given.'' Lilith sitting on Alex's bed, explained.

''What you said is not wrong. For now, let us prevent the demon from succeeding in their endeavor. I will contact Artemia and tell her what happened here. I'm sure in the other five cities, demons might have infiltrated them with one goal, destroyed the core to make it impossible for the ultimate shield to work.'' Alex said, the girls nodded, especially Lilith; she was not in a hurry to snatch the thing Lucifer was trying to get, making the demons fail; this task was another way of screwing Lucifer's plans, and this is her raison d'être.

''I see, it's a good plan. We will let you discuss this with Artemia. Sakuya and I will take our leave. Say, Hi! To Artemia to me.''

After saying this, Lilith dragged Sakuya out of the room; the moment Artemia's name was mentioned, there was a mysterious glint flashing through Sakuya's eyes, she wished to stay, and Lilith knew nothing good would come out if she were to let this sadist girl stay, she was sure that she would try butting in their conversation.

If it weren't because Sakuya knows that she couldn't beat Lilith, she would fight back. As Lilith guessed, she planned to tease Artemia; she was jealous of her, circumstance or not; it should have been her the next; however, it happened, this left a sour aftertaste inside Sakuya's mouth.

As if she could see through Sakuya's feelings, Lilith said.

''Don't worry, she won't steal him away. Be nice; she is not an enemy but rather an ally you should never let go of. Soon, you will understand.''


''For an ice lady, you are pretty sensible. Don't worry. I'm fine. Not feeling anything would have been weird. Let's go.''

Sakuya said after chuckling; the two left for their room afterward.

Chapter 365 - 358: Their Next Destination

Alone inside his room, Alex took out a small stone, a communication stone. Pouring Mana into it, the stone was lighted, then a surprised voice came from the other side.

''Alex? How unexpected. I never thought that you would contact me so soon. Or it is because you miss me?" Artemia decided to tease Alex.

Alex chuckled. ''I do miss you; however, it's not the reason for my call. How are you doing over there?"

''I'm fine; your sister is doing fine as well. Maria and Luna are training under the headmistress and the paladin, respectively. We don't see each other often. How about you?" Artemia asked.

''I'm fine. Sakuya and Lilith are fine as well. By the way, Lilith said to say Hi! to you.''

''I see. Has she opened up a bit?" Artemia asked if Lilith was still acting cold.

''No, she even cracks jokes. Enough with that. The reason for my call is-"

''Because the demons are trying to infiltrate the hex cities to render useless Avalon's ultimate shield. Am I wrong?" Artemia cut off Alex and said.

''Sigh! I mustn't be surprised. Sure, news travels faster, especially when it concerns the empire's security. Yes, it's what I wish to talk about; however, I want the name of the other cities; I couldn't ask here because by doing that, it would raise questions, questions I do not wish to answer.'' Alex told Artemia the reason for his call.

''I understand. I have already prepared everything for you. Father has already sent men to other cities. After all, he couldn't let the demons succeed. He was furious; this move is like a slap on his face. Lucifer is becoming more and more daring. Sigh! Demons never learn, do they?"

''Don't talk like that. They must have a stronger backer for them to become this brazen. You know the story behind Lilith's family. Do you think that Lucifer would have slaughtered his family members, making the eighth dukes submit so quickly if there was not someone helping him?"

Facing Alex's words, Artemia sighed before saying.

''Indeed, however, nothing was found by our spy; we don't know who is behind Lucifer. I even thought it was the black dragon; however, the latter seals are still working, not even his consciousness can go out. So, only one explanation is left, maybe behind Lucifer is the mysterious organization, the same that tried killing you, the one responsible for your sister kidnapping.''

''Well, I also think the same thing, however, because they have hidden pretty well, no much is known about them, for example, what is their goal? World domination? Destruction? Either way, we must be prepared. Troubles are coming; not only demons we should be wary of, but the Holy empire also is not clean either. You know what I'm talking about. Forget it, let's talk about urgent matters, the Holy empire situation shall be taken care of later.''

''Okay, I understand. Here are the names of the five cities:

➤ Venis

➤ Celesta

➤ Panam

➤ Laurel

➤ Vallon

Celesta is the closest city to your current location, with a fast carriage you will be there in two days.''

''I see. Our next destination shall be Celesta then. Would you please look after my sister? I hope her training is going well?" Alex asked about Gracier.

''Yeah, she did pretty well. Don't worry about us. Just focus on your mission.''

''I will. I wish you a good night. Say Hi to my sister for me.'' Alex said it was time to end the communication.

''Good night too. I will tell her.'' Artemia said and tried to cut off the communication on her side; however, she was stopped by Alex.

''Where is my goodnight kiss?" Alex asked in a serious tone.

When Artemia heard what Alex had to say, she couldn't help but raise her voice.

''Fuck off!"

''Hahaha! What a shy lady.'' Alex laughed when Artemia cut off the communication.

At the same time, in an unknown location, inside a room, to be more precise, a young man could be seen doing push-ups using his left-hand thumb. There was sweat all over his body; his right arm was crossed behind his back; however, this arm was all black, as if the young man was wearing a long black glove over it.

''788, 799, 800, 801-"

''Cain, Lord Thanos wishes to see you.''

From outside of the young man's room, a voice came. The young man called Cain stopped doing his push-ups, he stood up and put on a white plain mask, only his short blonde hair was visible, after putting on some clothes, he left the room.

Outside, there was a girl, the one that informed him that he was called. This girl wore a black robe; drawn on the robe was the symbol of a half-closed red eye.

''Follow me,'' she said.

Cain followed the girl silently, the latter crushed something inside her hand, immediately, the scenery around them was wrapped, the hallway disappeared and was replaced by a throne hall.

A lone man dressed in a red robe, wearing a white mask with the same symbol as the girl's robe, could be seen sitting on a throne.

''Lord Thanos, I have brought him. Glory to the Supreme one.'' The young girl bowed before disappearing.

Only left in the throne hall were Cain and the man on the throne, the one called Lord Thanos.

''Cain, how is your right arm? Have you gotten used to it?" Lord Thanos asked.

''Yeah! There's no problem.'' Cain responded flatly.

''I believe you don't call to ask this. Spit it. What do you want?" Cain asked; his tone was not friendly; he was furious because his training time was disturbed; he needs strength to avenge.

''Hahaha! Unfriendly as always. Well, it doesn't matter. The reason for your call is because there is a mission for you.'' Lord Thanos was said.

''Where is? What do I need to do?" Cain asked; talking too much isn't something he likes, especially when it means wasting more of his time.

''Your mission will be to destroy a magic stone located somewhere in a city. Celesta. Better not fail because the one sent at Elesim fail. Seven will accompany you.'' Lord Thanos explained.

''Tch!'' Cain clicked his tongue; Seven is someone he didn't wish to deal with; however, orders are orders, he couldn't go against them. He signed with the devil; time for some payback.

''You can leave.'' Lord Thanos waved his hand, and Cain found himself standing in front of his room. He couldn't help but sigh; the man power is unfathomable.

''Celesta, huh?! I hope it would be fun.'' Cain smiled behind his mask.

Chapter 366 - 359: Nyx's Abilities 2 And Her Short Apparition

''Silveria, come out, time to tell me more about your sister's abilities.''

Alex, who had just ended his communication with Artemia, called out.

As if she had been waiting for his call, Silveria appeared and sat on the chair Alex had placed not far from his bed beforehand.

''You are checking your new status, isn't it?" Silveria asked, seeing Alex's gaze focused ahead.

Alex nodded while looking at his status after the fight at Clemen's mansion.

[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 10]

Level 98

Experience Value (XP): 35000/65200

Magic Power: 5690 (+10) ➤ 5700/5700

Magic: None

Attack: 2070 (+ 10) ➤ 2080

Defense: 1760 (+10) ➤ 1770

Agility: 1900 (+10) ➤ 1910 (+200)

Intelligence: 1810 (+10 ) ➤1820

Luck: 1540 (+10) ➤1550

BP: 120

SP: 0

Gift: Death Guns

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 7] [Mana Recovery Level 7] [Synthesize Level 10 max] ➤ Crimson's Bullet [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4] (New)

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Freeze]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master]』

''Too bad, I thought I could have at least acquired one of Vidaal's unique abilities. Well, at least I have leveled up once and halfway through the next level, even my blade Dance level increased, probably because of the Fifth Form Mind Technique: Sky Slash.'' Alex muttered while distributing his BP. Having faced a situation where he saw how necessary high intelligence is, without hesitation, Alex put a hundred BP on his intelligence stat. Where they were going, the demon continent is home to various races; it wouldn't be a surprise if he encounters a vampire or succubus, both good at mental attacks. To be immune against such an attack, high intelligence coupled with his right eye can pull him out of tricky situations. As for the remaining 20 BP, Alex put them on his attack stat, making into 2100.

''It's good that you decide to raise your intelligence stat; not only will it help you fight against strong mental attack, your reaction speed will also increase as well, making you dodge faster, attack faster,'' Silveria said, happy that Alex used most of his BP on his intelligence stat.

''I know. Tell me about your sister's abilities.'' Alex said he was more eager to learn about Nyx's abilities more than anything.

''I have two abilities: Freeze and Rewind.''

Unexpectedly, it was not Silveria who answered Alex's question; it was Nyx herself; she came out in her half illusionary form, it was his first time seeing her, Alex was mesmerized, and inadvertently he blurted out.


Most women would have been overjoyed to be praised; however, Nyx showed no reaction at all as if she had not heard Alex's praise. It is not that she didn't hear anything; it was just that things like beauty don't concern her; she doesn't care about it. Maybe it would have been a different story if she was born ugly. However, she was born divine, although her beauty didn't really outshine that of Silveria; the reason why she was deemed the most beautiful was because of her personality, her cold personality, an unattainable flower.

''Sister, you have come out. Please have a seat.'' Silveria's voice brought the entranced Alex back to reality; observing the two sisters, Alex could deny that they resemble each other; Nyx was a little bit shorter than Silveria, the silver goddess, and the Death goddess.

The two beauties' presence illuminated Alex's room; if this were a manga, it would have the most beautiful background.

''No need, I have my own way.''

Nyx refused her sister's invitation, a black chair appeared, and she sat on it, she then stared at Alex, the latter felt a crushing pressure, he almost kneeled; however, he stubbornly refused to do so, Alex bit his tongue to bear the crushing pressure, although his body was trembling, he refused to give in.

Finally, after what appeared to be an eternity from Alex's point of view (In reality, only one minute passed), the pressure bearing on him disappeared, Alex was sweating bucket.

''Not bad; however, you are still weak. You must train harder. One last thing, make stronger women yours.''

Nyx said before disappearing, leaving behind a dumbfounded Alex and a sighing Silveria. Nyx is still Nyx, thought Silveria before clarifying things to Alex, who seemed lost on what to think about Nyx's words, especially the last part.

''No need to explain about the first part as I believe you understand what she meant.''

''Yeah, I do. I'm nowhere near strong enough; there are many strong people out there, especially where we are going. I heard that the eighth dukes of the demon continent are Saint Realm experts.'' Alex responded at Silveria's words.

''I see; it's a good thing you're also aware of that. Moving on the last part of my sister's words where she was saying to makes strong women yours, it is because of two reasons, the first being that making strong women yours will inadvertently help you in the long run, woman that love a man would do anything for the latter, meaning you will have a strong ally. My mother used to say that having the back of a strong woman is like controlling the world because women are the world, the universe's dearest creation, universe favorite. What women want, the universe wants it too; Gods also want it.''

Silveria's words made Alex remembered a saying from Earth, 'What women want, God wants it to.'

''The second reason is?" Alex asked, although he was curious about why Silveria's mom would say such a thing; now, what interested him more was the second reason behind Nyx's words.

Silveria sighed, the second reason just speculation; she decided to tell him; this concerned him after all.

Chapter 367 - 360: Nyx's Abilities 3 And The Unknown Ability

''You see, you have a special ability.'' Silveria declared.

''A special ability?" Alex asked confused, judging from Silveria's words, this ability is purely his, not from any of them.

''Yeah, you have an ability which is unknown at the moment. I meant not much is known about it."


Silveria's words were like a clap of thunder that struck Alex directly on the head; he was feeling happy to have a unique ability different than the girls; however, to end up hearing this ability is unknown.

''Care to clarify, please?" Alex said as he believes that there was more than that.

''You are calmer than I thought. Well, it's a good thing. My sister and I, it was her who first noticed it, though. You have ability; as I said, it's unknown what kind of ability you have; we can only speculate. Do you remember that recently, the title the one who can't use magic disappeared?" Silveria questioned.

''Yes, I do? What does this have to do with my ability?" Alex answered before raising a question.

''It has everything to do with it. Do you also remember that it became possible for you to kill undead creatures easily? Somehow, your bullets became special undead type?"

''Yeah, I do remember. It happened after I got engaged with Luna, after spending the night with her. Wait, you are not saying that my ability is related to that?" Alex, who was able to make the connection between his steamy night and his ability, couldn't help but raise his voice; he could understand now why Nyx would suggest that.

''Yeah, it is only speculation; maybe this unique ability enables you to produce a special type of bullet depending on the woman you sleep with or woman that loves you,'' Silveria explained.

Alex could understand why his ability got the light property (Light Element is effective against undead creatures.); he probably acquired this after sleeping with Luna. Recently, his bullet became faster; at first, he thought he it because he had gotten stronger; however, now he thinks differently. His bullet becoming faster might be due to him having slept with Artemia; his bullet had not truly gained the lightning ability surely because Artemia did not love him as Luna do. It would be strange if she were to fall in love with him because of that accident.

Shaking his head, Alex focused his attention on Silveria; there was still a lot of uncertainty about his ability; it was probably why Silveria says it is an unknown ability. Not much is known about it.

''So, to understand more about it, you must conquer more. Is it why my sister suggested that.'' Silveria explained her sister's reasoning, and she also seemed to share the same feeling.

''I see. So, what you mean to say that maybe with more women, my ability might fully awaken?" Alex asked; it was the only thing he could think of after listening to Silveria's explanation.

''As expected of you. You quickly understand. Let's take it slowly. I suggest moving on to Sakuya during your travel quickly. Adding Lilith might not be a bad thing. Maybe after conquering Maria, Kuina, Eris, your ability might fully awaken.'' Silveria explained with a smile; it was the smile of someone wanting to enjoy a good show.

''You seemed to be enjoying yourself too much, don't you think?" Alex glared at her; Silveria started whistling, playing the obvious.

''Moi, do no know what you are talking about.'' She said and kept whistling.

''Forget, it she even learned some French words. I won't ask where you learned it; however, can you please explain more about your sister's abilities to me? As for my ability, we will talk about it later; whether I conquer more women or not need to be discussed with the girls first; their opinions matters as well. They are not puppies that would follow all my instructions nor suffer silently." Alex said he believes that important stuff like that must be discussed with his girls; they must share their opinions if they wished or not. Taking into account your woman's opinion is the secret to a good and long-lasting relationship, so Alex believes.

Silveria nodded her head, pleased with Alex's way of thinking; she decided to explain more about her sister's abilities; as he said, discussion about his ability should be postponed for later.

''As you have heard it from the person herself. My sister has two abilities: Freeze and Rewind—it time-based ability. Time-related ability is scarce and stronger as well. The first ability, as you have read it, can stop time.''

To Silveria's explanation, Alex nodded and remembered the description of Freeze.

{Freeze: The ability to momentarily stop time for a second. Can stop anything; however, the stronger is the opponent, the more MP it will consume.

Basic MP consumption: 2000 MP

Note: It can evolve.}

''The stronger your opponent is, the more MP will be consumed. Let's say if you wish to use your ability on Saint Realm expert, almost all of your MP will be used, and it will only last one second. At the moment, it impossible for you to stop Demi-God Realm expert.'' Silveria explained while giving some examples to help Alex understand more about Nyx's first ability.

''I see; I understand more about Freeze; however, that note it can evolve is what I'm more interested in. Does mean the amount of second and MP needed to activate this skill might change in the future?" Alex asked; his eyes were filled with anticipation, anticipation for a positive response; this would mean he would become stronger.

''Yeah, it's exactly as you have guessed. When you unlock the third seal, the amount of second will increase, less MP consumed. You should know that your right eye is closely related to time as well. In essence, it could be said that it is the right eye is the key to utilize my sister's abilities fully. It's probably why she gave it to you.''

Silveria made a startling revelation.

Alex was not surprised; he had come to the same conclusion after seeing Nyx's ability.

''Try using your right eye more to force it to awaken fully,'' Silveria suggested.

''I will.'' Alex nodded. Maybe using on stronger opponents. In that case, there will be some resistance; it might fail; however, this could be the key to awaken his right eye fully, Alex secretly thought.

''The second ability is more strong; not even our previous master was able to master it fully. Maybe you will.'' Silveria said while looking at Alex in the eyes.

The more time she spent with this man, the more special she feels he is. Maybe Alex can use Nyx's second ability; Silveria genuinely hopes so because it was godly-like ability.

''The second ability, Rewind, is also called Time Manipulation. At his strongest state, our previous master could rewind time to one minute. My sister's real ability is more powerful than that. To tell the truth, there was one time she went back 24h to save me.''

Alex's eyes widened to their limit; they almost burst out of their sockets. What kind of ridiculous ability is this? Imagine that you can rewind time to 24h? This is insane; it means you can save someone that dies less than 24h. It's truly a godly ability.

Wait, suddenly Alex thought about something, and as if she could read his thoughts, Silveria said.

''If you wish to ask why she didn't use her ability back then to correct that tragedy that happened, it can only say she couldn't simply because she had been broken by the time she learned about our father died, her abilities sealed themselves, it only restarts working after our mother's sacrifice, after she made us became contracted to other races. Let's not stop talking about it. As I said, I hope you can use my sister's second ability to its fullest.''

After listening to Silveria's explanation, Alex understood, he was sensible enough not to force Silveria to remember sad events.

''Your sister is really strong, so are her abilities. Even though she didn't use her eyes on me, just by looking at me, I have almost kneeled. Just remembering it, I got shivers.'' Alex said Nyx is powerful, so strong that Alex wondered if there exists someone stronger than her? However, the answer was obvious; of course, there are people stronger than her, Alex would face them one day as he wishes to stand at the top. Thinking about the number of challenges he would face, Alex couldn't help but smile, his blood boil, his heartbeat accelerated.

''It's going to be thrilling.'' Alex blurt out.

Silveria smiled. Nyx also smiles faintly. Fortunately, Alex was not alone; he got many women and friends to accompany him on this adventure.

Chapter 368 - 361: Training Resume

After a casual chat with Silveria, Alex decided to rest for an hour before starting his training on the second level. Tonight he had a goal in mind.

Quickly, one hour passed, and Alex was currently in the same forest where he had appeared last time after leaving the ghost city.

Fwoosh! Clanks!

Without moving, Alex deflected an incoming arrow shot at him from somewhere in the forest.

Swoosh! Puh!

Alex retaliated; it was instant death. The small rock picked up by Alex when he just came pierced through the hiding hobgoblin head.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Puh! Puh!

Because previously he had experienced this situation, Alex knew where the hobgoblins, the first volley of monster was hiding, so he had no trouble dealing with them.

Immediately after killing eight hobgoblins, Alex kicked against the ground to jump into the air; using a nearby tree as a foothold, he started jumping from tree to tree. He did this to avoid being surrounded by monsters like last time.

Last time after successfully killing the hobgoblins, he had made a mistake to immediately head deeper into the forest through the land, not the air, while advancing. He must have inadvertently activated a trap that alerted the monsters; maybe he stepped on the boss thread; the boss is Arachne; Alex had seen her before getting killed, by her, by the way.

So, Alex decided to use this mission; he could have used Rank 10 special ability to travel higher in the sky shortly. However, that would be saying I'm an easy target; please snipe me; using trees was more convenient.

Alex safely landed in the middle of the second group about to taste his revenge; it was a group of ten lizardmen, their levels were around 67. To not alert the nearby monsters, which were far from each other, Alex put silencers on the guns.

Pui! Pui!!!!!!

Ten bullets punched their way through the monster's necks, causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. They fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around them and soaked into their crudely made clothes as they choked to deaths.

Like an assassin, Alex had already left the scene, once again he kicked the ground to jump high into the sky to land on top of the tallest tree, in the distance was a small small, surrounding this lake was a group of Water monkeys happily playing with water, at the same time they kept looking around as if they were waiting for something.

Jumping from the tree, Alex landed in the lake, creating a booming sound; the shockwave of his fall sends some of the playing Water monkeys flying.


The water monkeys were startled by the unexpected visitor; however, before they could counterattack, Alex spin, and as he spin, bullets tore through the air; with a perfect accuracy worthy of a Gun Master, Alex put a bullet in the monster's heads, by the time he stops spinning he had killed ten Water monkeys.

The leader of the Water monkey, a level 75, was dumbfounded; however, his surprise quickly vanished as he jumped toward Alex after beating his chest, his speed was fast, and he was coming from Alex's dead angle; normally, Alex shouldn't be able to react; however, the big Water monkey that jumped soon found himself froze in the air, and the next thing he saw before darkness takes over his consciousness was a leg crushing its skull until its eyes fell out from their sockets.

What happened was pretty simple, Alex used the water as a mirror to activate his right after kicking the water to momentarily draw the big water monkey's attention for his right eye to work; he was facing the monster with his back.

Just when Alex wondered when the Arachne would make a move because there is no way she didn't know that Alex was going around killing her subordinates, she planned to use to deal with the intruder. Monsters screeched; it was coming from the sky followed by a strong wind; immediately, Alex jumped on and rolled to his right.


Two vertical wind cut through the water, the place Alex was standing. When he was taking cover, Alex saw the enemy's identity, two gryphons, eagle head with Lion body. Gryphons are Wind element monsters, so it wasn't surprising that they would attack using the Wind element.

Alex stood up with a smile, facing two aerial levels 80 monsters; he had already thought of a way to handle this couple. Raising his leg high, Alex waited until the male Gryphon dive closer before striking the surface of the lake with all his strength, and 2100 ATK struck it, was bound to be big.


Like a geyser, water shot toward the sky, almost reaching the male Gryphon. This forced the monster to alternate his flying posture; then Alex jumped forward, using what happened as cover; he appeared under the gryphon with a wicked smile.

[Phantom Bullet]

The invisible bullet tore through the male Gryphon's right leg alongside his wing.


The monster screeched as blood gushed out from the wound like a fountain and he fell from the sky, crashing against a tree headfirst.

Alex was not done; using what was left from the male Gryphon ripped off the right leg, he threw it toward the female gryphon; the latter momentary froze as the incoming leg is from her husband, her anger, bloodlust vanished, her brain stopped working. In a fight, it's a fatal mistake that can cost one life.


Alex threw a knife at the frozen gryphon; however, instead of piercing the monster's body, it passed an air breath from her head to continue its course in the sky like a rocket. Then arrived the last step in Alex's plan; he still had that wicked smile on his face, though.

[Shadow Shift]

Alex's shadow shifted with the flying knife that had just passed by the female gryphon head. After switching place with the knife, he raised his leg until it almost touched his head. Simultaneously, the female gryphon regained its sanity; however, she had no time to get furious before Alex kick landed on her back, and it struck hard.

''Meteor Kick!"


Indeed, like a meteor, the female gryphon shot from the sky toward the ground at incredible speed; strangely, she landed at the exact location as her suffering husband.


The forest shook, trees fell, a huge crater appeared with the miserable couple inside it; however, it was not the end yet; from the sky like the Death God, Alex sentenced them to death.

[Crimson Bullet]

Chapter 369 - 362: Against A Saint Realm Monster 1

The crimson bullet descended from the sky as if to announce judgment day.


Another explosion occurred; however, this time, the forest trembled more violently, the shockwave destroyed numerous trees raising cloud smoke in the air, and after the smoke dissipated, a huge crater of fifty diameters appeared, the gryphons couple had disappeared, leaving two shining green magic stone.

Just as Alex was surprised because it was his first time seeing the monster leave something behind, it happened.

A white thread stuck the two magic stones and dragged them out of the crater as they disappeared into the forest. Instantly, Alex knew that he had made a mistake, and sound a kactcha kactcha sounds could be heard, followed by numerous trees falling apart. Without being told, Alex knew the big boss was about to make an appearance.

And soon a big Arachne appeared, spiderman lower body with woman's upper one, it has eight eyes.

''Kekeke~ Not bad, you managed to kill almost all my subordinates. Kekeke~ Not bad human.'' The Arachne said the moment she appeared out of the open. Alex was still floating in the air; he was not surprised by this monster's ability to talk; he was shocked by the pressure coming from the latter body. When he appraised the monster, he was shocked by her level, level 121 just a bit, and she would become a Saint Rank Monster.

Then, Alex understood why she stole the two magic stones; he couldn't let her succeed.

Just as Alex was about to launch an attack on the Arachne after understanding why she stole the magic stones, he felt a sudden chill; his sixth sense ringed alarm like crazy, so he jumped back multiple times to avoid the Arachne threads that appeared out of nowhere wanting to skewer him.

''Ops! Too bad you have noticed, and thanks, I will be evolving.''

The Arachne said in a depressing tone; however, everyone could see that she was enjoying herself; if Alex had fallen with just that level of attack, it would have been a huge disappointment, she went all the way to prepare the stage, there was no way she would let it end like that.

Alex could only sigh helplessly as he watches the Arachne swallow the gryphons magic stones; immediately, her body shined brighter and brighter, until,


Next moment, Arachne's body shone. A tremendous amount of light overflowed from her body , just like the high beams of a car. It was so dazzling that Alex averted hid eyes. By the time the light was gone, trees around them was incinerated, the ground scorched, and standing in the air in a birthday suit was a woman of extreme beauty, pretty white skin, nice form, big breast, white hair, white eyebrows, and deep red eyes.


Alex gulped not because of seeing a naked woman; it was because of the pressure this woman was emitting, a crushing pressure that almost makes him kneel. The Arachne had become a Saint Realm monster; she gained a human body.

Spectating everything from the sky, Silveria chuckled.

''Oh? It has become interesting. She even acquired something special. I did well keeping her. This ability of her may come in handy, only if Master succeeds killing her.''

Silveria muttered as she watched the show that was about to begin.

''Fufufu! I feel reborn. Just a little bit and I will be free. If I kill and absorb you, I will become stronger.'' The Arachne said while looking at Alex as if he was a prey she could wait but devour.

Alex received another shock when he heard what the woman said; from her words, this world he thought to be like a game was, in fact, a prison; however, he didn't have time to dwell on this matter when he appraised the monster he couldn't help but sigh.

[Aleen Arachnid]

Class: ???

Age: ??????


Race: Royal Arachne

「 Rank 13]

Level 122

Experience Value (XP): ????????

Magic Power: 6200

Magic: Dark, Fire, and Wind

Attack: 2800

Defense: 2200

Agility: 2500

Intelligence: 2000

Luck: 1200

Skills: [Poison Spit] [Wind Slash Level 4] [Flame Arrow Level 4] [Flash Level 7] ??????

Special Abilities: [Third Eye] [??????]

Titles: [Spider Queen] [Voracious Eater] [The Reborn] [Monsters Queen]

As if she could feel Alex's gaze on her, Saleen chuckled before flicking her fingers, and immediately, a dress made from spider thread was made and tightly wrapped around her body. With her red eyes, she stared at Alex and said something that shocked him to the core.

''Do you like what you see? Did your parents told you that it's rude to spy on a lady secret, Alexander?" Aleen asked with a playful smile on her face. She was slowly moving toward Alex; the latter unconsciously stepped back while making sure that he still wore that silver-shaped earring on his left ear, and when he checked, the earring was still there.

''What is it? Scared because your little toy was not properly working, Kael?"

Once again, Alex was shocked; then he remembered what he saw; one of Aleen's special abilities, the only one he could see, is about the eye s third eye. Maybe this third eye enables Aleen to bypass items such as his silver cross earring and sees his status. What is left was to know to which extent this third eye was able to see.

Having understood why Aleen was able to see his status, Alex regained his cool, he responded cooly.

''Do you think it would be easy to leave this cage, Aleen?"

Alex decided to provoke Aleen to see how much she knows, and Aleen, with her level of intelligence, could see what Alex wanted to do, she decided to play along.

''I will leave. I'm sure you can stop me. The owner of this place is not around; this is my chance, only you and that tower stand in my way. After absorbing you, I will conquer the tower and leave this damned place. Or are perhaps thinking that with you measly strength, you can stop me?" Aleen asked, amused.

Alex shrugged his shoulders, ''Who knows.''

''Fufufu! You can't use any element, and with your Level 98, do you think you can stop me? How funny.'' Aleen continued.

'As I thought. She learned until there. However, it seems that she can see everything. That's good.' Alex secretly thought while saying.

''Who knows? I can't know without trying.''

''Fufufu! I shall show you despair.'' Aleen said.

Chapter 370 - 363: Against A Saint Realm Monster 2

''Fufufu! I shall show you despair.'' Aleen said.

Alex, who had his guard up, increased it after hearing Aleen's words; the latter vanished to reappear before Alex in a flash.


Alex got pummeled, sent flying; fortunately, he had crossed his arms; although he wore Loki, he still felt the impact, the numbness after defending against Aleen's punch.

Aleen was not down; she accelerated, using Instant Dash to reappear before Alex again; however, the latter was prepared; just as she was about to punch him, her head throbbed slightly as if something was trying to invade her mind.

''Hmph!" Aleen harrumphed, and Alex's right eye was canceled; he felt a burning pain in his right eye.


Aleen's punch tore through the air going straight for Alex's head; at the last minute, he dodged to the side by lowering his head. Aleen's punch hit empty air, then Alex, who had his head down, retaliated by sending his right elbow crash into Aleen's face.

Unfortunately, his quick counterattack didn't work, Aleen who was smiling, stopped Alex's elbow with her finger, she sent a devastating kick toward Alex's stomach.


The kick broke through the sound of a barrier; Alex's mind worked faster; he tightened the muscles under his abdomen and welcomed that kick.



Alex was sent flying, gritting his teeth by forcing the surging blood back; he spun as if he was doing a backflip; however, he stopped by standing on one arm, using his remaining to summon Silveria, he aimed and shot a Phantom bullet at Aleen whose eyes widened.

Everything happened too, Alex getting kicked, stabilizing himself before shooting at Aleen, not even five seconds passed. Due to her special eye, Aleen was able to see the invisible bullet; her eye could help see Mana, the light purple was already before her, strangely she did the thing as Alex did, tightening her abdominal muscles, on top of strengthening her spider robe made of spider threads, then the collision happened.


Aleen stepped back a couple of steps, leaving a trail on the ground before stopping; the area where the bullet struck left a small burning hole; even Aleen's white skin became tainted slightly red. She became furious; she was going easy on him, yet he acted cocky; just as blood was rushing to her head, Aleen was surprised to see Alex already before her.

Alex, who had appeared used a skill never used before in actual combat, this technique was taught by Sera during their training sessions.

''Drill Technique"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Punches flew, Alex's punches targeted Aleen's blood vessels to prevent your target from moving. Aleen, who had become human after undergo an evolution, was not different from humans; thus, she froze, then arrived at Alex's left fist.

[Heaven Rupturing Fist]

There was no sound, no bones breaking when his fist landed on Aleen's left chest; it was like he touched her with his fist; however, what happened next astounded Aleen, who still couldn't move. She felt a terrible amount of Mana rupturing her blood vessels; this target had one goal blow up her heart, then she understood, it was the perfect set of attacks, the first was to stop her muscles from working while the second attack was to send Mana to burst her heart from inside.


Aleen was sent spiraling into the air; her left chest exploded, creating a gory scene; a large appeared; you could even see the other side through this hole in her chest.


Like a broken marionette, Aleen's body fell to the ground. Alex panted heavily; as Aleen guessed, the drill technique and Heaven Rupturing Fist are part of the same set of attacks, drill technique before the Heaven Rupturing Fist, both techniques were taught to him by Sera.

It was genuinely brilliant moves; unfortunately, Aleen's heart was not located on the left; if not, everything would have worked perfectly fine.

Suddenly, Alex, who was catching his breath froze, without turning around, he knew trouble had come, the sky turned red, killing intent was pouring out of Aleen's body so much that it twisted reality. Slowly, Aleen stood up, the hole in her chest started regenerating at a fast speed.

''Kekekeke! You got me. If my heart were on the left, it would truly been done for.''

Aleen's voice sounded broken, Alex cursed his bad luck.

''Come out, my little cuties.'' She shouted, suddenly, out of nowhere, numerous monsters came out, from medium-sized spiders with eight legs to orc; they had one thing in common, their eyes were blank, especially the monsters except the spider.

Alex's right eye throbbed; he was able to see red hands above those monsters with a blank look.

''Kekeke! As expected, you also have a special eye; I want it. To think you'll be able to see my Dominating Touch, it lets me control monsters by brainwashing them.'' Aleen proudly declared.

'I see no wonder; every monster followed her orders, no wonder she has Queen of Monsters title.' Alex thought.

''Kill him, my little cuties,'' Aleen ordered, and the twenty monsters whose level was around 60 jumped at Alex.

Alex understood Aleen's goal; these monsters were not here to kill him but to wear him down; Aleen had made a serious miscalculation.

Alex waited for the combined attacks of twenty monsters before swapping place with Aleen using Shadow shift.

''You Bast-"

Aleen did not finish her words before getting drowned by the combined attacks of twenty monsters; she became furious.

[Hell Blaze] Shouted Aleen.


A huge vortex of black flame with her at the center exploded, burning the monsters to a cinder; those not dead were in a miserable state. Aleen glared at Alex with hatred, to think this punny human who she didn't take seriously kept looking down on her again and again. A memory from the past comes rushing to her head.

The younger Aleen was facing her mother, the beautiful queen of the royal Arachne; it was the eve of that fateful battle.

''Remember Aleen, never belittle your opponent; if you don't, you can win most of your fight.'' Aleen's mother warned.

'Mother, you are right. Time to get serious.' Aleen affirmed.