
Chapter 181

Chapter 181

The earliest memory Sandra could remember was that of her and her older sister playing together after one of her lessons. Most of her memories from her early childhood before the incident were of her and her sister with a few others here and there. Those memories which she had once cherished had been painful to think of in the years after the incident. After she had become lost, and her memories of the event stolen.

She didn't know how she had ended up in that town, waking up in an alleyway far from the border of the scar. She had spent a lot of time crying and wailing. It had gotten her some sympathy but also her first taste of pain.

She still remembered the kind woman who had shouted the group of young boys away as they had been kicking her. It was that woman who had taken pity on her and given her just enough to survive for a few days.

She had learned in those few days, and life had changed. From a daughter of a wealthy and powerful clan to a beggar and pickpocket in the streets. She'd gone it alone for those first few weeks using her tears to draw pity and sympathy and then after meeting a few others like her, she has started thieving. They had taught her how to, and that had been the first few friends she had made.

Those first three years were spent in that town, sleeping in the dirt, in abandoned houses or wherever she could find that was warm. Learning to beg, steal, and worse. She had pushed the memories of her old life behind in those years, not daring to look back as she had no way of ever returning. Even at that age, she had been smart enough to know that. She had no money, and what she did earn she needed to use for food and other necessities, and the one time she had tried saving up, it had all been stolen by someone she had thought was a friend. That had been a lesson she was glad she had learned. Trust could be so easily given and she had never made that mistake twice,

Then her friends had been caught and then killed at the orders of a wealthy merchant. She had barely managed to escape and had fled, hiding herself in a caravan bound for the city of Orton. It was there that things had gotten better. She had managed to steal enough that she was able to afford a dark essence core, and a few other items to help her. She had formed her first core and became an arcanist.

She had spent some time alone, making decent money doing odd jobs and hunting beasts, but then she had joined the steel heart. Things had been good with the sect, and despite not getting along with anyone save for Lucas, she had enjoyed it. She had gotten better pay and more opportunities. Then the new tower had appeared and war had begun. She, like many others, had considered running, but in the end, she had chosen to stay.

All the while she had kept the memories away until she had met him. Until she had learned what he and his bonded beast planned to do, and hope, a faint flame kindled within her. She had hoped and hoped, and after a few stupid decisions, she had been accepted, and to her surprise fallen for someone, for Aiden.

She had never romantically loved anyone in her life, and the first time she had felt the feeling, she hadn't known what to make of it, but as they had gotten closer and she had gotten to know him, she had decided to see what happened. They had gone through thick and thin, into impossible odds, and come out together, not just as friends, but as lovers. She had never thought she'd have to share him but she didn't mind anymore. She loved him and saw the others as sisters in a way. She liked both Misty and Zirani, even if she and the blonde had gotten off to a rocky start.

Now, here she was, being given a tour by a cat person, or mowkrin as he had introduced himself. She knew that not too far from this area, was an area for the Umbrin group, and there lay her future, maybe. She didn't know these people, and they could very well be part of the group that had taken her memories and left her in the dirt. She would see what type of people they were and wouldn't align herself with them immediately


She turned to see Aiden staring at her while Garth pointed out his favorite flower to Misty. "Zirani wants to speak with you."

Sandra nodded. "Ok."

"Want me to come?" Aiden asked

She was quiet for a few seconds before she shook her head. "I'll be fine. Besides, if I call you I know you'll come running to help."

He gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Always."

She felt that warm feeling inside, the same feeling she felt every time he kissed her or made her feel wanted. Their bond allowed her to know his feelings and she knew he loved her, enough that he would fight an army for her. It made her smile and glad that she met him, not just because of what he and Zirani had allowed, but because she was happy with him, truly happy, even when they were in dire straits, and tough situations, as long as he was there, she was far calmer than normally would have been.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comShe made her way back to the tent, getting a few looks from some of the green court people, but nothing hostile. She got a smile from what she thought was a dryad, and a wink from a muscular and unusually handsome man with hooves and goat horns. She smiled back at the dryad and gave what she thought was a satyr, a raised eyebrow. ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

Just before she made it to the building, she spotted Julian the consort not too far away, staring at the open door. She met his glare head-on and gave him a once-over before snorting and shaking her head. She enjoyed the pissed-off look on his face before she entered the building.

It was odd walking into a building that was bigger on the inside, but she quickly turned her attention to the two who had been waiting for her.

Zirani and the lady Aeverie were sat upon chairs formed of floating flowers. Between them was a large flower that was serving as a table atop which a pitcher of a purplish drink sat.

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ The fae waved a hand and a glass cup appeared and filled with the purple liquid before floating over to Sandra who nodded gratefully, before taking a seat on a third flower chair. She sat slowly expecting the flowers to push down, but no, they were as solid as could be and she couldn't feel any gaps. It just felt like a very comfy seat.

"Sandra, as you know, we need to speak about you and your clan," Zirani began.

Sandra nodded. '"I know, but I don't just want to waltz on over there."

"That won't be happening," Aeverie said. "You are under my sister's protection and care, and they won't dare intrude even if they learn of your existence prematurely."

Zirani nodded and smiled comfortingly at Sandra. "She is correct. We shall take things slowly, but we also want your input. This is your call after all, and if you don't want to, we can wait until later to deal with it, perhaps after our journey when we can contact the main family and someone like your sister."

Sandra felt that hope again, but this time it was a blazing bonfire as she knew that it was possible and she would see her sister again.

"I think there won't be any harm in meeting them at least," she said. "If we travel, then I'm not going to stay locked up or hidden behind a mask."

Zirani and Aeverie shared a look before Zirani spoke up. "We can invite their leader here if you wish and we can aid you in this."

'If Zirani's here then I won't have to worry too much. Even if she isn't the strongest level or density-wise, she could probably wipe the floor with anyone in the expedition.'

Almost as if Zirnai could read her thoughts, she leaned over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We will not let anyone do anything you have not agreed to, understand?'

Sandra nodded. "Ok, then yes, I'll speak to them here."

Aeverie raised a hand and snapped two fingers. Her consort appeared at the door, an eager look on his face. "Julian, be a dear and send a message to Kai for me. Tell him I wish to speak with him and that it's urgent."

Julian's smile died and his face darkened at the name, Kai, but he still bowed and walked off to do as told.

'Jealous type indeed,' Sandra thought to herself.

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

"What did you say your name was again?'

"Aiden," I replied as the curvy dryad leaned up against me and placed a hand on my chest.

"A lovely name," she said in a sweet voice.

During our tour with Garth, we'd met quite a few people and had ended up deciding to take a break and get something to eat while speaking some more.

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ Shana, the dryad who was currently staring up at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers, was one such person. She was a dryad with skin the color of warm chocolate and long brown hair that framed a very attractive face. Zirani hadn't been joking when she had said dryads were naturally beautiful. In fact, every woman I had seen so far was beautiful.

Misty who was nearby glanced my way and smirked. She found my predicament amusing, and I could tell she wasn't too worried about anything happening, not that she needed to be. I would never betray any of them and I wouldn't sleep with anyone else, without their permission of course, or go ahead. It was odd in a way, very odd, that Misty's problem wasn't me sleeping with others, just that she was ok with it.

In a way, it seemed as though Sandra and the others saw sex as a pleasurable act rather than something wholly integral to our relationship. We all really enjoyed it, but it was love that tied us together, not that I would ever be ok with them sleeping with other men. It was hypocritical, but it just wouldn't happen, and I was happy to note the ladies felt the same.

Misty was currently in conversation with Venn, a wood spriggan. He looked like a human just with smooth bark-colored skin. He was lanky and like most of the dryads, I had seen so far, had a shade of green eyes.

I felt Shana's hand trailing up my torso and I glanced down to see her smiling up at me. I couldn't help but notice the predatory gleam in her eyes. Apparently, the dryads of the court were actually a mix of dryads and nymphs. Shana explained it as a sort of mixing that had occurred after the calamity, and that dryads had already had a higher than normal sex drive so mixing with nymphs had ramped that up, alongside making them more powerful.

That explained why all the dryads look drop-dead gorgeous and gave off a very attractive scent that set my libido off, not to mention that stare they could give you.

It had happened the first time I had looked into Shana's eyes. I had been absorbed into them, but before anything could happen she had broken it off and apologized profusely. I hadn't really been angry and had actually asked her to try it again to see if I could break free from it. It turned out I could, but only if I was prepared for it and my instincts hadn't considered it a danger, at least not from Shana. Outside interference could also break it, It was similar in a way to Misty's charm but less intrusive and more like an enflaming of desire that was already there rather than a sort of mental control.

Shana explained that if she had hurt me then the gaze would have been broken and that it was only useful for attracting people and calming people down sometimes, though apparently more powerful and elder dryads could do more, and some actually awakened dream aether.

It was very interesting and I would be lying if I said that I didn't like her body pressed up against me. She certainly had a very voluptuous body and knew how to work it. At one point she had picked a flower and then 'accidentally' dropped it. When she had bent down to pick it up, her ass had been on full view for me. She was only dressed in a loose shirt and skirt made of vines. She had not been wearing any undergarments.

"Shana, do you mind showing me some of your clothing?" Misty asked. "I'd be really interested in seeing some."

Shana frowned but then perked up, clapping her hands. "I know just the thing that would look good on you."

She grabbed Misty's arm and began dragging her away. "And Garth said I wouldn't need so many clothes."

"I only said it wasn't a requirement," Garth replied.

"Very lively," I commented as I watched the two ladies walk off.

"Most dryads are," Venn said as he turned to me. "She and Misty are probably going to spend quite a bit of time together. Ermm, Aiden I don't want to offend, but is it true you and princess Zirani are…"

"Bonded," Garth finished. "I too have been wanting to ask."

I nodded. "Yes, I and Zirani are bonded. We have been for some time now."

"The princess is bonded then," Garth murmured. "This will shocking news to the court, though most will be happy she is simply alive.."

Venn nodded. "They will. Her death caused much grief, though it also sparked a lot of change."

"How so?" I asked.

"The green court had been very peaceful and quiet the past few years," Garth said. "Not weak, but more lenient, and forgiving. That was until the princess's death or supposed death now. The queen began a crusade of sorts. Old lands were brought back into the court, enemies destroyed, and problems fixed. It was most beneficial for the court, and we are stronger than we have been in a long time with more territory and power."

"Alot of inner squabbles were also taken care off," Venn said. "The lord and lady who ruled my city were less than law-abiding and bent many rules. After the crusade as Garth put it, both are now very, very careful as the queen threatened to strip them of their titles. She did so for many lord and ladies and I believe she herself said that she would no longer allow just anyone to become lord or lady, or so the I was told."

It seemed that Zirani was really an important figure and that her death had caused quite the ruckus. I imagined that Zirani would be pleased with that as her death hadn't just caused sadness. I know if I ever died, I'd want my death to mean something, not that I did plan to die. I had a mountain to climb, and I would be leaving death to wait forever behind me.This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com

We spoke some more until I heard a loud cough, and turned to see Misty walking over with Shana.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

I whistled as I took in her new dress. It was made up of two parts, the lower clothing was a pair of small white shorts with golden carvings matched by a bra above that was made up of multiple pieces of fabric in a design that made it look like numerous vines tying together around her body. Over that was a blue see-through dress with embroidered silver flowers and other designs. It was revealing yet at the same time not.

"Wow," was the only thing I could say.

"She has a perfect body type," Shana said. "The pale skin, curves, and looks. Well, she puts me to shame."

Misty rolled her eyes. "I'm not that pretty."

"Yes, you are," I said. "But so are you, Shana."

The dryad blushed and I got a smile from Misty who had frowned at the self-deprecating comment by the dryad.

"Ok, now I think I'd like something more casual," Misty said. "This is amazing and all, but distracting."

Shana smiled and tapped a finger against her chin. "Maybe a short skirt and blouse, or tight dress?"

The two walked away once again, and I couldn't help but stare at Misty as they did. I definitely had to ask Shana if we could borrow that dress.

"I don't think I've ever met such a kind vampire," Garth said.

"Definitely far nicer than the red ribbons," Venn said with a scowl.

Garth sighed. "You still angry about the fire."

Venn scowled. "Yes."

"It was an accident," Garth said, clearly trying to console the spriggan.

"She got drunk, and then tried to toss me into a bonfire," Venn said. "When I told her to stop, she said kindling wasn't meant to speak. We didn't even need the bonfire, who would need such an outdated and barbaric way of producing heat and light."

"Red ribbons?" I questioned.

"Vampire group," Garth explained. "They came with the expedition as bodyguards for an alchemist."

"And they tried to burn you?" I asked.

Venn nodded. "One of their members did, yes. Luckily. I was saved, though the vampire wasnt nearly punished enough. What use is keeping blood from them when they just drain beasts out in the scar."

"Calm down," Garth soothed. "We won't let it happen again, and you know lady Aeverie will act personally if it does."

"If she gets told in time," Venn said angrily. "Julian just watched the first time."

This time Garth did look annoyed. "I dislike him just as much as you do."

"And me," I added. "I've only known him for an hour and he seems like a class a prick."

"That's putting it lightly," Venn replied. "You should have seen what he tried to do when one of the thousand drop sect disciples made a comment about the lady Aeverie's beauty. All he said was that she looked pretty, and Julian tried to kill him."

Venn shook his head. "I don't know why she keeps him around."

It did seem like he was more trouble than he was worth, but then again there was probably a reason I didn't know. Who knew, maybe Zirani could tell me later.

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Kai Umbrin, son of Mire Umbrin, and family member of a forgotten branch family hadn't expected to join the expedition, nor for orders to come down from the main family, informing them that they had taken notice of his brother, and his family once more.

Kai remembered how excited his family had been, how proud he and every family member had been, that they had finally raised someone worthy of the main family's attention, and not just that, but they had hinted at much if it was proved that Pate was as well trained and talented as they thought.

Their family had used everything on Pate, noticing his talent early on, and like kindling to a small flame, they had strengthened the fire, and it was paying off.

Kai and his family hadn't known what the main family would do or when they would be contacted, but just weeks before the expedition was set to disembark, his family had been asked if they could have one of theirs act as the representative. It was framed as a request but he and his family had known it was a command, but one they were eager to follow.

The job itself wasn't anything of note, but the fact they had been asked was proof that the main family was showing them more attention, which was a good thing. Their family had been dying for a very long time, and most of the branch familes and powers in the clan didn't even consider them part of the Umbrin clan.

Kai had immediately volunteered and his father had accepted, deciding to also send Pate to see if time in great scar could improve his skill and abilities. It was a long shot especially since the planned route was the safest, but Pate had also expressed interest so he and Kai had set off.

The trip to the gathering site had been via Umbrin can skyship, and they had been treated well, especially Pate who had been approached by multiple people and propositioned by just as many women.

Many would have thought Kai would be jealous, but he wasn't. He and his brother were close, they had always been close, and it was him who told the family of Pate's talent, and who had given up all his resources for his brother. He was at a decent level, but he honestly never expected to get much higher, not without greater resources, which Pate could acquire if he proved himself. Kai had used methods to get stronger quickly but that damaged his ability to grow,

They had been joined by a few branch families, but it had him who had been given the lead for the most part. The journey had been quiet, with the only real trouble occurring mid-way through the journey when a group of smaller beasts had attacked. Some had been injured but none had died, and the rest of the trip had been a bore.

Pate had actually used the time to spar and train with the other clan members, mostly Lucy, and others in the expedition and Kai was proud to note the murmurs and rumors about Pate's talent, some even speculating he was part of a close branch family or even the main family.

Pate was the future of their family, and if all went well, then a bright future it would be.

Kai watched as Pate downed another of his sparring partners. Most of the others around his age, excluding Lucy who was part of another branch family, didn't compare to him and couldn't last in a fight. Even some at higher levels had trouble and Kai had taken great satisfaction when one of the other branch leaders, the fool Darn, had challenged Pate to a spar. Pate had lost, but he had given his foe many bruises and had made him work for it. His brother was a force to be reckoned with and would pave the way for their family.

'Our clan will rise, even if others must fall.'

"Good work, brother," Kai called. "As usual."

Pate wiped a hand across his brow and bowed to his opponent before walking over to Kai. "It's becoming less and less of worth it, brother, to spar against them. I do not learn anything, and Ashala won't allow Lucy to train with me for more than an hour a day."

As usual, his brother's voice was calm and collected with little emotion.

"Repetition isn't a bad thing," Kai reminded his brother. "I could still spot a few mistakes, and if you bore of them, then challenge some of the others."

Pate frowned. "The Red Ribbons won't give me the time of day, and the Lycans just growl whenever I ask. The Forlorn stay to themselves, and the Elder Xavier won't let me spar anymore of his disciples."

"What of the green court?" Kai asked.

"The consort to the lady is skilled, but he cares not for battle, just his lady," Pate replied. "The others are the same. The green court did not send their best or even close. The only ones who could truly give me a challenge are the lady Aeverie and her personal guard, but they won't spar and she won't let them."

"If only they had sent some of their more skilled fighters," Kia said, though it did make some sense. Most of the green court, from what he had heard, had been on a warpath as of late, and the Umbrin clan among many others were keeping well away. He had heard rumors that the queen of the court herself had ended many sects alone.

"We can spar if you wish," Kai suggested. "You still struggle against me."

"Because you know me best," Pate said. "And your fighting style and techniques counter to mine."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com"Then you need to learn to work around them," Kai said. "And—"ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​


Kai broke off his sentence as he turned to see the consort of lady Aeverie being escorted towards him by two clan guards.

"I have an urgent message for Kai!" The consort glared at the guards and took a step forward before both guards held hands out, and began pulling aether from their first cores.


That was all it took for both guards to stand down, and Kai turned to the consort with a raised eyebrow. "What message and from whom?"

"My lady requests your presence immediately," The consort replied. "It is urgent."

Kai immediately knew he was going to go, but kept the consort waiting as he thought. This was the first time the lady Aeverie had called him, or anyone as far as he knew. She kept to herself for the most part and didn't interact with the others unless necessary. The fact she was calling and it was urgent meant something interesting must be going on.

"Return to your lady and tell her I will be there in less a few minutes," Kai answered, and then waved the consort away. "Escort him out now."

"Shall I accompany you, brother?" Pate asked.

Kia shook his head. "There is no need. She may be fae and deadly, but she is also a lady of the court, and we have done nothing to offend her. You stay here and continue your training, we will spar later."

His brother nodded, so Kai left, waving off the guards who asked if he needed an escort. The green court members he had interacted with during the expedition had all been polite save the consort, and apart from a few glances from some guards he was able to make it to the lady's building fairly quickly.

The green court was very respectable and there was the reason they were so popular and so many did business with them. They did not cheat or lie unless you were an enemy. If you wished to speak, trade, or another reason, then the court would hear you out.

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ Many had used that kindness and leniency to their advantage and had caused trouble for the court. Kai imagined that they were all very much regretting that now.

The interior of the building was as well-decorated as he expected and immaculate, but his attention only remained on it for the barest of moments as he turned to gaze upon the two people he hadn't expected to see.

The first he immediately recognized as a jungle queen, though different, lesser in a way. She was reclined on a seat and staring at him with a thoughtful look on her face, only one pair of arms visible. She held herself like a queen, and there was a regal air about her.

The second somehow caught his eye even more. It was a teen, around the same age as his brother, though maybe a year younger. Her eyes were bright emerald and hair midnight black that flowed down her back and framed a face that looked very smiler to a few portraits and pictures he'd seen of some of the female members of the main family.

"Kai, good that you came here so fast."

With an effort, Kai tore his gaze from the girl and turned to face Aeverie. He bowed and she returned the gesture with a slight lowering of her head.

"Lady Aeverie, you requested my presence."

"I did, but before we speak further on topics let me introduce you."

Her next words shocked him to the core as she motioned to the jungle queen. "This is Zirani Atmore, daughter of queen Atmora, and niece to queen Zafira. Lady of thorns and verdant princess. Jungle queen and blade of Kyrolin, granddaughter of Yggdrasil, and my own title I've come up with, the resurrected or returned, both work."

Kai stared dumbfounded, but it was not over and somehow Kai's eyes grew wider and his heartbeat like a drum in his chest as the lady Aeverie introduced her other guest.

"This is Sandra Umbrin, daughter of Dade and Hesperia Umbrin, sister to Nerissa Umbrin. The lost daughter of clan Umbrin."

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

[Just want to let everyone know that soon there will be auxiliary chapters explaining the magic system by the end of this arc before the great scar arc, but not spoiling anything, and I will be updating them as the novel progresses.]

Your eyes are crimson oceans that draw me in, and…"

Misty sighed as Rall once again complimented her, and reached for her hand. She pulled it away and shook her head.

During their walk back to Shana's living space, they had been spotted by a satyr, a beast that looked like a very handsome man, but with a pair of goat-like legs and horns. His eyes had immediately been drawn to her figure and the dress she was in.

He had followed them back and had begun to try and seduce her, even outside the building as she had been getting changed.

She was currently dressed in a similar set of clothes to Shana. A short miniskirt made up of intricate vines, though she wore underwear beneath and a white blouse embroidered with green flowers and a few jewels which might have cost a lot in the plains, but apparently not so much in the lands beyond the scar.

Shana's collection of clothes was great, and Misty had to admit she was somewhat jealous of the girl, especially when Shana had said this was just a portion of what she had since she had left everything else back home. Misty imagined that was going to very much like the lands beyond the scar.

"Your skin glows like angelic light," Rall said, and Misty once again asked herself why she hadn't hit him already.

For any other person she might have just threatened them and then attacked if they didn't get the memo, but Rall was amusing and despite his words, he didn't push it, and when she had raised an eyebrow as his gaze over her body he had kept his eyes on her face, noting how it was just as beautiful. If Aiden were here then he wouldn't have been as friendly, at least not at first. Shana had kindly explained that satyrs were like male dryads, and not to be too harsh on him.

Misty didn't particularly care as long as he didn't push it, and if he did, then she would deal with it herself. Words were words and he wasn't overly crude or lewd, just very poetic and flowery.

"Rall, I have a lover," Misty said for what was probably the fourth time.

"Ah, but he isn't me," Rall replied, and Misty rolled her eyes.

"No, he's better," Misty said.

Rall adopted a look of hurt. "You wound me, pale princess. Do my words not please thee?"

"I don't understand half of them," Misty replied. "And I appreciate the compliment, but I'm just not into you."

"Never say never," Rall said.

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ "Never," Misty replied flatly. "You should be careful and not push, especially not around Aiden. He's not the jealous type, not like Julian, but if you start hitting on me in front of him, then what happens isn't going to be pleasant for you. The only reason I haven't hit you is that you're more annoying than anything, and aren't pushing your luck, not to mention apparently it's in your nature."

Rall flexed his muscle. "I can handle myself."

'Not against Aiden,' Misty thought.

As a beast, Rall didn't function like humans. He didn't absorb essence from cores. Instead, he had been born with a core that had naturally developed into a crystal core as all beasts had. Aether beasts had at least one core, their first, at the crystal density. Of course, this was the reason why they couldn't increase its strength. It's not possible to absorb essence into their crystal core so they form more cores which all start with smoke and they increase the density of those, usually over far longer periods, at least for the less intelligent beasts.

Rall's core held dual affinities of earth and nature, and he increased in strength through aether infusion and forming more cores of his affinities.

Rall had three cores, his primary at crystal, and another at iron while the last was at the hydro stage. He was average from what Shana said, and well, Misty knew he would not stand a chance against Aiden.

"Listen, Rall," Misty said with a sigh. "I've given you a warning. Whether or not you choose to heed it is your choice, but when you lay in the dirt, half-dead don't come crying to me and don't expect help from Aeverie. Aiden is bonded to Zirani, you know, the daughter of the queen?"

Rall seemed to take that more seriously and bowed. "I shall heed thy warning, but thy beauty, it is something I would fight for, and your lover is from the plains, he cannot be that strong."

Misty sighed and raised her hands. "I warned you."

Shana bustled out of the space and frowned when she spotted Rall. "You're still here?"

"I am wherever beauty is," Rall replied, and offered a hand to Shana who only stared down at it.

As Shana replied, Misty suddenly felt her instinct alert her to something, and she turned and took notice of a woman that was watching her from a nearby area.

Misty immediately knew it was a vampire, and her inner beast stirred slightly as Misty met the ebony-skinned woman's eyes. Her hair was a mess of brown curls, and her amber eyes were slight slitted, and glowing faintly.

She was dressed in black leather armor underneath red robes, and stirps of red blew in a faint breeze like ribbons.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comMisty didn't feel any violent intent from the women. In fact, it felt more like the woman wanted to speak to her. Misty also sensed that the woman was near the same level of power as her at the third level with two cores. Misty couldn't tell their density, but from what her instincts were telling her and what she could sense, it wasn't too high.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

"Who is that?" Misty asked, interrupting Shana and Rall.

"That's one of the red ribbons," Shana said, a tinge of fear in her voice.

"A deadly beauty," Rall said. "One I would not test my luck or charm upon again."

"I think I'm going to go over and talk to her," Misty said.

"No," Shana hissed in a whisper. "She's dangerous."

"As am I," Misty replied. "Do you forget I'm also a vampire?"

"You are," Shana said. "But not like her. She attacked Venn, and tried to burn him."

"She threatened to tear my heart out," Rall said and that time there was no sweetness in his tone. "That one is more thorn than rose. You'd be best staying away from her."

"I'm not going over to start a fight," Misty explained. "Just to talk, and if she tries to attack me, then I have you two and I can call for backup, if I can't handle her myself that is."

Both seemed hesitant, but they nodded and promised to watch from afar so Misty took a deep breath and walked over.

The woman smiled as Misty approached, a friendly smile.

"I didn't think the plains had our kind," The woman said in a cheerful and lively tone, holding out a hand. "I'm Vita."

Misty shook it and noted the woman's strong grip. "Misty. You seemed like you wanted to talk to me?"

Vita nodded. "I did. I noticed you with the green bunch. Are you there to trade?'

Misty shook her head. "I'm actually going to be traveling with them. I'm not sure if you've heard, but their princess, Zirani, is alive."

Vita raised an eyebrow. "As in Zirani Atmore?"

Misty nodded, slightly unsure.

Vita took that in for a long moment and there was clear surprise in her eyes. A thoughtful look appeared on her face before she turned her attention back to Misty. "And you are her…?"

"Student and friend," Misty replied. "She trained and took care of me after I changed."

"Interesting," Vita mused. "You do seem very strong for someone of the plains. Who turned you?'

Misty didn't answer and just stared at the vampire. Everything she had said so far was knowledge that the woman would have found out eventually, but Misty wasn't going to so easily hand over information she thought might be even slightly important. Her father had tutored her well in trade and negotiating, and while this wasn't that, some of what she had learned did apply to the situation, and Zirani had told her to take care with what she said.

Vita waited, but when it began clear Misty wasn't going to answer, she shrugged. "Ok, you can keep that to yourself, was just curious. How about your age?"

"I'll answer that if you answer a question of mine," Misty said.

"Deal," Vita agreed. "What's the question?"

"Why did you come with the expedition?" Misty asked.

"I am a bodyguard for an alchemist, along with my two sisters." Vita shook her head. "It's boring work, but pays wells."

"That's it?"

Vita nodded. "All I know."

"Well, I'm eighteen," Misty said.

That got a look of shock from Vita, though she quickly hid it. "Young, very young. Say, Misty, how would you like to join the red ribbons?"

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

[Thank you for the Golden Gachapon, DaoisthjHmRD <3]

'That's a lot of titles,' Sandra thought as Aeverie introduced Zirani.

Sometimes, she forgot just how important Zirani was, mainly due to how much time they had spent together, and how casual they were around each other. They were close friends, to say the least.

'I mean we've literally done erotic things to one another,' Sandra thought to herself. 'How much closer can we get?'

Aeverie finished with Zirani and then began with her, adding titles to her introduction, though not as many as Zirani, and not as awe-inspiring. The lost daughter didn't have the same ring to it as, the resurrected or verdant princess.

Sandra watched the mix of emotions on Kai's face battle each other as he tried to take in what was earth-shaking news. Not only had he been told that Zirani was alive, but also that she, a lost member of the main family, was found, and right in front of him.

She hadn't known what to expect from the first member of the Umbrin clan that she would meet since the incident and if she was being honest, she was somewhat disappointed, though Zirani had said the expedition wasn't as it normally was, or maybe she had set her expectations too high. This man certainly wasn't anywhere near her sister in power.

Kai looked to be in his mid-twenties with blonde hair and the green eyes that so most of the Umbrin clan had, though his were a simple light green compared to her emerald. He was tan with a muscular frame and his dark robe bore the crest of the Umbrin clan, that shifting black symbol that was on her own necklace.

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ "How do I know you speak the truth?" Kai asked after composing himself.

They had expected that, and Sandra pulled her necklace out.

Kai's eyes locked onto the medallion, and he let out a loose breath as his eyes moved from it to her face. She didn't look away, though she found the intensity in his gaze rather uncomfortable.

The necklace proved who she was especially since the link was clear and the symbol upon it was shifting and not still as it would have been with someone not of the main family. Those in branch families were not given a mark of blood, only those of the main family.

"Then this is wonderful news," Kai said, and took a step towards her, but Zirani waved a hand, and a nearby root rose up and blocked his path.

Kai turned a glare towards Zirani who stared back at him coldly.

"You are a guest here," she said, her tone icy. "And do you so quickly forget who I am?"

Kai's face paled and he quickly bowed. 'My apologies."

Sandra wasn't surprised. From what she could tell, Kai was from a branch family and well, Zirani could have his family wiped out and the main family would only ask for a reason, and offense, from what she remembered from early lessons, was reason enough. The Umbrin wouldn't risk pissing off the green court, not if what Zirani had said was true.

'I'm really glad she's here,' Sandra thought to herself.

"Apology accepted," Zirani said. "Now back away, and speak."

Kai took a few steps back and turned to Sandra. "I am Kai Umbrin, a member of a rising branch family. I was appointed by the main family themselves, and we will be glad to take you back."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comSandra glanced over at Zirani who nodded slightly, easily reading her gaze.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

Sandra wasn't amazing at reading people, but there was something off about Kai. The way he looked at her, and that intensity spoke of something else, not to mention she wasn't about to just walk away with him, no matter what position he held.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen," Zirani interjected. "She will remain under my care and my people until she so wishes to leave."

"And what right do you have to do this?" Kai asked, keeping his tone polite, though Sandra could detect the anger in his gaze.

Zirani smiled and stood, slowly approaching Kai. "She is here because of me. She is as strong as she is because of me. I have cared for her and trained her from a simple arcanist of the first level with an understanding of the arcane less than that of a child of your clan to what she is now. She draws breath because of me, she stands before you because of me, and she will have the freedom to act as she wished in concern to you because of me."

She was inches away from Kai as she finished speaking. "Even as I am now, I could wipe the floor with half a dozen of you. Sandra is my ward, and the only reason you are here is that she wanted to see you."

Kai kept his emotions in check but Sandra could still see the fear in his gaze and the regret. He knew that he had pushed too far. Zirani as a jungle queen and princess to the de facto leader of the green court, not mentioning them of course. Sandra also knew that Zirani could back up her threat. She had sparred against Zirani, and Kai may have been two levels higher than Sandra herself but the density of his cores wasn't anything special. She could sense that one of his cores was iron while the other was hydro. With what Zirani could do, Kai wouldn't stand a chance. It was clear he had focused on his level and ignored his core density for whatever reason.

"I did not mean to offend," Kai said slowly. "I only wish to do what is best for her. She belongs amongst the clan and I can assure you that I will watch over her and that the can will hear of everything you have done."

"As I just said," Zirani replied. 'She has the freedom to choose. If she wishes to go with you then that is her choice, but if she wishes to stay here, then she will stay here. You do not get to decide what happens and do not speak of angering your clan. Your clan will be ecstatic to hear that their lost daughter was found and trained by the daughter of queen Atmora. I imagine I would receive quite the welcome were I to deliver her myself. You are not required, do not forget that."

Sandra did see this side of Zirani much. It was similar to how she acted when she had been training them, though different. It was as though she was addressing a child who didn't understand their place. In a way, Kai was probably a child to her since she was over four hundred years old.

"I must also add that you have made quite the bad first impression," the lady Aeverie commented. "You started out well, but your ambitions are blinding you to everything else, don't deny it. Your eyes show everything that needs to be seen."

Kai didn't speak, and Sandra couldn't tell what was going on inside his head as his eyes were a mix of emotions. His body was rigid, and it was obvious he was trying to keep calm and show as little emotion as possible. He was failing miserably of course, but then again he was probably still in shock. Sandra knew she would be if she was in his position.

Zirani turned to her. 'Well, what do want, Sandra?"

Sandra considered her choices, and immediately threw out the possibility of going with Kai. If she hadn't been sure before, then the Lady Aeverie had confirmed it. Kai saw her as a means to getting something he wanted or furthering a goal, and she had no desire to be a tool or pawn.

Sandra took a deep breath and turned to Kai. "I appreciate the offer, but for now, I will remain with Zirani. She had taken care of me, and helped me tremendously alongside my lover, and frien—"

Sandra was interrupted as Kai blurted out, "Lover?"

Zirani shook her head and Aeverie sighed. "Such poor manners. Let the girl finish!"

The last word was filled with power and Kai's mouth snapped shut even as his eyes blazed with a mix of anger, shock, and confusion. She probably shouldn't have said lover, but that was how she thought of Aiden and it had just felt natural to say. She loved Aiden and why hide that? Even if it caused problems, wasn't it better to make things clear from the beginning so that there could be no misunderstandings?

"As I was saying, I trust Zirani and will stay with her," Sandra finished.

Kai took a deep breath and then bowed. "I apologize for interrupting, but if I may ask, who is this lover?"

Almost as if the question had called him, Aiden appeared in the doorway, a worried frown on his face. That's when Sandra realized that she had unknowingly been calling out for him through the bond and it seemed he had answered.

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Speaking with Garth and Venn was very enlightening in a way, especially when it came to speaking of daily and normal things, at least what was normal for them. I really was going to have to get used to a whole new way of life in the lands beyond the great scar, not that it was a bad thing. In fact, it was the opposite and it was good to know that it wouldn't just be problems that I would have to face I was looking forward to experiencing new things and seeing new sights. From some of the images and memories, Zirani had shown me, there was a lot to look forward to.

I was in the middle of talking to them about maybe sparring when I felt Sandra through our bond, though it wasn't a message, at least not one of words. It was more like she was sending over emotions as a message. Like she was calling me.

I could always feel her at the back of my mind, but for the most part, I had to focus on her to feel and sense things, however when she was directly sending something through the bond or emotion or feeling was very strong, I would notice immediately.

In this case, she wasn't in danger or in pain, but was worried. I knew she had said she could handle herself and Zirani was with her, but I couldn't just ignore what she was feeling. She was in trouble and had told her I would always come when needed.

It seemed I was needed.

"I need to go," I said to Venn and Garth. "It seems I'm needed."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Garth asked, and I really did appreciate the gesture, but I shook my head. "No, it doesn't seem to be danger, just that she needs my help."

"You feel her through the bond, the princess?" Venn asked.

I shook my head. "Not her, Sandra."

"Oh." Garth nodded. 'Well don't let us stop you, go on."

I smiled and thanked both of them, promising that we'd talk more later. Both were very nice and I enjoyed speaking with them, though they had both been hesitant when I had asked about sparing. I wasn't sure, but neither seemed to be fighters, though both had assured me they could as most everyone in the court learned to fight and protect themselves. Zirani had said much the same once, that most everyone in the lands beyond the scar knew how to fight in some way.

"I need to remember the plains are the peaceful lands to them," I muttered as began to quickly walk to Aeverie's building.

The door was open and I stopped in the doorway to take everything in.

I had expected Zirani, Aeverie, and Sandra, but not the fourth person.

He turned, his short blonde hair swishing with the movement, and I locked gazes with his green eyes. He was tan with a muscular build and wore robes that labeled him a member of the Umbrin clan, though it was mostly the crest, that shifting pitch-black symbol that gave it away.

Was this why she was worried?

"Sandra, you ok?" I sent over mentally as I took a few steps into the room.

I saw her relax in the corner of my vision as she sent over a message. "I'm fine, you didn't need to come."

"Tell that to the bond," I replied mentally as I addressed the blonde man. "We haven't been introduced, I'm Aiden, Zirani's bonded, and you are?"

"Kai," he replied somewhat shocked. He glanced over at Zirani who smiled. "How do you think I survived."

I kept my eyes on Kai as I walked over to Sandra and placed a hand on her shoulder. She leaned into the touch and I noted the anger in Kai's gaze as she spotted the action.

"That'll be all Kai," Aeverie said, but the blonde just kept staring at me.

"This is him?' Kai asked, and Sandra nodded, though I had no clue what he meant by him. Whatever it was, Sandra's nod seemed to enrage the man, though he was trying and failing to keep his anger in check.

"You cannot be serious," Kai said as he turned to Sandra. "He is just a commoner from the plains, even if he is bonded to the princess."

Sandra's worry turned to anger. "He is more than you could possibly know, and even if he was a commoner, it wouldn't matter as I love him."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comI felt my chest swell at her words, and I took a step forwards, placing myself between her and Kai. I could sense his power and in truth, I doubted I could beat him in a fight, but I sure as hell wasn't going to back either way.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

It was clear this man was the reason for Sandra's worry, and that meant he needed to go, not to mention his comment.

Commoner, he called me, in that arrogant tone I had heard from so many stuck-up rich kids playing arcanist. Zirani had been right it seemed when she had said we would meet similar people in the scar. I just hadn't thought it would be so soon, and not before we had even arrived there.

There was also the matter of Zirani. I knew for sure, she could wipe the floor with the guy. There was also the fact she was a princess and this guy was probably just another one of the masses of the Umbrin clan.

Aeverie, who had been silent after her command, sighed. "You ignore me in my own domain, and you show such a lack of respect and manners. The Umbrin must have been mad to send you, and I imagine they would quite furious when they hear of how you spoke to not only a lady of the court but the daughter of its queen who was responsible for saving and returning their lost daughter. Now, I shall ask you once more, and if you do not listen, then your blood will feed the green, and I shall make my apologies to your family and clan."

Whatever anger or rage he'd been in, Aeverie's words quickly snapped Kai out of, and he bowed low, so low he looked like he might fall. "You have my utmost apologies. I was simply overwhelmed and in shock. Once again I did not mean any offense."

He looked like he wanted to say more, but Aeverie held up a hand. "Since it is clear you are new to your position and clearly have spent little time away from your family and homeland, I will let this go, but only this once, do I make myself clear?'

Kai nodded. "You do, lady Aeverie."

With that, he glanced over at me and Sandra one more time before he left quickly, practically running out.

"So." I turned to Zirani and Aeverie. "Wanna tell me what just happened?"

Aeverie smiled as a thoughtful look came to her eyes. "A man dreams a dream he did not know he longed for. A bright sun for a child who has known so little light, and he eagerly reaches for it. He draws closer, even as it burns, but he is too overwhelmed by the dream to care. His hands blacken and turn to ash as—"

Zirani coughed, interrupting the fae and shooting Aevire a look. "Really?"

Aeverie shrugged. "What, I wanted to see if he understood."

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ "I did," I said. "But what was with the poem or whatever it was?"

"A topic for another time," Zirani said then frowned. "I really am saying that too much as of late."

"That man was the head representative for the clan on the expedition," Aeverie explained. "Sandra wanted to speak with him, and things didn't go as expected, at least not for her. I imagine he wants to use Sandra to further his own goals, and position in the clan. Of course, we did not allow such a thing and will not."

"Why was he so angry at me?" I asked. "I've never even met him before just now."

"Ah, but you and Sandra are lovers and bonded," Aeverie chuckled. "I imagine he noticed it just before he left. Oh, he'll be in quite the rage."

I thought about her words and slowly things came together. I felt my anger rise, and I turned to Zirani. "Is she implying what I think she is?"

Zirani nodded. "Most likely. What's the quickest way to form a connection between families?"

"Marriage," Aeverie answered. "If he or someone of his family married Sandra, then that would be a one-way ticket to power, wealth, and position, if the main family allowed it that is, which they would not with somehow as lackluster and average as Kai, so I'm guessing he has someone else in mind."

She tapped her chin and muttered to herself. "Perhaps that boy, what was his name, Pate?"

"No one is marrying me," Sandra said before she glanced up at me. "At least not until I'm ready."

I took a deep breath as I tried to push down my anger. Sandra was ok, and things would be fine. I had Zirani, Aeverie, and myself. I would not allow that slimy prick to lay a hand on Sandra. She was mine as I was hers.

I felt Sandra's hand grasp my own and she sent reassurance through the bond.

As I calmed, I heard Aeverie mutter, "Seems the return journey will be far more interesting."

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

"Join the what?"

Misty held back her shock, but some of it was definitely clear in her voice. She had only just met this woman, and they had hardly spoken for five minutes, and she wanted Misty to join the red ribbons, whatever the hell that meant.

Vita nodded. "Oh, yes you don't know us."

She took a step back and bowed dramatically. "I am Vita of the Red Ribbons, a sisterhood of blood. We are a group of vampires who have come together."

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ "And you're called the Red Ribbons, why?" Misty had noticed the red ribbons on Vita's clothes but it couldn't just be because of that, could it?

"Many reasons," Vita answered. "One of which is these ribbons. They look quite beautiful, don't you think?"

Misty nodded. She had to admit, that the woman's dress did at the very least look very stylish, if less practical.

"So, what do say, want to join?"

"Vita we just met," Misty said. "And as you said I'm young, and well I have friends and someone I love very much. I would not do something like this without speaking to them first and if it meant leaving them, then I don't think I could."

"We would take care of you," Vita said. "We would be more than friends, we would be sisters, and this lover of yours, he is a man?"

Misty noted the annoyance and dismal in Vita's tone as she spoke the word, man.

"He is," Misty confirmed.

"Well then it's better that you leave him," Vita said as though it was a normal thing to say. "You won't need him if you join the sisterhood."

"He and I are bonded," Misty said, cold creeping into her voice. "And I already have a sisterhood."

Sandra and Zirani were like sisters to her, and even though she and the dark-haired arcanist's start had been rocky, now they were as close as could be. Sandra was someone Misty liked and enjoyed being around and spending time with. Like a sister, she had always wanted.

"Then cut it," Vita said. "And trust me, we would make better sisters than whomever you speak of."

Misty stared at Vita and tried to judge if she was being serious. She spoke in such a nonchalant and cauls tone about breaking bonds and dismissing her lover and sister, that Misty felt her inner beast lock its attention on Vita, and she felt anger rise.

"I will never break my bond with him," Misty said slowly, her hand flexing. "And you speak so casually, yet now nothing of my sister or me. We only met five minutes ago and you expect me to join you just like that? After you insult my lover who is one of the reasons I'm still alive and my friend. You can't be serious."

Vita seemed to realize her mistake, or at least that her efforts hadn't worked, and raised a hand. "You're right I overstepped. I was simply trying to… explain just how well you'd be if you were to join. Of course, you'd have to be vetted and we'd have to speak to my sisters, but you seem the perfect type to join us."

A look of disdain appeared on Vita's face. "And let's be honest, this male you speak of isn't worthy of you. I'm guessing he's human?"

"He is, but that doesn't matter," Misty said to which Vita laughed. "I bet he sees you as a monster or just cares for your looks."

Misty shook her head. "Once again you act as though you know anything about me or those I care for. Guesses, that's all they are, and if you think they're going to cause doubt then you are mistaken. I'm bonded to him remember, so I know how he feels."

Honestly, it wasn't just the words, but the clear fanatism in them, that perturbed Misty. Vita spoke so casually about it, and with such confidence. There was no lie or fakeness in her tone, which was worse than if there had been. It meant she believed everything she said, and if her sisters were anything like her then Misty doubted she would ever want to join.

'A group of fanatic men-hating vampires.' She laughed inwardly. 'Sounds ridiculous, and certainly not for me.'

"Bonds can always be manipulated," Vita said with a smile. "At the very least give me and my sisters a chance. If you don't care for it then you can walk away, we do not force things upon people, only suggest what we think is best for them."

Misty calmed herself and took a slow deep breath as she thought about Vita's words. She didn't want to make a decision now, but at the very least, the vampire had been kind to her, even if she had also been a bit perturbing and presumptuous, and Misty would be lying if she said she wasn't interested in meeting other vampires. Who knew maybe not all of them were like Vita.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com"I'll think about it Vita," Misty said sincerely. "I truly will. Thank you for answering my questions."ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

"No problem." Vita smiled warmly. "You can find me in the area with the tall back building and the small dome next to it."

Misty nodded and bid the women farewell before heading back to Shana and Rall who looked relieved to see that nothing had happened.

"The fearless beauty hath returned from thy perilous ordeal," Rall announced. "Come rest in my arms."

"Oh shut it, Rall," Shana said as she walked over to Misty. 'You ok?"

"I'm fine, Shana," Misty said to the dryad. "All we did was talk. She was a bit… odd, but not mean or violent. She was actually kind of kind, at least to me."

"So they can be kind," Rall noted. "Or at least to other female vampires."

"I think they don't like men, or at least she doesn't," Misty explained.

"Ah, now things make more sense," Rall said. "I heard them talking about a sisterhood when I first tried to approach. The insults also make more sense now."

"What did you talk about?" Shana asked.

"Not much," Misty replied. "I introduced myself and then she asked if I wanted to join the red ribbons."

"She did?" Shana seemed shocked. "What did you say?"

"I said I'd think about it," Misty replied. "Though I really have no intention of joining them."

"Then why not just reject them then?" Rall asked.

"Because she is the first other vampire I've met," Misty explained. "And I do want to meet the others. I mean, maybe there not all like her, and even if I don't join, maybe I can learn some things."

"Smart and beautiful." Rall sighed. "Are you sure we cannot be?"

Misty ignored him and turned to Shana, but her words were cut off as something within her caught her attention.

'That's not good.'

Misty felt anger through her bond with Aiden, enough anger that it had caught her attention. She immediately focused on the bond and tried to figure out what had happened. She had left him with Garth and Venn, but there was no way he'd gotten into a fight with them so what had happened?

"I need to go," Misty said. She gave Shana a quick hug and thanked her for her help, and when Rall held out his hands, Misty only gave him a flat look and a wave before leaving.

As she made her way to Aeverie's buuilding where she felt Aiden was, she thought about Vita, and the possibility of taking her up on her offer, not of joining, but of meeting the others. She did need to learn more about vampires, and while Zirani could teach her, she wasn't a vampire herself and had said that there would come a time when Misty would need to actually speak and train with proper vampires.

Yes, that time might not be now, but there wouldn't be any harm in learning or making some connections. Her father had taught her that making connections was an important part of many jobs from the arcane to mercantile work to other more common businesses. This would be just like that, and if it didn't work out, then it didn't work out, and at least she had tried. That was one of the few things she remembered of her dad from before he had become so cold. She had never blamed him, not after everything he had gone through to save their mother only for it to be too little, too late.

The disease had ravaged her body, and she had gone silent mere hours after he had purchased a so-called cure that had been bought for what many in West Vale would consider a small fortune. Too little, too late.

'I shouldn't think of that anymore.'

As she drew closer to the building, she spotted a figure in a dark robe which she recognized as being from the Umbrin Clan, mainly because of the crest she had seen on Sandra's necklace. The man had an angry look on his face and he glanced at her, pausing for a moment before he shook her head, muttered something, and stormed away.

Misty couldn't be sure, but she had a feeling, that he was part of the reason Aiden was angry.

She made her way to the building and entered, ready to help him in any way she could, just as he had done for her so many times before.

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

[Things in this arc may feel slower and like things aren't progressing as fast, but I assure you there is a reason for all these povs and everything being said. The next arc, the return journey across the great scar, will be a lot faster-paced and filled with action, not that this arc won't have any action at all, it will have action. The ending of this arc will be very enjoyable.]

Kai raged inwardly as he stormed away from the green court area.

Numerous possibilities had gone through his head about what Aeverie could want of him, but none had been even close to what had happened.

He had just met the daughter of queen Atmora and a legendary jungle queen, but that hadn't been the most shocking thing, which in and of itself was shocking. No, he had met the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan's main family

Kai didn't know much of her, but he did know that the main family had gone into a rage and that the culprit had been found and was still being punished, or so the rumors said.

At that moment, he had seen the possibilities and had considered that perhaps some divine being had brought him here. His brother, who was close to the same age as Sandra, and who was talented enough that the main family might actually accept a marriage between them.

They were both strong, and why wouldn't she when she learned of how much he had to offer. Not only was he handsome, but he was also powerful and perfect for her. Those hopes had dimmed quite a bit as he had gotten into it with the princess and the lady.

He had to admit to himself that he had been foolish and that either of them could have his whole family wiped out. His family was of interest, but they had yet to show much of anything. They knew of Pate and knew he was talented, but that was all. They hadn't seen him against any of the other mouths from other branch families and he had yet taken to part in any skirmishes or conflicts to prove himself.

He was lucky both had seemed to consider him as not a threat, which was true. He knew he couldn't beat the lady and if the stories about Zirani were true, then even at her current strength, he wouldn't stand a chance.

He had been blindsided though, in shock, his mind racing with possibilities and ideas. Then he had overstepped again. He hadn't expected Sandra and the princess to be so close, though it made sense. From what he had sensed, Sandra was far stronger than any one of the plains should be at her age. It only made sense that Zirani had taken notice and then trained her.

He had raised his voice, and angered the princess, leading to only more problems and alienating the girl. He knew now that he had been too forceful, and that he should have tried to remain calm and more reasonable.

He had thought after his second blunder that he would finally begin to make progress but then she had spoken of her lover.

That complicated things a lot, and he had so foolishly allowed his emotions to show so freely. Aeverie had read him like an open book. He wasn't used to the politics and maneuvering since he, like most of his family, spent most of his time in his family lands, helping to protect what they could, and not causing any problems, as what might have been a minor concern for other wealthier and stronger branch families, might mean the end of them.

It was a good thing that his family's land was out of the way and in an area that wasn't too strategically desirable or rich in sources. It allowed them just enough to live comfortably and to support what they did have. Of course, one of the biggest reasons they needed Pate to succeed so badly was because at any moment that could change. All it would take was once branch family or enemy of the clan willing to use enough resources to take their land. They would be able to ask others for help, but that also meant revealing that they were in a position of weakness and drawing more attention. They weren't wealthy enough to pay and had nothing to offer, so those that helped defend their land would then take it for themselves.

The guards noted his angry look and so kept quiet when he returned to the clan area.

He spotted his brother sparring against two other clan members and decided to watch as he calmed himself. Watching his brother fight and do what he did best always filled Kai with hope, and as Pate fought, Kai calmed, even as he thought about what he could do about Sandra, and getting her closer to them.

His eyes tracked Pate as he thought.

His brother's first core was of the dark affinity like all Umbrin clan members while his second was metal. It was a solid choice, but Pate didn't use it in the same way so many others did. No there had been a reason he had chosen metal, and it had become clear the first few times Pate had sparred against others. He remembered his father's excitement and how the whole family had watched when Kai had told them of his brother's training.

Kai watched as Pate expertly controlled two thin metal strings, his fingers dancing, and aether working, forming technique patterns. His eyes were closed, and it was clear he was handicapping himself as Kai knew if he wanted to, he could end the match anytime he wanted. He was limiting himself. Good, it would help.

Kai continued to watch his brother as he thought about Aiden. The boy was the lover and bonded to Sandra, and the princess so his first thought of getting rid of him wouldn't be so simple. If Zirani even though he was attempting such a thing, she would probably kill Kai, and he couldn't let that happen.This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ Perhaps he could try and break them apart, but that would be difficult as he and Sandra were bonded.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

How the hell had some commoner of the peaceful lands bonded with not only the verdant princess, but also the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan, and why had they allowed it. The princess had made some comment about the reason she survived, and Kai knew enough to know that the boy must possess the arch vein bloodline which was rare, and perhaps the reason they bonded to him. Kai couldn't be sure and then there had been Sandra's comments. What exactly had they meant, and how could he find out more?

Sending spies over would not work out against a fae or the green court in general. When it came to awareness in their own domain, they were unmatched just like how the Umbrin clan was unmatched in the dark and shadows.

Perhaps if he just asked, that might work, though that was if they even allowed him back. He hadn't exactly made a good first impression with any of them.


Kai shook himself from his thoughts and realized that he had stopped watching the sparring match at some point and that his brother had won.

Pate frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes and no," Kai answered. "I've learned of something quite interesting."

Kai then explain everything that had happened to Pate, holding nothing back. Pate was his brother and Kai trust him more than anyone else, even their father and mother. There was also the fact that Pate was very intelligent and Kai wasn't so naive to think that he might not have some idea of what to do.

"That is interesting," Pate said and Kai could see the wheels turning in his eyes as he thought. "What do you plan to do?"

Kia shrugged. "I'm not sure, what do you think we should do?"

"We need to act friendly and build trust," Pate said. "You've alienated her, and we can't try any tricks or be too forceful as that will just confirm any thoughts and assumptions she probably already has. I think we should wait and see what she does, and if nothing happens, then we can send a gift along with an apology and ask if she wishes to meet with some of us, with an escort of course to make her feel more comfortable."

Kai nodded, understanding what his brother meant. Tricks and lies would be easily spotted and would lead to catastrophe. The lady Aeverie had warned him and he knew she would follow through with her threat if he pushed or if he annoyed her enough that she might contact the main family and tell them what happened out of spite. Once again, his brother had proved just why he was the future of their family.

"Brother, don't you think this is going too far?" Pate asked, frowning.

"How so?" Kai asked.

"If she has a lover, and is bonded, then they must clearly be close," Pate explained. "And well, I don't wish to marry someone through lies or tricks."

Kai scoffed. "It won't be through lies or tricks. Once she sees you and what she's missing out on, she will realize her mistake, and it will be best for the family."

Pate still had a frown on his face, but he nodded. "Ok, brother, I trust you."

Kai reached over and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We will get through this Pate, for our family and future."

Pate smiled, a rare occurrence when it came to him. "For our family and future."

Chapter 189

Chapter 189(18+)

I sensed Misty before I saw her, and I welcomed the calming feelings and warm embrace. I was calmer now, though there was still anger, simmering below the surface. I would need to learn to tame and control it, as Misty was doing with her inner beast.

Anger was good, but could also blind, and lead to trouble if not harnessed, if not controlled.

"What happened?" Misty asked as she pulled back. 'I guessing it might have something to do with the Umbrin clan member I saw storming off?"

I nodded. "He is the problem."

"But one we can handle," Zirani said.

"Oh most certainly," Aeverie assured. "He is too simple, and foolish to pose any real threat. I'm not sure what he might do next. Perhaps a trick or two, that would be interesting, but ultimately lead to his demise."

Misty raised an eyebrow. "Ok, good to know, but what happened?"

"Sandra wanted to speak to the head representative of her clan for the expedition," I explained, "He proved to be a slimy basted who just wants to use her to further his own goals, and apparently marry her off."

Misty's eyes widened, and she looked at Sandra. "Really?"

Sandra nodded. "That's what it seems like."

"So what did you tell him?" Misty asked.

"We dealt with him," Zirani said. "We won't have to really worry about him. As Aeverie said, he probably will try something, but we'll notice and deal with it. If he pushes too far then he dies, plain and simple. He's been warned, so he has no excuse."

Aeverie clapped her hands. "I think there has been enough of this for today. I'll have someone escort you to your living quarters?"

I nodded, realizing that I did feel somewhat tired, more mentally than psychically.

The other agree, and when Aeverie snapped her fingers, I was glad that it wasn't Julian that appeared, but rather a simple guard who bowed and motioned us to follow.

Before I left, I turned to Zirani as I remember something. "Make sure you remember about the brothels."

Zirani nodded. "I know, I'll handle it, now go along, I'll be with you soon."

I nodded, and we followed the guard to a building that looked similar to Aeverie's though not as ornately decorated. The inside was bigger than the outside and full of fine furniture. I spotted four doors, and a quick check showed three to be bedrooms and the other daily large bathing room. This would have been a very nice home that only the wealthy could afford in the plain, but here it was more like a tent.

We all chose rooms and then decided to take a bath together as it would help all of us to relax. I tore off my clothes and stepped into the warm tub which had taken seconds to fill full of perfectly heated water.

I let loose a loud sigh as I sunk into the water and allowed myself to relax. I was glad that things had gone well for the most part, and that we were now officially part of the expedition. Yes, there was the trouble that Kai posed, but Zirani and Aeveire could handle it, and I would be ready if he tried anything. I didn't care if I was outmatched, I would stand and fight.

"You couldn't wait, huh?" Misty asked as she and Sandra stepped into the bath.

I simply shook my head as they sat to either side of me.

The three of us spent a few long moments in silence before I felt two pairs of hands move down to my thighs and across towards my rising manhood. I smiled and turned my head to meet Misty lips, and as one hand began stroking my shaft while the other fondled my balls.

"Just sit back and relax," Misty purred. "We all need this."

"Yes we do," Sandra said as she lowered her head into the water, towards my lap. I felt the hand stroking my cock and let go as Sandra's lips wrapped around my tip. I held back a groan as her tongue lapped at my slit, and around and underneath the crown of my head before she slowly began to move down, going deeper and deeper until I was in her throat. Sandra was amazing at that, and I released my groan as she pulled back and began to move all the way up and down.This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com

"Damn, Sandra," I said as I turned and moved my lips down to Misty's breasts. I lavished the perfect mounds with my tongue and nibbled on her hard nipples which earned me soft moans of pleasure which only drove me on and I moved a hand down in between her thighs.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

I began by testing the outside of her slit, and running a single finger up and around the edges which made her shudder and moan louder.


I smiled at my name on her tongue and flicked her pearl, before pushing a single finger in. I held it there and moved a hand atop Sandra's head, guiding her up and down my erection, enjoying the sensation of her warm mouth and moving tongue.

"Aiden, please!"

I turned my attention back to Misty and pushed another finger in before working them in and out and bending the to hit her sweet spots. She moaned and pleaded for more so I obliged, and pushed my entire hand in. For most women, that would not be pleasant and would lead to problems, but Misty had a life affinity and could make herself as tight as she wanted so I wasn't worried.

I continued pleasuring the beautiful blonde as the dark-haired beauty worked my shaft. Our pleasure reverberated through our bonds and soon we all reached that peak before simultaneously orgasming, increasing each other's pleasure in the process, which lead to another orgasm. I grew worried for Sandra but felt through our bond that she was fine.

Once she had swallowed what must have been a liter of my seed, she pulled out from the water and let out a shaky breath. "That was a lot."

Misty pouted. "You could have shared."

"Sorry," Sandra apologized with a grin.

"Well then I'm taking the first turn," Misty said and I didn't object as she raised herself up and took a seat on my lap, facing me. She slid down my erection with ease, and I groaned as her tight channel wrapped around me and sent bliss through our bond.

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ All problems and worries were long gone, replaced by pleasure and passion. She rode me like a beast as Sandra played with her breasts. The sight was erotic as hell, and I increased my thrusts, meeting her halfway as she moved up and down on me, my manhood moving all the way into her deepest parts, hitting her womb full force. Each thrust sent a jolt of pleasure through her and it wasn't long before we were all once again orgasming.

Sandra didn't do what I expected next, instead, she had me sit on the edge of the bath, so my erection was free from the water. She knelt and wrapped her breasts around my manhood. I watched as she licked her lips and show me a sultry wink before she began to move her breasts up and down my shaft, and each time the tip drew close to her face, she leaned down and gave it a quick like, or sucked it for a few seconds.

I leaned back and enjoyed the amazing feelings and erotic sight, but it didn't end there.

"Misty, I need your help."

Sandra moved to one side and then beckoned Misty over to take the other. What occurred next was nothing less than heavenly as they pushed their breasts together around my twitching erection. They giggled and began to move up and down, smothering my shaft in attention and each took turns leaning down to lather the tip with their tongue or to warp their lisp around it.

The soft flesh of their breasts and the warmth was amazing, and I really did pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Sandra your lips look quite inviting." Misty smiled. "How about a kiss?"

"Of course," Sandra replied, and I watched as they locked lips and their tongues danced, but only for a moment before Sandra pulled back and tapped a finger to her chin. "It's missing something."

"I think I know what," Misty purred.

I held my breath as both ladies moved down and began kissing around the tip of cock. Gods, it felt amazing, and the clear view I had made it all the better. They both held their breasts up to try and push them against my shaft while they made out around my tip.

"Ladies, I'm going t-to c-cum."

My words only spurred them on and when my seed best forth, they both took turns drinking from me as though my manhood was a tap. Once both had gotten their fill they licked me clean and they leaned back, looking up at me with expectant looks.

"Wow," was all I said which earned me pleased smiles from them.

Damn, but I was a lucky man.

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

"Brothels?" Aeverie asked after Aiden and the others had left. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

Zirani nodded. "There is. I need some of your people to help with some things."

She waved to her surroundings. "This city is involved in some sort of slave trade. They kidnap women from towns and villages that can't protect themselves and then use an enchanted item to control them to a limited degree. The others and I have destroyed one of their brothels and rescued the girls from it alongside some from a warehouse we found, but there are still two more, and the people responsible are still out there."

Aeverie nodded slowly. "And you want to rid the city of these people?"

ρꪖꪁⅆꪖ ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​ Zirani nodded. "Don't you?"

"Now that I know, yes," Aeverie replied. "It should be rather simple. They won't be anyone in this city that could pose a threat to us. Give me the details and I'll figure out the rest.

"You sure?" Zirani asked.

Aeverie nodded. "I could do with something to pass the time when we're not together."

Zirani explained everything she knew, including some of her thoughts and ideas as to what was probably the best course of action. She knew that her sister could handle it and that they were wouldn't be any problems. Whoever was behind this probably thought themselves above the law and untouchable, but they were about to learn how wrong they were.

Zirani stood. 'Then I'm heading off, thank you, sister."

Aeverie smiled warmly. "Anytime, and it's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back," Zirani said with a smile before she left.

Her bond with Aiden allowed her to know where he was and as she headed over to him, she got quite a lot of looks, and bows. She simply smiled at each and nodded, understanding that they were all in shock. They had come on this expedition expecting nothing but boredom, and they had found their princess whom they had thought was dead. Zirani imagined that there was going to be a lot of shock, followed by more shock as they were told she was alive, and then that she was bonded to a human of the plains.

Just before she entered the building where Aiden and the others were she waved to a guard who quickly walked over and bowed, his eyes wide. "Have four meals along with drinks brought over in a few minutes."

"Of course, princess." The guard bowed low and quickly went off to do as asked.

'I'm going to have to get used to that again.'

When she entered, she didn't post any of them, but as she followed the bond, she heard them clearly, and what fun there were having in the bathing room. She smiled and felt warmth spread to her, but she pushed it away for now. She would make sure to spend some time with Aiden tonight, but before that, she wanted to speak with a certain some.

"I know you're awake, so listen to me," Zirani said mentally to the lost queen. "I take it you're smart enough to understand what will happen if the wrong people find out about what Aiden has within him, and his potential."

The lost queen didn't respond, but ZInrai knew she had heard and taken the words seriously. The lost queen was tied to them now and if someone of greater power like one of them took notice and discovered what Aiden could do then they would be screwed. She herself had only told Aeverie some information about his divine bloodline and had kept everything else a secret, and that was her sister.

After she was done with that, Zirani took a seat and waited for the others. She could hear that they were done and getting dry, so there would arrive just on time to eat with her. She was looking forward to seeing what they thought of some food from her court.

——This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com

Aeverie swirled her glass of berry wine in her hand as she gazed at the seat where her elder sister had been just moments before.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

It had been a shock, to say the least, but a very welcome shock. It seemed this punishment was more of a reward now, and perhaps she should be thank full of Julian's mess up, even if it had caused her no small amount of embarrassment.

Sometimes she wondered if he really was worth all the trouble, but until she was done with him, she would keep him close, and it was nice having a bed warmer about who would do anything you asked.

So many of her friends had questioned her judgment when she had revealed Julain to be her consort and not just another fling, but she had her reasons. In the end, it hadn't been that he was a half-breed, at least not completely. It was mainly his odd personality. He was like a very jealous puppy and required constant affection or he'd get in a sour mood, and then there was his jealousy which blinded him to a lot.

She chuckled as she removed how he had almost gotten into a fight with a lord who had been eyeing her. He was lucky she was so good working a room, or else, he would have been done for then.

It wasn't just ZInrai, though, that had been a shock, but the boy and the girls. The vampire was odd, and of a powerful bloodline she had sensed so it would be interesting to learn of how she had come to be in the plains, or perhaps she had turned in the plains if that was even possible.

There was the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan which would be very beneficial for the court, and once they learned of what Zirani and done, the Umbrin would be indebted to the court, and new ties would be possible.

But those two were nothing compared to the boy, or man should she say. His presence and that silent power around him had been very noticeable even if he himself didn't seem to realize it was there, and then there was what her sister had shown her. She knew it wasn't everything, but enough for her to see that the boy was special. Divine in nature, something scarce indeed. A rarity.

Those of divine descent of some kind were usually only spoken about in stories and legends, though she did know that people with divine blood and power existed, especially now after she had just met one

It had been hidden by something she couldn't pierce and masked extremely well, far better than Zirani could do at her current power or the boy, so there it was the bloodline or something else.

'Dual bloodlines.' she smiled. 'A diamond in a sea of dirt.'

Aeverie was broken from her thoughts by approaching footsteps and before she turned she already knew who it was.

She smiled as Julian walked over to her. "How are you dear?'

He relaxed and his eyes lit up at her calm and soothing words. "Do you need anything, my lady?'

He was such an easy person to read even without the use of aether, and Aeverie thought back to that first time she had found him in that fighting pit, being used as sport to entertain others. He had fought with an animalistic ferocity that was born more from desperation and instinct than skill. His abilities in arcane were much the same, inherent instinct working to help him, and it had been far different from what fae normally did or fought. It had given her new ideas, and thoughts to think of. It had helped her projects, and that alone had made her buy out of his debt, and take him with her.

She had only meant to study him for a short time and then set him free, but he was proving to be a wealth of potential knowledge and discovery, his upbringing giving him a unique set of abilities and arcane style. Half fae humans were rare though not uncommon, and she had yet to meet one like Julian.

She would continue to keep him around until his usefulness was done and then she would fix his problems and set him off to live a good life. Yes, she was manipulating him and keeping him as he was, but only for now. A few years meant nothing considering how long he could live and she would make sure he had everything he needed to live a good life, once she was done with him, that was.

She might have been colder if she hadn't been raised by Zirani and the others.

'That's enough of that for today, time to continue where we left off on.'

"I could do with some relaxation," Aeverie said as she stood and walked over to a wall which quickly warped to create an opening. She stepped into her lush and lavish bedroom and let her clothing fade into petals of light, revealing her bare body to Julian.

He turned and she noted the hunger in his eyes. "Well, come on. Come and serve your lady."