
Chapter 201

Chapter 201

"Relax, Sandra," Zirani said as they walked towards the Umbrin clan area.

Sandra took a deep breath, trying to get rid of her nerves. She didn't know why she was so nervous, but the idea of seeing Kai again, and the rest of the people being like him, wasnt something she wanted. She knew of course that they only represented a small fraction and in a way, it made sense that they would try and use her to further their own goals, but none of that meant she had to like it.

She sort of regretted having met Kai in the first place, and not just simply waiting until she met her sister or another member of her family. If her sister was how she remembered her, and hadn't changed too much, then Sandra knew she would be safe with her,

'Zirani is with me, nothing bad is going to happen,' she told herself. 'I'm going to be fine. I've faced worse than this."

She had as well, and it's not like there was an upcoming fight, though she kinda wished it was that simple, and not the maneuvering that was about to happen. Just like Aeverie had said, Kai was going to try and get Sandra to his side, maybe careful, and not pushing it, but he was still going to try, and then there were the others. Kai was their leader so who knew what he had told them to do and how to act. How the hell was she going to be able to trust any one of them?

The guards spotted them quickly and one ran to alert Kai no doubt while the other slowly approached. He bowed. "Princess, Sandra. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"We're here to have a look around," Zirani said. "Or well, she is. I'm just an escort."

Sandra nodded. "I want to meet some of the clan members."

"Well, we can definitely arrange that."

Sandra kept her face civil as she and Zirani turned to face Kai who was approaching with a smile on his face. He must have bolted here very quickly indeed, though he didn't look winded, which wasn't a surprise since he was at the fourth level.

"I'm glad to see you have decided to come," Kai said.

"We're only here to have a look around," Zirani said. "Sandra wants to get to know some people of her clan."

"As she should," Kai said, that smile still on his face. "She is a member of the clan, after all."

"Mhmm." Zirani nodded. "Well since you are so conveniently here, why don't you show us around?"

Kai bowed. "It would be my pleasure."

'On so it begins.'

Kai led them into the area, and Sandra noted how much more dull and boring it looked cramped to the green court area, which was essentially a mini-ecosystem, and beautiful garden. The buildings were curved slightly and looked to be made of a dark stone that seemed to absorb the light around it and lengthen nearby shadows. They were also enchanted with a multitude of different effects, some common, others not, some passive, and others needing to be activated.

"I think we should begin with our training area," Kai said. "Some of the clan members are training, and we can introduce you, though most have already heard."

"I bet," Zirani replied.

Kai's smile twitched, but then he turned, and they followed him to an open area that was split into sections. The farthest portion was made up of two sparring rings while the closet part seemed to be some sort of obstacle course, though unlike anything she had ever seen before. It took her a moment, but she realized that it was meant for those with a dark affinity and that anyone without dark sight would have quite a problem. It was heavily enchanted, and Sandra found herself intrigued as to how quickly she might be able to get through it.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com"You can have a try if you wish," Kai said, noticing her gaze.

"Maybe later," she replied with a nod.

"Then lets me introduce you to some clan members." Kai motioned to a group of arcanists who had been in the middle of training. She looked over them and one, in particular, caught her eye. A clan member with Umbrin black hair and green eyes. He wore a dark robe like everyone else she saw and had been in the middle of a spar before he had turned to look at them. His gaze turned to her, and as she stared back, she noticed some similarities between him and Kai.


What Kai said next confirmed her thought.

"Pate, little brother, come over here," Kai called out. "All of you, come, I've someone for you to meet."

Sandra held back a squirm as they all approached and turned their eyes to her. She immediately knew that they already knew who she was, and she saw the same general emotion on all their faces. Interest, awe, and curiosity, though one of them, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed girl had anger in her gaze. She was the odd one out as she had neither the dark hair nor green eyes that most of the clan had. Her hair was golden and her eyes were the color of the sea. Sandra didn't know what she had done to this woman, but she didn't get to think about it, as they began to introduce themselves to her.

She smiled, shook hands, and even hugged a very excited girl, who was the youngest of them.

Pate was the last and waited patiently as she spoke with some of the other clan members. He moved to take her hand, and she was confused as to what he was trying to do but then a memory of Lily from the steel heart popped into her mind. She quickly pulled her hand back and then grasped his in her hand before shaking it. She was not about to let a stranger kiss her hand, especially not the brother of Kai, even if it was considered a proper greeting.

"Pate, it's nice to meet you." Sandra filled her voice with as much genius kindness as she could muster which wasnt much, and she sort of felt bad since she was judging him based on the actions of his brother.

'I need to see before I judge.'

"And it's a pleasure to meet you," Pate said with a smile, and Sandra noted his handsome features, and how he had a similar build to Aiden in a way, but something felt off about him, though she didn't know what.

"Pate is a promising member of the clan," Kai said, pride filling his voice. "The main family have actually taken notice."

"Really?" Sandra asked, and gave him a once over with her arcane senses. He was the third level and his second core, but one thing she immediately noticed was that both his cores were at iron, which was a shock, and meant that he could pull some serious power out. His combination was one she hadn't seen before, metal and dark. Compared to his older brother who had focused on his infusion level, he seemed to be more focused on density as she knew was better from what Zirani had taught her.

Raising your level should never take priority over raising density was what Zirani had said. Gaining another core was good and all, but density was where the arcane power lay. Infusion enhanced the physical side while density improved the arcane, and it was best not to overwhelm yourself and to get a third affinity when you hadn't reached a good enough ability level with your first two, though in some cases it was different, like for certain jobs and professions.

"You were in the middle of a spar," Sandra said, suddenly really curious to see how he fought. "Would you mind showing me what you can do?"

Pate smiled, and it was genuine, or at least she could detect no fakeness. "I would be honored to."

Sandra said Kai smiled from the corner of her vision as Kai turned to two other clan members. Sander was surprised but she wasn't going to say anything if he wanted to fight two at the same time, and well with his power, he should be able to, if he was skilled that was.

ᴘ ᴀɴ ᴅᴀ-ɴᴏ ᴠᴇʟ. ᴄᴏᴍ 'The main family have taken an interest, huh?'

Pate and his two opponents walked over to one of the sparring rings, and the rest of them follow, taking up positions around it. Sandra stood next to Zirani who was in-between her and Kai, even though he had tried to move to be at her side. Sandra was once again extremely grateful that Zirani was by her side, and constantly watching out for her. She had lost a sister all those years ago, but she had found two others in the plains and would be meeting the one she lost eventually.

"On my mark," Kai said, raising a hand. "Three, two, one, fight!"

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

It didn't take long for Misty to find where the Red Ribbons were staying. Just like Vita had said, there was a tall black building right next to an odd little dome that must have belonged to the person there were guarding. It stood out from any other building she had seen in the plaza because of its enchantments, one of which seemed to do something with temperature, and keeping something in. She might have been able to figure it out but her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.


She turned to see Vita approaching her with a smile. "I thought I smelled you, so you decided to take me up on my offer?'

Misty returned the smile, seeing no reason not be polite, even if Vita was an odd one. "I did, is this your employer's?"

She pointed at the domed building that was around one story tall.

Vita nodded with a grimace. "It is. Don't go in there, it has detection enchantments, and even if it didn't, the smell is… overpowering to say the least."

Misty frowned and sniffed, smelling not much, but Vita who smelled of blood, though not her own, and cherries oddly enough.

"He's an alchemist," Vita said, moving to stand beside Misty. "My sisters and I have no real clue why he wanted to come here to the plains, and he mostly keeps to himself, but that's enough of him, come on, it's time to introduce you to my sister. They are very interested to meet you, at least two of them are, though we need to talk to Juveria first."

Misty didn't ask Vita to elaborate as she would be meeting these sisters herself soon enough.

"Is there anything I should be aware of?" Misty asked. "Any customs I should know?'

Vita shook her head. "None of them will expect any of that from you. Just act normal. Some of my sisters aren't as friendly as I am, but they won't do anything stupid like attack you. No one would do that to a potential new sister, though one or two might ask for a spar. We don't bother with any of the others in the expedition and sparing each other gets boring so they might want a new challenge if your willing of course."

Misty nodded, and found herself, interested in the possibility. She had never faced another aether vampire and she wondered how she would stack up. She knew she was average in terms of her cores, but had a powerful bloodline, and had been trained by Zirani, so she was confident she could beat the average arcanist with ease, but something told her these Red Ribbons wouldn't be average. She didn't know if it was some sort of premonition or her instincts, but she would take care before agreeing to a spar with any of them. After all her instincts hadn't let her down yet.

Vita led her into the building and unlike the temporary home she was staying in, the first room wasnt a living area, but more like a mix of a training area, bar, and a place to relax. Ok so maybe it was a living room, sort of.

There were few lights but as a vampire that didn't impede her eyesight in any way, and as she looked around she noticed that some of the enchantments in the room were definitely there to try and make it feel as though it were night and it worked to some degree because she felt her beast stir slightly, and feel more comfortable.

To the right was a small bar and Misty saw all sorts of drinks, most alcohol, and blood, or a mix of both. She could smell some but not others, which meant they must have had an enchantment that kept the smell in. That made sense since there were probably beasts of the scar that could smell blood. She guessed it was the stronger bloods and mixes that were enchanted.

To the left lay comfy-looking couches and two tables, one of which was occupied by two female vampires who seemed to be in the middle of a game of chess, which she hadn't played in a very long time, not since her mother had died.

The rest of the space was mostly just an open area for training, and she saw training dummies, an area for target practice, and something that looked like a metal coffin, that was currently open to reveal that the inside was shrouded in shadow, arcane in nature because she couldn't see through it like normal darkness.

Vita walked them over to the bar where a dark-haired vampire was leaning on the counter.

"Hex, where's Juveria?" Vitra asked.

Hex responded to Vita but her eyes moved to Misty. "She's upstairs with Milenia. This is the one you were talking about? I'm Hex."

She offered her hand and Misty shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"You might want to wait, Vita," Hex said. "Milenia was in a sour mood when she went up."

Vita waved a hand. "Nonsense, it'll be fine, and best to tear the blade from the wound now so it closes faster."

'I don't think that analogy works, at least not for humans.'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comHex shrugged. "Suit yourself, but I warned you, oh and Misty, that is your name, correct"

Misty nodded so Hex continued. "A word of caution, don't fall for Milenia's taunts and harshness, she's like that with everyone."

"Ok." Misty nodded. "I'll take that into consideration."

"Come on." Vita pulled her towards the stairs on the left, and Misty nodded to the female vampires who looked her way. Most seemed interested in her, and her beast stirred whenever she met any of their eyes. None matched her stare for long, and most lowered their eyes, which she didn't understand. There was a lot she was going to have to learn, she knew.

'That's one of the reasons I'm here.'

They headed up a single flight of stairs into a small hallway with doors on either side, but their destination seemed to be the door on the far end which was slightly ajar and Misty could hear the sound of upraised voices.

"You can't seriously be considering agreeing to this deal?" A voice said, holding back a growl

"I consider everything that could benefit us," another more relaxed, calm, and collected voice replied. "And as I have said before, you are worrying too much. You've complained this entire journey, more so than usual."

"I only want what's best for us."

"I know," the calm voice replied. "That's why I'm as not angry as I might be, but Milenia, you are pushing it. You are lucky they sent me, and not somebody like Talia. She wouldn't show you any mercy, and you'd be strung up by your intestines and fed tainted blood or worse."

"That bitch would never be given a leading position," Milenia growled.

ᴘ ᴀɴ ᴅᴀ-ɴᴏ ᴠᴇʟ. ᴄᴏᴍ "Don't be so sure," The woman who Misty assumed was Juveria, said. "Her work in the east has been quite impressive."

Once they made it to the door, Vita coughed loudly and then knocked thrice.

Both voices quieted before Juveria muttered. "And you didn't shut the door, great work sister."

"Who is it?" Milenia said angrily

Vita smiled reassuringly at Misty before leading the way into the room.

"Your favorite sister," Vita announced. "With the new prospect."

Misty walked into the room, and her gaze immediately rested on the tall woman, seated behind a large desk, with coal-black hair and dark red eyes which were now looking at Misty in clear interest. Her robe and armor were similar to Vita's and the other vampires but she also had a gold lining and had more enchantments. She assumed this was the leader simply because she looked calm, and was the strongest vampire she had seen yet.

The other looked down her nose at Misty with a glare. Milenia was a more natural blonde, compared to Misty platinum blonde, with slitted amber eyes that held no kindness for her. She too was dressed differently from the other Red Ribbons with metal armor rather than leather and gauntleted hands. She looked far more brutal than the elegance and style the others had, not that she didn't look attractive. Everyone she'd seen in the expedition looked attractive, especially the women. It probably had to do with the differences between the plains and the lands beyond the great scar

"You're meant to wait for a yes before you enter," Milenia said to Vita though her eyes never left Misty whose beast had stirred to wakefulness, clearly detecting the hostility in the blonde vampire. Misty didn't lower her gaze or back down like some meek person.

"Milenia, we'll speak of matters, later." Juveria waved a hand. "You're dismissed for now."

The blonde vampire opened her mouth to speak, but Juveria shot her a glare. "As I said, you're pushing it. You may be my second in command, but do not think that I will not punish you. Go and be glad it is Vita here and not the others who would complain at my mercy."

Milenia barged out, shoulder checking Misty as she did, though Misty probably didn't budge as much as she had expected as the angry blonde stumbled. She righted herself and left, slamming the door behind her.

Vita coughed. "As I was saying. I've brought the new prospect I told you about. She's perfect for the sisterhood, right?"

Juveria's glare faded and she leaned back as she met Misty's eyes. "We shall see."

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Sandra had thought of a few ways the fight might start, but she had not once expected Pate to rip off a strip from his robe and tie it around his eyes as his two opponents charged him. The disciples hadn't waited for him and one had formed a blade of darkness around a hand while the other had used a technique that had lengthened his shadow before a copy of himself had appeared from it, matching his movements. It was a complex technique and the disciple must have had practice with it, though she could tell it was not that durable, and with what Zirani had taught her, she saw more than a dozen ways to improve it.

Instead of using a large amount of aether to create the copy, the disciple had a link that was constantly draining aether, not to mention that with the way the technique was, he wouldn't be able to change anything about the copy. No morphing limbs or changing shape.

'That's a good idea. Need to remember that.'

A good idea, but executed poorly, then again, it was still leagues above anything anybody in the plains could do, and she shouldn't be too harsh. He was only average in the lands beyond the scar and had probably created the technique by himself, which despite the flaws, was still impressive.

The way it moved was also fairly fluid, and if used right could be very effective.

The other disciple's dark blade seemed simple at first glance but she could see that it was actually poisoned. The disciple had a mix of dark and life, though she could tell, the poison was different from what Zirani and Aiden used and hadn't been made via aether change, so it was probably just a common type of poison.

'It's of the life affinity though, so it will be deadly.'

Pate didn't seem worried though as he waited for the disciples to near, or at least she assumed he was waiting. It would really anti-climatic if Kai's boast had been false, and Pate was ended in seconds.

Then, when his opponents were but a few feet away from him, Pate acted. Aether was pulled from his core far faster than she had ever seen, and two small metal spikes shot out from the middle and index fingers of his right hand while smokey darkness began to leak from his left hand. The spikes hit his opponents necks and made them stumble, allowing him to easily duck the poisoned Blade and spin to sweep the legs out from both the other disciple and the copy in a fluid motion.

Instead of using the opportunity to attack again, Pate jumped back.

"What's he doing?" Sandra asked.

Kai smiled. "Showing you what he can do."

Pate slammed his left hand down onto the ground, and darkness began to coat the earth, but it didn't remain that way. As the two arcanists got back to their feet, the darkness changed and seemed to shrink into itself to form dozens of thin lines upon the ground.

Pate's two opponents looked very nervous now, and she could see that they clearly knew they weren't going to win, but neither surrendered or backed down. The disciple with the copy used another technique to create a long spear of darkness that seemed to radiate heat while the other pressed his hands together before pulling them apart. What was revealed was a ball of dark smoke which the arcanist pushed outwards. It expanded into a wave as it moved, and both disciples used it for cover as they charged forwards.

She might not have noticed what really happened next if she hadn't been paying attention to the lines of the ground

The lines or more accurately, strings on the ground, moved each time something touched them. They shook like normal strings, though there was no sound to be heard.

"A detection web." Zirani sounded impressed and Sandra tilted her head, her eyes still on the fight.

She only half paid attention as Pate engaged the two in close quarters combat. He moved with simple yet extremely efficient movements, like a machine that knew exactly where and when to move. He could have easily ended the match multiple times, but as Kai had said, he was showing what he could, though Sandra had a feeling, he had only shown a small fraction of what he could do.

Her mind worked, and she began to understand what Pate had done and what the lines of darkness were for. Zirani had called it a detection web, and it made sense since Pate had blindfolded himself, though he hadn't had trouble in the first few seconds when he had used those spikes.

ᴘ ᴀɴ ᴅᴀ-ɴᴏ ᴠᴇʟ. ᴄᴏᴍ 'Like a spiderweb,' she thought to herself.

"He's talented, I'll give you that," Zirani said, and Kai's chest puffed out.

Kai probably didn't like Zirani, but she was still Zirani Atmore, legendary fighter, and princess to the verdant court. Praise from her meant a lot.

"The main family thinks the same," Kai said, glancing at Sandra.

The rest of the fight went about as expected, and Pate showed his skills for a while longer before ending the fight by trapping bought his opponents in metal strings with spears of darkness rising from the ground to their necks.

Kai and the rest of the disciples clapped, and Sandra waited for a moment before she too clapped, though not as enthusiastically as the others.

Kai turned to Sandra as Pate helped the two disciples up. "So what did you think?"

"He's skilled," she said, deciding to be honest. "And his style and affinity combination is… interesting."

"Indeed," Zirani said and a thoughtful look appeared on her face before she shook her head.

"Well, I think that's enough for today."

Kai frowned. "But you've only been here an hour, there's still more to see and show you."This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com

"Perhaps later," Sandra said, and because she knew it would annoy him, she added, "I promised Aiden I'd be back to meet him soon."

That was a lie but he didn't know that, and just as she had expected, his face darkened. "I see."

"That's a shame," Pate said as he walked back over to them. "I was hoping we could spend some time together, maybe spar and trade pointers. You are a daughter of the can after all, but if you made a promise then that it us understandable."

Sandra was surprised as she hadn't expected that.

'Pate doesn't seem too bad, but there's still something off about him.'

"This Aiden," Pate said. "He's a good fighter?"

"A very good fighter," Zirani replied. "I trained him."

Pate smiled and bowed to the jungle queen. "Then would you mind if he and I sparred?"

From the corner of her vision, Sandra saw a glint appear in Kai's eyes, and a creepy smile appeared on his face.

"A spar?" Zirani rubbed her chin and then a smoke appeared on her face. "Sure, but not tomorrow. In fact, why don't we make an event of it? One day before we leave, you two shall fight in the shared training area."

"Ok," Kai said, his smile growing.. "But let's add stakes. If we win then you must allow Sandra to stay with us on the return journey."

Zirani shook her head. "I'm afraid not. I do not control Sandra, she is free to make her own choices. Ask her."

Kai turned to Sandra who bit her lip as she thought about his words. Did she want to risk this? The thought of staying with Kai filled her with dread and disgust, but then she thought of Aiden. She smiled as she imagine how he'd reacted if he heard and the determination that would spark like fire in his eyes when she told him of the fight and the bet. She sometimes envied that about Aiden. That fearlessness and confidence, not arrogance. He didn't think himself unbeatable, nor did he think himself the greatest, but he did fully believe in his capability to move further up the mountain.

She and Misty wanted to get stronger, but not like Aiden. His sight was set on the top, for what she wasnt fully sure yet. They had talked about it some, but she still didn't know the full reason as to why he wanted to get there. Maybe he himself didn't fully know the reason yet?

With a final decision, she met Kai's eyes. "I agree, but if he wins, then both of you have to swear a loyalty oath to me."

Kai sputtered. "What!"

"That is unreasonable." Pate stepped forward. "You must know that."

She smiled and her heart beat like a drum as she spoke her next words. "Then I'll up things. If we win you swear full loyalty to me on behalf of your family." She took a deep breath and then let it out. "If you win, I will agree to marry Pate."

She felt someone grab her arms and then was pulled to look into Zirani eyes. Her friend did not shout or scream but spoke calmly. "Are you sure about this, Sandra?"

She smiled and thought of Aiden. "I believe in him, Zirani. I'm sure."

Zirani gave her a genuine smile before turning to Pate and Kai who both looked shocked.


"Give us a minute," Kai said before he pulled Pate away and they began speaking in hushed tones. A minute later they returned and Kai faced Sandra. "We agree. Shall we bind this?"

Zirani shook her head. "No need, if you break your word, then I will have your family wiped from the very annals of history after I use you as bait to lure some beasts for training on our return journey, and your brother is strong, he'd make a great gift to my aunt. She could use him as fertilizer for some of her more lively plants."

Sandra shivered, recognizing the tone from when she had questioned the twin horn disciple in the tower.

Kai nodded, his face having gone slightly pale. "I understand."

"Then we shall next meet in four days."

With that, Sandra and Zirani turned on their heels and left the Umbrin clan area.

As they walked Sandra caught Zirani staring at her, and turned to raise an eyebrow at the jungle queen. "What?"

Zirani smiled, and it was full of warmth for her. "Nothing, nothing at all."

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Kai stared at the retreating backs of the jungle queen and Sandra, still in shock at what had just happened.

'Am I dreaming?'

When he had first volunteered to go on the expedition and basically lead it for the Umbrin clan he had never expected any of this. At most he had thought Pate may learn something and improve, but not that he'd get an opportunity like this. If the gods were real then they must have been looking down upon him and his family favorably indeed.

Sandra had come to visit the clan area far sooner than he had thought, especially considering what had happened yesterday, and though she had been polite, he could tell she didn't really care for any of it, though she had seemed interested in Pate, which was good.

"Brother, was that a good decision?"

Kai turned to Pate. "This is a once in a lifetime chance. If you come out victorious then our family will rise to new heights, and you will marry into the main family, imagine it."

"And if we lose?" Pate questinoed.

"You won't," Kai said vehemently. "You are skilled, and yes, Aiden has been trained by Zirani, but only for a few months. You've been at this for years."

That seemed to boost Pate's confidence as he nodded. "Your right, I just need to go about this like normal."

"That's the spirit." Pate clapped his younger brother on the shoulder. "You'll make our family proud."

This was it, their chance to rise, and it was happening far sooner than he had ever expected. He had that they would have to wait for an official event of the clan or for Pate to prove himself in another way. Now, here in the plains, would be decided there future. Either they would rise or fall beneath the feet of Sandra, and be at her mercy.

A loyalty oath was a serious thing, and members of the Umbrin clan could only take it with other members, If done without anyone outside the clan, then they were no longer part of the clan, and in some cases, hunted down. Of course, the greatest loyalty would always go to the main family, but loyalty oaths essentially made you subordinate to another family or group like vassals.

His father would kill him if he lost, though he'd need to get Sandra's permission to do so, and it was too late to go back on anything. He believed the jungle queen's threats and knew that if she so much as suspected he would break his word, then he would be in for a rather unpleasant journey back home, and his family would be doomed. His brother would be sent to the queen that rules over the court of thorns.

'He'll win, he has to.'

"Where is she!"

Kai's inner thoughts were interrupted by a loud and indigent voice he recognized all too well. He turned and didn't bother putting on a friendly smile as Darn walked over.

The man was heavy-set, and he was one of the few overweight people Kai had ever seen in his life. His robe fit tight upon him and he waddled over. The first time Kai had seen it he'd laughed and ever since then they had disliked each other. Darn had been rather angry when Kai had arrived and essentially been given leadership over the other representatives of their families. He had tried undermining Kai's authority several times, not that any of it had worked.

"Darn, so pleasant of you to join us," Kai said.

"Don't give me that, where is she?" Darn barked.

"If you tell me her name, then maybe I can help you?" Kai said, though he'd rather kick the man.

"The lost daughter, who else," Darn shouted. "I heard she was here."

Kai smiled. "She was, and we had quite the time together. She was rather impressed with Pate. She's gone now though, too bad for you."

Darn growled. "You cannot just do as you please. We all have the right to speak with her!"

Kai motioned to the direction they had gone. "By all means, try and go after her. But she said she was done for the day, and I'd love to see what the princess does when you brother her."

Darn glared at Kai. "You think I don't know what you're up to?"

Kai shrugged. "I've no clue what you're talking about."

"You're trying to get her close to that brat." The obese arcanist pointed to Pate who just stared icily at the fat man.This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com

ᴘ ᴀɴ ᴅᴀ-ɴᴏ ᴠᴇʟ. ᴄᴏᴍ "Oh yes." Kai nodded, and then told him everything about the bet that had just been made. Kai wished he had a device to take a picture or recording of Darn's face as it went through numerous emotions befouling landing on rage.

"You cannot do this!"

"Oh but I can and did," Kai said with a smile that he knew would aggravate Darn. 'And the princess agreed. So if you have a problem, then take it up with her, of course, if you try and speak to her like that, she'll most likely have you and your horrible little family wiped out."

Kai was done being nice to this obese fool. He had heard about Darn's family and none of it had been pleasant. He felt most sorry for the children of the family who he had heard, had no choice in any matter. A lot of families controlled what their children did to an extent and up to a certain age, but not like Darn's family who might as well have been puppeteers with strings attached to their children.

Darn began to take heavy breaths in and out before he turned, and waddled away. As he went he yelled back. "This isn't over."

Kai shook his head and turned to Pate. "Ignore him."

"I know," Pate replied before heading away, probably to train.

"I hope that's not the same for me," A feminine voice said, and Kai turned to see a much more pleasant person walking over.

"Ashala, I'm afraid you've arrived too late," Kai said with a bow. He liked Ashala and had actually sent for her when he had been told Sandra was here. They had met at the gathering point and had become fast friends, both from rising families, not to mention that she was a beauty with golden-brown hair and light green eyes. Her robes were cut short and more revealing than the others, showing off a lovely figure.

"I know," she said. "I did overhear your conversation with Darn, rather amusing, but I must ask, is it true?"

Kai nodded, knowing what she was talking about. "It is, the fight will be in four days."

Ashala nodded with a frown. "I see, a shame."

Kai was confused for a second before he cursed inwardly, realizing what she meant. They had spoken of a union between her sister, Lucy, and his brother Pate, to combine their families and strengthen each other. Lucy wasn't as talented as Pate, but neither was she far off. Out of everybody she had come the closest to actually beating Pate and was the one he always wanted to spar with when possible, though Ashala had not allowed her to get too close to Kai's brother.

"Our potential union is no more then."

"It doesn't have to be," Kai said, an idea coming to mind. His heart raced and he tried to fight back a blush as he spoke his next words. "We could marry."

Ashala raised a delicate eyebrow. "You'd consider such a thing?"

He held back shouting yes, and instead spoke calmly. "Of course. You are a lovely woman, and I do enjoy spending time with you. What is happening with Pate doesn't change what I said to you on the journey. I do believe we should link our families."

Kai wasn't the backstabbing type or the type to break his words or promises. Ashala's family was like his, and he saw no reason not to help them, which would also help his family.

"Perhaps," Ashala said. "But let us wait until after the fight."

Kai bowed. "Of course."

He hesitated for a second before leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. The fact she hadn't dodged or held a hand out meant she hadn't minded which relived him. Kai wasnt really good with women. He had been with a few, but never in an actual relationship.

'Not like this.'

Ashala gave him a smile, before turning and walking away. Kai tried not to look at her rear as she did, but he was sure he had failed and was certain she was saying her hips on purpose.

Now, not only did the fight mean Pate's marriage to Sandra but also his potential mirage to Ashala. This would mean everything. A turning point in not only his and Pate's life but the life of their family, of their clan.

'He must win or our dreams are done for.'

Kai spun around and marched over to where Pate was. He believed in his brother, but no reason not to train him as hard as he could.

'For our family and future.'

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

[This is just a quick note for those who are worried about the upcoming fight between Aiden and Pate. I don't want to spoil anything, so all I shall say is, don't worry too much. I have planned things out and don't plan on letting the story lessen in quality.]

Misty glanced at Vita who was still smiling before turning back to Juiveria who motioned for her to take a seat.

"So," Juveria said. "You are Misty. I must say I was unsure of what to think when Vita came to me which information that she had discovered a vampire among the green court, from the plains no less, something that as far as I'm aware, is unheard of."

She moved her gaze up and down Misty. "Now I see she wasn't lying."

"I told you," Vita said.

"Hush," Juveria said. "It still remains to be seen whether or not she is right for the sisterhood. You've brought back strays and others before."

"I'm no stray," Misty said with a glower. "And I'm not here to join, only to see what this sisterhood is about, or did Vita not tell you that?"

Juveria leaned back. "No she did not, but that's unsurprising. She usually leaves out anything that would hurt her cause, and I am aware you're not a stray. You were trained by Zirani Atmore and are under her protection, which means you didn't come here for a home, wealth, or material gain. You came because you were curious and wanted to meet other vampires, correct?"

Misty nodded, seeing no reason to lie. "I did."

"Well we can certainly help with that," Juveria said and waved a hand to Vita. "Leave us."


Juveria turned to stare at Vita who shrunk back and nodded. She shot one last look at Misty before leaving the room.

"Now that we're alone." Juveria stood and walked over to an area of the room that had bottles of blood. "Want a drink?"

"No, thank you?"

"Are you sure?" She asked. "What have you been having?"

"My bonded lets me drink his blood," Misty said, and her lips did grow somewhat chapped. She hadn't had a drink since yesterday.

"Ah yes, your bonded lover." Juveria poured herself some blood before bringing it to her nose and taking a deep whiff. Misty could smell it from here, and had to admit it smelled good, but nowhere near as good as Aidens, which after awakening his divine bloodline had gotten even better.

"You know of him?'

"I do," Juveria said. "Vita mentioned him and I had my intelligence gatherer find out some more. "He has the arch vein bloodline and not only is his bonded to you, but also the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan and Zirani Atmore."

Juveria turned her gaze to Misty as she took a sip of her drink. "Tell me, did Vita go on a rant about him, and how you didn't need him?"

Misty nodded. "She did."

"Typical." Juveria sighed. "Her heart is in the right place, but she is far too fanatic about the sisterhood. In truth, we do not hate men, at least most of us don't. Some other branches are as fanatic as Vita, but most aren't."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com"Branches?" Misty questioned. "You're not the only one."

She chuckled. "No, the Red Ribbons are part of a larger group."

"If you don't hate men, then why only women?" Misty asked.

"That is complicated," Juveria said. 'And not something caused by me, but my predecessor. The group we belong to isn't made up of only women, just us and a few other groups. I lead the Red Ribbons now and I am allowed to do anything I want with them as long as I accomplish the tasks I am given. We can go into it later if you do end up joining, but before that, I want to ask you a question. Would you cut your bond with your lover temporarily if required to join us?"

"Probably not," Misty said. "Though I don't know what you mean by cut it temporarily, and I still don't know much about your group yet."

"You should ask your teacher about that," Juveria said. "As for our group. Well, it's as Vita said. We are a sisterhood. We help and look out for one another. We all have different goals and dreams, but we've come together as we are stronger that way. If you joined you would start off as a half-sister, and after a certain time, if you prove yourself, you become a full sister. You would live and journey with us wherever we went, and help the group accomplish the tasks given to us. You would be rewarded, and gain many perks. You do well enough and grow stronger, then you rise, and one day you might lead a group of your own or join their ranks."

"And if I wanted to leave?"

Juveria swirled her glass. "That is not a simple thing. If you wanted to leave as a half-sister, it would be easy, but as a full sister? You would have to go through a lot of unpleasantries."

"What if I stayed as a half-sister?" Misty asked.

Juveria quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"What if I joined, but just stayed as a half-sister then left when I wanted to," she replied. "Is that possible or is there some sort of rule against it."

"No," Juveria said slowly. "There isn't. You could stay as a half-sister, but you'd miss out on certain perks."

"Which ones," Misty asked.

"You'd get less pay, wouldn't be able to rise through the ranks," She listed. "And there's also the fact, that you wouldn't be trusted as much."

"Is that it?" She asked.

Juveria nodded. "There are some other things concerning those who lead us, but it wouldn't matter if you never planned to become a full sister anyways."

"I see," Misty mused.

She wasn't sure if she was going to actually join them yet, but there was no harm in asking questions and planning. Before she did anything she would speak to Zirani and learn about this cutting of the bond temporarily. Just the thought made her want to reject the Red Ribbons outright, but she knew that was a stupid thing to do.

"I need some time to think," Misty said. "But I do thank you for speaking with me."

"Your welcome," Juveria said. "Do you have any questions?"

Misty was about to reply when she heard raised voices and shouting from below. She turned to Juveria who sighed and massaged her temple with two fingers. "What have they done now."

"It seems we have a problem," Juveria said. "Or I do. I'm afraid we must cut this short."

"I understand," Misty said and followed Juveria as she made her way through the short hallway and down the stairs.

What they saw when they arrived in the living space was Milenia being held back a half a dozen vampires who were yelling at her while Vita smirked at her from a few feet away. Another vampire was beside her, speaking, though it didn't seem like Vita was paying attention.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Juveria shouted. "Can I not have a day without one of you getting into an argument, or fight. Am I too lenient or showing too much mercy? Are you all so eager for us to go back to how we were when we traveled through the ruins of Blydar? Well?"

The room grew silent and the vampires holding Milenia let go, while Vita's smirk faded.

"Milenia, what is this?" Juveria turned to the blonde.

"This one doesn't know when to shut her mouth" Milenia growled and pointed to Vita.

"She started it," Vita replied. "She kept insulting me and Misty."

"She said I must have been changed by someone with talented blood," Milenia said.

"And worse," Another vampire commented.

Misty was taken aback that Vita would get offended on her behalf

"She called me a blubbering fool," Vita said, and it was the first time Misty had seen anger on her face. "She said that I was only comedic relief and the jester of the sisterhood. She said that Misty was unfit to join us and scum of the plains."

Juveria was about to speak but Misty stepped forward, her beast awake. "Did she now? Care to back up those words or say them to my face?"

Misty wasn't about to let this woman talk about her like that, and she knew she needed to show dominance and her power if she was ever to join this group.

"Glady," Milenia replied, baring her fangs.

Misty bared her own and began to pull aether from her death core.

"Enough," Juveria said and Milenia stopped.

"If you two wish to fight then so be it," Juveria said. 'But not here and not now."

"Then when?" Misty asked.

"A day before we leave," Juveria said and then smiled. "In the center area, in front of everyone. Four days should be enough time for both of you to prepare."

"I don't need time," Milenia said. "I can crush her right here and now."

"Are you questioning my orders?" Juverisa asked.

Milenia scolwed. "No, four days is fine."

"Misty?" Juveria turned to her. "Any objections

"None," Misty said. "I'm fine with four days."

"Then it's done," Juveria announced. "Now, the next person that disrupts me or causes problems will regret it for the rest of the journey home, do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good," Juveria said, glancing at Misty. "I await your decision. If you do want to join us, then consider your fight against Milenia as your application. You don't have to win, just show us that you're capable."

Misty thanked her and then left the Red Ribbon's area.

Vita caught up with her halfway and apologized, but Misty wasnt angry with anything she had done. In fact, the fight would be a good chance to see how far she could do against another vampire, and how they fought.

'I need to talk to Zirani.'

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

[Some of the next upcoming chapters will shed some light on things that occurred in chapters 203 and 204 and answer a lot of questions and concerns. Know this, all is not as it seems and there are clues and foreshadowing in recent chapters.]

"Those fools."

Juveria sat back down at her desk and leaned back, taking a deep breath and cursing those who had sent them here to act as bodyguards for an alchemist. It had been a shock, not just to them but to others as well. The Red Ribbon's track record was great, and they hadn't made any recent mistakes, yet there were being sent out with the expedition, something that was considered a punishment.

She had been furious of course, and when she had questioned the decision all she had been told was that it was for a very important purpose, that they needed to send a group they could trust and that she would find out more on the journey to the plains. She hadn't understood at first, especially not when they had met the alchemist.

Dylan had seemed average in their first meeting and she had started to believe the excuse she had been given had been only to placate her and the Red Ribbons. That was until mid-way through the expedition when she had discovered the true purpose, and what the alchemist had been sent for.

She remembered how close it had been, and that they were lucky to have only disturbed a few smaller beasts and nothing too powerful. Even luckier that none of the other groups had questioned it or found anything odd, at least none of them had voiced it.

All it would take was one wrong move, and someone finding out. Then they would be done for, and if their true purpose was discovered and the reasons, then war would be inevitable. A war or massacre she and those she worked for wouldn't survive.

"That damn philosophers tower," she muttered.

It was an insane thing, what the alchemist was doing, what her superiors were allowing to be done because it could lead to disaster.

She still wondered how exactly they had managed to do what had been done to the expedition and decrease interest, enough that they would be forced to use the safest path since there wouldn't be enough powerful arcanists to use the other paths. The location was easier to get to from the safest path, midway through the journey. They had somehow orchestrated it, and no one had noticed because no one really cared too much about the expedition. It had become more a tradition than anything.

It had worked the first time, but it also needed to work the second. The future of all those she cared for, of all her sisters, lay in the hands of a damn human alchemist. At least he seemed to know what he was doing. She had half expected all of them to die the first time, and then what would the rest do?

Not all of her sisters knew after all. Only Milenia, Vita, Hayley, and Hex knew, and they had all shown much worry and skepticism when she had revealed what the alchemist had told her. Even Vita had seemed worried and scared, which she knew had raised all of their worries in turn. Vita was fearless most of the time, walking into danger with a smile on her face even against those who were far stronger than her. If she was scared then it was serious.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comShe picked up the glass and drained it before getting up and grabbing the whole bottle. She plopped back down and began drinking straight from it. She needed a break and some time to relax. She hadn't gotten it after their last job which had been difficult, to say the least, especially since they had lost two sisters. That had been the greatest loss that had happened since their days in Blydar where the Red Ribbons had almost broken.

No time to mourn or to rest.

She knew it was a compliment in a way, that her team had been trusted with the information and was sure the reward would be great, but she wasn't sure if it was all worth it.

'Better be a damn good reward,' she thought to herself.

As she tried to drink the problems away for a short respite, she thought of Misty, the platinum blonde with the unique smell, and aura about her. Vampires could feel how powerful each other's bloodlines were unless it was being masked, and Misty had felt powerful, more so than her own, but also different from any other she had ever sensed.

Misty smelled old, very old, ancient, yet also young. It was like she both at once. Then there were the eyes. At first, they had seemed normal, black and crimson, common for stronger vampire bloodlines, but then when she had pulled aether from her core, the blue and white had appeared, colors she had never seen in the eyes of a vampire.

She wasn't sure if the others had noticed it, but there had been a subtle change when she had taken a step towards Milenia. Her body stance, voice, and aura had shifted from calm to a waiting beast. Juveria knew enough to know that it wasn't normal for Misty. Maybe it was something the verdant princess had taught her?

Juveria had heard about the famous jungle queen of course but had no idea how much knowledge she or the green court had on vampires, and it wasn't as if she could just go ahead and ask. She wouldn't be dealing with some dryad or even a lady or lord, but the daughter of the queen, and all it would take was some wrong words or an accidental threat on her part for the Red Ribbons to end. She had also heard the jungle queen was smart, very smart, and didn't want to risk her somehow finding out the reason they were here.

It was also that which had made her give the order for her vampires to stay far away from the lady Aeverie or any of her personal guards. Fae were tricky and observant. That matched with her intelligence made her finding out about what they were doing a serious threat.

The only good thing that had occurred during their task so far had been finding Misty and the potential she might join the sisterhood, though not for long if she did plan to only be a half-sister. Then again, maybe she would find herself enjoying life with their group better than with her lover and the jungle queen. The fight between her and Milenia should definitely be entertaining and in truth, Juveria didn't know what the outcome would be. Milenia was a level above Misty, but the platinum blonde vampire had been trained by the Zirani Atmore, and who knew what other unique traits she possessed.

'I wonder how she became a vampire. Vita said Misty didn't answer her when she asked.'

She finished the bottle off and was about to grab another when there was a knock at the door. She place the bottle underneath the desk and then straightened in her seat. "Who is it?"


"Come in," Juveria said, relaxing. "What have you brought me?"

The short vampire with strawberry blonde pigtails grinned. "Some good news, some bad."

"Give me the bad first" Juveria said. "Get it out of the way."

"Well, our alchemist was being followed."

Juveria bolted up. "What! By who?"

"By one of Lady Aeverie's personal guards," Hayley replied. "I don't why, or for what reason, just that they were. They followed him until he reached the plaza again, that's it."

"You think they know?" Juveria asked, her mind racing with possibilities.

"Maybe," Hayley said. "Or maybe she suspects something, or it could be for another reason entirely."

Juveria held her head in her hands. "This isn't good. If we're discovered then all of us will be killed or worse. We can't fight them or run."

Juveria heard footsteps then two hands began massaging her shoulders.

"Relax, sister," Hayley said softly. "I've spoken to the alchemist and he's assured me he will take extra precautions and that there is no way she could have found out."

Juveria leaned back and let Hayley do her work. She had never asked the short vampire where she had learned how to give such excellent massages but she wasnt going to complain. She and Hayley had known each other the longest, and before she had asked Milenia to be her second, she had gone to Hayley who had declined, saying she'd rather remain as the intelligence gather and basically spymaster.

"The fae are clever," Juveria said. "We need to be careful."

"We will be," Hayley said leaning down and beginning to kiss up and down Juveria's neck. "I promise I will do my best. I haven't failed you yet."

Juveria turned and moved a hand to grasp Hayley's chin. She turned the blonde's head and met her lips in a soft kiss. "I know, Hayley. I just don't want to lose any of you. You're the only family I have ever known."

Hayley smiled and kissed her before spinning her chair around, and moving down onto her knees. "We will get through this, together. Now, relax, and let me help you relax."

Hayley grinned, and Juveria felt her body begin to heat up.

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

I parted ways with Isaac when we got back to the plaza. He thanked me for my time and then left.

It had been a good time, and Isaac had been interesting to talk to, especially since he knew a lot, which made sense since he was a scholar.

As I was making my way back to the green court area, I focused on my bonds to check on the girls, which caused me to stumble into someone.

I pulled back. "Oh sorry I…"

My words trailed off as I realized that I had walked into the figure wrapped in bandages, and this close I could see it was a woman as the figure was feminine. She wore a coat over the bandages, but nothing else, and I couldn't tell if she was wearing anything underneath. Her right eye was milky white with no pupil while the other was grey. I saw no emotion in either, and for a moment we just stared at each other.

"Ermm, sorry about that," I said. "I didn't mean to walk into you."

"It's fine," she replied, and her voice was a little rough, though still feminine.

Not knowing what else to say, and feeling awkward, I offered my hand. "I'm Aiden."

She glanced down but didn't shake my hand. "I'm Brook."

"Well it's nice to meet you," I said. "You're with the Saevire clan, right?"

She nodded and narrowed her eyes. "You don't have to pretend."

I frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Are you not disgusted?" She asked.

"By what?" I questioned, confused.

She waved to herself. "Me. I am undead."

I shrugged. "Ok, and that should make me disgusted, why?"

Confusion bloomed in her eyes, the first emotion I had seen from her. "Because I am a living corpse. I am an abomination."

I snorted. "No your not. I've seen true abominations, and you don't even come close. As for being a corpse, so what? I'd take it as a good thing. You alive aren't you, and it's not like you smell or look bad, though I can't see that, and even if you do, it wouldn't matter to me. Sure it might be unpleasant, I won't lie to you, but I'm not the type to judge on looks."

Maybe that was a little lie. I didn't judge personality on looks, that would be more accurate.

"I find it odd you're calling yourself an abomination," I said.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com"Why would I lie to myself?" she asked.

"How you see yourself is your choice," I said. "You are an undead revenant, yes, but that doesn't mean you're an abomination. Can you feel emotion?"

She nodded.


She nodded.

"Then you're not that much different from most races," I said.

"I was not born normally though," she said.

I sighed, not knowing how to phrase what I wanted to say. "Listen, I'm not arguing with you about physical aspects or what you are. I'm saying that it doesn't matter in concern to you thinking of yourself in such a way. You're not an abomination because of what you physically are, but how you view yourself and probably the views of others which has affected you."

"Well said," a voice rang out, and turned to see the half-demon that Zirani had called a cambion, walking towards me. It was then that I realized I was in the border between the green court area and the area that must have belonged to the Sevire clan.

The half-demon held a hand out and I shook it. "I'm Rett and you must be the Aiden, I've been hearing so much about."

"That's me," I said with a sigh. "Are you the leader of the clan?"

"The leader for this group yes," Rett said. "But not the whole clan. I'm just an outer elder. Brook, what are you doing here."

"I wanted to smell the flowers," Brook replied. "I wasn't going to go into the court's area, just stay here."

"Oh." Rett sighed. "Brook, I spoke to the lady Aeverie and she said she was fine with you entering the area as long as you didn't cause any trouble."

"I don't want to scare anybody," Brook said.

"Why would anybody be sacred?" I asked.

"I'm a revenant,' she matter of factly.

"Again, why does that matter?" I asked.

"You're not familiar with things in the lands beyond the great scar," Rett said. "Undead are not viewed favorably, and in most places, Brook would not be welcome."

"I see." I turned to Brook. "I apologize for some of my earlier words."

"No need." She shook her words. "You have been polite to me."

"And you've wise words for one so young," Rett added. "Though I suppose you do have an excellent teacher."

"And aunt," I said. "She taught me a lot about the world and people."

"She did a good job," Rett said and rubbed his chin. "I wonder, what do you think of me?"

I took that as an opportunity to inspect him, and I found that he didn't seem too different from a human, apart from the red horns on his head which curved up, and his eyes which had pitch-black iris and white pupils. He was tall and muscular, but I didn't know if that was because he was a half-demon or because of training or something else. He didn't seem hostile, though I sensed that he was controlling or holding something back.

"You look different," I said. "The horns look cool, I guess. I've never met a half-demon, let alone a demon."

"Yes, to be expected since you're from the plains." He sighed. "Well just know that demonkind is the most hated race."

"Why?" I asked.

"You should ask your teacher about that, it's not something I wish to speak of." His face darkened and my instincts screamed out before whatever he had let loose was back under control.

He relaxed after a moment. 'Sorry about that, I can lose control sometimes. Can you please put away the weapon?"

I blinked and realized that in response to my instincts kicking in, I had formed my bark armor and pulled my glaive from one of my spatial rings. I dispersed the armor and placed the ring back. "Wasn't expecting that. I take it that's a demon thing."

Rett nodded. "It is, and is useful at the time, and annoying at others."

"I will," I said and turned to Brook. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Brook, maybe you would be interested in showing me around your area sometime?"

She stared at me and opened her mouth, but Rett interrupted her. "She would love that."

I turned to Brook who glanced at Rett and then nodded.

With that, I left them and walked back to the court area, not really sure of what to think of them. Brook seemed odd, and self-deprecating, and Rett had seemed like just a normal guy, apart from the whole demon thing, though there had been an air of violence about him, just there under the surface. It had only been two days and yet I had met many interesting people, and would probably meet many more.

As I made it back to the court area, I realized I had walked into Brook before I had fully checked the bonds, so I focused on them, and found that things had most definitely changed.


Rett stared at Aiden's back as he walked away before turning to Brook. "Well, it seems you've made a friend."

Brook frowned. "I didn't mean to."

"Yet you did," Rett sighed. "And it's a good thing. He seems nice."

He also hadn't looked disgusted in any way when looking at either of them. There had been no hatred, just curiosity, and interest, which made sense, since he was of the plains and had said he hadn't ever met a half-demon before, or a demon. Then of course there were the words he had spoken to Brook, and how he had sounded like he had meant them. Rett had heard similar words when he had first joined the Sevire clan.

He had been like Brook in some ways though not as messed or broken up as she was. She had been with the clan for over three years and no one had managed to help her much. She still thought of herself as a horrid abomination. She kept to herself and didn't speak much with anyone other than him and the few others that she did? It was only in one or two words answers.

Until now.

'Trained by Zirani Atmore.'

Those of the green court were kinder to his kind and others most hated, but not all of them. For them, it was less hatred and a more natural reaction. Demons were of destruction and death, while most races of the green court were of life and nature. Yes, there were those of death amongst them, but not like him or Brook. He supposed he should be happy that the green court didn't kill his kind on sight considering they had an area that was the sight of yearly demon incursions.

"Aiden Hawke," He muttered as Brook wandered back to their area. "Are you truly as you seem?"

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

I found Sandra and Zirani back at our temporary home, and both turned to me when I stepped inside. Zirani had a smile on her face while Sandra looked worried, and through her bond, I could feel a tinge of feat, but also determination and faith in me. Well, that was certainly nice and very much appreciated, it wasn't normal and clearly had been brought about due to something that had happened.

"What happened?" I asked, deciding to just get right to.

Zirani glanced at Sandra. "Would you like to tell him or should I?"

"I'll do it," Sandra said, smiling hesitantly at me.

"Tell me what?" I asked. "And is it bad?"

"Depends on how you see it," Sandra replied. "We went to the Umbrin clan area as we said, and watched Kai's brother spar. Not much else happened, but as we were leaving things just sort of happened, Aiden."

"Like what?"

Sandra took a deep breath. "Pate wanted to fight you, and Zirnai said that would be fine."

"Ok…?" I frowned, confused as to where she was going with this. I hadn't known Kai had a brother, but it's not like I was against sparring someone. The spar with Hank had been fun, but quick and hadn't really tested me. If this Pate was skilled then I would fight him.

"We made a bet," Sandra said quickly, as if desperate to get the words out. She glanced at Zirani who nodded for her to continue. "If we win then they will swear a loyalty oath to me on behalf of their family, but if they win, then, I will marry Pate."

There was a flash of red that covered my vision and a grinding noise, which I realized was me greeting my teeth. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sandra winced. "I know it seems risky."

"Risky?" I said, my voice rising. "Why make a bet like that? In fact Zirani why did you let her make a bet like that?"

I felt a mix of confusion and anger race through me, slightly at them for making such a bet, but also at Kai and whoever the hell this Pate was.

"Because she trusts you," Zirani said, and her words quelled the rising inferno of my anger somewhat. "Because she trusts that you're strong enough to take him out and end this problem. Also, I wouldn't have allowed her to make such a bet if I wasn't confident you could win."

I looked over at Sandra who had lowered her eyes and refused to meet my own. I knew I had a right to be angry, and that she should have contacted me before agreeing, but I also felt happy that she trusted me and believed in me enough that I would win this. Although, no matter what I felt, the simple fact was that the decision she had made was not only reckless but just plain idiotic. If not for the fact that Zirani had allowed it, I might have been worried.

I walked over and sat beside her, pulling her chin up with a hand and placing a tender kiss on her lips. Her eyes were watery and her hands shot around me in a tight hug as she buried her face in my chest. I could feel through the bond that she was overwhelmed with multiple emotions.

For a moment, I felt the lost queen's attention turn to Sandra, and I felt uncertainty and indecisiveness along with a sense of familiarity as though she was seeing something she had seen before, though I could sense it wasn't directed at Sandra, at least not at her as a person. Before I could figure anything else out, she blocked herself off. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Sandra, pushing what had just happened to the back of my mind for later.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comI sighed. "I'm not going to apologize for being angry because I don't see a reason to, but I am sorry that you, Sandra, have been affected by this so much that you made such a ridiculously stupid decision. I am still somewhat shocked, and annoyed, but you don't have to worry, I will win, that I promise you. Next time you do something like this think of all the consequences. If it had been something like spending some time with him, I would still be mad, but marriage?"

I shook my head. "Sandra I'd be furious if not for the other emotions I feel."

There was no way in hell, that I was going to let this Pate marry Sandra, and allow her to live a miserable life. The very idea made my blood boil once more and it took an effort to push it down so that I could continue to comfort Sandra.

I rubbed her back and when she pulled back, I kissed her tears away. "I love you Sandra, and I will win, but do not do something like this again, at least not without talking to me about it first. This type of arrogance does not suit you. I understand and cherish your faith in me, but there is confidence and trust and then there is arrogance and stupidity. I mean does our relationship mean so little that you'd wager it?"

"I'm sorry Aiden, I really am." She shook her head and clearly held back tears. "I got overwhelmed, and I just want to get it over with, this drama and back and forth with them."

"Sandra, I get it," I said, though I still partially couldn't believe she had actually made such a bet. It seemed so out of left field. "I do, but you can't let things like this get to you so easily. You've faced down abominations and risked your life. You fought in a war for heaven's sake, and at the end of the day, this Kai can't do a damn thing to you. Zirani has said as much."

"Don't be too harsh on her," Zirani said. "In truth, it is a stupid choice, but one she made and one I allowed it to happen because of my judgment in your ability to win this duel because that's what it is, a duel for her."

I glanced at Zirani and once again felt the lost queen's attention shift, though with the block up I couldn't sense any emotions or feelings. I checked my bond with Zirani and couldn't detect any problems though I couldn't help but feel as if something was off. It could just be paranoia but no reason not to check.

"Zirani we need to talk later, in private," I said mentally too which she nodded, and when she sent back a question I just sent back the word later and turned my full attention to Sandra. Best to check on her after Zirani, that is if I found anything, though what could affect Zirani?

Maybe I was just being paranoid. I was still going to check though. After what had happened with the hag, I was going to be more careful and not take chances when I could do something about it. That is if there was a problem at all.

Refocusing on Sandra, I sighed and shook my head. I hadn't expected this petty drama to have such an effect on Sandra, then again I couldn't have known as it was her first time dealing with something like this, at least as far as I knew.

"Please, don't do something like this again," I said, gazing directly into her eyes.

She smiled and nodded. "I know, and I won't, I'm sorry, Aiden."

"Apology accepted," I said. "Now tell me about this Pate, is he skilled and when is the fight?"

Zirani nodded. "The fight will take place in the central area of the plaza in four days. As for Pate, He is skilled and talented. We didn't see much of what he could do, but his affinities are dark and metal, an unusual combination, and not one you see too often. He is an efficient and simple fighter, not showy moves or wasting time. Every movement he took in the fight we saw was calculated and he is similar to you in that he has a mind for battle tactics. I can see why the main family has taken an interest in him."

"Main family?"

Zirani nodded. "It's the reason they would even agree to this. Pate is talented enough that if he did win, then he would actually be able to marry her, and the main family wouldn't just call it off or kill him and his family if they made too much noise about it."

"I see," I mused. "And this loyalty oath?"

"Well to put it simply, they would be my subordinates," Sandra said. "They would still be loyal first to the main family leaders, but they would have to do anything I said or commanded of them."

"Couldn't you have asked for something else?"

Sandra shrugged and leaned against my chest. "What else could I have asked for? I will have all the wealth I need once I make it back to my family and resources. Kai's family can offer me nothing of value except their loyalty."

"Speaking of loyalty."

Misty's voice sounded and we turned to see her standing in the doorway, with a smile on her face. Her smile faded when she noticed Sandra's wet cheeks and she immediately rushed over to sit beside the dark-haired arcanist. "What happened?"

"You explain," Sandra told me.

Misty moved her gaze to me so I explained everything Sanda had told me. When I was done the blonde looked sympathetic but also angry, though, at the mention of four days and the fight taking place in the shared area, she seemed amused.

"I also have a fight in four days," Misty said. 'At the shared area, with one of the Red Ribbons."

"You do?" I questioned. "Why, did you get into with them?"

"Just one," she replied. "All but her were friendly and I got to speak to their leader."

"You gonna join them?" Sandra asked, and it was obvious she wanted to hear no. So did I, but I also knew that this was Misty's choice, and as long as we remained together then I could separate from her for a time, though it pained me to think about.

"I don't know yet," Misty answered. "And if I do, it will be more as a half member, so that leaving will be easier because, at the end of the day, my place is with you. I love you Aiden."

Warmth blossomed in my chest as I gazed into her eyes. "I love you too."

Not even a year had passed and I already had such close relationships.

Zirani suddenly got to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. "Four days, I think that's plenty of time to get some training in and to prepare."

I glanced to Misty who shrugged. "I'm fine with that."

"So am I," I said.

"Oh, Zirani I wanted to ask you something," Misty said. "When I was speaking to the leader of the Red ribbons, she spoke about cutting bonds temporarily."

My gaze shot towards her and she quickly added, "I'm not saying I'm going to. She simply asked if I would be willing, but I don't know how it works or anything about it."

I breathed a sigh of relief,

"It's not that complicated," Zirani said. "There are different ways you can do it. You could create a solid block that would essentially nullify all aspects of the bonds. It would still be there, but you wouldn't be able to sense or feel anything from the other person. There are techniques that cut the bond, but in a way that allows it to be put back together very easily. That's what she most likely meant. It makes sense that she wouldn't want you to have a bond with someone outside of the group while you were in it."

Misty nodded. "I see."

After a bit more talking we ended up ordering some food, which was just as amazing as the meal had been yesterday. As we ate, I thought about both Sandra and Misty and how things were changing. We hadn't even reached the lands beyond the scar, but Sandra was already in some maneuvering of sorts, and Misty was thinking of joining a vampire group, not that I blamed her for it. I had been able to note the hesitance and sadness she felt whenever she thought of cutting the bond, even temporarily. I knew she didn't want to leave just as much as I don't want her to leave.

One thing was for certain though, I would beat Pate, and help Misty how I could because I had a feeling that once we reached the lands beyond the scar, we would part ways for a time, and I would enter the green court to deal with whatever problems and challenges came my way.

I loved both of them, but I also knew that they had their own paths and that until we were strong enough, there would be times we would have to separate.

It was painful to think of, but also true.

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

[Thank you a ton for the super gift DaoisthjHmRD, your continued your support is honestly very heartwarming and pushes me to continue writing this novel < 3]

[This is a quick note to some people. I've said this in another chapter, but I'll repeat it for those who are unaware. I know some of you are not a fan of the slower pace and multiple povs but In a few chapters, this slower pace will end and things will go back to first-person for Aiden as the main focus. It was only for this arc as I had a lot of things I wanted to set up, and others to introduce to the readers. This slower pace will be ending soon, and things will be speeding up like before. A lot of novels have parts where things slow down for one reason or another. I can assure you this won't be the entire novel, just this arc and maybe another in the future if I see the need again. This was also my first time doing something like this and multiple povs and for next time I'll know what to keep in and what not to. You live and learn. I hear your concerns and I will not ignore them.]

Aeverie reclined on her comfortable seat as Julian massaged her shoulders. She let out a sigh and congratulated herself for teaching him and for how dedicated he was. Sure he could be an annoyance at times, and far too clingy, but he was also extremely loyal, to a fanatical level, and she was pretty sure if she asked, he would die for her. Not for the first time, she wondered about maybe shaping him so that he remained with her, but then she shook the thought away. She had promised herself that she would fix him and then send him on his way to live a proper life, not bound to her and no longer broken by the past.

As she enjoyed the comfortable feel of his hands on her skin, she thought about her upcoming plans, and if tonight would be the night this city would change. At first, her only plan had been to rid the city of the slave ring and all those involved, but after she had learned about the people in charge, she had realized their deaths would destabilize things so she had been forced to put more plans into play, and it had not ended with that.

Shana, one of the dryads who had come on the journey, and a friend to Aeverie, had come to her very upset, and with information that the charity they had bestowed was not been used in the right way. Aeverie had been aware and hadn't really been going to do much about it, but for a friend, she would, and it's not as if it wouldn't work along with what she already had planned.

In fact, at this point, she was going to change the city in major ways. Contacts had been made, along with binding oaths, people had been killed, and others were raised into positions of power. This city would come out better after she was done, and had cleaned the filth.

In truth, even if her sister hadn't asked, she would have dealt with the slave traders. She had already planned to send people into the city to gather information, mainly out of boredom, and they would have discovered the slave trade.

It was a disgusting thing, slavery, and something the green court fought against. Slavery was outlawed in their lands, and those caught with slaves or having anything to do with them were killed. They also did not trade to those who dealt in salves, which she had heard in the first decades had caused major shifts as the green court provided far too many valuable resources alongside multitudes of other things.

As Julian was moving to her neck, one of her personal guards entered. She had brought her own guards on the trip for many reasons, the greatest being their loyalty to her, and their superior skill and power. She did trust the other guards, but not with her secrets, and certainly not enough to carry out the tasks she gave to her personal guard. She had hand-picked them and helped train them to be as good as they were. They were great fighters, but mostly average. It was not in battle that they truly shone.

As the guard stopped in front of her, Aeverie waved a hand and used a technique to silence all sound and sight for Julian. He paused for a moment then continued working on her neck. She had done this before, and by now he was used to it

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.com"Lady Aeverie, all is in order." The guard bowed. "We are ready to begin."

She smiled. "Good, any problems or things of note?"

"Not for the plan, but the alchemist, Dylan who we trailed after his meeting with the enemy spy, had his own protection in place. I believe we may have been caught trailing him due to the closeness we needed to implant the device."

"The vampire?" She asked.

The guard nodded. "The device and creature did seem like one of hers."

Aeverie tapped her chin, wondering what they were hiding. She was smart enough to know that the Red Ribbons had not been sent on the expedition with a human alchemist out of interest. She knew there was something going on and was determined to find out what. Of course, it had been more difficult due to them having a professional with them who knew of information gathering, infiltration, and other espionage.

Hayley was good at what she did.

'But not good enough.'

"Did you at least get the tracker planted?"

The guards smiled. "We did, my lady, and we have been able to confirm it has not been discovered."

"Good." Aeverie smiled. She was going to find out what those bloodsuckers were up to. "If all is ready then you have my permission to begin, don't fail me."

The guard bowed low. "We shall not, my lady."

Once he had left, Aeverie dispersed the technique from Julian and then turned onto her stomach so that he could massage her back.

Now that was over with, and in motion, she could move her mind to other topics such as the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan and the bet that she had made with Kai and his younger brother. A fight that would determine the girl's future, and if she would return to her lands already having conquered a branch family on her own or at the side of a man she did not love as some tool to be used. It was risky and all depend on Aiden, who she knew was currently training with Zirani.

She had not seen him fight but had heard he had bested a thousand drops sect disciple in seconds, impressing Xavier, and then there was the fact that Zirani had trained him. He was very capable and talented, and that was without mentioning the divine power that lay within him. She did know how that would factor into things, but whatever happened would surely be interesting. She had heard that talk of the fight had spread already and bets were being placed. She would have to place some on Aiden winning. If her elder sister had allowed this, then she must be confident Aiden could win, and her sister was rarely wrong.

The day before they left was going to be quite an event, especially since Aiden wouldn't be the only one fighting. The blonde had challenged one of the Red Ribbons, though Aeverie didn't know the reason. She did know, however, that the blonde had shown interest in joining the Red Ribbons, which made sense in a way. She was a vampire and wanted to find out more about herself and her race. The Red Ribbons as far as Aeverie knew through various sources were good at what they did, which made why they were here even more interesting since this would be considered punishment duty, and she knew from her sources that the Red Ribbons had done nothing to warrant punishment, certainly not one as bad as this.

She turned onto her back, and with a wave of her hand, closed the door, and removed her own and Julian's clothing. She spread her legs, and Julian moved in between them, not needing any sort of verbal command.

'Definitely not a boring trip anymore.'


Zirani tilted her head to the side and frowned as she spotted one of Aeverie's personal guards headed her way.

"Continue what you've been doing. I'll be in an hour or so."

Aiden looked like he wanted to ask, but she sent over a mental message promising she'd tell him later

She was training Aiden and Misty in a different way than she had, and to be honest it felt good since it had been a little over a month since she had last trained them and it had felt good, to be helping arcanists with such great potential growth, to help friends and loved ones.

"Princes, Zirani." The guard bowed. "I have come to inform you that we are beginning."

She nodded. Aeverie had told Zirani her plans, and she had been very impressed and proud of her sister but hadn't shown much of an interest in doing much to help the plan, since she didn't really need to. The only thing she had done was increased the parameters of the spatial tree in the city garden, and tell her sister to inform her of when the plan was going to start as she wanted to inform Sofia and get them ready.

She also needed to speak with certain people that her sister had helped rise to power and would help when the dust had settled after tonight. The rescued women would be given all the help they needed and if things went fully to plan, then this city would end up far better than it had been and far brighter.

She thanked the guard for informing her and he bowed low before leaving. She glanced at Aiden and Misty once more and then moved to a nearby tree. She placed her hand on its trunk and then was gone.

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Night fell on the city of Evernord. The day market closed and the night market opened, as a new crowd took over the city. The noisy bustle had died down, but the city was still very much alive. Lights shone upon all major streets and areas, leaving only the dark corners and forgotten places of the city to remain in darkness. Areas where men and women of unsavory character gathered for many a reason.

Locked doors opened, and awakened by the night, those who profited from a darker sort of business took to the forgotten streets, the dark alleyways, and certain areas. There was no middle ground to them, and either they were well off, or living off scraps.

Whores sold their bodies while back street thugs picked out targets. Scavenger alchemists sold cheaply made potions, most of which, barely did what was promised. Knives flashed, blood was spilled, and money was stolen. A night ripe with the sounds of a darker side to a city that seemed so happy in the light.

But just as the day falls and gives way to night, so did the common folk sleep, to allow the criminals out.

Of course, crime did occur in daylight, but not to the extent it did at night. No, the night belonged to the criminal element, of which many took part. Including those which already stood above most. The rich, the wealthy, and those with power.

Many had once been common criminals and had risen, while others were simply rich folk looking to get richer.

Another night, but this time it was different.

Nobody in the city knew, and they wouldn't know. Not until it was all over, and the change had already occurred. They would fall asleep in a masked city, only to wake up to find that the mask had gone and that the ugliness had been revealed. It would be hard, but it was needed for things to heal, for the ugly to become beauty.

"Sir, five minutes remaining."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comAtop a building sat three of lady Aeverie's personal guards. Highly trained fighters, and agents skilled in espionage, and infiltration. They were elite, and not like the normal soldier. Each had enchanted clothing and techniques around them. They would make no sound as they walked, no breath would be heard. The lesser arcanists of the plains would not notice them, and never would, not even when they died. There was more there, enough to make any wealthy man of the plains salivate, but to those in the lands beyond the scar, the armor and enchantments would only be above average. They didn't need anything else for this plan

All across the city, others groups lay in wait, with the largest at the manor where the ringleader known as Lex was located and where the bunker lay underneath. The brothels which had been shut, the warehouses, and every single known minor and major criminal group had been located and on this night those that had been deemed too far gone would be put down and cleansed. This whole city would be cleansed, and all the creatures of the night would fall.

So too would the corrupt, and those who had profited from the suffering of the less fortunate Those who had thought there were above the law, and that their positions, wealth, and power would be enough to protect them.

Perhaps against those of the plains, yes, but a lady of the verdant court? They were already dead, they simply didn't know it yet.

It was not just a night where people would fall, however, but also where many would rise. People who were deemed worthy and those that had not been corrupted and cared for the city and its people had been given instructions, wealth, power, and promises. In exchange, they had taken an oath, a binding oath that would see them dead if they ever broke it. Many would rise to new positions of power while some who were already in such positions would simply have more to do, and wouldn't be threatened by others like Lex. Those types would be gone by the end of the night, so none had to worry about them anymore

"One minute left."

The various groups of Aeverie's guards readied themselves and each began counting down in their minds. The seconds ticked by and when they all hit zero, they moved into action.


The various criminals in the city didn't stand a chance and most didn't even see death coming. One moment they were alive and the next they were not. None died a painful death even if most deserved it. They were being seen as filth to clean, and it wasn't like you showed malice when washing your hands or a piece of clothing.

It was undoubtedly the crueler and more apathetic side of the fae which had remained even after the calamity. One spoken of in many forgotten folktales and legends across many worlds.

The brothels that had been closed due to the destruction of one were all destroyed and the men that had been set to guard them and watch for any attackers were killed. Aeverie guards didn't bother with picking up the dead bodies.

The new mayor and the rest of the newly risen by Aeverie would deal with most of the aftermath and informing the city's people of the changes and what had taken place. Aeverie was not planning on leaving any of her people behind which was why binding oaths had been used to ensure things did not fall back into what they had been. That and she had promised to send people over with the next expedition to check on the City.

The smaller groups of criminals responsible for murder, theft, and worse were ended, though a few of the lesser groups which only did minor acts such as pickpocketing and stealing from stores were given warnings. If they decided not to heed them then the new City guard would deal with them.

The current city guard was almost completely corrupt and though minor crime was stopped, it was only the crime committed by the common criminals. Those who worked for the wealthy and powerful and those who paid bribes got off scot-free for the most part. The people of the city knew, but most had lived with it for so long that they saw it as normal and most people dared not go against the status quo.

The criminals that were part of groups were also for the most part put down, though many were also spared and would be given opportunities to give up the crime and live better. Many criminals did what they did out of desperation, and because they had no other way to make money. Those supporting families or who were redeemable would be given chances and helped. Aeverie hadn't ordered everyone to be killed indiscriminately.

Lastly came those in power. It was more difficult to get rid of them, but not by much. Their manors, estates, and homes were easily infiltrated and many were killed in their sleep alongside much of their forces which would make things easier for those chosen by Aeverie to take control. It was a sad thing, but Aeverie had allowed a few to surrender and give up much of what they had before this night. Those who were being killed were those Aeverie had deemed deserved death.

Of course, many had children and those that were deemed innocent would be spared and given part of their partner's wealth, but that was all. It would be a new dawn for the city of Evenord, and many families would fall, never to rise again.

As this was all happening, one group in particular, larger than the others was getting ready to play their part. They were set to begin after the others. Their target was Lex, and the group he was with along with the bunker beneath his manor, where all of the slaves were located. The warehouses where the slavers that went to get slaves were, had already been dealt with by now.

On this night, Lex was hosting another party, smaller than the last but still full of many targets and people that would need to be dealt with.


From within a tree in the park or garden of Evenord, Zirani sat beside Sofia, watching as the other girls got done with their meals. She had decided to bring them food from the court, and it had really impressed many of them, especially a few who had been cooks before being taken. They all looked far better than they had when she had first seen them and though many were still broken and needed healing, it was progress and with what was soon about to be done, they would all get the help they needed.

She felt bad that many had been left alone since their families had been killed, but in a way, they had found a new family. Many of the women had taken comfort in each other's presence and only a few preferred to be alone. The body had been fixed, but the mind was not as simple nor easy. If she and Aeverie had another week then they would be able to help personally and get things done faster, but they didn't. Zirani would help as she could and Aeverie had given some elixirs which she had brought with her to Zirani to give to some of the women.

"Zirani, is it happening…now?"

Zirani nodded with a warm smile. "It is Sofia. They will all be free and safe very soon."