
Chapter 311: The Fire Phoenix's Carcass

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The rules for advancing from complete gold-level to holy fire-level were totally different from the norm.

Upgrading from iron to gold-level would only require one to kill a Life Seed monster. After the monster was killed, one would automatically go through a Life Light Baptism. The Life Seed would be drawn into the hunter's body as well, allowing the hunter to directly complete the transformation.

Upgrading to holy fire-level, however, one would need to kill the monster and extract its Life Fire tinder. Upon the completion of the extraction of the tinder, the tinder could be reignited by Life Power after it was inserted into one's body. A Life Fire could then be formed.

However, the success rate of extracting Life Fire tinder was not guaranteed.

After the holy fire-level monster had died, the tinder would exist for only one hour before self-destructing. That being said, not retrieving it within one hour would indicate that the extraction of tinder had failed.

Furthermore, despite the fact that the tinder of Life Fire existed in living organisms, it somehow still had a relatively weak consciousness. It would choose its host on its own. The most likely scenario was that one would only be able to extract tinder with which their Life Power matched.

Therefore, by forcefully extracting tinder from a monster that did not match one's characteristic or element, a hunter could be rejected with a probability of at least 90% and he or she would be unable to extract the tinder. Of course, most of them would not choose to do so.

Yi Yeyu was a good example. To the Fire Phoenix's tinder, her Life Power was absolutely delicious. That was the reason why she could easily complete the extraction of its tinder. In fact, an ordinary person would need to spend more than half an hour to complete the entire process.

Of course, this was what they had to pay attention to during the extraction of tinder. Hunting the monster itself was another thing altogether.

The only similar thing between upgrading from iron to gold-level was that one could form a team to hunt the monster. However, the similarity ended there.

While hunting for the tinder of a monster, aside from the human's combat strength having to be lower than that of the monster by at least one level, a limit for the number of people was there - not more than 100 participants could join!

The number of monsters being summoned would not be counted in this party of hunters.

However, there were rules established for the monsters being summoned as well. First of all, the monsters being summoned must not exceed the monster's combat strength. Secondly, the number of monsters being summoned could not exceed ten and lastly, the person who obtained the tinder would be the one who last killed the monster.

No matter how hard they tried, even if their Life Power matched the tinder's characteristics and regardless of how delicious it was to the tinder, it would not have any reaction.

Going against any of the rules, even after the monster had been killed, the tinder would automatically collapse as soon as the monster died. It was an absolute restriction. During the past hundred years, many of them had been looking for different tricks and ways to bypass the rules. Instead, as a consequence, they had only proven that these were rules that could not be violated and there would be no exclusion.

Upon obtaining the tinder, it would automatically immerse itself in the hunter's body to obtain his or her Life Wheel. One would have to allow the tinder to absorb all the Life Power to ignite it.

The tinder and Life Power were correlated. The higher the compatibility between the both of them, the faster the tinder would light up and the reverse was true. It would then take a longer time to transform the tinder into a Life Fire.

Apparently, Yi Yeyu's Life Power was extremely compatible with the tinder. In about three minutes, the tinder had completely engulfed her Life Power and transformed, igniting the Life Fire.

After the Life Fire had been ignited, there would be some changes in the quality of Life Power released.

If the concentration of Life Power from iron to gold-level was compared to that of vapor, the concentration at complete gold-level would be a denser form of vapor. At holy fire-level, the concentration of Life Power was no longer comparable to that of vapor. There would be changes in the quality of Life Power as it would be more similar to droplets of water instead.

Not only was the concentration of Life Power of those on holy fire-level higher than that of those on complete gold-level by more than tenfold, there was a change in the quality of Life Power as well. The change in the quality of the Life Power would also result in a change in the strength of body and soul.

Before achieving holy fire-level, other than using certain skills, the Life Power would not be able to be separated from one's body. However, upon achieving holy fire-level, the Life Power could exist even if it had detached from the body. By achieving such a level, humans could generate impact waves like what occurred in Dragon Ball as long as they had sufficient Life Power.

That was also the reason why Lin Huang was so eager to become a Transcendent.

Furthermore, the existence of the Life Fire could increase the rate of recovery of the Life Power in the human body by more than tenfold.

Yi Yeyu had a unique physique. It took her only about half an hour for her Life Power to be filled by the Life Fire. Even the Life Power within her body had been restored. She felt energetic and powerful to the point that she even thought that she was having an illusion. She slowly opened her eyes, looking at the both of them who kept watch beside her.

"You've filled your Life Power so quickly?!" Although he knew that Yi Yeyu had a unique physique, still, Lin Huang was surprised.

"Yes." Yi Yeyu nodded.

Lin Huang hesitated for a moment and requested, "This… Could you please sell the Fire Phoenix carcass to me?"

"The carcass belongs to you. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to complete the extraction of its tinder. I've done nothing since the beginning. What I did was just kill it at the end of the battle," Yi Yeyu laughed at herself.

"I'll take it then. The carcass is useful to me." After finishing his sentence, Lin Huang stored the Fire Phoenix's huge carcass in his storage space. The reason why Lin Huang wanted the carcass of the Fire Phoenix was because it was a monster that had undergone two mutations and it fulfilled the requirement to unseal Bai. After drinking some fresh blood, Bai could then be unsealed.

Lin Huang had asked Xiao Hei about it while Yi Yeyu was igniting her Life Fire. The monster had stronger vitality than humans. The blood of a double mutated monster like the Fire Phoenix would still remain fresh within three hours after it had died.

Not only could the carcass of the Fire Phoenix unseal Bai; there was also no damage to its head, so after Bloody had leveled up, it could try to retrieve information from its brain. There was a possibility that its abilities could be recovered.

"I've finally completed the biggest mission in the training. What's your plan?" Yi Yeyu asked the both of them.

"Of course, I'm aiming for holy fire-level as well…" Seeing that Yi Yeyu had killed the powerful Fire Phoenix and had leveled up, Li Lang looked somehow disappointed. He had chosen a monster that had only mutated once and its tinder was relatively weak.

"Do you need my help?" Lin Huang turned around and asked.

"No, I've already asked a few of them from the Hunter Association to kill it. I've chosen a normal Life Seed monster, so it should be easy to kill. If I can't handle it, I'll contact you then," Li Lang rejected Lin Huang as he had promised his friends to hunt down the monster together. Furthermore, he was confident that he could kill it and he did not want to trouble Lin Huang.

"Lin Huang, what about you?" asked Yi Yeyu.

As soon as Lin Huang was thinking of how he should answer the question, an oppressive aura suddenly came from afar.

Lin Huang's and Yi Yeyu's facial expression changed abruptly. The intimidating aura must have been released by monsters that were at least purple flame-level. It was even stronger than the aura emitted by the Fire Phoenix.


Lin Huang summoned his dimensional relic, the Black Ink, without a moment's hesitation. A black door was instantly activated and the three of them quickly ran over to it

The moment the Black Ink closed and disappeared, a flame that looked like a meteorite hurtled towards the door. The flame blasted off into the sky, stirring up waves in the ocean of lava that reached hundreds of meters high. On the other side, a few of the volcanoes collapsed abruptly due to the energy generated by the shock…

A few moments later, a gigantic dragon-like monster that was even bigger than the Fire Phoenix spread its wings and swept past the entire region…

Chapter 312: Submission Of The Mission

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Holy fire-level was categorized into five mini levels. To rank them in ascending order, white flame-level came first, followed by crimson flame-level, blue flame-level, purple flame-level, then gold flame-level.

Monsters like the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit that Lin Huang had captured earlier and Kylie the Nephilic Judge that he had unsealed as well as the Fire Phoenix that he had just killed were monsters on white flame-level.

However, a white flame-level monster that had mutated a second time would have abilities that were on par with a blue flame-level that had not gone through any mutations yet. As the Fire Phoenix possessed phoenix blood, its ability was slightly stronger. Perhaps, it could even fight a blue flame-level monster that had mutated once.

Although Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu had no idea what the monster that they had detected earlier from afar was, they could sense just from its aura alone that it was on at least purple flame-level. It might be a gold flame-level monster as the aura of the monster was a lot stronger than that of the Fire Phoenix even though it was still far away from them.

Obviously, the monster was attracted by the aura released from the battle. A monster that dared to approach them even after it could sense that there was a battle among three double mutated white flame-level monsters must be confident that it was capable of gobbling up the three powerful double mutated monsters.

Fortunately, Yi Yeyu spent only half an hour to complete the ignition of the Life Fire. If she was a few minutes slower or if the monster came a few minutes earlier, the three of them would definitely become monster food.

Based on Lin Huang's current abilities in addition to the monsters that he could summon, defeating a monster that was on a level like the Fire Phoenix was his maximum limit. Fighting a monster that was stronger than that was beyond his capabilities. That was also the reason why he had chosen to run away at the very moment when he sensed the aura.

Passing through the Black Ink, they appeared at a place that was thousands of kilometers away, somewhere near the forest of the Undying Bloodoaks.

The place was one of the locations that Lin Huang had set previously in the Black Ink, so that he could come over to see Tyrant's condition at any time. Since they were in a hurry when the Black Ink was being activated, he did not manage to choose a specific place in time. Therefore, they were randomly sent to this place.

"What was that?! I felt like it was way stronger than the Fire Phoenix!" The thought struck terror in Yi Yeyu.

"I don't know, but it's at least on purple flame-level. We can't fight it." Lin Huang was slightly relieved. Right at the moment when the door was about to close, he could vaguely see the meteorite approaching.

"Was there a monster attack just now?"

Li Lang could only react to it now that they mentioned it. He had been dragged into the door by Lin Huang, not having any idea about what was happening at all. Listening to their conversation, he then knew why Lin Huang had suddenly summoned a dimensional relic.

Both of them were speechless and took a glance at the ignorant Li Lang.

"By the way, where's this place? It looks familiar." Yi Yeyu suddenly noticed that the surrounding environment was somehow familiar yet strange.

"You feel the same way too? I thought it was an illusion. I feel that it looks like the forest of the Undying Bloodoaks that we passed through previously…" Li Lang's voiced out. As he observed around, he felt odd.

"Yes, it looks like it… But there aren't any Undying Bloodoaks over there. Why have all of them have disappeared?" As soon as Li Lang reminded them of that, Yi Yeyu turned back and looked at the direction where the Undying Bloodoaks were supposed to be. She frowned.

"Lin Huang, why did you set this location as our destination? You're not the one who wiped out everything in the forest, are you?" After witnessing Lin Huang's skills, he felt that no ordinary person could do such a thing. Perhaps, only Lin Huang was capable of doing so.

"No, it's not me. I found out that the forest was being wiped out when I passed through this place a few days ago, so I set this location as I felt that it was weird that the forest has disappeared. I wanted to try and see if I can figure out what's happening by chance when I'm free," Lin Huang simply came up with some excuses.

Both of them easily believed what Lin Huang said as the forest of the Undying Bloodoak had completely disappeared as if it had never existed before. It did not look like it could be done by an ordinary human.

"Many of the unknown abilities that we can't defeat exist in the ruins…" Yi Yeyu sighed.

Lin Huang was slightly relieved as the both of them trusted what he said. In fact, he had revealed many of his abilities to both of them but he did not wish for them to know more of his secrets. It was not because he could not trust them. He felt that the knowledge of his secrets brought no benefit to both parties and it might even cause them trouble.

Glancing at the time projected, it was about eight o'clock at night. It had been more than 40 minutes since the Fire Phoenix had died.

"Lin Huang, is there anything that you have to deal with?" Yi Yeyu asked as she noticed that Lin Huang had also glanced at the time when he had requested for the carcass of the Fire Phoenix from her. He looked at the time again after a while and she could not help but feel that he had something urgent to settle. "Get your work done first. Once you're done, we'll meet again."

"Alright, I do have something to deal with. I'll bring the both of you back to the place for submission of our mission. We've collected enough Transcendent monsters. We might as well submit our assignment first. Wait for me over there and I'll join you guys right after I'm done with my work," Lin Huang suggested.

"If you're in a hurry, you may get your work done first. We're not in rush to submit the mission," Li Lang explained.

"I still have time, let's submit the mission first."

Lin Huang was worried that the both of them were going to stay here as he was afraid that they would discover Tyrant who was unsealing itself underground and that Tyrant's unsealing process would be interrupted. As for Bai's unsealing, although it was only about forty minutes since the Fire Phoenix had died, the submission of the mission could be done in a few minutes, so he would still be able to make it.

He summoned the Black Ink again, specifying the location of the place for submission of their assignment. They strode over to the door and the door gradually closed.

When they appeared again, they arrived at the place where they had gathered during the second round of training.

The examiner of the second round of training, Zang Bing, was startled the moment when he saw them arrive. Immediately, he noticed that Yi Yeyu had achieved white flame-level.

"Why did the three of you come back? Have you completed the mission?!" Zang Bing felt like it was only the second day since the assessment had started. Despite the fact that they had a member who had achieved white flame-level, it was impossible for them to complete the task of killing six Transcendent monsters as looking for the right Transcendent monster alone would take them some time.

"Examiner, we've completed our task and we're here to submit it," Li Lang said with a smile, "I guess we're the first team to complete the mission, aren't we?"

"You'll only be considered to have completed the mission after passing the carcasses to me." Zang Bing stared at Li Lang as he hated glib-tongued people.

"Alright…" Li Lang felt bored and rubbed his nose after listening to what Zang Bing said. He then took out the Afflicted Weaver's dead body while Yi Yeyu took out the dead body of the Fiendish Terraflame Lizard and the Volcanic Giant that she had killed. Lin Huang took out the carcasses of the Undead Soldier, the Greatsword Fiend, and the Blazecrystal Scorpion. He kept the dead body of the double mutated Sanguine Skeletal Spirit under his care.

Seeing the three of them produce six dead bodies of white flame-level monsters, Zang Bing was surprised. Gazing at them, he suspected that there must be a person among them that possessed unique detection abilities. Otherwise, even if they were capable of killing the monsters, it was impossible for them to complete the mission so quickly.

After scrutinizing the dead bodies, although he felt curious to know how some of the monsters had died, he just put the carcasses away and nodded at them.

"The three of you have passed the assessment. Tell me your names!"

"Yi Yeyu."

"Li Lang."

"Lin Huang."

After a short while, Zang Bing found their names on the name list projected and marked a tick beside their names.

"Before the third assessment begins, the three of you can do whatever you like. However, I'd suggest you guys not to be lazy and go kill some Transcendent monsters. You'll know why during the third round of the assessment," Zang Bing issued a simple reminder and did not say anything after that.

"Both of you can wait for me over there. Since it's late now, you can set up the tent somewhere around here and make some food. I'll come back right after I get my things done."

Again, Lin Huang summoned the Black Ink and went through the door…

Chapter 313: Unsealing Bai

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the second mission had been submitted, Yi Yeyu and Li Lang stayed somewhere near the examiner. Lin Huang then left by summoning the Black Ink without any worries.

The first location that he was sent to was the forest of the Undying Bloodoaks as it was where Tyrant was unsealed. He summoned Kylie again and instructed her to keep watch over the place. Lin Huang then summoned the Black Ink and left again.

The next location that he had chosen was a huge, extinct volcano. He had accidentally discovered this place when he had been through here while riding on the Alexandrian Eagle. He felt that the extinct volcano was a good shelter, hence, he had bookmarked the location on the Black Ink. He never knew that it would be useful for him until now.

The location was set right at the entrance of the volcano. After the Black Ink was recalled, Lin Huang summoned the Alexandrian Eagle. Riding on its back, they descended gradually and entered the volcano.

It was an extinct volcano which was quite humongous with a height of more than 5,000 meters. The diameter of its base was about 100 kilometers. There was no more lava beneath the volcano as it had now all become volcanic rock. Not even a hint of heat energy was released.

After he had confirmed that the internal space of the volcano was big enough, Lin Huang then restored the Alexandrian Eagle back to its card form and took out the Fire Phoenix carcass from its storage space. At the same time, Bai was summoned.

Right after Bai was summoned, upon seeing the Fire Phoenix's carcass, he was triggered. He clearly knew that the carcass could help him to unseal himself. However, he did not act first. He looked at Lin Huang instead, waiting for him to give an instruction.

"Drink it," Lin Huang ordered. He was quite satisfied with Bai's reaction. Bai was the most obedient monster among all his monsters in the monster card collection.

Upon receiving Lin Huang's instruction, Bai's eyes suddenly turned red and he pounced on the Fire Phoenix's carcass. He bit into the Fire Phoenix's wound on its neck with his fangs and began to suck the Fire Phoenix's blood.

Lin Huang sat on the ground and waited patiently. He was bored after a while, then he raised his head, gazing at the sky.

Despite the wide crater of the volcano, he felt like he was gazing at the moon through a well as he looked up from the base of the volcano that was thousands of meters deep.

Staring at the sky through the crater, Lin Huang fell into deep thought, "The sky that I can see from the base of the volcano is not a complete sky, just like the world that I see in Division7 is not how the whole world exactly looks like. The world is infinitely big. What I saw today, what I heard today and even what I encountered today, they're all just a small part of the world… Perhaps I'll be upgraded to holy fire-level soon, then I can then step out of Division7 to explore a bigger world…"

As time passed, Lin Huang still waited at the base of the volcano patiently.

The Fire Phoenix's dead body began to shrivel away as Bai was draining it of its blood. In less than an hour, it looked like a mummy that had lost a great amount of water.

Seeing the changes in the Fire Phoenix's body, Lin Huang knew that Bai was almost done. About ten minutes later, when the Fire Phoenix's body had almost dried out completely, Bai then released the carcass reluctantly.

Extending his tongue and licked the remaining blood stains on its lip, Bai's body gradually floated up into the air. His body was completely shrouded in a beam of white glow that looked like a spotlight in the sky. His white hair was ruffled despite the fact that there was no wind. Soon, a bloody mist gradually spread through the air and surrounded him. Lin Huang could sense that it was the Blood Spirit. However, it was his first time witnessing the Blood Spirit appearing in such a strange mist form as it would usually appear in the form of wings.

As soon as the Blood Spirit had appeared, Bai's aura rapidly grew stronger. The layer of bloody mist got thicker as well and eventually enveloped his entire body. It had even formed a huge bloody spawn mid-air. As the white glow from the sky shone on it, the layer of the bloody nucleus reflected a crystal clear radiance.

What had happened was beyond Lin Huang's expectations. When Kylie was unsealed, she had not gone through this process.

"It seems like it's different from Kylie's evolution…" Lin Huang lifted his head and looked at the huge bloody spawn in shock.

"He possesses the God's blood in his body but because his combat strength was too weak previously, he couldn't activate the God's blood. After he's unsealed, the God's blood will be activated by default. Therefore, the third evolution which is the so-called 'ultimate mutation' will happen," Xiao Hei suddenly explained.

"Is Bai going through the third advancement?!" Lin Hung then recalled the description on the monster card. He had not paid much attention to it previously. However, a question suddenly came to his mind. "Will it cause a big stir?"

Previously, during the second advancement, Lin Huang would always choose a place that was less crowded to avoid catching anyone's attention during the advancement due to the fluctuation of energy. Perhaps, it would cause a bigger stir during the third advancement. There were countless Transcendent monsters in the ruins and once Bai's aura was released, many of the powerful Transcendent monsters would hone in on Bai as their prey. This was because the probability of a double mutated monster going through the third mutation was higher as long as it could engulf a monster that had mutated three times.

"Yes, he'll definitely lure other monsters out. Therefore, after he has leveled up, he has to leave as soon as possible."

Lin Huang frowned when he heard the answer. After a short while, another question came into his mind. "After Bai has completed the third advancement, incidents like the Supreme Overlord won't happen, would it?"

Xiao Hei gave a detailed explanation, "No, monster cards that are obtained from killing monsters or accumulated from monster card pieces will have no way of getting rid of the restriction rules of the monster card. Only monster cards that are sealed or being controlled forcefully will have the chance to go against the rules. In addition, since your combat level and authority have improved and my abilities are being constantly enhanced as well, it isn't likely that such an incident will happen in the future.

"However, due to the restrictions on your authority, you'll not be able to use a legendary level monster card. Therefore, after Bai has leveled up, he'll be sealed. You'll not be able to summon Bai before you're upgraded to white flame-level."

Although Bai was not rebellious, Lin Huang would still be unable to summon Bai after the third advancement as his authority would be restricted.

"Alright…" Lin Huang was slightly relieved when he heard the explanation. He was somehow helpless as Bai used to be his most frequently used monster card. Although he rarely used it nowadays, he somehow felt different since he knew that Bai would be sealed.

The huge bloody spawn was rotating in mid-air. As the beam of light from the sky shone on it, it looked like a beautiful work of art that was presenting itself to the people.

Lin Huang then summoned the Alexandrian Eagle and flew to the crater. He chose to keep watch at the crater as he was afraid that other monsters or humans would approach him, interrupting Bai's advancement process.

It had been more than three hours since the start of the process. Fortunately, no monsters came over throughout it.

While Lin Huang was waiting nervously, he suddenly heard a soft crack coming from afar. He immediately activated his Boundless Vision and looked towards the direction of the sound.

A small crack appeared on the huge bloody spawn that was lingering mid-air. A terrifying aura was then gradually released from the crack...

Chapter 314: The Vampire Monarch

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sensing the aura released from the huge bloody spawn, Lin Huang was startled.

"How incredibly powerful!"

The strength of the aura being released was far beyond the Fire Phoenix's. In fact, it was even stronger than that of the Supreme Overlord that had mutated three times.

"The God's blood is one of the strongest blood vessels. Although both of the monsters have mutated three times, Bai, who possesses the God's blood, will be stronger than most of the triple mutated monsters after its evolution," Xiao Hei explained as though it could sense what Lin Huang was thinking.

"However, perhaps the aura that Bai releases will attract many of the Transcendent monsters…" Lin Huang frowned, expressing his worries.

"Yes. In fact, many of the monsters will be attracted during the third evolution. Some of the powerful monsters can even sense the God's blood as it's the most valuable treasure to them. It might even be more attractive than a dragonkin. The ruins aren't that big. It's almost the same size as an A-grade foothold. Once Bai's aura is released, almost all the monsters in the ruins will sense it. Therefore, you'll have to recall Bai back into his card form in the very first place and leave."

"All the monsters can sense it…?" Lin Huang did not feel relieved after listening to Xiao Hei's explanation. He felt heavy-hearted instead.

As time passed, more cracks appeared on the huge bloody spawn and the immense aura emitted got even stronger. Lin Huang frowned.

At about midnight, a layer of faint bloody fog spread out from the irregular cracks. Even the white glow in the sky appeared bloody as if the huge bloody spawn was completely enveloped by a huge, bloody light column.

As the bloody light column shone on it, even Lin Huang could not see what kind of mutation the huge bloody spawn was going through.

All of a sudden, a colossal aura burst out from the volcano as if something powerful had awakened from a deep slumber. Meanwhile, the intensity of the aura was increasing every second.

Lin Huang could vaguely sense that the aura being emitted was majestic. He guessed that it must be an effect of the God's blood. It would be easier for the monsters to notice the difference in Bai's aura since even a human like him could sense it as well. His facial expression changed.

"I'm not sure how long it takes…" As the aura was released more and more powerfully, Lin Huang panicked. The longer it took, the more likely the powerful monsters would approach him.

Ten minutes later, the bloody light column that appeared in the sky gradually faded. Bai, who was previously shrouded in the huge bloody spawn, slowly revealed his body.

Bai no longer looked like a teenager. He looked more like a young man that was in his early twenties. His height was about 1.8 meters tall and his appearance was 80% similar to how he looked like previously. However, he did not look as gentle as he once did. He had a craggy face and his hair was still pure white and maintained at earlobe-length. From the neck down, he was wearing a black robe…

Having a cold, stony facial expression in addition to his attire, people on Earth would describe him as a standard handsome guy.

"Congratulations, monster card Bai has been upgraded from epic to legendary level!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained a legendary monster card, Vampire Monarch."

After Bai had leveled up, he lifted his head and looked at Lin Huang in the sky. Placing one of his hands on his chest, he saluted Lin Huang.

The next moment, a notification from Xiao Hei popped up.

"Since you do not have the authority yet, you are unable to use a legendary level monster card. The monster card will be automatically sealed. After you have leveled up to holy fire-level and your authority is upgraded, the monster card will be automatically unsealed."

Several black chains appeared on Bai's body right after the notification was received and he was sealed. He looked calm and did not resist as he was completely trapped in the black chains. Soon after that, he disappeared.

The purple monster card that appeared on Lin Huang's hand then turned into a gray stone. He had no more access to the information behind the card either. Soon, he received another notification from Xiao Hei.

"Congratulations, Blood Spirit has leveled up. You have obtained a new skill, Vampire Particles."

"Don't worry. I'll unseal you really soon." Lin Huang did not bother checking the description of the skill as he fixed his gaze on the front of the card that had turned gray. Gently rubbing the sides of the card with his thumb, he then recalled the card.

When he was about to leave, Lin Huang suddenly sensed a terrifying aura was approaching. With a grin on his face, he then summoned the Black Ink and entered the door.

Right at the moment when the Black Ink disappeared, a loud roar was heard coming from the sky. Soon, a huge shadow appeared somewhere near the crater just where Lin Huang had stood earlier.

As soon as it gave out a warning roar, the remainder of the impending aura hesitated for a moment and left. Monsters that were rushing over did not dare go closer anymore.

It was a giant dragon with a completely black body. Sitting right in front of the crater, it released its threatening aura, terrifying any other monsters that were coming for the God's blood. It then popped its head slowly into the crater. Soon, it realized that its efforts were in vain.


There were growls of anger from its belly and the humongous dragon checked out the surroundings with its red eyes. Still, it got nothing.


All of a sudden, it sensed a familiar aura. The gigantic dragon immediately lowered its head, sniffing its surroundings. Soon after, it remained still at the position where Lin Huang had stood.

"It's a human aura. It's the aura of the people who escaped using the dimensional relic a few hours ago!"

Impressively, the black dragon was the Transcendent monster that had summoned meteorites to attack Lin Huang on the shore of the lava ocean.

"The monster that possesses the God's blood has disappeared so quickly. The human that used the dimensional relic must have brought it away!"

A trace of fury flashed through black dragon's eyes. "Human, how dare you snatch away the God's blood? F*ck!"

With a low growl, the black dragon flapped its wings and flew up into the sky…

Lin Huang did not know that Bai's advancement and the remaining aura released by himself had triggered such a powerful monster in the ruins.

As soon as Bai had leveled up, Lin Huang activated the Black Ink and set the location to the place they submitted their mission where the examiner, Zang Bing, was at.

It was about 1 a.m. However, the lights in Yi Yeyu's and Li Lang's tents were still lit up. Obviously, they were still awake.

Despite seeing that Lin Huang had just transported back, Zang Bing did not say anything.

As they heard the sound of footsteps, both of them unzipped their tents one after another.

"You're back." Yi Yeyu seemed relieved.

"Both of you are still awake," Lin Huang commented. He then took out a tent and set it up.

"I can't fall asleep. Perhaps it's because I've just leveled up today and I'm too excited," Yi Yeyu came up with an excuse.

"What about you? You got too excited as well?" Lin Huang turned around, looking at Li Lang as he teased him.

"Damn, I'm depressed, that's why I can't fall asleep. You're a genius and Yeyu has leveled up to holy fire-level. I'm the only burden!" Li Lang complained.

"Why are you depressed? Even before Yeyu upgraded to holy fire-level, you were still a burden," Lin Huang added.

Yi Yeyu sniggered.

"Damn, I'm not as mean as you!"

The three of them chatted for a while. Seeing that Zang Bing had fallen asleep, they went back to their own tents as well.

In the peaceful night, Lin Huang checked out the new skill that he had just obtained. He used to think that he would have no skill advancement since Bai was being sealed. It was because when the Supreme Overlord had been sealed, he did not obtain any skills. In fact, if the skill was originally possessed by him, despite the fact that the monster card had been sealed, the skill would still be upgraded in accordance with the upgrade of the monster card.

"Vampire Particles: The Vampire Monarch's exclusive skill. It is evolved from Blood Spirit. Naturally, it is a peculiar energy that exists in the form of particles. You can create any colors or forms that you prefer by using the particles including weapons, armors, wings, and more."

"Remarks 1: Vampire Particles has the ability to absorb blood automatically. The more blood is absorbed, the stronger the particles would become."

"Remarks 2: The number of Vampire Particles is restricted by the user's combat level. The higher the combat level of the user, the more Vampire Particles one can control."

"Remarks 3: When something is killed with Vampire Particles, it's likely that the elemental attributes of the body of the one being killed will be absorbed by the particles."

"Remarks 4: Due to certain special reasons, the Vampire Particles that you own possess the fire elemental attribute by default."

"It's evolved from the Blood Spirit's wings. They can change into several forms and their strength is a lot stronger as well. I should spend some time to check out how the skill can be used…" After reading the skill description, Lin Huang did not continue any further as it was quite late already. Closing the skill page and switching off the light in his tent, he quickly fell asleep…

Chapter 315: White Flame-Level Monsters Aren't Scary

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the next day, Lin Huang woke up early in the morning. Compared to a few days back, he was much more relieved. The unsealing of Kylie the Nephilic Judge was completed, and the same applied to Bai who had even completed his third advancement. Meanwhile, Tyrant was still in the midst of unsealing, which would probably take another ten more days. The remaining Monster Cards were all on epic-level. Bloody had leveled up to complete gold-level. However, it still had two empty skills which made it ineligible for unsealing yet.

Unsealing Charcoal would require dracaena but it was impossible to make that happen in the ruins. Lancelot the Ruthless Sword Master would need to kill eight more sword servants to level up. Lin Huang did not want to kill any sword type monsters that were not double mutated but he would have to depend on his luck whether he could encounter any double mutated sword type monsters in the ruins. On the other hand, Lin Huang had leveled up from gold-level rank-2 to gold-level rank-3. He had achieved his goal in the training, so whatever he obtained next would be a bonus to him.

Yi Yeyu and Li Lang woke up awhile after Lin Huang did. The both of them came from noble families with a healthy lifestyle since they were young unlike Fatty, who would not even get up until somebody woke him up. Zang Bing, who was not far away, opened his eyes. He sat at the same spot throughout the night without a tent. His eyes were closed, so nobody knew if he was really sleeping.

After washing up, Lin Huang took out a frozen cake. It was not the same one that he had bought in Luoxi City a month ago. This was bought on the Heart Network before he entered the ruins. The online store he had sourced it from was not the headquarters in Luoxi City, but a branch near Winter City. Although the recipe and ingredients were the same, he thought that it did not as good as the one from the headquarters. However, it still beat eating snacks.

As the weather was warm in the ruins, Lin Huang did not warm the cake up but cut them into four servings instead. He gave them to Yi Yeyu, Li Lang, and the examiner Zang Bing and left one for himself. Zang Bing looked at Lin Huang, not rejecting or accepting his treat. Lin Huang put down the cake and left without saying a word. Perhaps Zang Bing thought Lin Huang was kissing his ass, but since they had passed the training, there was no need for them to do so.

After some thought, Zang Bing picked up the cake and started eating it. Just when Lin Huang turned around, Li Lang had finished the cake that was the size of his face. It had only been ten seconds since he had accepted the cake, and he looked at Lin Huang in anticipation.

"Do you have more?!"

"No, each of us only gets a slice." Lin Huang started munching on his cake. Li Lang looked at the frozen cake in Lin Huang's hands and was drooling. A while later, Lin Huang decided to give in. He took out another piece of cake and gave it to Li Lang, clearly disgusted by the way Li Lang was looking at him.

Li Lang demolished the cake clumsily with a fork while he mumbled with his mouth full, "Where did you get this cake? It's so f*cking delicious!"

Yi Yeyu looked at them as Li Lang asked that question. She seemed like she wanted to know the answer as well.

"You guys can search for frozen cake on the Heart Network. If you're not in a hurry, get it from the headquarters in Luoxi City as they make the best tasting ones. I was in a rush to get it this time so I got it from a branch but it's not as delicious as the one at the headquarters," Lin Huang answered with a smile.

The both of them took note of what Lin Huang said as they seemed to really like the cake. It was 7:30 a.m. when they were done with breakfast. They put their tents away, said goodbye to examiner Zang Bing and left.

Two men and a woman appeared from a black relic at the bottom of the volcanoes. The leader was a young man who looked 16 or 17 years old and had short, fluffy, black hair with bright, black eyes. He had clean features and looked harmless. Meanwhile, another young man who looked like he was in his twenties but was actually only 19, was over 1.8 meters tall. He had a buff body modestly covered by a white suit. His hair was well combed like a pair of polished shoes. He seemed to be a man with style. The lady wore a dark green army uniform that covered her entire body. However, it was clear that she had a slim body and long legs. She wore flat, high-cut army boots and was 1.7 meters, exuding a cool vibe.

The three of them were Lin Huang, Li Lang, and Yi Yeyu who were here for their mission.

"What do we have today?" Li Lang looked around and asked Lin Huang.

"Hunting down monsters, of course. There's a reason why the examiner asked us to kill more Transcendent monsters," Lin Huang reminded them of what examiner Zang Bing had said earlier.

"Besides, Yeyu has just leveled up to holy fire-level, so she'll need to stabilize and strengthen herself. Battling is the fastest way to do that."

"That's true." Yi Yeyu nodded.

"Zang Bing is right. I'll need some time to stabilize myself. Moreover, I'll also need battle experience to adapt to my transformed body and new Life Power."

"She has something to do but how about me?" Li Lang asked immediately, not wanting to be idle.

"You'll be the first to attack. If you can't beat the monsters, let Yeyu do it," Lin Huang laughed.

"You want me to fight holy fire-level monsters on my own?!" Li Lang exclaimed in shock.

"All the best! You can do it!" Yi Yeyu grinned.

"You're only one step away from the gun realm. Without pressure, you'll take forever to reach there. White flame-level monsters are not as scary as you think. There's no need to be afraid. You'll get used to it after a few battles. Moreover, if you can't do it, you still have us," Lin Huang comforted him.

"White flame-level monsters are not scary… That only applies to lunatics like you," Li Lang answered.

"I have already chosen the first prey for you," Lin Huang smirked.

"What's that?" Judging by Lin Huang's smirk, Li Lang could sense that his first battle would not be easy.

"It's in the volcano." Lin Huang pointed at the volcano next to them.

"There's smoke coming out of it… It's an active volcano! Do the both of you want me to kill myself?" Li Lang said as he looked at the volcano next to them.

"Why don't you try luring the monster out?" Yi Yeyu rolled her eyes.

"Don't use the nuclear bomb. You won't be able to train yourself if the monster dies in the explosion." Lin Huang knew what was he thinking about by looking at Li Lang's grin.

"Oh, alright then…" As his plan was exposed, Li Lang summoned his Ashenquill Eagle unwillingly and flew towards the crater…

Chapter 316: Good News From Bloody

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Before Li Lang took out his black crystal barrel, Lin Huang did not know that Li Lang had been a cannoneer as his part-time job. Yes, not a firearm master, but a gun master; a profession that would only be helpful when it came to battles. Yi Yeyu's eyes lit up when she saw the relic on Li Lang's shoulders. She was always passionate about firearms. However, she was not gifted in the profession, which was why she had always been envious of firearm masters and gun masters.

Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu were waiting for the show to start as Li Lang opened fire into the volcano randomly. Soon, he triggered the Volcanic Giant in the volcano. Hearing the Volcanic Giant's roar, Li Lang could tell that it was a big guy. He then rode on his Ashenquill Eagle and backed away from the crater. Soon, the Volcanic Giant climbed out of the crater. As the monster's head appeared from the crater, Li Lang finally knew what he was facing.

"Volcanic Giant…" He was nervous as the Volcanic Giant had powerful defenses as well as strong attack and explosive abilities. The only disadvantage was that it was slow.

"It's a Volcanic Giant. Do you think he won't be able to fight it?" Yi Yeyu asked Lin Huang.

"Yes, it's hard to break its defenses but this monster is the best for him to train himself. With the pressure on strength, he can definitely find his opportunity to attack as the monster isn't very agile," Lin Huang explained.

"Let's not pick fire element monsters the next time. I'd like to train by myself," Yi Yeyu suggested. She could kill all fire element monsters easily, so it would not be challenging for her at all.

"Sure!" Lin Huang agreed.

Facing Li Lang's challenge, the Volcanic Giant ignored Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu, who were at the bottom of the volcano, completely. Soon, it was lured by Li Lang to a flatland, then he recalled his Ashenquill Eagle. It was a tough battle. Although his marksmanship was good, he had yet to master the gun realm. Moreover, the Volcanic Giant had powerful defense among the holy fire-level monsters and he could not break through its defense.

As the shots were fired at the Volcanic Giant, they only left marks that were one to two millimeters wide on its body which were healed immediately. Fortunately, the Volcanic Giant had low intelligence and slow speed, so Li Lang managed to avoid it and proceeded to attack it. As time passed by, Li Lang's Life Power was almost drained an hour later. Seeing that he had reached his limit, Yi Yeyu rode on her Rainbow Sparrow with her sword. A red sword glow broke the speed of sound and pierced through the Volcanic Giant's head. It then fell to the ground.

Li Lang gaped in admiration and was upset when he recalled his inability to break the Volcanic Giant's defense. Now, it had been killed by Yi Yeyu in one hit. She recalled the Rainbow Sparrow and landed slowly. Lin Huang was puzzled.

"Didn't you say you could fly when you reached white flame-level? Why do you still need to ride on your Rainbow Sparrow?"

"I haven't built my anti-gravitational Life Power force field yet. Of course I can't fly yet…" Yi Yeyu looked at Lin Huang in confusion.

"Did you really think that everyone can fly naturally once they reached white flame-level?"

Li Lang looked at Lin Huang with a judging face.

"Oh, isn't that how it works?" Lin Huang had always thought so as he recalled all Transcendent humans could fly.

"Of course not!" Yi Yeyu shook her head.

"You'll need to wait for your Life Power to stabilize as you reached white flame level before you could even build your Life Power force field. With the Life Power force field, a human can only break the restriction of gravity. My Life Power isn't stable, so I can't build the Life Power force field yet. That's why I'm unable to fly now."

"How can you not know about this? Isn't it common sense? If it's really like what you said, why didn't you think about the many Transcendent monsters with wings that are unable to fly?" Li Lang laughed at Lin Huang.

"Ahh is that so…? That means those Transcendent monsters that are unable to fly have yet to master the way to build their Life Power force field?" Lin Huang understood immediately.

"No matter monster or human, those that are below Demigod level must build their Life Power force field to break the gravity in order to fly. For humans, building the Life Power force field will need at least one to two weeks to be completely mastered. Therefore, monsters that are unintelligent won't be able to fly while for those that are, without the guidance to build their Life Power force field from humans, they are unable to fly as well," Yi Yeyu explained.

"Didn't Mr. Fu tell you about that?"

"Oh… No, he didn't. I haven't been his apprentice for long and we spent most of the time training outside. There's still much to learn. Whenever I have questions, I'll ask him," Lin Huang explained helplessly.

"I'm so jealous of you! Your master actually lets you out like that. My master beat me with a bat since I was young." Li Lang expressed his envy of Lin Huang.

"It seems like putting you out there is a great way to learn. If I did that since I was young, I might be a white flame-level now…"

"You're thinking too much." Yi Yeyu rolled her eyes at Li Lang.

"This only works for geniuses like Lin Huang. If you did that, you might not even be a silver-level now."

Li Lang wanted to argue back but he thought what Yi Yeyu said was right. He was a lazy person and without somebody guiding him every day, he could not imagine what would he turn out to be today. He decided to shut up.

"Yeyu, please refill his Life Power. If we were to wait for him to fill up his Life Power at his normal speed, we can only kill two monsters a day. That's too inefficient." Looking at Li Lang's condition, Lin Huang figured that he would need more than 10 hours for his Life Power to recover with the rotation of his Life Skill.

"Sure!" Yi Yeyu then put away the monster carcass and agreed to transfer her Life Power to Li Lang. In less than a minute, Li Lang's Life Power was filled.

"Let's go to the next destination," Lin Huang said while summoning his dimensional relic.

The three of them stepped into the relic and arrived at the location of their second target.

"What is it this time?" Li Lang asked carefully.

"An Undead Soldier," Lin Huang smirked.

"Undead Soldier?!" Li Lang and Yi Yeyu screamed almost at the same time.

"This monster can't be killed, can it?" Li Lang thought Lin Huang was messing with him.

"There are not many non-fire element monsters in this ruins. The Undead Soldier isn't considered powerful in the holy fire-level, but it's difficult to be killed, so it's the best candidate for Yi Yeyu to train herself."

The Undead Soldier had no pain receptors. Even if its head was chopped off, it would not die. The only way to kill it was to destroy its flesh completely or to cleanse the undead energy inside its body using purification force.

"You go first!" Yi Yeyu noticed a couple of Undead Soldiers wandering around. She was excited. Li Lang agreed to fight it unwillingly. Although he knew he would not be able to kill this monster, it was better than not being able to break through its defense like the monster before. He comforted himself.

Li Lang then took out his gun and dashed towards the Undead Soldier while Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu watched. The Undead Soldier was much faster than the Volcanic Giant, but luckily, it was much weaker than the Volcanic Giant. Though clumsy, Li Lang soon adapted the Undead Soldier's rhythm and managed to defend himself. As half an hour passed by, Li Lang was improving, confirming Lin Huang' deduction that it was the right way to train. Just when he was enjoying the battle, a message came from Bloody, "Master, I've found a double mutated sword type monster!"

Chapter 317: Fiery Swordfiend

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"A double mutated sword type monster? Are you sure?!" Lin Huang asked immediately. This monster would not only be Lancelot the Ruthless Sword Master's unsealing monster; after the monster was killed, it could be transformed into a sword servant card. That was the reason why Lin Huang was so excited.

"Yes, it's a Fiery Swordfiend," Bloody confirmed.

"Fiery Swordfiend… Hmm, that's a little difficult," Lin Huang frowned when he heard what Bloody said.

The Fiery Swordfiend was an undead double mutated monster that was talented in fire element swordsmanship. Its attack skills ranked on top of double mutated monsters of the same level. This monster was the same with the Fire Phoenix as they both controlled the fire element. To be honest, Lin Huang did not have full confidence that he could kill this monster. Although he had not used all his strength to manage the Fire Phoenix earlier, he did spend some effort to hold it down. It almost got away and the one who had killed it was Yi Yeyu.

"Bloody, do you have any plans to handle this Fiery Swordfiend?" Lin Huang was thinking how to increase his probability of winning.

"The easiest way is to ask Ms. Yi for help," Bloody suggested immediately.

"Ms. Yi has the ability to control the fire element. As long as you get her to chop off the Fiery Swordfiend's hand that it uses to hold its sword, everything else will be a piece of cake."

"Ask her to help…" Lin Huang was hesitant.

"The unsealing conditions to unseal Lancelot only mentioned that human and summoning monsters that are of a higher level than the monster that is to be killed are prohibited, so getting Yi Yeyu's help is allowed…"

If Bloody was to suggest that before Yi Yeyu leveled up to white flame-level, Lin Huang would decline the idea straight away as the Fiery Swordfiend could definitely kill her in a single hit. Although Yi Yeyu was immune to fire, she would not be able to defend herself from the physical attack of the sword. However, now that she had leveled up, although she had not peaked yet, she was ten times more powerful than she had been before. Even if she was to face an opponent like the Fiery Swordfiend, she would not be killed in one hit.

Lin Huang was hesitant as he did not want to trouble anyone, especially his friends. In his opinion, he would always do things himself on his own as long as it was achievable.

Bloody sensed Lin Huang hesitation and suggested immediately, "Master, the Fiery Swordfiend's ability is no weaker than the Fire Phoenix's. On some level, it's even more dangerous than the Fire Phoenix as it has a more powerful attack. Without Ms. Yi's help, the chances of us killing the Fiery Swordfiend is low."

"Alright then, I shall ask her," Lin Huang agreed to Bloody's suggestion.

He thought about it himself. With his current abilities, it was not completely impossible for him to kill the Fiery Swordfiend but it would be difficult. He might have to sacrifice his summoning monsters.

"Yeyu… Could you help me kill a monster later?" Lin Huang was not used to asking for help.

"Sure! What monster is that? Is it powerful?" Yi Yeyu agreed right away, clearly excited. She had been watching Lin Huang fight these few days. If he needed her help, that would mean that the monster must be something really powerful, which thrilled her.

"Yes, it's a Fiery Swordfiend." Lin Huang did not expect Yi Yeyu to agree to help him just like that.

"A Fiery Swordfiend?!" Yi Yeyu's eyes flew wide open. She knew what monster that was as the Fiery Swordfiend was one of the tinder monsters that her family had chosen for her. It was next to the Fire Phoenix in terms of ranking in strength, so of course, she already knew how powerful that monster was. However, despite her initial shock, she agreed to help immediately without asking any further.

"Sure, what do you need me to do?"

"When we find the monster later, I need you to chop off its hand that's holding its sword whenever you have the opportunity," Lin Huang said.

They then started discussing the details on confronting the Fiery Swordfiend.

"Hey, what are the both of you doing? I can't take it anymore!" Li Lang's Life Power was draining but Yi Yeyu still did not come to his rescue. He looked at the both of them and realized that he was being ignored while they were chatting with each other.

"We almost forgot about him…"

The both of them just recalled that Li Lang was still fighting hard not far away. Yi Yeyu then dashed towards the Undead Soldier with her sword while Li Lang escaped.

"What are you guys talking about? You guys were so in the zone while I almost died!" Li Lang went to Lin Huang and gave him puppy eyes.

"We're going to kill the Fiery Swordfiend later." Lin Huang ignored Li Lang's pathetic expression.

"Didn't Yi Yeyu complete the extraction of the tinder?" Li Lang was puzzled as nobody would challenge a sword type monster for nothing, let alone a double mutated sword type monster.

"I need her help to kill this monster," Lin Huang explained.

"Oh." Li Lang did not ask further as he knew Lin Huang had his reasons for killing the monster.

"I'll be watching you guys then since I can't help you with that," Li Lang added.

Meanwhile, the Undead Soldier was being oppressed by Yi Yeyu. Suddenly, she darted forward with her sword and pierced the Undead Soldier's chest. Lin Huang frowned as he watched because he knew that such an attack would not work on it. Just when he was ready to help, a red flame flowed out of the Undead Soldier's body. Later on, the Undead Soldier turned into a burnt figure.

"What just happened?" Li Lang was shocked.

"I thought she could only control fire element monsters."

Lin Huang knew how she managed to kill the Undead Soldier with her sword. "There's a purification force in her fire."

"Little Li, put away the carcass!" Yi Yeyu sheathed her sword and shouted at Li Lang.

"Why must I do it?" Li Lang objected.

"If you keep the carcass, it'll belong to you. It's okay if you don't want it." What Yi Yeyu said was irresistible. She did not even bother to turn around as she did not want to keep the burnt carcass in her storage space anyway.

"You sure?" Li Lang's eyes lit up.

"It's up to you whether you want it. I don't want ugly carcasses anyway," Yi Yeyu said.

"When do we depart?" Yi Yeyu asked Lin Huang.

"Wait." Lin Huang projected the map.

"Bloody, give me the coordinates."

Soon, Bloody marked down the coordinates of the Fiery Swordfiend. Lin Huang raised his eyebrow when he saw the coordinates.

"Luckily, it's not too far away from the coordinates that I set earlier."

Li Lang came back after he stored the Undead Soldier's carcass. Lin Huang summoned his dimensional relic and the three of them stepped into it…

Chapter 318: Narrow-minded

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The location of the Fiery Swordfiend was only 300 kilometers from the Greatsword Fiend that Lin Huang had killed earlier. After killing the Greatsword Fiend, Lin Huang had marked down the coordinates. The three of them arrived at the saved coordinates through the dimensional relic. They then rode on their flying mounts and when they arrived, they spotted the Fiery Swordfiend in the air from far away.

It was a huge monster taking on the human form. It was around three meters tall with a body that was cast in black rock. To be precise, it looked more like a red flame that was covered by a layer of greenish-black rock armor. Flame could be seen from the gaps between where its armor was connected. Its face looked like the sculpture of an adult man with rough lines that was similar to an aging human's. Red flame burned in its eyes and there were sparks in its nose and mouth. There was a gigantic black sword measuring about two meters on its back. As it floated half a meter from the ground, it looked majestic.

"This must be the Fiery Swordfiend. Seems like it's a tough guy." Li Lang knew the monster was completely out of his league. Even if he was to level up to white flame-level like Yi Yeyu had, he might not be able to fight this monster either unless he mastered the gun realm. He might be able to confront it by then, but it was impossible for him to defeat it.

"You just watch from here. We shall go now." Lin Huang patted Li Lang's shoulder.

Li Lang nodded helplessly while watching the both of them fly to where the Fiery Swordfiend was. As the Fiery Swordfiend sensed their aura, it looked up at the sky. Soon, they arrived not far from the monster.

"Humans? I didn't expect humans to dig their own grave here," the Fiery Swordfiend spoke fluently.

"I wasn't interested to do what the black dragon instructed, but since you guys came, I shall send you to the black dragon to redeem some resources."

"What do you mean?" Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu were ready to fight but they were puzzled by what the Fiery Swordfiend was saying.

"Seems like you guys have no idea what's happening… One of The Three Overlords, the black dragon, instructed all of us to send him some humans alive and he would give us rare resources in return." The Fiery Swordfiend did not seem to be in a hurry while it conveyed the both of them the news.

"Black dragon? Do you mean the Molten Dragon?" Hearing the title of The Three Overlords, Lin Huang knew which black dragon the Fiery Swordfiend was talking about.

The Molten Dragon was one of the most powerful gold flame-level monsters in this ruins. As it was double mutated and also a sky dragon, it was not captured by the immortal-level human but remained in the ruins. Lin Huang could guess that the reason why the Molten Dragon had issued such an instruction as it had sensed the God's blood in Bai's body. For some reasons, it knew that Bai's disappearance was related to humans. Without the knowledge that Lin Huang owned Bai now, it then targeted all humans.

As soon as a double mutated sky dragon obtained the God's blood, it would go through its third mutation or the possibility of its blood density upgrading to that of a dragonkin's would increase. Regardless of what transpired, there would be a transformation in Molten Dragon's ability. That was the reason why it desired the God's blood.

"It seems like humans out there know a lot about us. I heard there are many of them out there, so I must get out there if I have the chance to, then I'll feast on them all. I must say, you humans are nothing when it comes to abilities but you sure taste good. Humans are good food…" The Fiery Swordfiend was drooling at this point.

"Nothing when it comes to abilities? Do you think all humans out there have weaker abilities than you do?" Lin Huang realized that there was a misunderstanding going on.

"Don't all humans out there have similar abilities as the both of you? How far can the difference be?" The Fiery Swordfiend said.

"That's what you think…" Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu laughed.

"Should we tell him the truth?" Yi Yeyu looked at Lin Huang while still laughing.

"What truth?" The Fiery Swordfiend asked as it saw their odd reactions.

"Do tell," Lin Huang gestured to Yi Yeyu to speak.

"Alright then." Yi Yeyu looked at the Fiery Swordfiend with sympathy.

"The truth is, all of us that are sent here are trainees, so we aren't the powerful ones out there. If those powerful human get here, a single person could kill all the monsters in this ruins.

"This ruins is restricted to gold flame-level individuals at most. However, in our world out there, besides holy fire-level, we even have more powerful ones including immortal-level, imperial-level, and even demigods. Demigods aside, even if an imperial-level human were to come here, it wouldn't matter as a triple mutated monster or dragonkin could be easily killed using one little finger."

"You're lying! You f*cking human lady," swore the Fiery Swordfiend once it recovered from its shock when it heard what Yi Yeyu said.

"What she said is the truth! It's you who doesn't want to believe it," Lin Huang, who had been silent, spoke up.

"I don't believe you! It's impossible that humans are so powerful. I'll only believe it if I saw it with my eyes! I've never seen any human that is immortal or imperial-level." The Fiery Swordfiend drew the sword from its back and pointed it at the both of them.

"The both of you are humans. Those lies are meant to consume me."

The Fiery Swordfiend could not accept the truth as what it had been believing all along crumbled.

"What we said is the truth. You're being delusional. There's nothing that we can do if you don't believe us…" Lin Huang shrugged his shoulders.

"However, now I know why the Molten Dragon was so daring to capture us humans without even thinking about us getting revenge. Seems like he's the same as you, thinking that the humans out there are on the same level as us trainees. What a naive mindset!"

"I will kill you, liars!" The Fiery Swordfiend dashed towards them with the flaming sword in its hand…

Chapter 319: Broken Arm

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Fiery Swordfiend did not only master the sword realm; its fire attributes attack also did even more damage than most monsters with fire attributes as the temperature of its flame was comparable with the surface of the sun, which was about 6,000 degrees Celsius. Most creatures that went close to it would get burnt. Hearing the truth about how powerful humans were from Lin Huang and Yi Yeyu, the Fiery Swordfiend refused to believe what they said. It was sure that it was a lie to confuse it, so it dashed towards them with its sword.

The black, dull, and ordinary-looking sword turned red as it advanced towards them. It looked like it was burning as a layer of greenish blue flame appeared on the sword. As the Fiery Swordfiend swung its sword, the air around was distorted.

When Lin Huang blocked the attack with his own attack, the impact was so intense that he had to back off. Although he had an armor relic on, the burning flame that came his way was unbearably scorching.

Yi Yeyu, who was on his left, covered her green sword relic with a burning red flame. She rushed forward with her sword without hesitation and it collided with the Fiery Swordfiend's sword. As the two swords collided, the greenish blue flame on the Fiery Swordfiend's was oppressed by Yi Yeyu's red flame. The red flame was devouring the greenish blue flame.

"What's that?!" Fiery Swordfiend was shocked as it was the first time he encountered somebody else's flame that devoured his own.

Yi Yeyu smirked without saying a word. She dashed towards the Fiery Swordfiend again with her sword. With her unique physique, she was not afraid of fire at all, which was why she dared to fight the Fiery Swordfiend at such a close distance. If it had been some other monster or people with fire attributes, they usually feared the high temperature of its sword.

"Wait, that's an aura of a Fire Phoenix… You killed a Fire Phoenix?" The Fiery Swordfiend soon figured the source of Yi Yeyu's flame.

"What if I say I did?" Yi Yeyu smirked as she was not afraid to let the Fiery Swordfiend know where her flame came from. Aside from the fire source that came from the Fire Phoenix, her fire attributes and abilities had also been upgraded.

"Although there's the aura of a Fire Phoenix, its flame shouldn't be able to devour other flames. This human lady is strange…" Fiery Swordfiend increased its guard towards Yi Yeyu.

Within seconds, Yi Yeyu had collided with the Fiery Swordfiend for more than 100 times. She was winning. Lin Huang decided to watch from far instead. Although Yi Yeyu had not been fighting much these couple of days, Lin Huang could see that she had mastered the level-1 sword realm. The Fiery Swordfiend had also mastered the same level, so at some point, they had the same standards in swordsmanship. Yi Yeyu was leading mainly because of her oppression of the fire element which prohibited the Fiery Swordfiend to unleash all its ability.

However, Lin Huang foresaw that Yi Yeyu would lose as time went by. The Fiery Swordfiend had already been a white flame-level and also a double mutated monster for a long time. No matter the strength of its Life Power, attack, defense, and speed, it was much more powerful than Yi Yeyu who had just reached white flame-level. As soon as it adapted to Yi Yeyu's battle rhythm and sealed the fire attributes on its sword, it could focus its Life Power on physically attacking. By then, Yi Yeyu might not be able to fight it anymore.

As expected, the Fiery Swordfiend soon realized that Yi Yeyu could oppress fire attributes. It was a monster of human-form with high intelligence after all. It stored the flame in its body and started transferring its Life Power to its physical attack. A few swings of her sword later, Yi Yeyu could not take it anymore.

"So, all you've got is a rather unique body. I thought you managed to kill the Fire Phoenix on your own. It seems like you relied on your unique body to kill it." As soon as it discovered Yi Yeyu's secret, the Fiery Swordfiend was not afraid at all and mocked her.

Yi Yeyu's cheeks were flushing as she was criticized by the Fiery Swordfiend. Distracted, her movement turned sluggish. The Fiery Swordfiend then sent its sword towards Yi Yeyu's heart. Her repeated sword techniques could not defend against the Fiery Swordfiend anymore and it was too late for her to run.

The sword arrived just in front of her chest in an instant. Suddenly, she felt a powerful strength pull her from her back. A shadow appeared before her and blocked the attack.

It was Lin Huang, who had been watching on the side. He had expected his to happen.

"Take a break, I'll handle it."

There were two scratches that were two meters long under Lin Huang's feet, created as a result of blocking the Fiery Swordfiend's attack. He was not afraid at all. Instead, he was excited as he knew that he could unleash his close-range ability to his peak without the Fiery Swordfiend using its flame.

He smirked and rushed towards the Fiery Swordfiend. His sword skill combined with Seraphic Speed and Thunder Sting broke through the sound barrier. He was like a gold lightning bolt as he headed towards the monster. At an instant, he arrived before the Fiery Swordfiend which did not have the time to react at all. Lin Huang then swung his sword relic so swiftly that there was a sonic boom in the air. He was aiming at the Fiery Swordfiend's right arm, intending to break the biggest threat, which was its right arm that was holding its sword.

The Fiery Swordfiend did not expect Lin Huang to be that fast. It did not see the attack coming at all, so it did not have the time to defend or to avoid his attack.

The first swing, second swing, third… As seven swings of the sword were performed consecutively, the Fiery Swordfiend's elbow joint on its right hand was half broken. Suddenly, its left hand flew towards Lin Huang's head at a rapid speed. Lin Huang glared viciously at its left hand without attempting to avoid the attack. Instead, he proceeded to swing his sword at Fiery Swordfiend's right hand.

The eight swing... The ninth swing…


A loud thud exploded less than 20 centimeters from Lin Huang's head. A layer of his Dark Shield that looked like a piece of cloth appeared on his right side and blocked the Fiery Swordfiend's claws. Meanwhile, Lin Huang was already at his 15th sword swing! Its elbow on the arm that was holding the sword broke and the right arm fell to the ground…

Chapter 320: Killing Plan

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang managed to break the Fiery Swordfiend's elbow, then he kicked its broken arm away. As he kicked it, the Fiery Swordfiend's broken right arm created a trajectory and landed thousands of meters away. Lin Huang then leaped back far away. Flames were roaring from the Fiery Swordfiend's body out of control. It looked like a cat that was burnt. In the embrace of the flames, it looked bigger than its actual size.

In the place of the broken right arm was bubbling lava flowing out. Witnessing this scene, Lin Huang did not panic. Instead, he was smirking like he was implying that it was game over for the Fiery Swordfiend. Two shadows appeared beside him. It was Lancelot the Ruthless Sword Master on the left and the Sanguine Skeleton Spirit on the right. The Sanguine Skeleton Spirit's nine Punishment Chains shot out like arrows, catching the Fiery Swordfiend before it could even move.

Meanwhile, Lancelot was ready to attack with his Absolute Life sword skill. It advanced towards the Fiery Swordfiend with the sword in hand. White glow shot out of the sword like a shockwave, covering the entire Fiery Swordfiend…

"Congratulations, you have received an epic-level Monster Card - Fiery Swordfiend (Sword Servant)."

Seeing Lancelot fade into pieces and returning back to card form after performing Absolute Life, Lin Huang recalled the Sanguine Skeleton Spirit that was standing next to him.

Winning the battle was much easier than he thought. He did not expect to break the Fiery Swordfiend's arm so easily. Before the battle started, he knew that as long as he managed to chop off the Fiery Swordfiend's arm, he would definitely win. The Fiery Swordfiend was powerful but it had a fatal weakness. As long as any part of its body was broken, it would need to be in silent mode as it regenerated its body parts. To the Sanguine Skeleton Spirit, the Fiery Swordfiend's silent mode was its best time to use its Punishment Chains.

Lin Huang had planned to chop off the Fiery Swordfiend's right hand which was used to hold its sword before the battle even started. As long as it lost the sword in its hand, the Fiery Swordfiend's ability would be taken away. It would need to regenerate its broken arm immediately to retrieve its sword. On the other hand, if any other part of its body was injured or cut off, it was not necessary for it to carry out regeneration in an instant.

In reality, since Lin Huang had made the Fiery Swordfiend his target, he had discussed the entire killing plan with Bloody. His intention of asking for Yi Yeyu's help was to let her chop off the Fiery Swordfiend's right arm and he would do the rest himself. Although Yi Yeyu did not manage to chop off its arm, she had made the Fiery Swordfiend mute its flame. That gave Lin Huang the opportunity to get close to the Fiery Swordfiend and carry out the rest.

Yi Yeyu and Li Lang, who were still in the air, were stunned as they watched Lin Huang win the battle easily. Yi Yeyu, who had fought the Fiery Swordfiend earlier, especially knew how powerful the monster was. However, it was unbelievable that Lin Huang had managed to kill the powerful monster in less than ten seconds. Yi Yeyu thought that Lin Huang was only powerful against gold-level monsters. As she leveled up to white flame-level, her overall ability should be higher than his. However, it seemed like she was too naive to have such a thought. Lin Huang's abilities were beyond her imagination.

After putting away the Fiery Swordfiend's carcass, broken arm and sword, Lin Huang walked towards Yi Yeyu.

"Are you alright?"

Yi Yeyu shook her head. She was still in shock. Meanwhile, Li Lang who was far away arrived on the Ashenquill Eagle.

"Killing a double mutated white flame-level monster in less than ten seconds. Your abilities have to be No.1 on the Gold Hunter Leaderboard," Li Lang smiled and complimented. He knew Lin Huang was powerful but he had not fought the Fiery Swordfiend earlier so he was not as shocked as Yi Yeyu was.

"You've been planning to kill this Fiery Swordfiend, am I right?" Yi Yeyu finally snapped out of her shock a while later and asked.

"Yes. Actually, it's not my ability that killed it. I came prepared." Lin Huang nodded while telling his entire plan.

After hearing his explanation, Yi Yeyu finally understood why he had asked for her help. She looked embarrassed as she did not manage to complete Lin Huang's plan. Fortunately, Lin Huang had managed to handle it and she did not drag him down in his plan.

"My great-grandfather told me that ability isn't everything. Throughout hundreds of years in the human history, there're many successful Transcendent humans who fought those powerful monsters. What I thought was that the only way to do that is to form a large team of people. From what you said, I think a team doesn't need that many people. What we need is to come up with a plan to tackle the powerful monsters' weaknesses and assign the appropriate number of people with the relevant techniques within the team." Yi Yeyu understood immediately. She put Lin Huang's teaming up with his summoning monsters together with the teaming up of humans in history.

"That's right, planning is important." Lin Huang nodded.

Li Lang did not say a word as he listened. He seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Where do we go next? Do we continue to kill double mutated monsters?" Yi Yeyu was excited.

"Where do we find so many double mutated monsters here for you to kill? We're lucky that Bloody even managed to find one…" Lin Huang was speechless by Yi Yeyu's addiction to killing now.

"That's true. Although this is a grade-2 dimensional ruin, there aren't that many white flame-level double mutated monsters," Yi Yeyu commented.

"Where do you go next?" She asked.

"Let's go back to the submission spot to inform the examiner about the Molten Dragon. If we don't handle that on time, many people might die," Lin Huang said and summoned his dimensional relic.

Soon, they arrived at the mission submission spot.

"Why're you guys here?" Zang Bing frowned as he thought that the three of them were being irresponsible. They had only been gone for less than two hours and they were already back.

"We heard something that we must tell you about." Lin Huang walked over to him and told him about the Molten Dragon's interaction that the Fiery Swordfiend had informed them about.

"You mean a Fiery Swordfiend told you guys that a Molten Dragon is hunting humans down?" Zang Bing did not believe what he heard.

"How did the three of you manage to escape from the Fiery Swordfiend?"

Lin Huang then took out the Fiery Swordfiend's carcass. Zang Bing was stunned when he saw the carcass, then he looked serious. His shock was not a result of knowing that there was a Fiery Swordfiend in the dimensional ruins, but that it had been killed by humans not long ago.

"Tell me everything that happened in detail!" Zang Bing looked at the three of them sternly.