
Chapter 451: Qin Tianxing

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Not only did Lin Huang manage to break Zhang Xu's 1-star sword relic, but he had also cut open his 1-star armor relic. He knew very well that a white flame-level could not do that; even a crimson flame-level person might not be able to do that. His mind went blank after that encounter. He was piecing a bunch of information in his head. Suddenly, he realized that he did not see the big picture. Now, he finally knew why Liu Ming got Lin Huang to teach Class 1 despite being new. No wonder Lin Huang did not have any fears during the battle and had chosen to fight with him in three minutes before the orientation. No wonder his grandfather had seemed to be fearful of Lin Huang when they talked about him in the office.

Although he had a terrible temper, Zhang Xu was not dumb after all. Looking at the casualty on his defense relic, he knew that Lin Huang could kill him in one hit since he was a genius. Recalling what happened just seconds ago, his neck turned stiff.

"What is this? Why is everyone crowding the entrance?"

A voice came from the office entrance, and the teachers opened a path for the person to enter. It was a man in a ponytail with a beard. He was much better-looking than Zhang Xu was. He wore a warrior attire in white on top and black at the bottom. He was shocked to see the broken sword in Zhang Xu's hand and the sword relic in Lin Huang's hand as he walked into the office.

Lin Huang put his sword calmly into his storage space as he checked out the man. He could sense that the man was holy fire-level, or even possibly, crimson flame-level or blue flame-level. His aura was much more powerful than Yi Yeyu's but slightly weaker than Yi Zheng's.

"Zhang Xu, who's this young man?" The man asked after checking out Lin Huang.

Zhang Xu put away his broken sword and the armor that he was wearing, then turned around with a forceful smile.

"Bro Qin, this is Sir Lin. He's the new teacher in our sword realm department."

"You're the new teacher, Lin Huang?" The man in ponytail raised his eyebrow. He had received the notification from the registrar's office this morning about this new teacher who would be teaching Class 2. He finally understood what happened to the broken sword in Zhang Xu's hand.

"Hi, my name is Qin Tianxing. I'm teaching sword realm in Class 1. Welcome on board."

"Hi." Lin Huang shook Qin Tianxing's hand.

"Sir Lin, Bro Qin is our Year 1 sword realm department director," Zhang Xu introduced to Lin Huang.

"Let's exchange numbers. You can talk to me if you have any questions in the college." Qin Tianxing was rather friendly.

"Let's exchange numbers," Zhang Xu said immediately, having given up on the thought of fighting Lin Huang.

"Sure." Lin Huang did not reject them and added the both of them to his phone book.

After adding each other, Qin Tianxing then added Lin Huang into two different group chats.

"One of the group chats is our sword realm department chat. All teachers in the department from Year 1 to Year 3 are in there. Another one will be the group chat for Martial Hunter College whereby all the teachers are in them, including some who have left the college. You can always mute the group chats and look at the messages whenever you have the time. You can ignore the friend requests in the group chats if you want to."

Lin Huang muted the two group chats without thinking twice. He would be distracted if he did not do so as he needed to spend his time studying and training every day.

"I guess everybody knows you now. It's late. Let's go to the orientation now. I'll introduce you to some of our colleagues and discuss the sword realm." Qin Tianxing saw that it was 8:30 p.m, so he got everyone to head to the orientation.

The orientation as held at the Martial Hunter College field. As Lin Huang and the rest arrived, all 3,000 new students were already present. The registrar had categorized the students into 15 cultural studies classes of 200 students each on the field. The teachers of each department arrived accordingly with the sword realm department considered to be the earliest. With Qin Tianxing's lead, they sat on the seats that were arranged by the registrar's office.

As they were seated, Lin Huang looked at the students and noticed Lin Xin immediately. Because Lin Xin was short, she was sitting in the first row in Class 1. There were only more than 100 teachers in the crowd, so Lin Xin noticed him soon and made a funny face at him. Lin Huang smiled and nodded at her.

The students noticed Lin Huang too.

"Is that person a teacher? Why is he sitting with the teachers? He looks like he's the same age as us." Some of the students were puzzled when they saw him.

"Who are you talking about?" A person beside asked.

"There's a guy in the sword realm department who looks one or two years older than us."

"Eh, that's true. He looks 16 or 17 the most. He can't be 18 already!" A bunch of students soon noticed Lin Huang.

"He's so handsome!" A girl commented.

"I think he's a teacher. It's just that he looks young. He must be an uncle in his 20's. Don't be deceived by his looks!" A hunk, who looked like he was almost 30 but was 15, could not stand people who looked younger than they really were.

"You're an uncle!" A girl said.

"Maybe he's a teacher's family member who's here to visit the school," a person speculated.

As Lin Huang sat far away from the students as well as the noise, he had no idea that he had become the topic of discussion among the students. Qin Tianxing was introducing Lin Huang to other teachers of the same department.

"This is Mu Xiaolan. She's one of two ladies in our department. She used to teach Class 3, but now she's teaching Class 4." Qin Tianxing was talking about the hot, short-haired female teacher who had reminded Lin Huang in the office.

"Xiaolan has already mastered the sword realm. She's our sword realm genius here."

"Bro Qin, stop teasing me, I dare not call myself a genius in front of Sir Lin." Mu Xiaolan waved her hands. She would admit that she was a genius before others, but now that she knew how powerful Lin Huang was, calling herself a genius would be a joke.

"This is another ladies in the department, Yu Fei. She's teaching Class 11." Qin Tianxing pointed at the lady in the blue dress.

This lady was much quieter compared to Mu Xiaolan. All she did was nod at Lin Huang as she smiled when Qin Tianxing introduced her. She was beautiful with a great vibe, but she seemed shy. She did not look like a sword realm teacher, more like a teacher teaching cultural studies.

"I bet you know Zhang Xu already. He has rich battle abilities. Many students love his classes as his programme is practical."

"That's too flattering!" Zhang Xu waved his hands. Since the fight earlier, he knew that Lin Huang was much more powerful than he was in real battles. He was embarrassed to hear Qin Tianxing's compliment.

"This is Zhao Gan who's teaching Class 5…"

Chapter 452: All Grown Up

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was introduced to his 16 colleagues before the orientation started. With his amazing memory, he had memorized all of their names because it would be awkward if he called the wrong names in the future. The orientation started at 9 a.m. sharp. The first one to speak was Dean Wang. He talked about the history of the college as well as the famous people who were born from the college. The second one who was speaking was Dean Zhang, who only did the formalities.

They did not speak too long. The both of them only spoke less than twenty minutes combined. Later on was the speech by the registrar's office director, Li Feng. He mainly talked about the college management and some of the things that the students should take note of. He finished in less than ten minutes. The longest speech was from the director of cultural studies. Perhaps, he got used to giving three hours of lectures, so he spoke for half an hour, which was longer than the previous three combined. He only stopped speaking after the secretary reminded him.

Finally, it was the student representative called Mu Xiao. He was one of the students who had gotten full scores in his graduating exam in Division 7. He was also the only one among the three who had enrolled into Martial Hunter College. Everyone had their attention on Mu Xiao as he walked onto the stage.

"Hi, everyone, my name is Mu Xiao. I'm top 1 among all the new students in the college. I plan to sit on my spot until I graduate. The rest of you can fight to get to second place."

"My goal is to get to Transcendent within three years and become the youngest Transcendent in Division 7! I want to be the mountain that all students in Martial Hunter College won't be able to cross in 100 years!"

Mu Xiao walked off the stage obnoxiously after giving his speech. Lin Huang smirked as he heard the kid's goal to become the youngest Transcendent in Division 7.

"Young people are full of energy!"

"Lin Huang, how long would you take to get to complete gold-level?" Mu Xiaolan who was not far away asked while smiling.

"The most would be a month." Lin Huang grinned back at her.

"Then, the kid's dream will be ruined. Even if he managed to get to holy fire-level in three years, he would be top 2." Mu Xiaolan giggled while covering her mouth.

"It's great that the young people are ambitious." Lin Huang could tell that Mu Xiao was only 15, but he was already bronze-level rank-1. He definitely had the right to be obnoxious.

"This kid is in kendo. It seems like the department will be ahead of us this year." Qin Tianxing shook his head.

Lin Huang just realized that the competition among departments was much more competitive than he thought. After Mu Xiao's speech, the orientation ended after the secretary spoke. The students and teachers left accordingly.

"Lin Huang, there's a dinner tonight, but teachers who don't want to join can skip the dinner," Qin Tianxing reminded him.

"I won't be joining then. You guys have fun. I'll be preparing my teaching materials these few days," Lin Huang rejected directly.

"Sure, focus on your teaching materials. I shall not disturb you then." Qin Tianxing knew that the teachers who were teaching for the first time would be nervous as he had experienced the same thing before.

"Your class will be next Friday afternoon, right? I'll sit in," Qin Tianxing said.

"Please do!" Lin Huang knew that Qin Tianxing was worried that he could not manage. He probably planned to help him when that happened.

As Qin Tianxing left, Lin Huang saw Lin Xin running towards him.

"So, have you met your classmates?" Lin Huang smiled.

"I guess so. There are just too many people in cultural studies. There are a total of 200 of them. It's good that I can remember some of the names."

"It's the first day of school. You shouldn't have any classes, should you?" Lin Huang asked. He only knew his class would be next Friday, but he had no idea about the other students and teachers.

"Classes will officially start tomorrow. It's just going to be this orientation and student ID registration this morning and moving into the dorms in the afternoon. Year 1 and Year 2 students aren't allowed to stay outside of school, so I'll drop by your dorm in the afternoon to move out my stuff." Lin Xin was excited as it was her first time staying in school. She had stayed outside previously and had never stayed together with other girls in the dorm. Moreover, now that Lin Huang was teaching at the Martial Hunter College, she could see him anytime she wanted so it made no difference to her.

However, Lin Huang was upset as it felt like he was letting go of his child. Although he was a traveler, Lin Xin had become his family member that he could not lose over the years.

"Don't worry about me. I'll take good care of myself. Since you're in the college as well, I'll definitely call you if anybody bullies me," Lin Xin comforted him as she noticed that he was upset.

"If anybody, no matter who, dares to bully you, I'll make them pay the price," Lin Huang said in all seriousness.

"Alright then, go pick up your student ID. I'll help you move in the afternoon." Lin Huang patted Lin Xin's head while smiling.

"It's okay. You can prepare your teaching materials. I don't have much stuff anyway. I'll just have to throw all of them into my storage space." Lin Xin waved her hand.

"Alright, I'm leaving now!" Lin Xin ran and joined the queue.

"Ling Xue, who's that person?" A tall girl asked Lin Xin.

Ling Xue was Lin Xin's alter ego that Lin Huang had created for her when they arrived in Winter City half a year ago to prevent the Purple Crow from finding them. Lin Xin had used the name to get into the Martial Hunter College.

"He's so handsome!" The two girls next to her commented.

Lin Huang stood where he was while watching Lin Xin leave. He set his alarm clock on his Emperor's Heart Ring and headed to the library. After reading for more than an hour, his alarm clock rang at 11:30 p.m. Lin Huang turned off the alarm clock and headed to the dorm. He stopped walking when he arrived not far away from his dorm as he could see someone moving in the dorm through the window on the second floor.

Lin Xin seemed to have completed her packing and was cleaning. Lin Huang thought about it and stayed where he was while watching Lin Xin from the window. She was smiling, and Lin Huang could sense that she was humming like she usually did. Half an hour later, Lin Xin seemed to finish what she was doing and opened the door. Lin Huang quickly hid behind the tree. Lin Xin looked around, seeming to be upset. She closed the door and walked slowly towards the path under the trees.

After a while, Lin Huang leaped from the tree and looked at the direction where Lin Xin left. He then headed to the dorm after she disappeared. The dorm was clean. Even the living room that was usually messy was tidy now. Lin Huang walked to the second floor. Besides the furniture, everything in Lin Xin's room was moved out. Looking at the empty wardrobe and the little lamp on the table that Lin Xin loved the most which were now gone, Lin Huang felt empty.

He walked out of her room and headed to his own room, which was being cleaned. There was a note on the bed head. He walked over quickly and looked at the note that was slipped under the lamp.

"Brother, I'll learn to be independent from today onwards. I'll take care of myself without having you to worry about me. Please take good care of yourself, eat when it's time, and rest when it's time. Don't forget about the time whenever you're training," Lin Xin had scrawled gracefully on the note.

"This girl has really grown up…"

Chapter 453: Hi, My Name is Lin Huang

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Xin moved out of Lin Huang's dorm when the semester started on 1st September. For the next couple of days, Lin Huang basically spent all his time in the library besides sleeping. If the library did not close at midnight, he might have even slept in the library instead. He had been reading all kinds of information these days. Besides Sword Dao, he was also reading up about the history of Division 7's development, events of famous people, confidential information of organizations and all sorts of monsters. He did not miss out on anything that might be useful for his classes. He was like a piece of sponge, absorbing all the essence of information.

Time passed by fast. It was 5th September, which was a Friday. Lin Huang's Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated when it was 1.30 p.m. He left the library and headed to the teacher's office. All the teachers in the Martial Hunter College had their freedom as they only had to be in their assigned classes when it was time. There was hardly anyone in the office during normal days besides the teachers who rested before their classes started. The teachers hardly saw each other when the college had no activities. Whereas at the cultural studies office, since there were teachers of all subjects, the teachers saw each more than the ones in Lin Huang's department did.

When Lin Huang arrived at the office around 1.40 p.m, there was someone sitting in the office. It was not Qin Tianxing who promised to sit in. Instead, it was Mu Xiaolan.

"Ms. Mu, you have a class in the afternoon too?" Lin Huang greeted her with a smile. She had no idea who had classes on the same day as he did.

"Yes," Mu Xiaolan smiled as she replied. She had referred to the timetable of the department, so she was not surprised to see Lin Huang at all.

After greeting her, Lin Huang sat back in his seat. He was rather nervous. Although he had done product introduction and presentations to customers during his working days back on Earth, teaching was completely different from meeting clients. If he was lousy, the students might boo him off the podium. He was anxious when he thought about it, and he started looking at the time after sitting for a while. It had only been two minutes.

"Sir Lin, it must be your first time teaching." Mu Xiaolan noticed Lin Huang's anxiety.

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded.

"Don't be. Just give a simple introduction about yourself and start your class with what you've prepared. There are usually a couple of troublemakers in the class. Don't be afraid of them, just push them down your own way. If you encounter any problems during your class, just take note of the mistake and never repeat it. You'll improve from there. Your students will definitely see how sincere you are in teaching," Mu Xiaolan advised.

"I remembered my first class. I was even more nervous than you are. I lost count of how many times I went to the washroom before the class started. I was afraid that I might need to use the washroom during my three-hour lecture. There's something worse that happened during class. I stuttered… But after speaking for a couple of minutes with my stutter, I noticed that there were students who were paying attention, so I calmed myself down, and the class became smoother and smoother," Mu Xiaolan shared her own experience.

Lin Huang was slightly calm after listening to her story.

"What are you guys talking about?" A voice came from the entrance. The both of them looked to the entrance while Qin Tianxing walked slowly into the office.

"I was telling my embarrassing experience of teaching to Sir Lin." Mu Xiaolan laughed.

"Boss Qin, why are you here today?"

"It's Sir Lin's first class today, so I'm sitting in," Qin Tianxing explained.

"With you around, I'm sure the class will be smooth-sailing. It's time. I shall go to my class now. You guys can continue talking." Mu Xiaolan smiled at Lin Huang. She looked at the time and left.

Lin Huang checked the time as well. It was 1:55 p.m. when Mu Xiaolan left.

"Don't be nervous. It's just teaching. It's much easier than killing monsters." Qin Tianxing laughed. He had heard about Lin Huang these few days and found out that he was appointed by Liu Ming to teach. After asking the other teachers, he also found out that Lin Huang was a sword genius. He was interested to know more about Lin Huang now. He knew very well that with his crimson flame-level and level-2 sword realm, Liu Ming's decision to replace him was nothing spontaneous but more because Lin Huang was capable.

He had been secretly experimenting attempts to break a 1-star sword relic with a gold-level weapon sword himself these couple of days, but he failed. He now realized that he was not on par with Lin Huang on the Sword Dao. At first, he was just friendly to agree to sit in Lin Huang's class as he thought Lin Huang had managed to replace Zhang Xu because of his powerful background. However, now his purpose of sitting in had changed. He wanted to know how powerful Lin Huang really was.

"I think killing monsters is much easier." Lin Huang smiled awkwardly.

"Don't think too much. Just follow what you've prepared. I'll help you if you make any mistakes or leave something out." Qin Tianxing patted Lin Huang's shoulder.

"Thanks, Bro Xin." Lin Huang was relieved to hear that.

"It's almost time, let's go," Qin Tianxing said.

The Martial Hunter College building was less than 300 meters across the office building. The Year 1 students were on the first floor. Soon, Qin Tianxing brought Lin Huang to the Class 2 of Sword Dao class. Half of the classroom, which accommodated 100 people, was occupied when the both of them arrived. All of the students were present. Seeing them walk in, most of them looked at Qin Tianxing as they thought he was the teacher while Lin Huang was just a latecomer.

However, the students were puzzled when they saw Qin Tianxing take a seat in the last row of the classroom. Meanwhile, Lin Huang walked up to the podium. Just when he did, the bell rang. Most of the students looked confused at Lin Huang while many of them turned to Qin Tianxing who was sitting in the last row. Lin Huang took a deep breath and started speaking after clearing his throat when the bell ring ended.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Lin Huang. From today onwards, I'll be your teacher for Sword Dao…"

Chapter 454: As Expected, the Students Created a Scene

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A bunch of students looked in confusion at Lin Huang in the Year 1 Class 2 as he looked too young to be a teacher. His appearance seemed like he was only 16 or 17, and he was definitely no older than 18. Some of them had noticed him at the orientation and thought that Lin Huang was one of the teacher's relatives, or else he would not have appeared among the teachers.

As Lin Huang introduced himself, a hunk who was sitting at the back raised his hand.

"Do you have a question for me?" Lin Huang nodded to him.

"Sir, if you don't mind, may we know how old you are?" The boy's question was what all of the students wanted to ask.

"I'm 16 this year." Lin Huang chose to tell the truth.

When he said that, the class became chaotic. Most of the students in the class were 15, and some of them were 14 while there were two of them who were the same age as him. Most of the 16-year-olds should be still studying instead of being a teacher. As most of the students were quite intelligent, they could tell from Lin Huang's age that he had never been to college.

"Sir, may I know which college did you go to?" A handsome boy sitting in front asked.

"I've never been to college."

What he said was like launching a ticking bomb. All of the 50 students were enraged.

"Then, what makes you think that you're qualified to teach us?!" The boy who asked the question stood up and glared at Lin Huang.

"There are 50 of us in this class. More than half of us are top students from B-grade footholds. Among billions of graduating students in the entire Division 7, we're easily the top 3,000! So, what makes you think that you, who has never been to college before, qualified to teach us?!"

Lin Huang was helpless. He knew the truth would create such a chaos among the students. After all, they were top students who were selected from Division 7, so their pride was expected. Just when he was trying to explain, Qin Tianxing who was sitting at the back stood up.


The class went completely silent as he bellowed. Many of the students turned around to look at him but they quickly looked away due to his intimidating power.

Qin Tianxing walked to the podium and sat next to Lin Huang while glaring furiously at the boy who had questioned Lin Huang.

"Sit down!"

The boy wanted to talk back but looking at Qin Tianxing's eyes, he obeyed and sat down. After the boy sat down, Qin Tianxing looked around the class and started speaking.

"My name is Qin Tianxing. I believe all of you who have looked through our college's information base would have heard of me. It's okay if you haven't. I'm the Martial Hunter College teacher who's teaching Year 1 Class 1 Dao of the sword. I'm also the department director, and I've been teaching here for five years. I believe I have the right to speak."

The students did not dare to say anything after finding out who Qin Tianxing was.

"Since you guys asked what makes Sir Lin qualified to teach, I shall answer that question.

"Firstly, all of the colleges in Division 7 have no restrictions on a teacher's academic experience. In fact, more than 30% of the teachers in the colleges in the entire Division 7 have never been to college. Many teachers come from the Hunter Association and the Adventurer's Paradise. Some of them were even chosen from the Union Government military. Many of them have completed their organization assessment without attending college, and they grew throughout the journey. Compared to those who graduated from college, they have more battle experiences.

"Although all of you are top students, if all of you enter the Reserve Hunter assessment now, I'm sure it would be great if one among 50 of you can pass the assessment. Don't talk about you guys. Even if the 100 students in Class 1 were to join, less than 50 of them can pass the assessment.

"If I'm not mistaken, Sir Lin next to me here passed the assessment when he was your age." Qin Tianxing looked at Lin Huang.

"I passed the assessment last year in June and got my hunter license in December," Lin Huang nodded and said calmly.

"Did you hear that? Sir Lin got his hunter license at the age of 15. May I know which of you had gotten your hunter license in December?" Qin Tianxing asked. Nobody said a thing. Although they would have three months to learn and prepare, none of the students had the confidence to pass the Reserve Hunter assessment, let alone get the hunter license.

"Whether Sir Lin graduated from college or not, at least his ability has surpassed far from you guys when he was your age. Doesn't that make him worth learning from?" Many fell into deep thought after Qin Tianxing said that.

"Although our college doesn't have many teachers who didn't graduate from college, there are 17% of them this year. The 17% were appointed by the dean and the Vice President as well as having gone through a strict assessment. Since the dean passed their assessment, that shows they're qualified to teach and are no less than other teachers. It's wrong for you guys to judge a book by its cover.

"Moreover, everyone knows that the strongest subject that we have is the Saber Dao department. Ye Tiankong is the one teaching Year 3 Class 1 Saber Dao, and he has never been to college as well. None of the students in the class made any noise about him. Since the Saber Dao students didn't discriminate a teacher who has never graduated from college, can't we from the Sword Dao class do the same?"

After Qian Tianxing spoke, he looked at the students again. Many of them had their hands lowered.

"No matter what, you can only judge whether Sir Lin is qualified to teach after he finishes his class. You guys don't even know what he's going to talk about. You're disrespectful for complaining after hearing his self-introduction. You're also disrespectful to the Martial Hunter College, especially troublemakers like you." Qian Tianxing looked at the boys who were sitting in the front row who had said that Lin Huang was not qualified to teach.

"Please apologize to Sir Lin."

Although the main boy was reluctant, he could not talk back to Qian Tianxing. As a student of the Sword Dao, he was reluctant to admit that he was worse than the Saber Dao students. After struggling in his mind, he stood up and bowed to Lin Huang.

"Sir Lin, I apologize for my reckless comment. I shouldn't discriminate against teachers who have never graduated from college. But if your standard doesn't reach my expectations, I'll apply to change to another class."

The boy was stubborn. Although he had apologized, he was obviously skeptical of Lin Huang's teaching abilities.

"I accept your apology, and I understand your opinion. If you don't like me after I finish my class, you, I won't stop you from changing class."

"Alright, I shall pass the podium to Sir Lin. I hope you guys will pay attention." Seeing that the issue was solved, Qin Tianxing nodded to Lin Huang and walked to the back of the classroom.

Chapter 455: Lin Huang's First Class

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was not mad at the students being skeptical of his teaching ability as he could put himself in the students' shoes. He would be skeptical of a teacher who was only a year older than he was. It was understandable for the students not to believe in him as he was not educated. However, he knew that he could gain the students' trust by teaching the class with his best.

"This is my first time teaching. To be honest, I'm anxious. Before I came here, my master told me that as long as I don't teach the wrong things, I can teach however I want to. I know my own abilities, but I accepted this role as I know this might be the only opportunity for me to enter Martial Hunter College to learn."

Seeing that many students looking puzzled, he smiled and explained, "Yes, my purpose here is the same with all of you. I'm here to learn. Teaching is a process of learning. I hope to learn and improve myself together with all of you here.

"I'm done talking about things that are unrelated to the class. Let's start the class officially."

After speaking what he had in mind, Lin Huang then started teaching.

"Sword Dao is one of the earliest battle techniques in the human world. It has always been the most used battle technique all this time. The history of Life Power has existed since more than 800 years ago, but Sword Dao existed even earlier than Life Power did. Not only during the old epoch, even during the ancient epoch, no matter how much the cultivation system has changed, Sword Dao has also always been one of the most popular battle techniques.

"The sword skill is basically categorized into three types which are offensive, defensive, and a combination of both. To break them down, there are different forms of strength, speed, assassination, and so on for offensive styles while there are barrier and counterattack forms of defensive styles. There are more complicated types if we are to break down the combinations.

"Although there are three types of categories, the sword skill was created to kill, so most of them are offensive skills. However, what I'm trying to say is that training sword isn't just about learning to kill…"

A tall and strong student raised up his hand as Lin Huang spoke.

"Yes, do you have any questions?"

"Sir Lin, since you said that sword skill was created to kill, then why can't we just learn to kill? Doesn't killing fulfill the purpose of sword skill? What's the purpose of learning non-killing skills?"

"That's a good question." Lin Huang nodded and continued to lead the class with that question.

"In reality, no matter which weapon you use, whether it's sword, saber, spear, or your fist, everyone tends to learn to kill as its the fastest way to increase one's ability. But I must remind all of you on our first class that the more killings that come from the killing skill, the stronger a person's brutality aura becomes. At some point, the accumulation of brutality aura will enter the person's brain and even into the person's soul. If it were just the brain, the person will go crazy while if the aura goes into one's soul, the person's life form will be distorted and eventually turned into a monster such as a sword or a saber slave."

What Lin Huang said shocked everyone in the class. Even Qin Tianxing was shocked to hear this theory for the first time. He had seen people who trained until they went crazy like what Lin Huang mentioned but he had never heard of anyone turning into a sword or a saber slave. A few students raised up their hands after Lin Huang finished talking about the theory.

"Please speak," Lin Huang pointed at a girl and said.

"Sir Lin, I've heard of people who have gone crazy from training. But do you have any proof of the brutality aura that enters soul making a person's life form to change?" All of the students who had raised their hands wanted to ask the same thing the girl just asked.

"It's one of the soul transformations which happens to people under an intense trigger. Demonification is one of them. There are some special cases where people may experience life form change from a viral infection."

"If any of you are interested in this topic, you can go to the library to read these two books. One is 'Life Evolution and Mutation' and the other is 'The Soul's Foundation'. You can find what I've just said in these two books and even some supporting cases. I shall not go further into this topic," Lin Huang said.

"Now, let me get back to Sword Dao." Lin Huang looked at the students. He knew this interesting piece of information would gauge the attention of these curious kids.

"As the killing skills grow the brutality aura, there's also spiritual cultivation for Sword Dao. Some of the sword skills might not look like they're for killing, but they're suitable for one to calm their spirit. Among all, the Buddhist Sword Withdrawal is the most popular one. Although there are only six words (in Chinese) in this skill, it's very effective. The Ruler Withdrawal evolved from that."

Everyone in the class was puzzled at what Lin Huang just said, including Qin Tianxing.

"What I initially thought was to teach all of you the spiritual cultivation in our first class. However, it takes time to see the effect, and it's not exactly helpfully in killing and real battles, so I gave up on that idea. Considering that killing is more vital, I shall teach you a killing skill today."

Many of them were excited.

"Follow me to the training ground," Lin Huang said and brought the bunch of students to training ground No.101. Qin Tianxing thought it was ridiculous as the teaching of Sword Dao usually took place at the outdoor training ground, but Lin Huang was leading them somewhere else. As they arrived at training ground No.101, Qin Tianxing finally understood what Lin Huang was trying to do. He walked faster and caught up with Lin Huang.

"This training ground isn't open to the public. Only the dean has the keys."

"So do I." Lin Huang took out the keys and shook them in front of Qin Tianxing, then opened the training ground's door.

The bunch of students dashed into the training ground immediately as soon as the door was opened.

"Where did you get the keys?" Qin Tianxing pulled Lin Huang aside and asked.

"Dean Liu gave them to me. Why?" Lin Huang thought his question was odd.

"This is the battle training ground for Transcendents where it's only opened once or twice every year for the college teachers and teachers from other schools to train," Qin Tianxing explained.

"It's okay since nobody's using this place anyway. If the dean prohibits this, he'll take the keys away from me when he's back." Lin Huang knew Liu Ming would not mind.

Lin Huang turned around to the students. All of them were looking around. It was their first time seeing such a massive battle training ground.

"Look at how happy there are. Isn't it great that this environment interests them to pay attention in class?" What Lin Huang said made Qin Tianxing speechless. He thought about it. Since Dean Liu had given Lin Huang the keys, that meant he trusted Lin Huang, so there was no point for him to stop Lin Huang. However, he started thinking about what kind of relationship Lin Huang had with Dean Liu.


Chapter 456: Another Conflict

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The students got into a circle in the battle training ground while Lin Huang stood in the middle and spoke clearly, "The first sword skill that I'm going to teach you today is an attacking sword skill called Sanguinary Kill Form. This sword skill comes from the Union Government's military's battle sword skill called Sanguinary Battle Sweep. The original Sanguinary Battle Sweep belongs to a battlefield sword skill of 13 forms suitable to kill enemies on the battlefield. I've tweaked it into eight forms instead with more powerful tactics that are more suitable for singular killing."

"The original Sanguinary Battle Sweep needs a certain strength and Life Power from the performer. If the person's strength isn't up to standard, he'll hurt himself instead. The longer he trains, the more injuries he would have underlying in his body. If Life Power isn't involved, the effect won't be anything powerful. The Sanguinary Kill Forms that's been tweaked is more of a practice of tactic without strength and Life Power. There won't be any side effects if one trains it for a long period. As long as the skill is there, without using Life Power, it could cause sufficient harms to monsters."

After some explanation of the sword skill, Lin Huang took out a wooden sword.

"Let me demonstrate once for you. Please stand back. The best would be 50 meters away."

Although the students thought that 50 meters were too much, they followed anyway.

Meanwhile, Qin Tianxing raised his eyebrow as he would also ask his students to stand 50 meters away if he was to teach the class. However, Lin Huang was only using a wooden sword which could not hold too much Life Power, so he thought it was unnecessary that Lin Huang asked the students to stand so far back.

Of course, Lin Huang, who was holding the wooden sword, did not care what Qin Tianxing was thinking of him. As he activated his Life Power, the wooden sword in his hand was covered in golden Life Power and shining brightly within seconds. The students were stunned as they watched. They had just found out that Lin Huang was a gold-level. Before one arrived at Transcendent-level, besides those who had unique Life Skills which was rare, most people's Life Power color changed as they leveled up. The Life Power color would be black when one was on iron-level, greenish gray on bronze level, silver on silver-level, and gold on gold-level.

When the students heard that Lin Huang was 16, they thought he was only bronze-level, or at the most, silver-level. Looking at the golden Life Power covering the wooden sword, they finally realized that their teacher was a genius. Perhaps only a few arrived at gold-level at the tender age of 16 throughout 800 years in the entire Division7. However, some of the students were in disbelief. They thought he was trained in some special Life Skill which caused his Life Power's color to change.

They turned around to ask Qin Tianxing, "Sir Qin, did Sir Lin's Life Power turned to gold because he practiced some special Life Skill?"

Qin Tianxing shook his head.

"Sir Lin is already a gold-level rank-3. If everything goes as planned, he should be able to get to Transcendent this year, becoming the youngest Transcendent in the history of Division."

Although Qin Tianxing did not speak very loudly, the students around heard him clearly and looked in shock at Lin Huang. They were just students, but they knew how terrifying it was for a 16-year-old to be Transcendent-level.

"Could Sir Lin be the… the legendary genius?" A student asked.

"From what I know, he has the ability to perform cross-ranking kill by killing Transcendent monsters," Qin Tianxing confirmed.

Those who heard looked at Lin Huang with respect. Meanwhile, Lin Huang, who was in the middle of the training ground, swung his sword at a slower pace to show how the sword skill was performed. With the help of the sword realm, cracks of 30 meters long appeared on the field of grass. The students were stunned at the skill. They were brought into the realm as if they were watching a powerful sword trainer fighting a giant beast. Qin Tianxing was stunned when he saw Lin Huang brandishing his sword, and he was soon excited. He had arrived on level-2 of the Sword Dao, but he was just stepping in. Looking at Lin Huang's performance, he could tell that Lin Huang was near level-3.

Watching such a performance was beneficial to him. He was soon indulging in the performance. Lin Huang spent more than a minute showing the eight forms of sword skills before putting his sword away.

"I've demonstrated three times just now. Did all of you get the forms?" Lin Huang looked at everyone. Many of them were shocked, which showed that what he was doing was effective.

"It's okay if you didn't manage to memorize them as I have reordered a video from my training a few days ago. I'll create a group chat and I'll add all of you in, so you guys can download the video and learn from it."

Lin Huang then created a group chat and projected the barcode that the app had generated.

"Scan the barcode to join the group chat. I'll upload all the documents into the group chat and you guys can download them yourself."

The students scanned their Emperor's Heart Rings immediately and Qin Tianxing followed too. Lin Huang did not say anything when he saw that.

With 50 students in the class plus Lin Huang and Qin Tianxing, the group chat now had 52 persons. Seeing that everyone was in the group chat, Lin Huang uploaded his training of the sword skill that he had recorded a few days ago. The students quickly downloaded the video into their Emperor's Heart Rings. Qin Tianxing did the same too.

"There are still around two hours left in the class. I'll let all of you train the sword skill by following the video. Before that, I would like to brief you about the arrangement that I have for next week." Lin Huang muted the group chat and turned off the communication page on his Emperor's Heart Ring.

"Next week, I shall test this Sanguinary Kill Forms with all of you. If I'm satisfied with your progress next week, I'll bring you guys to the wild zone to do real battle practices on the third week. But if you don't reach my expectations, I'll test you guys on the third week again. Having said that, before I'm satisfied with your progress, I won't bring you guys to the wild zone to train, and I won't be teaching you any new sword skills!"

Lin Huang sounded determined. The students were excited when they heard the first half of his briefing as all of them were anticipating real battles but what he said in the last part became pressure to most of them. A petite girl raised her hand.

"Please speak!" Lin Huang nodded.

"But the school will do a battle drill on the fifth week for all students, and the results will be calculated into the final assessment. What if we don't reach your expectation on the fourth week? Do we have to give up on the battle drill on the fifth week?" The girl asked shyly.

"That's right. If you guys don't reach my expectation on the fourth week, I'll get the school to disqualify all of your from joining the battle drill on the fifth week! All of you will get zero for that!" Lin Huang did not look like he was joking.

What he had just said made the harmonious environment chaotic.

"That's not fair! What gives you the right to do that?" A short hair boy shouted at him.

"There's no fairness in this world. The so-called fairness is fighting for yourself with your own abilities." Lin Huang looked at the boy in all seriousness.

"Do you know why is the Hunter Association's assessment is so difficult every time? Even if it was just a Reserve Hunter assessment, some iron-level rank-3 can't pass. Not that the Hunter Association don't want more people to join them. The reason why they set the standard so high is to minimize the death rate. If they set the standard lower, there'll be more people dying. The high standard acts as a protection for the weaker ones to avoid them from digging their own graves."

"The reason why I have such high standard for you guys is the same. It'll be meaningless if I let you join the battle drill before you're capable. You'll be safe with the protection of your teacher during the battle drill but what happens three years later? When all of you join your own organizations respectively, without your teacher, have you ever thought of the consequences of not having sufficient abilities?!

"I know some of you would disagree with my idea before I even decided as it would affect your results and possibly leave a dark spot on your education record. But what I'm sure is that three years later, as you guys step into your organization respectively, you'll agree that what I'm doing is right."

"Moreover, it's not that I don't give you enough time. It's just the first week, so you guys still have three weeks to practice. If you manage to reach my standard before that, I'll give you a battle drill before time. By the fifth week, you guys will have the privilege over the students from other classes. If you want me to know if you're a real genius, show me what you've really got!"

Chapter 457: The Least Favorite Year 1 Teacher

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What kind of shitty teacher is he!? What right does he have to disqualify us from joining the battle?!" Zhou Ling demanded angrily as she walked out of the battle training ground. She was the petite girl who had raised her hand to remind Lin Huang about the battle on the fifth week.

"He does have the right. He's our Sword Dao teacher. According to the Martial Hunter College Teacher Condition No. 12, if the teacher decides that the student isn't qualified, he can take away the student's battle qualifications and assign the student zero marks in battle," a short-haired girl next to her said expressionlessly.

"Xiao Hui, whose side are you really on?!" Zhou Ling was exasperated. The short-haired girl was her dorm mate, so she did not expect the girl to stand on Lin Huang's side.

"I'm just telling the truth." Shangguan Hui remained expressionless.

"I think what Sir Lin said is right. Now that we have our teacher with us during the battle, most of us will treat it as a game without taking it seriously. If there's nobody protecting us after we graduate, we would have to depend on ourselves. We will definitely die if we don't have sufficient ability. Instead of regretting it in the future, it's better to treat the battle as a real one. At least, we have the opportunity to make mistakes now. During the real battle, we won't stand a chance."

"But…" Although Zhou Ling agreed with what Shangguan Hui said and did not have anything to retort, she was furious.

"Everyone is unhappy not because Sir Lin is wrong, but because he has yet to trust to us. Basically, he's just too young. If it was Sir Qin who had said that, I bet not many people would be mad at him," Shangguan Hui explained further.

Zhou Ling thought about it. If it had really been Sir Qin who had said that, she might complain, but she might not question the teacher's intentions.

"So what? He's not much older than us. Who gave him the right to show off to us?!" Zhou Ling remained stubborn.

"Well, he really does have the right to show off. Don't forget that he got his Hunter license when he was only 15. Not only that, I heard just now that Sir Lin is already on gold-level rank-3 and he might be the youngest one who will reach Transcendent-level in the entire Division 7 this year. Not only that, although he's only gold-level rank-3 now, he has the ability to kill Transcendent-level monsters already." Shangguan Hui heard what Qin Tianxing said in the battle training ground earlier.

"What, a 16-year-old Transcendent-level?" Zhou Ling could not believe that.

"I don't think it's a lie since it came from Sir Qin. A person usually needs three to four months to level up from gold-level rank-3 to complete gold-level. As soon as one becomes complete gold-level, he can kill tinder and level up to Transcendent-level. It's early September now. Even if Sir Lin has just arrived at gold-level rank-3, he should be able to break through complete gold-level by December. By then, he might only need to spend a few days to kill a Transcendent monster to break through." Shangguan Hui believed what Qin Tianxing said without a doubt.

Zhou Ling stayed silent.

"Also, I noticed that Sir Qin's eyes lit up when Sir Lin was teaching us the sword skill. He looked like a starving pig monster that just saw food out of nowhere. I don't think the sword skill is as simple as we think." Shangguan Hui noticed Qin Tianxing's odd behavior.

"We don't know about that. Maybe Sir Qin likes men," Zhou Lin lamented.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang and Qin Tianxing were watching the students leave the battle training ground. When the last student left, Qin Tianxing started speaking.

"What are you trying to do? Finally, you manage to build your rapport with the students, and now you did this? You can't blame them for not liking you."

"I'm a teacher, I don't need them to like me." Lin Huang smiled and shook his head. "They might not understand what I'm doing now but one day they will."

"So, you're serious about this?" Qin Tianxing's eyes flew wide. He thought Lin Huang was only scaring the students to pressure them.

"Of course! They should treat the battle drill as a real one instead of a game. I won't let those who are unqualified to join the battle." Lin Huang nodded.

"They'll hate you if you really disqualify them and give them zero marks," Qin Tianxing said in all seriousness. He had been teaching for many years, so he understood what the students had in mind.

"But they'll treat their missions seriously in the future as they won't want to get zero for the second time." Lin Huang was determined.

"Their second time…" Even Qin Tianxing was speechless now.

"I'll sit in again next week. Please don't have such high standards. They're just kids after all."

"I'm just a kid too. Also a stubborn one." Lin Huang laughed at what Qin Tianxing said.

"Erm…" Qin Tianxing did not know how to respond.

"Don't worry, I believe in these kids' abilities. The sword skill that I'm teaching isn't complicated. Although they might not reach my expectations in one or two weeks, they might be able to do it by the fourth week."

Since Lin Huang had decided, Qin Tianxing did not want to stop him. As the Sword Dao department director, he should not interfere in Lin Huang's teaching method. Every teacher had their own teaching style. Moreover, Lin Huang was not wrong in his teaching methods. He was just a little too strict. Since his first class, Lin Huang's name spread within the new students who took Sword Dao, and he soon became the least favorite Year 1 teacher.

Many of the students from the other classes knew that the teacher who was teaching Class 2 was a newbie who was only 16 years old. They heard about his ridiculous standard and his threat to disqualify the class from participating in the battle drill. Many of the students from the other classes were thrilled as they would have less powerful opponents if Class 2 did not join the battle drill that was scheduled to happen a month later.

However, another news spread a few days later whereby Sir Lin, who was teaching Class 2, was already on gold-level rank-3 at the age of 16. He would also possibly become Transcendent-level by this year. Many of them thought that it was fake news as the real genius would spend most of their time in training instead of wasting their time on teaching in a college.

Lin Huang had heard about himself being the least favorite teacher in Year 1, but he did not care at all. He stuck to his routine of staying in the library from morning until night. As his reputation was already so terrible, sometimes the Year 1 students who bumped into him in the library would avoid him as they were afraid to offend him.

Chapter 458: Unqualified, Next!

Translator:EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor:EndlessFantasy Translation

It was already Monday when Lin Xin heard the news that Lin Huang was the least favorite teacher in Year 1. She called him during her recess time. Lin Huang was just sitting down in the library after he finished lunch when his Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated. He activated the soundproof shield and answered Lin Xin's video call.

"What's wrong? Anything happened?" Although Lin Xin no longer stayed with him, they would meet during the weekend for a meal. Now that she was calling, it was clear that something had happened.

"Brother, how was the class that you gave Class 2 a few days back?" Lin Xin hesitated before asking.

"It was successful. Didn't you already asked that yesterday?" Lin Huang thought it was an odd question.

"I knew it. What people are talking about is just a rumor," Lin Xin mumbled to herself.

"What rumor?"

"Someone said that you're disqualifying Class 2 students' right to join the battle drill. I have no idea who has so much time on their hand to come up with such a rumor." Lin Xin thought it was unfair to Lin Huang.

"Oh, that. It's not a rumor. It really happened," Lin Huang admitted.

"It's true?!" Lin Xin was shocked and speechless. "Brother, what exactly are you thinking?"

"I'm just setting a phase mission for the students whereby they'll be rewarded if they accomplish it or get punished if they don't. That's a common teaching method. I don't think there's anything wrong with it." Lin Huang did not want to explain more.

"But do you know that you're now the least favorite teacher in the entire Year 1?" Lin Xin hesitated for a while before deciding to tell Lin Huang the truth.

"I know. They've mentioned it in the teacher's group chat during these few days." Although Lin Huang had muted the group chat, he still ran through the group chat before he slept every night. He saw that some teachers were talking about the topic, but he did not bother.

"Don't worry about it. Just focus on strengthening your abilities and prepare for the battle drill next month," Lin Huang advised.

Lin Huang carried on with his life as usual for the next few days without letting what the students said affect him. Soon, it was Friday afternoon. This time, Lin Huang did not teach in class. Instead, he brought the students straight to the battle training ground. Qin Tianxing was worried that Lin Huang would do something ridiculous again, so he sat in the class.

"I gave all of you a mission last week. Since it's been a week, I'm going to test the results of your practice today," Lin Huang announced, looking at everyone present. Some of them looked like they were ready to challenge him, but he decided to ignore them.

"Let's start the drill by following your student ID number from No. 1 to No. 50. No. 1, Yu Yang!"

A young man of Lin Huang's height stood out. Lin Huang stood aside and nodded to him. "Show me what you've got!"

Yu Yang took out a battle sword from his storage space and swung his sword. His handling of the sword was smooth. Lin Huang was expressionless while Qin Tianxing, who was standing behind the students, frowned.

Yu Yang was satisfied with his performance. He put away his sword and turned around to look at Lin Huang.

"Unqualified, next!" Lin Huang put a cross on the guarded name list without even looking at him.

Many students were shocked to see that, and they were puzzled.

"Sir Lin, may I know what did I do wrong?" Yu Yang, who was proud of himself, could not accept the result. The student ID of the Martial Hunter College of each class followed the exam score of each student. He had the highest score in Class 2 whereby he was only 1% away from entering Class 1. He thought he was the top in Class 2, but he did not expect Lin Huang to fail him.

"Since you want to know, I shall break this down for you." Lin Huang held his head up and looked at Yu Yang.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have only spent less than five hours, at the most, to train this sword skill for the past week, excluding the two hours that I taught in class last week. To be exact, you didn't put in any effort in your practice. You think you can hide not learning the movement from me and adding your own techniques make it look smoother.

"The sword skill that I taught is called the Sanguinary Kill Form. What is the one that you're practicing? The Dancing Queen?!" Lin Huang berated.

Some of them covered their mouths and laughed when they heard Dancing Queen. Yu Yang was upset.

"Sanguinary Kill Form is a killing sword skill. The one you're practicing is just the surface of it. You clearly didn't understand the skill at all as I didn't sense any killing aura at all. As long as a person focuses on training, even if he was not from a top college, I'm sure he would perform better than you if he were given a week to practice."

Yu Yang was speechless as what Lin Huang was on point. He had not put any effort into training the sword skill. He thought he could just wing it by just improvising some connecting techniques of his own to make the swinging of sword smooth, but Lin Huang managed to see through him.

"Next! No. 2, Gong Ning!"

As the No. 2 student performed her sword skill, she stood anxiously.

"Unqualified, next!"

Without saying anything, student No. 2 backed away to where she had been standing.

Soon, student No. 3 went on with the sword swinging.

"Unqualified, next!"

"Unqualified, next!"

"Unqualified, next!"

An hour later, Lin Huang frowned as all the students finished performing. Even Qin Tianxing was upset. Besides a few of them who had put in the effort, most of them did not take Lin Huang's instructions seriously.

"I'm very dissatisfied with all of your performance today. Among 50 of you, only three of you put in the effort. I want to ask the rest of you, what did you spend your time on for the past week? Did you not have three hours to practice the sword skill?!" Lin Huang held his wrists behind his back and scolded.

"It's just a mission of training sword, and you guys didn't manage to do it. I want to ask, would you that your mission the same when you enter the Hunter Association or the Union Government three years later?! If you're in a real battle, such attitude won't only kill you, but you'll also kill your teammates and even the entire team.

"Also, don't treat what I said about disqualifying you guys in the battle drill to be a joke. If you don't reach my expectations by the fourth week, I'll definitely disqualify all of you from joining the battle drill on the fifth week!

"Not only that, I'll give you a new mission next month. Those who didn't manage to accomplish the first mission can only take up the new mission after he or she accomplishes the first mission. The new mission will be restricted to three weeks. Those who don't accomplish it will be disqualified from joining the second battle drill! Same goes for the third month and fourth months.

"If any of you spends too long on finishing the first mission and causes the next mission to fail, then you'll be disqualified in all battle drills, which means you'll get zero in your battle drill result for the entire semester!"

All of the students looked upset. They would be expelled from the Martial Hunter College if they got zero marks for battle drills for the entire semester!

Chapter 459: Leveled Up to Complete Gold-Level

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On Monday morning, Yu Yang led 42 Sword Dao students from Year 1 Class 2 to the registrar's office.

"What are you guys doing so early in the morning?" The director of the registrar's office, Li Feng, frowned. He could guess why the students were here.

After Lin Huang's class ended last Friday, some of the students recorded a video in which Lin Huang said he would disqualify the students from joining the battle drills for the entire semester. The video had been shared all over after omitting the front part of what Lin Huang said. Some teachers in the group chat forwarded the video too.

"We request the school to fire Sir Lin Huang! He's not fit to be a teacher!" Yu Yang who led the class shouted.

What was happening in the registrar had gotten the other officers' attention on the fourth floor. Everyone gathered around and talked among themselves.

"The one who's leading can speak." Li Feng looked at Yu Yang pointedly.

Yu Yang who represented the class walked proudly to Li Feng.

"You'll need a legit reason to fire a teacher. Tell me, what is the reason to get us to fire Sir Lin?" Li Feng raised his brow at the young man while he leaned back in his office chair.

Yu Yang projected the video that he had edited. It was the part where Lin Huang wanted to disqualify the students from joining the battle drills for the entire semester and giving them zero marks.

"He doesn't know how to teach. All he does is threaten us by disqualifying us from the battle drill. Moreover, a teacher who has never been to college isn't qualified to be our teacher," Yu Yang explained before he projected the video of Lin Huang admitting that he had never been to college on his first day of class.

"All of us agree that he's not suitable to teach us. So, either the school fires him or relocates him to other classes. We Class 2 students can't accept such a teacher to teach us."

"So, you think I have no idea what really happened?" Li Feng smirked after Yu Yang was done talking. Yu Yang's heart skipped a beat. Li Feng then showed a video clip of the Class 2 students practicing their sword skills. It was recorded by Qin Tianxing, and the clip included all the students' performance and the reason why Lin Huang was mad. In reality, after Yu Yang and the rest had shared the edited video on Friday, Li Feng had questioned Qin Tianxing when he saw someone forwarding the video to the teachers' group chat. He found out what had really happened after watching the complete video that Qin Tianxing had recorded.

"How dare you turn the tables around when you didn't manage to accomplish the mission that's been set by your teacher? Look at what you guys were doing! All you did was dance instead of giving it a full week of practice! Sir Lin was right. Students from worse colleges are even more powerful than all of you. At least, they're serious about what they do! You even edited the video and made it viral everywhere to create a scene! Now, you're here to tell me how bad your teacher is and asking me to fire the teacher?!" What Li Feng roared made Yu Yang turn pale.

"Do you know that Lin Huang saw the video that you guys edited from the beginning? I asked him to share the video of your performance to show the reason why he got mad and let everyone judge for themselves. But Lin Huang refused to as the video might affect you guys. He bore all of the accusations that you guys spread. He had the opportunity to prove himself, but he chose to remain silent."

Not only Yu Yang, the rest of the students had their heads hanging low in shame.

"I'm ending this matter here. We're standing on Sir Lin Huang's side. Those who sent out the video, please delete the video that you beautifully edited within 24 hours and the registrar's office will set this aside. But I would like to emphasize that if any of you got zero for the battle drill, we, the Martial Hunter College, will expel you from the school! It will be the same even if you complain to the dean." Li Feng was determined to support Lin Huang as he knew that Lin Huang had Liu Ming behind his back, and he did not want to offend him.

Yu Yang walked out miserably from the office, and the rest of the students departed like they had just lost a battle. They did not expect that the proof that they had created would backfire. Without any other choices, they practiced the sword skill honestly. The matter had been contained by Li Feng just like that. Lin Huang just smiled when he heard what happened. Although the video was deleted, the matter was still a hot topic in the college. Even students from Year 2 and Year 3 heard about this new teacher with a powerful background who managed to get away with his ridiculous decision. Even though the video was deleted. Lin Xin contacted him again because of the matter, but Lin Huang succeeded in comforting her.

Soon, it was Friday of the third week, and Lin Huang had class in the afternoon. Lin Huang did the same thing whereby he examined the students' progress, and he was pretty satisfied this time.

"There are 36 students who have passed today. I've said this before. It's not difficult to each my expectations as long as you practice. I hope all of you manage to reach my standards and won't be disqualified from the battle drill on the fifth week."

Lin Huang did not mention the scene that the students had created during the entire class like it had never happened. Many of the students who wanted revenge were relieved. Even Qin Tianxing was glad as he was worried that Lin Huang might find fault with the students again to increase the tension among the students. Luckily, the class was pretty harmonious.

After the class, Lin Huang was reading in the library at night. Suddenly, he felt the Life Power in his body completely stabilize. With a slight shift of aura, he had leveled up to complete gold-level.

He did not rotate his Life Power this time as he had leveled up from gold-level rank-3 to complete gold-level. Besides training swordsmanship, he allowed his Life Power to rotate by itself. After spending almost three months, he had finally completed his upgrade.

It was the longest time for him to stagnate on the same combat level. However, throughout the learning and digesting process, his foundation was now stable.

"Congratulations, your epic-level monster Gold Armored Genie (Tyrant) has leveled up automatically to crimson flame-level.

"Congratulations, your epic-level monster the Ruthless Sword Master (Lancelot) and the other sword slaves have leveled up automatically to crimson flame-level.

"Congratulations, your epic-level monster Nephilic (Kylie) has leveled up automatically to crimson flame-level."

A few notifications from Xiao Hei popped up as he leveled up.

"Now that I've broken through my combat level and my Monster Cards have leveled up, it's time to hunt for Life Fire monsters!" Lin Huang smirked.

"But among the Life Fire monsters that I have shortlisted earlier, which one should I choose?"

Chapter 460: Choosing Tinder

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Considering the practicality of Life Fire, Lin Huang had shortlisted three targets since the beginning. The first one was the Gigantic Gold-Armored Dragon with dragon blood. Not only would he get the tinder, killing the Gold-Armored Gigantic Dragon would give him a terrifying monster's physique with an upgrade in strength and he could possibly even obtain dragon power.

The second one would be the double mutated undead monster, the Millennium Corpse. The tinder from killing this monster could earn Lin Huang a secret skill called "Fake Death" which allowed three chances of revival from death. However, the first revival would make the revived sleep for a year, the second for 10 years and third for 100 years. On the fourth death, the owner of the secret skill would not die but would sleep for 300 years. When he woke up, he would turn into a Millennium Corpse himself.

The third one would be a double mutated psychic, the Mirror Beast. This monster had a terrifying cloning ability which allowed it to create hundreds of clones that looked exactly like itself. Killing the monster would get him the tinder with the same cloning ability. The Life Fire monsters were shortlisted carefully by Lin Huang based on the practicality of their skills that he needed.

The first one was to strengthen his body as a whole while his abilities would increase as well. The second one was to survive death, but it would come with grave consequences. He considered the Life Fire as the Substitute talent that he had to be only a once-off use, which was not enough for him. The third one would be cloning which was a very useful ability. It could help him finish dangerous missions during critical times.

After the shortlisting, Lin Huang thought that the most suitable one would be the first and the third one as the consequences of the second one was too much. As he thought to himself, he decided to consult Mr. Fu. However, it was almost 11 p.m, so he did not call Mr. Fu. Instead, he sent a message. He informed him that he had leveled up to complete gold-level, then sent another one to ask about the Life Fire monster. He included the three Life Fire monsters that he had shortlisted in the message.

In less than a minute, Mr. Fu sent him a video call request. Lin Huang activated the soundproof shield in the library and picked up the call. Mr. Fu had stood up from a rocking chair in the video call with his usual smiley face.

"My dear apprentice, you have leveled up to complete gold-level already?"

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded.

"I've looked at the three Life Fire monsters that you sent me. I think besides the first one, the rest don't really suit you," Mr. Fu gave his opinion.

"When you arrive at holy fire-level, besides physique upgrade talent that can be turned into a secret skill, the remaining physique upgrade skills are basically useless. That's the reason why most people have the same physique when they've just leveled up to holy fire-level while killing the dragon blood will give you a boost in physique that'll make you much more powerful than people of the same level.

"The other two are pretty useless. Only dummies would go for the Millennium Corpse as one would turn into a monster when he becomes dead for more than three times and that's the end of his combat level up. For the cloning tinder, you could always learn a similar secret skill, so there's no need to obtain it from the monster."

"So, Master, you're suggesting me to pick the dragon blood?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"I'm saying the first one is passable among the three." Mr. Fu shook his head.

"But I think you could try killing a triple mutated monster instead of focusing on double mutated monsters. The more the monster has mutated, the more powerful the tinder is, and the higher your power will be. I think you can try killing triple mutated monsters with your ability. If you really can't, you can always pick the dragon blood later."

"Pick a triple mutated monster?!" Lin Huang raised his eyebrow. Mr. Fu's suggestion was tempting to him. He had thought of picking a triple mutated monster, but he had never heard that killing a triple mutated monster could make a Transcendent-level more powerful. Most importantly, he had no idea what kind of tinder he would get from killing a triple mutated monster. That was why he had put the thought aside.

"The more powerful the tinder obtained, the more powerful the person will get. The rank-3 tinder in the triple mutated monster is at least three times more powerful than a rank-2 double mutated monster. Some may even be seven to eight times more powerful," Mr. Fu explained further.

Lin Huang knew what Mr. Fu was saying. It was like Yi Yeyu who had killed a twice mutated Fire Phoenix whereby her ability was more powerful compared to a white flame-level who had killed a single mutated monster.

"But has anyone ever gotten tinder from a triple mutated monster?" Lin Huang asked.

"Very few of them but yes."

"In Division 7, there's a girl named Luo Li from the Demon Slayer Troop. She's one of them. Besides her, there were another four persons who've killed triple mutated monsters to level up to holy fire-level throughout hundreds of years. But there are many of them in the core zones - more than 150 of them in fact - who have killed triple mutated monsters to level up in Division3 alone. There are even more of them in Divisions 1 and 2."

"So, there is information about what tinder a triple mutated monster has?" Lin Huang asked.

"Of course, I've just seen the latest edition recently." Mr. Fu looked like what Lin Huang asked was common knowledge.

"Then, Master, which monster do you think I should kill to obtain the tinder?" Lin Huang knew Mr. Fu already had a plan.

"You're training Sword Dao, and you're on the level-3 of the sword realm. Even if you only obtain a rank-2 Life Fire to level up, you'll still be a grade-1 genius but far away from a supreme genius."

Lin Huang had heard about the grading of geniuses, but it was his first time hearing about a supreme genius, which should be a level higher than a grade-1 genius.

"If you want to break through your ability, I think it's best to focus on your Sword Dao. It's much more effective than strengthening your physique or learning other minor cloning techniques," Mr. Fu suggested.

"The triple mutated monster that I chose for you is a Blacksword Killer. You will inherit a Sword Dao after obtaining its tinder. It was rumored to be a god-level Sword Dao…"

What Mr. Fu said in the end completely got Lin Huang hooked.

"Has anyone inherited the god-level Sword Dao before?" Lin Huang asked with his eyes wide opened.

"It's just a rumor. Nobody has gotten it before. But there's a person in Division 1 who has gotten a demigod-level Sword Dao before," Mr. Fu told the truth.

"Alright, I shall choose this! Master, please send me a copy of this monster's information," Lin Huang decided without thinking twice. Even if it was just a demigod-level Sword Dao, it was much better than what the other tinder could bring him.