
Chapter 671: F*ck, I Forgot to Save My Draft!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Peaceful Ocean was the third most dangerous forbidden land in the entire world. It ranked just right behind the virtual zone and the Abyss Brink. It was the largest ocean in the world, connecting 8 of the 12 safe zones. Before leaving Division 7, the ocean that Mr. Fu had brought him to train at was a small portion of the Peaceful Ocean in Division 7. Division 3 was connected to the east coast of the Peaceful Ocean.

The Peaceful Ocean was much more perilous than the second layer of the Abyss Brink. Besides king sea monsters that were even more humongous than giants, there were many imperial and even demigod-level monsters around. There were four harbors that one could enter the Peaceful Ocean through. The Victoria Harbor was the nearest island to the harbor where the Whitesword Supreme was. It was 16,000 nautical miles (almost 30,000 kilometers) away.

From the south point that Lin Huang trained at, he would have to get to Victoria Harbor and take the Demonic Crystal Spaceship to the Far East Island. The Far East Island was the closest island that the Demonic Crystal Spaceship could reach and was the nearest to the Supreme Whitesword. Even so, it was more than 8,000 nautical miles away from the unknown island where the Supreme Whitesword was, so Lin Huang would still have to fly there on his own.

After plotting the route in the middle of the night, Lin Huang bought the tickets to Victoria City and the Far East Island when it was past 1 a.m. In the morning, Lin Huang packed his bag and checked out of the room after his breakfast downstairs. He had stayed more than a month in Sweep City, and he hardly got out of his hotel room because he was training. Now that it was the end of June, most sections of Division 3 were experiencing summer, and everyone in Sweep City was wearing short-sleeved clothing.

Lin Huang dressed casually in a white t-shirt with a blue Furry Beast printed on it and a pair of jeans. In such a handsome disguise, the two ladies at the reception ogled him as they were assisting him to check out of his room. After he left, the two ladies excitedly discussed between themselves about whether he was the most handsome guest that they ever had this year.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Huang summoned Thunder and headed to the dimensional portal of the Peaceful Ocean. The portal to Victoria City would open only once a day at 9 a.m. daily. There were only six people including Lin Huang when he arrived at the dimensional portal. Since Victoria City was a large harbor, many tourists were visiting the beach during the summer. There were very few people at the dimensional portal as it was the end of June and the summer holidays had yet to start.

When it was 9 a.m. sharp, the dimensional portal opened. Lin Huang scanned his ticket together with the other five, then stepped into the portal. Soon, they stepped out of the portal and arrived at Victoria City. It was a sunny, cloudless day. Lin Huang then took out his dimensional portal to pin the coordinates. After confirming the location of Victoria Harbor on the Emperor's Heart Ring's map, he summoned Thunder again and headed there.

Twenty minutes later, Thunder brought Lin Huang to the Victoria Harbor. There was only one ship that headed to the Far East Island from that harbor once a week and coincidentally, it was that very day. The ship would depart at 11 a.m., which was the reason why Lin Huang went there early in the morning. If he had not made it to the ship today, he would have to wait for another week.

He had bought the ticket in the middle of the night and found it expensive at 3,000 Life Crystals per ticket, which was the price of a grade-2 or grade-3 relic. It only covered a standard cabin with two people to a room. A private cabin would cost 20,000 Life Crystals per ticket, which was the price of a grade-5 relic. Besides being a private room for one, it came with an en-suite bathroom with a bathtub. Although Lin Huang had the money, the tickets for the private cabin were sold out. Of course, there was the economy cabin that was cheaper than the standard cabin at only 500 Life Crystals per ticket. There would be eight people in a room without a bathroom. Even so, the tickets were sold out since the beginning.

As soon as he arrived at the harbor, Lin Huang soon saw the gigantic Demonic Crystal Spaceship floating in mid-air. It was even bigger than any of the ships that Lin Huang had ever seen. It was almost like a battleship. He knew that such a ship was called the Emperor's Ship and it was a supreme relic that was made of the bones of an imperial-level king sea monster. Although it was only a supreme relic, its defense was much more powerful than most of the ancient relic armors. Besides that, there were God Crashers and other weapons on the ship that could be used to chase away sea monsters.

The ship was like a demigod relic. If it were to be sold at auctions, it would be more expensive than a demigod relic. After Lin Huang was done admiring the ship, he searched for a place to wait for the ship to depart. He looked far away to see tourists wandering around the stores in the harbor. Although it was not the summer holidays yet, there were already many tourists.

The Far East Island was the most eastern island that the Division 3 Demonic Crystal Spaceship could get to. The island itself was beautiful, and you could catch the earliest sunset in Division 3 there, hence the flocking tourists. Lin Huang observed around and soon noticed an al fresco cafe. However, it was almost entirely occupied with only one vacant seat under an umbrella.

There was a man with a messy mustache sitting across the vacant seat. He wore sunglasses, a white t-shirt, a pair of sky blue beach shorts, and flip-flops. He was tapping on a virtual keyboard on his Emperor's Heart Ring.

"Uncle, is there anyone sitting here?" Lin Huang asked.

The man in the sunglasses peered at him over the Emperor's Heart Ring projection and said in all seriousness, "You should call me 'brother' at your age. If you're below 16, it's okay for you to call me 'uncle', but it's obvious that you're over 20 and I'm only 31. I think you shouldn't call me that."

"Oh… Alright then. Brother, is anyone sitting here?" Lin Huang corrected himself.

"No, please sit." The man turned back to the projection in front of him.

Lin Huang ordered a cup of coffee while waiting for the ship to depart patiently. The man across him occasionally frowned, scratching his head and sometimes biting his nails. He seemed to be in a dilemma as he typed slowly on his virtual keyboard. Although Lin Huang was curious about what the man was doing, recalling the conversation they had earlier, he gave up asking to save himself any possible embarrassment.

When it was 10.30 a.m., the checking of the tickets started. Seeing that many people had stood up to queue, Lin Huang ordered himself another cup of coffee. The man sitting across him did not look like he was standing up either as he continued typing on the virtual keyboard slowly. Ten minutes later, Lin Huang stood up after noticing that there were not many people left in the queue.

Just when he was leaving, he decided to remind the man because he noticed that the man did not seem to be leaving.

"Brother, the ship is leaving. Don't you want to make a move?"

"The ship is leaving!" The man switched off the projection frantically and let out a groan out of nowhere as he shot up to his feet with his bag.

"F*ck, I forgot to save my draft!"

Lin Huang ignored the man and boarded the ship.

Chapter 672: Lin Huang's Roommate

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After boarding the ship, Lin Huang soon found his assigned cabin that was printed on his ticket, Room 308. There was nobody in the room. The speed of the Emperor's Ship was not considered fast whereby its normal flying speed was only 2,000 kilometers per hour. The distance between the Victoria Harbor to the Far East Island was 15,000 kilometers with two stops in between. It would take almost eight hours to get there. If Lin Huang were to summon Thunder at full speed, he would take half the time the ship needed.

However, many people did not choose to ride on their flying mounts as it was safer on the Emperor's Ship as long as they did not encounter any demigod-level monsters. Even if they encountered imperial-level monsters, the tens of God Crashers would destroy the monsters. They were hardly any demigod-level monsters 10,000 nautical miles along the east coast. It would be unfortunate if they did encounter one.

Lin Huang looked out of the window as he sat on his bed. Many people were admiring the blue and calm Peaceful Ocean on the deck. It did not look like an ocean, but more like a massive lake. However, Lin Huang, who had stayed more than a month on the Peaceful Ocean, knew that everything was not as tranquil as it seemed.

"308… 308…" While Lin Huang was spacing out as he looked out of the window, he heard someone mumbling at the door. He turned around and looked expectantly at the door as he heard his room number. A man in beach shorts stood at the door and glanced at the room number before walking in.

"It's you!" The man saw Lin Huang as soon as he entered. Lin Huang did not expect the weird man in sunglasses whom he met at the cafe to be his roommate.

The man took off his sunglasses and walked to Lin Huang.

"I know that you meant me well when you urged me to get on the ship earlier. I'd like to thank you for that, but you made me forget to save my draft! My four hours of work was washed down the drain. Do you know the pain of losing four hours of work as a lousy writer who managed to squeeze out 2,000 words?"

"Erm…" Lin Huang looked awkward as he genuinely could not understand the pain. However, seeing that the man was so mad that he was going to cry, he decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Since Lin Huang apologized, the man was slightly placated. He then put his sunglasses on again.

"Forget about it. Just be careful the next time and not be so hurried for a small matter like that. A man should be calm."

"Who was the one who forgot to save his own draft? It's you who isn't calm…" Lin Huang thought to himself.

"Brother, are you an author?" Lin Huang could not help but ask as he watched the man typing on his virtual keyboard again. He was not really that interested in his occupation, but since they would be in the same room for eight hours, it would be boring not to speak to each other. He was shy to practice his sword skills when there was a stranger in the room anyway.

"Just a small one. I'm just trying to make a living." The man smiled.

"Are you looking for inspiration on the Far East Island?" Lin Huang asked again.

"Yeah, I've been stuck recently probably due to staying home for too long, so I guess it's good to get some fresh air. It's summer now, so it's the perfect time to spend some time on an island." The man was much friendlier when he talked about his job.

"What kind of book do you write, brother?"

"I've been writing a story about this world recently. The main character is an Imperial Censor with many triple mutated summoning monsters…"

Lin Huang's interest was sparked when he heard that the man was writing a story about an Imperial Censor, so he asked further, "What's the name of the book? I shall read it whenever I have the time."

"It's called 'Monster Paradise'. My pen name is Nuclear Warhead. You can look for my book or pen name on the Heart Network, and you'll find me. Oh yeah, please support the original only, alright?" The man recommended his own book when he realized he had a potential reader in the room.

"Sure, I'll take a look when I've got the time, and I'll definitely support the original."

"My name is Zhu Jiu, but you can call me Bro Jiu. What do I call you, little brother?" The man asked.

"My name's Lin Xie." Lin Huang smiled.

"What a coincidence! The main character of my book is also Lin." Zhu Jiu laughed when he heard Lin Huang's name.

"I'll definitely read your book when I'm done with my stuff." Lin Huang thought that the coincidence was interesting.

"Bro Lin, didn't you bring your girlfriend to the Far East Island with you?" Zhu Jiu asked.

"I'm still single." Lin Huang let out an awkward laugh. "Didn't you bring your wife, Bro Jiu?"

"I'm already so old. No woman wants me anymore," Zhu Jiu sighed.

"Since you're still young, you should really appreciate the people around you. Don't be like me. I can't return to the people that got away. You're young. Go after whoever you like. Don't be shy. Let go of your ego, or you'll regret letting some people go for the rest of your life…"

Lin Huang became silent when he heard the advice. He had been in a relationship before when he was on Earth. In fact, he had more than one relationship. There was once when he almost tied the knot with the love of his life, but the girl could not take the fact that he was always out with his clients and away from home for work. They had broken up in the end.

He still remembered the first movie he had ever watched with her. It was 'Big Hero 6' and it was his first time holding the girl's hand. He remembered which bench there sat on by the lake on their second date as well as the noodle store that they went to for lunch. He recalled his first time kissing the girl while peeping at the side of her startled face carefully.

"I'd like to kiss you…"

"Kiss me then," the girl had replied with a smile.

He remembered the girl leaving the next day, and he had taken a plane to the city the girl was in before calling her at the airport so that they could meet. He had cried at the airport when the girl rejected him. He did not even leave the airport that day as he had immediately bought a plane ticket to go back to where he was…

"The past is in the past. Appreciate what we have now." Lin Huang shook his head and snapped out of his thoughts.

A lady's voice was then heard.

"The ship is departing soon. Passengers who are on the deck, please get back to your rooms as soon as possible…"

Chapter 673: Thunder's Upgrade

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Emperor's Ship departed when it was 11 a.m.. Many people returned to the deck to enjoy the view. Lin Huang was reading the news as he was bored. His roommate Zhu Jiu proceeded to work on his book as he typed slowly on his virtual keyboard with an upset expression. The buffet lunch announcement was heard when it was 11:30 a.m..

"Bro Jiu, let's eat." Lin Huang stood up and said to Zhu Jiu.

"You go, I'm not eating." Zhu Jiu frowned as he was deep in his thought without even looking up.

"How about I bring you food, what would you like eat?"

"That's great, bring barbecue if there's any. If they don't have that, just bring me whatever that you think is good." Zhu Jiu looked at Lin Huang and said.


The restaurant on the first floor was crowded, there was no vacant seats at all. More than half of the 3,000 passengers on the spaceship were in the restaurant. Since there were too many people, Lin Huang ordered two sets of barbecued meat and returned to his room. After lunch, Lin Huang proceeded to read news, scrolling on social media sites while Zhu Jiu proceeded to write while looking constipated.

An intense shake came from the spaceship when it was past 2 p.m.. Lin Huang looked out in doubt, there were a bunch of bird monsters outside of the spaceship's defence layer.

"What happened?" Zhu Jiu could not write anymore as the room was shaking like there was an earthquake.

"Nothing, we've been attacked by birds." Lin Huang was calm.

An announcement came was then heard.

"Dear passengers, please do not be afraid. We've encountered birds so there'll be a slight turbulence. Our staff is working on it."

Soon, there were purple lightnings flashed outside of the spaceship's defence layer. All of the bird monsters were burnt into ashes. The crises was solved easily.

"Oh wow this Emperor's Ship is really something!" Lin Huang exclaimed as he watched by the window. There were tens of thousands of birds earlier. Although they were only immortal-level rank-1 to rank-3, if Lin Huang was not in the Emperor's Ship, he would have a tough time killing all of the monsters.

The spaceship went through a peaceful hour since the attack and there was another intense turbulence when it was 3:30 p.m.. The entire spaceship felt heavier at an instant, many people at the deck screamed out of dear. Lin Huang looked out of the window in shock and saw a gigantic tentacle wrapping around the spaceship, the defence layer of the spaceship was now slightly distorted. That was the reason why the people on the deck were screaming as the defence looked like it was going to break anytime soon.

"Sea king?" Lin Huang observed the tentacle curiously. They were flying 12,000 meters above the sky, the monster must be massive to be able to reach that high. Lin Huang had seen a sea king monster before when he was in Division7. However, it was only thousands of meters long, which was only slightly bigger than a giant of the same combat level. Mr. Fu told him that the sea king monster that they encountered was just a baby, Lin Huang did not believe him that time. He believed what Mr. Fu said now that he was looking at the tentacle. He could not imagine how massive the monster was since its tentacle was already tens of thousands of meters long.

"Dear passengers, we've been attacked by an imperial-level sea king monster. For safety purpose, please return to your rooms and stay away from the deck…"

"We've been attacked by sea king monster?" Zhu Jiu looked out of the window immediately. He started recording with his Emperor's Heart Ring when he saw the gigantic tentacle. He was oddly excited.

"I didn't expect to see such amazing thing. I must write this down so that I have material for my book…"

"Being attacked by a sea king monster is a … good thing?" Lin Huang could not understand Zhu Jiu's mindset but he was unwilling to encounter such massive monster during his trip. The advantage of a sea king monster was that they were born massive and full of strength. Their body was of high defence, they would be invincible if they had Enhanced Regeneration. It was the kind of monster that Lin Huang did not want to encounter during this trip. Fortunately he was on the Emperor's Ship and did not have to fight the monster himself.

It was obvious that it was not the first time for the staff on the spaceship to encounter this as they did not panic at all. They reacted within seconds when they were attacked. A few God Crasher on top of the spaceship locked onto the tentacle and fired at the tentacle as a few white flashes were shot. The tentacle did not break from the attack but a burnt patch appeared on it. The monster released the defence layer accidentally from the pain and the spaceship took the advantage as it flew higher immediately. The spaceship had reached new high that the tentacle could reach and proceeded with its journey as usual.

Lin Huang was relieved that the crisis was over.

"Too bad we didn't get to see how the monster looks like." Zhu Jiu was disappointed.

There were too many sea king monsters in the Peaceful Ocean that did not make it into the monster encyclopedia so Lin Huang could not tell which monster was that. Since the incident, the journey was a smooth sailing besides encountering another bunch of bird monsters before arriving at the Fareast Island past 7 p.m..

The sky was completely dark when the spaceship landed at the Fareast Island. After bidding farewell with Zhu Jiu, Lin Huang headed to the hotel that he booked earlier. The Peaceful Ocean was dangerous enough during the day so Lin Huang did not want to risk his life by proceeding with his journey at night. He wanted to take a good rest at the hotel before heading to the unknown island where the Whitesword Supreme was.

The Fareast Island was not big where it was less than 30 square kilometers. It used to be an deserted island until someone found a mineral mountain on the island 100 years ago. The Union Government then bought the mineral mountain and got people to mine it later on. After the job was done 10 years later, many of the workers lived on the island and became the first generation on the island.

Since the island was developed, there were more than 300 population on the island. Including the outsiders who were running their businesses, there were almost 500 people on the island. The hotel that Lin Huang was staying located near the harbor was run by a local aunty, it had good mouth-of-word. As it was not peak season yet, the rooms were not fully booked. He got himself a sea view room with a big balcony that was facing the Peaceful Ocean. After checking into the room, he was satisfied after looking around.

Lin Huang then summoned Kylie when he returned to the living room.

"I need to use your mini world."

Kylie opened the door to her mini world without saying a word while Lin Huang walked into it. He then summoned Thunder as soon as he entered.

"Buddy, it's about time for you to level-up."

Thunder nodded immediately as it was excited to be triple mutated. After redeeming three Advanced Cards from his 30 card rewards, Lin Huang held the three cards in his hand.

"Xiao Hei, use the Advanced Cards on Thunder."

As soon as the three Advanced Cards in his hard disappeared, a white glow shot from the sky and covered Thunder entirely…

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Thunder completed its transformation overnight. The three Advanced Cards did not merely make it a triple mutated monster; they even activated the double bloodline of the Thunder Lord and the Storm Phoenix. The Thunder Lord was a powerful monster with an ancient bloodline. It looked like a falcon surrounded by purple lightning. With an extremely powerful physique, it was great at close-ranged combat. As a leading ferocious beast in the ancient times, it was as powerful as a real phoenix.

Meanwhile, the Storm Phoenix stemmed from a divisions of the phoenix blood monsters. It had wind attributes that enabled it to glide through the air. Thunder's appearance experienced a significant change after its third mutation. It now had charcoal grey feathers with golden patterns woven among them, and its eyes were dark blue. It was much more muscular and taller than before, which made it look elegant without compromising its masculinity.

Lin Huang's eyes lit up when he saw Thunder that was reborn in Kylie's mini world the next morning.

"How are you feeling, Thunder?"

"I feel amazing! Like I have boundless energy in me." Thunder sounded like a titillating, mature man as it flapped its wings in excitement. Light purple lightning bolts appeared as it beat them.

"That's great. Follow me." Lin Huang then patted its wings and recalled it back to its card form.

He then recalled Kylie after exiting her mini world. Lin Huang checked out of the hotel and summoned Thunder again when he was at the Far East Island beach. He rode on Thunder's back after showing it their destination on the projected map. As Thunder flapped its wings, purple lightning bolts crackled around it. However, the lightning did not harm Lin Huang at all. On the contrary, it was like a defensive layer that protected him.

Thunder then turned into a charcoal grey lightning bolt and flew far away. It accelerated along the way from four thousand kilometers per hour in the beginning to five, then six. It peaked when it reached seven thousand kilometers per hour, which brought back the thrill that Lin Huang had not felt for a long time. To prevent unforeseen accidents, he got it to fly at six thousand kilometers instead. At that speed, it took them only two and a half hours to get to the unknown island that was fifteen thousand kilometers away.

Thunder was like a thunderbolt that traveled faster than the speed of light as it shot fifteen thousand meters above the Peaceful Ocean. Since the ship that Lin Huang was traveling in had been attacked at twelve thousand meters above the water surface, he thought it was still dangerous to fly at that height. Therefore, he got Thunder to fly three thousand meters higher. An hour had passed, and the journey was a smooth-sailing one. They encountered birds twice in between, but Thunder managed to get rid of them just by flying past them. The birds chased after them in the beginning but gave up eventually as Thunder was flying too fast.

Soon, two hours had passed, and they would be arriving on the unknown island in less than half an hour. Lin Huang was relieved that they were lucky enough not to have encountered any sea kings. As long as they arrived safely and killed the Supreme Whitesword, they would not have to cross the Peaceful Ocean anymore as they could use the dimensional portal instead.

Not long after Lin Huang was counting his lucky stars, he saw a massive flock of birds fleeing for their lives ahead. It was a group of Giant Teratorns. Each and every one of them was flailing their wings hopelessly. Lin Huang looked closer and noticed that each of them was above immortal-level rank-6. What would giant birds with a wingspan of hundreds of meters be running from?

Just when Lin Huang was pondering to himself, he finally saw a couple of gigantic tentacles grabbing the Giant Teratorns from behind. Each time the tentacles waved, they would get up to tens of Giant Teratorns, and sent them hurtling into the jaws of a gigantic monster that looked like an island on the surface of the ocean.

Lin Huang finally saw how the monster looked like. It had a human face without hair on its head. Its body below the head was covered in a thick layer of fat. It looked like an extremely obese human, whose wrinkly skin looked like a dead body that had been soaking in water for an extended period of time. However, it did not have limbs. The gross layer of fat covered everything all the way to its abdomen, and it no longer had a human's body from below. Instead, it possessed twelve octopus-like red tentacles.

"Up, Thunder!"

Lin Huang instructed Thunder to pull up as soon as he noticed the monster. Thunder saw the sea king as well. Under normal circumstances, when encountering such a monster, it would definitely turn and flee in the first place since trespassing its territory would count as an offense. However, since Lin Huang had ordered it to do so, it could only obey. It then flew up from fifteen thousand meters to sixteen and then seventeen… Soon, it was flying more than twenty thousand meters above the ocean, exceeding the height that the tentacles could reach.

As Lin Huang observed the monster below, he was high-strung. He recognized that it was the monster that had attacked the ship yesterday. There was a scorch mark from the God Crasher on one of its tentacles. Even without the burn mark, it was not difficult to tell that it was the same monster like the one from yesterday. It was impossible for two imperial-level sea kings to coexist within a distance smaller than tens of thousands of kilometers. Most of such monsters were parthenogenetic and lived solo, whereby they would fight each other to the death if they ever encountered each other. Such aggression was because they had a big appetite, so food was scarce even for them, let alone with another appearance of the same monster within their territory.

The monster soon noticed Thunder. Lin Huang, who was riding on it, sensed that the monster was checking him out.

"Leave as fast as you can," Lin Huang urged Thunder as he sensed that something was wrong.

Suddenly, the monster's features crumpled into a ferocious expression, and it then floated into the sky. It gave up hunting the Giant Teratorns as its twelve tentacles begun zooming towards Thunder.

"All humans should die!

Chapter 675: I'll Definitely Kill You Next Time

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"All human should die!"

The monster released a loud, brain-piercing ultrasonic cry which made Lin Huang dizzy. Thunder was affected as well as it fell downward. The monster took the advantage as it attempted to catch Thunder and Lin Huang with its tentacle.

"Thunder!" Thunder snapped back to its senses when Lin Huang shouted its name. It then flapped its wings to fly but it was too late. A tentacle had caught its tail.

Lin Huang took out six God Crashers without thinking twice. Controlling two God Crashers with his telekinesis, he shot at the tentacles tentacle. The God Crashers that he had were the most powerful third-generation ones. However, the attacks did not manage to pierce through the tentacle that was less than 10 meters away. There were two bleeding wounds that went meters deep.

The monster was so powerful that Lin Huang became concerned. If the God Crashers could do nothing to it, the monster would almost be like a demigod. Fortunately, the God Crasher did something as the monster released them from its tentacle as it cringed from pain, and seemed like it was being electrocuted. When this happened, the monster wore an even more ferocious look and let out another ultrasonic song.

"Human, you must die!"

"Thunder, close off your ears!" Lin Huang said to Thunder.

"I can attack two to three more times at most, and we'll have to leave by then!"

The God Crasher needed time to recharge. Since Lin Huang had used two God Crashers, he was only left with four of them. He had figured that using one was not going to be enough so he used two at once. Now, he only had two or three more openings to take a shot at the monster.

Thunder knew that Lin Huang and it would become monster chow if they did not make their escape this time around. It flapped its wing rapidly and accelerated to a speed of 7,000 kilometers an hour as purple bolts of lightning surrounded its body. Then, it shot up high like a bolt of lightning as it flew away from the tentacles. The monster was enraged that it was attacked and missed its opportunity to capture them. In its final salvo, it shot its 11 tentacles in every direction in an attempt to grab Thunder.

Meanwhile, Thunder was flying up high as its dual wind and thunder attributes allowed it to fly so fast that nothing could touch it. To top it all off, it could also control the airflow to adjust its flight with ease. Since it had already shut off its ears, it was unaffected by the monster's ultrasonic cry any longer, allowing it to fly freely. The tentacles that were coming to them were brushed off by the air controlled by Thunder.

There were several times when Lin Huang was about to use the God Crashers to fire at the approaching tentacles but Thunder managed to avoid them by changing the arc of its flight.

There was even once where a tentacle almost caught hold of Thunder's wings as it was only less than three meters away. Thunder's performance impressed Lin Huang because it was using flying techniques that were rather advanced. He had to admit that Thunder's talent in flying was better than most since they would not be able to learn these techniques within a short period of time. However, Thunder seemed to naturally be endowed with them.

Fighting the monster, Lin Huang felt the seconds turn to hours. Although Thunder managed to avoid the monster, it was still within reach of the monster's tentacles. The monster became smarter after several failed attempts. It blocked Thunder's way with a couple of tentacles. Thunder attempted to break through them but it failed. When Lin Huang finally noticed, the monster was already restricting the airspace available to Thunder little by little.

"This is not going to work any longer. It's shrinking our airspace, the small it gets, the higher chance we'd get attacked." Lin Huang said to Thunder.

"We can't go back anymore. Pick a direction, and dash toward it."

Thunder nodded and dashed in one direction. The moment it began dashing, a tentacle appeared and blocked the way forward.

"Don't avoid it, just fly across it!" Lin Huang said as he fired a God Crasher in front of him. A red glow appeared at the cannon and flew ahead toward the tentacle in their path.

The monster shook from the pain as the shot made huge gaping wounds in its tentacles.

"Go through it!"

Seeing the gaps in its tentacles, Thunder accelerated and flew out of one of the gaps like a purple bolt of lightning.

The monster noticed it and used another tentacle to block them again. However, before it managed to do that, Lin Huang shot another God Crasher at it.

A red glow landed on the tentacle after it was shot. Once again, the monster shook from pain, and in less than a second, Thunder managed to fly through its tentacle. Seeing Thunder escape its tentacles twice infuriated the monster. It was then that it decided to go all-out and use all twelve tentacles to go after Thunder. However, this did not concern Thunder since it was attempting to escape them by flying to a height that they could not reach. Regardless of how much the monster tried to reach them, it could only helplessly look at Lin Huang and Thunder escape.

Lin Huang was finally relieved as they managed to escape the monster. He then turned around and shouted at the monster that was roaring at him and Thunder.

"Hey ugly! I, Lin Huang, will remember what you did to us today. I'll definitely kill you the next time I come to the coast." He accidentally revealed his real name.

The monster heard what he said and roared even louder at them, vigorously waving its twelve tentacles. However, it was useless. Lin Huang smirked as he watched the helplessly infuriated monster. In less than a few seconds, the gigantic monster had become the size of an ant and completely disappeared from his field of vision as Thunder flew at full speed.

Chapter 676: The Supreme Whitesword

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The thirty-minute journey was smooth after escaping the sea monster. Lin Huang and Thunder did not even encounter any birds along the way as they arrived at the unknown island that he had pinned on the map. Lin Huang got Thunder to land where the Supreme Whitesword was last seen before recalling it back to card form.

Lin Huang looked around, but he did not see any trails of the Supreme Whitesword, so he summoned Bloody to help. The unfamiliar island was huge, and he would need one to two days to explore the entire island without any help. Bloody which was now a hazy purple cloud. It then released its transparent Leech Pods everywhere. In a couple of minutes, it had gotten the result and pointed its vine towards Lin Huang's eight o'clock.

"It's just three kilometers away from us."

"That near?!" Lin Huang looked at the direction that Bloody was pointing at. Three kilometers had just exceeded the coverage of his territory.

"Let's go!"

Lin Huang brought Bloody across three kilometers of jungle and arrived at where the Supreme Whitesword was. The Supreme Whitesword was chasing after an Armored Bull, but it seemed like it was having fun. It followed behind the Armored Bull and poked its body that was covered with armor. It did not look like he was planning to kill the bull.

Although Lin Huang and Bloody did not reveal themselves, the Supreme Whitesword could sense their existence. It then gave up chasing after the Armored Bull and stared at Lin Huang through the trees. Lin Huang was checking the Supreme Whitesword out too. He had seen this monster in the monster encyclopedia before, but it was his first time seeing it in real life.

The Supreme Whitesword looked no different from a human. Although it was covered in a white robe, including its arms and feet, its face was the same as a human's with a couple of scars caused by slashes.

"A human sword cultivator?" The Supreme Whitesword moved and appeared less than ten meters from Lin Huang as he glared deadly at him.

"That's right." Lin Huang nodded. He was not surprised that the Supreme Whitesword could tell that he was a sword cultivator.

"You have powerful Sword Dao in you. I might be afraid of you if your combat level is higher, but now you're just food to me." The Supreme Whitesword grinned.

"I'll absorb all your skills from you after killing you. Then I'll be closer to quadruple mutation."

"What a coincidence as I've got the same thought as you do." Lin Huang grinned after hearing what the Supreme Whitesword said.

"I'll kill you and get the Life Fire tinder in your so that I can obtain your Sword Heart."

"If that's the case, let's see who'll be killed first." The Supreme Whitesword was confident in itself.

A sword arm that was almost 1.8 meters long came out of the white robe. The muscular arm was a regular human limb from the shoulder to the joint. However, the part below the joint lengthened into a sharp sword. Lin Huang was not surprised when he saw that. From the monster encyclopedia, he learned that the Supreme Whitesword had four sword limbs. Besides its sword arms, its legs were of the same structure whereby they were half-flesh and half-sword. It also had a tail hiding under its white robe with a short blade at the end.

All of its weapons were hiding underneath the white robe, and they would only come out when they were needed. Lin Huang then took out Ink when he saw the Supreme Whitesword's sword arm. With Ink in his hand, Lin Huang released level-4 Sword Dao, and his aura peaked at an instant. Sensing that, the Supreme Whitesword was shocked, but it was soon relieved when it recalled how low Lin Huang's combat level was.

"No matter how strong your Sword Dao is, everything is redundant without a powerful combat level."

The Supreme Whitesword's body was fading as his white robe swayed. It then appeared right in front of Lin Huang and slashed its silver sword arm towards Lin Huang's torso like a lightning bolt. Lin Huang moved at the same time as it did. He swung his sword ahead, and there was a blue glow in the air as the sword was covered in Life Power.

The silver and blue glow collided in the air, causing the both of them to back off. Lin Huang was shot out hundreds of meters away with his feet deep in the ground while the Supreme Whitesword flew dozens of meters away with two deep paths under his feet. The single collision proved which one of them was on the winning side. Even though Lin Huang had used his powerful sword skill together with level-4 Sword Dao, he was still way behind the Supreme Whitesword. Now, he knew that it was impossible for him to kill the Supreme Whitesword with what he did.

"What a triple mutated Sword Dao monster! You're even more powerful than all the immortal-level rank-6 monsters that I've ever met!" Lin Huang thought to himself. What he did not know was that the Supreme Whitesword was even more surprised than he was. The Supreme Whitesword did not understand how could Lin Huang, who was only a blue flame-level, managed to defend its attack and even managed to push it dozens of meters back. It was now interested in the young man that was standing in front of it.

"Human, I must admit that your ability is out of my expectations. You excite me. I hope you can stand longer for my next attack. Don't die too soon, or else I'll be disappointed."

"I, on the other hand, hope that I can kill you easily so that I can level up to purple flame-level," Lin Huang told the Supreme Whitesword what he thought honestly as he smirked.

"I guess that's not going to happen." The Supreme Whitesword grinned and rushed towards Lin Huang like a white glow.

Lin Huang picked up his sword and swung it at the Supreme Whitesword as the sword was covered in blue Life Power. The silver and white sword glows collided together again.

"Thunder Eclipse!"

Lin Huang's sword that was covered in blue Life Power started releasing blue electrical arcs. He swung his sword so rapidly that only the light trails of the sword could be seen. Just as the swords collided, Lin Huang added sword 11 into the attack. The both of them backed off due to the collision, and the distance they were shot away to was the same.

Lin Huang came up with the overlaying Thunder Eclipse with another epic-level sword skill. It was his first time performing it in a battle, and he did not expect it to work so well, which managed to increase the strength of his sword swing to be the same as the Supreme Whitesword's, so they were shot the same distance away from each other.

"Come on, don't stop!"

Realizing that it worked, Lin Huang was all pumped up and shouted at the Supreme Whitesword He then dashed towards the Supreme Whitesword.

Chapter 677: Killing the Supreme Whitesword

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Blue and white flashes collided with each other in the air. Every time they clashed, an intense force rippled in the air. Just like tossing a stone into calm water, a strong wind was blowing everywhere. Although they were fighting in mid-air, all of the trees around the unknown island were destroyed as a result of the force.

Within a few minutes, almost a third of the trees on the island were obliterated. With the overlaying of the sword skills, Lin Huang was all pumped up to fight as he was getting more and more familiar with the technique that he had come up with. He would add in one or two sword skills in each attack, and the Supreme Whitesword felt the pressure gradually. The battle seemed to be at a tie at first, but Lin Huang was suppressing the Supreme Whitesword more and more.

Anyone who had no idea about Sword Dao could tell that the Supreme Whitesword was definitely on the losing end after watching the battle for three to four minutes. Lin Huang's every attack made him back off hundreds of meters away while Lin Huang would only be shot less than ten meters away. Lin Huang did not plan to give the Supreme Whitesword a rest as he was more and more ferocious in his attacks, making the gap between the attacks shorter.

The Supreme Whitesword, which was already losing, had his rhythm taken away by Lin Huang. It became tense upon noticing that. Not wanting to hold back anymore, it flashed its second sword arm that was under the white robe. Its left arm looked the same as his right arm whereby the upper part was flesh, and the lower part was a long, silver sword that looked exactly like the one on its right hand.

Lin Huang was thrilled as he studied the Supreme Whitesword that was going to fight with both his arms. He would occasionally train his left hand when he was bored during his training, but he was more used to his right hand. Although he knew about the Supreme Whitesword from the monster encyclopedia, it was his first time encountering a monster that was fighting with both sword arms.

As the second sword arm slid out, the Supreme Whitesword that was almost defeated finally picked up his speed with Lin Huang. It was much agiler now since he had his second arm. Besides blocking with both arms, it would sometimes use its sword leg to attack. The swords on his legs were different from its sword arms as they were like scimitars. They were much broader, and although they were less penetrable than his sword arms, the effect of slicing was much higher.

Lin Huang had read about this in the monster encyclopedia before, and he remembered every single detail, so he was prepared. The Supreme Whitesword attempted to attack Lin Huang with his sword legs, but Lin Huang managed to avoid them. As soon as its four limbs were out, the Supreme Whitesword managed to turn the tables around, and the battle came to a tie again.

"Human, I've underestimated you. I've never expected a blue flame-level that has such abilities as you. I've given my all now to fight you." The Supreme Whitesword had to admit that Lin Huang was a powerful opponent. "But if the battle remains stagnant, I'll be the one winning as your Life Power will definitely be drained before mine."

"I'm not sure if that's true, but I must get your Life Fire tinder today!" Lin Huang shouted as a silver glow came from the side of his body as their swords collided. It was followed by a second and a third silver glow.

Soon, 360 silver beams of light dashed towards the Supreme Whitesword like silver fish swimming around him. The Supreme Whitesword did not expect the telekinetic attack from Lin Huang. It thought that even if Lin Huang had some other ability, it would be sword skills. The telekinetic flying daggers caught it off guard.

It was too late for the Supreme Whitesword to run as they were very close together. It then expanded his white robe to defend himself. Lin Huang smirked as he controlled the 360 flying daggers towards the Supreme Whitesword's face. Although the white robe shielded him, its face was still showing. The Supreme Whitesword was shocked when it saw the flying daggers that were going to pierce through its face. Suddenly, the scars on its face cracked and its face was all bloody now. After its face 'exploded', swords flew out of his scars, colliding with Lin Huang's telekinetic flying daggers which prevented them from getting to it.

Lin Huang knew that was the Supreme Whitesword's ultimate move. He had noticed the scars on the Supreme Whitesword's face, and he had read from the monster encyclopedia that the scars came from the absorbing of humans' sword cultivation. Those who came to hunt for the Supreme Whitesword would have their sword cultivation absorbed after being killed. The cultivation would be transformed into scars whereby swords were kept beneath his face.

The scars were not only the Supreme Whitesword's pride but also a survival technique. The Supreme Whitesword would not release the attack as it was just a one-time attack and the scars would disappear once released. It would also mean less pride for the Supreme Whitesword as it had one scar less now. Although the Supreme Whitesword's face was all bloody now, there would not be any scars left on his face when the wounds recovered. The Supreme Whitesword backed off immediately after managing to block Lin Huang's flying daggers.

In normal circumstances, standing closer to a psychic would be an advantage as a psychic was skilled in long-distance attacks. However, standing close to Lin Huang would mean that Lin Huang's sword would attack the Supreme Whitesword and it would not be able to defend itself from Lin Huang's telekinetic flying daggers. As he pulled away, all the Supreme Whitesword had to worry about was the flying daggers, but not Lin Huang's sword.

Lin Huang knew what the Supreme Whitesword was thinking. He grinned sarcastically while surrounding the Supreme Whitesword with his 360 flying daggers without going after it. The 360 flying daggers were meant to prevent the Supreme Whitesword from running away. Meanwhile, Lin Huang held his sword Ink in his hand and mumbled Flowing Fire Sword to himself softly.

The blue Life Power on his sword turned into flames and burned brightly. The Supreme Whitesword soon sensed that something was not right and it looked at Lin Huang's direction. It was shocked to see the flames on Lin Huang's sword and felt an impending threat of death from it. It was the first time it wanted to attempt to repeat its unique skill, but it was too late as the telekinesis flying daggers completely surrounded it.

"This is called Flowing Fire Sword. It's the most powerful sword skill that I have now. I respect you. Therefore I'm giving you my best so that you can die with pride. Also, don't worry about your tinder as I won't bring disgrace to it." Lin Huang appeared less than a meter before the Supreme Whitesword out of nowhere and stabbed his sword between its eyes through his head.

Chapter 678: Leveling-Up to Purple Flame-Level!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After killing the Supreme Whitesword, Lin Huang did not obtain a complete Monster Card, but he got a card piece instead. He kept the Supreme Whitesword's carcass and summoned Kylie. He then extracted the tinder after entering Kylie's mini world. Since Lin Huang was a sword cultivator, the tinder matched him perfectly and it only took around an hour and a half to complete the tinder integration.

"Congratulations, you've obtained Sword Heart."

Lin Huang then looked at his body and saw a white sword shadow in his first Life Wheel. The sword was pointing downwards and was floating. The shadow was only the size of his thumb and it looked weak and of the virtual world.

Lin Huang then inserted sword cultivation into it and it started to solidify. At first, he was just inserting level-1 Sword Dao, making the white sword shadow solidify from its thumb-size to a meter long. It looked like a short sword that was carved from ice. As soon as it was formed, the Sword Heart started to rejected the level-1 Sword Dao insertion.

Lin Huang then inserted level-2 Sword Dao. The short sword then turned green and continued growing. It peaked at ten meters long and became emerald green. The Sword Heart looked like a gigantic jade that was inherited from someone's grandmother. Soon, Lin Huang then started inserted level-3 Sword Dao. The Sword Heart then turned blue and eventually, it became a blue iceberg that was hundreds of meters long.

Later on, Lin Huang inserted level-4 Sword Dao. The blue Sword Heart then turned purple and stopped growing when it was 1,000 meters long. It now looked like a mountain that was made of purple crystal floating in the Life Wheel. Just when Lin Huang was ready to come back to reality, purple light shot out of the Sword Heart. The glow filled the entire Life Wheel and spread across the second, the third, all the way until the tenth Life Wheel. Each and every corner of Lin Huang's body was covered in the purple glow.

Before the purple glow faded, all of the sword skill cards that Lin Huang had flown out accordingly as they entered the purple sword mountain in bluish-purple glows. Lin Huang's heart skipped a beat when he saw that. He took a look at his exclusive card immediately. Fortunately, all of his Skill Cards were still there.

Lin Huang had learned more than 1,000 of sword skills and all of them, including Stardome, had been absorbed into the sword mountain. Soon, various swords appeared on top of the mountain. There were more than 1,000 of them. Lin Huang then realized that the swords were not real; they were the projection of his sword skills. As soon as the swords were formed on top of the sword mountain, the One Page Sword Scripture that was deep in his body just like Xiao Hei appeared on top of the sword mountain.

The One Page Sword Scripture that was only the size of a palm started to grow on top of the sword mountain and soon it covered the entire peak. Just when Lin Huang was trying to figure out what was happening, a golden glow shot out of the One Page Sword Scripture and engulfed the entire sword mountain. The purple crystal sword mountain started to shake vigorously and crack under the golden glow.

Lin Huang was shocked at first, but an epiphany came to his mind. It felt like a layer of film had been broken through whereby everything became clear in his head. The 1,000 sword skills were like 1,000 split screens arranged in front of him and every one of them was playing the scene of him practicing the respective sword skills. However, it was not messy to him at all. On the contrary, he was seeing each of them clearly…

Soon, the sword mountain started to break and collapse. Lin Huang did not notice the change in the sword mountain as he was focusing on the 1,000 screens in front of him. The mountain peak revealed its silver inner layer as it cracked. Following the growth, more and more purple crystals were falling. The purple crystals disappeared as they fell from the sword mountain and the silver inside was revealing more and more. It looked like silver patterns at first, but it became completely silver as the purple crystals were completely shed. It only stopped growing when it was 1,500 meters tall.

Just when Lin Huang was done watching the last screen, he noticed that the sword mountain was now completely silver. He was now on level-5 of Sword Dao, which was called the Void Breaker. He knew that he had been at the peak of level-4 and would have a breakthrough anytime, but he did not expect it to come so soon. As soon as the One Page Sword Scripture completed its transformation, it shrunk to its original palm-size and went back to where it had been like nothing had happened.

"Thanks!" The One Page Sword Scripture shouted at Lin Huang before leaving and did not bother if he would hear it or not. Coming back to reality, Lin Huang took a proper look at his body. His physical body and spirit had been strengthened. The fourth Life Fire in his ten Life Wheels appeared. The four Life Fires had changed from blue to purple. Even his Life Power was now purple. He was officially a purple flame-level now. All of his summoning monsters' combat level had also increased from immortal-level rank-2 to immortal-level rank-3 automatically.

When Lin Huang came back to reality, he realized that it was already the next morning. It had taken him almost a day to complete the transformation and he did not know that time had passed. It was past 8 a.m. when he left Kylie's mini world and came back to the unknown island. The sun was just rising. Instead of leaving the deserted island, Lin Huang summoned Bai, Tyrant, and the rest to start a killing spree on the island.

On the third morning, a day of recharging his Life Power fueled the fourth Life Fire in his body to burn at 50 meters. He had also completed ten cross-ranking kills. By using the Double Reward Cards, he had obtained 600 card rewards. The trip had finally came to an end. Lin Huang summoned his dimensional portal after recalling all of his monsters.

Chapter 679: News from Chan Dou

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After selling all the monster carcasses at the Sweep City black market, Lin Huang made some money and got back to Victoria City next to the Peaceful Ocean via his dimensional portal. He wanted to change his environment as he had been staying in Sweep City for more than a month. Victoria City that had beaches around seemed to be an excellent choice.

As he settled down in Victoria City, Lin Huang started to dwell on his training again and stayed in his hotel room all day. He was stuck practicing telekinesis earlier as he was restricted by his combat level and spiritual strength whereby he failed to divide more telekinetic threads. Since he had leveled up, he started practicing Seamless again.

After practicing for a day, he managed to increase the number of telekinetic threads from 8,000 to 9,000, but he came to a plateau again. He then started practicing Sword Dao the next day. His speed was obviously slower this time. Although he had reached Void Breaker, which was the level-5 of Sword Dao, he was still slow at learning Oblivion. When he had been practicing Illumination earlier, he would get up to 1,000 card pieces, and three practices would earn him a complete Skill Card. Including the time he spent looking at the video tutorials, it only took him 20 minutes to get a complete Skill Card.

However, Lin Huang could only master Oblivion after watching the tutorials for two to three hours and would only get 20 to 30 card pieces. Sometimes, he would just get slightly more than ten card pieces. The sword skill required tens of thousands of card pieces to make a complete card, and the most were 15,000 card pieces to form a card. Lin Huang had to spend the entire day and sometimes two days to get a complete Skill Card after practicing the skill hundreds of times.

"This is too slow. There are more than 700 sword skills. Even if I learn one a day, I'll take two years to learn all of them." After practicing for a few days, Lin Huang thought this method would not work. Since he did not have any better solution, he proceeded to practice anyway. The slow sword skill training meant the leveling up of his Sword Dao had slowed down as well. Lin Huang had been training for the past week at that dull, boring speed.

One night, Lin Huang's Emperor's Heart Ring started vibrating when he was training after 10 p.m. He picked up the call immediately when he realized that it was Chan Dou.

"Wow, it's been a month since you last logged into the Genius Union!" Chan Dao smiled at Lin Huang as soon as the video call was connected.

"I think it's just been a month." Lin Huang looked at the date and realized that it was already 29th June.

"It's the last day of June tomorrow. Will you be climbing the tree again?" Chan Dou asked.

"Forget about it. Even if I manage to climb a couple more checkpoints, I won't be able to get to the 63rd one, so it's meaningless. The monthly reward is nothing interesting anyway." Lin Huang shook his head. He was not interested in the Stairway Tree's monthly reward.

"It's okay if you don't log into the Genius Union, but your account will be temporarily suspended if you don't log in for three months and the application to release the suspension is troublesome. You'll be suspected permanently if you don't log in for six months and you'll need the organization director to submit the application for you. If you don't log in for a year, you'll be blacklisted by the Emperor's Heart," Chan Dou reminded him.

"I know. They do this so that they won't waste resources on someone who's dead. The Emperor's Heart will treat someone as missing if one doesn't log in for more than three months." Lin Huang confirmed that he had heard of the condition from Yao Lan before.

"That's right, so please log in before you reach three months."

"Oh yeah, is there any update on the bizarre seed that you asked me about earlier?"

"I've been inserting Life Power into it throughout the 20 days, but nothing has happened. There's no way for me to activate it." Lin Huang did not hide the truth. He had seen the comments that Chan Dou posted to protect him and knew that he was a trustworthy friend.

"Perhaps your Life Power level is too low," Chan Dou concluded after giving it some thought.

"Then, I shall put it aside and try again when I get to immortal-level."

"Why not try inserting something else such as spirit, telekinesis, or Dao? I heard it doesn't have to be Life Power. You can insert some other energy," Chan Dou suggested.

"Another type of energy…" Lin Huang thought of Sword Dao. Would something beneficial happen to his cultivation if he were to insert Sword Dao?

"I'll try that later!" Lin Huang responded.

"Is there anything that you're looking for me for apart from reminding me to log into the Genius Union?"

"Yes, but that depends if you have the time or not." Chan Dou nodded and smiled.

"I'm mainly training nowadays as my combat level is too low. I'd like to break through to immortal-level as soon as possible. I'm not exactly busy, so let me know what, and I'll try to spare some time."

"Someone discovered new ruins not far away from Division 3 today. The Union Government will launch the ruins officially within these few days. I heard that the ruins are only opened to holy fire-levels and immortal-levels whereby imperial-levels are prohibited from entering. The Division 3 Union Government has announced that Divisions 1 and two aren't allowed to be involved in this. It's only opened to the people in Division 3. I plan to apply for 30 seats for the Heaven Alliance, and I'll include you if you're interested."

"Only 30?" Lin Huang thought that the quota was rather low.

"All of the organizations in Divisions 1 and 2 get 30 seats each. It's set by the Division 3 Union Government." Chan Dou's smile held an element of teasing. "But that's enough for the Heaven Alliance as we don't have many members in Division 3 anyway. Including you, there are only 23 of us. I'm sending seven more just to fill the seats."

"Didn't they say that Divisions 1 and two aren't allowed to interfere?" Lin Huang raised an eyebrow.

"That's what they said to prevent the main members of the Genius Union from going. If any of us go, the other immortal-levels in Division 3 won't stand a chance at all. They thought if the names that are submitted are unheard of, the applicants aren't powerful. That's why a full name list has to be included in the application. There might even be demigods there; they don't want to let just anybody in."

Lin Huang's heart skipped a beat when he heard there might be demigods. An imperial-level would definitely see through his disguise, let alone a demigod. However, he was slightly relieved when he recalled that he still had four Disguise Cards with him to last him for four days.

"Besides me, who else is going?" Lin Huang asked.

"I wanted to bring all of us from Division 3 there since everything we get in the ruins will belong to us individually. Besides all of you, I'll get some of them from the headquarters. They'll send people who are immortal-level rank-7 and rank-8. There's only one immortal-level rank-9 there. There's two immortal-level rank-9s in Division 3. Three of them should be enough. I'm afraid the submission might fail if we have more," Chan Dou explained.

"How about the other organizations?" Lin Huang asked.

"The Hong Alliance and the Tang Alliance are almost the same as us, but I'm not sure about the local organizations in Division 3. What I'm sure is that many of the immortal-level rank-9 seniors in Division 3 will be there, including those who have retired as well as imperial-levels from the Genius Union who have yet to level up. Also, the Overlord Alliance in Division 3 isn't bad too. They are ranked No. 12 in the Genius Union. They have three immortal-level rank-9 supreme geniuses with them. I'm not sure about other organizations, but the competition is intense."

"Alright then, count me in." Lin Huang went silent for a moment before nodding and agreeing to join.

"Sure, I'll let you know the details after the application has been approved. Prepare yourself within these few days." Chan Dou hung up the call after reminding him as he proceeded to inform the rest.

"Ruins in a chaotic place…" Lin Huang was excited as he thought about it. He had never left the safe zone. The ruins would be the first chaotic land out of the safe zone that he would go to.

Chapter 680: The Bizarre Seed Has Hatched

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After hearing the news from Chan Dou, Lin Huang noticed it had become a hot topic on the black market and the Genius Union forums. Many of the Division 1 and Division 2 Genius Union members were complaining about the Division 3's Union Government. They were ranting about the Union Government's selfishness as the rest did not have any say about the ruins that were discovered.

Meanwhile, the people in Division 3 defended that they had the right to do that as the ruins had appeared near their area and the other divisions had no right to interfere. They were being generous for opening themselves up to the other divisions instead of shutting them away completely while some of the people from Division 3 insisted that the ruins should not allow any other member from the other divisions in at all.

As the three divisions wee throwing bombs at each other, the safe zones were just enjoying the show. The request orders in the black market were booming and people were asking about various items on the forums. They were getting ready for their trip to the ruins. Lin Huang thought about it and realized that he had everything he needed.

He had a couple of Transportation Cards and Escape Cards for survival, Transformation Cards and Provisional Combat Strength Upgrade Cards to level up his combat level, plus Trap Cards, Cloning Cards and Crippling Cards to help in the battles. Moreover, he had a bunch of immortal-level rank-3 monsters as well as God Crashers with him. If he were to give his all, even if he was not the top in the ruins list, he would be one of the most powerful survivors.

Lin Huang proceeded to train as usual after breakfast and scrolled through the forum. He had mastered another Oblivion sword skill by the time it was past 11 p.m. He took a shower and returned to his bedroom, exhausted. As usual, he took out the bizarre seed from his pocket and inserted Life Power into it. Suddenly, he recalled what Chan Dou said.

"Maybe I should try inserting Sword Dao instead. If that doesn't work, I'll try inserting Telekinesis a couple of days later." Since nothing happened to the seed after inserting Life Power for a month, Lin Huang thought that either something was wrong with the seed or his Life Power. He then decided to listen to Chan Dou's suggestion by inserting another energy.

Sword Dao was not exactly an energy. It was more like an Elemental Enlightenment that was a special energy. However, that did not stop Lin Huang from trying to insert his Sword Dao into the bizarre seed. As he held the seed in his palm, he inserted level-1 Sword Dao into it. Seeing that the seed had no reaction, he then proceeded to insert Sword Dao.

An hour later, the bizarre seed stopped absorbing his Sword Dao. Just as Lin Huang noticed it, he felt a pinch on his palm. He opened his hand and realized that the black seed had roots growing out of it which had pierced into his palm. Soon, he felt level-2 Sword Dao being released from his body into the black seed. That went on for more than two hours before the black seed started absorbing level-3 Sword Dao.

After more than four hours had passed, the black seed started absorbing level-4 Sword Dao when the sun was rising. This time, it took more than eight hours before the black seed started absorbing level-5 Sword Dao. It lasted for more than 16 hours until the black seed seemed to be full by the time it was past 6 a.m. on the third morning. As soon as it was done, it then disappeared into Lin Huang's palm and entered his first Life Wheel with a black glow. Lin Huang observed closely and noticed that it had entered the silver sword mountain.

Lin Huang knew that the Sword Dao had completely activated the bizarre seed. It went into the sword mountain to start its own cultivation, so he had no idea what the seed would be in the future. As soon as the seed went into his body, he felt an overwhelming exhaustion. He would usually be alright if he did not eat, sleep, and rest for two days, but the insertion of the Sword Dao drained his strength. He then took a drink from the refrigerator and had a bowl of instant noodles before falling asleep on his bed.

He slept all the way until sunset when he was woken up by the vibration of his Emperor's Heart Ring. It was Chan Dou who was calling. Lin Huang picked up the call immediately.

"You're sleeping? It should be 6 p.m. over there. Why are you…" Chan Dou saw that Lin Huang was lying on his bed when the video call was connected. He did not understand it at first, but soon he seemed to have realized something.

"Ahh, you must have a chick with you."

"Just say what you want to say." Lin Huang did not bother to explain.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you and your chick. I'll be quick so that you guys can proceed to do what you were doing." Chan Dou was indulging in his misunderstanding.

Before Lin Huang could say anything, Chan Dou went ahead.

"The list that I submitted has been approved. I think all of the lists that were submitted by other organizations will be finalized within a day or two. If everything goes well, the Division 3 Union Government will gather all of you to head over to the ruins within three to five days.

"Many members from the underground organizations including Dynasty, the Purple Crow, the Heretics and the Saints are coming too. I never thought that the underground organizations would be interested in this. They're ruthless. I can get other people to go if you would like to pull out."

"No need for that. I'll be there on time." Lin Huang did not plan to retreat at all since it would not be his first time interacting with the underground organization.

"Since you've decided to go, prepare yourself these few days and get more items that can keep you alive. There will be Union Government staff contacting you before your departure," Chan Dou reminded before letting out a smirk.

"Alright, continue what you were doing with the chick. I shan't interrupt anymore."

Lin Huang only realized that the sky was getting dark after hanging up. He got out of bed and washed his face. He started training again after ordering himself take-away food. Just when he was getting absorbed in his training, he noticed something different with his body. He looked inside and saw a three to four-year-old kid under the silver sword mountain in his first Life Wheel.

"What's that?" Lin Huang was surprised to see a living thing in his Life Wheel. He became afraid as he had no idea how the kid had entered his body.

"Congratulations, you've obtained Sword Soul!" Xiao Hei's voice was heard.

"You mean this kid is a Sword Soul?" Lin Huang thought it was unbelievable.

"Why can't I remember getting this?"

Lin Huang had heard about the Sword Soul before. However, it was just a myth. It was said that in the ancient epoch, there were some powerful Sword Dao cultivators who could form Sword Souls in their bodies. However, nobody ever knew how and which level of Sword Dao a person would need to form a Sword Soul as nobody had ever done it ever since the new epoch.

Lin Huang was not even sure what could the Sword Dao do, so he was not even sure if such a thing really existed.

"You didn't cultivate it. It hatched from your bizarre seed," Xiao Hei said.

"Why didn't anyone ever tell me that the Sword Soul is in human form?" Lin Huang was going out of his mind.

"I don't think this kid could be summoned to fight. What does it do then?"

"You'll need to explore that on your own."

Since Xiao Hei was not being helpful, Lin Huang decided to go back to reality. Before he did, the little thing noticed him and appeared at his feet while it smiled and waved at him.

"Carry me!"

Lin Huang was shocked, but he picked it up anyway. After some interaction, he realized that the little thing did not know many words, so it could only make simple conversation. Fortunately, the little thing was obedient and Lin Huang went back to reality after playing with it.

As soon as he returned, the first thing he did was to look for 'Sword Soul' on the Heart Network. There was a lot of information about it on the network, but none of them was useful. It was the same on the black market forum and the Genius Union whereby there was nothing useful when Lin Huang looked up the same keyword. Helpless, he decided to listen to Xiao Hei's suggestion to explore on his own since he would not be busy for the next couple of days.