
Chapter 1331: 1V4

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Unrivaled God and the other two had arrived but, being cautious, they did not enter the battlefield just yet.

Not only that, but Lin Huang had also said, "You guys might actually be able to defeat me if you take me on together".

This caused many of the spectators who could not understand the battle situation to speculate about Xie Lin's ability all over again. However, there was still a minority who speculated that perhaps Unrivaled God and the rest were unwilling to fight, not because Xie Lin was too powerful, but because the few of them had yet to discuss how to divide the rewards.

On the other hand, the three members of Death Sickle were relieved. Naturally, Fallen Star and the rest hoped that if Unrivaled God and the rest did join the fight, the later the better. The best would be if they did not come to Forbidden Lamella's aid and only fought if Forbidden Lamella was killed. If that was the case, the pressure on Xie Lin would lessen slightly.

Meanwhile, Forbidden Lamella was rather upset with the situation. He had noticed that Xie Lin had completely controlled even his own tempo of battle from the start. Although on the surface he seemed to have the upper hand, in reality, the tables could be turned anytime. He was initially relieved when he saw Unrivaled God and the rest arriving, expecting to finally break the awkward impasse. In the end, all three of them just stood by as if watching a show, with apparently no intention of intervening. As Forbidden Lamella had his pride, he naturally would not ask for help. When one party was unwilling to ask for help and the other party was casually watching the proceedings, it made for a very awkward situation indeed.

Lin Huang too was unsatisfied with the current situation. He had been purposely dragging out things out so that Unrivaled God and the rest could join Forbidden Lamella on the battlefield when they arrived. In the end, Unrivaled God and the other two were content to be mere spectators, unwilling to make a move.

Lin Huang was trying to verbally provoke the three of them to attack him. However, all three still held back.

Since provocation had failed, Lin Huang thought quickly and soon came up with an idea.

He moved and charged directly in the direction of Unrivaled God and the others in an attempt to force all three of them into battle.

Upon seeing this, Forbidden Lamella was elated—he had wanted to drag the three of them into the fight anyway. He did not stop Lin Huang; instead, he followed along.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the duo's battlefield had suddenly shifted.

Unrivaled God and the rest barely had time to react before they found themselves right in the middle of the battle zone.

The spectators were dumbstruck to see this change in the situation.

"What's Xie Lin doing?! Is he trying to get himself killed?!"

"He's fixated on this idea. Unrivaled God and the other two weren't thinking of attacking but Xie Lin challenged them himself."

"Forbidden Lamella had the chance to stop it but he didn't. Seems like he really doesn't have the confidence to defeat Xie Lin."

The most speechless ones were the three Death Sickle members. Fallen Star and the other two totally could not understand why Xie Lin would initiate the challenge with Unrivaled God and his companions.

Even Destiny, who had been confident in Lin Huang all this time, had no idea what to say now.

Unrivaled God and the other two had completely not expected this.

The three of them had initially planned to just watch the battle from the sidelines. They wanted to see what techniques Lin Huang possessed and were also waiting for the best time to attack.

However, this sudden move on the part of Lin Huang and Forbidden Lamella completely messed up their plans and they were now forcibly dragged into the fray.

Lin Huang swung his sword four times in succession as soon as the battlefield shifted.

These four swings of his sword were incredibly fast. Blood-colored sword gleams driven by peak level-6 Sword Dao and the God-slaying Power of God Rule Power shot forth like lightning.

In an instant, the sword gleams sliced through the void and appeared right in front of Forbidden Lamella, Unrivaled God and the rest.

Forbidden Lamella immediately raised his sword to block the attack. Meanwhile, Unrivaled God and the rest had a slight change of expression while their auras instantly skyrocketed to peak level.

The three of them knew very well that this was an attack using God Rule Power. There would be terrible consequences if they were careless.

The three of them swung their swords without restraining any of their power. These attacks were also reinforced by peak level-6 Sword Dao and God Rule Power.

In the void, four blood-red gleams exploded almost simultaneously like four giant, blood-red suns, bathing the entire area in red light.

Forbidden Lamella and the other three retreated several dozen meters away, dodging the core area of the energy explosion.

Lin Huang landed firmly on the roof corner of a five-story building after using his attack to force his four opponents into retreating. He looked at the four of them condescendingly and grinned, his black robe fluttering loudly in the strong wind.

Unrivaled God and the other three took a corner each, forming a square that surrounded Lin Huang. However, the expressions of all four were very serious.

Not only that, but the four of them were also in their God's form at present. Lin Huang's earlier attack had forced Unrivaled God and the other three to go into their God's form to fight him.

Unrivaled God's God's form was a white-haired human monster in a white robe and a white mask over his face. If one ignored the white mask with its blood-red designs, he looked a little like an immortal.

Frontier's God's form was a blood-colored one-eyed asura. He had purplish-red hair and a single scarlet eye on his triangular face, which was otherwise featureless. He wore blood-colored armor and his entire being radiated tremendous bloodlust.

Departed Feather's God's form was an angel with 12 wings. She had blonde hair and wore a white dress. The 12 white wings on her back fluttered lightly and there was a golden halo above her head. She looked extremely pure and holy.

Lin Huang's four sword attacks earlier were no longer at the level that he had been using to fight Forbidden Lamella.

It took Unrivaled God and the others just that single counter against Lin Huang's attack to realize that they might have run into an enemy of a power level they had not encountered before.

All the spectators present, nearly 200 all told, were shocked and stunned to see the reactions of Unrivaled God and the other two.

Fallen Star and a handful of the spectators could tell that Lin Huang's sword attacks were now different. Their eyes betrayed their shock.

"What's wrong with Unrivaled God and the rest? Why do the four of them look like they've encountered a powerful enemy?" Twin's icy blue head could not help but ask.

"Xie Lin's four sword attacks were perfection." The blood-red head next to the blue head had her eyes unblinkingly fixed on Lin Huang.

"That's not perfection, that's peak level and terrifying!" Fallen Star spoke up suddenly to correct Twin, "If I hadn't sensed that his Sword Dao remained at peak level-6, I would suspect that he might have broken through to Sword Dao true meaning already."

"I think I might not be able to reach that level even after a hundred years," Destiny joked self-deprecatingly, smiling.

On the battlefield, the auras emanating from Unrivaled God and the other three caused hearts to quail. At the moment, the faint aura traces from the battle swords in their hands conveyed a sense of intense threat to many of the watching competitors. The sword blades were clearly enveloped in a layer of God Rule Power.

Only Rule Bending Power could go up against God Rule Power.

The sword gleams that Lin Huang had produced earlier were driven by God-slaying Power. Unrivaled God and the other three had no choice but to defend with God Rule Power, otherwise, they would be killed instantly.

Watching the various battle swords, many spectators secretly speculated about what type of God Rule Power each of the four had mastered and what kind of effect these powers would have.

Lin Huang too shot a glance at Unrivaled God and the other three. In reality, except for Forbidden Lamella, he was rather curious about what kind of God Rule Powers the three of them had mastered.

However, it was only a quick flicker of curiosity, after which Lin Huang snapped back to his senses.

This was because Unrivaled God, Frontier, and Forbidden Lamella had all attacked at the same time…

Chapter 1332: Bloody Lightning Genesis

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the void, all three auras from the three sword gleams were completely different.

The black flame-like sword gleam came from Forbidden Lamella, still imbued with terrifying heat from the Divine Lamella Fire.

The white sword gleam came from Unrivaled God. The elegant blade stroke almost seemed to float like a cloud, as if an immortal had attacked so perfectly there were no sparks at all.

The God Rule Power contained in Unrivaled God's attack was called the Sensation God Rule. A single strike could randomly cut off any single one of an opponent's physical senses, for instance, loss of sight, loss of hearing or even losing one's sense of time. However, Unrivaled God could not completely control this power at present. He could only realize an effect at random.

Meanwhile, the red sword gleam came from Frontier. The blood-colored sword gleam was potent in the extreme; not only was it imbued with endless bloodlust, but its aura filled the air, striking fear into the spectators' hearts.

The God Rule Power in Frontier's attack was called the Asura God Rule. Like Lin Huang's God-Slaying Power, Frontier's god rule was also a type of battle god rule. The effect of the god rule was that the more blood on the blade, the more powerful his sword would be. Furthermore, the wielder's body was immune to pain throughout the duration of the god rule. The wielder would not be affected by injuries either and could remain in peak battle condition.

Lin Huang could not determine the effects of these God Rule Powers that his three opponents had mastered. However, he knew that he would not have to worry about being affected by the god rules as long as he was not hit.

Under normal circumstances, sword skills would be the most powerful battle technique for sword cultivators who cultivated close-range combat. When they integrated god rule into their sword blades, this would naturally be the most powerful combination to boost one's ability to its peak. Therefore, most sword cultivators would directly integrate the god rules that they mastered into their battle swords.

Of course, there were exceptions to the rule. Unrivaled God and the rest were clearly not among these exceptions.

Three of the four attacked, yet Lin Huang did not panic at all. He shot a glance at Departed Feather who had yet to show her hand and fired off four consecutive strikes with his sword.

The four blood-colored sword gleams shot forth like lightning, their speed several times faster than the sword gleams that forced Unrivaled God and the others into battle.

Although he attacked later, Lin Huang's sword gleams reached Unrivaled God and the rest within seconds, as if he had been the one who attacked first.

The reason why he attacked Departed Feather despite her inaction was that she had not yet attacked, and he had misgivings about this. He thought it better to involve her in battle to avoid any tricks she might play when the other three surrounded him.

Departed Feather had not expected that she would be attacked too even though she had not done anything yet.

In a rage, she launched an attack with her sword.

A pure white sword gleam pierced through the air at extreme speed like a feathery arrow. Amazingly, it was as fast as Lin Huang's attack.

The God Rule Power in this attack was called the Holy Feather and was a type of Purification God Rule. There were actually two kinds of effects in Holy Feather's purification power. One was positive, whereby it would cleanse bad things to assist in recovery, such as toxins, contamination or evil thoughts. The other kind was negative and would purify everything. Regardless of whether it was energy, one's mind or substances, all of it could be purified into nothingness.

In the past, some people had said that the negative Holy Feather God Rule's effect was vaguely similar to the Fire God Rule. In reality, the Holy Feather God Rule's nature was that of the Fire God Rule. To be exact, it was a subset under the Holy Flame God Rule.

Lin Huang knew very little about god rules. He had no idea what kind of god rule Departed Feather had mastered even if he saw the form the god rule had taken, neither did he have any idea of the god rule's effect.

However, he had a rough understanding of this angel's Sword Dao cultivation direction upon witnessing Departed Feather's sword speed. In actuality, he had some basic understanding of Unrivaled God and the other two's Sword Dao now, not just Departed Feather's.

"Unrivaled God is taking the comprehensive path just like me. His Sword Dao has almost no obvious disadvantages at all. Frontier and Forbidden Lamella are the same; they go for close combat. Their emphasis is on strength, explosive force, and attack force. Departed Feather's going for extreme speed. She wants to achieve ultimate sword speed. Her attack force would be relatively much weaker. It makes sense that this beauty is unwilling to participate in a team kill. There's not much difference with or without her in this siege party. Her function is to pick up on my flaws, as well as to interfere with and contain me with her extremely swift sword speed."

After confirming the four's Sword Dao cultivation direction, Lin Huang was even more convinced that it had been a smart move for him to attack Departed Feather earlier. He was exposing a potential dark horse.

Watching the sword gleams collide and explode in the void, Lin Huang initiated the attack once again without hesitation. He cloned thousands of shadows on his right hand immediately, blood-colored sword gleams glinting countless times.

Within a split second, Lin Huang seemed to have transformed into Thor, the god of thunder. The battle sword in his hand seemed like Thor's hammer, shooting forth several thousand bolts of blood-colored lightning.Read more chapter on NovelFull

The next instant, countless blood-colored bolts of lightning shot towards Unrivaled God and the other three in an erratic route, enveloping all of them as if in a net.

The rain of blood-colored lightning bolts submerged Unrivaled God and the other three, shocking the surrounding spectators.

"Is that Xie Lin's actual ability?! It's terrifying! That's totally something that Virtual Gods shouldn't be able to do!

"My god, all those thousands of lightning bolts each contain terrifying power. I think even one of them could kill me instantly. That would instantly kill off anyone's will to fight. Can Unrivaled God and the rest handle this?!"

"I think I would be killed instantly by such speed before I could even react! It's completely surpassed the speed that my Divine Telekinesis can discern, let alone the speed of my reactions!"

The three members from Death Sickle were dumbstruck as they watched.

Initially, the trio had been concerned about Lin Huang. They were worried that he could not fight the team of four, but the scenario that had just happened right in front of their eyes completely shocked them.

"No matter how much I raise my expectations in regards to his considerable abilities, it seems I still underestimate him no matter what…" Fallen Star's throat was a little dry. She had always known that Lin Huang was very powerful, but certainly not as powerful as this.

"This is completely beyond a Virtual God's level; he could be a first-rank True God based on that attack alone." Twin was shocked as well.

Destiny was the only who remained as thick-skinned as ever. "He's definitely the slayer of Bug Queens and Bug Kings! I knew I was right about him!"

Lin Huang had not used any sword skills at all when fighting with Forbidden Lamella earlier. He had dragged things out on purpose, holding back to wait for Unrivaled God and the rest to come.

Now that Unrivaled God and the rest were here, he naturally would not have to restrain his abilities any longer.

However, Lin Huang knew very well that Unrivaled God and the rest could not be killed so easily. He did not expect that one major move alone could kill the four of them. Instead, he was quite excited to see what techniques the four of them would use to survive.

After all, the quartet were powerhouses whose Sword Dao was at peak level-6, and their skills were valuable for Lin Huang to learn and adapt from. Not only that, but he also could not kill any BOSSes now. Since he had nothing to do anyway, naturally he did not want to miss the opportunity to spar with the four of them in order to learn.


Chapter 1333: Dominating All Virtual Gods

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang's Bloody Lightning Genesis technique was delivered at practically full strength, apart from the fact that he had restricted his Sword Dao to peak level-6.

Although the surrounding spectators could not see Lin Huang's attack with the naked eye, they saw Lin Huang's Thor form. They also saw the terrifying scene of several hundred thousand lightning bolts striking at once.

While the spectators were having an exciting time watching, Unrivaled God and the other three who were fighting Lin Huang found themselves in a bad situation.

No matter how high they had gauged Xie Lin's ability, they had not expected his powers to be so terrifying.

All four of them had a dramatic change of expression upon seeing blood-colored lightning raining down on them like a fierce storm. Not only that, but the aura of each bolt of lightning was also at least as strong as any of their full force attacks combined. Immediately they utilized their own divine abilities to counter Lin Huang's deadly move.

Unrivaled God's Sensation God Rule filled his entire body in an instant, spreading out to a radius of 1,000 meters immediately. Under the Sensation God Rule, the trajectories of all the blood-colored lightning bolts became clear to him. He dodged quickly while raising his sword to block those that he could not dodge.

However, no matter how fast he was, he was still slower than Lin Huang's sword speed. Although he could see the lightning bolt trajectories clearly under the Sensation God Rule, his body could not react in time. Despite using everything he could to dodge and defend himself, he only managed to dodge less than half the lightning bolts, while the remaining ones struck him all the same.

Feeling helpless, Unrivaled God had no choice but to stubbornly take the blows with his physical body. He tried his very best to shield his vital parts, forming a defense layer of Sensation God Rule on his body to filter out some of Lin Huang's God Rule Power and prevent irreversible harm to his flesh.

Meanwhile, the god relic armor he wore disintegrated completely after taking merely one hit from a blood-colored lightning bolt. After all, it was just a god relic and could not stand up against God Rule Power.

Unrivaled God cut a sorry figure, while Frontier, not far from him, was in even worse straits.

As the lightning bolts came down, Frontier swung his sword without hesitation and severed his left arm.

As the Asura Blood was activated, the Asura God Rule's power skyrocketed to its peak instantly.

At the same time that he became immune to pain, Frontier's abilities reached their peak. Body movement or sword-swinging speed alike, he was over a level more powerful than Unrivaled God. Although he was still subpar compared to Lin Huang's sword speed, he was not too far off.

Frontier dodged almost 80% of the blood-colored lightning bolts, while the destructive capabilities of the remaining 20% were weakened considerably by the Asura God Rule that enveloped his entire body.

However, he had paid a hefty price for his power; he had lost his left arm. This limb, sacrificed to the Asura Blood, could not be regenerated merely with Divine Power. He might need at least three years of rest to fully regrow his arm again.

Of the four of them, Forbidden Lamella's way of handling the attack was the most dangerous.

Seeing the multitude of lightning bolts coming down, he spread Divine Lamella Fire all over his body, knowing that he would not be able to dodge or handle Lin Huang's attack. He elementalized his flesh into fire, his entire body becoming a ball of Divine Lamella Fire.

Although Lin Huang's blood-colored sword gleams were powerful, they were completely engulfed when they encountered the Divine Lamella Fire, becoming ineffective.

On the surface, it appeared that Forbidden Lamella was unharmed. In reality, however, each second that his flesh remained elementalized meant that his flesh was engulfed even further by the Divine Lamella Fire.

As much as the God Rule Elementalization made him immune to Divine Power and Sword Dao, it could not entirely make him immune from the side-effects that came from Lin Huang's God-slaying Power.

Each time the God-slaying Power hit his elementalized flesh, Forbidden Lamella could almost feel the God Rule Power of the Divine Lamella Fire weakening a little.

Although the weakening of his power was minor in terms of a single attack, given that as many as 1,000 attacks rained down at once, he estimated that his God Rule Power would be weakened at least by half.

His expression was terrible to look upon, but he knew that there was no other way.

Of the four of them, surprisingly enough it was Departed Feather, the weakest, who paid the least in terms of personal cost.

The 12-winged angel's 12 pinions fluttered intensely as soon as she saw the lightning bolts approaching.

A fierce stream of white sword gleams instantly sliced through the air, swallowing up the blood-red lightning bolts.

Departed Feather was extremely quick; her sword speed alone could hold its own with Lin Huang's current sword technique. She knew very well that her weakness was insufficient attack force. Therefore, she countered Lin Huang's attack close to ten times more in quantity.

Feather-like white sword gleams sped towards the blood-colored lightning bolts like moths to a flame.

The lightning bolts became paler each time a feather hit them, vanishing completely when hit by almost ten feathers consecutively.

Departed Feather was the only competitor who was unharmed during Lin Huang's current attack. She was also the only one who intercepted all the lightning bolts from Lin Huang's Bloody Lightning Genesis.

However, this did not come at no cost to herself. To counter this attack, she had drained her Divine Power and God Rule Power almost ten times more than Lin Huang.

A moment later, the battlefield fell silent again as the lightning bolts dissipated completely.

Many of the spectators finally caught a glimpse of what the four looked like now after they had been engulfed by Lin Huang's lightning bolt attack.

Frontier looked the worst; he had lost his left arm and his clothes were stained with blood.

Unrivaled God's white robe was torn without a single inch of fabric that was not tattered. He had suffered many injuries and his body was covered in sword wounds.

Although Forbidden Lamella did not seem to have suffered any sword injuries, his face was extremely pale. There was blood at the corner of his lips and he was not very stable on his feet. From the looks of it, he had suffered internal injuries.

Departed Feather was the only one who looked no different, apart from panting heavily and being soaked with sweat. She glared in Lin Huang's direction, but rage was not the emotion in her gaze—there seemed to be slight fear and hatred too.

"Who would've thought this would be the result of Xie Lin versus four enemies?!"

"Frontier is already handicapped; I think Unrivaled God no longer has the will to fight. Forbidden Lamella and Departed Feather look fine, but I think they're hurt pretty badly internally. Xie Lin's ability is terrifying!"

"Seems like Xie Lin didn't lie after all. He really wasn't using his full abilities when he fought Forbidden Lamella earlier."

"No wonder Xie Lin was chosen to be a candidate! No wonder he defeated so many BOSSes! He really has the ability! Those who said that he cheated should slap themselves now right?!"

Fallen Star and the other two Death Sickle members were completely speechless.

They were already shocked at Lin Huang's sword swings earlier. They could not say anything at all now after seeing the effects of his attack.

"This fellow can't even be described as a genius anymore. With his abilities, he could well dominate all Virtual Gods in the entire God Territory!" Fallen Star muttered softly after a long silence.

Unrivaled God and the other three competitors were catching their breath on the battlefield. The four of them were slightly relieved when Lin Huang did not come after them.

Lin Huang stood at a corner of an awning on a five-story building. He swept the area below with a condescending glance and pinpointed the four's current condition right away.

"I suppose the four of you must have done some preparation before coming here since you've dared to challenge me. If you've got any techniques that you haven't used, now's your chance. If you don't use them, I'm afraid you might not have the opportunity to do so again."

Chapter 1334: Supreme God-Level – Fiendish Corpse!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"If you've got any techniques that you haven't used, now's your chance. If you don't use them, I'm afraid you might not have the opportunity to do so again."

Lin Huang had said something similar half a minute ago. However, at the time, almost everybody thought he was lying.

Even Fallen Star and the other two from Death Sickle had thought he was boasting.

However, merely half a minute later when he repeated this, nobody thought he was spouting nonsense any longer.

What happened earlier when he injured Unrivaled God and the other three with just a single move had proved that he really had the chops to say something like that.

None of the watching competitors doubted his abilities any longer. By now almost all of them had given up on planning to ambush Xie Lin. They knew very well that even if he was severely injured, he might be able to kill them anyway.

Unrivaled God and the other three looked grim when they heard what Xie Lin had to say.

He had spoken to them in the tone that the strong would use to speak to the weak.

Although the four of them were indeed weaker than Xie Lin, they were naturally upset at being spoken to in such a manner.

After all, the four of them were the top favored ones in the God Territory; they had been trained by grade-7 organizations like Holy Sons. If one did not count Lin Huang, the four of them more or less had the abilities to be ranked No. 1 on the Virtual God leaderboard.

Even ordinary True Gods would speak to them as if they were of the same status; they would only acknowledge heavenly god-level powerhouses as seniors. Meanwhile, Xie Lin was merely a Virtual God of the same combat strength as them. It made sense that they were upset.

It was not just Forbidden Lamella and the rest; even Unrivaled God, long since over his fame, had a very ugly expression flicker over his face.

Lin Huang did not attack further, waiting patiently instead. He wanted to see if they could surprise him.

Up on the roof of a four-story building, Unrivaled God and the other three exchanged glances and soon came to a decision.

The four of them had already discussed their strategy before coming here.

After all, considering Lin Huang had defeated so many BOSSes, they figured he might have some terrifying moves.

They had indeed come with trump cards that they would only use as a last resort.

Now it seemed like Xie Lin was far more powerful than all four of them had expected. All of them would either die or lose all of their will to fight if Lin Huang used that same technique twice at most. There would be no chance for them to turn the tables if that occurred.

In order to win this battle, the only option now was to bring out their trump cards before their abilities suffered serious damage.

If they waited until Xie Lin attacked with Bloody Lightning Genesis for the second time, they might not have sufficient strength to play their hand.

Now was the best time to bring out their ultimate move. If they missed this opportunity, just like what Xie Lin said, they might not have the chance again.

As the four of them glanced at each other, they finished communicating via Divine Telekinesis. They had unanimously agreed to play their hand now as they were very aware of the current situation.

The moment they came to an agreement, all four moved almost simultaneously.

All of a sudden, a terrifying aura gathered above the heads of all four.

"Sword formation?" Lin Huang looked up. He could not help raising his brows as he saw what coalescing so quickly in the void, "It's quite something for them to come up with this sword formation in such a short time."

Under normal circumstances, consolidating even a simple sword formation would take a team three to five days of cooperation. To use it with full familiarity was almost impossible if they did not spend at least ten days to half a month to acquaint themselves with it. The more complicated the battle formation, the longer the time needed.

Although this sword formation of Unrivaled God and his companions was only made up of four people, judging by the aura, it was clearly a complex sword formation.

It had been less than two hours from the time Lin Huang's identity as the participant had been exposed. Unrivaled God had definitely spent some time to form the team, which meant that all four of them had only had less than two hours to familiarize themselves with this sword formation.

What Lin Huang did not know was that in reality, Unrivaled God and the other three had not familiarized themselves with the sword formation at all.

This formation came from Unrivaled God, who had simplified one of the battle formations from the Combat God Temple. He knew the entire battle formation like the back of his hand. Therefore, he had come up with an easily understood version with that specific battle formation as its core.

To help Forbidden Lamella and the rest create the sword formation, Unrivaled God had cloned nine shapeshifts to simulate the sword formation and model it for the others.

The main work after simplifying the sword formation was completed mostly from Unrivaled God's battle formation core. Meanwhile, Forbidden Lamella and the other two only had to remember the path of the formation pattern and release Divine Power, Sword Dao, and God Rule Power.

As prodigies in the God Territory, naturally, Forbidden Lamella and the other two did not have to spend much time to remember the paths of the formation pattern. Given that there were three shapeshifts simulating the sword formation, the three of them spent less than an hour to successfully master it.

Although the sword formation looked simple on the surface, it had been derived from a true god-level battle formation. At full power, it was sufficient to kill a ninth-rank True God.

Now that it had been simplified by Unrivaled God, its initial power was considerably diminished but a portion of its function remained. The fact that it could integrate God Rule Power alone meant it already surpassed the standard of a virtual god-level battle formation.

In the void, the sword formation soon coalesced into a silhouette as Unrivaled God and the other three continuously fed Divine Power, Sword Dao, and God Rule Power into it.

The resulting form was a humanoid monster in black armor. It stood on two legs and was some three meters tall with four silver-white swords in place of arms. Its entire head was featureless apart from eight blood-red eyes. Clearly, its mouth was not on its head.

Lin Huang's eyes lit up when he finally got a good look at the monster that coalesced from the sword formation. He recognized it as soon as he saw it.

He had just seen such a monster not so long ago on the monster guide he had recently obtained.

"Four-armed Sword Fiend, class-5 supreme god-level Fiendish Corpse!"

Lin Huang was over the moon, it was his first time encountering a class-5 supreme god-level monster, though this one was just a phantom consolidated from a sword formation.

What one had to be aware of was that apart from Bai, most of the Monster Cards he had were quadruple mutated mythical-level. Even Bai was just class 4.5 pseudo-supreme god-level, not a true class-5 supreme god-level.

He was excited firstly was because it was his first time seeing a class-5 monster. The other reason was that Lin Huang clearly sensed a powerful threat from this phantom.

The threat was what he wanted. He could faintly sense that the silhouette before him could force him to absorb all of the Sword Dao comprehension within his body that he had yet to assimilate completely.

"Xie Lin, this is the feast that the four of us have prepared for you." The compelling power coming from the sword formation's silhouette gave Unrivaled God the vague illusion that he was invincible. The fear and hatred that he initially had for Lin Huang vanished completely for now. "I wonder if you can digest it!"

As soon as Unrivaled God finished speaking, the Four-armed Sword Fiend's four arms shook slightly. It looked as if it had never moved but yet at the same time it seemed as if a scattered shadow flashed by.

The next instant, four black sword shadows flashed indistinctly through the air like the Grim Reaper's sickle. The sturdy little buildings were sliced apart wherever the sword shadows passed through…

Chapter 1335: Xie Lin Has Broken Through His Sword Dao?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

For Virtual Gods, the buildings in this trial space were almost indestructible.

Even if Unrivaled God and the rest attacked at full force with their abilities, as long as there was no God Rule Power in it, the most they could do was leave a few centimeter-long cuts on the walls. The attacks would not even penetrate the walls.

Only powerhouses who had mastered Sword Dao true meaning or Rule Bending Powers such as the God Rule Power could damage the buildings here substantially.

However, the Four-armed Sword Fiend in front of Lin Huang straight away sliced apart dozens of small buildings. Many of the watching competitors were dumbstruck at the sight.

The maximum damage most of them could do at full force was merely a deep one to two centimeter cut on the walls of those buildings.

The disparity in ability was at a completely different level altogether.

Everyone who saw this had the same question pop into their heads simultaneously—could Xie Lin counter such an attack?!

Meanwhile, Lin Huang's pupils contracted slightly at seeing the creature's attack, even as he was standing on the awning. Subsequently, he raised his sword without hesitation.

A blood-red sword gleam blossomed from the blade of the sword, turning the entire space blood-red in an instant.

The dazzling red light grew brighter and brighter. People could still look at it in the beginning, albeit with difficulty. However, its brightness peaked a second later. It was 100 times more glaring than the sun, causing many spectators to close their eyes.

Lin Huang swung his sword leisurely as the four black shadows arrived in front of him.

The tiles beneath his feet cracked apart, countless pieces floating into the air as if in slow motion…

The moment he trained the point of his sword on the Four-armed Sword Fiend, a stream of dazzling blood-red shot forth from the sword hilt like a laser cannon. In the blink of an eye, it completely engulfed the Four-armed Sword Fiend and the four black sword gleams.

This potent sword attack could not be directly looked at. Most spectators could only watch the battle through their Divine Telekinesis.

Although they could not track the duo's attack trajectory, they could roughly see the battle situation.

All of the spectators went completely silent upon seeing the power of Xie Lin's attack.

Even Forbidden Lamella and the rest of them were not exactly sure who would win this round.

Everyone waited with bated breath for the result of the collision.

A moment later, the spectators had their answer.

The potent blood-red sword gleam in the void was sliced apart. The Four-armed Sword Fiend which had been completely engulfed by the blood-red "laser cannon" slowly came into view.

Meanwhile, Xie Lin, on the other side, was sent flying. He crashed through three buildings consecutively and landed on the fourth building.

"Xie Lin has lost?!"

Almost all spectators were in disbelief. After all, Lin Huang had demonstrated overwhelming power earlier; the impression he gave everyone was that he was invincible.

Unrivaled God and the other three heaved a sigh of relief.

In reality, even Unrivaled God, who had initiated this sword formation, had been more than a little worried before Lin Huang was sent flying.

In a two-story building, Lin Huang emerged slowly from being buried in rubble.

From a distance, he looked past the wall in the Four-armed Sword Fiend's direction.

"This sword formation is really something. It integrated Unrivaled God and the other three's Sword Dao almost to its peak. The four attacks earlier were integrated into one final attack, while the Sword Dao intensity was boosted to Sword Dao true meaning level within seconds. The power of the attack is equivalent to the power of both Sword Dao true meaning and God Rule Power doubled…

"Although it's a fake Four-armed Sword Fiend, this sword formation phantom's ability is on par with a class-5 monster!"

Lin Huang instantly saw through the nature of the Four-armed Sword Fiend's attack.

He did not really mind that he lost this round.

The move he had used earlier was the peak of his strength, but it was the peak of strength below Sword Dao true meaning. He did not use Sword Dao true meaning, instead maintaining the combination of peak level-6 Sword Dao and God Rule Power.

Initially, he thought it would be sufficient to defeat his opponents.

He had not expected that the Sword Dao of Unrivaled God and the other three would undergo a fundamental change in nature after integrating with the sword formation, causing their Sword Dao to reach the level of Sword Dao true meaning.

In reality, Unrivaled God and the rest had not expected such a result either.

However, Lin Huang did not find it odd after thinking about it.

After all, Unrivaled God and the other three's Sword Dao had reached peak level-6. They were only a step away from breaking through to Sword Dao true meaning. Given that the four of them had combined their abilities with the sword formation, the change of nature made perfect sense.

Lin Huang's will to fight surged higher as he figured out what happened.

Initially, he intended to restrict his Sword Dao because he assumed Unrivaled God and the other three's Sword Do was not powerful enough. If he did not restrain himself and killed them instantly with a single blow, he would not get a real taste of battle at all.

However, this sword formation phantom that Unrivaled God and the other three had created was imbued with Sword Dao true meaning.

This excited Lin Huang. He had never encountered any other opponent who had mastered Sword Dao true meaning like he had.

In reality, even he had no idea what his limits were after achieving Sword Dao true meaning.

Now there were finally people sent to his door to be his sparring partners.

After brushing dust off himself, Lin Huang ignored the injuries on his body and finally unsealed the Sword Dao that he had been suppressing.

As soon as it was unsealed, a terrifying aura filled the entire area.

All of the competitors within a 1,000-kilometer radius felt an aura that made their hearts quail.

They knew that it was Sword Dao. However, this Sword Dao was so powerful it caused people to shudder in terror. Nobody would even think of attempting to defend themselves against it.

'Somebody has broken through to Sword Dao true meaning?!'

All of the competitors who sensed the aura had the same thought flash through their minds almost at the same time.

Even Unrivaled God and the other three were clearly stunned. Subsequently, they looked in Lin Huang's direction with shock on their faces.

"Xie Lin has broken through his Sword Dao?!" Departed Feather asked Unrivaled God and the other two, wide-eyed.

"It can't be. Could it be that our sword formation helped him instead?!" Forbidden Lamella too was in disbelief.

"That's possible. After all, this sword formation is the integration of our Sword Dao, and that sword attack earlier reached True Meaning level. Perhaps he felt something from that attack earlier," Unrivaled God suggested rather helplessly.

"This punk is so lucky!" Frontier said unwillingly while clenching his teeth.

The four of them had completely overlooked the possibility that Lin Huang might have suppressed his Sword Dao completely. Although they had initially speculated that Xie Lin could have achieved breakthrough already, the four of them discarded the thought after seeing what had just happened. They believed that Xie Lin had only just broken through.

"Don't be distracted, continue to attack him. Kill him before he masters Sword Dao true meaning!" Unrivaled God snapped back to his senses after a moment of distraction. "This might be the only chance to defeat him. We'll definitely lose when he has mastered Sword Dao true meaning completely!"

Forbidden Lamella and the rest put aside their thoughts immediately after Unrivaled God finished speaking. Together with him, they activated the sword formation phantom again.

Unrivaled God took a step forward before Lin Huang could walk out of the building while Forbidden Lamella and the rest helped with the transformation.

A tall Four-armed Sword Fiend about three meters in height leaped out from the void suddenly. In a flash, it arrived at the building where Lin Huang was. It swung its four sword arms quickly and continuously, sending out countless sword shadows that swallowed up the entire building…

Chapter 1336: Ten Sword Dao Inheritances in Exchange for One Life

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Indistinct black sword shadows quivered like swaying tree branch shadows on the walls. Heavy black shadows swallowed up entire buildings as the Four-armed Sword Fiend shook its sword arms…

Just when many spectators thought Xie Lin had yet to complete his breakthrough and had no more power to fight back, a piercing blood-red glow lit up the few windows in the building. Almost at the same time, countless blood-colored lightning bolts spread through the house and lit up the entire space instantly.

On the building's walls, countless blood-colored lightning bolts fought the black shadows. It was like a mad rave party where everyone was dancing their lungs out.

The battle between the blood-red gleams and black shadows only lasted for a moment. Less than two to three seconds later the entire building collapsed completely with a rumble and became a ruin.

The blood-red gleams and black shadows that lingered in the building vanished almost simultaneously. The blood-red light and the darkness from the black shadows disappeared at the same time and the entire area was once more quiet and calm.

Meanwhile, a silhouette in a black robe stood in the middle of the building ruins.

Under the moonlight, one could faintly see that the face under the hood was covered completely by a black mask as if it were obstructed by the surface of black water.

Lin Huang reappeared, looking as if he had taken no harm whatsoever.

Not only that, but his aura was also completely different than before.

Lin Huang, who had activated Sword Dao true meaning, gave the impression that he was an ultimate sword that had been unsheathed from its scabbard.

Many of the spectators present were sword cultivators. At the moment, they could not take their attention off Lin Huang.

"Such terrifying aura; he's clearly broken through to Sword Dao true meaning!"

"So this is a powerhouse who has mastered the Sword Dao true meaning? I feel so puny standing before him!"

"I used to think if level-6 Sword Dao was an ever-flowing river, then Sword Dao true meaning should be an endless ocean. Now I realize I was wrong; Sword Dao true meaning isn't an ocean, but a starry sky!"

Unrivaled God and the other three wore indescribable expressions. They had thought they would stop Xie Lin leveling up by attacking him before he had completed his breakthrough to Sword Dao true meaning. However, now it seemed like the plan had failed entirely. Xie Lin had clearly completed his breakthrough to Sword Dao true meaning.

What they did not know was that Lin Huang was only unlocking his Sword Dao seal. This process only took a second to complete. The boost in aura was misleading; it came from his unlocking the Sword Dao seal and his aura rising again. Even if his aura did not rise back to its peak, it would not affect his use of Sword Dao true meaning at all.

"What do we do now? Xie Lin's completed his breakthrough to Sword Dao true meaning!" Forbidden Lamella asked the other three through voice transmission. He had been the first to fight Lin Huang out of the four of them so he was already a little afraid of Lin Huang's ability. Seeing that Lin Huang had broken through to Sword Dao true meaning, he could not help but consider retreating.

"What else can we do? Do you think he'll let us leave in one piece if we surrender now?" Frontier mocked.

"He's only just completed his breakthrough, he'll need time to get familiar with Sword Dao true meaning. Moreover, we have the sword formation phantom; our brute abilities aren't below his level either. There's still a chance for us to win." Departed Feather was clearly unwilling to surrender.

After voicing their opinions, the three of them turned their heads to look at Unrivaled God who had yet to speak.

Noticing the trio's stare, only then did Unrivaled God say slowly, "I feel that I can certainly lose, but I can't retreat. I must maintain my Dao. To retreat even just a step might be a humiliation for my Sword Heart and I might not have the opportunity to achieve Sword Dao true meaning again! Therefore, personally speaking, no matter what your final decision is, I'll go on with the battle myself!"

What Unrivaled God said gave the three of them considerable pause for thought.

As a weapon, a sword was used to advance and forge ahead in battle.

No matter what path of Sword Dao cultivation, if one did not dare to unsheathe one's sword when facing enemies, it might leave an indelible shadow in one's heart. When the time came, it would be really difficult for one to break through to Sword Dao true meaning.

After Unrivaled God enlightened the three of them about this, they all stood in their battle formation once again without hesitation.


As Unrivaled God bellowed, the sword formation changed again.

In the void, the phantom Four-armed Sword Fiend plunged toward Lin Huang. Its four sword arms turned into scattered shadows all over the sky…

Lin Huang swung his sword too, a blood-red glow blossoming on the blade…

The power of that sword technique was completely different from before since he had now unsealed his Sword Dao true meaning.

The two silhouettes disappeared right after the collision. The next second, they appeared on another roof. Another head-on collision later, the duo separated and collided on the second roof after they charged again…

The entire space was completely filled with black and red light; other colors might not even have existed.

Rumbles echoed continuously. The spectators heard little else apart from the sounds of endless deafening explosions.

Buildings collapsed and disintegrated, turning into dust and ruins wherever the duo passed through.

The energy wave caused by the duo's collisions forced most of the spectators to retreat up to a hundred kilometers away.

The endless strong winds sounded like a million demons moaning at the same time…

Lin Huang's courage picked up; it was his first time fighting with such ability since mastering Sword Dao true meaning. The more he fought, the more at ease and elated he felt.

On the other side, Unrivaled God and the other three looked worse than before.

Maintaining this sword formation alone drained a great amount of Divine Power, with even more being drained during battle. Practically every time the sword formation shadow attacked, the Divine Power of all four was drained over ten times their full force.

Moreover, Unrivaled God, who was the core of the formation, carried an even greater burden as he used Divine Telekinesis to gather the sword formation integration and track Lin Huang's movements and attack trajectory. The exhaustion on his spirit was certainly several dozen times more than a normal battle.

In less than five minutes after the battle started, the four of them were already feeling exhausted.

One party was fighting more and more courageously, while the other side was drained. From a fair match initially, Lin Huang had gradually taken control of the battle.

Sensing the exhaustion from Unrivaled God and the other three, Lin Huang did not immediately end the battle with an ultimate move. Instead, he was squeezing whatever remaining value he could from the sword formation shadow little by little.

This sword formation shadow integrated all of the sword techniques the four mastered. As they incorporated it with Sword Dao true meaning, he had seen many things that were worth copying and learning.

Just like that, the battle was 'stagnant' for close to half an hour because Lin Huang was holding back on purpose. If he were to fully unleash his power, Unrivaled God and the rest of them would have been defeated some ten minutes ago.

A message came from Warlord all of a sudden just as Lin Huang decided he would proceed to squeeze the remaining, limited value out of Unrivaled God and the rest.

"60 suspected BOSS quotas have been filtered out!"

Lin Huang did not bother wasting his time on Unrivaled God and the rest any longer after hearing that message.

After all, it was the last two days before the end of the Trial. A minute wasted here might lead his hunting one less BOSS.

At this thought, Lin Huang unleashed his full fighting power.

The battle sword in his hand suddenly emitted terrifying red sparks from its hilt. In less time than it took to breathe, the spark had transformed into a laser cannon aimed right for the sword formation phantom.

He had just used this technique not so long ago. However, it was at least several dozen times more powerful this round.

The diameter of the red spark was considerably bigger than before, with a faint black mist surrounding it. In the blink of an eye, the sword formation phantom, already slightly slower than before, was engulfed completely in a terrific shockwave which went through over a hundred buildings further away.

The dumbstruck competitors who were watching witnessed the buildings disintegrating and crumbling within seconds of impact.

The power of the attack had completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

In barely the time it took for two breaths after the sword formation phantom was engulfed by the red shockwave, the sword formation of Unrivaled God and the other three disintegrated instantly. The four of them violently spat out a mouthful of blood, their auras plummeting. Their Divine Power was almost entirely drained; they could barely even stand now.

A moment later, the red glow in the air faded, leaving behind a faint smell of burning.

The spectators lifted their heads to look in the direction of where the sword formation phantom had been standing earlier. There was nothing there—not even a trace of aura remnant was left.

"I'm sorry, I have some business to handle so I have to end this battle with all of you in advance."

Lin Huang sheathed his sword back into its scabbard while hovering in midair. He looked down at Unrivaled God and the rest who were now completely dispirited.

"You guys have already lost. According to the Trial rules, I can kill all of you and take your points but I'm giving you another option now."

Unrivaled God and the rest had thought they would definitely die. When Lin Huang mentioned another option, they lifted their heads to look at him.

"I'm not asking for much, ten complete true god-level sword skill inheritances in exchange for one life! The four of you would add up to 40 sword skills. You can gather it yourself or you can buy it from others who are watching if you don't have enough. Once the deal is done, as long as you don't deliberately cause trouble for me, I'll leave you all alone.

"But my time is limited now, so I'm giving you all three minutes to prepare. After three minutes, whoever can't surrender ten sword skill inheritances will be killed."

Lin Huang looked down at his wristwatch after he was done speaking. "The time starts now!"

The reason Lin Huang did this was that killing the four of them would definitely mean vengeance from the grade-7 organizations and they might come after him. After all, the four of them were proteges that the organizations had trained at the cost of countless resources and efforts.

If he really killed the four of them, he was afraid that even Death Sickle could not protect him. It would also be hard for him to move around the God Territory in the future.

He had considered directly retrieving the quartet's memories. However, he figured that grade-7 organizations would probably have some unique techniques to protect their core members' spiritual space. These four were protégés; there must be similar techniques implanted within them. That was why he had abandoned this idea.

Threatening the four of them to sacrifice something in exchange for their lives was feasible because all treasures and equipment above virtual god-level could not be used in this Trial space. Protective gear, even if it was a god sequence relic (heavenly god relic) would not work. Only a master god-level treasure could break the rule that Great Heaven had set.

If the four of them did have master god-level treasures with them, even if it was a disposable treasure, they would definitely not be willing to give it up just like that. Compared to such treasure, true god-level sword skills were something totally insignificant.

Naturally, the four of them might have mastered some life-saving techniques. However, all of them had drained their Divine Power and spiritual power in the attack earlier. They still could do nothing even if they had mastered any such techniques.

Lin Huang had asked for ten true god-level sword skill inheritances because he knew very well that for a grade-7 organization, true god-level sword skills were not considered to be anything overly precious. If they could trade true god-level sword skills for their lives, even if the number was a little excessive, the four of them would most probably agree to that.

"Ten is a little too much; can it be less?" Forbidden Lamella tried to bargain after thinking about it.

"No, I've said that you can buy them from others if you don't have enough," Lin Huang grinned and announced the time again, "You have 174 seconds left!"

"Alright, if you want ten inheritances, ten inheritances it is! I hope you do as you promised! You can't attack us after the deal is done!" Departed Feather scoffed.

"Of course. There are many pairs of eyes watching. I can't kill all of them," Lin Huang smiled, nodding.

Departed Feather was the first to complete the deal after hearing that.

Frontier was next. He said nothing at all, merely gave up his sword skills expressionlessly.

The third one was Unrivaled God who tried talking Lin Huang up while smiling faintly.

"I have a question I'm hoping you can answer before the deal is done."

"One true god-level sword skill per question," Lin Huang said, not standing on courtesy.

Unrivaled God was stunned for a second but nodded in agreement anyway.

"My question is, did you only use two techniques from start to finish when you fought us?"

"You noticed that?" Lin Huang nodded cheerfully, "One of them is called Thunder Eclipse, it's an extreme speed technique. All of the blood-red lightning bolts were derived from this technique. The shockwave that I used later is called the Sword Waterfall. It's an extreme strength technique."

Lin Huang was not worried that Unrivaled God would copy him. Even if he taught the techniques to Unrivaled God, the power that Unrivaled God generated would definitely be lower than his.

"Are there any other techniques?" Unrivaled God asked further in curiosity.

"That's the second question, are you sure you want to ask that?" Lin Huang smiled while looking at Unrivaled God.

Unrivaled God hesitated for a moment and shook his head, "Forget it, I won't benefit from knowing anyway."

After that, he gave up 11 true god-level sword skills without hesitation.

The last one to complete the deal was Forbidden Lamella. He only had eight true god-level sword skills. He spent a hefty sum to buy two from Unrivaled God to make it up to ten, then gave them to Lin Huang.

'I think asking for ten is too little…' Lin Huang thought to himself, watching Unrivaled God handing over 13 true god-level sword skills so easily

However, Lin Huang was over the moon at obtaining 41 true god-level sword skills.

He was not concerned that Unrivaled God and the rest would seek revenge later. After all, robbing the four of them was not crossing the line for grade-7 organizations such as the Combat God Temple. To them, it was a grudge between juniors at most. Furthermore, it would be humiliating if such news were to spread. There was a much higher chance of them doing whatever they could to suppress this incident.

Moreover, he had Death Sickle supporting him. If somebody really came after him, Death Sickle would definitely be on his side. After all, as a grade-6 organization, it was rare for Death Sickle to have the opportunity to throw cold water in the face of a grade-7 organization. To Death Sickle, this incident was something glorious, not shameful.

After completing the deal with Unrivaled God and the rest, Lin Huang left at once without even a glance at the surrounding spectators.

The reason why he did not meet Fallen Star and the other two was to prevent Unrivaled God and the other three going after them.

Under Warlord's guidance, he hurried in the direction of the closest BOSS impatiently…

Chapter 1337: Messy Battle Situation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"There's a four-story building 18,214 meters from us at two o'clock. There seems to be a humanoid Sword Servant there, a bald man who looks about 40 years old. He's 1.82m tall and plump. He's wearing a dark-green top with cloud patterns and he's standing on the balcony of the fourth floor…"

As he targeted the coordinates of suspected Sword Servants, Warlord also reported that person's characteristics.

The suspected Sword Servant was merely 18 kilometers away from Lin Huang's battlefield with Unrivaled God and the rest. Clearly, he had blended into the crowd to watch the battle.

In reality, however, according to Warlord's detection results, there was more than one suspected Sword Servant secretly watching the battle like this bald man. There were four of them in total. They most probably had sensed the battle impact since they were not too far away and had decided to come to check things out. As there were many spectators around and people rushing over, nobody noticed them blending in.

This was mainly because everyone had their attention on Lin Huang, Unrivaled God, and the rest, watching the battle. Given that the few Sword Servants came rather late in the game, none of the spectators who came earlier checked their maps at all. Otherwise, there should have been people noticing that there were BOSSes blending in since the beginning. After all, all of the competitors could see the obvious red dots which denoted the BOSSes on their map.

Among the four suspected Sword Servants, the bald man was the closest—so naturally, Lin Huang chose to target him first.

After Warlord reported the bald man's coordinates, Lin Huang moved instantly in the direction of the Sword Servant.

All of the spectators thought Lin Huang would leave the area after defeating Unrivaled God and the rest. However, they noticed that he had unsheathed his sword after leaping a short distance. Simultaneous as he accelerated towards the four-story building, he swung the battle sword in his hand. His target was a bald man who was watching from the building's balcony.

Seeing that, the first thought that popped into almost all the spectators' heads was, 'This guy Xie Lin is attacking spectators now. Is he trying to blackmail all of us?!'

Some of them turned around and fled far away immediately upon seeing that, not daring to stop at all. They were afraid that they would be the next target to be blackmailed.

Even Unrivaled God and the other three were stunned to see what was happening; they entertained similar thoughts to the spectators. After all, the four of them were too far away from the bald man and could not sense the anomaly.

However, the bald man whose identity Lin Huang had exposed did not dodge at all as Lin Huang charged at him. Instead, he instantly unleashed terrifying Sword Dao.

Overpowering Sword Dao spread throughout the entire area. Unrivaled God and the other three instantly realized what was going on.

"So that guy is a BOSS!" Frontier raised his brows.

"I really thought Xie Lin was trying to blackmail him…" Forbidden Lamella was rendered speechless.

"He sensed the anomaly from so far away?" Departed Feather frowned lightly.

Although the competitors had the BOSS' coordinates on the map, it was impossible for them to locate the BOSS' exact coordinates from 20 kilometers away. Furthermore, there were a couple of spectators in that direction and the closest was standing less than ten meters away. It was very difficult for them to discover who among those few spectators was the real BOSS by relying on the map's coordinates alone. Departed Feather, therefore, found it odd that Lin Huang had managed to pinpoint the BOSS from 20 kilometers away.

"Perhaps participants have some privileges that we don't have…" Unrivaled God hazarded a guess, "Otherwise, he would never have managed to kill so many BOSSes before the map was made public!"

Unrivaled God had thought all along that Lin Huang managed to kill so many BOSSes in just a few short days because he had privileges as a participant, which allowed him to target the BOSSes' coordinates directly. Perhaps these privileges even provided extra details about the BOSS.

However, the reality was far from his assumptions. Lin Huang did not have so-called "participant privileges" at all; he did not even have a map.

As soon as the other spectators sensed the powerful Sword Dao from the Sword Servant, the excitement in the air rose several notches.

Even those with low IQ could guess what had happened.

"D*mn, a BOSS blended in to watch the battle!"

"I've just brought up the map for a look. It's not just one; there's a total of four BOSSes watching the battle!"

The crowd was thrown into confusion; many of them fled immediately once they realized there were BOSSes around.

One thing to be aware of was that BOSSes could take the initiative to hunt and kill according to the Trial rules this round. Nobody wanted to fall under the BOSS' blade and become a departed spirit.

Unrivaled God and the few of them frowned lightly after finding out about the handful of BOSSes. The battle with Xie Lin earlier had drained their Divine Power completely. It would be big trouble for them if they were targeted by any of the BOSSes.

However, fear attracted fear.

No sooner had the thought occurred to the four of them, three silhouettes charged from three different directions not so far away.

"There are three coming at us now!" Frontier exclaimed, his expression rather unpleasant.

"Apart from Xie Lin, the four of us have the highest points of everyone present. Maybe their hunting gains are related to their prey's points," Unrivaled God analyzed calmly. It explained why the three BOSSes were coming at the four of them.

"What do we do now? We've traded ten true god-level sword skills for our survival trump card. It's been less than a minute, do we really have to use it now?" Forbidden Lamella said looking irritated.

"We'll ask for help if we really can't take it," Departed Feather hesitated for a moment and said spoke her mind anyway, "After all, there are over 100 competitors who haven't left yet. As long as they're willing to help, we might be able to kill the three BOSSes."

"Ask help from the spectators?!" Forbidden Lamella sounded disgusted.

"How about you suggest something else we can do now? With so little remaining Divine Power, we can't even run, let alone fight," Frontier turned his head to ask Forbidden Lamella.

Forbidden Lamella was about to retort but Unrivaled God interrupted.

"Right now we have no other options; we can only ask for the spectators' help. We don't have to beg them, just give them appropriate guidance to help them realize that this is a good opportunity to kill a BOSS. They'd naturally be willing to fight…"

The four of them noticed that the few BOSS were getting closer to them as they communicated through Divine Telekinesis for a quick moment. Unrivaled God began encouraging the remaining spectators to kill the BOSS for points.

As his persuasive words continued, many people who were initially planning to flee from fear of the BOSS decided to remain. A minority of them such as Fallen Star decided to stay too despite seeing right through Unrivaled God's plan. Besides, they had been planning to hunt BOSSes anyway! After all, the more teammates they had, the better. They did not expose the reason for Unrivaled God's persuasiveness since they needed all the numbers they could get if they wanted to confront the BOSSes.

Within some short ten seconds, Unrivaled God managed to gather a group of people together.

The three BOSSes had initially come because of Unrivaled God and the rest's high points. The BOSSes had not expected on arrival that their prey would have gathered close to a hundred people together.

The three were unwilling to give up on the hunt just like that. They unleashed the full force of their Sword Dao and charged into the crowd…

Meanwhile, on the other side, Lin Huang and the bald man's battle swords collided almost at the same time…

Chapter 1338: Sword12

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After suppressing his Sword Dao to peak level-6, Lin Huang and the bald Sword Servant soon engaged in an intense battle.

The bald Sword Servant's abilities were not considered powerful among the many Sword Servants. Lin Huang roughly speculated that this person should rank between 100 to 120. However, his abilities were actually above Unrivaled God and the rest.

Lin Huang also noticed that the other Sword Servants were fighting with Unrivaled God and his team. His rough guess was that the three Sword Servants' ability ranked between 100 to 200, so their individual abilities would be slightly more powerful than Unrivaled God and his team.

Based on abilities alone, Unrivaled God and the other three ranked roughly between 200 to 300 among the Sword Servants.

The one with the most powerful combined ability was actually Unrivaled God because he was an all-rounder. His ability ranked roughly around 200 among the sealed Sword Servants. The weakest one was Departed Feather, her combined ability was ranked somewhere around 300. Frontier and Forbidden Lamella's combined ability were similar, whereby they ranked roughly between 240 and 260. The duo's Sword Dao strengths were obvious but so were their flaws.

If not many spectators participated in the battle, Unrivaled God and the other three would have a tough fight on their hands even if they had been in peak condition, what more now when all four of them had drained so much of their Divine Power and their God Rule Power.

However, even though they had gathered close to a hundred people including Fallen Star and other powerhouses, Unrivaled God and his team had yet to suppress the three BOSSes. After all, these competitors—nearly a hundred of them—all had opinions of their own and they did not trust each other. There was no effective cooperation.

Lin Huang did not pay attention to the battle situation on Unrivaled God's side. To him, it did not matter how many competitors died; moreover, Sword Servants were not easy to kill.

He concentrated fully on fighting the bald Sword Servant.

The bald Sword Servant's Sword Dao cultivation direction was rather similar to Lin Huang's. He had mastered a wide variety of sword skills and techniques and was able to use them all. His style of fighting was more towards close-quarter combat.

Although he had suppressed his Sword Dao and swung his sword at the bald man with ease, the direct clash without any fancy effects elated Lin Huang. He did not have to think overmuch, he could just swing his sword recklessly.

Intersecting red and green glows exploded in the air; the force of the battle was nothing compared to when Lin Huang had unleashed his combat strength fully. However, it was more powerful than the first round of battle with Unrivaled God and the rest. The force even overpowered the hundred-person battle going on 18 kilometers away.

The Sword Servant laughed uproariously as he wielded his weapon.

"It's been a long time since I've had such fun swinging my sword around like this! Hahahahaha…."

"Me too," Lin Huang agreed; he felt the same way.

The duo's sword battle lasted for over half an hour with still no clearcut winner or loser.

Meanwhile, the battle on Unrivaled God's side was starting to see some improvement. After over 30 people died, everyone finally started pulling together.

Fallen Star and the other two from Death Sickle formed a team and kept one BOSS occupied.

The remaining two BOSSes were attacked by two teams comprised of over fifty people who formed eighteen mini sword formations with the people they knew. As everyone was not familiar with each other and did not really trust each other, they could only fight in their individual ways since they had no time to learn one common sword formation right now.

Unrivaled God and the other three seized the opportunity to replenish their Divine Power and God Rule Power.

However, under the current circumstances, to Lin Huang, it was only a matter of time before Unrivaled God and the other three were defeated.

The problem was not with Fallen Star's small team, but the other two teams.

Although there were mini sword formations compromised of people who were familiar with each other, there was no cooperation between them as the nine little sword formations fought the BOSS together. Not only that, but their abilities were also uneven—a mix of strong and weak. Despite some having come up with a sword formation, they found it difficult to defend themselves against even a single move by the BOSS.

Lin Huang could almost foresee that the two BOSSes would definitely break down the weaker sword formations first and reduce their opponent's numbers one by one. That would make it hard for the remaining powerful sword formations to take down the BOSSes on their own.

Unrivaled God and the rest noticed that too but they had no effective solution. They only hoped that they could buy enough time to allow the four of them to recover their abilities a little more.

Over on Lin Huang's side, the battle was still going on.

As the pair continued with their heated battle, the bald man asked suddenly, "I've a question. You probably didn't newly break through to Sword Dao true meaning when you were fighting those four earlier, right?"

"What do you think?!" Lin Huang smirked.

"I think my guess is correct." The bald man looked at Lin Huang confidently, he wanted to see if Lin Huang's expression would give him any hints. However, there was only a faint smile on Lin Huang's face; he did not show any noticeable reactions.

"The way you unleashed Sword Dao true meaning just now gave the impression you'd already mastered it earlier. You were merely unsealing it," the bald man guessed, hitting the nail on the head, "The skyrocketing Sword Dao caused by the unsealing is indeed similar to when one has just broken through. Furthermore, it's hard to tell them apart."

"However, after you "broke through" to Sword Dao true meaning, there was no unfamiliarity in the way you used it. You were even more familiar with that than using Sword Dao, which made me suspect that you'd already broken through prior to that. No matter what kind of prodigy you are or what talents you have, nobody can master a new ability like this perfectly when they've only just broken through to Sword Dao true meaning."

"Great analysis," Lin Huang smiled but he did not give his opponent a clear answer.

"I've another question." Although the bald man did not get a clear response, he already knew that his guess was very close to the truth. "Why didn't you use Sword Dao true meaning right away when you started fighting me?"

"What kind of benefit would I get from that?" Lin Huang asked him back with a smile.

"You can gain points quickly…" the bald man stopped suddenly right after the words left his mouth. He realized Lin Huang's real goal instantly and said while smiling and shaking his head, "I've underestimated you. Points aren't the reason why you're hunting us."

"If the Trial points are what I wanted, I wouldn't have made Unrivaled God and the rest stay," Lin Huang answered, still smiling, "Compared with points, Sword Dao inheritances are naturally more attractive."

The reason Lin Huang said that was because it had been impossible for anyone to surpass his points for quite a while. He had already defeated 182 Sword Servants and accumulated over 18,000 points.

There were a total of 2,999 competitors, which meant that the most points they could get from hunting each other would only be 2,999 points. Even if they defeated the remaining 104 Sword Servants (14 of them were defeated by Unrivaled God and the rest), the most points they could get would be over 13,000.

Therefore, as long as Lin Huang was not defeated or killed, his No.1 ranking was stable. No matter how the rest fought for it, the highest they could get to would be No.2.

"You're using me for actual combat practice?" The bald man understood why Lin Huang had not straight away used Sword Dao true meaning.

"Practical combat training is one thing, there's also surreptitiously learning sword skills and battle techniques," Lin Huang said with complete honestly, "Therefore, I hope that all of you don't hold back; it would be ideal if you could demonstrate whatever techniques you have—the more, the better!"

"Your honesty would cost you friends," the bald man said while smiling, "But I like honest people!

"As you wish then. I'll show my best ultimate move under my sealed condition. Let's see how much you can learn from it."

The next instant, a green glow blossomed rapidly on the battle sword in the bald man's hand. He brought his breathing under control. Lin Huang could even see faint green steam subtly coming out of his nostrils.

Almost simultaneously, he moved.

In the blink of an eye, he reached Lin Huang immediately as if he had leaped through space.

"That's so fast!" Lin Huang could not help exclaiming in astonishment.

The sword speed from the bald man was at the same level as his Thunder Eclipse. However, this move was even more perfect, having reached its peak in all aspects.

That was the ultimate move that Lin Huang was after; it was just that he had not yet come up with one.

As his pupils contracted slightly, the battle sword in Lin Huang's hand turned into a blood-red lightning bolt the next instant. The scarlet lightning bolt was several times faster than the green sword glow from the bald man.

Yes indeed, Lin Huang had used Sword Dao true meaning.

This was because the bald man's attack was such that Lin Huang had no way to meet it at peak level-6 Sword Dao. He could not counter or dodge; the only way was to unleash his Sword Dao true meaning.

Only at that moment did Lin Huang realized that the bald man had been masking his ability.

On the surface, the bald man's battle abilities seemed to be ranked at approximately 100 to 120 among the Sword Servants. However, his real ability might be around 30 or so, and his perfect move earlier might well be in the 20s.

Blood-red lightning shattered the green sword glow instantly.

Lin Huang squinted slightly at the bald man. His smile was cold. "You almost killed me, you hid it very well!"

"Everyone is cunning on the path of cultivation. I, Sword12, count it a pleasure to meet the future swordmaster," the bald man said, smiling faintly.

"Do you think you can calm my rage by buttering me up?" Lin Huang was actually quite angry; he had almost been tricked by the bald man.

The bald man's conversation with him, battle mode, ability, and seemingly straightforward character were all fake!

"Someone will teach you this lesson sooner or later, master. If you want to take the swordmaster's position, ability and talent aren't enough. You need some tricks."

"Are you really hoping I'll become swordmaster?" Lin Huang's tone was rather sarcastic.

"It's not my wish that you take swordmaster's position. In reality, I don't mind anyone taking it. You're the closest to it after over 300,000 years. The position has been vacant all this time. We've been waiting for more than 300,000 years, we really don't want to wait any longer."

Lin Huang could no longer tell if the bald man was telling the truth or faking it. He decided to play it safe and did not respond.

"It's the second last stage of the Trial now. It's only a matter of time for master to pass this stage. The thing that master needs to take note of is the last stage," Sword12 continued.

"What? Are you going to tell me what's in store for the last stage?" Lin Huang said while smiling. Even if the bald man did tell him, he would not dare to believe him.

"I can't reveal what's in store for the Trial. The person who reveals it would die instantly but the even more important main reason is that once the Trial proceedings are leaked, there will be a definite change in the Trial, and the difficulty level would go up."

Lin Huang snickered out loud, "Then what can you do for me?"

"I can answer every question you have within limits," Sword12 said while bowing slightly.

Lin Huang squinted slightly. He stared at Sword12 for a while before finally asking, "If that's the case, tell me about Sword11."

Chapter 1339: Bad News

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Oh, Sword11. What would you like to know?" Sword12 enquired.

"Everything," Lin Huang said without hesitation.

"I'll tell you whatever I'm allowed to tell you then. Where should I start…" Sword12 gave this some consideration; he seemed to be sorting out his thoughts. He then said slowly, "There are a total of 365 Sword Servants under the former swordmaster. Since his death, however, the 365 Sword Servants separated into two sects as time went by."

"One of the sects is called the Regression Sect. They hope to revive the swordmaster with some special technique or find his reincarnation so he can rule the Great Heaven Territory again. The other sect is called the Succession Sect. They hope that a junior with outstanding talent and the potential to inherit the swordmaster's inheritance will appear to take over the Great Heaven Territory.

"Sword11 is like me, we're members of the Succession Sect."

Lin Huang ignored what Sword12 said about being a part of the Succession Sect and brought up a point of doubt that had occurred to him.

"Why don't the Succession Sect members want Senior Great Heaven to return?"

"It isn't that we don't want it, but we know that chances are slim. To be elevated to a Lord, a Heavenly God needs Dao unification. If that Dao unification is destroyed, that's theoretically the ultimate death. There wouldn't even be any remnants of a soul left! How could he be revived? As for searching for his reincarnation, since his soul has already died completely, how could he be possibly reincarnated? Even if he was lucky enough to have a tiny fragment of soul remaining from the Dao unification failure and was successfully reincarnated, given the billions of living things in the Great Heaven Territory, how are we supposed to find him?! Every one of us Sword Servants can't leave the Great Heaven Territory. What if he reincarnated somewhere outside the Great Heaven Territory? How could we possibly locate him?

"Besides, the swordmaster had sorted everything out before attempting Dao unification. He said he would leave the inheritance behind in case his Dao unification failed. Whoever obtains the inheritance will be the next swordmaster. We in the Succession Sect are fulfilling the master swordmaster's dying wish."

Lin Huang nodded at the end of Sword12's explanation. He could understand why both sects thought the way they did.

"If I managed to obtain the inheritance successfully, would the people from the Regression Sect be upset?"

"They won't be. After all, everyone hopes to have a swordmaster reigning again. At most, they would give you some small amount of trouble in the assessments and increase the assessment difficulty. If someone managed to pass all the assessments that the former swordmaster left behind and obtain the inheritance, it's impossible that they would deny the ability of the swordmaster's heir.

"When that happens, matters will be set. Most Regression Sect members will give up on the thought of waiting for the former swordmaster to return; there definitely will be a few stubborn ones who are loyal to him. However, the most they'll give the new swordmaster in terms of bad attitude would be sloppiness and negativity. They won't outright disobey. After all, the former swordmaster wrote it down clearly in his will that his heir would be the new swordmaster."

Lin Huang was relieved when he heard that.

"Let's talk more about Sword11 then."

"As a member of the Succession Sect, Sword11 put in a lot of effort to find a suitable candidate to be the swordmaster's successor. He even left a level-6 Sword Dao sword trail in the Swordfiend Abyss for narrowing down candidates whom he deemed to have potential. However, he did something daring a few years back by teleporting his consciousness out of the Trial space with some special technique. He said he had gone to the Great Heaven Territory to look for a suitable successor."

At this point in Sword12's narrative, Lin Huang more or less understood what had happened with the Sword11 he had encountered in the Great Heaven Territory.

That Sword11 was no longer the original Liu Ren. Instead, he had been replaced by Sword11 through some specific technique.

However, one could imagine Sword11's inherent talents and abilities, since he had transformed someone with mediocre Sword Dao talent into the No.1 Sword Dao genius through his consciousness alone.

"You bumped into Sword11 in the Great Heaven Territory?" Sword12 probed.

"I did. He was the one who told me that the Swordfiend Abyss is the Trial venue for the Great Heaven inheritance." Lin Huang did not think he had to hide that fact.

"I thought the fellow had died after he escaped as he did." Sword12 was surprised to hear the news.

After confirming Sword11's identity, Lin Huang no longer had the desire to learn more about Sword11.

However, Sword11 was already a class-5 genius. This made Lin Huang even more curious about the top 10 Sword Servants.

"Tell me more about Swords 1 to 10 then."

"I can only give you a rough idea about them; I can't reveal their personal details." Sword12 suddenly looked very serious.

"During each term of the swordmaster's reign, the fighters who became Swords 1 to 10 were his personal bodyguards. Not only do they have the most powerful abilities, but the most basic condition is also that they have to be at least a class-5 genius.

"What's a class-5 genius? A class-5 talent and potential would be cultivated as a Holy Son in any tribe or organization in the great world. They would be supreme god-level among Protoss, but every one of them would be nurtured as Sons of God. If there are any in the Bug Tribe, they would be on the same level as the Bug Queen, in an exalted position—nothing lower than the Queen Mother that controls the hive. They would be the mate that almost all Queen Mothers dream of…"

"I remember that Sword11 is also a class-5, am I right?" Lin Huang could not help asking.

"Yes, he's a replacement bodyguard. The swordmaster has a quota of only 10 bodyguards and they must be the ten with the most powerful abilities. The extra ones would be the replacements. So what if they're class-5? I'm class-5 too!" Sword12 said in a rather dissatisfied manner.

"You're class-5 as well?! Apart from the ten bodyguards, how many more Sword Servants are class-5?"

"Only me and Sword11. Sword13 to Sword37 are class-4.5 while the rest are normal class-4." Sword12 did not conceal this.

"Are there any class-6 geniuses among Swords1 to 10?" Lin Huang proceeded to ask.

"No! If there really are, the swordmaster would've made them his disciples," Sword12 asserted, shaking his head with wide eyes, "Do you think class-6 is as common as vegetables at the market?! Any class-6 would be the supreme powerhouse of the era and could dominate the great world! Let me give you a rather unpalatable example. If there's a class-6 Bug Emperor in the Bug Tribe, the tribe would destroy the entire great world as soon as the Emperor achieved lord-level!"

"Then was Senior Great Heaven a class-6?" Lin Huang asked at once.

"None of us know. The swordmaster never mentioned it, and we never dared to ask," Sword12 said, spreading his hands to indicate that he had no idea.

"Since both of you are class-5 and your combat strength is similar, your ability and Sword11's shouldn't be too different from Sword10 and the rest, should it?"

"The disparity's like night and day! Although the difference in our talents and potential is minor, those ten were able to have the swordmaster's guidance once every year. Meanwhile, we only got that guidance once every 100 years. Apart from that, Sword2 and Sword3 would always give them special treatment. We can't compete with that. They were also able to obtain several dozen times more resources than us…" Sword12 sounded bitter as he continued his explanation.

Lin Huang had some idea of this disparity now. It would be the equivalent of students of the same grade going to school—but the wealthy ones could hire professional homeschool teachers to tutor them every day, as well as buy all sorts of academic resources to catch up with what they had missed in class. Meanwhile, since the poor ones could not afford tutors and extra learning materials, they could only depend on the classes in school and self-study. Three years down the road, the results of their final exams would naturally be different.

"Can you tell me exactly how strong they are?" Lin Huang proceeded to ask.

"Let me put it this way. That attack you used earlier, using Sword Dao true meaning? Sword10 could do that even without using Sword Dao true meaning."

Lin Huang's pupils contracted when he heard that. The ability of Great Heaven's bodyguards exceeded anything he could possibly have imagined.

Sword12 seemed to be fearful when he revealed Sword10's ability. "That's all that I can reveal to you about Swords 1 to 10…I can't tell you anything further even if you ask."

Lin Huang thought for a moment and followed up with another question, "Earlier you told me that you can't reveal any details of the final stage; I don't need you to tell me that. All I want to know is, does it have anything to do with the 10 bodyguards?"

Sword12 kept his lips sealed and stayed quiet; he did not answer.

However, Lin Huang had guessed the answer from his response.

His heart began to sink as he recalled Sword12's earlier description of Sword10's abilities.

Chapter 1340: The Three Of You Have Been Sold To Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang had learned many secrets from his conversation with Sword12.

Apart from the matters regarding Sword11 and the swordmaster's bodyguards, Lin Huang also asked a few other questions afterward, which Sword12 answered one after another.

Once he had answered all the questions put to him, Sword12 voluntarily conceded defeat and soon vanished in front of Lin Huang.

Seeing the push notification about defeating a Sword Servant, Lin Huang then turned his head and looked over to where Unrivaled God and the rest were.

The situation was getting more and more dangerous for Unrivaled God and the others. Apart from Fallen Star's team of three, the remaining two groups were having a hard time of it. Out of 18 mini sword formations, there were only 10 left currently. At the moment, almost all the members of the 10 mini sword formations were thinking of how to escape. They had completely lost their will to fight. If not for Unrivaled God and the other three who would come in occasionally, the two teams would have been defeated by the two BOSSes from the start.

Lin Huang also noticed that Unrivaled God and the other three had not recovered much of their Divine Power at all. However, he had already expected that. After all, most of their Divine Power had been drained completely. They would need at least ten hours to fully recuperate.

Seeing their situation, Lin Huang smirked slightly and made his way unhurriedly to the scene of battle. He watched, standing on a roof not far away.

Only when Lin Huang made his way back did everyone realize that Xie Lin had taken care of another BOSS. They had had no time to look at the recent push notification at all. However, it was not hard for them to guess what the push notification said, seeing that Xie Lin was now here.

Lin Huang watched the battle in silence. It seemed as if he had no intention of interfering.

Unrivaled God and the other three had thought Lin Huang would join the battle. When he still did nothing after they waited a moment, they finally could not help but communicate with him through voice transmission.

"Xie Lin, we'll yield all three BOSSes to you."

"I can't do that. After all, these three BOSSes came for you guys," Lin Huang replied through voice transmission, smiling. He still had no intention of joining the fight.

Unrivaled God and the other three cursed secretly to themselves. They roughly figured that not only did Xie Lin want the BOSS, but he wanted other benefits as well.

As the four of them fell silent, some of the competitors from the two teams fighting noticed Lin Huang. Someone immediately shouted to Lin Huang, "Mr. Xie Lin, please kill these BOSSes for us. We really can't take it any longer!"

"That's right, come help us now!"

Many people among the crowd voiced their agreement one after another. They had completely lost their mood after being beaten up by the two BOSSes. Right now they could not even escape, as the BOSSes had them completely at their mercy.

"Help you? What's in it for me?" Lin Huang asked in a deep, serious voice.

"These three BOSS are yours, we won't fight with you over the points! After you've picked a BOSS, we can even keep two of them occupied for you so that you can fight at ease," a clear-headed young man in the crowd shouted immediately.

"There's no need for that, I can fight three on my own," Lin Huang declined the suggestion right away, "I'd just have to wait until the BOSS killed all of you, and then he'd be mine. You could help me as well by draining the BOSSes' Divine Power while you fight; why would I be against that?" Lin Huang switched topics after that, "But of course, I can help you too if you really want me to. However, my fee is very high…"

The crowd immediately realized that Xie Lin wanted to seize the opportunity to extort them, and their expressions turned sour right away.

"Which is more important, your money or your life? Think about it for a while; I'm not in a rush anyway. These three BOSSes will still be mine when you're all dead."

In reality, Lin Huang was anxious because every hour he wasted, the less time he had to kill every other BOSS. However, he could not show it at the moment or he might end up being delayed for a few hours by these people. The less nervous and more apathetic he seemed, the more anxious these people would be, and the more valuable the items he could ask for in exchange.

As expected, Unrivaled God's team could no longer take it after he waited for two to three minutes.

"What do you want? Name your price," Unrivaled God said expressionlessly.

Lin Huang grinned, "How about this—we'll calculate on an average of how many people are present now. Since there are so many of you, I'll give you a discount—five true god-level sword skill inheritances per person!"

"Why don't you just rob someone?!" Forbidden Lamella shouted unwillingly.

"How could I earn so much from mere robbery?!" Lin Huang responded while smiling. Forbidden Lamella was so infuriated he was lost for words.

"Isn't it unethical for you to take advantage of us right now?" Departed Feather's expression was grim as well.

"Hey, let me make this clear. I'm not friends with competitors like yourselves. Not only that, but we're also enemies in this trial. Have you forgotten that you teamed up to kill me around half an hour ago?

"Now that you guys are in trouble, it's not my job to bail you out for free. Given that I'm proposing you hire me to help you, I'm already not taking into account past enmity. Even normal families pay nannies to look after their children, and you want me to save your lives for free?!"

Unrivaled God and the rest present were bereft of speech at Lin Huang's little speech.

"It's not that we want you to help us for free, but your fee is a little too high," Frontier could not help interrupting, "Furthermore, we've paid you ten sword skill inheritances earlier. We really don't have that many sword skills left. The others don't come from grade-7 organizations like we do. They're considered to have gone through intensive training if they manage to master two to three true god-level sword skills while they're at virtual god-level."

"Yes, he's right!" A group of bystanders agreed immediately.

"Xie Lin, why don't we give you two sword skills each? That should be within the range of what everyone can afford," Unrivaled God added on quickly from his place on the sidelines.

"Since that's the case, I'll compromise. Three per person. That's my final offer. If you disagree, I can only wish you guys the best," In reality, three sword skills were the figure he had in mind. He knew that no matter how many he asked for, Unrivaled God and the rest would definitely bargain. Therefore, he thought he would name a high price of five each, "You can leave after you've paid, I don't need you guys to buy time for me."

After a moment of hesitation, Unrivaled God and the rest finally agreed. In reality, the price Lin Huang named was within their expectations. They had already foreseen that Lin Huang would bargain when Unrivaled God proposed two sword skills each.

Including Unrivaled God and the other three, there were a total of 43 people present. Lin Huang delivered three consecutive slashes with his sword, throwing out the three BOSSes and appearing before Unrivaled God in a flash.

After quickly paying up their three true god-level sword skill inheritances, the other competitors fled the scene.

Lin Huang ran a scan with Divine Telekinesis after getting all 129 sword skills. After verifying that the sword skills were fine, he released Unrivaled God and the other three to go on their way.

Just as Unrivaled God and the other three left, a BOSS chased after them while another two blocked Lin Huang's way.

Lin Huang scoffed, using Sword Dao true meaning to toss aside the two BOSSes who were obstructing his path. The next instant, he appeared before the BOSS who was chasing Unrivaled God's group, blocking his way.

"I'm sorry, they've sold the three of you to me!"