
Chapter 1391: Something's About To Happen!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I've taken Bai and the others into the ruins of Lust, and we will return to the God Territory in about roughly three days before the one-year period is up. As for the star map, leave a message if there is any news. I'll reply as soon as I see it."

After leaving this message for both Bloody and Kylie respectively, Lin Huang took the two Sword Servants and went straight to the site of the ruins of Lust.

The ruins of Lust were completely accessible to the public.

To prevent the invasion of Abyssal creatures, a Lord of the God Territory had set a barrier at the entrance and exit to prevent all cultivators with the aura of an Abyssal from entering or leaving.

The entrance and exit of the ruins were also guarded by two ninth-rank True Gods.

The two guardians of this place were alternately appointed by the grade-6 and grade-7 organizations.

Each time, two different organizations would arrange for one person from each respective organization to serve as a guardian, and each guardian would be on duty for ten years. Of course, this job came with high remuneration, so many cultivators would take the initiative to apply to be guardians.

After Lin Huang and the two Sword Servants registered outside the entrance, they stepped through into the ruins.

"I don't know where this junior is from; he's only a Virtual God rank-3, and still has the audacity to come to the ruins of Lust?" One of the guardians said as he saw the three of them entering the ruins.

"He even brought two true god-level bodyguards with him. He must be the descendent of a pure-blood clan." The other guardian discerned the relationship between the three with just a glance. "It's no wonder the pure-blood clans haven't produced a decent junior for so many years. Every one of them brings along bodyguards when they come to train. If they encounter any danger, the bodyguards protect them. What sort of results can such training produce?"

"I know right? Unrivaled God, who is now the number one on the Virtual God Leaderboard—everyone knows he isn't a pure-blood. Even if he isn't a pure-blood though, he's still a young master in the Xeno organization. His father is a Heavenly God, and his family is more powerful than most pure-blood clans, but he never brings along any bodyguards. He joined the Combat God Temple at a young age, carried out countless conquests at virtual god-level, and made a name for himself. Is there anyone in the entire God Territory who doesn't know Unrivaled God's name now?!"

Of course, Lin Huang—who had already stepped into the secret zone—could not hear the conversation between the two guardians anymore.

However, even if he had overheard them, he would probably have been too lazy to argue with them. At most he would have just laughed.

As far as the phrase "I beat up Unrivaled God and plundered more than a dozen Sword Dao inheritances from him" went, he probably would not have said it aloud, even though this incident really had happened.

After entering the ruins, Lin Huang used Divine Telekinesis and quickly swept the surrounding area to confirm that there were no participants nearby. He then summoned all the mythical-level imperial monsters.

Bai, who was pseudo-mythical-level, was present along with Lancelot, Killer, Evil Dominator, Charcoal, Tyrant, Grimace, Thunder, Bloody Robe, Malachian Fiend, Imp, Witch, Eclipse Boa, Death Knight, Fallen Knight, Warlord, Herculean King, Bing Wang, and Dark Crescent Snake (2 of them), who were all mythical-level.

Apart from these creatures, the Bug Tribe Queen Mothers (4 of them), Multi-eyed Worms (2 of them), Superbrain Worms (2 of them), Golden Bugs (2 of them), and Bug Servant Busby from the hive were all summoned.

Seeing more than 30 imperial monsters being summoned at the same time, Sword301 and Sword302 were so stunned that they were speechless for a while.

This was the first time that they had seen someone who could control so many imperial monsters at once.

What surprised them even more was that so many were from the Bug Tribe.

Moreover, both of them could sense from the auras that almost all of the imperial monsters summoned by Lin Huang were of mythical-level rank-4.

The two also sensed that Bai was different and could not help looking at him a few more times.

"You should have already sensed that the upper limit of your combat strength has been increased; this is because my combat strength has increased to Virtual God rank-3.

"My purpose in summoning all of you is very simple—that is, to let all of you hunt in these ruins as much as you want and advance to true god-level as fast as possible.

"We will be here for a maximum of 23 days. It seems like a lot of time, but these ruins greatly restrict exploration methods such as Divine Telekinesis. To some extent, this also increases the difficulty of everyone's hunt. However, after the 23-day deadline, I hope to see all of you successfully elevated to true god-level.

"Next, you will form your own teams. I suggest that it's best to have two or three people per group; you can then divide combat roles and match them to your members…"

After a few minutes, all the imperial monsters had divided themselves into groups. Bai and the others formed ten teams while the remaining four Queen Mothers of the Bug Tribe formed a large army with the hive and seven mythical-level bugs.

Lin Huang was a little surprised at the Bug Tribe's choice, but he did not stop them.

After they had received the monster distribution map and information on the ruins from Lin Huang, the eleven teams quickly chose a direction respectively and left.

After he watched all the imperial monsters leave, Lin Huang looked in the direction where the Bug Tribe had gone and muttered, "Something's about to happen!"

He stood there for a while, then turned around and hurried away from the Bug Tribe's direction, taking the two Sword Servants with him.

After arriving at the distribution area of the true god-level monsters, Lin Huang quickly parted ways with the two Sword Servants.

Sword301 and Sword302 had indeed felt extremely constrained in the past few months, and this time they agreed to the individual hunting proposed by Lin Huang without any objections.

Lin Huang himself quickly went deep into the hunting area and hurried towards the fourth-rank true god-level distribution area described on the map.

The monster distribution map provided by the God Territory was not very detailed, but the locations and approximate areas of monsters of different combat levels were marked.

About an hour after he entered the ruins, Lin Huang finally arrived at his destination. It took him another half an hour to finally find the first prey that was suitable for him—a White-Faced Ghost.

White-Faced Ghosts were a type of evil spirit.

This type of monster was three to five meters tall and looked like a large and slender ghost. It wore a pure white mask and floated in the air.

Lin Huang did not bother to confront the opponent head-on this time. With a flick of his cuff, hundreds of telekinetic flying daggers shot out. Boosted by Seraphic Speed God Rule, Lighting Element's Instant Flash, Traceless, Light Element's Sun Shadow, Wind Element's Heavenly Roc, and the Elemental Enlightenment of several rapid speed sword skills, the telekinetic flying daggers instantly penetrated the body of the White-Faced Ghost, practically turning it into a sieve.

Although the White-Faced Ghost had discovered Lin Huang a while ago, it had no time to react at all before being pierced through by hundreds of telekinetic flying daggers.

After killing the White-Faced Ghost, Lin Huang extracted its Divine Fire. He was so proficient in this that he was able to do it in one go.

Now that the hunt for his first prey was complete, he did not linger but turned around and hurried away in search of his second target.

At the same time that Lin Huang started his hunting journey, Bai and the other imperial monsters had not been idle. Each of them entered the True God area to search for suitable hunting targets.

Only the Bug Tribe was slightly different. The four Queen Mothers stayed in the virtual god-level area along with the hive and several mythical-level bugs.

After that, all four Queen Mother opened the hive's entrance and released the entire Bug Tribe army of several hundred million fighters…

Chapter 1392: The Last Day

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Twenty days passed by in a flash. Once he saw that the number of sixth-rank Divine Tinder pieces stored in his inner world had finally reached ten, Lin Huang exhaled a long breath.

In the past twenty days, he had not been idle for even a moment; he had been running around the True God area on the outer perimeter of the ruins, searching for prey that was suitable for him.

In fact, every time he located a target, the battle did not last a long time. The handful of short battles were all straightforward with instant kills, and took less than a second, while the longest battle only lasted less than two hours.

Most of his time was spent traveling, avoiding high-rank True Gods, and searching for suitable targets.

"There are still three days left, I wonder how Bai and the others are doing…" At this point, Lin Huang finally had time to think about matters other than hunting. "There are also the Bug Tribe Queen Mothers…"

He had a vague feeling that the four Queen Mothers with the hive might have been up to something.

What Lin Huang did not know was that his premonition had been spot-on.

The four Bug Tribe Queen Mothers had quietly slaughtered all the Virtual Gods on the outer perimeter of the ruins of Lust three days ago. They had brought more than ten Bug Tribe battleships and a massive new Bug Tribe army into the low-rank True God territory.

After the Bug Tribe army entered the True God area, they did not immediately make a move. Instead, they quietly assassinated a few nearby Abyssal True Gods, then garrisoned the hive and the battleship.

In the three days that followed, spies were sent out to probe for detailed information about the distribution of monsters in the True God area.

Just as Lin Huang was about to finish his own hunt, the Bug Tribe spies finally returned with a complete map of the True God area and its monster information.

After the spy shared the information, a Superbrain Worm spoke up.

"The True God area is much more dangerous than the previous Virtual God area. The distribution of low, medium and high-rank True Gods is also much more mixed. If we send out a large army to hunt, even if it's only to hunt low-rank True Gods, it may alarm the medium or high-rank monsters. However, with our current strength, if we encounter a True God higher than low-rank, our chances of winning are low even if we use the worm wave attack. Therefore, my suggestion is that we should divide into teams and covertly slaughter them!"

"If we don't send out the hive army, there are only eleven of us capable of hunting True Gods. We can only assemble five teams at most. Furthermore, now there are only three days left in the hunting period given by the master. Covert killing will be very ineffective !" A Queen Mother frowned slightly.

The other three Queen Mothers also nodded, agreeing with what she said.

"We have more than eleven people who can participate in the hunt. Those among the pseudo-mythical-level bug guardians which have control and assisting capabilities can join our team. They can be responsible for restraining our prey so that we can complete the hunt more smoothly.

"Besides, we can also join forces with Bai and others. They have completed the task assigned by the master and successfully advanced to true god-level. However, they have not stopped hunting; we can send pseudo-mythical-level bug guardians with control and assisting capabilities to team up with them and hunt. They might also be able to obtain some commissions from them."

The second Superbrain Worm quickly put forward his idea.

"The worm wave attack is not entirely unusable. If an area is full of low-rank prey, we can also use the worm wave attack to handle things quickly, as long as we don't alarm any powerhouses beyond third-rank."

After it listened to what the second Superbrain Worm had to say, the first Superbrain Worm's tentacles rippled with excitement. "The first two days must be more low-key, but on the last day, we can do something big…"

"Alright, we'll go according to what you've suggested. Both of you spend a few minutes discussing the details, then we can proceed directly according to the plan." A Queen Mother nodded.

The remaining three Queen Mothers also raised no objections.

A few minutes later, Bai and Grimace had just joined forces to hunt a second-rank True God when a bug soldier flew over at great speed.

"A little bug is coming, do you want to kill it?" Grimace grinned maliciously.

Bai glanced blandly at Grimace before asked the insect soldier expressionlessly, "Is there any news from the hive?"

The probing insect soldier took one look at Grimace and shrank into its body slightly; it had to force its tone to remain calm.

"The four Queen Mothers hope to reach strategic cooperation with both esteemed masters. The hive will send control and assisting Virtual God rank-9 bug guardians to hunt together with the esteemed masters to assist in your hunt. We have also obtained all the maps and monster information for the entire True God area and this information can be shared with both esteemed masters…"

"We don't mind the information, but forget about teaming up. I don't want anyone to disturb the beautiful time between me and Xiao Baibai…" Grimace squinted and grinned.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai.

"We can team up. Send someone to join us as soon as possible."

"Even with me here, you still want others along? Huh, what a heartless man!" Grimace displayed a "sorrowful" expression.

Bai ignored Grimace's talking to himself.

The insect soldier did not dare not raise its head the whole time until he got Bai's confirmation. It nodded quickly, then turned, and left hurriedly.

After about half an hour, Bai and his ten teams all welcomed the Bug Tribe reinforcements. All the bug guardians on the team had been matched for the best combinations, based on the two Superbrain Worms' analysis of the existing structure of the ten teams. Almost every team had different abilities and varying numbers of bug guardians. The smallest group was matched with five bug guardians, while the largest had eleven.

As for the Bug Tribe itself, the eleven members were also divided into four teams. Each of the four Queen Mothers led a team and they also had with them several pseudo-mythical-level bug guardians.

A new round of hunting soon began. With the assistance of the bug guardians, the hunting efficiency of these teams was significantly higher.

A few of the teams even started to try and hunt third-rank True Gods.

Right as the imperial monsters were busy hunting second-rank and third-rank True Gods, Lin Huang had already started round upon round of sixth-rank True God hunting.

Time passed, and another two days went by.

The Queen Mother and other mythical ranked bugs had successively advanced to true god-level, along with more than one hundred pseudo-mythical-level bug guardians who had participated in the hunt.

Bai, Tyrant, and the others had already elevated to true god-level more than 20 days ago and now they had almost advanced to second-rank.

The few teams that up till then had only dared to hunt second-rank monsters had also started hunting third-rank monsters one after the other.

Among them all, Bai and Grimace's team was the boldest; they started to try hunting fourth-rank monsters.

When the last day arrived, the Bug Tribe went completely wild.

The four Queen Mothers each carried the imprint of the hive, opened the main entrance of the hive in four different areas, and began to release a massive army of bugs.

The bug army instantly swept through nearly one-third of the entire True God area…

This mad hunt only lasted less than an hour before the local medium and high-rank monsters began to notice anything unusual.

The Bug Tribe spies, who had been monitoring the movement of all major areas, immediately notified the four Queen Mothers, who did not hesitate to order the withdrawal of their troops.

In less than five minutes, the massive Bug Tribe army disappeared from the ruins and returned to the hive.

Chapter 1393: Demonic Buddhist Holy Son

Lin Huang was hunting a sixth-rank True God when a message suddenly came from the hive, sent through directly by the Queen Mother.

He was rather surprised but did not check it immediately. Instead, he continued to fight his prey.

About half an hour later after he had killed and dealt with his target, he clicked on the message sent by the hive.

"Retrieve the hive and the other imperial monsters as soon as possible! Leave the ruins!"

Upon seeing this message, Lin Huang was first taken aback; after that, he suddenly reacted. "What did you do?"

"We launched the bug horde, activated the Bug Tribe battleship, and practically wiped out all the low-rank True Gods," the Queen Mother replied within seconds.

"(⊙o⊙)…" Lin Huang was stunned.

"Other monsters in the True God area have already begun to notice this state of affairs. Now we are hiding in the hive with our massive army. However, the news has most likely spread throughout the entire True God area and there is a possibility that large-scale uprisings will occur at the ruins. It's not just the Bug Tribe, but all the participants who will be affected and become targets of revenge for these local monsters." It was a Superbrain Worm that said this.

"This is still not the worst state of affairs. In the worst-case scenario, the heavenly god-levels in the inner perimeter may also be alarmed and enter the outer perimeter to stop us…" Another Superbrain Worm added.

The words of the two Superbrain Worms made Lin Huang realize the seriousness of the situation. He immediately contacted the two Sword Servants using their telepathic bond.

"A situation has come up. Give me your coordinates, both of you; I'll find a suitable meeting point. Stop hunting immediately and get there as fast as you can."

After notifying the two Sword Servants, Lin Huang immediately contacted all the imperial monsters.

"Everyone, stop hunting immediately! Pack up all the spoils of the hunt at once. After one minute, I will return everyone to card status!"

Right after he notified the imperial monsters, Sword301 and Sword302 sent their coordinates over at the same time.

Lin Huang glanced at their coordinates and his own, then roughly calculated a meeting point nearest to all three of them. He then sent the coordinates to the two Sword Servants.

"Stop whatever you're doing and hurry to the rendezvous! If you encounter monsters on the way that you can kill immediately, do it—detour if you can't. Don't waste time tangling with them. Once you get to the meeting point, if I'm not there yet, look for a hiding place nearby and conceal yourselves so monsters can't find you."

After sending the message, Lin Huang immediately turned his attention again to the imperial monsters. One by one, he returned all the imperial monsters to their cards and also retrieved the hive and the Bug Tribe.

Once he had taken care of his worries about possible impending consequences, Lin Huang sprinted towards the coordinates he and the two Sword Servants had agreed upon.

Less than ten minutes after he had set out, he suddenly sensed that a beam of Divine Telekinesis was locked on his body, and an aura was approaching at rapid speed.

Lin Huang ignored this, fully unleashing Seraphic Speed God Rule and rapid speed sword skill Elemental Enlightenment. His figure transformed into a flash of red lightning and he accelerated out of the other's Divine Telekinesis sensing range.

With his current combat strength in addition to the various rapid speed sword skills he had mastered, his long-distance flight speed was no lower than that of an ordinary sixth-rank True God. If it was in actual combat which required short-range bursts and shifts, his advantage was even more obvious, to the point of surpassing most sixth-rank True Gods.

Only after spending a few minutes to get out of the Divine Telekinesis lock did Lin Huang breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly two Divine Telekinesis beams swept over and locked onto him once more.

"From the looks of things, these abyssal monsters have already begun searching for the participants…" Lin Huang immediately realized that it was not a coincidence that he had been discovered earlier; all the abyssal monsters were using Divine Telekinesis to search for participants.

At this point, he could not help frowning slightly, not because he was being hunted, but because he knew that Sword301 and Sword302 were also likely to have encountered the same thing as he had.

Moreover, he harbored even greater worries in mind.

After he had accelerated out of range of the two abyssal monsters' Divine Telekinesis probe, Lin Huang pressed the Thousand Face mask on his face with one hand. The aura of his entire body changed drastically in less than a second and his figure turned into a human-like Abyssal evil spirit type.

Once he had used Thousand Face to disguise himself as an Abyssal creature, Lin Huang quickened his pace and hastened toward the coordinates agreed upon.

For the next half an hour, Lin Huang had a smooth journey. Even if Divine Telekinesis swept over him every two or three minutes, it just lingered for a while before quickly moving away, apparently treating him as an Abyssal.

It took more than half an hour to arrive at the designated coordinates. Lin Huang sat on a boulder to wait patiently for the arrival of the two Sword Servants.

He knew that both of them must have had a much harder time than himself.

After about half an hour, Sword301 and Sword302 arrived on the heels of each other, less than three minutes apart.

Seeing that both of them had arrived safely, Lin Huang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them were stunned when they first saw Lin Huang. At first glance, they did not recognize him.

Lin Huang took the initiative to greet them, removing Thousand Face. The two of them then lifted the concealment they had used to hide themselves.

Now that Sword302 and Sword301 had arrived, Lin Huang did not waste time in idle talk. He immediately summoned the dimensional portal and pulled the two of them into it.

When he first entered the ruins, he had already used the dimensional portal to set the coordinates to the entrance and exit.

The minute they stepped out of the portal, Lin Huang's hair stood on end as a dangerous aura assaulted his senses. Without even thinking about it he dragged the two Sword Servants with him and darted away immediately.

A black gleam hit the spot where the three of them had just stepped out from and bombarded the dimensional portal, which instantly turned into powder.

Hundreds of meters away, Lin Huang looked warily at the person who had launched the assault.

The other party was dressed in a snow-white monk's robe, facing Lin Huang in profile. Although he was bald, Lin Huang had never seen a person who pulled off a bald head so beautifully. The half of his face that could be seen was so perfect that one could not spot any flaws.

At first glance, Lin Huang was taken aback when he saw his opponent. This was because the other party looked like a human youth, and the aura he exuded was also that of a peaceful Buddhist cultivator.

"Your reaction's not too bad!" The corners of the lips on the visible half of the face quirked up and the figure turned around slowly.

Once the other had turned fully to face him and the other side of his face became visible, Lin Huang's pupils contracted slightly.

"A Demonic Buddhist Holy Son!"

According to legend, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son was a type of evil spirit. They were originally ancient high-level Buddhist cultivators with extremely in-depth Buddhist knowledge who had been transformed after being polluted by Abyssal energy.

The horror of this particular type of evil spirit was that they retained the memory and wisdom of their Buddhist cultivation, and their talent and potential were comparable to top-tier Abyssal creatures. Moreover, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's innate rank was at least a fourth and a half-rank Pseudo-supreme God-level; they could even directly be at fifth-rank supreme god-level.

The most recognizable thing about the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son was that half of their faces were that of the perfect monk, while the other half was rotted and deformed, contaminated by Abyssal energy.

The right half of the face of the white-robed "monk" before Lin Huang looked like a deformity that had been soaked and stained with black sewage. It was even surrounded by a thick black mist…

At this moment, the monk was completely different from the time when only half his face was visible earlier and his whole being exuded an extremely ominous aura.

"A ninth-rank True God-level Demonic Buddhist Holy Son!" Lin Huang's expression was unprecedentedly weighty.

Chapter 1394: Encountering A Strong Enemy

Seeing the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son guarding the way in and out of the ruins, Lin Huang's state of mind was anything but relaxed.

Before this he had been worried that someone might be guarding the entrance and exit point at the ruins; the scenario that he feared the most had still come to pass. Moreover, it was worse than he had previously imagined.

Among the Abyssal creatures, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's abilities were at the peak of those at the same level of combat strength.

If this had been just an ordinary ninth-rank True God, Lin Huang would not have worried at all because he had a Provisional Combat Strength Upgrade Card at hand. This would be enough to raise his ability to ninth-rank True God-level.

However, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son in front of him might be at ninth-rank True God-level, but his ability might not be far from that of a Heavenly God.

Facing a powerful enemy like never before, Lin Huang frantically went through countermeasures in his head.

Right now though, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son did not make a move to attack, instead asking Lin Huang and the others, "Have you seen the Bug Tribe in these ruins?"

"No," Lin Huang denied without a second thought.

The Demonic Buddhist Holy Son quirked his lips again. "You are lying.

"Little black-haired brother, you denied my question too quickly. Almost without thinking, you gave a negative answer.

"If you really haven't seen the Bug Tribe, when this humble monk brought up this question, you should have had some doubts and would have taken a moment before answering. You would definitely be uncertain in your mind as to why I asked such a question. You would also be curious as to why the Bug Tribe would appear in this Abyssal ruin. However, you did not show any doubts, as if you knew that the Bug Tribe was here…

"Therefore this humble monk infers that you've either seen the Bug Tribe in these ruins… or you're in league with them!"

Lin Huang thought about it for a moment, then played along with the other's line of thought and gave a new response.

"Alright, I admit that we've seen the Bug Tribe. I denied it before because I just don't want to get involved in any matters between you and them.

"As for your second inference, it's complete nonsense. When have you ever seen the Protoss fraternizing with Bug Tribe creatures?"

The Demonic Buddhist Holy Son thought about it for a moment and then spoke again, "Very well, this humble monk will take it that you're telling the truth this time.

"Among the three of you, whoever first provides information on the Bug Tribe, this humble monk can let them go free. As for the other two, my humble self can only apologize."

Lin Huang had initially thought to avoid conflict as best as he could, so he had lied and distanced the three of them from the Bug Tribe. However, the attitude of the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son was already very obvious from his words. Whether or not the three of them had any connection to the Bug Tribe, he did not intend to let them go.

Although he said that he would let one person leave, he was unlikely to keep his promise in the end. He was probably only saying this just to fish for useful information.

Now that he had ascertained his opponent's attitude, Lin Huang knew that this particular battle was inevitable.

He used the telepathic bond to stealthily communicate with the two Sword Servants.

"Both of you exit the battlefield. I'll delay him while you two find an appropriate moment to leave the ruins as fast as you can!"

"Lord Swordmaster, I am afraid that his ability is already very near heavenly god-level…" Sword301 was not at ease with the thought of leaving Lin Huang alone.

"I have the means to save my life and get away. If you don't leave, not only will that not help, but it will also encumber me." Lin Huang was not worried about whether he himself could escape; he was worried that the two Sword Servants would be killed.

After all, there was a huge gap between the combat strength of a third-rank and a ninth-rank, and the Sword Servants' abilities were restricted. In Sword301 and Sword302's current state, if they were to face the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son, they would be instantly killed. There was no other way around it.

Only after the pair had successfully escaped would he be able to find a way to get out of the battle without being encumbered.

Although they were not comfortable leaving their Sword Master behind to face a powerhouse like the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son, the two Sword Servants also knew that what Lin Huang said was true. The two of them would only be a burden to him.

Both Sword Servants had no choice but to obey Lin Huang's instructions.

The telepathic bond was considered a conscious level of communication. It seemed as if they had been talking for a while, but in fact, only a moment had passed.

Once he had persuaded the two Sword Servants, Lin Huang finally turned his full attention to the enemy before him.

Three Provisional Combat Strength Upgrade Cards quietly appeared in his hand. He moved two fingers slightly and crushed all three cards. They turned into three golden gleams invisible to bystanders and sank into his body.

The next instant, his combat strength began to soar!

Virtual God rank-4!

Virtual God rank-5!

Virtual God rank-6!

Previously, when he was at Virtual God rank-3, his abilities were sufficient for hunting most sixth-rank True Gods. Now that his combat strength had soared again by three minor levels, his abilities had also elevated to the level of a ninth-rank True God.

The Demonic Buddhist Holy Son could not discern Lin Huang's true combat strength beneath Thousand Face's disguise. He merely thought that Lin Huang had advanced from third-rank True God-level to sixth-rank True God-level in one breath, and could faintly sense the danger emanating from Lin Huang.

This sense of danger not only forestalled any desire he had to retreat, but it also excited him.

"You're just a mere sixth-rank but you can appear as a threat to me—your abilities are very good indeed. I wonder how long this kind of temporarily improved combat strength can last?"

"It'll sustain until the end of this battle!" Lin Huang gripped the bladeless sword hilt in his right hand. The blade quickly condensed into form, transforming into a long, narrow blood-colored sword.

"That sword isn't too bad either. Looks like you have status and position in the God Territory. What I like most is hunting geniuses like you—reading your minds, exploring your secrets…"

While the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son was speaking, Lin Huang had already boosted the God Rule Power and Elemental Enlightenment on the blade to the maximum.

He transformed into a bolt of red lightning and attacked instantly!

This move was the fastest he had pulled in his entire life.

Boosted by Seraphic Speed and various rapid speed sword skill Enlightenments, the long narrow sword was as fast as actual lightning flashing across the sky. At practically the very moment the attack was made, the weapon was already in front of the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son.

Just as the point of Lin Huang's sword drew close and was about to impale his head, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son suddenly made a sweeping gesture through the void with one hand and unleashed countless scattered shadows. Despite moving last, he pointed a finger even before Lin Huang could complete his action.

The golden fingertip instantly intercepted the blood-red sword point's advance.

The sensation Lin Huang felt in his hand was as if his sword point had run up against a shield of the same standard as his blade, blocking all his moves.

"Your speed is alright, but it's nowhere near the peak of true god-level."

After this evaluation, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son flicked his finger and the tip of it tapped against the blood-red sword point.

At that moment, Lin Huang felt only a massive amount of force coming from the point of his blade, and the weapon nearly flew out of his hand. The arm of his sword-wielding right hand turned numb and his entire figure was suddenly sent flying away.

"So strong!"

In this first head-on confrontation, Lin Huang was finally fully aware of the strength of his opponent.

"At your sixth-rank combat strength, having this sort of ability is really not bad at all. With this, you can still fight when you meet an ordinary ninth-rank, but it's not enough when you meet the ultimate powerhouses of the ninth-rank.

"Your level of Sword Dao true meaning, as well as the number of God Rules and Elemental Enlightenments that you've mastered still have a lot of room for improvement.

"However, it's a pity you won't have a chance like this to improve further…"

Before he had finished speaking, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's figure disappeared on the spot and reappeared less than ten meters before Lin Huang.

As he waved his hands 'slowly', it seemed as though he grew thousands of arms in an instant. Layer upon layer of arms transformed into waves and shot forward.

Endless golden palm shadows swelled upon the wind. At first, they were just the size of a normal palm, but they expanded several times whenever they surged forward. By the time they were about to reach Lin Huang, the golden palm shadows covering the sky had already blotted out the heavens and Lin Huang's figure was completely swallowed up in an instant…

Chapter 1395: What Did You Do To Me?!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The golden palms that blotted out the heavens instantly enveloped the entire space, cutting off all Lin Huang's avenues of retreat like a cage.

This move by the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son finally made Lin Huang thoroughly aware of the actual gap between himself and true god-level at its peak.

"Is this the ability of a peak-level True God?!"

The Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's attack seemed to be just a simple push of the palm, but Lin Huang knew that in reality there were at least twenty God Rule Powers and Elemental Enlightenments compounded within that one move.

The God Rules and Elemental Enlightenments that he had currently mastered totaled to less than twenty kinds—this was the gap.

In addition to compounding Rule Bending Powers, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's move had almost reached the ideal state of equilibrium in all aspects, such as power and speed. The way he used and matched the various Rule Bending Powers had reached the point of perfection.

With just this one attack, Lin Huang could roughly gauge that the ability of the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son in front of him was already at heavenly god-level, and it was more than just a bit stronger than his current self.

Originally he had assumed that once he had elevated to Virtual God rank-6, his ability would be comparable to a Virtual God rank-9, so he should be able to deal with his opponent. Now it appeared that he entirely underestimated the other's ability and overestimated his own.

Lin Huang frowned as he watched the giant golden palms completely enclose the entire area.

"A very wide range of attack with no blind spots at all; the entire area is a prison with nowhere to escape…" He frantically ran through countermeasures in his head. "However, an attack like this with an extensive range usually has a flaw in terms of partial energy dispersion… …"

The next instant, the sword in his hand turned into thousands of blood-red thunderbolts, and the ends of the thunderbolts repeatedly bombarded the same point—the gap between the two golden palms.

In just the blink of an eye, the blood-red sword point repeatedly assaulted the same spot thousands of times.

Cobweb-like hairline fissures soon began to appear in the gap. As the number of Lin Huang's attacks increased, the number of fissures also increased, the fissures themselves becoming larger and larger.

Just when the golden palms filling the sky were about to press down on Lin Huang, the point that he had been repeatedly attacking finally gave way.

In an instant, a hole seemed to appear in the golden dome of the sky; the countless golden palms that blotted out the heavens crumbled like an avalanche.

Before the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son could complete his attack, Lin Huang burst out from the hole in a flash.

"Breaking the surface with points—you've played a very good hand," the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son smiled and praised Lin Huang, "I originally thought that one move would settle you, but it seems like I've underestimated you."

"I've also slightly underestimated you. I thought that most Demonic Buddhist Holy Sons were four and a half-ranked Pseudo-supreme Gods, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to run into a fifth-rank Supreme God." Lin Huang remained incomparably calm. An extra card quietly appeared in his hand as they spoke.

"I admire your self-deprecating spirit very much." The Demonic Buddhist Holy Son looked condescendingly at Lin Huang.

"I'm not laughing at myself." Lin Huang smiled and shook his head. "I said I was lucky because I could finally have a Supreme God-level imperial monster…"

He had barely finished speaking when he crushed the card in his hand.

The card turned into little invisible points of starlight and surged towards the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son.

The Demonic Buddhist Holy Son had not sensed the starlight assault. As he was wondering what Lin Huang meant by these words, the points of starlight had already penetrated directly between his brows.

The next instant, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son suddenly realized that he could no longer move his body. At the same time, his body, strong as that of a Heavenly God, began to disintegrate into a golden glow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What did you do to me?!" Seeing this extraordinary scenario unfolding, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son finally panicked.

No matter how hard he struggled, he could not move his body at all. He could only watch his body disintegrate inch by inch.

"I didn't do anything; I just used a little trick to make you my imperial monster." By the time Lin Huang finished speaking, the body of the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son had disintegrated to almost nothing.

A moment later, the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son disintegrated completely, turning into little golden points of light, and condensing into a golden card in Lin Huang's palm.

The Seal Card had taken effect!

After Lin Huang had elevated to virtual god-level, the upper limit of Xiao Hei's card pool was also automatically elevated to four stars. As long as he hunted True Gods, he would get a four-star card draw chance. He had just quietly exchanged this for a four-star Seal Card.

The four-star Seal Card could seal monsters whose rarity was Supreme God-level and below. Although there was a definite chance of the seal failing, this time the seal was successful.

In fact, after only one exchange in combat, Lin Huang knew very well that he could not battle the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son. His opponent would crush him whether it was in terms of combat level or Rule Bending Powers.

It was a miracle that he had escaped unscathed the first time they exchanged blows.

If he continued to fight, Lin Huang did not think that he would be able to sustain that kind of luck. Given the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's IQ, he would not have made the mistake of underestimating his opponent a second time.

So, Lin Huang decisively dismissed the idea of continuing to battle him and had quietly crushed the Seal Card.

Seeing that the golden card in his hand had completely formed, Lin Huang could not help checking its detailed information.

"Monster Card: Unnamed"

"Rarity: Supreme God"

"Monster Name: Demonic Buddhist Holy Son"

"Type of Monster: Evil Spirit Type/Multi-faced Tribe"

"Combat Level: Third-rank True God (Ninth-rank True God)]

"Major: Buddhism"

"Major Skills: Two-Faced Demonic Buddhist, Demonic Buddhists in One…"

"Minor Skill: Vajrapani Buddha Body…"

"God Rule: Unlimited Buddha Light, Devil's Bite…"

"Elemental Enlightenment: Sky Flash, Vajra…"

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Card Remarks: Cultivate with full force!"

Seeing the hundreds of skills densely packed in the skill slot of the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son, and that he was proficient in more than 30 kinds of Rule Bending Power, Lin Huang was a little dazzled. Just a cursory glance and he was envious of the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son's many skills.

However, Lin Huang did not look at the card in detail; he just glanced over it in general then stored it back into his inner world and contacted the two Sword Servants.

Sword301 and Sword302 had noticed that the battle on Lin Huang's side had halted suddenly, but the two of them had no idea what had happened.

Amid their worries about Lin Huang's safety, Lin Huang's message came through and the two of them immediately returned to the entrance and exit of the ruins.

When she realized that the Demonic Buddhist Holy Son had vanished without a trace, Sword302 could not help asking, "Where did that fellow from just now go?"

"I've dealt with him already," Lin Huang had no intention of explaining any further than that.

Although he gave no specific explanation, when the two Sword Servants heard his words, their brains filled in a great many of the gaps and their gaze toward Lin Huang became even more full of respect.

"Let's go. If we don't leave, there will be Abyssal creatures coming to block our path." As soon as Lin Huang finished speaking, he took the lead and stepped out from the ruins.

The two Sword Servants immediately followed him and exited the ruins together.

Chapter 1396: Kylie's Bad News

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"We found Qi Muxiong's star map. The star zone is located at one of the intersections of the Protoss and Abyssal tribes. The coordinate is marked with a red aperture on the attached star map. But in regards to the specific location of the dimensional gateway, we need you to compare and find it yourself through inheritance memory…"

After he came out of the ruins of Lust, the first instance when Lin Huang returned to the Iron Fist Shelter with the two Sword Servants, he saw the message sent by Bloody.

The message was sent a week ago, but he had spent more than 20 days in the ruins of Lust where the communication signal was completely isolated. As he made his return to the God Territory, the communication signal returned to normal. The messages that were unsent for a long time were also transmitted.

"I will wait for you in the coordinate star zone, but Kylie can't come back with us this time…"

After he read the contents of the message, Lin Huang could not help but frown slightly.

According to Bloody's description, after Kylie became the princess of the Nephilic Judge Tribe, she received almost all the attention from the entire Protoss. This was because the Nephilic Judge Tribe was one of the few tribes with the greatest power in the God Territory, except for a few tribes guarded by the Lord. Moreover, the number of members and the fertility rate of this tribe was extremely low. When Kylie appeared, she became the jewel of the entire tribe.

Therefore, Kylie had naturally become the marriage target of many big tribes.

As long as marriage was reached, it meant that the entire tribe had a relationship with the Nephilic Judge Tribe.

Even within the Nephilic Judge Tribe, some high-level officials were tempted to marry Kylie for themselves and gain more rights to speak within the tribe.

In honesty, Kylie had no intention of returning to the tribe. Her main purpose of returning to the Nephilic Judge Tribe was to obtain the intelligence of the Nephilic Judge Tribe and to explore the location of Qi Muxiong's star map.

However, now that this task was completed, she could not get away, which was also the drawback of returning to the Nephilic Judge Tribe.

Bloody had analyzed the pros and cons of this whole thing in the beginning, but this was the fastest and most effective way to complete the task that Lin Huang had given them. The inability to escape the tribe had also been expected by the two. After all, the number of members of the Nephilic Judge Tribe was scarce. To prevent the loss of members, the Nephilic Judge Tribe had a rule that members were not allowed to leave the headquarters of the tribe alone if they were not in the heavenly god-level.

Now, as the little princess of the Nephilic Judge Tribe, Kylie had two ninth-rank True God Limit powerhouse guards with her everywhere she went. This was why Bloody and Kylie had hardly contacted Lin Huang in the past few months.

This was even true within the tribe headquarters. If Kylie dared to leave the tribe headquarters, there would definitely be Heavenly Gods following her. It would be then inconvenient for her to do anything at that point.

Thus, Bloody simply let Kylie stay in the Nephilic Judge Tribe. He planned to return to the gravel world with Lin Huang alone.

After he read Bloody's message, Lin Huang thought about it for a while and replied.

"I am still a little uneasy about leaving Kylie alone in the Nephilic Judge Tribe. After all, it is uncertain how long we will return to the gravel world this time. If it is only for a short while, the world invasion may happen in one or two months. If it takes a longer time, it may have to wait two or three years. If it is only a few months, the problem is not a big one, but based on Kylie's current situation, if we are to stay in the gravel world for a few years, there will be too many unpredictable changes in God Territory.

"If you stay with her, you can deal with anything that comes and help her out. If you are not there, she may not be able to cope with any changes in the Nephilic Judge Tribe.

"I think it's best if you stay with Kylie. I can go back to the gravel world by myself. When I solve the matter in the gravel world, I will contact you as soon as I return to the great world."

After the message was sent, Bloody replied with another message a few seconds later.

"I have considered what you said, but are you sure you don't need me to go back to the gravel world with you?"

Lin Huang thought about it for a while and soon replied to the message again.

"I can take care of myself in the gravel world. If I really encounter something that I can't handle, it doesn't make much difference whether you are there or not. Kylie needs you more here. You can help her solve many problems that she can't solve herself. You can be of far more use by staying in God Territory rather than going back to the gravel world with me."

"Okay then, I'll stay with Kylie." Bloody was clear about where he was needed more.

However, inevitably, she was a little worried about whether Lin Huang could handle the upcoming crisis in the gravel world.

"Regarding the world invasion, we have also inquired about some news. Generally, when a high-rank world invades the gravel world, they will use special methods to suppress the world will, stabilize the space gateway, and make the True God descend. In the state where the world is suppressed, not only can the low-rank True Gods pass through the space gateway, but even some of the True Gods of the medium and high-rank can directly descend their true self. The ones with the strongest combat strength may even descend to the ninth-rank True God powerhouse.

"If you are not confident in dealing with the high-rank True Gods, I can find a way to let the Nephilic Judge Tribe intervene. With Kylie's relationship with them, asking the ninth-rank True Gods for help should not be a big problem.

"But there are also pros and cons to the matter of asking them for help. The downside is that the coordinates of the gravel world will be exposed to the Nephilic Judge Tribe and even the more powerful organizations in God Territory. As the top organization of God Territory, the Nephilic Judge Tribe's every move is under watchful eyes. Once they intervene, the news will unavoidably be out.

"Based on common sense, the other organizations in God Territory are not likely to covet our gravel world. However, it cannot be completely ruled out that there is something special in our gravel world that will cause the lord god-level powerhouses to covet it. Once this low-probability possibility occurs, the Nephilic Judge Tribe can only choose to compromise and may even give in. They will not betray a Lord for a gravel world, because it is not worth…"

After reading Kylie's long message, Lin Huang quickly replied.

"As long as I don't come across any Heavenly Gods, I should be able to cope."

After communicating with Bloody, Lin Huang immediately clicked on the attachment of Bloody's message and checked the star map.

The attachment sent by Bloody was the star map and information that she and Kylie had obtained from the Nephilic Judge Tribe.

Lin Huang took a glance at it and confirmed the part of the star map that was circled in red. The distribution of the astrology was exactly the same as that of Qi Muxiong's memory in his brain.

He immediately zoomed in on the star map to check the specific location of the dimensional gateway. After a short while, he followed Qi Muxiong's memory and found the corresponding area.

"It should be in this small galaxy…" He marked the approximate location of the dimensional gateway.

After finding the dimensional gateway to return to the gravel world, Lin Huang knew that his journey to the great world was about to end.

"Qu Hao, inform all the Sword Servants. Everyone should return to the Iron Fist Shelter by the end of the day."

Sword301 nodded immediately. "I will let them know."

"Lord swordmaster, are we leaving the great world?" Sword302 hurriedly asked.

"I have to return to the gravel world to deal with something." Lin Huang nodded slightly. "Great world, we will be back sooner or later!"

Chapter 1397: The Final Three Days

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The gravel world.

It was early spring, and the temperature in the Emperor City had begun to warm up gradually. People took off their heavy winter clothes and began to regain their former vitality.

In the early morning, the sun rose and the sky was an azure color, clear and cloudless as if it had been freshly washed.

Sunlight poured onto skin, permeating with a touch of warmth.

Mrs. Fatty's Soup Dumplings was opened early as usual.

There were not that many guests at around six in the morning. Brother Fatty and Mrs. Fatty were busy with their respective work, but they would chat with old guests from time to time.

Not long after, a short-haired young girl and a dark-skinned youth walked toward Mrs. Fatty's Soup Dumplings.

"Little Xin and Xiao Mo are here. Both of you please have a seat. The dumplings are not cooked yet. Brother Fatty will bring them to you later when they're ready!" Mrs. Fatty greeted enthusiastically. She did not even ask the two of them what they wanted to eat as she had perfectly memorized the usual orders of regular customers like them.

"It's okay, Mrs. Fatty, we see that you're busy. We're not in a hurry," Lin Xin responded with a smile.

"Little Xin, why did you come so early today?" Brother Fatty asked with a smile as he worked.

"I had a bit of insomnia yesterday. After sleeping for a little while, it was already bright, and I couldn't fall back asleep after waking up, so I dragged Brother Xiao Mo with me to have breakfast," Lin Xin explained with a smile.

"Young people like you are always staying up late without taking care of your bodies. Listen to Mrs. Fatty, as long as you don't stay up too late and rest early, you definitely won't have insomnia." Mrs. Fatty took the initiative to give some advice based on her own experience. "When I was young, your Brother Fatty and I were busy until midnight. We burned the midnight oil too many times, and I couldn't sleep well later on…"

"What do you mean that you can't sleep well? You sleep like a little pig every day once you hit the sack…" Brother Fatty quietly said as he pulled the rug under Mrs. Fatty's feet.

"What did you say?!" They immediately glared at each other once Mrs. Fatty heard what he said.

"I said I always sleep well. I sleep like a little pig every day once I hit the sack," Brother Fatty shrunk back and immediately corrected his words.

"What do you mean 'little pig'! You're a giant hog! Your snoring can shake the whole bed!" Mrs. Fatty ruthlessly causticized her husband.

"Okay, okay, I'm a giant hog, and you're a little fairy. You weigh four taels, and you have a pair of wings. A gust of wind can make you soar into the sky, okay?" Brother Fatty laughed as he ranted on.

"Brother Fatty, your rhymes are not bad. You can join a rapping show."

Listening to the couple's daily bickering, the customers could not help but laugh.

Seeing that the expression on Lin Xin's face had finally relaxed a little, Xiao Mo finally opened his mouth.

"Don't worry, His Majesty will be fine."

"But there are only three days left until the appointed one-year period, and there is still no news from my brother…" Lin Xin furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head slightly.

"The one-year period is only a general timeline. If he's being delayed by something, it's normal for him to be late by a few days," Xiao Mo helped Lin Huang explain.

"What I'm worried about now is if he can't come back on time due to some trouble. After all, he's in the great world. Not only are there Virtual Gods and True Gods there, but there are also heavenly god-level powerhouses." Lin Xin expressed her worries.

"You're thinking too much. Bloody is by His Majesty's side. If he really were to encounter any problems, Bloody will definitely help him out. I think even if they were to fail to return by the appointed one-year period, it'll be more likely that they haven't found a way back and not because they've encountered an enemy," Xiao Mo voiced his guess.

The two chatted for some time. After a while, Brother Fatty carried a few trays of dumplings and brought them over with a smile.

"Enjoy your food. There's still more if this is not enough."

"Thank you, Brother Fatty!"

Right before nine in the morning, the long table of the Dynasty's conference room in the Emperor City was fully occupied.

The good-looking young man seated in the first seat was, to everyone's surprise, Lin Huang's teacher–Mr. Fu.

Huang Baiyu and Huang Haoyang were seated on either side of Mr. Fu.

Huang Tianfu, Huang Wunan, Huang Tufu, and the other virtual god-level Dukes were seated on either side of the conference table in an orderly fashion.

At exactly nine o'clock, the meeting officially began.

Huang Tianfu was the first to open his mouth, "There are only three more days left until His Majesty's promised one-year period. Regardless of whether His Majesty can return as scheduled or not, we should still push forward with the follow-up preparations.

"If His Majesty returns as planned without a hitch, then all will be good. However, if His Majesty is not able to return as scheduled, then the Union Government, Hunter Association, and other similar forces will surely get some ideas. Sooner or later, they'll join forces to put pressure on us from the Dynasty to gain more rights to explore the wastelands and ruins…

"Today's meeting, for one, is to prepare for matters related to the return of His Majesty. However, it is also necessary to work out the follow-up plans to deal with the Union Government, Hunter Association, and other forces…"

Before three in the afternoon, all sixty-six Sword Servants, except for Sword301 and Sword302, returned one after another.

Lin Huang opened the portal to the Great Heaven Palace and sent all sixty-eight Sword Servants back to the Great Heaven Palace before embarking on the journey to return alone.

In the great world, hundreds of star zones stretched across the border area between the God Territory and the Abyssal Tribe. Most of the star zone borders had been blocked by the Lords of both sides to prevent members of the other tribe from entering their territory.

Only five battlefield regions had not been completely blocked off and were regions that both sides could enter.

The ruins of Lust that Lin Huang had just been to were one of those.

However, the space gateway in Qi Muxiong's memory was located in another battlefield called the Undead Dimension.

The Undead Dimension was actually a battlefield for the Protoss and the Abyssal Tribe since the beginning of time and was currently one of the oldest battlefields to exist in the God Territory.

According to rumors, this battlefield was originally a prosperous area with many stars. However, the area was destroyed during a battle between two Lords and it had since become a piece of wasteland.

Besides that, there was something else that was special about the Undead Dimension. Living beings that died in the Undead Dimension would automatically turn into an undead or the undying species. They would survive in their new life forms. It is said that this attribute was also due to the influence of the remaining aura left behind by the two Lords after their battle.

Due to a lack of resources as well as the remoteness of the location, not many people from the God Territory would come here to hunt except during a war. Therefore, there were very few teleportation points that were connected to this place.

Lin Huang spent a full day and a half on the road before finally arriving at this battlefield.

After registering at the entrance of the battlefield, he stepped into the battlefield without hesitation.

After entering, Lin Huang noticed that the scene in front of him was starting to become familiar. Many of the stars quickly overlapped with the image in Qi Muxiong's memory.

Lin Huang followed the route in his memory, and it took him about a day and a night to finally locate the dimensional gateway.

After summoning Warlord to release a probing robot and successfully completing the exploration, Lin Huang then retrieved Warlord back into his card form and went through the dimensional gateway…

Chapter 1398: The Return

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After he came out of the dimensional gateway, Lin Huang clearly felt the difference between the gravel world and the great world.

Perhaps it was because his own world's rules were incomplete. The sense of restraint of the various rules of the gravel world was much weaker than that of the great world. It gave Lin Huang a faint sense of illusion that he was invincible there.

He could clearly sense that the gravel world's space was more fragile. He even had a feeling that he could easily tear the space of this world as soon as he swung his sword.

After he took a little time to feel the changes in the environment, he extended his Divine Telekinesis and probed the surrounding environment.

Lin Huang could not help but raise his brows after a simple sweep of Divine Telekinesis.

"This is the third floor of the Abyss Brink?!"

He had been to the third floor of the Abyss Brink more than once before and had collected information such as maps and monster distribution from this floor. Now that he had returned after a year, he immediately recognized what place it was after a simple probe of Divine Telekinesis.

Just as Lin Huang recognized that this was the third floor of the Abyss Brink, suddenly, there was a wave of spatial fluctuation behind him.

He turned his head and looked behind him. An arm was stretched out of the dimensional gateway, the one that he had just passed through.

After a while, the owner of the arm poked out half of its head strenuously.

It was a huge human-like undead. When it saw Lin Huang, it opened its mouth wide and showed his mouth that was full of yellow and black teeth.

Its mouth was large enough to swallow Lin Huang in one bite.

However, Lin Huang did not have the slightest expression of fear on his face. He turned around and looked at the monster. He did not make a move but patiently waited for it to get out of the gateway.

Based on its aura, this monster's strength was at the level of a first-rank True God.

Due to the hindrance of the world will of the gravel world, the process of getting out of the dimensional gateway was relatively difficult.

In fact, if this gateway had not just been opened by Lin Huang, this monster would not be able to get through. It would not even realize the existence of this dimensional gateway.

Lin Huang had not made a move to kill the monster, but rather, he was waiting patiently for the opponent to come out of the gateway completely.

To him, a complete corpse of a True God was more valuable than an arm and half of his head.

However, what Lin Huang did not know was that the barrier that he broke when he went through the dimensional gateway had already alarmed the Union Government.

The undead that was trying to get through the dimensional gateway further caused the Union Government's alarm to ring loudly.

At the Agency EA headquarters of the Union Government, the head of agency, Guan Zhong was sweating profusely.

He just got the news from Mr. Fu, who set up the barrier, that there was a problem with one of the barriers on the third floor of the Abyss Brink. A powerful existence had passed through the dimensional gateway and more living entities were now trying to pass through.

"Notify the guardians of the Abyss Brink that crack barrier No. 018 is completely destroyed. It is suspected that a powerful existence has passed the space dimensional gateway. Let them notify all the participants in the Abyss Brink at once and ask them to evacuate!

"Issue a gold emergency mission to all members of the Union Government on the third floor of the Abyss Brink. Notify them to head to the crack barrier area No. 018, check on the specifics of the situation, and report on the information that they've found! However, you must explain the situation to them. This mission is very likely to be life-threatening, so it is not compulsory, it's voluntarily-based. If they cannot bear the consequences of death, tell them to not take the mission.

"Also, notify the Hunter Association, Dynasty, and other cooperative forces. Inform them of the destruction of crack barrier No. 018. Ask them to send people to assist in the investigation…"

Lin Huang sat close to the space crack and patiently waited for the huge undead to come out.

When the big guy was almost halfway out, Lin Huang suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction. He sensed that there was an aura approaching extremely quickly.

He swept through with Divine Telekinesis. The other party was a young man who had just been advanced to the imperial-level. He recognized that the other party was a member of the Union Government because he was wearing the uniform of the Union Government military department. He was dressed upright as if he had just changed into the clothes.

"Is he coming toward my direction at this time because the barrier was destroyed?" Lin Huang immediately realized that he had destroyed the barrier set by Mr. Fu and other Virtual Gods when he passed through the dimensional gateway. This might have made the Union Government mistakenly think that a monster of the great world had passed through the dimensional gateway.

"I should say hello to the teacher…" Lin Huang reluctantly shook his head. "Forget it, since someone from the Union Government is coming over, I'll just explain it."

About seven or eight minutes later, the young man in military uniform finally arrived at the scene.

When he saw Lin Huang, he was obviously taken aback because he had not sensed Lin Huang's presence.

However, after seeing Lin Huang's face, he clearly recognized this man to be Lin Huang.

"Lin Renhuang?!"

"Hmm." Lin Huang nodded slightly.

After confirming Lin Huang's identity, the young man in uniform then looked at the space crack and saw that the undead had more than half of its body out of the gateway. He had cold sweat all over his body.

"This undead… is a True God?!"

If it was not a true god-level powerhouse, transmitting over would not be such a laborious process.

"First-rank True God." Lin Huang nodded.

After he received Lin Huang's confirmation, the young man in uniform was unable to calm down. "Your Majesty, before it gets out, let's quickly notify the Virtual Gods of the major organizations to come and attack it from all sides!"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Lin Huang shook his head.

"Do you have another way?" the young man in uniform asked quickly.

"Yes." Lin Huang nodded calmly.

"What is the solution?"

"When he comes out completely, I will kill him." Lin Huang's method was simple and violent.

"Uh…" The young man in uniform was completely speechless.

He naturally did not think that Lin Huang's ability was enough to kill a True God. Seeing that Lin Huang was indifferent to calling for reinforcements, he took out a communicator and dialed a number.

It took about ten seconds before the number was connected.

Lin Huang saw that the video projection turned out to be an acquaintance.

"Sir head of agency, I am now in the space crack No. 018. The space crack barrier has been destroyed, and there is a true god-level undead that is trying to pass through. Please inform the virtual god-levels of all major organizations to encircle and attack it from all sides…"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Lin Huang stood in front of the camera. "Guan Zhong, long time no see. I didn't expect that the first acquaintance that I see upon returning to the gravel world would be you."

"Lin… Lin Renhuang?" Guan Zhong was taken aback when Lin Huang suddenly appeared in the camera.

"This dimensional gateway was opened when I returned just now. I will solve the problems that arise, so no need to trouble others." Lin Huang explained with a smile.

"But isn't that undead a True God? Your Majesty, are you sure you can deal with it?" Guan Zhong asked with some uncertainty. If someone else had said this, he might think that the other person was crazy. However, it was Lin Huang who had said this, so he was just a little uncertain.

After all, he knew that Lin Huang had the power to kill a Virtual God more than a year ago. Now that he had gone to the great world, his ability was not without the possibility of skyrocketing.

"It's only a first-rank True God. I have killed no fewer than ten." Lin Huang nodded calmly.

This sentence caused an internal uproar for Guan Zhongxin. He did not think that Lin Huang was exaggerating.

'How far has his ability grown? He has killed more than ten True Gods…"

After he hung up the call, Guan Zhong reported the news of Lin Huang's return and the invasion of the True God without any hesitation.

In the Abyss Brink, the young man in uniform looked at the black screen and was speechless for a while.

He did not expect that his plan to call for reinforcements would be terminated by Lin Huang.

"Your Majesty, have you really killed a True God?" He still had doubts about Lin Huang's ability.

"In total, I've killed around hundreds of them." Lin Huang nodded.

From the first to the sixth-rank, the number of True Gods that he had killed did indeed exceed one hundred.

However, in the eyes of the young man in uniform, those words seemed more like bragging. What made him even more depressed was that Guan Zhong had believed in Lin Huang's bragging.

"Then why not make a move now before he gets out?" The young man in uniform desperately wanted to see if Lin Huang really had the ability to kill a True God.

"A complete corpse is more valuable." Lin Huang gave his explanation.

"Let's stop talking about this. Let's talk about something else." To prevent the other party from continuing to entangle this topic, Lin Huang took the initiative to change the topic. "The communicator that you just used can communicate outside the Abyss Brink. How does that work?"

"This new communicator is used for cross-border transmission through a mid-end information storage and transmission equipment. It only needs a transfer device to be set up at the entrance and exit of the secret zone or the ruins. I don't understand the specific principles to it."

"Second question, why do you have to wear a military uniform when you are participating in a trial? You are dressed so modestly?"

"Agency EA issued a mission to investigate, saying that the danger is extremely high, and it is very likely to lead to death, so I specially put on a military uniform before coming. If it really comes to death, I would rather die in this uniform!"

"The third question, single or married…?"

Chapter 1399: Someone Come And Get Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After he watched Lin Huang leave, Qi Hong's mind was still bewildered.

A few minutes ago, His Majesty was still casually chatting with him about anything and everything, completely ignoring the threat posed by the True God monster that was in front of them.

However, at the moment when the true god-level undead completely emerged from the dimensional gateway, a red dot appeared between the eyebrows of the monster with a terrifying aura. Its huge body then fell to the ground, disrupting the dust on the ground.

From beginning to end, His Majesty did not seem to have made any moves. He had not even moved from where he stood.

After that, Lin Huang walked over to put the corpse away. He then walked to the cliff to squeeze out the complicated handprints and re-sealed the space crack. The whole process took less than a minute.

Even until Lin Huang said bye to Qi Hong before he left, Qi Hong had yet to fully recover.

When he had fully recovered, Lin Huang had already disappeared without a trace.

"Does this world really have such a powerful existence? He could even kill a True God within seconds…"

Still reeling in from shock, Qi Hong contacted the head of the Agency EA again.

"Qi Hong, how is it?" Seeing that his subordinate from EA3 was dialing his number again, Guan Zhong knew that the matter had probably been resolved.

"His Majesty has killed the undead and repaired the space crack." Qi Hong immediately mentioned the result of the matter.

Guan Zhong was silent for a moment before asking, "Is there a record of the battle?"

"No." Qi Hong helplessly shook his head.

In the video projection, Guan Zhong frowned and was about to ask why Qi Hong did not make a record when Qi Hong continued speaking, "It was an instant kill. I didn't even see him make a move or see him move at all when that undead died…"

When he heard that, Guan Zhong's lips trembled slightly. He took a deep breath and said to Qi Hong, "Let's put your trial on pause temporarily. Come back and write a report on the whole thing. What did Lin Huang do? What did he say to you? Everything must be recorded without omission. The report will be sent to me before 4:30 this afternoon!"

After he hung up the call with his subordinate, Guan Zhong, who was sat at his desk, rubbed his temples. His eyes were full of fatigue and anxiety.

"I'm not too sure if Lin Huang's return this time is a good thing or a bad thing…"

Although he had tried his best to overestimate Lin Huang's ability, the actual ability that Lin Huang displayed still surprised him.

Even the first-rank undead stuck in the dimensional gateway just now was considered a powerful existence unmatched in the gravel world. To expel this monster, it was estimated that all the Virtual Gods in the entire gravel world needed to be assembled.

However, Lin Huang had achieved an instant kill, which meant that Lin Huang's true ability was at least that of a third-rank or even stronger.

In the gravel world, this kind of ability meant that Lin Huang was invincible!

He sat on the chair and calmed down for a little. Guan Zhong then clicked on the communication page and scanned the contacts one by one. He finally landed on 'Chairman Jiang Shan'.

When they received the notice from the Union Government, the virtual god-level upper management of the Hunter Association, Dynasty, and other organizations quickly entered a state of combat readiness and gathered all the powerhouses of the virtual god-level.

In the conference hall of Dynasty, all the virtual god-levels were gathered. They were prepared to discuss the matter of the Abyss Brink when the Union Government notified them of another news.

"The invader has been killed. The space crack in the Abyss Brink has also been repaired…"

"What's the situation? What in the name of the Union Government?" Huang Tufu directly expressed his dissatisfaction. "More than ten minutes ago, he said that the invader's ability may be astonishing and asked us to assemble the Virtual Gods. He directed for us to get ready to form a joint army at any time to conquer the invaders of the Abyss Brink. Now that we are all assembled, he suddenly says that the invaders have been killed. Is he playing us?!"

"Under normal circumstances, the Union Government would not shoot at random. Their intelligence is reviewed by Agency EA. Besides, the first-ever person who sealed the space crack is me. I also sensed that the barrier was broken. The presence of an intruder should not be false news. But what happened later is only known by the Union Government." Mr. Fu had not expected the crisis to be resolved this way.

"What is even more strange is that the Union Government has no explanation for the crisis that was resolved. Only a notice was sent, which seems like they are deliberately hiding something." Huang Tianfu's instinct was very accurate.

The other forces had a similar feeling when they received the second notice. They were all baffled with the unexplained notice of the Union Government.

The Union Government had a hard time talking about it. They could not explain that it was Lin Huang who had dealt with the invaders of the true god-level. That would only strengthen the prestige of Dynasty and Lin Huang.

Therefore, they only sent a notice to others without any further explanation.

When Lin Huang came out of the Abyss Brink, he was about to summon the dimensional portal to return directly to Emperor City, but he found that the dimensional portal could not be summoned.

He then remembered that the dimensional portal with the coordinates of the Emperor City had been destroyed by the Demon Buddhist Holy Son not long ago.

Before he left the gravel world, he had only kept this portal.

Standing at the entrance of the Abyss Brink, Lin Huang was speechless. "It seems that I can only call Tianfu and the others to come to get me. If I were to take the long-distance dimensional portal by myself, it will probably take me ten days to half a month. "

After all, Emperor City was once the territory of the dark organizations. There were not many external long-distance dimensional portals connected to it. If he were to return to Emperor City from the Abyss Brink through the long-distance dimensional portal, it was estimated that it would take a lot of such portals for him to reach his destination.

After he thought about it for a moment, Lin Huang changed into the Emperor's Heart Ring of the gravel world, clicked on the communication page, found the name 'Huang Tianfu', and clicked on it.

After a while, the video projection was connected.

Not only Huang Tianfu, but Mr. Fu and the others were all there. Almost everyone in the meeting room came over.

"Your Majesty?!"

"You are all here." Lin Huang smiled and waved to everyone. "Teacher, you are here too."

"Apprentice, are you back in the gravel world?" Mr. Fu felt a little strange. "Why didn't you come back to Emperor City directly?"

"Uh…" The expression on Lin Huang's face was a bit embarrassed. He had not expected so many people to be there as soon as the video was connected. "My portal was destroyed. I called Tianfu to ask him to come to get me. I didn't expect all of you to be here as well."

"I'll come to get you. Where are you?" Mr. Fu took the initiative and said.

"I'm outside of the Abyss Brink now." Lin Huang finished speaking and moved the camera of the video to reveal the entrance of the Abyss Brink behind him.

"You are in the Abyss Brink?" The expressions on the faces of Mr. Fu, Huang Tianfu, and others turned a little strange.

"Yes, I just came out of the third floor." Lin Huang nodded.

"The space barrier that I set up, were you the one who destroyed it?" After he heard Lin Huang talk about the third floor of the Abyss Brink, Mr. Fu immediately realized that the so-called intruder might have been Lin Huang.

"It was me, but I have re-sealed it." Lin Huang was a little helpless. He knew that the Union Government had communicated the news.

"Were there other monsters that passed through with you?" Mr. Fu asked.

"There was an undead, but I also resolved it."

After listening to Lin Huang's explanation, everyone in Dynasty understood why the Union Government had issued such a notice without any explanation.

"I'll come to get you. We'll talk once you're back." Before he hung up the video call, Mr. Fu had already summoned the dimensional portal and stepped into it

Chapter 1400: His Majesty's Return

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As soon as Lin Huang hung up the call, there was a spatial fluctuation not far away. He looked up, and Mr. Fu stepped out of the portal with a smile on his face.


After seeing Mr. Fu again after a year, he felt like it was as though he was seeing his relative.

"Kid, you don't seem like you've changed much. Seems like you got a little firmer…" Mr. Fu looked at Lin Huang up and down carefully. "I can't see through the intensity of this aura though…"

"I used something to cover my aura. My actual combat level is only Virtual God rank-3." With Mr. Fu, Lin Huang had nothing to hide. Besides, his combat level was not a secret that could not be shared.

"Not only did you break through the virtual god-level in one year, but you've also been promoted to rank-3. The progress of this kind of cultivation is already very fast." Mr. Fu was envious of Lin Huang's cultivation speed.

"Teacher, your aura has become more stable, and it seems like you look younger than a year ago." Lin Huang also noticed that Mr. Fu's condition was better compared to a year ago. One year of recuperation had completely stabilized his Virtual God rank-9 combat strength, and he even made little progress.

"Well, with our relationship as master and apprentice, we are not outsiders, so we don't have to flatter each other." Mr. Fu smiled and shook his head. "Let's go back first and talk about it when we get to Emperor City."

After he had finished speaking, he pulled Lin Huang and stepped into the portal again.

A moment later, there was a wave of spatial fluctuation in the conference room No. 1 of the Dynasty headquarters.

Then, two figures stepped out from the portal.

When they saw Lin Huang, everyone in the meeting room stood up.

Lin Huang glanced around, smiled, and nodded. "Let's sit down."

Huang Baiyu and Huang Haoyang, who were sitting on both sides of Mr. Fu, immediately moved their chairs to the side. Huang Tianfu and the others also moved back. It was only then did everyone take their seats.

After Lin Huang and Mr. Fu took their seats, Lin Huang asked Huang Tianfu in surprise, "Why are there so many people today? What's happened?"

"It's regarding the matter of you destroying the space crack barrier. When it was discovered that the barrier was broken, the Union Government panicked and immediately notified the cooperative forces. They asked us to convene the virtual god-levels as quickly as possible, saying that we would jointly kill the invaders." Mr. Fu, who was on the side, explained.

"Well, I'm sorry for the trouble that I've caused." Lin Huang was a little dumbfounded. He had not expected the Union Government to be so sensitive.

"Then, while everyone is here today, let's have a meeting together. After all, I have been away for a year. Let's talk briefly about what has happened this year." Lin Huang went straight to work.

"After Your Majesty left, our general direction has always been in accordance with the one-year plan left by Your Majesty. There is basically no change except for some adjustments based on actual conditions.

"This year, the cooperation between all organizations and us has been deepening. The trading market and mission zone that we have established have fully developed and become the world's largest trading market and mission zone. Through the efforts that Dynasty has put into this year, we have secured the position of the sixth giant.

"In the past, we were all doing our own thing in the exploration of the ruins and wastelands. In recent months, for some ruins and wastelands, the Union Government, the Hunter Association, Misery, and the heretics have all had joint explorations with us…

"Although there are some organizations secretly searching for the news of the return of Your Majesty, there is basically no actual action being taken. This year, everyone as a whole is still abiding by the rules of the game. Occasionally, individuals who break the rules appear, and we deal with them in the first instance…

"Due to the richness of resources, the number of god relics owned by the major organizations has increased to a certain extent. Many demigods have been promoted to the virtual god-level through Mr. Fu. The number of virtual god-levels of the major organizations has also increased.

"Also, several imperial-levels were successfully promoted to virtual god-level due to the influence of the ancient era cultivation practices. Both the Union Government and the Hunter Association have begun to promote the ancient cultivation practices on a large scale internally…"

As he listened to Huang Tianfu's report for the year, Huang Wunan, who was next to him, would add explanations from time to time. Lin Huang now knew about the various things that had happened this year.

"You guys did a good job, much better than I expected." Lin Huang nodded in satisfaction. "After I return, there is no need to change the general direction. Just follow the plan from before."

The reason why the general direction would not be changed was that the general direction had originally been set by Bloody. Now that Bloody was not there, Lin Huang did not intend to make any changes.

Although he still had Supreme Intelligence's Grimace as his apprentice, Lin Huang would rather not change his plan as he felt horrified when he thought about letting Grimace provide an idea.

"The invasion crisis may come at any time, so we still can't relax. Try to improve your own ability in all aspects before the crisis really hits, even if it's just enhancing your life-saving ability…"

"I have been in the God Territory of the great world for a year, and there are many powerhouses with solid abilities. The virtual god-level is only the starting point for cultivation. In the God Territory of the great world, the virtual god-level can only guard grade-1 and grade-2 Shelters. Only high-level Virtual Gods are qualified to guard grade-2 Shelters. There are even many guardians of grade-2 Shelters who are Virtual God rank-9s. As for the high-rank grade-3 Shelters, the guardians must be at least at true god-level…"

Lin Huang's description of the great world immediately commanded the full attention of everyone present.

"In grade-5 and grade-6 organizations, the virtual god-level can only act as the outermost member, and some even only have the qualifications to become a reserve member…"

"Your Majesty, above the True God, is there really a stronger heavenly god-level powerhouse?" A Duke could not help asking when Lin Huang was drinking and resting.

"Of course there are Heavenly Gods. Even in the great world, heavenly god-level can be considered powerhouses. The guardians of the grade-5 Shelter and the leaders of the grade-5 organizations are basically Heavenly Gods. For organizations without any heavenly god-levels, the Shelter and the rating of the organization can't reach grade-5. As for the grade-6 organizations, the leader is basically the peak-stage of Heavenly Gods, and they may even be an ultimate powerhouse who has reached half-step Lord."

"As for the higher-rank Lords, they are definitely the peak-stage powerhouses in the great world. Protoss is one of the most powerful races in the great world, but the number of Lords in the entire God Territory is only about seven people…"

Lin Huang only gave a simple explanation, but everyone's heart was already surging.

This meeting lasted almost two hours. Except for Huang Tianfu who introduced the changes in the gravel world this year, the rest of the time was basically Lin Huang's Q&A time.

Regarding the great world, the people of Dynasty had too many questions and curiosities.

Finally, after encountering Lin Huang who had returned from the great world, all kinds of weird questions naturally emerged.

Lin Huang was patient and answered all the questions that he could answer.

Later, it was Huang Tianfu who really could not stand it anymore, so he stopped everyone's questions and urged for the meeting to end. If they kept on asking, this meeting may not end at all.

This may also be the first meeting since the establishment of the Dynasty where everyone was reluctant to leave…