
Chapter 1861 Teasing You

After getting rid of the disguised "Fifth Liege", Bai continued to walk forward casually.

Just like that, he walked for some two more hours calmly. The surroundings did not change too much. It was the same as before; there were no signs of life at all.

Bai did not panic. He continued forward calmly.

He would choose a random path to turn whenever he came to a fork, and he would walk straight if there was no fork. He did not even bother to run.

After half an hour, he finally arrived at a vast space.

The style of the space was completely different from the cave before.

Bai discovered that he seemed to be standing on a cliff. There was a winding suspension bridge ahead. There was bottomless abyss on both sides of the bridge, and there was a huge, eerie city at the end of the bridge.

There were countless strange buildings in the city. The sharp edges of the buildings were similar to the Bug Tribe beasts' legs and mouths. There were all sorts of patterns that were similar to scales covering the surface of the buildings. Apart from black and white, there were no other colors on the buildings.

The city occupied tens of millions of kilometers of space. If it was on Earth, it would be on par with a large country. However, a city of such a scale was quiet at the moment; it was dead silent.

Bai could sense that Cthulhu was hiding in it, but he could not find his exact location.

He took a step forward to cross the suspension bridge, but discovered that there was a space barrier here that prohibited him from leaping over.

Not only that, flying was prohibited over the space where the bridge was.

Bai raised his brows lightly and stepped onto the bridge.

He then walked forward calmly.

When he got to the middle of the bridge, a strange feeling suddenly emerged from under the bridge.

Bai did not even glance at it, nor did he stop at all. A blood-colored python suddenly came out of his back. It penetrated the giant beast that was secretly sneaking up from under the bridge.

The beast's huge mouth swallowed the entire bridge almost at the same time the blood-colored python penetrated it.

Bai merely tapped the tip of his toes casually and stepped on the giant beast's head. He landed directly on the city gate of the black and white city.

At that moment, the blood-colored python on his back had completely faded away. Meanwhile, the giant beast eerily turned into bones and fell into the abyss.

Bai did not even turn his head. He had his eyes on the city gate.

Suddenly, a voice came from under the big gate. "Mr. Bai?!"

Bai shifted his focus to the source of the voice.

In reality, he had already sensed the person's aura when he was crossing the bridge earlier.

The person had white hair. He was Boundless Snow from Snow Domain.

"Wait, how can you prove that you're really Mr. Bai?" Boundless Snow suddenly said with his guard up. Bai took a good look at him. "I have no proof. It's up to you whether you want to trust me or


"Didn't you encounter anything unusual when you came here?" Boundless Snow was stunned at first and he asked further.

"I ran into something that disguised itself as Fifth Liege." Bai looked at Boundless Snow while smirking. "I killed him."

"I met something that disguised itself as Fifth Liege's too," Boundless Snow said immediately.

"Did you kill him?" Bai asked while raising his brows.

"How's that possible?!" Boundless Snow was speechless. "His ability was more powerful than mine. After sensing that something was wrong, I escaped by using some tricks. Perhaps he went over to you after I escaped.

"I wonder what happened to the real Fifth Liege," Boundless Snow said, feeling a little worried.

"He shouldn't be killed so easily." Bai did not seem to be very invested in this topic. He asked directly after giving a simple response. "What's in there?"

"This should be how Cthulhu's palace, R'lyeh, really looks like," Boundless Snow explained, "If I got it right, R'lyeh's nature should be a chaotic supreme treasure." "Cthulhu is definitely hiding in there. If we go in, it would mean that we're invading its territory," Boundless Snow continued.

"We've already been in its territory since we stepped into this mystic territory." Bai glanced at Boundless Snow.

"You're right, but this city is even more dangerous than anywhere that we've been to before," Boundless Snow added.

"You should've arrived here for some time, right? Why didn't you go in?" Bai asked.

"Because it's too dangerous. I thought we'd go in together when you guys got here," Boundless Snow said honestly, feeling helpless.

"I'll go in first, then. You can go ahead and wait." Bai stretched his hand to open the gate after speaking

"I won't wait then," Boundless Snow caught up immediately.

Bai said nothing. Just as his hand was about to touch the gate, it opened automatically before he even exerted any strength.

He merely smiled and walked directly inside.

Boundless Snow caught up quickly.

The city gate closed automatically after the two walked in.

"Divine Telekinesis is restricted, and so is teleportation…" Bai lifted his head to look into the city as he stood at the city gate.

There were endless black clouds covering the sun in the sky.

Far away, the tip of a tall tower stood high among the clouds.

Bai soon had his eyes on the tower. "Flight altitude seems to be restricted too…"

He suddenly moved as soon as he was done speaking. He headed straight to where the tower was.

After merely a moment, the two arrived below the tower.

Standing below the black tower, Bai lifted his head to look at the tip of the tower. The top of the tower was clearly drowned in the clouds.

He exerted strength in his feet and leaped high.

He did not fly at all, but his body ascended at high speed and arrived in the clouds directly. He finally saw the tip of the tower hiding in the clouds.

Bai landed directly on the tip, which was only the size of the sole of a foot.

Just as Bai found his footing, Boundless Snow leaped into the clouds too, but he had no space to land. He could only step to the side of the tip. There was some frost beneath his feet that stuck to the tip of the tower. "Why did we come all the way up here?" Boundless Snow only asked after he managed to find his footing. "To see the scenery. Don't you think the scenery is beautiful at this height?" Bai said with a smile.

"See the scenery…" Boundless Snow was speechless. "Is this the correct time to look at the scenery?"

The wind was strong at the tip of the tower. Bai's black robe fluttered, but he remained upright.

"Where do you think… Cthulhu is hiding?" Bai glanced across to the endless clouds. The dazzling lightning of various colors faraway was reflected in his eyes.

"How would I know?" Boundless Snow was speechless.

"How could you not?" Bai looked at Boundless Snow with a smile and his head held low. "Aren't you one of his descendants?"

At that moment, it was unknown when Bai's feet had left the tip of the tower. While he ascended, he pointed a finger while smiling.

A red gleam that was like a tiny red snake was shot out like lightning, penetrating the space between Boundless Snow's brows.

Boundless Snow's body was drying up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. However, he asked unwillingly, "When did you find out?"

"From the moment the two of you appeared in front of me," Bai answered honestly.

"So you…" Before Boundless Snow was done speaking, his body regained its true form.

He was like that thing that disguised itself as Fifth Liege before, an octopus monster hiding in a snail shell.

"You're right, I've actually been teasing the two of you along the way," Bai continued what his unfinished words, "Because it's boring to kill you off guys immediately."

Chapter 1862 Hide Your Head and Show Your Tail

Watching the carcass in front of him drying up quickly and turning into dust, which then vanished in the end, Bai recalled the blood-colored snake at the tip of his finger.

The tip of his toes landed on the tip of the tower where the frost had melted. He looked into the distance and finally said coldly, "Get out, stop hiding. We're the only ones here."

Though his voice was cold, it spread out in all directions like an endless wave. It even scattered the black clouds that covered thousands of kilometers.

The tip of the black tower that was covered in the clouds finally revealed itself.

Bai looked down. Without the clouds covering it, his field of vision extended to almost half of the entire city.

As his voice echoed, the doors and windows of the tower suddenly exploded. Black tentacles rushed out of them frantically, stretching toward the tip of the tower where Bai was.

Bai merely lowered his head. A blood-colored giant python extended out from his back. The giant python divided itself into hundreds of snake heads at speed that was barely visible to the naked eye. They bit the sticky tentacles.

All of the tentacles were quickly broken and swallowed by the blood-colored giant python.

However, just as the first round of attack ended, the second round arrived fiercely.

The endless black, sticky tentacles rushed out of countless buildings crazily. Almost all of the buildings in the huge city had ambushers hiding inside. Each window, door and even hole became a source of the ambush.

At that moment, endless tentacles were sweeping toward the tip of the tower frantically from all directions.

Bai was like a target; a target that was being attacked from all directions.

Watching the innumerable tentacles coming over like an endless wave, like a butterfly getting out of its cocoon, giant blood-colored wings came out of Bai's back maniacally.

Within a blink of an eye, 14 gigantic wings covered the entire sky.

There seemed to be an endless blood-colored ocean floating above the clouds.

The blood-colored ocean contained 14 almost invisible threads. They were connected to Bai's back.

Bai did not even look at the endless tentacles rising from beneath his feet. Instead, he raised his head to look at the blood-colored sky.

He smirked lightly. He felt relaxed, as if he had let go of something. At that moment, the tens of tentacles, which were thinner than hair, beneath Bai's feet spiraled up toward the tip of the tower. They blended in with the color of the tip of the tower. They moved completely silently, targeting his ankles. The second when the tentacles reached Bai's feet, a blood-colored electric arc suddenly flickered in the blood-colored ocean in the sky.

The blood-colored electric arc was so fast that it almost surpassed the limit of space and time. It hit Bai's soles directly.

The tens of tentacles turned into dust instantly from the attack.

A slithering black tentacle that was broken into half beneath the tip of the tower was exposed. Clearly, it could not hide from the attack.

After merely retreating for a second, the broken tentacle charged at Bai even more ferociously now.

Since the disguise was removed, it did not bother with it anymore.

However, a couple of lightning bolts were shot from the blood-colored sky just as it moved. They landed consecutively, crushing it into dust.

The tentacle was clearly just an appetizer.

Almost at the same time it turned into dust, the endless tentacles beneath Bai's feet started coming at him from all directions like a tidal wave.

Nevertheless, he remained expressionless. He did not look panicked at all.

The reason being was that the moment the tentacles were about to touch his body, blood-colored lightning was brewing in the sky.

Countless blood-colored lightning bolts fell like a crazy storm. With Bai's body as the center, the lightning continued spreading out into the distance continuously.

At the same time, the endless tentacle wave was destroyed instantly, as if it had been burned with fire.

The tentacles turned into dust instantly when they were hit by lightning. As the lightning flickered, the tidal wave of tentacles very soon quieted down.

Within two to three breaths of time, the seemingly endless tentacles were cleared out entirely. The entire city regained its peace. It was quiet again, just like the time when Bai had just arrived.

He stood on the tip of the tower and waited for a few seconds.

Seeing that the surroundings were still quiet, he chuckled. "Cthulhu, is this all you've got?"

"If you don't have any more tricks up your sleeves, just surrender like a good boy. I'm too lazy to waste my strength."

One must say that Bai had undoubtedly become much sharper with his words after spending a long time with Grimace.

The sound of a huge wave was heard after Bai spoke.

The source clearly originated from a distance from the big city.

He lifted his head to look into the distance. Very soon, he saw the water beneath the cliff under the suspension bridge rising continuously. Within the blink of an eye, the water flooded the cliff, reaching the gates of the city. Within the span of a single breath of time, the water had flooded most of the buildings in the city. Only the tip of the tower beneath Bai's feet and a small number of the city's rooftops were still above the water.

Watching the continuously rising water and the wave that was getting angrier, Bai knew what plan the opponent had.

Not only was teleportation prohibited in R'lyeh, flying was prohibited as well.

If all of the buildings were drowned in the flood, he would only be standing in water. Meanwhile, the opponent controlled the ocean. It would mean that regardless of whether he was on the surface of the water, or deep within it, Bai would be within the opponent's territory completely.

"You're pulling this trick on me?" Bai had a mocking expression on his face when he realized what his opponent was trying to do.

The next second, a huge wave suddenly arose. It was heading toward the tip of the tower where Bai was.

At that moment, Bai, who was prohibited from flying, stretched out colorless threads on his back. They entered the blood-colored clouds in the sky at high speed. Indeed, the prohibition on flying had restricted Bai's flying ability, but it could not hinder the ability to float from all sorts of skills and divine abilities.

Therefore, the blood-colored clouds Bai released could float in the sky.

Meanwhile, the threads on the blood-colored clouds could pull his body up. Cthulhu, who thought that it had certainly defeated Bai, clearly did not think of that.

It finally could not help but roar furiously as it watched Bai's body ascend at high speed.

The next second, whirlwinds quickly consolidated on the surface of the water. They turned into whips, lashing in the direction where Bai was.

Bai watched the approaching whirlwinds calmly. Meanwhile, the blood-colored clouds in the sky had turned into mist.

He was ascending quickly thanks to the colorless threads pulling him up. His body was soon covered by the clouds, and he vanished into the blood-colored clouds entirely.

The ocean beneath the clouds had flooded the entire city completely. Even the tip of the tower had been swallowed by the ocean.

The ocean waves were choppy, just like Cthulhu's current mood.

Bai had merely disappeared for a moment, when a teasing voice suddenly came out of the blood-colored clouds in the sky. "Didn't you like to hide your head and show your tail? I learned this from you."

Chapter 1863 Cthulhu's Trump Card

Cthulhu was clearly pissed to have its plan ruined entirely.

Whatever it did earlier was to try and limit Bai's movements. He had tried to drag Bai into his territory completely.

Never had he thought that Bai would manage to pull off something like that by circumventing the prohibition on flying in R'lyeh.

Moreover, Bai was hidden in the blood-colored clouds in the sky currently; he had hidden himself from Cthulhu entirely.

Under Cthulhu's control, the water that had flooded the entire big city was still rising.

Countless whirlwinds rushed out of the water like tentacles and attacked the blood-colored clouds in the sky.

Facing such a situation, Cthulhu had no other options but to attack. He decisively chose to compete with Bai to see who would have their Dominator Power drained first.

R'lyeh was its Kingdom. In one's Kingdom, the draining of its Dominator Power was less than one-tenth compared to in the outside world.

Theoretically, as a dominator-level rank-7 powerhouse, it could definitely drain Bai to death.

However, what it had no idea about was that Bai was not a dominator-level rank-7 powerhouse.

As a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse, the gap between Bai and a dominator-level rank-7 powerhouse's Dominator Power like Cthulhu was like a pond and the ocean.

Observing what Cthulhu was doing, Bai instantly figured out what it was trying to achieve.

'Trying to drain me? This guy has made the most foolish decision,' Bai thought to himself.

In the sky, the blood-colored clouds sent forth blood-colored lightning bolts, crushing the whirlwinds.

The battle between the two very soon fell into a stagnant state again.

No matter how much effort Cthulhu put in, the whirlwinds would be crushed entirely before they reached the blood-colored clouds.

However, Bai noticed that the water levels were still rising slowly. Cthulhu was worried that Bai would notice it, so it controlled the rise at a stable pace. Given that the attacks by the whirlwinds were acting as a distraction, it was really hard for one to notice it with the naked eye within a short period of time.

Nevertheless, Bai merely took one glance and immediately figured out what it was planning.

Clearly, Cthulhu was still unwilling. Even now, it still clearly wanted to drown the blood-colored clouds altogether.

Bai smirked. The blood-colored clouds began to rise higher into the sky at a subtle, stable speed.

Soon after Bai did that, Cthulhu noticed that something was off.

The reason being was that it realized that the water levels did not close the gap with the blood-colored clouds. Not only that, there were signs of it faintly getting even further away from the blood-colored clouds.

Sensing that, it released a raging roar.

Bai's voice spread out calmly again from above the clouds, "Why are you mad? Didn't I learn this from you?"

Cthulhu could not come up with a retort to his words.

Indeed, it had been the first one to increase the level of the water. Bai was just using the same method to fight.

Although it could not fight back, its rage did not seem to subside at all.

The next second, endless water poured from the sky like a waterfall.

It was not only the sky above the blood-colored clouds, there were even waves of water appearing from all directions.

It was as if an ocean had been teleported from another dimension, and was pouring into the dimension.

At that moment, the blood-colored clouds could not avoid the ocean completely.

Bai gave up the futile dodging directly when he saw that. He transformed the blood-colored clouds into blood-colored giant pythons and dove into the ocean.

At the same time, he heard Cthulhu's hysterical laugh.

He snorted, "As if you'd definitely win after I enter the water."

Bai remained hiding within the transformed blood-colored clouds, which were now blood-colored giant pythons, and dove deep into the water. Very soon, they had completely avoided the impact coming from the waves above.

Clearly, Cthulhu had set up its trap, waiting for its opponent to enter.

As Bai dove down further, he soon saw the big city once more.

At that very moment, his pupils shrunk slightly.

"Is this an illusion? Or…" He saw the tall tower that he was standing on earlier move faintly. However, the next second, he discovered that it was not an illusion.

The reason being was that he saw that the buildings had "come alive".

To be exact, they did not come alive, but had rather transformed into ocean beasts of various shapes and sizes.

"There are no signs of life, but their aura is clearly similar to Cthulhu's…" Bai was quickly judging what he was looking at. "It should be a puppet technique that utilizes R'lyeh, the chaotic supreme treasure. This should be its trump card." Bai frowned lightly. The puppet monsters that were transformed from the buildings had the combat strength of dominator-level rank-7.

Not only that, the monsters' bodies were made from a portion of R'lyeh. They were as powerful as chaotic supreme treasures. If he wanted to tear them apart by force, it would be very difficult as they were at dominator-level rank-7.

Moreover, there were not only one or two puppets, but rather tens of thousands of them.

Bai decided instantly that he could not use force if he wanted to win.

Seeing the puppet monsters coming at him, he dodged them repeatedly; this would work for a short period of time.

"As expected of puppets, their battle mode has been preconfigured. As long as I figure out all of their battle modes, I can defeat almost all of them."

Very soon after Bai came to that conclusion, he could not help but frown lightly.

The reason being was that when he was dodging a puppet that was attacking him, there were black tentacles of various thicknesses shooting out of the puppet's nose and mouth.

One of them had even tied itself around the blood-colored python's tail. Fortunately, a thread stretched out of the blood-colored clouds, transforming it into a sharp blade that sliced it off.

However, a few puppets had attacked at the same time. The blood-colored python failed to dodge all of them.

Feeling helpless, Bai could only control the blood-colored python to sweep its tail to throw the few puppets out; only then did he get rid of them.

Nevertheless, Bai noticed that those puppets did not seem to suffer any substantial damage after being attacked by the blood-colored python. They soon joined the battle again.

"Such powerful defense…" Bai frowned lightly. "This can't go on. I'll be surrounded if I'm not careful, intensifying the draining of Dominator Power."

"Cthulhu would definitely seize the opportunity to attack my weaknesses…" "There are only two ways to break through this predicament now." Bai calmed himself down. "One is to look for its hiding place, and the other is to look for a way to get rid of these puppets." "The first option isn't feasible at all. My Divine Telekinesis is greatly restricted here. I can't locate its exact coordinates at all. Not only that, this is its Kingdom. It can hide anywhere. If it wants to avoid fighting me, it can teleport somewhere else instantly." "Regarding the second option, killing them by force definitely won't work. It wouldn't be a problem to kill a couple of them with the current combat strength I have revealed, but if I want to kill all of the puppets, I can only do it if I expose my real ability. Seems like this is the only thing I can do…" Bai soon had a plan in his head.

Chapter 1864 Killing Cthulhu

The blood-colored giant python suddenly turned around and attacked one of the puppets. It opened its mouth directly and swallowed it.

The next second after the blood-colored giant python swallowed the puppet, Bai sent it directly into the Kingdom in his body.

The puppet that was initially struggling, as well as attempting to contaminate the enemy by releasing Abyssal energy, could not move at all after it was sent into the Kingdom.

After all, it was a puppet. After entering Bai's Kingdom, it would mean that it had been disconnected from the outside world completely. Cthulhu could no longer control it.

Bai smirked lightly after watching the first puppet cease movement completely as he expected. He controlled the blood-colored giant pythons to rush toward the other puppets.

Very soon, the second, third puppets… The blood-colored pythons swallowed the puppets one after the other and sent them into the Kingdom in Bai's body.

Many puppets were just attacking the blood-colored giant pythons from a close distance. They were swallowed by the blood-colored giant pythons' mouths that came out of nowhere.

Within a few breaths of time, thousands of the puppets that were almost indestructible were swallowed by the blood-colored giant pythons.

Feeling helpless, Cthulhu could only change its battle approach. He controlled those puppets to attack from a distance. They no longer dare to get close.

Meanwhile, Bai controlled the blood-colored giant pythons to expand continuously. They proceeded to swallow more and more puppets.

Cthulhu controlled the puppets to escape in all directions when it saw that the situation was turning bad. However, tentacles stretched out of Bai's blood-colored giant pythons and captured and swallowed most of the puppets.

As they fought, less than one-fifth of the buildings that were initially in the big city remained after the blood-colored giant pythons swallowed them frantically.

Bai swallowed them to the point that Cthulhu dared not use those puppets anymore. He controlled the remaining puppets and sent them to the border of the ocean in different directions.

Bai could be considered to have won the battle.

Not only that, Bai could clearly sense that the aura of the entire ocean had dropped significantly after R'lyeh lost many of its buildings.

The blood-colored giant pythons continued floating in the ocean, but Cthulhu did not attack for some time.

Bai waited for a couple of seconds before speaking again, "Cthulhu, if you don't attack, I will!"

Cthulhu had no reaction for a while after Bai said that.

Bai guessed roughly that it should not have any good strategies, so it chose to hide for now.

However, Bai clearly did not plan to give it any time to come up with a new strategy.

The next second, Bai's Kingdom descended directly.

Endless blood-colored rivers rushed into the ocean. As soon as the crimson river entered the ocean, it began to expand quickly.

Very soon, the entire ocean had been dyed red.

"I found you…" Bai smirked a moment later.

At the same time, he left the blood-colored pythons and appeared in an oceanic trench at the bottom of the ocean in a flash.

Bai spoke coldly as he looked at the dark oceanic trench beneath, "Get out, it's futile to hide. You should know that my Kingdom has covered each corner of your Kingdom. You can't escape me no matter where you hide."

Very soon after Bai spoke, the bottom of the ocean began to tremble intensely.

The oceanic trench began to crack. A gigantic hand came out from deep within the oceanic trench. Soon, an enormous body rose slowly.

Bai had finally seen what the legendary Cthulhu looked like.

Its head was like a huge octopus. There were dense and countless tentacles beneath its eyes, almost like a thick beard.

Only after it stood up slowly did Bai notice that it had a body similar to humans. Its body was like a plump middle-aged man. It was just that there was a layer of dark-green scales, like dragon scales, covering the surface of its body. There was a layer of green goo lingering on the surface of the scales.

What Bai was curious about was that there was a pair of huge bat-like wings on its back.

He could not understand what use the pair of wings had.

When it had stood up completely, Bai realized that it was so big that it was close to the size of a star.

Not only was the aura Ctulhu exuded dark, it was ancient and fairly similar to Aza's.

"He was Aza's descendant after all…" Bai came to that conclusion instantly.

At the same time, his face turned solemn. The fact that it could be labeled as Aza's descendant alone meant that its ability was definitely powerful.

As it showed itself completely, Cthulhu's six crimson eyes locked onto Bai.

Soul suppressions shot forth from its eyes, attempting to hit Bai's God's soul.

However, Bai merely smiled faintly. There was no sign of his God's soul being impacted at all.

He suddenly lifted his hand. Six blood-colored electric arcs consolidated in the blood-colored ocean out of nowhere. They pierced toward Cthulhu's six eyes.

Cthulhu was stunned to see Bai's reaction. It stopped its attack on Bai's God's soul quickly in order to dodge the attack.

However, it did not dodge it in time. Two of its eyes were penetrated by the electric arcs. It could not open them at all.

"You're… seeking death!" An obscure syllable came out of Cthulhu's mouth, but Bai understood the message crystal clear.

Bai merely shook his head. "You're already dead."

As soon as Bai was done speaking, Cthulhu suddenly released a devastating shriek.

Its gigantic body fell to the ground. It was rolling around frantically on the ground. At the same time, its octopus head began to distort quickly. It looked as if something was creating havoc around inside its head.

"Didn't Aza teach you guys to not be randomly hit by your enemy? Especially the kind of attack that makes you bleed." Bai began to ascend above the ocean slowly after he spoke.

He did not finish his sentence. "To me, as soon as my enemy is bleeding from my attack, it means that he's already dead."

As Bai ascended, the entire ocean began to collapse. The water levels began to plummet.

Bai observed Cthulhu, who was still struggling and rolling on the ground. There was no sympathy in his eyes at all.

Very soon, he had left the ocean completely.

He looked at Cthulhu, who was at the bottom of the ocean, through the water.

Its octopus-like head had expanded by more than ten-fold.

Just as the ocean was about to completely dry up, Cthulhu's huge head finally exploded with a bang. Endless black blood gushed out of it, as well as its dark-green brain juice and the remaining substances in its brain. They dyed the remaining ocean water black.

His body that was struggling finally stopped moving. His vitality faded away quickly.

Watching the ground begin to collapse quickly, while the entire mystic territory was going to crumble, a blood-colored wing stretched out of Bai's back and covered Cthulhu's body. It reeled it into his Kingdom…

Chapter 1865 Dominator-Level Rank-9 Mystic Territory Has Arrived!

"The master of this mystic territory was Cthulhu. It was Aza's descendent, but it shouldn't be His direct descendant. It might be His grandchild or from an even younger generation. Its combat strength was the limit of dominator-level rank-7. It had a powerful ability. It took me a lot of effort to defeat him with my dominator-level rank-7 combat strength. If it had not been careless in the end, there was only a 40% chance that I would defeat it…"

Bai stood before Lin Huang's clone and gave a simple evaluation of his encounter with Cthulhu in the mystic territory.

The clone conveyed the message to Lin Huang's Primordium directly at the same time.

The clone only spoke a moment later, "Judging by the current situation, there will be even more powerful opponents appearing later on. Dominator-level rank-8, or even dominator-level rank-9 mystic territories might appear. You guys must seize the available time to elevate your ability quickly."

"Dominator-level rank-9 vanguards?" Bai frowned lightly.

"According to the information I got from Death Spring, Aza has many dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses under his wings. Among them, there are three whose ability is merely second to Death Spring. These three should not appear simply, they should only appear alongside Aza. However, Aza might get the remaining dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses to come in advance to test the waters."

"If there really are dominator-level rank-9 coming, don't act rashly. Inform me first, and then we'll decide," Lin Huang's clone reminded Bai.

After all, Bai and the rest had only just stepped into dominator-level rank-9. The gap of ability between dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses was great.

Just like Lin Huang, he was at dominator-level rank-9 too. However, with his ability, he could suppress all of his imperial monsters with just a finger.

"If mystic territories below dominator-level rank-9 appear again, there's no need to ask me for instructions. Just handle them directly. Tell me the outcome when you're done."

"Got it." Bai nodded lightly. "I've brought back Cthulhu's carcass. I didn't retrieve its Kingdom."

"Retrieve and refine its Kingdom and pass the carcass to Bloody. See if she can retrieve anything useful from it." Lin Huang handled it this way because Bloody mentioned that she wanted to run related studies before. "Do that from now on. You guys will retrieve the Kingdom and give Bloody the carcasses."

"I think you should retrieve the Kingdoms. No matter how much our ability elevates, it's impossible for us to rise to a level good enough to fight Aza within a short period of time. The elevation of your ability should be our utmost priority at the moment." Bai opposed him after falling into a moment of silence.

Lin Huang's clone shook his head after listening. "Ten million chaotic cosmoses are a lot to you guys, but it's far from the amount I'm integrating each second."

Bai failed to snap back for a while after hearing that. "Each second…"

"Refine and integrate them obediently. You guys can only share more of the burden with me when you guys become more powerful." Lin Huang patted Bai's shoulder after saying that.

When Bai had snapped back to his senses, Lin Huang's clone was already gone.

He did not even realize how he vanished.

"The gap of ability between dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses is so great?!"

Lin Huang's Primordium continued to do what he had been doing. He sent out more will projections continuously to integrate more ownerless chaotic cosmoses.

Less than a month later, he had ten sextillion chaotic cosmoses in his body.

At the moment, he could integrate more than 16,000 quintillion chaotic cosmoses per day. It was undoubtedly a terrifying number.

Lin Huang had even begun to suspect whether the number of chaotic cosmos he integrated daily might have surpassed the number of chaotic cosmoses that were newly-added to the infinite universe daily.

If he had really reached that amount, theoretically, he might be able to integrate all of the ownerless chaotic cosmoses in the entire infinite universe.

Although that was the case, he did not stop his integration efforts just yet.

He was still not sure whether his current ability had surpassed Aza or not. He dared not stop even for a day due to this uncertainty.

The reason being was that as soon as he lost the battle with Aza, all of the effort that he had put in before would become meaningless.

The entire infinite universe would become Aza's Abyss by then.

Time continued to pass by in the infinite universe, and more and more mystic territories were opened.

Lin Huang's imperial monsters had broken through to dominator-level rank-9 one after the other through the hunts.

Not only that, they were becoming more and more powerful through the hunts.

In Lin Huang's Kingdom, the number of heavenly dao-level powerhouses had broken through to ten million. It was at least three-fold more than all of the organizations in the infinite universe added up. Among them were more than 100,000 heavenly dao-level rank-9 powerhouses.

Meanwhile, there were more than 10,000 people who had been elevated to dominator-level officially.

As there were many mystic territories opening lately, the abilities of the dominator-level powerhouses who had just entered the infinite universe elevated quickly.

Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and the rest were the outstanding ones among them.

The two of them had broken through to dominator-level rank-8.

Chan Dou, Xiao Mo and Huang Wuji had stepped into dominator-level rank-7.

Meanwhile, all of the Sword Servants had elevated above dominator-level rank-5 with the help of Aza's dreamland acting as the instance dungeon.

Sword 1 and Sword 8 had been hunting in the mystic territories enthusiastically. They had been elevated to dominator-level rank-7.

The reason they cultivated so quickly was because they retrieved and refined Kingdoms in Lin Huang's Kingdom. Under the time flow acceleration of six billion times, time was almost not even a factor at all when they refined the Kingdoms.

Not only that, under the time flow acceleration in Lin Huang's Kingdom, there was no digestion period for their combat strength at all.

Others might need to spend up to a million year to digest and stabilize their combat strength when they elevated a level higher. However, all they had to do was to stay in Lin Huang's Kingdom to complete the procedure under six billion times of time flow acceleration. They could continue elevating their combat strength when they got out of Lin Huang's Kingdom the very next second. What shocked Lin Huang was that his old friends Yi Zheng, Yi Yeyu, Leng Yuexin and Li Lang had been elevated to dominator-level as well. Fatty was the only one who was stuck at heavenly dao-level rank-9.

Naturally, the person who shocked Lin Huang the most was his disciple, Wu Hao (Great Heaven's reincarnation) who came much later on. He had been elevated to dominator-level rank-7.

Yang Ling was also another one that Lin Huang found ridiculous.

He had no idea what he did to have elevated to dominator-level rank-9.

He had even guided Hong Zhuang to elevate to dominator-level rank-7.

However, Lin Huang noticed that Yang Ling had contacted Death Spring before his combat strength skyrocketed. He speculated that he and Hong Zhuang got something good from Death Spring for their combat strength elevation.

More and more mystic territories opened frantically in the infinite universe.

At the beginning, only one or two dominator-level rank-7 mystic territories would appear occasionally.

Later on, dominator-level rank-8 mystic territories began to appear.

After that, there would be at least one dominator-level rank-8 mystic territory appearing almost every two to three days. There would be two to three dominator-level rank-7 mystic territories daily.

On the third day, when Lin Huang had integrated one trillion chaotic cosmoses daily, the first dominator-level rank-9 mystic territory appeared!

Chapter 1866 K'thun

Lin Huang sensed it as soon as the mystic territory appeared.

The fog covering the mystic territory was no longer an obstacle to him now.

His vision pierced through the layers of fog. He saw the sky behind the fog.

There was a gigantic tree, whose size was comparable to a chaotic cosmos, standing amidst the sky.

Its body was gray, while its tentacles imitated branches and roots, spreading in all directions and covering the sky.

At the center of the treetop, a huge, dark-green eye opened slowly. It seemed to have just been awakened.

"This aura…" Lin Huang could not help but frown slightly when he sensed the aura it exuded.

The reason being was that, although it had Abyssal aura lingering in its body, it was not Aza's child or descendant.

Lin Huang sensed the Abyssal aura, which somehow felt similar to Death Spring and the bug horde's will.

Just as Lin Huang was trying to figure out what had happened exactly, a voice transmission suddenly came from Bai.

"A mystic territory suspected to be rank-9 has appeared!"

"I've sensed it," Lin Huang responded immediately, "It's not suspected to be rank-9, it is rank-9."

"The master of this mystic territory is very powerful. Judging by the aura, it might only be slightly weaker than Death Spring. It's not someone that you guys can handle. I'll send a clone in."

"Slightly weaker than Death Spring, huh…" Bai frowned lightly.

He initially thought that he could test his ability by seizing the opportunity that the opening of this rank-9 mystic territory brought. However, he found out the master of the mystic territory was so much more powerful than himself after hearing what Lin Huang said.

He had met Death Spring before. Although he had no idea how powerful Death Spring was exactly, he could sense faintly that Death Spring's power was far beyond his imagination.

Someone who was only slightly weaker than Death Spring was not at a level he could handle at all.

Seemingly aware of Bai's emotions, Lin Huang added quickly, "However, apart from the master, the other monsters are great prey for you guys… I'll gather everyone later. Those who have the time can follow me in."

Bai felt slightly better after hearing that.

What he cared about was not killing monsters in there, but he really wanted to watch Lin Huang fighting the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse. He was also curious about how powerful Lin Huang's ability was exactly.

After ending the communication with Bai, Lin Huang fell into silence for a moment and contacted Death Spring.

After all, the master of the mystic territory that came this time had a similar aura to Death Spring"s.

"A one-eyed monster that looks like a tree?" Death Spring fell into deep thought after hearing Lin Huang's description.

Lin Huang projected the image directly.

Death Spring almost screamed out loud when he saw the projections. "It's her!"

"You know her?"

"She changed a lot, but it should be her. It's K'thun!" Death Spring called out the monster's name and then said slowly, "Just like Aza and I, she was born in the virtual realm. It's just that she was born during the second batch."

"She had gone missing before Virtual Sovereign appeared. I thought that she was dead. Never had I imagined that Aza contaminated her and modified her to look like this."

"What's her level of ability like?" Lin Huang asked further.

"She was merely a level weaker than I was before she went missing. I'm not so sure now since she's become like this," Death Spring said rather helplessly.

"What's her specialization?" Lin Huang continued to ask.

"She specializes in Life Dao. She can create and birth all types of life forms. In reality, the Nirvana Trees you see now are all her creations."

"No wonder…" Lin Huang only realized now why the aura this monster gave off felt unusually familiar.

"Are you going this time?" Death Spring suddenly asked.

He knew that if the monster was really K'thun, no one under Lin Huang's wing was her match.

"I've no choice. This monster's ability has indeed surpassed what Bai and the others can handle. It'd be similar to seeking death if they challenge her." Lin Huang was rather helpless too.

Naturally, he tried his best to train the imperial monsters under him. However, even with sufficient resources, their growth required time.

"I have a presumptuous request…" Death Spring hesitated for a moment, before saying anyway, "If possible, can you not kill her?"

"Are you guys friends?" Lin Huang asked while raising his brows.

"I guess we are," Death Spring admitted after a moment of hesitation.

"However, she's already been contaminated into an Abyssal creature completely. If we don't kill her, she will end up becoming a great source of contamination no matter where she goes." Lin Huang frowned lightly. "I recall that you have a Goldfinger that can cleanse Abyssal energy." Death Spring was still unwilling to give up. "I'll owe you one. Cleanse the Abyssal energy in her body and then capture her alive."

Lin Huang fell into silence for a moment before nodding. "Alright then."

In reality, it was not too difficult to capture her alive. It was just that it was slightly troublesome.

"Also, don't retrieve Her Kingdom," Death Spring added immediately.

"Don't tell me she was your lover?" Lin Huang could not help but tease.

"You're thinking too much. I have no gender at all, nor do I have the same physical needs like you humans do," Death Spring said angrily, "I want her to be reincarnated. Help her remove the impact of Aza's contamination and make her part of our combat strength."

"Combining the ability of the bug horde's will and the Queen Mothers under your wing, she can create many dominator-level powerhouses to participate in the war."

"Why didn't you say so before?" Lin Huang finally understood Death Spring's plan as he listened up to this point. "Don't worry. I guarantee you that I'll capture her alive and cleanse her for you."

"However, how confident are you that we can remove Aza's impact on her mentally?" Lin Huang asked again.

Death Spring thought for a moment, before speaking again, "50%."

"What are the consequences if we fail?" Lin Huang thought about it and asked again.

"She might collapse and become insane. That's the better situation. She might also have Her God's soul collapse and die…"

"Wouldn't she be contaminated again and turn into an Abyssal creature again?" Lin Huang said, feeling worried.

"That won't happen as long as you cleanse her thoroughly," Death Spring said with certainty.

"That's great." Lin Huang was completely relieved now.

Whether she went insane or died, he did not really care about that.

"Also, she has turned into an Abyssal monster completely now, so her ability is definitely different from before. Be careful."

"Don't worry, I got it." Lin Huang waved while smiling. He disappeared from death spring.

For the next few days, he continued integrating more chaotic cosmoses while waiting for the mystic territory to open patiently.

He dared not relax at all as he knew that the arrival of the rank-9 mystic territory meant Aza was close to waking up.

The reason being was that, under Aza's wing, there were only three descendants that originated from His Primordium who had dominator-level rank-9 authorization.

Meanwhile, the awakening of the three descendants would mean that Aza might wake up anytime.

Chapter 1867 An Aura That Suspected to Be Xue Luo's

Many powerhouses from the infinite universe began to gather outside the rank-9 mystic territory.

As everyone had some rough expectations regarding the danger level of this mystic territory, most of them who came this time were from major organizations and the top powerhouses from the tribes.

Most of them were powerhouses whose abilities surpassed dominator-level rank-5. There were only approximately ten people in total.

They were shocked to see the big shots who were here.

Apart from Bloody and Bug Tribe, almost all of the imperial monsters under Lin Huang's command, such as Bai, Lancelot, Kylie, Grimace, Charcoal and Tyrant, were here.

All of them had disguised themselves as dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses.

Over 20 of them were unfamiliar to the people here. Obviously, they attracted the attention of the people from the organizations and tribes who were present.

A small number of them recognized Bai, Lancelot and the others. They took the initiative to greet them, while also trying to get information from them. They were quite shocked by how powerful the Sword Alliance was.

In the infinite universe, almost no other organizations had over 20 dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses.

Even the few top organizations only had some ten dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses who came.

Moreover, some of them had entered mystic territories with them before. They knew that their real ability was not the dominator-level rank-5 strength that they were currently displaying

Lin Huang was secretly observing the situation.

He was not surprised that some recognized Bai and the others. The reason being was that the imperial monsters under him had been moving around freely over the last few months. They would enter all sorts of mystic territories to hunt. It made sense that they exposed their abilities in front of some people. Suddenly, Lin Huang looked at the air outside the mystic territory.

A moment later, the air trembled, and a few powerhouses walked out of the rift.

Bai looked in that direction immediately as well. He recognized one of them. The person was Boundless Snow that he had met before.

"Seems like this guy wasn't killed. Someone disguised himself as him when we were in Cthulhu's mystic territory previously, that's all." Bai very soon looked away.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang was looking at a black-robed lady.

The lady wore a hoodie and her face was covered by a veil. It had covered her appearance and aura completely.

However, he could not help but raise his eyebrows lightly. "This aura… It feels a little bit like Xue Luo's?!"

Although it had been years since they last met, Lin Huang was familiar with her aura. That person's aura was 70% similar to Xue Luo's.

However, her aura was many times more powerful than Xue Luo's back then.

Although her aura was hidden, Lin Huang could sense clearly that she was at dominator-level rank-9. Judging by her aura, her level of ability might even be more powerful than Bai and the others.

Apart from that, the black robe and the veil on her were chaotic supreme treasures. Not only that, they concealed her aura, as well as her face.

If Lin Huang wanted to investigate further, he would have to break her shield by force. The thought merely flashed through his mind, after which he discarded the idea of probing her identity by force.

After all, no matter whether she was Xue Luo or not, it was quite rude to do something like that.

By the time he had calmed down somewhat, he figured that the possibility of her actually being Xue Luo was quite low.

After all, Xue Luo was only at true god-level back then. It was impossible that she would have elevated to dominator-level in such a short period of time. It was even more impossible that she could have been elevated to dominator-level rank-9.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Huang thought the possibility of her being Xue Luo's senior was higher. She might even be her direct ancestor.

"If she's Xue Luo's senior, she might know her whereabouts…"

He had been secretly looking for Xue Luo, but his effort had been to no avail. He thought this lady might be able to provide him with some clues.

However, this black-robed lady did not attract much attention.

Including Boundless Snow, a total of four people had come from Snow Domain this time. They were all wearing black robes.

In addition, she had disguised herself as a dominator-level rank-5 powerhouse as well. Given that she seemed to have used a unique method, it lowered her sense of existence and presence.

Apart from Bai and the others, who noticed something unusual, the rest subconsciously ignored her existence.

However, Lin Huang noticed that the lady glanced at Bai and the others for a little bit.

He was not sure whether she sensed their real ability or whether it was for other reasons.

Naturally, Boundless Snow noticed Bai and the others around him. He could not help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the dominator-level rank-5 combat strength the over 20 of them revealed.

He nodded at Bai lightly. It was his way of greeting.

Not long after the people from Snow Domain arrived, a few more organizations arrived one after the other.

Lin Huang noticed there were two dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses among them.

One was an old man with a white beard. Judging by his aura, he was probably a sword cultivator.

He was from Sword Palace.

The two people who came with him were at dominator-level rank-7 and dominator-level rank-8 respectively.

However, the three of them disguised themselves as dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses.

There was another dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse who was a young man who only looked like he was in his early 20s. He wore a golden robe and a golden crown.

There was a purple-robed middle-aged man and white-robed young man who came with him. They were at dominator-level rank-8.

Their aura was rather similar to Charcoal's.

Lin Huang could tell from a glance that the three of them were from the Dragon Tribe. They were likely from the organization 'Dragon Island'.

The three of them disguised themselves as dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses as well.

These two dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses had similar auras as Bai and the others.

The two sensed their presence as soon as they arrived. Surprise flashed through their eyes, but they concealed it immediately.

Lin Huang could hear from the two's voice transmission to their subordinates that they were secretly asking about Bai and the others. Very soon, they found out about the Sword Alliance.

Soon after the people from Dragon Island came, Heaven's Secret finally arrived.

The person who led their group this time was a short, old dwarf.

The dwarf was only approximately 1.2 meters tall. He was bald and rather ugly. Nevertheless, one should not underestimate his ability. His real combat strength was at the peak of dominator-level rank-8. He was only a step away from reaching dominator-level rank-9.

However, Lin Huang saw the way the few dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses looked at him. They were not arrogant at all. It felt like they were looking at a powerhouse of the same level.

"Is he Old Man Heaven's Secret?" Lin Huang found out his identity from the people's conversations.

Old Man Heaven's Secret was not the chief liege of Heaven's Secret, nor was he a liege of any number.

However, to outsiders, his identity was no lower than First Liege.

The reason being was that he was the one who managed Heaven's Secret's leaderboard!

All of the leaderboard information Heaven's Secret announced was made public by this old man.

Second Liege and Third Liege came with Old Man Heaven's Secret this time, although Old Man Heaven's Secret was still the one leading the group. The people greeted them after they arrived. Even the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses from Dragon Island and Sword Palace nodded slightly at him too.

"Old Hou, Lieges…" After almost everyone had greeted them, the golden-robed young man from Dragon Island finally spoke, "Is there any information that Heaven's Secret can reveal about the mystic territory that is opening this time?"

Chapter 1868 Lin Huang Has Arrived

As soon as the golden-robed young man spoke, everyone looked at Old Man Heaven's Secret.

They hoped to get some information from


Old Man Heaven's Secret fell silent momentarily and only spoke after organizing his thoughts.

"The master of this mystic territory is a legitimate dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse."

Most of the people present had a slight change of expression when they heard his words.

Although most of them had similar speculations before coming here, they could not help but feel a little shocked to hear it directly from Old Man Heaven's Secret.

After all, the highest combat strength on the surface in the infinite universe was only dominator-level rank-5. That strength was nothing in the presence of a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse.

"On a certain level, this entity's appearance is also Aza's test for us," Old Man Heaven's Secret continued to say, "At the same time, it also means that, from the day this mystic territory opens, Aza could wake up at any time."

"We must be fully prepared to face the upcoming war!"

What Old Man Heaven's Secret said made everyone look terrible.

Almost everyone present had received the warning information from Lin Huang previously. They knew that Aza's arrival would be soon. However, they did not expect it to be this soon.

"How powerful is the legendary Aza exactly?" The golden-robed young man asked further.

"I've no idea how powerful He is exactly, but He's definitely more powerful than all of us here combined." What Old Man Heaven's Secret said made everyone present fall silent again.

"Let's talk about the mystic territory's master." At that moment, the old man with a white beard from Saber Palace finally spoke up to change the subject. "How is its ability level?"

"More powerful than everyone here," Old Man Heaven's Secret spoke another truth that everyone did not want to hear.

This time, even the old man with a white beard and the golden-robed young man looked terrible.

"What are the chances of us winning if we work together?" The old man with a white beard asked again.

Old Man Heaven's Secret glanced at Bai and the others' direction subtly before speaking slowly, "It shouldn't be a problem to destroy this mystic territory."

Everyone was finally relieved when they heard the answer.

At this moment, the golden-robed young man from Dragon Island asked further, "How many of such entities does Aza have under His command?"

"I don't know the exact number, but there should be 20 to 30 of them." What Old Man Heaven's Secret said made everyone present fall silent again.

"Are their ability levels similar to the master of this mystic territory?" The golden-robed young man asked further.

"Most of them are more or less the same, but some are weaker than this, and some are more powerful." Old Man Heaven's Secret did not hide the truth.

The war was starting. Moreover, the ones present here were powerhouses who were qualified to join the war. There was no need to hide some of the information anymore.

Bai suddenly spoke at that moment.

"Old Hou, our Sword Alliance would like to do business with Heaven's Secret. We want all of the information about Aza and the powerhouses under His command."

"Deal." Old Hou finally revealed a smile on his face for the first time, though his face was wrinkled and the smile was ugly. "Our chief liege happens to want to meet your chief."

"I'll visit when I have the time."

A voice suddenly came from behind the imperial monsters. Lin Huang's will projection had arrived silently.

Nobody noticed when he appeared and how he appeared.

Apart from the three dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses and the people from the Sword Alliance, everyone's pupils shrunk slightly when they saw Lin Huang appear.

The old man with a white beard from Saber Palace and the golden-robed young man from Dragon Island spread out their Divine Telekinesis in Lin Huang's direction immediately. However, their Divine Telekinesis discovered nothing. It was almost as if Lin Huang did not exist at all or, rather, there was no materialized projection present.

This made them fearful of Lin Huang.

Only the beautiful eyes of the black-robed lady from Snow Domain flickered lightly under the veil. She smirked subtly.

"Chief Lin!" Old Man Heaven's Secret was stunned for a second as well, after which he cupped his hands to greet him with a smile.

The people present were conflicted when they saw that.

One had to know that Old Man Heaven's Secret merely nodded to greet others, even when he saw the two powerhouses from Dragon Island and Saber Palace.

He was being too polite to the chief from the Sword Alliance.

Most importantly, most of the people present had never heard of an organization called the Sword Alliance.

"Is Chief Lin entering personally this time?!" Old Man Heaven's Secret asked while smiling. "I'm a little worried, so I thought I'd check it out myself." Lin Huang nodded lightly.

"With Chief Lin here, this old man is relieved." Old Man Heaven's Secret seemed to really be relieved. His tensed emotions from before had clearly relaxed now.

Hearing what Old Man Heaven's Secret said, many people present finally came to a realization.

So this chief from the Sword Alliance had abilities more powerful than anyone present.

Many caught onto a piece of informationthis chief from the Sword Alliance was a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse!

'It's no wonder Old Man Heaven's Secret is being so polite!' The people thought to themselves.

The people from Dragon Island and Saber Palace fell silent, especially the old man with a white beard and the golden-robed young man.

What Old Man Heaven's Secret said also meant that the Sword Alliance's chief's ability was more powerful than the two of them.

Although the two dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses had been concealing their real combat strength, they did not think that they could escape from Heaven's Secret's eyes.

Although Old Man Heaven's Secret was a peak dominator-level rank-8 powerhouse, dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses could not escape his detection.

Even though they did not think that Old Man Heaven's Secret could determine the exact gap of strength between dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses, they did not suspect Old Man Heaven's Secret's words.

The reason being was that Old Man Heaven's Secret mentioned that Heaven's Secret's chief liege wanted to meet the Sword Alliance's chief.

It was sufficient proof that this chief of the Sword Alliance had gotten the attention of Heaven's Secret's chief liege.

The judgment of the Sword Alliance's chief's ability should have been done, not by Old Man Heaven's Secret, but by the chief liege.

That was probably why Old Man Heaven's Secret was so humble toward the Sword Alliance's chief.

What surprised the two of them even more was that, from what they knew, Heaven's Secret's chief liege never wanted to see any outsiders.

Even within Heaven's Secret, only Old Man Heaven's Secret and the 12 Lieges had ever met him.

This Sword Alliance's chief should be the first outsider in history that Heaven's Secret's chief liege had invited over to see him.

Naturally, Lin Huang did not know that.

He wanted to meet Heaven's Secret's chief liege just because he wanted to know how he knew so many secrets. Apart from that, he also wanted to seize the opportunity to ask him about the information that he could not retrieve from other intel channels. He would also conveniently ask about more secrets about Aza.

After chatting with Old Man Heaven's Secret for a little bit, Lin Huang did not ask anything further.

Indeed, some topics were inappropriate to be discussed on such an occasion.

After that, it clearly became much quieter outside the mystic territory.

Everyone was only using voice transmission for their discussions.

After all, they dared not behave atrociously knowing that there was a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse present.

Meanwhile, the few organizations that had dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses had also fallen silent.

Less than half an hour later, fluctuations finally appeared in the fog in the mystic territory.

Everyone knew that the rank-9 mystic territory was finally opening!

Chapter 1869 Dragon and Snake

As the fog faded completely, the people started entering the mystic territory one after the other.

Lin Huang led his imperial monsters and stepped inside.

As soon as they entered, he realized that Bai and the others, who were initially following behind him, were all gone. Clearly, this mystic territory operated in the same way as the others, whereby it would teleport the invaders to different, random places, separating everyone.

Lin Huang lifted his eyes and looked. He had been teleported to the inside of a hive.

As he spread out his Divine Telekinesis, he soon realized that the bug beasts in the hive were mutated and distorted to differing extents.

Some had sarcomas all over their bodies, some had tentacles growing on parts of their bodies, some had an unusual number of limbs, some had two to three heads…

That was a pregnant female bug in the deepest part of the hive.

It had the head of a human lady, while the body beneath its neck was of a bug. Its over ten-meter-long abdomen was swollen; the diameter of which was speculated to have surpassed ten meters.

Not only that, there were pustules of different sizes all over its swollen abdomen. The bigger ones were the size of a washbasin, while the small ones were the size of a fist.

Under the probing of Lin Huang's Divine Telekinesis, he saw something that seemed to be squirming within the pustules.

Though he did not have trypophobia, he could not help but frown.

"An Omniscience dominator-level rank-7 bug…"

Lin Huang did not have the intention of attacking when he saw through this bug's grade and combat strength.

It was at dominator-level rank-7, while the few guards around it were also at dominator-level rank-7. However, their grade was lower at Pure Spirit.

Their abilities did not pique his interest to fight.

Moreover, the main objective of his clone coming here was not to hunt, but to capture K'thun alive.

Lin Huang concealed his aura and body after thinking to himself for a moment. He got out of the hive in a flash.

He appeared in the air after getting out of the hive.

He could still see the galactic hive that was floating not far away clearly as well as the Bug Tribe fighters responsible for guarding the hive's perimeter. However, the Bug Tribe fighters could not see him, nor could they sense his existence.

Lin Huang spread out his Divine Telekinesis after turning away from the hive.

With the current strength of his Divine Telekinesis, he could scan the entire mystic territory easily, but he did not do so. His Divine Telekinesis only covered the distance of a few star zones of his surroundings.

He was not in a rush to complete the mission this time. After all, the mystic territory would collapse automatically as soon as he captured K'thun. It would mean that the trip into the mystic territory would end for the others. Therefore, he was going to look around and let the others kill monsters so that their trip here was not wasted.

After scanning the few star zones surrounding him with Divine Telekinesis, Lin Huang very soon found the second outsider besides himself.

He was a sword cultivator.

He remembered that this person came with that white-bearded old man from Sword Palace.

"Dominator-level rank-8… His Sword Dao seems pretty powerful," Lin Huang mumbled to himself softly.

This sword cultivator looked like he was only in his early 30s. He was handsome and garbed in a blue robe.

Judging by his aura, Lin Huang could feel that this guy's ability should be close to the top among dominator-level rank-8 powerhouses.

His ability might only be second to Bai and the other dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses. He would be ranked near the top of the leaderboard.

As long as he did not encounter dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses in this mystic territory, he would be invincible.

He was also in a hive at the moment.

He was killing those distorted bug beasts. The battle was proceedingly one-sidedly.

Although he would kill tens to hundreds of bug beasts instantly with a swing of his sword, Lin Huang was quite disappointed.

"He's already in this mystic territory, so why didn't he pick more powerful opponents?"

He was only using the same few tricks in the hive. Not only that, the Dominator Power drain of his abilities was rather significant. Lin Huang thought it was completely unnecessary.

He looked away and continued to spread out his Divine Telekinesis further away.

A moment later, he saw the golden-robed young man from Dragon Island.

In reality, he had noticed this young man even before entering the mystic territory.

Although Lin Huang did not know his exact identity in Dragon Island, he piqued his interest as he was at Aeon rank-8, dominator-level rank-9.

To be honest, Lin Huang did not know that there were dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses in this infinite universe in this era. He also did not expect to see three of them during this trip to the mystic territory.

He could also sense that, although this golden-robed young man's grade was lower than Charcoal, he had integrated more chaotic cosmoses than Charcoal.

Judging by his aura, his ability should be more powerful than Charcoal's.

Nevertheless, it was hard to tell who would win if they really were to fight.

After all, Charcoal had the advantage of being two grades higher than he was.

To feed his tiny bitof curiosity, Lin Huang began to watch the battle.

The golden-robed young man had been teleported to an ocean.

There were many monsters in the ocean, perhaps even more than the hive.

Not only that, there were many powerful sea monsters above dominator-level rank-7 hiding at the bottom of the ocean.

The golden-robed young man did not panic at all after being teleported to such a place.

Not only did he not leave the ocean, he even dove deep into the ocean after finding powerful monsters at the bottom of the ocean through his Divine Telekinesis.

He did not reveal his true Dragon Tribe body when he encountered sea monsters along the way. Instead, he killed them simply with his fists and legs.

He was like a peerless combat cultivator.

His fists contained endless power.

The gigantic sea monsters had their bodies and heads crushed by him directly. None of them were his match!

There were dominator-level rank-7 and dominator-level rank-8 monsters among them.

Just like that, the golden-robed young man dove to the deepest part of the ocean smoothly.

Finally, he encountered a dominator-level rank-9 sea monster there.

It was a gigantic, ferocious, strange-looking snake. It was dark-green, and its body was enveloped in dark-green slime.

The golden-robed young man did not attack rashly this time. Clearly, he sensed instantly that the layer of slime covering its body was poisonous.

After all, it was also at dominator-level rank-9. Even though its aura was not as powerful as his, he did not dare to be reckless.

Sensing the appearance of a threatening aura close by, the giant snake that was lying at the bottom of the ocean lifted its head slowly. The dense, white eyeballs on its head stared at the young man, and its blood-red tongue stretched out. It released the terrifying power of a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse. It was a form of suppression, as well as a warning.

However, the golden-robed young man was not scared. Instead, he was smirking.

An even more terrifying aura shot forth, as if it had materialized. It suppressed the giant snake instantly.

At that moment, the entire ocean began to tremble intensely!

Chapter 1870 Amazing!

"It's been a long time since I last fought a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse. Please let me enjoy it!"

As soon as he was done speaking, Long Han, who was in a golden robe, suddenly opened his mouth. Endless golden flames shot forth like water from a broken dam.

The fire transformed half of the ocean into a golden sea of fire almost instantly. The giant snake was drowned in the fire.

Lin Huang who was secretly watching the battle could clearly sense how terrifying the fire was.

It was not ordinary fire, but Dragon Flame, which contained tens of thousands of Fire Dao and was empowered by full-force Dominator Power.

Anyone below dominator-level rank-9 would almost instantly turn into dust from Long Han's attack. As soon as one was drowned in the fire, there was no way one could possibly survive it.

However, Lin Huang sensed that the attack actually caused limited damage to the opposing powerhouse that was also at dominator-level rank-9.

Unless it became trapped in the sea of fire for a long time, it would only suffer a skin injury at most.

Just when Lin Huang thought the giant snake would escape the situation instantly, a sudden change took place on the battlefield.

Before the giant snake managed to escape the sea of fire, a bone shackle suddenly emerged from the bottom of the ocean. It instantly crawled its way over to the giant snake's head. Like a glittering ornament, it wrapped itself around the giant snake and pulled it back to the ground.

"Do you really think that I'd let you escape this sea of fire so easily?" Long Han smirked in a mocking manner.


Lin Huang, who was watching the battle secretly, could not help but praise.

As long as the shackle constrained the giant snake long enough, it would suffer enough damage from the Dragon Flame.

However, Lin Huang could not help but raise his eyebrows a moment later.

The reason being was that he realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

The shackle that had wrapped itself around the giant snake was corroding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within just three seconds, the shackle that restrained the giant snake shattered completely.

The moment the shackle shattered, the giant snake flashed and escaped the sea of fire.

"Time Dao and Corrosion Dao…" Lin Huang only discovered the green slime's nature then, as he stared at the giant snake.

It was not poison, but rather the superimposition of Time Dao and various Corrosion Dao.

Within three seconds, it broke the shackle which was almost as strong as a chaotic supreme treasure. The layer of slime was quite terrifying

Long Han had clearly noticed that. The smile he had on his face faded. He could not help but look much more solemn now.

As a Dragon Tribe member, he was actually most powerful in close combat.

He had not approached the giant snake directly earlier because he was wary of the slime covering its scale.

He thought that it was poison previously, but now realized that the truth was even scarier.

One had to say that the layer of slime could suppress him completely. Naturally, Lin Huang saw that too. He looked at Long Han while smiling. "This will be tough for him."

Long Han was thinking up a plan quickly in his head. In the meantime, the giant snake charged directly at him by whipping its tail on the ground. It was clear that it wanted to force Long Han to fight it at a close distance.

Long Han dodged quickly. He had seen how terrifying the layer of slime was. He did not dare to touch it recklessly.

Watching him retreating, the giant snake released a low hum of joy. Its tail transformed into shadows in the air as it whipped toward Long Han.

Long Han kept dodging. He did not even have the chance to fight back, not even once.

The giant snake was getting frantic. Its tail began to divide from one to two, two to four, four to eight… Soon, there were a hundred tails. The whip shadows enveloped Long Han within. They even began to seal his escape routes slowly.

The space in which Long Han had to maneuver and dodge was gradually getting smaller. As there were more and more tails, and the attack frequency was increasing, he finally ran out of ways to dodge all the attacks.

He could only use a large amount of Dominator Power to defend against those attacks that he could not dodge.

Meanwhile, the giant snake's tails were releasing slime continuously. Every time they hit Long Han, a large amount of Dominator Power would be taken away.

This caused Long Han to have to reactivate his Dominator Power for every defense.

He looked extremely clumsy at the moment.

He looked like he had been suppressed completely.

"Is he still not fighting back?" Lin Huang was quite confused as he continued observing for a while.

Long Han gave him the feeling that he had become muddle-headed completely after being hit, almost as if he had forgotten how to fight back.

Nevertheless, Lin Huang figured that he had to be planning something secretly instead of really losing his composure and will to fight.

As expected, after three minutes of enduring the attacks, Long Han punched the tail. The giant snake retreated immediately. This time, the Dominator Power that enveloped his fist was not weakened at all.

The color was even turning into the same dark-green color that was on the giant snake's body.

Lin Huang was surprised for a second when he saw that, after which he instantly figured out what happened.

Long Han grinned directly. "Enduring those three minutes wasn't in vain."

A layer of Dominator Power lit up on his body after he said that. It turned dark-green at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and looked similar to the slime that covered the giant snake.

The giant snake's arrogant demeanor from earlier froze when it saw that.

It never expected Long Han to copy its expertise directly.

One had to know that it had only successfully created the slime on its body by combining Odyl after tens of thousands of attempts. It took at least 100 million years for it to accomplish this.

However, Long Han simulated and learned all that in less than three minutes.

"I have a principle. Whatever people do to me, I'll repay them tenfold." Long Han looked at the giant snake while grinning.

He charged forward the next second. He lifted his fist and smashed the giant snake's head.

The battle held no suspense after that.

Since he no longer had to worry about the slime on the giant snake, Long Han's close combat abilities were unleashed at full force.

The giant snake did not have the strength to fight back at all. It was like a punching bag, being thrown around, stretched and pummeled the entire time.

Long Han did not kill it right away. Instead, he hit everywhere that was not its vitals. He did not cause any severe injuries to it, but the pain was excruciating nonetheless, causing it to groan continuously.

The giant snake was dying after being tortured for half an hour. It had given up on fighting back completely.

Its Dominator Power was even drained by Long Han.

He checked the time after he was almost done having fun. He realized that half an hour had passed.

He grinned as he looked at the giant snake that was as soft and squishy as mud.

"Time's up. It's time to send you off!"

He leaped and stepped on the giant snake's head after saying that.

The next second, the head exploded directly. It transformed into a headless carcass.

A moment later, Long Han, who was dyed in black blood, walked out. He cracked his joints and smirked as he said, "Today's amazing!"